“Tractor Driver” and others. What nationality was... Shamil Basayev? On the territory of Chechnya, this field commander had the nickname “Chechen with a Russian tail”


Tomorrow they will be destroyed!

The death of the “great and terrible” militant Said Buryatsky remained almost unnoticed by society. The leaders of the Caucasian separatists have ceased to be recognizable media figures. “Stars” like Shamil Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov have sunk into oblivion; now the Islamist underground is led by little-known characters with exotic names who do not evoke any emotions in the average person. They have practically disappeared from television screens and newspaper pages, but the trouble is! – they did not even think of disappearing from reality. As before, they influence the political and social life North Caucasian republics, Islamic religious figures and organizations are considered with them, and local residents They are treated rather with respect. Who are they, the successors of Dudayev, Yandarbiev and Khattab, and what are they famous for – the correspondent of “Our Version” tried to find an answer to these questions.

It must be said that the odious separatist leaders disappeared from television programs for a reason. The same Shamil Basayev acquired his romantic flair as an anti-hero to a large extent thanks to the means mass media. “The press, perhaps unwittingly, largely legitimized the Chechen militants and made them into minus heroes,” says Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky. – Frequent mentions in the press seemed to give reason to consider this or that field commander almost a politician, engaged not in murders, but in some kind of social activities. And a number of Western organizations still continue to follow this speculation, substitution of concepts, classifying bandits as statesmen and demanding that we treat them with the same attitude, which, you see, is strange.” After the operation on Dubrovka in 2002, State Duma deputies adopted a number of legislative measures that were designed to change the situation: the faces of separatist leaders were removed from the television “picture” once and for all, depriving them of recognition and, as a result, public weight. And this measure turned out to be no less effective than the law according to which the bodies of terrorists were prohibited from being handed over to relatives. From now on, no one had the right to find out what happened to them, where they were buried, and whether they were buried at all, and from now on no one could identify this or that separatist in the bearded man on the television screen.

The recent liquidation of one of the ideologists of the North Caucasian armed underground, the amir of the Ossetian jamaat Said abu Saad - Said Buryatsky, or, if you like, Alexander Tikhomirov, revealed one curious detail: among those who took the bayat (Islamic oath of allegiance) there are many, let’s say, non-indigenous Caucasians. Said abu Saad was Buryat on his father’s side and Russian on his mother’s side, and spent his youth in a Buddhist datsan. Moreover, he lived two-thirds of his life in Ulan-Ude, thousands of kilometers from the Caucasus and its problems. It would seem, where did the guy get his Spanish sadness? Chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia Heydar Dzhemal considers Tikhomirov “a symbol of a new generation in the epic of the Caucasian struggle”: “We have seen preachers belonging to various ethnic groups before. We saw Avars, Laks, Karachais, Circassians, Arabs... But all these people were either representatives of the Caucasian area, or at least of one or another traditionally Muslim people. In this case, for the first time, a person of Eurasian origin, in whose veins Russian and Buryat blood flows, acts as an ideologist, as an authoritative representative.” However, similar phenomena have happened before. Let’s say, a few years ago, the leader of the Caucasian separatists, Doku Umarov, appointed “commander of the Ural Front”—it turns out there is such a thing now—Amir Assadullah, known in the world as Mikhail Zakharov.

The biography of Said Buryatsky is alarming with an unexpected and incomprehensible turn: the young man, who received a Buddhist religious education, suddenly breaks with Buddhism and from the Ulan-Udin datsan moves straight to the Moscow Rasul Akram madrasah, considered Shiite, and then to a more radical Sunni madrasah located near Orenburg. Was the change in the young man’s worldview so sudden? “There are many emissaries of the North Caucasian armed underground operating in the national republics today,” a representative of the FSB of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes the fight against regional separatism, told a Nasha Versiya correspondent on condition of anonymity. – In Buryatia, for example, there are now at least two hundred such active recruiters. They cleverly manipulate the national self-awareness of the Buryats, convincing them that their worst enemy- Russia. Then there are stories about brave martyrs and evil kafirs-enslavers, religious “reforging” is involved, and the result is obvious: about 1.5–2 thousand Buryats go abroad every year to study. This is a lot. A similar “reforging” is being carried out among the Buddhists of Kalmykia, but the number of recruits there so far is not in the thousands, but in the hundreds. Bye". The main danger of the aggressive “reforging” of infidels into Muslims carried out by separatist emissaries lies in the fact that one or another “scribe” can become a martyr literally in a matter of days. Today he is a quiet and inconspicuous convert with the Koran in his hand, and tomorrow he is a martyr with a machine gun. This was the case with Said Buryatsky: two years ago, the famous Arab field commander Muhannad, better known as the international terrorist Abu Anas, approached him, then still a novice theologian. Like, it’s time to serve the Prophet with arms in hand.

And Said Buryatsky obediently took up arms.

More than anything else, Said Buryatsky was afraid of being beheaded. Almost all of his articles - and he wrote a lot of them - in one way or another touch on the topic of beheading a suicide bomber and the desecration of his body in the form of subsequent wrapping in pork skin. The fact is that militants consider such a death extremely undesirable, even despite the fact that a similar sad fate befell the grandson of the Prophet himself, the Islamic martyr Hussein ibn Ali. “Dead martyrs were beheaded and wrapped in pigskins both before and after Nord-Ost,” Said wrote two months before his death. “The French also did this in occupied Algeria, hoping in this way to stop the jihad. But the infidels (Russians - Ed.) will not be able to stop the jihad, even if they take off their skins when the cloven-hoofed pigs run out."

In general, this is how Said felt: after the operation in the Nazran region of Ingushetia, first the headless corpse of a terrorist was “found”, and only then his head was found separately. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov predicted “the same fate” for the head of the terrorist underground in the Caucasus, Doku Umarov.

Let's try to figure out what the Caucasian separatist underground is these days and who its leaders are. Contrary to popular belief that some disparate groups are operating in the Caucasus, the militants are even better organized than 10 years ago. From the point of view of the separatists, today a new Islamic Sharia state is being formed in the Caucasus - the Caucasus Emirate*****, or the Caucasian Emirate, which includes Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Coincidentally or not, the territory of the Emirate includes almost entirely the recently created North Caucasus Federal District. In February of this year, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, banned the activities of the Caucasus Emirate in Russia as a terrorist organization, but not a word was said about the fact that this is not an organization at all, but an emerging state. Either they got mixed up on purpose, or they got confused themselves. Be that as it may, on February 25, the decision of the Supreme Court entered into legal force, and now Caucasian armed separatists will be caught and destroyed precisely as representatives of the Caucasus Emirate. Either a banned organization, or an unrecognized semi-virtual state.

“There is some danger in the fact that the newly formed North Caucasus Federal District somehow suspiciously fits into the territory of the self-proclaimed Caucasus Emirate,” reflects Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky. – Although, on the other hand, there is an opportunity to more purposefully fight extremism and separatism there. Still, it will be easier to manage now than in the previous framework of the Southern Federal District.”

Two years ago, the self-proclaimed president of the self-proclaimed Ichkeria, Doku Umarov, resigned from his duties as “president” and declared himself the amir - commander-in-chief of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus***. He also renamed the national republics, at the same time lowering their status to the level of counties - vilayats. There are five of them: Dagestan, Nokhchiycho, Galgayche, Nogai steppe and Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachay. The heads of the wilayats - waliyas - were the leaders of autonomous ethnic combat terrorist associations - jamaats. Then a certain mathematical insanity begins, which can only be comprehended by enlightened characters, like Doc Umarov, because there are five wilayats, and eight jamaats (Jamaat Shariat or Derbent jamaat, Galgayche, Kataib al-Houl or Ossetian jamaat, Kabardino-Balkarian jamaat, Nogai battalion , Karachay jamaat and Adygei and Krasnodar sectors). But that’s not all: five wilayats had as many as 11 valiyat leaders. We stocked up for future use, or what? Apparently, having figured out some simple arithmetic operations, six months ago Doku Umarov divided the leadership of jamaats and vilayats - now two seats are even left vacant. And in order not to get confused at all in the hierarchical intricacies, the “Majlis al-Shura” was formed - an advisory body consisting of the heads of wilayats and jamaats.

On topic

A resident of Great Britain, who fought in the American army in his youth, has been experiencing difficulties interacting with various services for several years because of his first and last name. As it turned out, a Chechen militant had previously used a similar pseudonym.

We have roughly figured out the state within the state and its structure, now let’s take on the leaders. Who are these little-known heirs to the anti-heroes of the 90s?

Today, there are 11 amirs in the North Caucasus - a kind of football team. The most odious of them are Doku Umarov, Supyan Abdullaev, Anzor Astemirov (Seifullah) and Akhmed Evloev (Magas). Doku Umarov is the most famous and, perhaps, the most bloodthirsty. Law enforcement agencies have recorded about 100 (!) murders in which Umarov was directly involved. He shot, cut off the heads, and even strangled the victims. The militants who know him personally note not only the pathological cruelty of their leader, but also a special penchant for sadism. Those whom he killed with my own hands, mostly died slowly. Umarov is matched by his closest associate Magas, the ethnic Ingush Akhmed Yevloev. He is one of the few who went through both the first and second Chechen campaigns. Magas is a kind of money bag of the Caucasian resistance. Directly subordinate to him is the emissary of Al-Qaeda** Muhannad (also part of the 11 amirs), a very rich man whose family manages hundreds of millions of dollars. When one of the militant leadership has financial difficulties, they turn directly to Magas. It is also known that Magas is followed everywhere by two orderlies: one is considered a personal bodyguard, and the other... a porter. In the hands of the porter there are always two bags that look like shopping bags. Each contains $500 thousand in cash. The load is heavy, but the porter is also a former heavyweight weightlifter. The most incredible rumors are circulating about Magas’s personal condition, but everyday life he is ascetic, spends practically no money, and has a weakness only for expensive weapons.

Magas is one of the most efficient militants; money helps him quickly move throughout the North Caucasus and even appear in Moscow. The President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has repeatedly stated that “after the destruction of Umarov and Yevloyev, there will be no known field commanders left among the militants” - so great is Yevloyev’s influence.

If Doku Umarov and Akhmed Yevloev are famous for their cruelty and personal participation in the executions of infidels, then the third “whale” of the separatists, Supyan Abdullaev, is their direct opposite. He did not dirty his hands with executions of infidels, although he had a chance to shoot a lot. Supyan is not only an amir, he is also one of the main ideologists of Wahhabism, revered in Saudi Arabia no less than the local sheikhs. Today, Supyan is considered something of an elder among the separatists. Back in Soviet times, he organized the Islamic Renaissance Party in Chechnya, and since 1991 he took an active part in anti-state actions, heading the Ar-Risal Islamic Center in Grozny before the first war.

On November 26, 1994, Supyan took part in the very first large-scale attack on Russian military units, and in August 1996 he stormed Grozny. Then he served in the rank of Deputy Minister of the MSGB (Ministry of Sharia State Security). Supyan is considered to be Umarov’s successor if he is killed, this information was first announced last year by Akhmed Zakaev. From specific features Supyan is known for his non-traditional sexual orientation.

The fourth leader of Islamic extremists is Anzor Astemirov, nicknamed Seifullah (Sword of Allah). He is one of those who organized the militant attack on Nalchik in October 2005. Astemirov’s involvement in a number of particularly serious crimes has been proven: murder, armed robbery and rape, including of minors. Repeated violation of the law did not prevent Seifullah from becoming the supreme qadi - the head of the Sharia court.

There are several other separatists of lower rank, who nevertheless enjoy respect and some fame in their circles. Israpil Velidzhanov, the head of the Derbent jamaat, became famous for organizing about 100 attacks on employees law enforcement agencies Dagestan, numerous terrorist attacks and executions are attributed to him. Velidzhanov is in a difficult relationship with Doku Umarov: there were even rumors that he was preparing to take the place of the Supreme Amir by organizing an assassination attempt on him. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but it is well known about the fight that followed the appointment of Velidzhanov as head of the jamaat in the fall of 2008. He beat Umarov, who was not weak in appearance, soundly. They say that the reason for this was money that was not given to one of Velidzhanov’s friends by Umarov’s relatives. One way or another, so far this fight has not had any impact on the terrorist’s career; apparently, the special popularity that Velidzhanov enjoys in his homeland, in Dagestan, played a role. They say that he still, especially without disguise, attends all competitions related to wrestling and other martial arts in Makhachkala.

Velidzhanov’s influence is second only to that of another famous separatist and leader of the Dagestan Wahhabis - Bagautdin Kebedov, respectfully called Bagautdin of Dagestan, “the spiritual leader of the Dagestan monotheists.” Supyan Abdullaev has a personality to match: back in Soviet times, he organized illegal circles for the study of Islam, which were smashed by the KGB.

In 1989, Kebedov created the first Muslim community in the North Caucasus - a jamaat in the city of Kizilyurt near Makhachkala. And in 1997 he had to emigrate... to Chechnya. There he escaped persecution by the FSB (he was charged with a list of 30 crimes, from child molestation to incitement to murder). In 1999, Kebedov took a personal part in organizing the invasion of Shamil Basayev’s militants into Dagestan.

Although Velidzhanov and Kebedov compete with each other for the right to be considered the spiritual leaders of Dagestan, they also have a common rival. This is Emir Ibrahim Gadzhidadaev. It is popular mainly among Dagestan youth.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies include Magomed Magomedov, nicknamed Chest, Islam Dadashev, Isa Kostoev, Umar Khalilov and Sadyk Khudaybergenov, nicknamed Uzbek, in the symbolic five of the most odious and bloodthirsty separatists.

At the most, for liquidation upon arrest. These people have hundreds and thousands of atrocities behind them, perhaps even more than the odious Basayev and Khattab. But they do not and will never have even a 10th part of the fame and influence that the separatists enjoyed in the 90s. The current growth, although no less bloodthirsty, is... faceless.

And therefore less viable.

* The Islamic State is recognized as a terrorist organization, whose activities in Russia are officially prohibited by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.

“Imarat Kavkaz” (“Caucasian Emirate”) is an international organization officially banned in Russia.

The Islamic Party of Turkestan (formerly the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan) is an international organization officially banned in Russia. ** Supreme Court Russian Federation dated 11/13/2008 No. GKPI 08-1956, entered into force 11/27/2008 recognized the Al-Qaeda organization as extremist and banned on the territory of Russia *** "The Supreme Military Majlisul Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of the Caucasus." Recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia on February 14, 2003, which came into force on March 4, 2003. **** "Imarat Caucasus" ("Caucasian Emirate"), an international organization. Recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia on February 8, 2010. Came into force on February 24, 2010.

Ruslan Gorevoy

Many experts who answered YUR's questions, including members of well-known international human rights centers, who are sometimes difficult to suspect of sympathizing with federal policy in Chechnya, admit that illegal armed groups in this republic are in crisis today. The number of militants is falling, support from the local population is far from what it used to be, and theft of funds from foreign sponsors is rampant among warlords. Meanwhile, reports from the press center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the North Caucasus characterize the situation in Chechnya as “stable and tense.” On the territory of the republic, including in Grozny, dozens of operations to detain militants are carried out every day. In just 7 months of this year, 105 people were killed during hostilities, and more than 380 people suspected of participation in illegal armed groups were detained. Recently, militant leaders, through their sources of information, have increasingly begun to admit that they have suffered significant damage at the command level. In July of this year, the famous field commander and “vice-president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” Doku Umarov admitted in an interview with Radio Liberty that recent years federal units managed to eliminate a significant part of the former command staff of the “armed forces of Ichkeria”.

Conditionally liquidated

Of those field commanders who are still alive and at large, two are the most famous - Basayev and Umarov. They are the ones who still manage to “resurrect” after reports of their destruction. Information about the death of the same Doku Umarov has repeatedly appeared in the Russian media. The OGV headquarters reported its destruction for the first time in 2000. Then it was stated that the commander of the south-eastern front, “Brigadier General” Doku Umarov, and 15 militants from his inner circle were ambushed by federal troops near the settlement of Galaity in the Nozhai-Yurt region and were killed. But after some time, Umarov appeared again. And he still appears on the air of the aforementioned Radio Liberty. Another most odious terrorist, around whose name conflicting information “alive or destroyed” constantly circulates, is Shamil Basayev. Despite reports of his own death, Basayev demonstrated to everyone that he was alive by giving an interview to Radio Liberty correspondent Andrei Babitsky in August. A television interview with the person who claimed responsibility for the tragic seizure of a school in Beslan, during which 330 people died (186 of them children), was shown by the American ABC channel. After which the television company was deprived of accreditation by both the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense.

Chronicle of purges

The list of actually destroyed Chechen field commanders contains more than a hundred names. "YUR" offers its list of the most famous of them. "Generals" of Salman Raduev's army Hunkarpasha Israpilov(call signs “Smerch”) and Aslambek Ismailov. Destroyed during the battle for Grozny in 2000. “Smerch” was supposed to lead the militants’ campaign against the Dagestan city of Kizlyar, but was wounded. Performed the operation Salman Raduev, who captured the city along with a detachment of 500 militants. Informants from the militant camp repeatedly reported to the group's headquarters about the planned attack. In addition, two days before the attack, all Chechen refugees left Kizlyar, but the “federals” were still taken by surprise. Almost two battalions of militants passed through checkpoints freely. The Raduevites seized the maternity hospital and the hospital, driving about a thousand hostages there. Raduev later he was captured, tried, and received life imprisonment in Solikamsk colony No. 14 with the romantic name “ White Swan“and died in December 2002 from “vascular inflammation of unknown origin” in the second therapeutic department of the city hospital of Solikamsk (Perm region). Dear nephew of Dzhokhar Dudayev - Treat Dudayev. Killed in the battle for Dzhokhar-Galy (Ichkerian self-name of Grozny) in February 2000. For 2.5 months, with a detachment of militants, he fought for the city with federal forces. Headed the department for the protection of high-ranking officials. After Dzhokhar Dudayev was elected president, he was his personal bodyguard, then the mayor of Grozny. Abu Movsaev- Head of counterintelligence of Ichkeria. Killed in May 2000 in the Argun Gorge area. Abusukyan ( full name) Movsaev is a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia, then the head of the criminal investigation department of the Shalinsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the attack on Budennovsk (Movsaev is considered one of the organizers of the action), he became a brigadier general, and then first deputy minister of Sharia security. The hunt for Movsaev was carried out by special groups created by the GRU of the General Staff and the FSB of Russia. Abu Movsaev enjoyed Basayev's unlimited trust. He was personally responsible for organizing and covering all of Shamil Basayev’s contacts with major officials and businessmen. Liquidation Information Isa Istamirova appeared twice. The first time was in January 2000, after the battle on the southwestern outskirts of Grozny. Istamirov was finally liquidated in May, in the south of Chechnya, near the village of Serzhen-Yurt. He served as Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen government. With the outbreak of hostilities, he was appointed deputy to Ruslan Gelayev, commander of the southwestern front of the militants. At the beginning of October 2000, near the village of Sharoy-Argun, he was killed Baudi Bakuev. The cousin of the “Vice President of Ichkeria” was ambushed during a planned purge. The “General” fired back from a personalized “Stechkin” encrusted with diamonds and gold, and was killed by a sniper. He specialized in the slave trade. His fighters held dozens of hostages, including Russian presidential spokesman Valentin Vlasov and General Gennady Shpigun. According to some reports, Bakuev received about $5 million for the release of Valentin Vlasov. General Shpigun (they asked for $12 million for him) could not be released; he died in captivity. One of the most brutal field commanders, a “lawless man” Arbi Barayeva(nicknames: “Emir Tarzan”, “Terminator”, “Lion of Allah”) were “killed” twice. According to the first report, he was ambushed and allegedly killed near Urus-Martan in January 2000. According to other statements, he died in June of the same year during the battle near Serzhen-Yurt. The third time turned out to be final - on June 24, 2001, during a special operation in the village of Ermolovka, where he was once born, Arbi Barayev was liquidated. In 1996, Barayev himself awarded himself the rank of “brigadier general”; he called his group “Islamic Special Purpose Regiment.” After the truce in Khasavyurt, Barayev declares Urus-Martanovsky and part of Grozny rural area Chechnya is a territory with special laws. Even Aslan Maskhadov himself does not risk appearing there. At different times, from 400 to 1000 militants were subordinate to him. Arby's nephew - Movsar Baraev was killed in 2002, in October, during the storming of the Dubrovka Theater Center seized by terrorists. Barayev's "right hand" - Magomed Tsagaraev killed in the summer of 2001. He was shot by the 15-year-old son of a Chechen police officer. Three militants led by Tsagaraev came to the courtyard of the house of the head of the Oktyabrsky district police department of Chechnya and shot the people there at point-blank range. The teenager, hearing the shots, took his father’s machine gun and opened fire on the militants. The boy later died in a Grozny hospital from his injuries. Ruslan Gelayev- Minister of Defense of Ichkeria, in February 2004, destroyed in the mountains of Dagestan. Officially, Gelayev’s death was recorded in the Makhachkala territorial department of the North Caucasus regional department of the FSB border service. Gelayev was identified by “special marks” by militants captured earlier in the Tsuntinsky region of Dagestan. Later, a genetic examination of the body confirmed that the killed militant was indeed Ruslan Gelayev. During the first Chechen campaign he was responsible for fighting in Grozny, on the central and western directions. Since the summer of 1995, he headed the so-called southwestern front. In 1997, he received the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Ichkeria. A year later, under the patronage of Shamil Basayev, he became Minister of Defense. On March 8 this year, he was killed during a bunker explosion in the village of Tolstoy-Yurt. Aslan Maskhadov- President of the “Republic of Ichkeria”. His posthumous photographs circulated in all publications. To avoid further “resurrection,” a medical examination of the body was carried out. The Russian FSB paid the promised $10 million to citizens who provided the intelligence services with information that helped establish Maskhadov’s whereabouts. The Prosecutor General's Office conducted 7 identifications of Maskhadov's corpse, including four with the participation of his relatives. The place and time of burial of the body is not disclosed. Maskhadov made a career surrounded by President Dzhokhar Dudayev. In March 1994, he headed the Main Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Republic. On January 27, 1997, he was elected president of Chechnya. With the start of the counter-terrorism operation in August 1999, Aslan Maskhadov, with whom the federal center broke off relations, went underground. In March, after the liquidation of Maskhadov, he was killed in Chechnya Vakha Arsanov- Vice-President of the so-called Ichkeria. Arsanov is one of those who have already been “killed” - in 2000, General Viktor Kazantsev announced his death.

On the Arab side

According to intelligence services, since the beginning of the counter-terrorism operation in September 1999, up to a thousand foreign mercenaries who fought on the side of Chechen militants have been destroyed on Russian territory. Including almost the entire entourage of Khattab, including about 20 field commanders commanded by Khattab and Abu Al Walid. Number one on the list of killed international terrorists operating in the territory North Caucasus, is listed as emir Khattab. In March 2002, the FSB officially confirmed the fact of his death. Reports of the injuries and possible death of this odious terrorist appeared in various media repeatedly. However, in all previous cases, the Russian competent authorities did not confirm this data. This time, video and photographic evidence of Khattab's death were presented to the general public. The official website of the FSB contains photographs of the burial with the body of the killed militant. At first Chechen war In 1999, Khattab, a Jordanian, was high on Moscow's list of warlords wanted. The United States believes Khattab may have ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. Khattab took part in hostilities for 17 years in different regions peace, in particular in Afghanistan and the Gulf countries. He worked as an instructor in Afghan Mujahideen camps in Pakistan. Similar training centers for terrorists were organized by him in Chechnya. Khattab recorded his abuse of Russian servicemen in Chechnya, whose ears and noses he cut off and whose scalps were taken, on video and film. Second President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Ichkeria Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who had lived in Qatar since 2000, died in foreign countries, as is believed throughout the world, at the hands of Russian special services. He was blown up in his car in February 2004. The name of Dudayevsky’s “deputy for ideology” Yandarbiev was associated with Nord-Ost. In April 2004 he was killed and Abu Al Waleed- former commander of the special forces of Saudi Arabia, who was involved in the bombings of residential buildings in Moscow in 1999 and a military hospital in Mozdok in the summer of 2003. In July of the same 2004, in the Ingush city of Malgobek, Abu Qutaib Jammal- organizer and leader of gangs operating in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria. In Ingushetia, in February 2005, a native of Kuwait was killed during a special operation Abu Zeit- also known as “little Omar”, representative of Al-Qaeda in Ingushetia and Chechnya, one of the organizers of the seizure of a school in the city of Beslan. In addition, several hundred more foreign mercenaries fled to Georgia and Azerbaijan after the end of active hostilities. Now the bulk of field commanders who are wanted are the leaders of gang groups of 10 to 15 people. The hunt for them continues... P.S. There is another significant factor that significantly reduced the population of field commanders - their massive transition in 2000-2002 to the side of the federal forces. The most significant part of the militants who went over to the side of the federals were the so-called “Kadyrovites.” Former mufti Akhmad Kadyrov later took over as president of Chechnya. Several well-known field commanders, led by the Yamadayev brothers Khalid and Sulim, as well as Salman Abuev, joined the federal troops. There were about 5 thousand people under their command. Sulim Yamadayev headed the special battalion "Vostok", Abuev became the chief of police of the Kurchaloevsky district of Chechnya (shot dead by militants). The Russian troops were also supported by the field commander Turpal-Ali Atgeriyev (he served as minister in the Maskhadov government state security). The former prosecutor of Ichkeria Vakha Murtazaliev, who also worked in the government of Aslan Maskhadov, also joined him. 08/16/2001 at 00:00, views: 4714

At the current stage of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, the main goal of the federal forces has been defined quite specifically - the destruction of the most famous and influential field commanders. Ideally, Khattab, Shamil Basayev, Aslan Maskhadov. They say that the Star of the Hero of Russia has been promised for their heads; the price for a “black Arab” is even higher. Russian special forces have not yet reached the leaders of the gangs, but they have succeeded in destroying and capturing field commanders of a lower rank - since the beginning of the “second Chechen war”, more than eighty known militants have not voluntarily stopped their active activities. There are still about thirty left. The percentage here is clearly in favor of the feds.

To many Russian citizens Most of the names of Chechen field commanders do not mean anything - Sultan Patsayev, Arbi Barayev, Roll of Wallpaper. Who they are and what they are “famous for” - even more so. However, we ourselves Chechen fighters They are seriously confused in their hierarchy and cannot decide who is in charge.

A more or less clear organization in the “armed forces” of Ichkeria existed during the first Chechen war. There was also some certainty with the “supreme” - General Dzhokhar Dudayev led the general armed resistance, and his orders were carried out quite accurately. Again, then all the Arsanov-Gelaevs were still yellow-haired youths and had no experience of war. None of them dared to contradict Dudayev. The only professional military man in the militant camp is a colonel Aslan Maskhadov(former head of the division's air defense) - was appointed chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ichkeria and planned operations against federal forces. With the death of the first Chechen president, everything changed - Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, who replaced Dzhokhar Dudayev, was a purely civilian man and soon lost control over the “army”, in which generally recognized leaders had already appeared.

Perhaps the highest post that field commanders received (and sometimes even assigned it to themselves) was the position of front commander. Same Shamil Basayev commanded Eastern Front, A Ruslan Gelayev- Western. There were many fronts - there were also enough contenders. The parts of the world are over, the names of cities are used: Gudermes Front (Yamadayev), Urus-Martanovsky (Basnukaev) and others. The positions of commanders of directions, and then sectors, were considered no less prestigious.

With the ranks of the Chechen fighters, everything was much simpler - the most common was, and is still considered, the rank of brigadier general. As a more or less large detachment, the commander is certainly a brigadier general. Aslan Maskhadov probably remained the only colonel, but he also received three stars while still serving in Soviet army. Once, however, I had the opportunity to communicate with a “senior lieutenant” - between two wars at the border post of the Dagestan-Chechen border. “Yeah, lieutenant,” the village teacher in the village of Pervomaiskoe later laughed. “He was a tractor driver before the war and returned from the army as a private.”

New positions and ranks fell on the militants after the signing of the Khasav-Yurt Peace Treaty. Ministries appeared like mushrooms after rain, primarily the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Defense, Sharia Security, special forces and special regiments appeared (for example, Borz No. 007, commanded by Sultan Patsayev). * * * “Second Chechen” is more reminiscent guerrilla warfare. There is no overall command, no clear coordination of military operations. Who is the most important commander in the militant camp today? Maskhadov? He quarreled with Basayev during the “Dagestan campaign”, and is mentioned in the trio of Khattab-Basayev-Maskhadov, who give orders to field commanders purely nominally. Behind his back, the militants call their president Ushastik and clearly do not show him respect - Maskhadov’s cat is crying for money.

It is also quite difficult to name Basayev as a sole leader, although his authority among the militants is very high. Almost all field commanders in the Vedeno and Itum-Kalinsky regions report to Basayev. He was able to occupy this position primarily due to his proximity to Khattabu, who commands all the mercenaries in Chechnya. This tandem made it possible to unite quite large forces of militants, whose number today ranges from three to five thousand people. They are armed not only with small arms, but also with armored personnel carriers, mortars, and man-portable anti-aircraft systems. Almost all high-profile terrorist acts and attacks on federal forces were carried out by Khattab-Basayev’s detachments.

Khattab’s “popularity” is largely determined by the funding that comes from abroad to Chechnya - it is the “black Arab” who distributes it. As you know, he who pays calls the tune. However, it is the money issue that often becomes a stumbling block in the camp of militants - Chechen field commanders are not always happy with the “justice” of Khattab, who also became famous for the fact that a large shipment of counterfeit dollars, intended to pay for the military feats of militants, passed through him. Same Arbi Baraev, killed during a recent special operation in Alkhan-Kala, preferred to act alone precisely because of the money, which he wanted to manage on his own. (According to one version, it was Khattab who “ordered” Barayev, handing over his location to Russian intelligence.)

Among the most famous leaders of the Chechen separatists, there are a dozen more names that, to some extent, influence the course of the war. All of them, by the way, are on the all-Russian wanted list and are targeted for detention by Interpol.

* Abalaev Aidamir- Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ichkeria, a supporter of Maskhadov. With a detachment of about 250 people, he is located in the village of Alleroy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district of Chechnya.

* Arsanov Vakha- former traffic police officer. It has been fighting since 1994. In 1996 he became commander of the Northwestern Front. Vice President of Ichkeria. Commands a small detachment of militants in the center of the Argun Gorge. Does not have an influential role among field commanders. Involved in many high-profile kidnappings in Chechnya.

* Basnukaev Akhmed- Brigadier General, Commander of the Urus-Martan Front. He appeared in the story with Andrei Babitsky. Participated in the battles for Grozny.

* Gelaev Ruslan (Khamzat)- a repeat offender with three convictions. Division general, commander of the Western Front of the separatists. Gelayev moves around the border of Georgia and Ingushetia. According to operational data, it has its base in the Pankisi Gorge of Georgia. Has disagreements with Basayev and Khattab.

* Gelikhanov Sultan- former head of the State Security Department of Ichkeria. Got under full influence Basaeva. During the first Chechen campaign he was considered an influential field commander. Participated in negotiations with federal representatives.

* Dimaev Ali- brigadier general, one of those close to Aslan Maskhadov. Operated in the area of ​​the Chechen-Dagestan border.

* Udugov Movladi- Deputy Prime Minister of the ChRI government. The main ideologist of Chechen militants. Awarded the Order of “Honor of the Nation”. One of the richest people in Chechnya. According to some reports, he is hiding in Turkey.

* Khambiev Magomed- Minister of Defense of the ChRI, division general. Does not play a significant role among field commanders. In fact, he retired. Known for his “duel” with Basayev.

* Khatuev Magomed- former head of the border and customs services of Ichkeria, brigadier general. Friend of Basayev. In January 2000, he was seriously wounded in the Vedeno region of Chechnya.

* Khachukaev Khizir- brigadier general, deputy of Ruslan Gelayev. During the current campaign, he commanded the South-Eastern Defense Sector in Grozny. Demoted to private by Maskhadov for participating in negotiations with Akhmad Kadyrov and Vladimir Bokovikov in Nazran.

* Yandarbiev Zelimkhan- former vice president and acting President of the CRI after the death of Dudayev. Currently he is abroad, organizing financial assistance to militants. One of the Ichkerian millionaires.

(In total, according to MK, there are currently 32 field commanders on the federal wanted list.)* * * The last successful special operation to eliminate field commanders was carried out a few days ago in the Vedeno region, when it was possible to destroy two field commanders - Abdul Malik And Abdul Salama. However, perhaps the most successful operation was the destruction of one of the most brutal leaders of the separatists, the commander of the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment Arbi Barayeva.

The special forces of the law enforcement agencies counted 45 killed commanders of militant detachments as their assets. These were by no means ordinary members of gangs. For example, let's name just a few of them. On January 31, during an attempt to break out of the Chechen capital, the chief of the defense staff of Grozny was blown up by mines Aslambek Ismailov, mayor of Grozny Treat Dudayev and former head of the Anti-Terrorism Center, Brigadier General Hunkarpasha Israpilov. At the beginning of March, in the Argun Gorge near Ulus-Kert, one of Khattab’s deputies was killed in a battle with a company of Pskov paratroopers - Idris and field commander Apti Akhmadov. On March 27, during a special operation in the mountains of Chechnya, the commander of the South-Eastern Front of militants, Brigadier General, was killed Doku Umarov. On May 20, during a special operation by federal forces near the village of Duba-Yurt, the head of the Special Department of the Armed Forces of the ChRI, former director State security services Abu Movsaev. On July 11, a field commander was killed in the village of Mayrtup, Shali district. Abu-Umar Muhammad As-Seif. On July 23, one of Baraev’s deputies, the organizer of all the latest terrorist attacks in Grozny, was killed in Grozny. Magomet Tsagaroev. (This was shot by the son of a Chechen police officer when militants killed his father in the courtyard of the house. 15-year-old Magomet Tashukhadzhiev was awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia for this.)

Perhaps the most mysterious operation of the Russian special services after the destruction of Dzhokhar Dudayev is the capture by FSB officers in the village of Novogroznensky of Chechen terrorist No. 2 Salman Raduev. “Hero” Kizlyar and Pervomaisky were secretly taken to Moscow, and now Prosecutor General Ustinov is ready to act as his main accuser - the case is truly high-profile. However, the rest of the captured field commanders, as they say, were well known. For example, Tractor Driver - Salautdin Temirbulatov, who participated in the execution of three servicemen of the Russian army. He was tied up in the area of ​​the Duba-Yurt settlement on March 19. On May 13, a Chechen commander was captured in Ingushetia Treat Shavaev. He also took part in the first Chechen campaign in 1994-96, commanding the South-Western direction of the militants. Shavaev was involved in the kidnapping of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in Chechnya, Valentin Vlasov. On July 22, a brigadier general was detained Treat Islamova nicknamed Beard. Arrested in Chechnya on July 30 Ramzan Akhmadov- head of the Urus-Martan group of slave traders and kidnappers. On September 23, near Urus-Martan, FSB officers captured the head of the separatist General Staff, Brigadier General. Mumadi Saidayev, considered right hand Aslan Maskhadov. At the end of October, near Alleroy, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government and Minister of State Security of the ChRI, Brigadier General, was detained Turpal-Ali Atgeriev.

(In total, according to MK, 36 field commanders have been captured to date.)

Now federal forces in Chechnya are actively catching Khattab and Basayev, as well as the “hot thirty” authoritative field commanders who remain at large. It is believed that with their destruction, peace and tranquility will finally come to the rebellious republic, and the counter-terrorist operation can be declared completed. This idea is rather ephemeral - young “wolf cubs” take the place of killed seasoned militants. It is quite possible that soon we will have to remember new names of Chechen terrorists.

There are many rumors about Shamil Basayev regarding his life and activities. Some of them create confusion about the origins of the warlord. According to one version, the fighter for the independence of Chechnya had Russian roots. (There were also very serious rumors that he was a creature of one of the Russian special services, and “disappeared” precisely when he was given the order to do so. By the way, his possible connections with the “authorities” can also explain the completely senseless and sinister operation of capturing maternity hospital in Budennovsk: presumably, he could have received an order to carry out an act that would greatly discredit the militants - ed.)

Shamil Basayev is perhaps the most famous leader of the Chechen militants who participated in the war with federal forces for the independence of the unrecognized republic of Ichkeria. He became the only Chechen field commander to be awarded the title of Generalissimo (posthumously). As the organizer of high-profile terrorist attacks on Russian territory, he was included in the lists of the most dangerous terrorists not only by the Russian government, but also by the UN, the US State Department and the European Union. Despite the pathological hatred of everything Russian, which Basayev elevated to the rank life credo (is this true? Wasn’t this just a natural cover for a skillfully infiltrated intelligence officer? - ed.), many who knew the field commander personally call his ancestors descendants of ethnic Russians who were accepted into the “Chechens,” or more precisely, into the Belgatoy teip - one of the largest Chechen teips, included in the tukkhum Nokhchmakhkahoy.

It is curious that the legend about the origin of Belgata tells that representatives of this teip died out in a not so distant time due to the outbreak of an epidemic, but then restored their numbers, largely at the expense of newcomers. The legend is confirmed by the etymology of the name: “bel” - “to die”, “gatto” - “to be resurrected”. Basayev’s life seems to confirm the fate of his native teip: several times he was counted among the dead, but he miraculously “resurrected.” However, according to other sources, Basayev’s ancestors joined the Benoi teip.

...Shamil Basayev was born on January 14, 1965 in the village of Dyshne-Vedeno on the banks of the Khulkhulau River. It is noteworthy that Basayev was born in a place that does not indicate clan affiliation, like Benoy-Vedeno, and in a village bearing the name “Nokhchiin Orsash” - “Chechen Russians” (the late priest Daniil Sysoev in one of his articles cites the opinion that Basayev’s ancestors were from ... Old Believers Cossacks, who, due to well-known oppression from Russian authorities went over to the side of the Chechens during the wars of the Russian army with the highlanders - ed.). According to the writer Yuri Gavryuchenkov, this farm was once a settlement of Russian defectors, who in the 40s years XIX centuries built for the leader of the highlanders of the period Caucasian wars Imam Shamil defensive fortifications, as well as a residential building, in which he later settled.

There is a hypothesis that one of Shamil Basayev’s ancestors was a naib - an assistant and authorized representative of Imam Shamil. The RIA Novosti agency, in an article dated October 13, 2005, citing its sources, writes that on the territory of Chechnya, field commander Basayev had the nickname “Chechen with a Russian tail,” which hinted at his roots. According to these data, the founder of the Basayev family was a Russian soldier who deserted from the active army in the first half of the 19th century and went over to the side of the rebel highlanders.

However, even if we assume that there were Russians in Basayev’s family, then by the time of his birth there was not much Russian blood left. The surname Basayev is quite common not only among Chechens, but also, for example, among the Ingush and Ossetians. For some, this gives reasons to classify the field commander among other Caucasian nationalities.

There is an opinion that Shamil Basayev was born from the marriage of a Chechen and an Avar woman, which gives rise to all sorts of speculation, including about “purity of blood.” For Caucasians, “purity of blood” is an important component of the pedigree; it largely determines what fate will be in store for those entering the life path Highlander Magomed Khambiev, a former division general and minister of defense of the unrecognized Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, on the contrary, said that Basayev’s father was an Avar. Considering that for all the peoples of the Caucasus, nationality is determined by the father, Basayev’s nationality is obvious. However, Shamil Basayev himself put everything in its place in one of his interviews. The field commander stated that his father, Salman Basayev, and mother, Nura Basayeva, are Chechens by nationality.

Despite Basayev’s statement, many versions of his origin surfaced in the future. Among them can be counted the most exotic one, who calls the mother of the future terrorist a native of a Cossack village. However, perhaps this version was confused with a persistent rumor that spread in 2005, according to which Basayev’s third wife was a Kuban Cossack woman. The marriage allegedly took place in one of the remote villages of Kuban, where Basayev was recovering his health, and the celebrations themselves took place on St. Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2005. The press even gave details: the bride, they say, is a hereditary Kuban Cossack, the sister of one “Russian Mujahideen.” The list of guests present at the wedding was replete with eminent and influential Muslim residents of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Alexander Kots tried to clarify this issue by contacting representatives of three Cossack organizations in Krasnodar. “This cannot happen, this is a vile provocation that aims to disrupt the holiday season,” the capital’s journalist was assured. A member of the Cossack association, Mikhail Zarubin, according to Alexander Kots, convinced him that under no circumstances could a hereditary Cossack woman marry a Chechen terrorist. Such women are very rare today; not only will they not be able to woo a Muslim, but even a Russian groom from another region.

MASKHADOV Aslan (Khalid) Alievich Elected in 1997, President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Born on September 21, 1951 in Kazakhstan. In 1957, together with his parents, he returned from Kazakhstan to his homeland, to the village of Zebir-Yurt, Nadterechny district of Chechnya. In 1972 he graduated from the Tbilisi Higher Artillery School and was sent to Far East. He went through all the steps of the army hierarchical ladder from platoon commander to division chief of staff.

In 1981 he graduated from the Leningrad Artillery Academy named after. M.I.Kalinina. After graduating from the academy, he was sent to the Central Group of Forces in Hungary, where he served as a division commander, then as a regiment commander. Lithuania follows Hungary: commander of a self-propelled artillery regiment, chief of staff of the missile forces and artillery of the garrison of the city of Vilnius in Lithuania, deputy commander of the seventh division in the Baltic Military District.

In January 1990, during protests by supporters of Lithuanian independence, Maskhadov was in Vilnius.

Since 1991 - Chief of Civil Defense of the Chechen Republic, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Supreme Council CR.

In 1992, Colonel Maskhadov retired from Russian army and took the post of first deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chechen Republic.

Since March 1994 - Chief of the Main Staff of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic.

From December 1994 to January 1995, he headed the defense of the presidential palace in Grozny.

In the spring of 1995, Aslan Maskhadov led the military operations of the armed formations from the headquarters in Nozhai-Yurt.

In June 1995, he headed the headquarters of Dudayev’s formations in Dargo.

In August-October 1995, he headed a group of military representatives of the Dudayev delegation at the Russian-Chechen negotiations.

In August 1996, he represented Chechen separatists in negotiations with Security Council Secretary Alexander Lebed

On October 17, 1996 he was appointed Prime Minister coalition government Chechnya with the wording "for a transition period."

In December 1996, in accordance with the election law, he resigned from official posts - prime minister of the coalition government, chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, deputy commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, in order to have the right to run for the post of president of Chechnya.

Since July 1998, he served as acting prime minister of Chechnya, combining this position with the post of president.

In December 1998, “field commanders” Shamil Basayev, Salman Raduev and Khunkar Israpilov tried to challenge Maskhadov’s constitutional powers under the pretext of his “pro-Russian position.” The “Council of Commanders of Chechnya”, headed by them, demanded that the Supreme Sharia Court remove Maskhadov from office. The Sharia court suggested that Maskhadov unilaterally sever relations with Russia. However, the court did not find sufficient grounds to remove the President of the Chechen Republic from office, although he was found guilty of recruiting leadership positions persons who “collaborated with the occupation regime”.
Destroyed on March 8, 2005 by Russian FSB special forces in the village of Tolstoy-Yurt, Grozny district.

BARAEV Arbi. He was suspected of organizing the kidnappings of FSB officers Gribov and Lebedinsky, the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President in Chechnya Vlasov, Red Cross employees, as well as the murder of four citizens of Great Britain and New Zealand (Peter Kennedy, Darren Hickey, Rudolf Pestchi and Stanley Shaw). The Ministry of Internal Affairs put Baraev on the federal wanted list in a criminal case regarding the abduction in Chechnya of NTV television journalists - Masyuk, Mordyukov, Olchev and OPT television journalists - Bogatyrev and Chernyaev. Total on it personal account the death of about two hundred Russians - military personnel and civilians.

On June 23-24, 2001, in the ancestral village of Alkhan-Kala and Kulary, a special combined detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB conducted a special operation to eliminate a detachment of militants from Arbi Barayev. 15 militants and Barayev himself were killed.

BARAEV Movsar, nephew of Arbi Barayev. Movsar received his first baptism of fire in the summer of 1998 in Gudermes, when the Barayevites, together with the Urus-Martan Wahhabis, clashed with fighters from the detachment of the Yamadayev brothers. Then Movsar was wounded.

After federal troops entered Chechnya, Arbi Barayev appointed his nephew as commander of a sabotage detachment and sent him to Argun. In the summer of 2001, when Arbi Barayev was killed in the village of Alkhan-Kala, Grozny rural district, Movsar proclaimed himself instead of his uncle as emir of the Alkhan-Kala jamaat. Organized several attacks on federal convoys and a series of explosions in Grozny, Urus-Martan and Gudermes.

In October 2002, terrorists led by Movsar Barayev seized the building of the House of Culture of the State Bearing Plant on Melnikova Street (Theater Center on Dubrovka), during the musical "Nord-Ost". Spectators and actors (up to 1000 people) were taken hostage. On October 26, the hostages were released, Movsar Barayev and 43 terrorists were killed.

SULEIMENOV Movsan. Nephew of Arbi Barayev. Killed on August 25, 2001 in the city of Argun during a special operation by officers of the Russian FSB Directorate for Chechnya. The operation was carried out with the aim of establishing the exact location and detention of Suleimenov. However, during the operation, Movsan Suleimenov and three other mid-level commanders offered armed resistance. As a result, they were destroyed.

ABU Umar. Native of Saudi Arabia. One of Khattab's most famous assistants. Mine explosives expert. Mined the approaches to Grozny in 1995. Participated in organizing explosions in Buinaksk in 1998, and was wounded in the explosion. Organized an explosion in Volgograd on May 31, 2000, in which 2 people were killed and 12 were injured.

Abu Umar trained almost all the organizers of the explosions in Chechnya and the North Caucasus.

In addition to preparing terrorist attacks, Abu-Umar dealt with financing issues

militants, including the transfer of mercenaries to Chechnya through the channels of one of

international Islamic organizations.

Destroyed on July 11, 2001 in the village of Mayrup, Shalinsky district, during a special operation by the FSB and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Emir Ibn Al Khattab. Professional terrorist, one of the most irreconcilable militants in Chechnya.

Some of the most “well-known” operations carried out under the leadership or with the direct participation of Khattab and his militants include:

Terrorist attack in the city of Budennovsk (70 people were allocated from Khattab’s detachment, there were no losses among them);

Providing a “corridor” for S. Raduev’s gang to exit the village. Pervomayskoye - an operation prepared and carried out personally by Khattab to destroy the column of the 245th motorized rifle regiment near the village. Yaryshmards;

Direct participation in the preparation and attack on Grozny in August 1996.

Terrorist attack in Buinaksk on December 22, 1997. During an armed attack on a military unit in Buinaksk, he was wounded in his right shoulder.

RADUEV Salman. From April 1996 to June 1997, Raduev was the commander of the armed unit "General Dudayev's Army".

In 1996-1997, Salman Raduev repeatedly took responsibility for terrorist attacks committed on Russian territory and made threats against Russia.

In 1998, he took responsibility for the assassination attempt on Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze. He also took responsibility for the explosions at train stations in Armavir and Pyatigorsk. The Raduevskaya gang was engaged in robberies in railways, she is guilty of theft of public funds in the amount of 600-700 thousand rubles, intended to pay salaries to teachers in the Chechen Republic.

On March 12, 2000, he was captured in the village of Novogroznensky during a special operation by FSB officers.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has charged Salman Raduev under 18 articles of the Criminal Code of Russia (including “terrorism”, “murder”, “banditry”). The sentence is life imprisonment.

Died on December 14, 2002. Diagnosis: hemorrhagic vasculitis (incoagulability of blood). He was buried on December 17 at the city cemetery of Solikamsk (Perm region).

ATGERIEV Turpal-Ali. Former employee 21st company of the Grozny traffic police. During the hostilities, he was the commander of the Novogrozny regiment, which, together with Salman Raduev, participated in the Kizlyar and May Day events.

Based on this fact, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under Art. 77 (banditry), Art. 126 (hostage-taking) and Art. 213-3, part 3 (terrorism). Put on the federal wanted list.

On December 25, 2002, the Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced Atgeriev to 15 years in prison for participating in the attack on the Dagestan city of Kizlyar in January 1996. Atgeriev was found guilty of terrorism, organizing illegal armed groups, kidnapping and hostage-taking, and robbery.

Died on August 18, 2002. The cause of death was leukemia. In addition, it was established that Atgeriev had a stroke.

GELAEV Ruslan (Khamzat). Former commander of the special forces regiment "BORZ" of the Armed Forces of ChRI, lieutenant colonel of the Army of Ichkeria.

During combat operations - commander of the Shatoevsky garrison, commander of the "Abkhaz battalion". Gelayev’s formation consisted of eight hundred to nine hundred well-armed militants, including about fifty snipers from Lithuania and ten to fifteen snipers from Estonia. The so-called special-purpose regiment was stationed in the areas of Sharoy, Itum-Kale, and Khalkina.

In 2002, he announced his intention to obtain the post of President of Ichkeria; supported him former manager Dudayev's foreign intelligence service, the famous criminal oil businessman Khozhi Nukhaev.

On August 20, 2002, Ruslan Gelayev’s gang attempted an armed transition from the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia through the territory of North Ossetia and Ingushetia to Chechnya.

On March 1, 2004, the territorial department "Makhachkala" of the North Caucasus branch of the border service department distributed reports of the death of Ruslan Gelayev in the mountains of Dagestan (reports of his death were heard repeatedly).

MUNAEV Isa. Chechen field commander. He led detachments operating in the Chechen capital, and was appointed military commandant of the city of Grozny by Aslan Maskhadov in early 1999.

Killed on October 1, 2000 during a military clash in the Stapropromyslovsky district of Grozny (according to the press center of the United Group Russian troops in Chechnya, 2000).

MOVSAEV Abu. Deputy Minister of Sharia Security of Ichkeria.

After the attack on Budennovsk (1995), they began to claim that Abu Movsaev was one of the organizers of the action. After Budennovsk he received the rank of brigadier general. In 1996 - July 1997 - Head of the State Security Department of Ichkeria. During the armed conflict in Chechnya, for some time in 1996 he served as chief of the main headquarters of the Chechen formations.

KARIEV (KORIEV) Magomed. Chechen field commander.

Until September 1998, Kariev was deputy head of the Security Service of Ichkeria. He was then appointed head of the 6th Department of the Ministry of Sharia Security, responsible for the fight against organized crime.

Kariev was involved in kidnapping and hostage-taking for ransom.

He was killed on May 22, 2001 with several shots at the door of the apartment he rented in Baku under the guise of a refugee.

TSAGARAEV Magomad. One of the leaders of Chechen gangs. Tsagarayev was Movzan Akhmadov’s deputy and directly led military operations; was Khattab's closest confidant.

In March 2001, Tsagaraev was wounded, but managed to escape and sneak abroad. At the beginning of July 2001, he returned to Chechnya and organized gang groups in Grozny to carry out terrorist attacks.

MALIK Abdul. Famous field commander. He was part of the inner circle of the leaders of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, Emir Khattab and Shamil Basayev. Killed on August 13, 2001 during a special operation in the Vedeno region of the Chechen Republic.

KHAIHAROEV Ruslan. Famous Chechen field commander. During the war in Chechnya (1994-1996) he commanded detachments of defenders of the village of Bamut and the southeastern front of the Chechen army.

After 1996, Khaikharoev had extensive connections in the criminal world of the North Caucasus, controlling two types of criminal business: transporting hostages from Ingushetia and North Ossetia to the Chechen Republic, as well as smuggling of petroleum products. Former employee of Dudayev's personal security.

It is assumed that he was involved in the disappearance without a trace of journalists of the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper Maxim Shablin and Felix Titov, and also ordered two explosions in Moscow trolleybuses on July 11 and 12, 1996. Accused Russian Service Security in organizing the explosion of an intercity passenger bus in Nalchik.

The organizer of the abduction on May 1, 1998 of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Chechnya, Valentin Vlasov (this fact was established by Russian law enforcement agencies).

He died on September 8, 1999 in the district hospital of the city of Urus-Martan, Chechen Republic. He died from wounds received on the night of August 23-24, 1999 during the fighting in the Botlikh region of Dagestan (he fought as part of Arbi Barayev’s units).

According to another version, Khaikharoev was mortally wounded by fellow villagers who were blood relatives of Bamut. The news of his death was confirmed by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

KHACHUKAEV Khizir. Brigadier General, Deputy of Ruslan Gelayev. Commanded the South-Eastern Defense Sector in Grozny. Demoted to private by Maskhadov for participating in negotiations with Akhmad Kadyrov and Vladimir Bokovikov in Nazran. Destroyed on February 15, 2002 during an operation in the Shali region of Chechnya.

UMALATOV Adam. Nickname - "Tehran". One of the leaders of Chechen militants. He was a member of Khattab's gang. Killed on November 5, 2001 as a result of an operation carried out by special forces.

IRISKHANOV Shamil. An influential field commander from Basayev's inner circle. Together with Basayev, he took part in the raid on Budenovsk and the taking of hostages in a city hospital there in 1995. He led a detachment of about 100 militants in the summer of 2001, after his older brother, the so-called Brigadier General Khizir IRISKHANOV, Basayev’s first deputy, was killed in a special operation. “For the operation” in Budenovsk, Dzhokhar Dudayev awarded the Iriskhanov brothers the highest order of “Ichkeria” - “Honor of the Nation”.

SALTAMIRZAEV Adam. An influential member of illegal armed groups. He was the emir (spiritual leader) of the Wahhabis of the village of Mesker-Yurt. Nickname - "Black Adam". Destroyed on May 28, 2002 as a result of a special operation by Federal forces in the Shali region of Chechnya. During an attempt to be detained in Mesker-Yurt, he resisted and was killed during a shootout.

Rizvan AKHMADOV. Field commander, nickname "Dadu". He was a member of the so-called “Majlis-ul-Shura of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus.”

Akhmadov took command of his brother Ramzan's militant detachment in February 2001 after his liquidation. This detachment operated in Grozny, in the Grozny rural, Urus-Martan and Shalinsky districts, relying on accomplices in the ranks of the Chechen riot police operating in Grozny. On January 10, 2001, it was a group of militants subordinate to Dadu who took the representative hostage international organization Doctors Without Borders by Kenneth Gluck.

ABDUKHAJIEV Aslanbek. One of the leaders of Chechen militants, Shamil Basayev’s deputy for intelligence and sabotage work. Nickname - "Big Aslanbek". As part of the Basayev and Raduev gangs, he took an active part in armed attacks on the cities of Budennovsk and Kizlyar. During the reign of Maskhadov, he was the military commandant of the Shali region of Chechnya. In Basayev’s gang, he personally developed plans for sabotage and terrorist activities.

Since the day of the attack on Budennovsk, he has been on the federal wanted list.

On August 26, 2002, employees of the operational group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Shali region and one of the SOBR detachments, together with soldiers from the military commandant’s office of the Shali region, carried out an operation in the regional center of Shali to detain a militant. When detained, he offered armed resistance and was killed.

Demiev Adlan. The leader of a gang. Involved in a series of sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of Chechnya.

Liquidated on February 18, 2003 by federal forces of Chechnya as a result of a counter-terrorist operation carried out in the city of Argun.

After being blocked by a unit of federal forces, Demiev resisted and tried to escape in a car. However, it was destroyed by retaliatory fire from federal forces. When examining the dead man, a PM pistol, grenades, radios and a fake passport were found.

BATAEV Khamzat. A well-known field commander, considered the “commander of the Bamut direction” of the resistance of Chechen militants. He was killed in March 2000 in locality Komsomolskoe. (This was reported by the commander of the group of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Chechnya, General Mikhail Lagunets).