Delicious proper pilaf. How to cook real pilaf: secrets and rules you can’t do without. Cooking Uzbek pilaf

It is believed that this dish came to us from North America in the 9th century, but since then in Rus' it has become truly popular. Today we cannot imagine a Russian table without pancakes with caviar, honey or jam.

Cooking secrets

To make the pancakes not only tasty, but also beautiful, you just need to use a few little tricks, and your dish will be remembered by guests and household members for a long time.

  • We select a frying pan. No matter what modern frying pans are offered to us - non-stick, comfortable, lightweight - the cast iron frying pan remains the best. And the point is not in ancient traditions, but in its thick walls, which retain heat well and heat up evenly, and its surface does not allow the dough to stick. In addition, cast iron frying pans are durable and are not afraid of temperature changes. Yes, they are not sold on every corner, but you can find them. Nowadays, even China makes excellent cast iron frying pans.
  • Getting rid of lumps. It is better to mix pancake batter with a blender. Thanks to the enormous speed, the mass turns out airy and without lumps. You can knead by hand, but then you will have to beat much longer.
  • Choosing flour. For pancakes it is better to use wheat flour premium, but it doesn’t matter if there isn’t one. Flour will also do general purpose, and buckwheat, and any other.
  • We achieve openwork. To do this, beat the egg whites separately, and then carefully fold them into the dough. After adding the proteins, do not use the mixer, otherwise there will be no effect.

With boiling water

The secret of this recipe lies precisely in boiling water - hot water reacts with soda and provides that very perforatedness to the products that we love, but which, unfortunately, is not always possible. Your task is to stir the dough quickly when pouring boiling water so that the whole mass has time to brew before the water cools down. Brewed pancakes in milk and boiling water turn out delicate (to lace) like grandma's, and the hotter the pan is (within reason, of course), the more pronounced the holes will be.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil- 2-3 tablespoons;
  • egg - two medium-sized pieces (or 3 small);
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons;
  • soda - half a teaspoon (you can use baking powder instead of soda).


  1. First of all, set the water to heat up - while it boils, we will just mix all the ingredients.
  2. In a convenient bowl or bucket, combine warm milk (room temperature), chicken eggs and granulated sugar (until it is completely dissolved).
  3. Sift the flour and add to the dough. Mix gently, getting rid of lumps.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil. Now you can put the frying pan on to heat up.
  5. Add baking soda. By this time the water should already boil. Measure out the glass hot water and pour it into the dough. Stir quickly to hot water The whole mass had time to react, and at this point the choux pastry for pancakes with milk is ready.
  6. Leave it for 10 minutes so that the flour disperses properly.
  7. Bake custard pancakes on a hot non-stick or cast iron frying pan(pre-oiled). The thicker its walls, the more evenly the pancakes will bake. It is not necessary to lubricate it every time, but only as needed - that’s why we put vegetable oil in the dough.

You don’t need to lubricate every time, but only as needed. The main thing is that the products do not burn and are well separated from the surface. Serve dessert with jam, condensed milk, sour cream, etc. If you plan to wrap savory fillings in them, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

The recipe for pancakes with milk and boiling water can always be modified to suit your taste. For example, to make them thinner, you can simply add a little more boiling water.

With hot milk

There is a recipe for custard pancakes made with milk. You just need to boil some of the milk and leave some warm. It has no fat content of great importance- only the calorie content of the dish will depend on it (if you need to think about your figure), but the taste will always be excellent.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • eggs - 3-4 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1-3 tablespoons;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - approximately 2.5 cups;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.


  1. Measure out 1 cup of milk. This choux pastry for pancakes is not difficult to work with, you just need to remember to divide the main ingredient into two parts.
  2. Break the eggs into a measured glass of milk, add salt and sugar.
  3. Pour in any vegetable oil you like - sunflower, olive, rapeseed, corn, etc.
  4. Add milk (custard pancakes made with milk turn out delicate and quite thin due to the large amount of liquid).
  5. Beat the resulting mixture, add flour, and mix everything thoroughly, breaking up any lumps.
  6. Now the rest of the milk needs to be heated on the stove - it should almost boil, but there is no need to bring it to a boil.
  7. Pour it in parts and mix quickly and thoroughly so that all the dough comes into contact with it.
  8. When there is some hot milk left in the container, pour soda into it and pour it into the dough. Mix thoroughly.
  9. Pancakes cooked with hot milk should be baked in a hot frying pan, pouring the mixture thin layer. Do not forget to turn over in time so that the products do not dry out and become brittle. If it is still a little dry, greasing it with melted butter will save the situation.

Custard pancakes made with milk are made with holes due to brewing. To enhance the openwork effect, you can beat the egg whites and yolks separately and then combine.
If after brewing the dough it turns out with lumps, do not rush to pour it out. You can simply strain it through a large sieve, simultaneously grinding out these lumps.

They can be served as sweet filling(for example, cottage cheese, jam, condensed milk), and with unsweetened. Only in the case of unsweetened filling is it advisable to reduce the amount of sugar, although many people like the meat filling combined with a sweetish taste.

On kefir

To make the custard dessert even more delicate, you can cook it with kefir. You can use another fermented milk product as a basis, for example, fermented baked milk or liquid (drinking) yogurt. The main rule is that the main ingredient should be warm (but not hot). The recipe for custard pancakes with kefir is just as simple.

You will need:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • filtered water (boiling water) - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup (200 ml);
  • water (warm) - 1 glass (200 ml).


  1. Beat the eggs and kefir thoroughly with a blender (you can do it by hand, but then you will have to leave the finished dough for about 30 minutes).
  2. Add salt and sugar, beat again.
  3. Pour in a glass of warm water.
  4. Sift the flour, not into a separate bowl, but directly into the mixture. Then mix gently with a spoon or wide spatula.
  5. Now we work with boiling water: pour into an empty container baking soda, pour boiling water over it and pour in a thin stream directly into the dough. Stir vigorously.
  6. Pour in refined vegetable oil.
  7. Leave the dough to rest for about 10 minutes and you are ready to bake.

Depending on the desired filling (sweet or not), adjust the amount of sugar and salt in the dough. But keep in mind that without sugar at all, pancakes can turn out pale and tasteless.

Now you know how to quickly and easily make custard pancakes with milk and kefir. All that remains is to choose the filling: tasty and healthy, or simply delicious.

Step-by-step recipes for making pancakes in boiling water with milk: traditional custard, openwork a quick fix, thin and tender, with the addition of sour cream, with holes

2018-02-10 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

6 gr.


25 gr.

174 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pancakes with boiling water and milk

Many housewives use boiling water and milk to prepare pancake dough. The results are amazingly delicate, beautiful and airy pancakes. The dough is easy to prepare, and the finished baked goods are very tasty. Let's start with traditional recipe preparations.


  • two cups of wheat flour;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • thirty ml of vegetable oil;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of soda and salt;
  • one tbsp sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for pancakes in boiling water with milk

We take the milk out of the refrigerator and leave it to warm up at room temperature. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve, so it will be enriched with oxygen, the dough will be softer and more airy.

Put the water on boil - we need a glass. You can pour boiling water from a kettle into a glass to measure required quantity and then pour it into the dough.

First, break the egg, add sugar and bring to a fluffy mass with a whisk or mixer.

Pour warm milk into the egg mixture and stir gently.

We have already sifted the flour, pour salt and soda into it, mix. Pour the resulting mass into the liquid component of the dough.

Stir the mixture until smooth and pour in the freshly received boiling water. Stir the dough again.

Pour in vegetable oil. The amount indicated in the recipe corresponds to three tablespoons. Mix everything again and leave the choux pastry to brew for 10-15 minutes.

A frying pan with thick walls and a bottom is best for making pancakes. Heat it up, pour in oil.

Using a ladle, scoop up the pancake dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Feel free to help yourself - tilt the pan as you pour the dough, so it will spread faster to the bottom and set almost immediately.

Gilt one side, and then turn the openwork pancake over to the other side.

Place the finished portions in a stack on a large plate. Pancakes can be additionally greased with butter.

Option 2: Quick recipe for pancakes with boiling water and milk

A proven recipe for delicious pancakes that are prepared quite quickly and simply. To present a treat to the table in an interesting way, wrap the filling in pancakes, serve delicious rolls to the table, garnished with mint sprigs or berries. The recipe makes about twenty servings.


  • five hundred ml of milk;
  • a quarter liter of boiling water;
  • two cups of flour;
  • three eggs;
  • one tbsp sugar;
  • five grams of salt;
  • one tablespoon raises oil;
  • one tbsp drain the oil.

How to quickly cook pancakes in boiling water with milk

Sift all the flour through a sieve into a large bowl. Add sugar and salt and mix gently.

Heat the milk slightly in a saucepan, do not boil or let it get hot. If you pour too hot milk, the flour will steam and more gluten will appear.

Pour the warm milk into the flour and whisk until the lumps dissolve. If you have a mixer, use it - you will save effort and your time.

Beat in all the eggs and mix with a spatula or whisk - whichever is more convenient for you.

Boil water, pour boiling water in a thin stream, working with a whisk or mixer.

We leave our dough for half an hour so that it reaches the desired condition.

After the specified time, pour the prepared melted butter into the dough and stir.

Now fry the pancakes in a very hot frying pan. Thirty seconds on each side is enough.

Don’t use too much dough, we need beautiful openwork thin pancakes.

Place the finished ones on a plate, fill them with filling and roll them up. You can further decorate it.

Option 3: Thin pancakes in boiling water with milk

The amount of ingredients for this recipe is very easy to remember - the main products are measured in one glass, and the rest are already included, each in its own quantity. Pancakes made from dough prepared according to the proportions specified in the recipe turn out thin and beautiful.


  • a glass of milk;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe

If you have large chicken eggs, two are enough to prepare the dough. If the eggs are small, crack three into a bowl.

Add salt and sugar to the eggs and whisk until fluffy. If you want your pancakes sweeter, you can add a little more sugar, but don't overdo it. When there is too much sugar in the dough, the pancakes brown unattractively and look burnt.

Warm the milk slightly and pour it into the egg mixture, while still working with the whisk or mixer.

Be sure to sift the flour and add in small portions. There should not be a single lump, the dough should be homogeneous and beautifully shimmering.

Boil water and pour boiling water into the dough. Do not pour the entire glass at once, add in a thin stream or in small portions. The dough seems to be brewed and takes on a glossy appearance.

This test needs to sit for a while. Forget about it for half an hour, and then pour in the specified amount of vegetable oil. Stir.

Fry the pancakes in a small amount of oil in a well-heated frying pan. Cast iron with thick walls and bottom is ideal.

Place the finished pancakes in a stack on a large plate.

Note: If you want more holes on thin pancakes, add more boiling water or water to the dough. Stir well and continue frying.

Option 4: Pancakes in boiling water with milk and sour cream

If you have a little sour cream left, you don’t know where to put it - add it to the pancake dough. A good option for tasty and filling pancakes.


  • three glasses of milk;
  • three hundred ml of boiling water;
  • four hundred grams of flour;
  • four eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • one tbsp sugar;
  • teaspoon salt;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • two tablespoons of melted butter.

How to cook

Traditionally, break eggs into a bowl. Add salt and sugar to them and mix everything well. For convenience and speed of the process, use a mixer.

Add two tablespoons of sour cream and mix again.

The milk should be warm at room temperature or slightly warmed in a saucepan. Pour into a bowl and stir with a mixer or whisk until smooth.

Take a sieve, sift some flour directly into a bowl and stir. In the same way, add all the flour specified in the recipe.

There should be no clots or lumps.

Pour in half a teaspoon of baking soda. If you can't find soda, replace it with a teaspoon of baking powder - no problem. The dough will still work.

Mix everything until smooth.

Now pour in half of the specified boiling water, stir, and then add more. Watch the consistency, the dough should be quite liquid.

Leave the dough for thirty minutes, then pour vegetable oil into it and mix.

Fry hearty pancakes in a well-heated frying pan. Don't pour too much oil. It’s better to bake one pancake, evaluate the quality of the dough, the amount of oil and add as necessary.

We serve ready-made pancakes to the table straight from the heat.

Option 5: Pancakes in boiling water with milk with holes

In this recipe, beautiful openwork holes are obtained through the reaction of boiling water and soda. After adding boiling water, the dough is stirred very quickly, it seems to be brewed, and the result is beautiful pancakes.


  • one glass of warm milk;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • one glass of boiling water;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

Step by step recipe

Put the kettle on to boil and heat the milk in a ladle.

Pour the milk into a bowl, beat in the eggs, add sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The next ingredient is sifted flour. Add in small batches, kneading the dough, kneading any lumps.

Pour in the vegetable oil and mix the dough heartily again. It should be liquid and flow beautifully from a spoon or spatula.

Pour in soda and immediately pour boiling water in one motion and immediately stir the dough with quick movements, or better yet, use kitchen appliances.

Leave for ten minutes and set the frying pan to heat up.

Reduce the heat under the frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and dough from the ladle. Spread a thin layer over the entire surface and fry for half a minute on each side.

You can already see the beautiful, neat little holes in the pancakes. Stack them on a plate and serve.

Today’s issue will be devoted to an equally popular option for preparing this wonderful pastry, namely custard pancakes in boiling water.

The process of kneading dough is practically no different from all others. Here are just the ready ones custard pancakes They turn out to be lace, with a large number of holes, which makes them look very beautiful and attractive.

You will probably agree that such pastries look very festive and will decorate any table. Besides, Maslenitsa is approaching and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stock up on a couple of different recipes pancakes, because they are the main symbol of this wonderful holiday.

This is due to the fact that the finished pancake (pancake) is very similar to the sun. It's the same round, the same color, and also very hot. But Maslenitsa is a celebration of welcoming spring and saying goodbye to severe cold weather. What is spring? Right. This is very good, warm weather, which is warmed up by the spring sun.

But, besides this, Maslenitsa is loved by everyone not only for the winter-spring transition, but also for the treats that are prepared for the celebration. So, among these same treats, as I already said, pancakes take almost the first place. And therefore you need to learn how to cook them correctly and tasty.

Well, if it doesn’t work out, then here’s some advice in the form of a picture on what to do in this case.

I’m ready to bet with you that if you try to cook according to the recipes given in this article, you will never have lumpy pancakes and you will bake such pancakes not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. And if you are interested in finding out why I think so, then you should definitely try them and you will understand everything yourself!

Recipe for custard pancakes with milk:

For 40 pancakes we will need:

  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
  • hot water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • vegetable or butter - 2 tbsp.

For this recipe, the volume of the glass with which we will measure the amount of ingredients should be 250 ml.


1. Be sure to sift flour (3 cups without a slide) through a sieve. You can even do this 2 times.

During the sifting process, the flour will be very well saturated with oxygen and the finished pancakes will turn out tender and porous, and this is exactly what we need.

2. Add 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and pour in 2 cups of milk.

Milk must be at room temperature. This will ensure that all the ingredients interact well with each other.

3. Using a whisk, mix and add 3 chicken eggs, which should also be at room temperature.

4. Mix thoroughly until the dough is homogeneous without a single lump.

The dough should not be thick, but not completely liquid. It should resemble sour cream in consistency, of medium thickness.

5. Pour 1 tbsp into the dough. any oil (vegetable or melted butter). And mix with the dough.

Advice! If you want the pancakes to be more tender and rich, then still use butter.

6. Now brew the dough by pouring hot water into it in a thin stream.

How much water you need depends on what kind of dough you want to knead and how thick the pancakes you want to end up with.

7. Leave the dough to “rest” on the work table for 30-40 minutes.

8. And now you can start baking pancakes. For this

- lightly grease the heated frying pan with oil;

Usually the pan is greased only before baking the first pancake. In the future, you don’t have to do this, since the pancake dough contains oil, and they will cook just fine in a dry, hot frying pan.

- holding a frying pan in your left hand, fill the ladle with dough using your right hand;

— tilt the frying pan and pour the dough onto it, while simultaneously making a sharp circular movement so that the entire surface of the frying pan is covered with an even layer of dough;

— put the frying pan on the fire and wait until the surface of the pancake becomes dry and the edges are browned;

— after that, turn the pancake over to the other side and finish baking it.

9. We do the same procedure with the rest of the dough.

What to do if you still have dough left, but for some reason you don’t have time to finish it? It's very simple. Pour it into a container that can be closed with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. It stores well and you can finish baking the pancakes the next day without any loss.

These are the beautiful and delicate pancakes that you can eat either without anything or with a variety of fillings. They also make all kinds of pancake cakes very well. Bon appetit!

Pancakes made with kefir and boiling water with holes


  • kefir
  • rast. oil - 4 tbsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • tea soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp. (250 ml.)


1. Break the eggs into a bowl and add sugar and salt to them.

Don't forget to remove the eggs and kefir from the refrigerator so that they come to room temperature. Successful cooking also depends on this.

2. You need to grind them very carefully.

3. After this, pour in kefir and mix well. While mixing, add a little vanilla.

Vanillin will give the finished pancakes a pleasant and delicate aroma.

4. Pour half a teaspoon of soda into boiling water and dissolve it in water.

5. Using a mixer, mix the dough at medium speed. At the same time, slowly pour boiling water into it.

If you don't have a mixer or don't like using one, a regular whisk will do the job just fine. It's just that you'll need to put in a little more effort.

6. Immediately add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture.

7. Now we will continue to mix the dough with a mixer, and in the process we will gradually add the sifted flour.

8. From the resulting dough, bake pancakes in a heated frying pan. in the usual way, as described in the first recipe.

To ensure that the pancakes come out with holes, the pan must be very hot before you pour the oil into it.

That's it. These pancakes are prepared very quickly and easily, and they are eaten even faster! Prepare for your health!

Thin pancakes made with boiling water and kefir

There are many options for preparing thin pancakes, the dough for which is mixed with kefir and boiling water. And here is another one of them - a time-tested recipe.


  • 1.5 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1/4 tsp. tea soda
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar


1. Mix flour with tea soda.

2. Beat eggs with granulated sugar and vanilla.

3. Pour in kefir and mix.

4. Gradually add flour and stir so that there are no lumps left.

5. Add vegetable oil and you can start baking.

If you are interested in this recipe, then complete and... Try cooking and write your opinion about it.

Delicious yeast pancakes in boiling water

What you will need:

  • milk - 1 l.
  • sugar - 4 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • quick yeast - 1 tsp.
  • flour - 800 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • boiling water

How to cook:

1. Pour milk at room temperature into a bowl and add granulated sugar and salt.

2. Add the eggs here and mix everything with a whisk.

3. Pour 2 cups of flour and yeast into the resulting mixture. And mix.

Do not forget about one of the most important conditions - sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen.

4. Add 2 more glasses and mix again.

As a result, you should get a very thick dough, like pancakes. It may happen that this amount of flour is not enough for you and the dough will not be thick enough. In this case, continue adding flour until you reach the desired consistency.

In general, the amount of flour depends on several factors. For example, on the size of the eggs, on the quality of the flour itself, on the fat content of milk or kefir, etc. Therefore, the amount of ingredients may vary slightly.

5. Stir the dough until all lumps dissolve.

6. Cover our bowl with the dough with a lid and leave the dough to “rise.”

The dough is best placed in the oven (not turned on). There are no drafts and the dough feels very good and “comfortable”.

7. An hour later our dough came up. It increased in size and bubbled.

Now we need to pour vegetable oil into it and mix.

8. All we have to do is brew our dough. To do this, without ceasing to stir, pour boiling water into it in a thin stream. The amount of water depends on what kind of pancakes you want to bake.

If you like more thin pancakes, then you need to pour in more boiling water to make the dough thick. If you want to cook fluffy pancakes, then make the dough thicker, therefore pour less water.

9. From the resulting dough, bake pancakes on both sides until ready in the usual way.

These are the delicious, fluffy and very, very tasty pancakes that all your household and guests will be happy with. This treat will please everyone, from young to old. Bon appetit!

Video on making pancakes with milk and boiling water

Now I want to invite you to relax a little after reading and look very interesting recipe from a video by blogger Olga Matvey, in which she explains and shows all the steps for baking pancakes in a very accessible and understandable way. The recipe is very interesting and quite simple.

Enjoy your viewing!

The ingredients for this recipe are as follows:

  • milk - 1 glass
  • boiling water - 1 cup
  • flour - 1 cup
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • sugar - 70 gr.
  • butter

How to cook custard pancakes with milk

If you didn’t really like the video recipe you watched, then I present to your attention another one classic recipe preparations. The dough is not difficult to make, and baking is even easier. If you strictly adhere to the recipe, then not a single pancake will turn out lumpy.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 7 tbsp.
  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp. (200 ml.)


First of all, beat the eggs with milk. Then add sugar, salt and baking powder to them. Then add flour and at the end pour boiling water. Add vegetable oil, mix and bake.

I briefly described the preparation process, since by following the link you will find.

Bon appetit!

Custard pancakes - a classic recipe like grandma's

What you need:

  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • tea soda - on the tip of a knife
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp.

How to do:

1. Break fresh eggs, at room temperature, into a bowl.

Add salt and sugar to them.

You can add a little more sugar if you want the pancakes to be sweeter.

Beat the whole thing with a mixer until a thick foam forms.

2. Without ceasing to beat, pour hot water into the contents of the bowl. You should get a fluffy foam.

Pour in water slowly, in a thin stream. Then your dough will brew well and you will get very tasty pancakes.

3. After this, add kefir, flour, tea soda and vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

4. The finished dough should be given a little time to rest. And only then can we start baking.

For pancakes, it is better to get a separate frying pan or pancake maker so that nothing else can be cooked in it besides pancakes. The best option will be if she has non-stick coating. This is one of the reasons why pancakes are difficult to remove.

5. We will bake as usual on both sides until browned.

We bake openwork pancakes on kefir in a hole

Before this, you watched a video recipe for custard pancakes with milk, and now I suggest you watch how to make them, but with kefir. Everything is very simple and easy, and tastes great. Let's watch, write down the recipe and learn!

Thin custard pancakes made with water without milk or kefir


  • hot water - 0.5 l.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • pinch of salt
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


1. Add sugar and salt to the eggs and beat with a mixer or a regular whisk until foam forms.

2. Pour 1/3 of the hot water into this mixture. You need to pour in the water slowly, very carefully so that the eggs do not cook.

Keep in mind that if we added all the water at once, it would be very difficult to mix the flour. Because it would absorb water and turn out to be lumpy. That is why we will add water in parts so that in the end there will not be a single lump left.

4. Now we pour in the remaining water until our dough reaches the desired consistency. At the very end, pour in the oil, mix and leave the dough for 15 minutes.

The dough must stand for a while so that the flour disperses and all the products begin to interact with each other. Only in this case your pancakes will never tear.

5. Bake pancakes as usual - in a preheated and greased frying pan.

Advice! When you remove the pancake from the pan and try it, it will taste very bad to you. So you need to do the following: Stack the pancakes and do not grease them. After the pancakes are baked, cover them with a lid and let stand for 10 minutes.

And you will be surprised how well and tasty they turn out. No one will even notice that these pancakes are prepared without milk, kefir, whey, etc. In short, it turns out very cool. Prepare for your health!

And now I say goodbye to you until the next issue, I wish you successful baking. I also congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and wish you and your family and friends all the best!

Hello, dear readers!

Today we will prepare wonderful, very thin and tender custard pancakes.

This is a recipe for all times, suitable for preparing pancakes simply for the table, for cooking with any filling, as well as for preparing pancake cakes and pies.


Makes 40 pancakes, 20 cm in diameter.

  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Boiling water - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Melted butter - 1 tbsp. l

1 glass = 250 ml


Sift the flour through a sieve. Use a 250 ml glass, pouring flour into it without a slide.

Add a spoonful of salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the flour, and pour warm milk into it. We begin to knead the dough with a whisk.

Break three chicken eggs here and stir well.

You should get a not very thick dough without lumps.

Let's melt it a little butter and add it to the test. Thanks to the oil, it will not stick to the pan.

It's time to make our dough. To do this, we take boiling water and, stirring, pour it into the dough.

Check the consistency based on how thin your pancakes are. The more water, the thinner they will be.

But very thin pancakes less intense taste, keep that in mind.

In any case, the dough will be quite liquid, with the consistency of low-fat cream.

Stir the finished dough well again and let it sit for 30 minutes. After which you can start baking pancakes.

Lubricate the pan with oil before the first pancake, but after that it is no longer necessary.

Pour the batter into the pan using a ladle and fry the pancake on one side until golden brown.

Turn over and cook on the other side.

We do this until the dough runs out.

If you are reading this now, then you already understand that you are visiting the author’s culinary site. Greetings! I hope we will become friends and you will become a frequent guest. Personally, I really want this. After all, it was for this purpose that I created this site. I'm not a cooking guru, I don't presume to talk about people's tastes. I'm just someone who learns, shares what I've learned and tries to express myself in this way. It's nice to know that my culinary recipes, accompanied by delicious photographs, can make you want to repeat them, cook the same thing for yourself, thereby giving yourself and your loved ones a little joy.

How often do we cook? Everyone is different, but on average often, even very often. Every day. And sometimes not even once a day. Food is an integral part of our lives, you can’t argue with this statement. There was a time when I didn’t know how to cook anything other than boiled potatoes and pasta, and believe me, that was more than fine with me at that time. But then children appeared, life changed its pace, a desire arose to learn new things and learn interesting things, to bring joy. And what could be easier than to please your loved ones with delicious food? So that everyone licks their fingers and asks for more :) And so began my journey of mastering home cooking, which continues to this day and, I think, has no end.

Of course, everyone has different tastes, including in food. But there are dishes that are tasty, if not to everyone, then to the majority. I have always been interested in such dishes. I also always thought it was important not to spend a lot of time preparing food. That is, to cook, and even tasty, but at the same time with minimal losses time and effort. It turns out that this happens. And in my opinion, this is exactly how cooking should be homemade food. So that it doesn’t tire you, so that it’s always interesting, fun, and playful. Without fear that it won't work out. These are the recipes I collect here, gladly sharing them with you. I have tried all these recipes more than once. I confess to you that not all the recipes I prepared were given the honor of being published on the site. And that’s normal, it’s like that in everything in life.

My children’s tastes play a big role in choosing recipes for everyday cooking. I focus on them, because they are my biggest admirers and “praisers.” It's very nice when you like your food. I also want to point out the fact that even the simplest and most primitive recipe for a dish can be presented in such a way that everyone will immediately want to eat it. Submission is very important, especially since it doesn’t require much effort. I’m not encouraging you to repeat my recipes, but I suggest you try to do the same at least once, maybe you’ll like it :)