Protection conspiracy. A strong protective prayer to Jesus Christ from any evil. Words that protect you from gossip, envy, slander

The house is safe, the family is protected, the neighbors are kind - the three main components of a happy life. When everything is good for someone, it always makes someone feel bad. People who cannot look at someone else's indifferently happy life, begin to envy. With their negative energy, they are capable of disturbing family peace, bringing the evil eye or damage to the home and family.

You can lose everything overnight if you allow negativity to influence your life. Conspiracy to protect home, family, good relationship in a team and can be carried out by any housewife who values ​​her family peace and well-being.

Read also ritual conspiracies against the evil eye and damage from ours.

Magic as a means of prevention

As they say, it is better to take preventive measures than to treat the consequences of the disease later. Prayer amulets serve as a shield for the home, and conspiracies can prevent negative impact from the outside. In total protective actions serve as a magical dome. A person who is under such protection is reliably protected from negativity and unkind people.

As a rule, many deny the existence of magic until strange things begin to happen in their lives. At work, relations with the team deteriorated sharply. At home, constant conflicts and quarrels are manifestations of negativity that was artificially created by an unfriendly person. Wedge, knock out with a wedge - they say in such cases. Conspiracies and rituals will help to cope with the current situation and return everything “to normal.”

Conspiracies for protection from bad people

This ritual will help protect yourself from envious people who are everywhere - colleagues, neighbors, friends and even strangers. To carry out the ritual, which is carried out within the walls of the temple, you will need:

  • Candles – 12 pieces;
  • Blessed water;
  • Prosvirka is a loaf of bread distributed at Sunday services. Denotes the body of Christ.

Buy candles in the temple and light them:

  • Mother of God;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • John the Baptist.

Place the remaining six to any saints you like. Then stand for the Sunday liturgy, purchase prosphora, eat half of it silently and reverently, cross yourself and head towards home. On the street, drink three sips of blessed water.

When you arrive home, stand near the iconostasis and read prayer of thanksgiving"Our Father", three times. After each reading of the prayer, put a cross on yourself and bow. Complete the protective ritual by reading the plot:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Grant me, through the prayers of my servant (name), the cleansing of my soul from sins known and unknown. May the holy gifts strengthen the power of faith in your wonderful deeds. May my soul always be open to you and pure, like a tear. Let my body be healthy, my heart warm, and my mind sober. Protect my house, my family and me from the evil thoughts of people, the black evil eye and the evil gaze. I will forever be grateful to you, Lord. May your name be glorified. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Eat the second half of the prosphora before bed and wash it down with three sips of water. At dawn the next day, read the prayer-spell against enemies again.

Creation of protective amulets

Ritual with a nail

To strengthen rituals to protect home and family from evil people, they also make separate amulets and protection for entrance doors. It is through the doorway that an unfriendly person with his negative energy enters the house.

For the first ritual you will need nails. Iron has the power of a talisman and will reliably protect the house from evil. It is better to buy three nails in the store when the moon is in its waxing phase. Make the purchase with a banknote prepared in advance, with which change will not be required. If it doesn’t work out without change, then leave it to the seller.

Upon arrival home, you need to drive nails from the street side, into door frame. Drive in so that a triangle is formed, one at the top in the middle and two at the bottom at the corners. Go home, close the door and cast a spell:

“Three heroic nails will protect my house from the evil eye and the enemy. One will stab evil, the other will drive away ill-wishers, and the third will take everything unclean aside. My words turn things around, and my nails turn into a love spell.”

As long as the door frame remains in place, the amulet spell will have its power.

Ritual with gypsy needles

For the second ritual you need to buy two gypsy needles. Don't take change, the moon is in its waxing phase. Place the needles crosswise and tie them with white thread. Read the conspiracy defense over them:

“Needles cross, enemies prone. He who comes with good will pass easily, but he who comes with evil will fall under the cross.”

Hang the amulet above the doors with inside Houses. Every three months the amulet is removed, the needles are washed in alcohol, and the thread is burned. Then the ritual is performed again, to constantly protect the house from evil.

Speak clothes to protect

The spell that is cast on a piece of clothing has enormous power. Which is capable of protecting its owner from troubles. If a situation of hostility on the part of co-workers arose at work. Or your boss has tormented you with his constant nagging, which means it’s time to protect yourself from all troubles. The conspiracy is placed on any part of the personal wardrobe, it can be either underwear or outerwear.

In the evening, all alone, light a church candle, pick up the thing and say words of protection:

“I speak my words, I put up protection from evil and abuse. Let it protect me from enemies like a dome and become a reliable protection for me. I baptize with the cross, I strengthen with prayer.”

Protection from evil people at work

When they began to feel that the situation in the work team was getting worse. We are sure that your colleagues envy you and can do any dirty trick that could harm your career or the results of the work already done. Then feel free to carry out a ritual to protect your workplace from envious colleagues.

As a rule, after the ceremony they simply begin not to notice you and will completely forget about their evil deeds. Well, this method also works on the bosses, who do not allow you to do your work in peace with their comments and dissatisfaction.

When there is no one in the office, draw black crosses around your workplace with a pencil. And say:

“I make crosses, I save myself from evil. I defend myself with the cross, I will receive righteous strength. The guardian angel will stand behind me and protect me with his wings from intrigues and malice. Amen".

Cross yourself and cross the working area three times. Perform the ritual every time you feel that the situation in the team is heating up.

Full moon protection spell

If a period has come in the family when you don’t want to see each other. At the same time, there are constant scandals and swearing, which means that negativity has penetrated the walls of the house and is destroying a happy life. For a ritual that will help establish good and kind relationships in the family, you need to go to the temple and buy 13 candles. When leaving the temple you need to read the words:

“On the threshold of the temple I leave family discord, I call peace and joy into the house. Amen".

Wait until the moon is full, be alone with yourself, light all the candles with a match and read the plot for the family:

“I light candles and burn all my anger with fire. As soon as the candles burn out, they will create peace and joy. Peace and happiness will return to the house, let it be this way and not otherwise.”

Repeat the plot constantly until peace and grace come to the house.

Ritual for home protection

The threshold of your home must be protected from misfortune and uninvited guests by performing the following ritual. Against front door hang a mirror, it will reflect all third-party negativity. It must be constantly wiped from dust and accumulated negativity, then the house will always be under reliable protection.

The threshold of the house must be washed and cleared of accumulated dirt. Take blessed water, add Thursday salt to it, wipe the door handles and jamb with this solution. From now on, always keep the threshold at an impeccable frequency, then good will boldly pass through it, and evil will linger in front of it. When you wipe the threshold, read the spell for the house:

“I sweep, I cleanse my house from damage and the evil eye, and the evil eye. I wet it with clean water and soaked it with salt so that illness and disease, cramps and damage would not come to the door. Just as salt does not rot, nothing sticks to the threshold. The threshold is marked. Soaked in salt. Blessed by God. Amen".

The water used to wash the threshold. Pour it outside under a bush or tree.

A detailed description from several sources: “protective prayer, conspiracies and amulets” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Read this plot before leaving the house.

“Having crossed myself and blessing myself, I will go out of the house through the gate in the direction I want to go. I won’t go astray and won’t run into trouble. I will avoid evil and find good everywhere. I won’t stumble, I won’t hurt myself, I’ll return home with luck.”

Conspiracy in any threatening situation.

In moments of danger, mentally pronounce the words of this conspiracy. He has very great power. At the same time, he protects you and punishes your offenders.

“The Mother of God is behind, the Lord is ahead. The Mother of God is ahead, the Lord God is behind. What happens to them will also happen to me - they will help me. Amen".

Protective amulet of salvation.

This is a powerful conspiracy from enemies. It is used in situations where a person has an enemy who is capable of the most terrible acts, even causing death.

“Be known, servant of God (name), by the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross.

The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism.

The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With this spell, you can cast a spell on wax, and then attach a small piece of it (the wax) to the pectoral cross you wear.

Prayer-amulet against cunning and deception.

Be sure to read this amulet prayer before committing any financial transaction, or before signing an agreement or contract if you (even latently) have fears of deception.

“In the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Most Holy, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Great Martyr of Christ, Saint George, you are the Lord’s indestructible warrior.

For centuries, your sword was, is and will be invincible. Strengthen me with your holy army, with your might. Put my enemies to shame, shield me with your shield from the devil’s cunning and deception of defense.

And whoever wants to bypass your border will not escape your holy hand. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer-amulet “Seven Crosses” for the whole family

By reading this amulet prayer every morning, you will protect yourself and your family from misfortunes.

“I place the first cross from the Holy Spirit, the Second cross from the Lord God, the Third cross from Jesus Christ the son of God, the Fourth cross from the Guardian Angel of the servant of God (name), the fifth cross from Mother Holy Mother of God, The sixth cross from the west to the rollout, The seventh cross from earth to heaven.

Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.

The first lock is from all kinds of hardship and misfortune, The second is from poverty and misery, The third is from burning tears, The fourth is from theft, The fifth is from spending, The sixth is from illness and infirmity, And the seventh is the strongest, it closes six, Forever locks, guards my house. Amen".

A conspiracy is a talisman against curses.

If someone casts curses on your head, you need to immediately, so that nothing bad happens, read this Plot - a talisman against curses.

“The Cross stands on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream, how His feet were nailed, His hands were crucified, a crown of thorns was placed on His forehead, His hot blood was shed.

Angels flew from the high Heavens and placed cups under His blood.

Whoever puts his hand to this prayer will never and will never suffer torment.

The Lord will save him, take him under His hands, save him from trouble, protect him from all evil.

He will not allow death, he will not allow enemies to be cursed.

Angels will cover him with their wings and wash away any curses with holy water.

Whoever knows these words, reads them three times a day, will not burn in fire, will not drown in water, will not drop a drop of his blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord will always be! The Lord will never forget me, God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

A conspiracy is a talisman against a bad person.

If a meeting with a bad person cannot be avoided, then pronounce this charm - a talisman - in front of her.

“The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is afraid of the lynx, and you are the servant of God (name). Fear me, the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

You can write this conspiracy on paper and keep it with you at all times. To ensure that its power does not weaken, the plot must be rewritten every month.

Protection-amulet from accidents and the “evil eye” of envious people.

To protect yourself from the “evil eye” of envious people, or from an accident, you can use an ordinary pin as a protective amulet. In order for her to gain her magical power, she must be spoken to.

To do this, you need to stand near the church and read the words of the conspiracy on an open pin:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I am standing, the servant of God (name), at the cross. This is church beauty. The cross is praise to the martyrs, and help to the suffering. I’ll come closer to the cross and bow to it lower. Protect and defend from enemies and foes, from their tongues, their batogs, from their fire and sword, from mischief. Lord Jesus Christ, send a blessing so that I may become unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen".

After reading it, a pin is pinned to the wrong side of the garment, thereby hiding it from “prying eyes.” Thanks to its magical power This amulet, in addition to protecting you from all sorts of troubles, will attract good luck to itself (and therefore to you).

The plot is a talisman for lovers.

In life, sometimes it happens that your enemies try to separate you from your loved one (beloved) in pursuit of their vicious goals. In order for your union not to be destroyed, it must be protected.

Buy a small, ordinary clay pot without haggling or asking for change. Put your and his (her) photographs in it, add to them a strand of hair and also two new, necessarily consecrated silver crosses.

Sprinkle all this with holy water, close the lid and drip it around the perimeter with wax dripping from a burning candle, while reading the words of the conspiracy:

“I create a security guard, I erect a talisman on the servants of God (names). Just as the Alatyr stone is strong, so are my words, Just as the Alatyr stone is flammable, so are my deeds.

As (names) are united by fate, blessed by the Lord, so it will happen and nothing can hinder that union. Whoever decides to interfere with them, whoever decides to take them with witchcraft, will receive two meters of grave depth and a funeral cross.

I protect them with a cross, I seal candles with fire, and I cover them with holy water. Amen, amen, amen above amens, amen.” At the end of the ritual, hide the pot away from “prying eyes.”

The most powerful Slavic spells and fortune telling that establish powerful protection

Many Slavic customs and traditions are firmly rooted in modern life. This becomes especially noticeable on major Christian holidays, when people turn to magic and perform various fortune telling, rituals, and read conspiracies that help change their lives. better side. Very often on such days (for example, Epiphany, Easter, Intercession) verbal magic is used and protective prayers are read that protect a person from bad weather, misfortune, evil people, as well as conspiracies that attract love, luck, money, and other benefits to life, for successful trading and success in other areas. It is about such conspiracies and amulets for every day and for all occasions that we will talk today.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors established a connection between certain objects and words and subsequent events. Therefore, they were among the first to use spells and prayers that protected, protected from all sorts of troubles, and also contributed to improving the quality of life.

Historical moments of verbal magic and conspiracies

Everyone knows the saying “If you knew where you would fall, you would spread straw.” The roots of its occurrence go deep into history, which makes us think about the rationality of the statement and the fact that already in those days our Slavic ancestors used magic to prevent negative phenomena, as well as sudden events that threaten human life.

In the old days, in order to protect themselves, people performed fortune telling. Based on the combined prophecies, they used one or another conspiracy or prayer to prevent the situation. But, as practice notes, only a few were able to make the most reliable predictions. As a rule, they were hereditary sorcerers. Therefore, soon more universal magical texts began to appear, which could be suitable for different occasions in life. Such a charm-talisman became more popular, as it allowed a person to protect himself from various misfortunes.

At present, a huge number of different amulet conspiracies have reached us. Ancient Slavic and later ones, written by famous hereditary healers, all of them can be divided by type of action. So, for example, there is:

  • protective conspiracies that establish an energy shield around a person that resists various problems, wards off troubles, negative influences, the wishes of evil people and the envy of neighbors, and also takes him away from sudden death (accident, etc.);
  • charms and charms that attract various blessings and good luck, which can be read on holidays to ensure prosperity for the whole year, improve health, make trading more successful, etc.

As you can see, there are charms and prayers for all occasions. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a person to choose the most best option magical text. And below we will give the most common spells that are often used lately.

Amulet spell for every day

For those who want to protect themselves from any dangers that await outside the walls of the house, there is a universal charm charm for every day. You should read it in the morning, before leaving the house.

The words of the universal conspiracy should sound like this:

“The Lord gave me a way, but an evil spirit filled me with anxiety and worry. The Lord always defeats evil, and this time he will win and free me from anxiety and evil. Only our Lord is great and strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful amulet plot against adversity

Unlike the previous magical protective spell against dangers, this amulet spell will ward off troubles, misfortunes, and all sorts of misfortunes from a person. You can also read it every day, leaving the walls of the house and going about business.

“The Lord Almighty stands in front, and the Heavenly Queen is behind, my Guardian Angel is above my head. Save and protect me, the humble servant of God (your name), from troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, envy, evil thoughts, enemies and sudden early death. Save and preserve."

The reading of such a prayer ends with a threefold “Amen.” After this, you can safely cross the threshold of your home and go about your business.

A spell that saves you from enemies

This magical text will help build a protective energy shield around a person against enemies and evil people who can cast the evil eye, cause damage (even death). Such amulets are very powerful and with these words you can cast a small piece of wax as a talisman. Further, the charmed wax can be attached to the pectoral cross to protect the person.

“Be marked by the life-giving cross, each one, including the servant of God (say your name). The cross is on me, behind me and in front of me. Let the whole army of enemies run away from this cross. The power of the cross will both flash and scorch all enemies, blinding the enemies. All the power of the cross and heaven, Jesus Christ himself is near me, they are faithful to preserve my body and soul from holy baptism. All the angels and archangels for the salvation of the servant of God (say your name again) pray to Jesus Christ the Savior and His Father, the Most High Lord, that the heavenly powers would protect me, protect me from trouble and enemies, and bless this amulet. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

As in the previous case, you should finish reading the prayer by saying the words “Amen” three times. You can read such a charm plot once a month to regularly strengthen your energy protection.

Amulet shield for the whole family

There are conspiracies for all occasions, with the help of which you can install a talisman on several people at once. Such spells are used for families when it is necessary to protect each family member from various dangers and the influence of evil people.

To be able to place a family verbal amulet, you will need to first prepare:

  • a lock of hair from the head of each person requiring protection;
  • one wax candle bought for a great holiday in the temple;
  • a small piece of white fabric;
  • natural red thread (preferably wool).

After laying out all the strands of hair on a piece of paper, light a candle. You should hold it so that the wax drips onto the spread out curls of hair. At the same time, you need to read the charm charm:

“From now on, I am putting up a talisman for my family, creating a reliable and bright stronghold for everyone. It’s not a house, not a wall, but strong protective words against evil and envy. Anyone with evil thoughts against the servants of God (list the names of each family member whose strand of hair lies on the fabric) will receive rebuff from the protective shield and will find shelter for himself in the cemetery. Whoever touches the servants of God (list all the names again) with an envious glance, everything will be returned to him a hundredfold. From now on and forever, let there be no people who would go against my family. May my words forever become a faithful wall, a reliable shield, a strong fence against evil, various misfortunes, evil people and envious neighbors. I speak, I speak, I speak, in strong words. Amen.".

After the words of the conspiracy have been spoken, in order for the amulet to act and help all family members in life, you need to wrap a cloth with hair and wax spread on it. Having tied the bundle with thread, hide it in the most secluded place, away from prying eyes.

Shield for housing

Very often, amulets are read under church holidays to enhance the effects of verbal magic. The most powerful protective spells are read on Pokrov. On this day, all Orthodox Christians and many Slavic descendants around the world glorify the miraculous appearance of the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary and conduct fortune telling. And since she is the patroness of all mothers, unmarried girls, children and all those in need, this day is considered suitable for conducting various rituals and applying amulets.

To place a talisman under the Veil on your own home (house or apartment), you will need:

First, wash the floors throughout the house very thoroughly. Then fumigate every corner of your home with the smoke of the fragrant collection. And, facing the eastern side, you need to pronounce the following charm charm:

“Let our mansions be bright and blessed. Let our house be full of Gods, let us keep it from evil, misfortune, the envy of neighbors, and other evil. So that every crack, board, hole, wall, door and window is protected by the forces of heaven. Stand in the Pokrov circle of our house, a high stone fence, a strong iron wall!”

Universal amulet shield from various troubles

This charm charm is one of the universal ones that can be applied to all occasions in life to protect oneself from troubles, enemies, damage, evil people, gossip, failures, etc.

To ask Perun for protection from all sorts of misfortunes, you need to go out into the wasteland at dawn and, raising your open palms to the sky, say to the rising sun:

“Like water, drops cannot break through rain, like snow strong ice If you don’t break me, so I (say your name), protected by the name of the Great Perun, cannot be pierced by swords, knives and arrows. So that the enemy's eye does not jinx me, so that an evil word does not hurt me, so that my flesh is stronger than the lying Alatyr Stone, the flame of the Burning Fire. Like water bubbles, it pushes out the air, so that everything evil bounces off me - slander, bad words, speeches of envy, and dashing looks. Let my conspiracy be a strong talisman from now on!”

Amulet plot for a successful journey

To summon good luck on the road, you can place a special amulet before leaving. Such protective words help to install an energy shield on a person who is going on a long journey, so that good luck accompanies him along the way.

Before leaving your home, you need to say the following words:

“I’m calling you, my Guardian Angel, come with me! Go, my Guardian Angel, before me, I will follow, and Jesus Christ will follow me. Almighty Lord, be above me, and the archangels on my sides. Save and save! Amen."

Plot to prevent an accident

If you are worried about the road and want to protect yourself from trouble and accidents, under the Veil you can cast a talisman spell that will provide protection for the whole year in advance. In the morning, on a holiday, you should pour some water into a not very deep bowl. Bending over the filled container, whisper the words of prayer so that you can touch the water with your breath:

“Just as a drop of dew cannot stay on a birch tree, so let neither an evil eye, nor an envious one, nor an evil wish linger on me. Cover me, O Pokrov, with a veil from all troubles, misfortunes, troubles, misfortunes and evil people. Let it be so from now on! Amen."

After this, you need to wash your face with the charmed water. As a rule, such a talisman is valid for a whole year, until the next holiday of the Intercession.

A conspiracy to ward off enemies from home

Like the previous amulet plot, this one security text read under the Intercession. Saying on the eve happy holiday so strong magic words, you can install strong and reliable protection against thieves. It will operate for a whole year, keeping thieves away from your home (and even when you're away).

To carry out the ritual and read the plot, you will need a homemade amulet on which to place a talisman. It is advisable to make it under the Veil from a handful of dried nettles. Having made a small amulet and filled it with dried leaves, read the protective words of the spell over the product:

“I’ll leave the house and cross the threshold. I’ll throw away my wallet over the threshold. Every passerby who has eyes and has seen the faces of the Lord Almighty will not be able to offend me - he will not take or steal from me, he will not take anything from me, will not take away anything. If anyone dares to rob me, at that hour he will stop seeing and say goodbye to his belly. Just as a copper castle becomes golden, so does my conspiracy become empty. Word by word, the front ones are forward, the rear ones are back, and the middle ones are in between. The Protection and the Lord will protect my house!”

The charmed amulet should be placed in a secret place closer to the front door. If you do everything correctly, it will protect your house and keep thieves away from it for a whole year, until the next Veil comes.

Spell to attract good luck and happiness

Unlike previous rituals, which are carried out under the Intercession, this one must be performed on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. On July 6, every person can read conspiracies for all occasions, including to attract good luck and happiness. For people who placed such a talisman, their lives improved in a matter of days. If you also want to attract happiness and good luck to yourself, do the following.

On the summer evening of July 6, when girls begin to conduct fortune telling, go to a river or lake. Having taken off your shoes, go into the water and, splashing yourself from the reservoir, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The first tree will be Elijah, and the second will be Vitriol, and the third will be a pretend tree, submissive to the Heavenly Father himself. So let happiness and good luck also come to me, let the servant of God (your name) submit under that feigned tree, obedient to the Most High Father himself. Just as there is a fern under that tree, and great happiness lives there and grows to the fern, so let it grow to me, the servant of God (again my name), grow to my flesh. Anyone who knows and reads this conspiracy on the bright day of Ivanov calls for happiness and good luck. My speeches are strong, I lock them, I lock them tightly with a key. Amen."

This text must be said nine times in a row. After saying the words of prayer for good luck and happiness, you can put on your shoes and go home. The main thing is not to wipe away water that gets on your face and body. You need to wait for the water drops to dry on their own on the way home.

Conspiracies for successful trading

Like other magic spells and prayers, every day spells and amulets for successful trading are popular. Such texts help increase sales and, consequently, the quality of your own life due to increased profits. One of these conspiracies for good luck in sales should be read by the seller before leaving home for work.

Standing in front of the threshold, you need to voice the following words of the conspiracy:

“The Lord’s Son, the Savior Jesus Christ, bearing human needs in the flesh, walked the earth and bought what was needed, took his money with his own hands, and the Holy Spirit protected him. Understand my need, save my goods and make sales profitable. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Such a talisman will make trade more successful, help preserve goods and protect the seller from thieves. It can be read daily when man walking trade.

A powerful spell for successful sales

Like the previous conspiracy, this one is aimed at making trade more successful and attracting good luck to this area. The seller must pronounce it before leaving home for his workplace.

“I will pray to the Lord God and the Mother of God. Protect me, the servant of God (say your name), deliver me from troubles and misfortunes, all kinds of bad weather, evil people and envious neighbors, dark spirits. Before these petitions addressed to the Lord and Mother of God, help, Nicholas the Wonderworker! From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Charm the amulet for successful trading

The amulet can be both verbal and objective. In this case, protective words for successful trading are written down on a piece of paper and tied with a red thread. This amulet is kept in the place where a person carries out trade. However, the piece of paper with the conspiracy must be kept where no one will find it or be able to read it.

The following words of the conspiracy are written on a piece of paper:

“A bright shepherd with horns walks across the sky, tending his sheep from morning until evening. He grazes them, but cannot count them. Just as that shepherd’s horned sheep cannot be counted forever, so let me, the servant of God (my name), have so much money that it will not be possible to count them. There is a beehive in an open field. Just as bees fill that hive with pollen, so let my buyers replenish my treasury, make my trade successful, and fill my wallet with money. Just as everyone looks at the moon and admires the stars, so let every buyer admire my goods, buy them all up. Let it be so from now on! Amen".

A conspiracy to protect yourself from an accident on the road

No less popular than other protective conspiracies is the conspiracy against accidents. Allowing protection from sudden death or accident, it is read by the driver in the morning when he gets into the car.

You need to pronounce such words of a charm-talisman.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the world wishes each other well. For this reason in everyday life Many negative attacks are carried out on the biofield of each person. These attacks are carried out both by ill-wishers, envious people and enemies, and by dark entities from the subtle world. People with a biofield thinned as a result of constant stress are especially vulnerable to such invasions.

To avoid the consequences of negative impacts on the biofield and repel attacks from the outside, protection is needed. With the help of special conspiracies, you can form an energy barrier through which no evil can penetrate. But what protective conspiracies are provided by white magic? Can you only protect yourself or does the spell extend to your family and friends? Is it possible to protect against harmful effects house and other movable and immovable personal property? What did the great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga say about this?
Find answers to each of these questions in our article.

White magic: the most powerful conspiracies and rituals

In white magic, protective spells and amulets against evil and enemies exist in a huge range. Existing spells allow the sorcerer to protect:

  • yourself;
  • own children;
  • close relatives and friends;
  • movable and immovable property.

Depending on the period of origin, white protective spells are classified as follows:

  • Pagan - conspiracies created and developed in ancient times and aimed at calling Higher Powers Nature. Before performing a pagan ritual, it is recommended to spend more time in nature. Natural reservoirs and springs are especially charged with natural energy;
  • Prayer - conspiracies constructed on the basis of prayer texts of the dominant world religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Such texts retain the melody of prayer, an appeal to God or Great Saints. It is important to take into account that only a person belonging to the religion of the ritual can use conspiracies of this category. For example, if an Orthodox spell is used, the caster must be baptized. Before performing a religious ceremony, it is necessary to fast for a week, visit houses of worship and undergo a repentance procedure;
  • Mixed (combined) - the result of the work of modern adherents of white magic. They combine elements of prayer and pagan conspiracies. The legacy of the great Vanga belongs to similar spells.

Attention! A white protection spell can only be considered a spell that is not aimed at causing harm to anyone. World esotericists do not recommend getting involved in black magic because of the danger associated with the call of dark forces and the “boomerang effect.”

Protection for yourself

The easiest way is to patch up the gap in your own energy field, because, as they say, there is no better healer for yourself than the person himself. Protective conspiracies for yourself are as follows:

Ritual to protect a person from weeds

This sacrament will not only help to form protection against negative attacks of the biofield in the future, but also if a curse has already been imposed on the sorcerer, it can be eliminated. The only difficulty is for this ritual you need your own garden. Therefore, villagers or summer residents can read the conspiracy in question. To carry out the ritual during the waning moon, you need to pluck all the weeds from the garden, bed or flower bed. The collected grass is divided into 3 parts, each of which is given the shape of a cross. Over the next 3 days, the grass is dried. On the 4th day, you should burn the weeds, saying:

“As the grass dries up, so the black word on the tongue dies away. As the grass has dried up, so have the words dried up!”

Conspiracy “Protection for amulet”

The ritual is performed on metal, wooden or stone products. The amulet is chosen depending on what area of ​​his life the sorcerer wants to protect. If this is trade, a figurine of a toad, a coin, or a figurine of Buddha will do. The love sphere is qualitatively protected by rings, semi gems(according to your zodiac sign). It is recommended to choose an icon, a wooden ring or a red thread as a talisman to protect health. In order to enchant a chosen item for protection, you need to keep it under your pillow for 3 nights in a row while you sleep. During this time, the object being charmed will get used to the energy of the owner. On the 4th day, you should take the amulet in your hands, stroke it and say the following spell:

“[Name of thing], I will cherish you, walk with you around the world, show you the world and tell you fables. I will protect you from the burning heat, I will hide you from the eyes of strangers - so you protect me from dark intent, from evil words, from a sidelong glance and from the barefoot demon! In the name of the Father Moon and Mother Earth, a talisman and a person are inseparable forever!”

An object enchanted in this way should be carried with you and never parted with it.

Protection spell for an Angel figurine

For the ritual you need to purchase a figurine of a winged Angel. You need to choose it with your soul; whichever one you like the most, buy that one. At home, the figurine must be placed in a well-lit space and left there for 3 days. On the day of the sacrament, you should take the figurine in your hands and say the following spell:

“A light-winged angel flies over the earth - protects my sinful soul. Angel, Angel! Protect from troubles, tell me where to go. If there's trouble on the left, don't take me there. If there are enemies on the right, take me away from them! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

The enchanted figurine is placed in the caster's bedroom - at the head of his bed. Every time you leave the house you should turn to the figure:

“My good angel! Be with me even outside the house! I’m leaving my home - I’m inviting my Guardian Angel with me.”

Spell for protection from dangerth

This spell does not require any special ritual. The main condition when reading a conspiracy is the reader’s absolute confidence in his own security. The spell is cast every morning, immediately after waking up.

The text is:

“The Holy Spirit showed me the way, the dark spirit sent me alarm.The all-good Lord will protect from the evil one, sanctify the path, and quench evil and anxiety. The Lord is Holy, the Lord is Mighty! Grant me protection Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Attention - important feature! When performing rituals for personal protection from dark forces, the sorcerer must remain in good mood. Negativity directed into space can neutralize the effect of a light spell or prayer. You should also take a responsible approach to choosing a place to hold the sacrament. Places with obviously bad energy are not suitable for such an event - cemeteries, hospitals, hospices, former homes of suicides, and so on. The plot should be read in a dimly lit, clean room with good ventilation. There should be no strangers in the room during the protective ritual.

Spells and amulets for children

Children - especially the smallest ones - are most vulnerable to negative impacts on the energy field. A child traumatized at the energetic level begins to get sick and becomes restless. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to read conspiracies to protect children not only for practical, but also for preventive purposes.

The most powerful children's protective spells are the following:

  • Bath ritual. This sacrament belongs to the so-called “whispers” - short pagan conspiracies. The children float in the bathhouse saying: “Lada-Ladushka, brave mother, white swan, son Lelyushka soared, evaporated all troubles. Ladushka, kind mother, left some water for my child [Name] too, so that no trouble would happen!”;
  • Conspiracy-protection from evil people. The spell should be read by the mother when escorting the child to kindergarten, school, etc. The text of the spell to protect the child is as follows: “Lord Almighty! Forgive the sins of Your servant [Your name], in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen! The Mother of God, the Most Pure and Comely Virgin, descended to earth. She looked at my baby [Child's name] and wrapped him in her hem. And in the hem of the Mother of God - silence, grace, yes sweet dream. And as soon as the Mother of God releases my child, she will send a Guardian Angel after him, so that no demon, no devil, no evil person will offend him. And now, and forever, and forever and ever, Amen!”. After reading the plot, the mother must sign her child with the sign of the cross three times, then kiss him on the forehead;
  • Spell on a button (as a protective amulet). To carry out the ritual, the button is thoroughly washed, cleaned and blessed with church candle(it is enough to hold it for half a minute on the flame of a temple candle). Then the sorceress brings the button to her lips and whispers to it: “Protect my child from absolute evil, from evil people and from filthy devils. As long as you are with him, trouble is not terrible, evil speech is not terrible, Amen!” The enchanted button should be sewn to the child’s clothes with strong threads;
  • Coming to bed. If a child does not sleep well, you can read the following protective spell: “The guardian angel brings sleep, takes baby [Name] to the world of miracles. The baby will sleep sweetly and have wonderful dreams. You won’t dream of a nightmare, bad things won’t happen!”

Important! Only a female relative can read conspiracies to protect a child under 14 years of age. Ideally, this should be his mother, but if the mother’s energy field is weakened (illness, apathy, bad mood) or she is not naturally strong in magic, the offspring’s grandmother or aunt can perform the ceremony. Adult protective conspiracies are read to protect a child over 14 years of age.

How to protect your home?

In the practice of white magic, there are a great many conspiracies for protection own home and property. Below are the most effective of them:

  • The simplest conspiracy to protect your home from enemies and evil people. For the ritual you will need a broom or broom. The threshold of the house is swept three times under a repeating spell: “I sweep away, I drive away diseases! Evil eyes are beyond the threshold, envious people are beyond the gates, enemies are beyond the horizon. Amen!". Garbage should be swept outside the threshold, carefully collected and thrown onto the nearest road, without bringing it into the house;
  • Conspiracy from thieves (for a year). A simple sacrament that will help preserve valuables stored at home and keep thieves and intruders out of the door. During the waxing moon, a white handkerchief is purchased from natural fabric and a thin red church candle. At night, the scarf is hung on the balcony or outside the window (provided that the window is open). At dawn, the scarf is removed and the candle is lit. A scarf is passed over the open flame of a candle three times in a cross-shaped motion (the fabric should not burn). At the same time, the following prayer text is pronounced: “As Jesus Christ, our Savior, walked from Jerusalem, so it took 12 months to meet him. “Where are you going?” - asked the Lord. “We are going to baptized Rus' - to protect honest people, to protect them from the evil one.” The Lord commanded them: “Go, protect the baptized people, turn away the thieves.” That’s not what I, the servant of God [His name], said - that’s what the Holy One told. It was not written by me, but it was indicated by the Lord’s Finger. Don't go into my yard, thief! Don't put your feet beyond my threshold! For the Lord is with me and his faithful servants - 12 months! And now, and ever, and unto ages of ages - Amen!” At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, it is necessary to hide all jewelry made of precious metal in this scarf;
  • A conspiracy to protect against uninvited guests. Not every person welcomes uninvited guests. To turn such individuals away from the threshold of his home, the sorcerer should read the following: “I defend myself with the Lord’s Word and distance myself from uninvited guests. Go, uninvited, go, alien, omnipresent, bringing evil! You are not welcome here - look for another shelter! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Amen!” After reading, the spell is written down on a piece of paper and placed in a secluded place in the hallway.

Important to remember! These protection spells must be cast without malicious intent. Otherwise, they can already be classified as black magic, the inept use of the principles of which can lead to disastrous consequences.

From Vanga

The rich esoteric heritage of the great healer Vanga includes protective rituals. The most powerful conspiracies and prayers, protection from evil and the evil eye, amulets from all troubles from Vanga are presented below:

  • A conspiracy to protect against failure and attract prosperity read in clear weather, the sun should not be hidden behind the clouds. In the process of casting the spell, you need to “embrace” the sunlight, that is, stand in front of the sun with your arms open for an embrace. At the same time, on left hand there should be a red thread tied, in the right - clamped pectoral cross. The text of the conspiracy is as follows : "Sun! Just as you illuminate the Earth with light, give me luck too! Just as your rays bring warmth, so they will protect me from adversity! From now on and forever - Luck follows me! Amen!". After reading the spell, the caster must kneel, raise his hands folded in prayer to the luminary and say: “Thank you, Sun, for your strength and energy! Thank you, Heaven, for your protection and grace!”;
  • A plot to protect the house from Vanga. For the sacrament you will need spring water and a homemade broom made of straw and branches. The water must be boiled and waited for it to cool completely. Then the liquid is poured into a transparent container, which is placed on the floor at the feet of the caster. The caster reads out the spell: “Let the spring water wash away impurities, wash away bad luck, wash away the curse. As soon as the walls are washed, my threshold will not be crossed at once.” Then the broom should be dipped in the prepared water and sprinkled with it all the corners of your home;
  • Protective amulet from the great soothsayer. In spring, you need to cut off several branches of rowan. Vanga did not recommend breaking thick fruit-bearing branches - you should not harm the tree. To make a talisman, thin rowan twigs are enough. Chopped rowan twigs should be intertwined with a green satin ribbon like a braid. At the end of the work, the structure is looped using three nodes. This way you should get a bracelet. Then the amulet for good luck and protection is left for some time in a place inaccessible to strangers, until the branches are completely dry. The finished amulet can be worn as a decoration on your hand, or attached to your keys or bag - like a keychain. The protective amulet is valid for 12 months, after which it should be replaced;
  • Amulet prayer (prayer spell) from Vanga. To protect yourself from dark forces, you can use the personal prayer of the great soothsayer: "God! I rely only on you in difficult times! Don't let my luck desert me at this difficult moment! Let all my goals become achievable - because only thanks to you I can achieve them! Let all the evil directed at me go through the mirror into another world, and here it will not harm me or anyone else! Be my protection, Lord! Amen!". When pronouncing this prayer spell, the caster must choose a permanent talisman for good luck and protection. Nai best effect give precious stones and precious metals. In particular, better protection Vanga herself recognized silver from dark forces and energies.

Important nuance! The Great Vanga was very sensitive to candles. In her opinion, the combination of flame and wax is the magical quintessence that attracts positive energy and dispels spells. For this reason, during any ritual, blessed church candles must be burned to protect person or property. There must be an odd number of candles (except 13).

Often in our lives we find ourselves in situations where, in our opinion, only a miracle can help us. Not all people can and want to cope with the adversity and troubles that visit them. In search of a way out, people often turn to faith and pray to the Lord to guide them on the path out of a difficult situation. Believers say a talisman prayer to prevent the onset of trouble. When turning to God in difficult times, people often do it subconsciously.

If a person doesn't know very well sacred texts, then a prayer book will always come to the rescue. It also contains advice on how to pray correctly. Many people use material amulets, which are designed to protect their owner. As they say knowledgeable people, the main thing is to believe, and then they will definitely help.

History of Prayer

Since ancient times, people have firmly believed in the power of the word, and the amulet-prayer has accompanied a person in his life for several millennia. With the help of various conspiracies, as well as appeals to the deities in which people believed, man tried to create protection for himself and his loved ones from dark forces. And this is not an empty phrase: words have power because they have a material essence, and this has been proven by scientists. If you pronounce certain phrases with faith in them, then they will certainly come true in reality.

Rules for reading prayer

All prayers are read in compliance with the same principles, and when pronouncing them, certain actions should be performed. When pronouncing the Holy Names of the Lord and the Mother of God, it is necessary to be baptized in the same way as when pronouncing the following words: “Father”, “Son”, “Holy Spirit”, “Amen”. At the same time, you need to read prayer words and be baptized as many times as possible. After prayer, it is recommended to kiss the cross five times. This figure was chosen for a reason: it is due to the five wounds of Jesus (four from the crucifixion, one from a spear under the ribs).

Main protective prayers

A protective prayer is read on any object, including water that is drunk and used for washing, thus achieving a healing miraculous result. You will always have your prayer with you if you write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you. Any of them must be permeated with your feelings, ardent and sincere faith - that’s when it will be effective. The words of the protective prayer: “Do not allow me, O Lord, temptation or sorrow or illness beyond my strength, but deliver me from them or grant me the strength to endure them with gratitude.”

The most common prayers for protection from troubles of any nature contain appeals to Jesus Christ and to the Mother of God (with an appeal to her Protection). The prayer uses words about salvation and help. In the same way, in all difficult situations they turn to their Guardian Angel.

To receive protection from violence in prison, there is a special prayer addressed to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. There is another prayer that fills with strength - to the righteous Job the Long-Suffering.

If you have a long journey ahead, especially railway or by plane, then turn to it is believed that this prayer is a talisman on the road, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker protects those who are on the road. An akathist to Saint Nicholas will help you on your journey. It will help you overcome all the difficulties on the road, such as traffic jams or turbulence on the plane.

Prayer can save you from despondency; with its help, a person can improve his mood and attitude towards life, get rid of melancholy, anger or sadness. Reading such prayers in the morning from 9:00 to 10:00 is especially effective.

Prayer from the evil eye

Prayer helps protect a person from the influence of bad energy - a talisman against the evil eye. The evil eye is a stream of targeted negative information that is created by the emotions of envy or anger. Often the evil eye is accidental, when harm to a person’s health (malaise, feeling that they wish harm to the person) is caused involuntarily. Prayer against the evil eye can protect against evil influences at the energetic level. The best effect from reading it occurs on Wednesdays and Fridays. One of the options for reading a prayer against the evil eye is to say it silently, looking straight into the eyes of the potential offender. The ill-wisher reacts instantly, and the evil directed at you will not cause harm.

It helps a lot against the evil eye if done in the following way: you need to fill a container with water, throw a pinch of salt into it, light a match, cross the water with a burning match, saying three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Break off the burnt part of the match three times, throw the broken part into the water, and above the water read the words written below nine times.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save (name) from every eye, from bad times, from women's, from men's, from children's, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation."

Conspiracy against damage

A prayer talisman can also help against damage caused. If you have begun to pay attention to excessive irritability, a depressed state, then perhaps the reason for this is not a physical illness, but someone else’s bad impact towards you on an energetic level. Hexing is a ritual of black magic, known since ancient times and used by witches in order to weaken the victim and bring harm to her. Victims have difficulty sleeping and often have nightmares. Against the background of damage, diseases can develop; a person is constantly in an anxious state, unbalanced, preoccupied with premonitions of trouble, and losing luck. A good indicator of damage caused is the strange behavior of animals towards the injured person: the animals are afraid or show aggression. Attitude loved one can change quite dramatically. This may indicate that he was “pushed away” from you. Finally, if you find foreign objects (needles, soil, sand, hair) near you (at home, at work, on clothes), these may be objects through which damage has been caused, which means you should be vigilant and get rid of them.

It is difficult to treat damage, but prayer - a talisman against damage - can help restore health. One example of getting rid of an illness is a water spell. First, the prayer “Our Father” is read over the water, then a request and appeal to the saints should follow for their prayer to the Lord, for the forgiveness of the sins of the servant of God (name of the patient), then it is necessary to read the prayer to the Cross, and only after these actions, pronounce a spell over the water.

Forty strong amulet

The “forty strong amulet” prayer is a spell that is built on an appeal to the forty holy martyrs and provides protection from enemies. At the same time, troubles and illnesses (including illness and damage) can be warded off from the whole family with the help of this prayer. For this amulet to work, no special conditions are needed. It is enough to purchase the icon “The Forty Martyrs of the Saints of Sebaste” and read the amulet over this image near a lit church candle. The protection should be renewed once every six months; this amulet prayer can be recited on amulets and keychains, which you can give to your loved ones and relatives so that they carry them with them.

Don't let evil enter your life...

Evil surrounds a person, probably from the beginning of his adult independent life. That’s when ill-wishers, envious work colleagues, public transport with a crowd of sometimes dissatisfied and irritated people, not to mention rivals in love... Many sincerely wish us harm, and we must be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from envy, anger, bad wishes, and there are many reasons for human hatred: from your youth to prosperity.

Your personal qualities - modesty, restraint and dispassion - sometimes help better than prayers, amulets, and conspiracies. It is by behaving with restraint, without bragging about anything, that you can avoid the envy of others. Wish yourself, all your loved ones, and just strangers on the street happiness - and you will do good, and by doing this regularly and with all your heart, you will notice that life around you miraculously changes, and relationships are strengthened. After all, if you want to change something in your life, you need to start with yourself; by changing your character, you change the world around us and his attitude towards you. People subconsciously feel the mood and thoughts of others - you cannot deceive them. Say spell words every day to improve relationships with people, for example: “My environment is caring and friendly people,” “I love everyone around me, and they love me,” etc.


If you are a believer, then a cross and a prayer to protect you from evil will help you. Prosphora, which is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, can also serve as an excellent protection against bad influences. Among the prayers, the priests consider the Ninetieth Psalm to be especially effective, which should be read by you before each time you leave the house. It is also recommended to read “Prayer for protection from enemies visible and invisible”, “On the increase of love”, “On those who hate and offend us”. If possible, order the magpie “On Health” for yourself or your loved ones in church, so that the Lord will protect and help in good endeavors. Very in a good way to put up protection is to order an indestructible psalter about health. This amulet-prayer provides round-the-clock protection without interruption. It is pronounced in monasteries, and it is very strong, softens hearts and appeases God.

Some effective techniques against evil influences

If frequent contacts with people scare you and you are afraid of negativity, then protective prayer is an excellent way to protect yourself, but you should not forget about behavior. For example, about crossing arms and legs when communicating with strangers. You can also mentally build a ball-shaped shell around yourself that will protect you, and it is best to imagine that it is purple or silver (it is believed that these colors are optimal in this case). Every time you communicate, imagine that the ball repels the negative energy of the interlocutor from you, if any is directed towards you.

Many of us enlist the support of talismans, amulets or amulets, trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones from troubles or in order to attract good luck, happiness and financial well-being. So, strong prayer helps create powerful protection, thereby protecting us from any adversity.

Our ancestors were confident that with the help of thoughts and phrases addressed to the Almighty and the saints, we could protect ourselves, protect our loved ones from enemies and envious people. How to read the amulet prayer correctly, and what they are, you will learn from this publication.

The power of prayer to the Almighty

Prayerful appeal to the Lord is one of the most the most ancient ways influence on human destiny. It’s worth noting one important thing right away - prayers can make changes in life path the one praying, and not another person, as happens when performing a love spell using black magic.

In turn, the amulet prayer can be used by people who want to protect their family and friends.

Praying correctly

Saying protective prayers out loud or silently is a personal matter. Each of us turns to the Almighty as he sees fit. And yet, in order for the prayer to protect your home and family to have an effect, you should adhere to the following advice:

  1. It is recommended to read amulets prayers with a pure soul and sincere motives. If you want to protect your family from harm, reading a bunch of words will not work. Sincere faith will create a miracle.
  2. When turning to the Servants with prayers to protect your home and family, find out about each saint, how he helps people, so that it does not turn out that you are asking to protect children from illnesses from the face of that saint from whom you need to ask for the repose of the human soul.
  3. When saying protective prayers, you need to ask the Almighty not only for yourself, but also for your husband, children and relatives, who also deserve God’s Grace. This is what the Psalm says, the Divine book. Ask the saints to give you wisdom, patience and health, thanks to which you will be able to survive all the troubles and misfortunes destined for you by the Powers from Above.
  4. You should not read amulets prayers while in a bad mood. Thus, a prayer spell is pronounced only when a person fully opens his soul and heart to the Lord, having gotten rid of anger, malice and resentment.
  5. The protective prayer is read at any time of the day or night. To protect your home and your loved ones with the help of a prayerful appeal to the Almighty, you don’t need to go to church at all. It is only important to open up to him and trust him, telling him about your problems.

Prayers for home protection

Often the danger threatens not the person himself, but his home. Black magic is a terrible thing. So, witches, when they want to harm a person, resort to damage or the evil eye, directing it at a house with the goal that the house becomes cursed and “takes away” the life energy of its owner. But for this, however, you need to greatly upset the sorcerer, since causing damage and the evil eye at home are complex processes that require considerable investment vital energy and time. In this case, even the strongest prayer spells will not work. First of all, you should get rid of the curse placed on the house. And only after this can you, with peace of mind, put up a prayer shield that will protect both the house itself and its residents.

In order not to expose yourself to such danger and not to become a victim of a spell at home, you need to put a prayer shield-amulet on your home or on each family member individually - son, daughter, spouse, which you will learn about a little later.

There are a huge number of rituals that help protect a home from harm and the evil eye. All of them are incapable of having any other effect, not on the person who is saying the prayer appeal, nor on the enemies from whom the “prayer protective shield” is placed. We bring to your attention the most powerful prayer amulets.

First prayer

Before you start this simple ritual, you need to get a special candle. You should buy it for the Easter holiday, go to the temple and light it there. After one minute, we blow out the candle and go home with it. So, rituals with such a candle do not have to be carried out on the days of Great Easter, the main thing is to “make” a special candle on this holiday.

When you feel that something bad is happening in your home, light this candle and walk with it around your house (apartment) clockwise, making 12 circles. During the “walk-around”, we cross each corner of the room and say the following words:

“Father of Hosts, I will forgive you for your protection. Establish the Cross of Crosses from heaven to my dear land. Protect us and our house from harm, protect us from the evil eye. The House of Christ is the Lord's cover. I ask the Most Holy Theotokos for protection. Let all the holy servants of God come to the defense of my house. Protect us from this terrible disease, all vile adversaries. Hear my compassionate prayers. Don't give up on a difficult moment. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Second prayer

You can also use prayer to St. John to protect yourself from enemies and all evil spirits. To do this, you will need a church candle, with which you need to walk around the entire house three times from left to right. In this case, the following words should be read at each corner:

“I bow to God’s servant John with prayer requests. His holy servants-warriors, come to our aid, protect us from trouble, illness and all the machinations of the unclean. Protect my house from adversity. Don't leave me in a difficult moment. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Prayer spells to protect children

Every mother cares about her child and does everything to ensure that nothing bad happens to him. You can provide your baby with protection from the negative energy of dark forces and the other eye by using special amulets and saving rituals. But the problem is that amulets can accumulate not only positive energy, these magical objects are also capable of attracting negative energy, and therefore using such a thing to protect a child is extremely undesirable. There is an easier way out - read amulets every day.

Read prayers every day - amulets to protect the child

You can find different spells that are read at different times of the day.

Morning prayer amulet

As soon as your child wakes up, sit next to him and read these prayer words:

“Let my Son of the Lord (name of the child) never know a terrible disease. Let all damned enemies and dark tricks always bypass him. May the Holy servants of God protect him throughout his life. Hear my compassionate prayers. Don't give up on a difficult moment. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Evening prayer amulet

In the evening, when your child goes to bed, you need to read the following conspiracy speeches:

“Place yourself in a soft cradle, then turn on your side. Go to sleep, dear (darling), and don’t be afraid of anything. Neither evil spirits, nor cursed tongues, nor dark forces will disturb your sweet sleep. I ask the Most Holy Theotokos for your protection. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May everything I pray for come true. Amen"

This devotional will help protect a baby's sleep, just as it will protect a teenager's sleep. Prayer rituals of this kind protect against nightmares, help to get a good night's sleep and gain vital energy.

Amulet prayer before an important event

This prayer incantation is pronounced on the eve of a significant event in the child’s life. Such amulets prayers are suitable for both newborn children and teenagers. Every child needs divine protection and parental care, so do not forget to read these most powerful prayer amulets.

So, on the eve of a serious test or important event, sit down next to the child and quietly say the following words: “Heavenly angel, who has been protecting my child since birth. I ask you for help. May all the holy servants and you, Guardian Angel, provide protection to my child. Protect, Angel, from all serious illnesses, from all enemies, evil and all the tricks of the unclean. Drive away, Angel, with your heavenly sword all this evil spirits. From birth to today, you, Angel, served me faithfully and truly, so don’t drive me away now, on this day, at this difficult moment for us. Hear my compassionate prayers. Help me protect my dear blood. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Prayer spells from enemies

In the life of almost all of us we meet enemies. If in life everything turns out the way you want it, then you probably already have ill-wishers who will not miss the opportunity to harm you.

To protect yourself from negative energy from enemies and not lose luck, you can use a prayer appeal to the Lord. Such protection was used by our ancestors as a talisman against the evil of people with unclean souls.

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To protect themselves from enemies and their evil, some people resort to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Mother of our Lord will never turn away from the human soul, which needs protection from evil and asks for justice. So, in order to receive the protection of the Mother of God, you should start every morning by reading the following prayer:

“Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you, hear my prayers. You, our Heavenly Mother, got up early and read a prayer service for your son Christ: “Be you, my desired son, under the gaze of our Lord, the Creator of our universe. Let him protect you from everyone, protect you from unclean evil. May His protection always be with you. Let his holy servants watch you everywhere and not let you go into sorrow.” The Guardian Angel heard this prayer appeal and conveyed these prayers to our Almighty Almighty. Help me too to avoid the fate of anger, condescend to me with your grace. To avoid uncleanness and evil in your home. And I will ask the Most Holy Theotokos for the same thing, help. Hear me, a sinner, our glorious worshipers, listen to my prayers and convey them to the Lord Almighty. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

We ask St. John for protection from the enemy

You can protect yourself from ill-wishers by praying to St. John. This option is only suitable for protection against one specific enemy whose name you know. It is important to remember one Divine rule: if you know for sure that someone wants to cause you trouble, you do not need to get angry and harm this person. Despite his evil thoughts, pray to the Lord and his servants that warm feelings reign in his soul and that hatred and malice disappear. This prayer protection-amulet does not apply to the rituals of inducing damage and magical hexes of vengeance. No need to be afraid negative consequences, they are missing.

The ceremony is carried out in Orthodox Church. You need to confess to a clergyman on the eve of the service, thereby purifying your soul. Afterwards we purchase a candle and stand throughout the service, mentally asking the Lord for protection. As soon as the service is over, we light a candle near the image of St. John and say the following words:

“Our Most Holy Servant of God, John, you have pacified the power of the enemy, pacify the disposition, the heart and soul of my enemy (name of the enemy).”

After reading the prayer, you need to bow to the face of this saint nine times.

Protective plot from evil people

If at work you encounter envy and the evil eye of your enemies, then a good, reliable prayer will protect you from slander and evil. Such a protection-amulet from dark personalities will protect you from evil tongues and will not allow anger to take over your soul.

Needed every morning, before showing up for work or educational institution(if you are overcome by evil tongues at the institute, etc.), go to the window, cross yourself three times and quietly pronounce the following words:

“Mother of God, our Shrine. You cover everyone with your cover and protect everyone from evil thoughts. From small to great, all who believe in Your power receive blessings from You. Whatever the soul is, you hear and understand it. I ask you to hear my prayers too. Pray for my sinful soul before the Lord, our Father Almighty. Protect me from everything harmful, protect me from enemies and evil tongues. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

This prayer spell is very powerful; it can protect you from all kinds of negative energy. To increase its power, you can resort to the help of other protective prayers. These protective prayer messages can be read as often as you like, anywhere and at any time.

Prayer amulets to protect the family

Today you can encounter such dark magicians who are capable of not only poisoning the life of their enemy, but also sending a curse on his entire family. There are many reasons why a dark magician might resort to using this terrible weapon. However, even such a powerful curse can be prevented.

To protect yourself from terrible generational damage, you need to read prayer spells every day, in the morning. The main condition is that while reading the prayer there is not a single living soul next to you.

Prayer amulet

Here is one such prayer that is suitable for all occasions. It can be read standing at the face of a saint or simply standing near a window at dawn. So, directing our thoughts to the Lord, we say the following words:

“There is a white fish swimming in the sea, in the ocean. Just as it is difficult for this living creature without water, let every enemy be heart-rending. Let all my living enemies not be able to penetrate the souls of my family and friends. So that the lives of my family are protected by you. Whoever happens to eat that white fish will be miserable: he won’t be able to live a moment or sleep a day. In the name of God, I ask you not to let anyone offend my family. Just as every scale adheres to a fish’s body, from the head to the tail, so may my family be healthy and of sound mind and memory. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Seven crosses

The ancient protection prayer “Seven Crosses” was used by our ancestors when they protected themselves from the unclean thoughts of people who were black at heart. It can be used for all occasions. If you are reading a conspiracy for the purpose of your own self-defense, then you need to pronounce it three times using your name. And when the “Seven Crosses” is used to protect relatives, the prayer appeal is read exactly as many times as you have relatives whom you want to protect.

Prayer amulets for all occasions

There are many other prayers and amulets that help resolve this or that situation.

Prayers-amulets for all occasions - help a person protect himself not only from a specific danger, but also protect him from all misfortunes that are induced by dark forces.

Protective prayer for drivers

There is one prayer that will help make the driver’s road easier and help save vehicle intact, preventing accidents. A life-saving prayer is said immediately before departure, and it sounds as follows:

“Our Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father. I turn to you with a prayer request. Help me overcome the road without difficulties and not damage my car. Protect my destiny from misfortunes and drive away bad thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

Prayer to combat any troubles

A prayer appeal to the Almighty, called “Angel of my birth,” helps in any difficult situation. life situation. So, immediately after waking up, without saying a single word, we read the words of the prayer: “Angel of my birth, descend to me and send your grace. Protect from troubles, illnesses and bad luck, unclean enemies and dark machinations. From unfaithful slander and abusive words, terrible ailments, dangerous poisons, animals in the dark thicket. Protect from the gaze of Herod and unclean warriors, furious malice and anger, bestial torn apart, starvation and cold. Help protect yourself from poverty and the dark gaze. Save my sinful soul. And when my hour of judgment comes, Guardian Angel come next to me. Stand at my head, ease my last suffering.”

Prayer against Anxiety

Many of us often feel the emotional distress of our family and friends. So, if you feel worried about yourself or your family, read the “Forty-Strong Amulet” spell and think about who you are sending protection to. This magical shield will protect against malice and the angry gaze of people with dark thoughts:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I repent and bow down to God’s forty servants. I bow to their holy hearts and heavenly souls. I bow to the forty holy lips and eyes. Oh, Great Heavenly Fathers, patrons of our sinful souls, holy righteous people. Just as you did not abandon Christ, the Son of God, in a difficult moment, did not betray His faith under torture, I turn with my prayer service to you, Worshipers. Save and preserve: From seventy-seven diseases, all kinds of terrible pains, the executioner in the night, fire and water. From death in vain, terrible death, evil-hearted power, treacherous friends and enemies. From vile denunciations, slander, damage and the evil eye. Become a talisman, strong, strong and blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ: at night, in the morning, daytime days. May everything I pray for come true. Amen".

And remember, our strength is in our faith! Take care of yourself and be happy!