Loft in the interior: description of style, choice of color, finishes, furniture and decor. Loft-style interior design - a step-by-step implementation Characteristic features of the direction

Thinking through the design and decoration of the house, many owners today are faced with huge selection options. Having a lot of ideas and styles really makes you break your head, and there is often not enough money to realize the desired result. In this case, designers recommend preferring the “well-forgotten old”, which is rapidly returning to fashion again.

Great choice will be the interior design of the house in the loft style.

Features and characteristics

It cannot be said that the loft is an absolute novelty in the world of interior design. This style originated in America back in the distant 50s. The lack of premises and new buildings forced the creative part of the population to equip their studios right in the attic or in industrial buildings. In order to somehow give the room a residential look, the owners went to all sorts of tricks, acquiring beautiful furniture and decorations. It was this incredible combination that gave rise to a new direction, which is recognized as one of the most fashionable today.

Loft style is a combination of negligence and fine taste, allowing you to think through to the smallest detail how the house will look like. Distinctive features of the direction are, first of all, large spaces and clear geometric shapes. You won't find many here. doorways and partitions, because the hallmark of the "loft" is space and freedom. Additionally, it is worth noting big windows allowing natural light to flood the room.

Decorating a country house in a loft style is an ideal solution for a creative and unusual personality. However, professionals recommend that you immediately pay attention to all the subtleties and think in advance about the location of various zones in your future home. It would also be useful to take into account the size of the house - with right approach both a one-story private house and a two-story small cottage will look spectacular.

Implying an abundance of space, the loft style will be appropriate in the original mini-houses, which confidently occupy their niche in the real estate market. Such premises are also called "domillons", and sometimes they have 1.5 floors. Thanks to practical layout, all areas of such a house can be used as efficiently as possible if you decorate it in a loft style. Choose simple shapes without overloading the facade of the house with unnecessary details.

Frame houses are just as good for experimentation. Firstly, such a house is being built very quickly, and its construction does not hit the wallet. Secondly, when a good specialist is involved, the house will stand for a long time and will please the owner with durability. It is worth considering that it will be impossible to redesign it, therefore, if you decide to design a loft-style dwelling, the internal layout must be done immediately. A good idea would be a frame country house, perfectly adapted for relaxation at any time of the year.

small wooden buildings perfectly convey the characteristic features of the direction. Logs can be used to decorate the outer part, because a slightly rough and uncouth look, coupled with the correctness of the lines, instantly attracts attention. The same can be said about the premises made in the "eco-soft" trend. High ceilings, vast interior space, the possibility of completing the second floor will satisfy even the most demanding owners.

interior decoration

Making a house inside on your own is not a problem, and it is not necessary to resort to the help of a designer. First of all, attention should be paid to the effective zoning of space so that each room is as functional as possible. It must be remembered that when choosing the loft style, it is impossible to equip only one room in accordance with this trend.


To this day, disputes do not subside, how exactly to decorate the ceiling of the bedroom. Some designers offer sloping, uneven ceilings to enhance the resemblance to attic space. Others like the high, flat top in cool grays or metallics. Both of these options look quite original, and each of them emphasizes the spirit of the direction. As for the walls, choose textures with artificial wear or decorative tiles"under the brick".

The floor in the bedroom should also meet the style standards. It will look good rough parquet board, gray laminate, parquet in the color of wet asphalt. Having opted for a wooden coating, keep in mind that it should look like it has grown old for a long time, but later it was in the hands of an experienced craftsman.

The bed is the main component of the bedroom, and there is nothing wrong with getting a slightly frilly model. It is desirable to buy a coverlet dark, without drawings and decorative elements. Next to the bed, you can put bedside tables that, with their simplicity, will create bright contrast with sleeping area. Be sure to take care of the lighting - a few wall lamps or a cozy floor lamp will be just in place. Complement the interior Modular pictures with abstract images and a few small rugs with patterns.

In the interior of the bedroom, mirror and chrome surfaces will look good. It can be an original wardrobe with mirrored doors or a metal table. Enough interesting idea will be the separation of the bedroom from the living room with a glass partition. Also, do not forget about the importance of natural light - put large windows that will not need curtains and curtains.


Country private houses are simply impossible to imagine without a stylish kitchen. Its design should be practical and at the same time avant-garde. The loft direction does not imply the layout of the kitchen as a separate room; the bar counter that separates the kitchen and the living room looks much more impressive. A lot of space for culinary experiments is not allotted, since in this style the kitchen serves only as an "island" where you can quickly cook food. However, it is worth approaching its design wisely.

Best in kitchen area use red brick for wall decoration. This will subsequently create a unique contrast with iridescent silver and chrome surfaces and appliances. Dishes should be modern and sparkling. The same goes for the stove and refrigerator.

The style concept will not be broken if you choose wood over brick. Wooden walls or surfaces should be combined with the most fashion news appliances and cutlery. A beautiful addition to such a kitchen will be glass and chrome elements. The table can be selected both from wood and glass, and the chairs can be matched to it in style. Strict will look good flower pots, ultra-modern sconces, small modular paintings, blinds.


Often, many associate a loft with brick and concrete elements, but it should be noted right away that in the children's room, warmer tones will look more advantageous:

  • The basic component can be the standard painting of the walls in white, beige and pastel colors. This will help visually expand the room and give it a light and airy look.
  • Be sure to take care of bright accents: bedspread, rug, blanket, toys, paintings and photographs.
  • Boys may like reds, browns, grays, and blues, while girls may like crimson, teal, pinks, and bright yellows.

The bed is another important element of the children's room. Most original version- a frame or made of "metal pipes" model. Such products are equally well suited for both boys and girls. If there are two children in the room, a loft bunk bed that meets style standards is an excellent choice. Bed linen will dilute the situation if you get warm yellow shades. Ivory, or pinkish models.

Speaking of lighting, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that many children do not like bright, blinding light.

  • Soft classic lamps or minimalist chandeliers are suitable for the loft style.
  • Hanging chandeliers on chains with crystal pendants, as well as with built-in fans, look beautiful.
  • You can complement the room with cozy floor lamps or wall sconces.

Do not forget about sufficient lighting of the play and study areas. Unusual design easy to achieve by placing large luminous letters or stars on the walls.

As for the decor of the room, here the fantasy of interior designers has gone far ahead. Almost everything is appropriate, from vintage posters to decorative bicycles, treasure chests and hanging swings in the play area. good option will add retro elements to the overall style of the room, for example, posters or collectible cars. Creative children will be very happy with large easels for drawing.


The loft style itself does not include the concept of a hallway, since a solid and voluminous space is feature style. However, in modern apartment you can’t do without a place where you can leave shoes or outerwear, so you need to equip a small corner for these purposes. It is best to decorate the hallway in light colors so that it seems larger. But accessories can be of various shades.

The most common are:

  • Red.
  • Silvery.
  • Blue.
  • Brown.
  • Dark grey.

For lighting, select fluorescent lamps. Ceiling spotlights will also look good.

Brickwork is one of the foundations of the loft style and will be a terrific option for hallways of various sizes. If it is not possible to make real masonry, you can replace it with tiles or wallpaper of a similar design. An abundance of mirrors will also help to visually enlarge the space, for example, it is appropriate to make one wall completely mirrored. The standard color of the ceiling is white or light gray, and it should look like the renovation has just been completed. A plasterboard false ceiling is also suitable.

Thanks to the openness and space of the loft direction, buying a massive and spacious closet is not best idea. You will have to store things and household supplies elsewhere, but the abundance of open shelves and hangers will be very useful. The original solution will be a shelf under the ceiling, reminiscent of the well-known luggage places on trains. You can place shoes on the floor or on open shelves. And for its storage, special bedside tables are used, which in design resemble large cardboard boxes.

Of the accessories, first of all, you should take care of the mirror. This element can be of any shape: with a wide decorative frame or completely without it. Illuminated mirrors are a good idea. Choose the rest of the accessories so that guests can plunge into the industrial era. Signs with the inscription "exit", red arrows, emergency lights, a bicycle in the form of a hanger - all this will help emphasize the uniqueness of the style.

Today, a whole industry has grown to create interiors in the loft style, which, although not long, has a very rich history. Loft is an originally American concept that arose in the 40s of the last century in New York. Huge areas of former factories, factories and workshops began to be rapidly vacated, at the same time, there were always people who were embarrassed by borders, confined spaces, norms and established rules. People of art began to rapidly occupy such spaces in which they could abandon the standard framework and breathe in the air with a full chest. Free-flight artists could combine their studio and home in the same space. It was beneficial as financial side(no need to rent an expensive studio in the city center), and in terms of convenience, saving time. In addition, large windows additionally illuminated the interior space.

Characteristics and main features of the loft style

Loft style design is a great choice for creative people. You can implement your home improvement plan in different ways, but an apartment or a house, in any case, will look original and creative.

  • In our time loft style moved to standard apartments with high ceilings and large areas, because not everyone has the opportunity to rent or buy an abandoned workshop, plant or factory, but you can create the appropriate atmosphere in your apartment or house.

Despite the fact that the design in the loft style is more suitable for such premises as an office or study, a dining room or a living room, it is sometimes used to decorate a bedroom or a room for children.

The loft does not have the usual interior partitions, and even more so doors, this style does not imply autonomy, but a single large space, which is divided into functional zones.

The main features of the style are a large amount of natural light, huge windows, very high. It is important to consider that the ceilings and walls are not finished in the way that is traditionally accepted in all.

Details that create a loft atmosphere

Industrial style lovers especially appreciate various communications, such as plumbing or gas pipes, which are usually not hidden or masked in the workshops. In the original "classic" loft, they are present by default. In the premises, all open structural elements are highlighted.

  1. If you intend to create a loft atmosphere in your home, you will need hanging beams from the ceiling, usually wooden, in the apartment.
  2. For the unity of style, pipes and other communications taken out, as well as simple cast-iron batteries, are needed.
  3. The latest trend is metal ceiling lamps in the "Soviet" style, forged railings and the same handles, as well as ventilation systems installed in plain sight.

Materials used for finishing

  • Such materials, such as, or, are used in rooms to create a certain atmosphere, while others are of fundamental, fundamental importance. The latter include reinforced concrete structures, or rough boards and partitions made of wood.

It is quite possible, but not in large numbers, one or two walls is enough. Brick can be decorative, but if your room has a real, genuine brick wall, then you are just a rare lucky person.

It should be noted right away that the loft style in the interior does not apply to budget options. It only seems that there are naked people in the room brick walls, concrete, pieces of iron and strange lamps, and it's all cheap.

In fact, this option requires a certain investment of material resources. For example, a brick wall is treated with a special compound - for reliable protection homeowners from a layer of dust and dirt.


  • The most "correct" floor for loft style- This is a concrete bulk surface. However, along with the traditional concrete pavement often used a natural stone or a tree. When choosing the latter, wide boards covered with matte varnish will look good.

It is permissible to cover the floor with porcelain stoneware, in extreme cases, with a budget laminate. When choosing skirting boards, take into account the color of the walls, they should be combined with each other in color.

In the classic version, a tree of durable species is often used. It can be laminate, parquet board and any other modern materials.

Tiles imitating wood are ideal for decorating the floor in the living room. In the kitchen and bathroom, you can use other materials of natural origin - stone with a natural or ceramic coating.


In a loft, by default, the ceilings are always high. However, it happens that in some apartments their height turns out to be insufficient, and you don’t want to give up the idea of ​​decorating your home in an industrial style. In this case, the ceiling should simply be painted white, this always works properly.

White color should not be chosen as a milky shade, as in a rural style, but cold, snow-white. Actually, a real elevator-style ceiling is approximately what the owners see when they enter the apartment after the builders. But, if the room is very small, again, it is better to abandon this idea, and make simple traditional white ceilings.

Advice! An excellent decorative element for a real loft are massive wooden beams fixed to the ceiling. Pipes made of copper or metal, passing through the room along the walls or ceiling, look good.


As for the walls, they are often made different color. For example, three walls in a room can be laid out of brick, and one can be decorated with wood or simply plastered. If the room is not very large, different walls and competent zonal lighting will help to "push" the space.

  • Brick walls in loft style without any processing are still the most popular. This is a great way to create the right atmosphere. Brick can be painted White color, but this should not make the masonry structure invisible.

Advice! It is good to artificially age the bricks beforehand, add small irregularities. If there are no natural brick walls, you can use a decorative one.

Choice of color solution

The color scheme of the loft interior, of course, is selected and implemented in accordance with individual preferences and tastes. It is difficult to convince a person to use one or another range of colors in the design of their own home. But the colors of the loft style, initially, were subject to certain frames, including historical ones.

Basically, you should choose colors of cold shades. There should be no flashy colors in the premises, as many natural and natural as possible color schemes. Although, in modern loft-style houses and apartments you can see many different original solutions, but these are rather exceptions to the rule.

On a note! All shades of gray and brown fit well into the loft-style interior. Bright colors are allowed only in the decor, and white must be present - otherwise the home will seem too gloomy.

What and how to furnish your home is your individual desire. But classic version in the loft style, there are various products made of simple processed wood without frills, forged stools and chairs, beds with metal elements, shelving and simple shelves.

It is impossible to force a loft-style space strongly, so it is advisable to use multifunctional furniture, for example, a bed with a linen closet, a pouffe with a folding cover, a transforming sofa and much more.

It should be remembered that furniture is not only an important part of creating the right atmosphere, but also an opportunity to demonstrate your bright personality. If you want a riot in a traditional loft, use "strange" furniture, but at the same time know the measure.

  • The most interesting type of furniture– shelving in production and warehouse style. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to find such a headset in stores, so it is made to order. The basis is a welded and painted steel frame. Table tops are made of wood.

In the loft style, shelving serves not only as furniture items, but also divides the room into zones. In the traditional classic industrial style, as mentioned above, there are no walls, there is a common space.

If you need to isolate a small bedroom or kitchen from the living room, light curtains or sliding glass partitions will do an excellent job of this.

By placing sofas, tables, racks in a certain way, you can achieve the correct segmentation of a single space as you need for comfortable life. It is also very convenient that the "walls" can always be moved and re-plan the space in a new way, refreshing the home.

Loft-style interior allows the use upholstered furniture light tones. At the same time, all items should be of a simple form, without frills.

On a note! It is welcome if cabinets, chests of drawers, shelving have a minimum number of open compartments, and there are no open shelves on the walls.

The subtleties of designing the right lighting

Loft style lighting- these are various lamps, similar to lamps in a production workshop or ordinary spotlights. There should be a lot of light in this style and its purpose is to zone the space.

It is convenient to place several spotlights directed in different directions on a steel ceiling rail. In the same style, a floor lamp, as well as a sconce, can be solved. Such a solution will make it possible to spotlight various parts of the entire room.

In addition to natural lighting, they use all kinds of chandeliers, lamps, sconces and led strip. It is worth noting that artificial lighting should be of classical forms, without various curls and patterns.

On a note! Designers are sometimes advised to be original and hang an unusual chandelier on the ceiling that will complement industrial-type lamps or other more modern lighting fixtures.

Loft style living room

In the living area, where the whole family usually gathers in the evenings, industrial design styling looks beautiful and organic. This room can be decorated with wood panels, put leather sofa, hang black and white photographs of the first half of the last century on the walls.

Advice! As a small original accent, it is recommended to put an old sideboard in the living room, which can be attracted with the help of the built-in one. Antique furniture will brightly emphasize the modernity and originality of the interior in the loft style.

Loft style bedroom

In the bedroom area is usually placed metal bed, there is a very discreet decor. Additionally, differently decorated walls will help to divide the room into functional zones.

For example, in the living room area, you can use murals with bridges, views of streets, industrial districts, and traditional brickwork in the bedroom.

Surprisingly, decorating can also have little functionality. The special charm of the loft-style bedroom is betrayed by accessories bright colors e.g. covers for decorative pillows, bright flower vases, laundry baskets, bedside rugs and more.

At the same time, it is important to observe the restraint inherent in the industrial direction. There should be few decorative elements in this style.

It is preferable that all home textiles in the bedroom be made of natural materials- linen, cotton, leather, wool, animal skin.

Advice! For a bright accent, the use of several contrasting shades is not recommended. It is best to stop at one primary color, slightly breaking it up with two additional ones. Such a technique will not distract and attract attention.

Loft style kitchen

Loft-style kitchen interior - differs from other rooms in its bright design. This secluded and warm place is a place where you can have a good rest, learn how to cook deliciously, sincerely talk with guests over a cup of coffee.

Modern equipment is usually on display here. Chrome-plated surfaces with a beautiful look look very impressive. metal utensils placed on shelves. The dining area, like the work area, should also match the loft theme.

The design of the ceiling in the loft-style kitchen is allowed only in white, the exceptions will be only very light, as close as possible to white, shades. The walls can be decorated with decorative panels for concrete, brick or special plaster. Symmetry is welcome to organize the space.

There should be a lot of light in this place. It all starts with thin curtains on the windows, which let in sunlight with ease, and ends with a lot of lighting fixtures.

Decor and textiles

Furniture, lamps, vases, hanging beams, railings, tripods are an integral part of the loft style. In fact, such goodness in old factories and in warehouses always enough. Given that correct application every detail can achieve a 100% result in the design of the loft space.

Loft-style windows, as a rule, are not hung with curtains, the texture of decorative fabrics should look rough, towels made of plain unbleached linen are hung in the kitchen area. Sofas are decorated with pillows, which are dressed in covers made of coarse matting or burlap.

The oddest and most unexpected items that have been lying around in your garage for years can be used as decorative decoration in the loft.

These are various metal coasters, rough candlesticks made from pieces of pipes, a Soviet-style alarm clock - all this stuff will come in handy for decorating the space. It’s good to hang posters on the walls, and graffiti is acceptable.

Decorative plants in loft style

Flowers in simple ceramic or metal pots will enliven the space. But we need to talk about loft-style plants especially.

Important! When choosing plants, you need to be restrained. If they are present in too many, it will ruin the idea of ​​​​an industrial space, and the room itself risks turning into a greenhouse.

Living plants in a room are a win-win option for decorating and decorating.

inhale real life into the brick walls of the "loft" will succeed with the help of living plants

High ceilings and large expressive windows are all features of the industrial loft style.

  • Not everyone will look organically in a loft-style interior. For example, bright orchids and sprawling ferns will look strange, but cacti and large monsters will fit perfectly into the style.

Advice! Choose flowerpots of the simplest geometric shapes. Gray pots made of unpainted concrete look good.

To make your design look harmonious, it is important to remember that the loft style in the interior is design direction where a restrained approach is required when organizing living space. You do not need to buy a lot of furniture here, including a plush sofa, a bright armchair or a colored carpet.

Forget about heavy curtains, figurines of porcelain and souvenirs placed on the shelves, gaudy wallpaper in rosettes, landscapes in huge carved frames, lace doilies and calico tablecloths, all this will look ridiculous. In the first place - respectable severity and conciseness of forms without unnecessary items.

The newly designed modern space will forever change your life, and these successful changes will undoubtedly truly please you.

The loft style in the interior will be an unusual solution for creating a stylish and modern home. The idea originated in America, when warehouses and workrooms began to be used as living quarters. Large areas, not divided into separate rooms, have remained a characteristic feature of the loft, the difference between modernity has become the separation of the restroom and sleeping place.

Distinctive features

The loft style was inspired by work shops, workshops and production facilities. The interior uses a rough form of decoration, in addition to decor items, a unique, modern design is created. The loft has several distinctive features, without which it is difficult to fully implement it.

  • Open spaces without partitions;
  • The direction of the loft corresponds to high ceilings with minimal finish or embellished with ceiling beams and intricate pipework;
  • The decoration uses concrete, brick, glass, roughly processed wood;
  • All surfaces of the premises are finished roughly, conveying the interior of warehouse and industrial premises;
  • The loft style is characterized by rooms with abundant natural light;
  • The interior of the loft often has a fireplace;
  • Loft-style furniture is functional and minimalist.

The photo shows a loft-style living room, the ceilings are decorated with wooden beams and original designs from pipes.

Style color scheme

The color palette is most often filled with strict shades. Bright colors are rarely used in decoration; decor details will perform this function. Beige, terracotta and brown colors are suitable for interior design of a loft. But the classic colors are gray, white and black.


Modern shade, often involved in decoration. The color of cold concrete looks harmonious in the interior. One of the surfaces or the entire area can be decorated in gray. Shades of gray are also used in interior items, such as furniture, textiles or decor.


Black can be present in partial finishes, such as one of the walls, ceiling elements, a fireplace, window or door frames. More often, black is used to fill the interior of a room, in furniture, lighting, and decorative elements.


With white color, the room will be even more spacious and filled with light. The white sanded ceiling and painted brickwork can echo the light interior filling or contrast with the dark floor and furniture.

On the picture

Photo in the interior of the rooms in the apartment

Living room

The interior of the living room with high ceilings will be decorated with a design of ventilation pipes or ceiling beams. The walls can be finished with brickwork, wood paneling or roughly plastered. The flooring is made of laminate or self-leveling flooring. The natural concrete floor is covered with a small, short pile carpet.

The furniture in the living room is functional, modern style can be combined with classic. The color scheme may overlap with kitchen set. Curtains use a straight cut of thick fabric or light-colored tulle. The interior will be decorated with fashionable decor elements, such as metal vases, posters, decorative wiring on the walls.


The interior of the loft kitchen is bright and filled with modern appliances. The kitchen, as a separate room, is not typical of the loft style, the space should be open, combined with the living room. You can zone the space using the bar counter.

In the photo, instead of standard storage systems, unusual shelves made of pipes and wood are used.

The set has right angles and clear lines; the apron can be lined with tiles or brickwork. For practical reasons, the apron is protected with glass or made of stone slabs. The flooring is made of tiles or laminate. Lighting is another way to zone the room, low lamps above the bar to separate the cooking area from the dining room and living room.


Brickwork on one of the walls will create a special comfort in the interior of the bedroom. Used in decoration ceiling beams and a podium wooden beams. To finish the floor, use laminate, parquet or floors with imitation of concrete.

The interior of a loft room can be minimalistic, only with necessary furniture: bed with drawers and wardrobe. Or with many items such as bedside tables, chest of drawers, armchairs and a bedside bench. The second option is much more comfortable, it can combine several styles. The windows will be decorated with thick straight curtains.

Pictured is an industrial style bedroom. Distinctive features of the loft: a ceiling with industrial pipes and wooden beams, raw boards on the walls.


Given the industrial and industrial direction of the loft style, it is rarely used to decorate children's rooms. If desired, you can make repairs to the loft in a softer form. Finish one of the walls in the interior with light-colored bricks.

The flooring is made of wood, parquet or laminate. For the children's room, an abundance of natural light is needed, the windows will be decorated with light straight or Roman blinds.

Bathroom and toilet

Bathroom and toilet are finished tiles. The color can be plain or with imitation of stone, wood and brick. To finish the ceiling, it is more practical to use metal panels with spotlights.

Stylish in the photo wooden boxes, concrete walls and red pendants with light bulbs - distinctive features loft in the bathroom.

Faucet, shower and accessories can be steel or copper. A glass partition will protect against water splashes.


An interesting interior solution will be the decoration of the walls with natural or decorative stone. In the absence of a spacious and open hallway, it must be provided with plenty of light, due to this the room will seem larger.


One of the walls of the office can be decorated with a stylish metal bookcase. The working area is made of wood and metal, the pieces of furniture have straight lines and a minimalist character.

The photo shows an unusual office interior in a loft style. Rough walls, slate, pipes, beams and fixtures set the industrial focus.

Loft in a country house

Vacation home - perfect place to use the loft style. Unlike city apartments, a house can have large full-wall windows, which is typical for a loft direction and is undoubtedly a plus.

The staircase is often present in the interior of the loft, it has a design that allows you to save space and use the space to good use. The minimalist metal frame will not overload the room, and the shelving under the stairs can be used to store books and useful little things.

An integral part country house in loft style is a fireplace. The execution can be in a classic form, made of stone and red brick or stylish metal fireplace in the middle of Hall.

On the picture

The attic will become a place of solitude in the house. Wood paneling creates a backstage atmosphere.

Photos of apartments in loft style

The interior of the industrial style apartment is different unique design, the maximum amount of light and free space.

Design of a two-room apartment 55 sq. m. for a bachelor

Bright features of the apartment are white brick walls in the kitchen-living room, concrete on the walls in the hallway, glass blocks, industrial-style stools, an aged chest of drawers in the bedroom and original pendant lights in the bathroom. The role of decorative accents is played by a neon inscription on the wall behind the DJ console, a metal floor lamp-spotlight and bright door in juicy red, leading to the bathroom.

Design studio apartment 47 sq. m.

The characteristic features of the loft in the apartment are an open space without internal partitions and doors, masonry made of old brick, a ceiling frame not covered by anything, pipelines entangling the walls play the role of the main decorative accents. The impression is complemented by open wiring and electric lamps hanging from the ceiling on simple cords without lampshades.

The interior of a one-room apartment 47 sq. m.

Concrete in the interior became the main finishing material, the electrical wiring was laid right on top of it, they didn’t even hide the sewer in the bathroom, covering the riser with a glass door. The exclusive object of the apartment is a table, the underframe is taken from the old glass table, countertop designed by them wooden shields found on the street. Bright accents enlivened the space: a floor lamp-skate, a creative armchair and an unusual hanger and bright paintings in the bedroom.

Finishing Features


The ideal loft layout has four walls and does not involve many partitions and massive walls. The exception is the bathroom and bedroom. If necessary, to delimit the space, you can use glass partitions, interior items, furniture, different levels of the ceiling and floor.

Classical wall decoration is made of brick, concrete or plaster. To do this, finish the wall in the form in which it is or use false panels. More simple and a budget option wall decoration is wallpaper or photo wallpaper and imitation of stone, concrete and brick.


The concrete floor is very cold, it will be replaced by a self-leveling floor that conveys all the texture. For the interior of the bedroom, study and living room I use wood or laminate. The kitchen, bathroom and toilet are tiled. Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the shade may be dark or light.


The ceiling of a loft can become the main object of attention in a room. In the living room, the ceiling will be decorated with ceiling beams, a complex pipe structure or wood paneling. For an interior with low ceilings, plastering in a light color is suitable.

In the photo, industrial pipes and concrete trim are used in the design of the ceiling.

Windows and doors

Windows and doorways are preferably made of wood. Windows should not be overloaded with complex curtains; the room should have the maximum amount of natural light. The ideal option would be large windows to the floor.

Furniture selection

All pieces of furniture in the interior are functional and practical. Furniture can be minimalistic and modern or vintage.

  • Sofa with leather or textile upholstery. A classic straight sofa in the interior of the living room will complement coffee table and a tall lamp.
  • Vintage armchairs look harmonious with modern items. Modern models may be on wheels or light, simple construction.
  • The TV stand has straight and clear lines. Made from wood or metal frame with glass surface.
  • A kitchen table can have a massive wooden surface, with a preserved natural pattern. In other rooms, the table and chairs can be movable and folding.
  • A catwalk mattress or a simple bed frame with a high headboard matches the direction of the loft.
  • Built-in closet close sliding door glass or thick curtain. A free-standing wardrobe can be painted in one color and betray the effect of antiquity.
  • Wall shelving in the interior will help save space. Racks equipped under the stairs are used for storage.

Textiles in the room

There is no abundance of fabrics in the interior of the loft. Textiles are used for window decoration, in the form of thick straight-cut curtains or tulle. Also, their complete absence will harmoniously look in the overall picture.

In the photo, thick Roman curtains decorate the loft-style kitchen.

A sofa or bed is complemented by several pillows.

The carpet will protect from the cold concrete floor. In the interior of the loft, carpet with a short pile is used.

Photo decor and accessories

Unusual decorative elements complete the look of a loft-style room.

  • The walls will be decorated paintings or posters made in modern style.

  • Watches can be electronic or in an unusual design, for example, from a group of gears of different sizes with arrows.

On the picture original watch in loft style - the main decoration of the bedroom.

  • slate board It is convenient to use in the interior of the hallway and in the kitchen. Also, one of the walls can be completely decorated with chalk film.

  • Old barrels and boxes perform the function of storing things, and can also be used to create a piece of furniture.
  • On bedside tables and cabinets are convenient to use desk lamp and lamps on a metal base.

    Edison lamps are most suitable for loft-style interiors; in the bedroom, they can act as a lamp, hanging on a cord from the ceiling. In other rooms, lamps can be used in a complex structure, forming an art object.

    Features of the design of a small room

    For interior design in loft style, it is preferable to use spacious rooms. For creating harmonious design in a small room, you should use a few rules that will help keep the room in the same style, while not overloading it with unnecessary details.

    • Use light shades in decoration;
    • Combine kitchen and living room;
    • Minimalistic and functional furniture;
    • Do not use massive structures in decoration;
    • The brick wall will be replaced by photo wallpapers;
    • Simple wall shelves;
    • Spotlights instead of massive chandeliers.

    In the photo there is a small studio of 33 sq. m. in the loft style.

    On the picture

    The loft is rapidly gaining more and more popularity, it is often used to decorate city apartments and country houses. In duplex apartments, the idea of ​​​​the interior can be supported with low-hanging Edison lamps, large, open windows and a simple metal staircase. From the description, we can conclude that with a competent selection of decorative elements, the interior of a loft can be strict, ultra-modern or filled with the romance of a big city.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. Since 2015, a construction equipment fleet has been put into operation. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

Industrial interiors, otherwise known as industrial interiors, are characterized by simplicity, minimalism and present us with an almost raw home. As a result, they are economical and very spacious. Such rooms are characterized by unplastered walls, it can be just brick or concrete, visible plumbing elements, open spaces free from dividing walls. It can be very interesting to equip the interior of a private house in an industrial style, where we have a large area for the realization of our fantasies, and many solutions can be partially implemented already at the construction stage. What features are characterized by a loft and how to implement them in practice - this article is devoted to these issues.

The main features of the loft

The above crude design didn't come out of nowhere. The interior design of the loft house reminds us of the premises of the era of the industrial revolution. The easiest way to create such an atmosphere is in a private country house with high ceilings and large windows, but it can also be arranged in an apartment or in a more modest house. Just a few tricks in interior design will help with this task. The main features of the style are as follows:

  1. Large open space. It is important to remember one thing: neither furniture nor walls play the first violin here, but only space. The premises should be large and open, so to implement such a solution in the apartment, some walls or doorways will have to be demolished. It is desirable to provide elements of industrial style in a country house at the construction stage.
  2. The presence of raw harsh finishes- these features will provide brick, concrete, open pipes and other elements.
  3. Minimalism- the absence of a large number of accessories and jewelry, the severity of forms.
  4. Industrial furniture and decor elements – all furniture and decorations should be strict, functional, practical.

Loft style in the interior of a country house - photo of the living room, kitchen

Country house loft under construction and finishing

If you want to equip a country house or a loft-style apartment, then it is better to think about it at the construction or finishing stage. Here, first of all, it is necessary to provide for the organization of open space, if possible, it is necessary to get rid of most of the walls and expand the doorways. Thus, a large surface area will be divided only in terms of its purpose. This large space will have separate areas for the bedroom, living room, dining room or kitchen.

At this stage, you should also pay attention to the floor. Great idea is the choice of wood flooring. Concrete in its raw form, although very characteristic of industrial premises, but for a living space it can be very cold. As an option, you can finish the floor with tiles imitating concrete or even iron and install a warm floor under the tiles. Such a solution will be practical, but it is worth considering that in the summer we will not turn on the warm floor, so the floors in warm time the years will be cold.

What materials are typical?

A fashionable country house should have characteristic materials in decoration, for example:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • unplastered brick;
  • unfinished concrete walls.

In the case of this interior design, you do not have to worry about how to hide the pipes. Moreover, they must be highlighted.

Loft-style house interior - photo

Of course, you should always remember about safety. All exposed cables must be protected, for example with corrugations.

Wood and metal are present everywhere. A good decoration would be an iron staircase with strict straight lines.

None forged items with flowers and monograms, only restrained straight forms. These stairs can also be twisted and spiral in modern design.

Industrial furniture and decorations

The industrial interior is dominated by designer furniture, as well as industrial decor components that add uniqueness to the home and create a special climate.

The combination of industrial and natural materials is an unusual solution, which nevertheless creates a kind of balance inside the house. Spacious sofas and armchairs, upholstered in natural-coloured fabrics, perfectly complement the look of the living room.

Tastefully chosen equipment and accessories can look like decorations or theater props. You can also take it one step further and use in interior design wooden pipes, rods.

Furniture that has long history, or one that looks worn out. She emphasizes individuality. Remember also that its size should be as large as possible, since furniture, small in size, located in a country house with large rooms, will give the impression of being miniature.

Windows and their decoration

In most loft interiors, you will see huge, undecorated windows in fashion magazines. This option can be afforded in a private country house, surrounded by a garden and hidden from the prying eyes of strangers.

However, we do not always have such an opportunity and often, even in a private house, the windows overlook the street or neighboring houses. If you don’t want your neighbors to see your every move, then you should choose industrial blinds or Roman blinds for window decoration. They will let in a lot of light.

Color palette

In this interior, the color of the finishing materials to some extent dictates the color palette. Despite this, it can be tempting to introduce bright accents into a dark and toned interior, which is dominated by all shades of gray. In this house, they can be used without fear, as the tall windows typical of this style provide ample light. High ceilings, discreet decorations, cool colors and large spaces are the hallmarks of industrial design.

A combination of black and white is also typical. This classic combination works well not only in the industrial living room, but also in the kitchen, where you can choose, for example, black tables and countertops and match them with white tiles. White painted bricks, pipes painted with white paint will create both a background and a stylish decor.

An interesting solution can become the original ceiling. You can just paint it gray, as in the photo above. Unique atmosphere guaranteed!

An industrial interior needs colors that can visually enlarge the space, as well as give a feeling of coolness and neutrality - so pure whites and grays are the best. In order to neatly break them up, add-ons in shades of turquoise (patina and platinum) or dark red (brick and rust) should be used.


An industrial interior may contain elements from other styles, however, it is important that all the components together match each other. Mixing different elements requires intuition. If you are not sure, it is better not to experiment in this direction.

tall plants

Want to learn how to enrich an industrial interior and make it a little warmer? Instead of throwing little embellishments all over the place, opt for one distinct accent. Tall plants will perfectly fulfill this role. Natural elements enliven the room, filling it with comfort.