Geotextiles: areas of application and key characteristics. Geotextiles: application in the country, description, reviews Geotextiles in the garden application

Today, the construction of roads, airfields and buildings, as well as drainage and gardening work, cannot be done without geotextiles. Initially, the material was used only to prevent mixing different layers substances - today geotextiles are also widely used for drainage and reinforcement. This is a moisture-resistant, durable, resistant to rotting and aggressive environments material, which today is produced in wide range. Geotextiles differ mainly in strength, production technology and the type of material used for its manufacture, which largely determines its properties and scope of application. How to choose geotextiles for drainage, landscaping or path construction? What types of geotextiles exist, and which manufacturers offer truly high-quality products? We will understand all the nuances of the right purchase.

No. 1. Geotextile production technology and its properties

Geotextiles, one of the types of geosynthetics, are made from synthetic raw materials and are often used polyester and polypropylene threads, other polymers and fiberglass. The method of producing geotextiles and, consequently, the main qualities of the finished material and its scope of application depend on the source raw materials.

The most durable geotextile It is obtained from polyester and polypropylene threads. You can also find on sale a material made from mixed threads, the production of which uses waste from the textile industry. If cotton or wool threads were mixed, then drainage works This material is not particularly suitable, as it wears out quickly, but for gardening it is quite suitable. If the manufacturer used glass inclusions, then the strength of such geotextiles will be excellent.

According to the production method, geotextiles are divided into the following types::

No. 2. Types of geotextiles: geofabric and geotextile

Geotextiles are divided into two groups:

  • geotextile;
  • geotextile.

Geotextile made by knitting and stitching. Threads of different strengths (1-3 mm thick) are intertwined at right angles, which makes it possible to achieve strength and elasticity, but the final strength directly depends on the density of the fibers and the distance between them. The geotextile is elastic, tensile strength (withstands up to 1000 kN/m2) and has a low water permeability. It is used for reinforcing and increasing the bearing capacity of soil during the construction of roads, airfields, landfills household waste, as well as when organizing steep slopes, in and landscape design.

Geotextilenon-woven material, which is produced by needle-punched or thermally bonded methods from polyester, viscose, polyamide, polypropylene or other polymer fibers. This material is characterized by low strength, but decent elasticity and water permeability, so geotextile is widely used for drainage, filtration and as a separator between different layers.

No. 3. Density of geotextiles and areas of application

Density is the most important parameter geotextiles, on which the degree of elasticity and water permeability depends. Density is selected based on depending on the type of soil and the purpose of the work performed:

In private construction, there is no point in using expensive dense material - geotextiles with a density of 200 g/m2 are called universal, which can be used to organize a drainage system and carry out most landscaping work. In conditions of unstable soils, it is recommended that drainage be carried out entirely with geotextiles of 300 g/m2, and simple landscaping work can be carried out with material with a density of 100 g/m2.

Geotextiles are produced in rolls with a width of 2 to 5.2 m with material winding from 30 to 130 linear meters. You should choose based on the scale of the work being carried out, so that as little waste as possible remains. Rolls are packed in black plastic film with protection from ultraviolet rays - its integrity is extremely important.

No. 4. Choosing geotextiles for drainage

When country house located in a lowland, high-lying area groundwater or in close proximity to a natural reservoir, it is necessary to protect the area from the negative effects of seasonal rises in groundwater levels. They can lead to leaching of soil from underneath and the formation of voids, which can have catastrophic consequences. In addition, increased soil moisture levels can harm some fruit trees And ornamental shrubs. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to develop a drainage system in which geotextiles play an important role.

The drainage system consists of pipes and a storage well. Drainage pipes are placed in a layer of gravel, which can gradually silt up with soil and sink into the soil. To prevent this from happening, geotextiles are needed, which in this case plays the role of a filter and ensures the stability of the entire system. The principle of arranging drainage is to create a trench, fill it with a layer of gravel approximately 15-20 cm and lay geotextiles on it. After this, another layer of gravel with a thickness of about 20-25 cm is poured, in which lie drainage pipes. The remains of the geotextile overlap each other, and the trench is filled with previously excavated soil.

Experts recommend removing geotextiles from the packaging only before direct use and filling them in as soon as possible after installation, since ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the material. Lay the material freely, without tension or folds, with an overlap of 30-60 cm.

Regarding which geotextile is better for drainage, needle-punched or heat-bonded, experts hold diametrically opposed opinions. Fans of needlepunched geotextiles say that bonded geotextiles do not have sufficient throughput and can only be used on rocky soils. Other experts recommend heat-bonded, recalling that it is usually used for drainage in private construction in Europe, and that it does not become clogged with soil so quickly. In domestic conditions, needle-punched geotextiles are most often used for these purposes.

To ensure high-quality drainage and durability of the entire system, the material must be:

No. 5. Geotextiles for roads and sidewalks

In the construction of roads and sidewalks, geotextiles are used as reinforcing and separation layer . It prevents siltation of the bulk layer, ensures uniform distribution of the load, and does not allow the formation of failures when passing heavy equipment. If you do not use geotextiles when building a road, then under the influence of groundwater and rain flows the roadbed will quickly sag under trucks. Moreover, geotextiles make it possible to lay highways in areas with weak-bearing and soft soil, which is especially important given the long length of roads. In areas where there is a high risk of mudflows, it makes sense to use a geogrid layer, which has more pronounced reinforcing properties, instead of geotextiles.

Geotextiles are indispensable for arrangement of pedestrian paths, in particular those laid with tiles or paving stones. Without a layer of geotextile, the ground under the tiles will gradually wash out and sag under the influence of rain flows, and the durability of the coating is unlikely to exceed 8-10 years - the use of geotextiles can solve this problem. Under paving slabs it is necessary to remove the layer of soil, compact the bottom well, cover it with a layer of 5-7 cm, and then lay geotextiles, on top of which they pour quarry sand– base for laying tiles. The geotextile serves as both drainage and layer separator. For pedestrian sidewalk roads, choose a material with a density of 150-200 g/m2.

No. 6. Geotextiles in landscape design

In gardening and landscape work, geotextiles have found wide distribution and are used for the following purposes:

  • during the arrangement artificial reservoirs to strengthen walls, protect slopes from water erosion and to protect the waterproofing layer from damage. In this case, it is better to take heat-bonded material with a density of 250-400 g/m2;
  • for growing varieties of plants and trees, which cannot grow on the site due to the fact that the soil is too alkaline or clayey. In this case, at the place where the plants are planted, a layer of soil is removed to the depth of the future root system, geotextiles are laid and covered on top with the soil that is suitable for growing the desired plant variety. The geotextile will act as a barrier;
  • when arranging paths made from wood chips, sand, gravel or grass, geotextiles with a density of 150-300 g/m2 will perform barrier and drainage functions, preventing the layers from mixing and sinking after rain;
  • to protect planted seeds from birds. The soil is simply covered with this material; it is important to take geotextiles with a minimum density so that it allows the sun and moisture to pass through;
  • for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses.

No. 7. Geotextiles in private construction

In private suburban construction, as in large-scale housing, it is already difficult to do without geotextiles. It is used:

  • when laying out the foundation to give it greater strength, protection from negative factors, to evenly distribute the load on the ground and prevent soil deformation. Density is chosen from 150 to 400 g/m2, and a more precise value depends on the type of soil and house. For example, for a pile-screw foundation, a material of minimum density is required, and for a shallow foundation and others - it is denser;

No. 8. Large geotextile manufacturers

The choice of geotextiles on the Russian market is huge and it is represented by products domestic and foreign manufacturers. To choose geotextiles of appropriate quality, it is better to pay attention to the products of companies with a name, which in itself is already a guarantee of quality. You can trust the products of the following geotextile manufacturers:

In addition, the products of the domestic company OJSC performed well. Montem"(non-woven geotextile), Austrian Pollifelt, international concern " FreudenbergPolitex"and British manufacturer Terram. When purchasing, be sure to carefully study the packaging, which contains all the characteristics of the product, and do not forget to think about the method of transportation in advance: small rolls can be taken away in a passenger car, but rolls with a width of 4.3 m or more will be more problematic to deliver.

The use of geotextiles will not surprise anyone, since it is a synthetic material and is used for construction, industrial and garden work using soil.

Types of geotextiles

  • Needle-punched geotextile - to create it, polyester fibers are used, which pass through the main fabric using the needle-punched method. The fabric has average strength, allows moisture to pass through well, and is used for work in the garden and in the country (mainly when laying the foundation);
  • Thermally bonded geotextile - the fabric is created using heat treatment, so it is less permeable to moisture, but has increased strength. Mainly used in construction and earthworks;
  • Knitted-stitched geotextiles - the fibers of the material are secured with threads by tying. Thanks to knitting, the geofabric becomes very strong, but if at some point the fastening thread is damaged, the entire surface of the fabric unravels. The geo-textile is used exclusively in Russia, for economic work and construction.

Advantages of agrofibre

Geotextiles (agrofibre) have undeniable advantages:

  • The material is very environmentally friendly, it does not decompose into chemical components, therefore it is harmless to humans and the environment;
  • The fabric is highly durable and can withstand mechanical damage, piercing and tearing loads;
  • Geotextile is resistant to external factors. When exposed to sunlight or moisture, the material does not rot or rot, therefore it is often used for insulation work;
  • Geomaterial is easy and convenient to transport, since it is produced in the form of small rolls, which weigh little. You can divide the fabric into the required sections using scissors, a knife or a handsaw;
  • The low cost makes it possible to use the material in various industries.

Use in the countryside

Creating a garden and landscape design at the dacha is a rather complex matter that requires solving many problems.

And geotextiles help cope with most of them:

  • Agrofibre provides good foundation insulation and concrete floors, protects against the penetration of moisture and the destructive effects of the roots of nearby green spaces;
  • Geotextile holds moving soils well and creates the necessary slope when designing landscape design;
  • To create paths in the countryside, geotextiles are indispensable. If it is used for the foundation of the path, then the granite embankment will not mix with the soil and it will not be washed away by rain;
  • The fabric also protects the lawn from weeds and simplifies its maintenance;
  • With the help of geotextiles it has become easy to create decorative waterfalls and ponds in the country. It is enough to place it on top of the foundation (layer with insulating materials) how this will ensure containment and isolation decorative stones and other equipment.

The use of geotextiles in gardening is indispensable.

The scope of its application is limitless: it is used for growing seedlings, isolating roots, planting grapes, dividing beds in the country.

To create good drainage and protect against weeds, it is enough to lay fabric on the bottom of the beds.

If you line the hole with geofiber when planting, this will prevent the roots from growing and protect them from pests.

Geotextiles provide a good greenhouse effect and protect plants from freezing in winter.

The fabric ensures long-term moisture retention in plant roots. To do this, small cuts are made on it, placed on top of the soil and plants are planted directly in the cuts of the fabric.

Agrofibre for the road

The use of geotextiles in road construction plays an important role, as it serves to lay the foundation of the road.

This provides wear resistance and extends the life of the asphalt concrete pavement.

Nowadays, more than 400 varieties of geotextiles have been created, 60% of which are used in the construction of road surfaces.

This guarantees:

  • Waterproofing, protects soil layers from erosion by rain and underground rivers;
  • No contact between the constituent layers of the road;
  • Soil filtration - does not allow parts of the soil to penetrate into the drainage system;
  • Increasing the life of the drainage system, ensuring good water outflow.

In most cases, for the construction of roads, a geotextile is used, which has a density of at least 250 and no more than 500 g per sq.m.

The use of a geotextile of such density will reduce rutting, dips and potholes on the road.

At the same time, the time between repairs of the road surface increases, which allows saving budget expenses for minor repairs.

Road geosynthetics also make it possible to simplify the process of widening or restoring the road and creating new parking spaces.

To better secure the foundation and stabilize it, layers of geofabric are placed between layers of crushed stone (gravel) and soil.

This holds the area of ​​rotten soil and prevents it from getting onto top layer road surface.

Geotextiles are used not only in the creation of ordinary roads in residential complexes, but also in the construction of highways.

If there are complex geographical or climatic conditions, or high transport load, then geosynthetics are irreplaceable!

Due to its insulating properties, it provides less consumption of bulk materials for construction.

If the soils are soft and weak-bearing, then the fabric creates a kind of reinforcing layer, preventing road deformations.

Agrofibre in construction

The use of geotextiles in the country house and improvement of residential buildings is of great importance.

The unique properties of the material, ease of use and versatility help extend the durability of the erected structure, increasing the service life of the foundation, plinths, walls and basement used.

After all, it is known what more reliable foundation foundation, the stronger and more durable the house will be.

In the construction of houses, the most common use of non-woven textiles (dornite) is the strongest and most durable material.

The use of needle-punched non-woven fabric creates efficient drainage and prevents soil particles from entering the drainage layers, prevents blockages from forming and facilitates the flow of water into the drainage system.

Geomembranes or adhesive insulators are installed on the surface of the foundation, where it is in contact with the soil.

A layer of dornite is placed on top, which protects the membrane from damage and helps drain water into a specially created trench so that it can then enter the drainage pipe. Afterwards, the trench is covered with a layer of crushed stone and soil.

During construction, it is necessary to ensure protection of the supplied pipes.

Today, special perforated pipes are produced, which already have high protective properties (they do not allow the formation of puddles on lawns and playgrounds, they increase the outflow of water).

The use of geofabric makes it possible to further strengthen such protection. All you need to do is wrap the tube in geotextile. This will keep the pipe structure intact for a long time and prevent it from coming into contact with the ground.

The construction of a house cannot be completed without the creation of a roof. Fashionable now in use or inversion roofs created using nonwoven materials.

On such roofs you can grow plants or design entire recreation areas.

Usually they operate according to this scheme: on top waterproofing layers(usually rolled bituminous materials) solid insulation and a layer of geotextile are laid.

Geotextiles invented back in the first half of the 20th century. It was first used in the USA and exclusively in construction. Later the material began to be used in Europe. Was created in the USSR own version this material. The universal properties of geotextiles allow it to be used both for construction and for the arrangement of private households and summer cottages.

Geotextile is a synthetic material of woven and non-woven type. Non-woven material consists of fibers that do not have a structural weave. In woven-type geotextiles, the fibers are intertwined, as in ordinary fabric. Geotextile fibers are made from polypropylene or polyester. Depending on the manufacturing technology, cotton, wool or other components may be added to it. The addition of these substances changes the properties depending on the area of ​​use. Geotextiles are most often produced in rolls. Its types differ in different characteristics, the main of which is the composition of the tissue.

Depending on the material used in production, the properties of geotextiles may vary:

Geotextiles consist of monofilament or a large number of segments. Products made from solid fiber are more durable and more expensive.

Methods for fixing fibers in fabric

This parameter is also important to consider when choosing a material, because the method of fixing threads in geofiber affects many parameters:

  • Woven - this geo-fabric has a structure similar to ordinary matter. Woven geotextiles are made from monofilament or woven from a large number of fiber segments.
  • Non-woven - it consists of threads that are not intertwined. The fibers in it are connected through pressing and heat treatment. Woven material is stronger. Non-woven has the ability to stretch significantly depending on the properties of the threads.
  • Knitted - in it the threads are intertwined with loops. The stretchability of knitted geotextiles is superior to the non-woven version of the material. The strength of this type depends on the density of the knitting. At a density above 200 grams, strength is achieved no lower than a non-woven analogue.
  • Geogrid - this type of geotextile consists of fibers intersecting at right angles and bonded by heat pressing. This type has a more rigid structure than the others.

The division according to the method of fixing the threads occurs due to the need to obtain a product with different characteristics strength, elongation and wear resistance. Each type of geomaterial is used in the area for which its properties are desired. Non-woven geotextiles are further divided into three types of fiber:

For the consumer, density is of primary importance. Density is a measure of geotextile fiber measured in grams per square meter. Geotextiles are produced with densities ranging from 15 to 600 grams. The main strength characteristics and scope of application of the material depend on the density. It determines many other characteristics of geotextiles:

Purpose and application of geotextiles

Depending on the characteristics of geotextiles, the scope of its application differs:

The use of canvas in summer cottages

When carrying out construction work on a summer cottage, there is no need to use heavy-duty and expensive material. The most common material for work on a summer cottage is material with a canvas density of 150–200. This material is suitable for use in drainage systems, it is used in the construction of garden paths, and it is suitable for landscaping work.

When purchasing geotextiles of the selected density, it is important to take into account the characteristics of its dimensions - the width of the roll and the number of meters per roll. These indicators need to be selected depending on the volume of planned work in order to minimize material waste.

Material for drainage construction

To protect the territory from the seasonal rise of groundwater, preventing damage to the foundations of buildings, trees and shrubs, it is necessary to carry out work on the construction of a drainage system. The drainage system consists of drainage pipes laid in a layer of gravel and wells. To prevent siltation of gravel, a geo-textile is used.

After preparing the trenches for laying drainage pipes, the bottom of the trenches is covered with a small amount of gravel with a layer of 10–15 cm, after which a strip of geotextile is laid in the trench, which ensures the closure of the bottom of the trench and its walls, while leaving free edges on the surface. Drainage pipes are laid in the resulting bed in a layer of gravel 25–30 cm thick. After this, it is covered on top with the free edges of geotextile. The entire structure is covered with soil.

In this case, the geotextile ensures the longevity of the entire system and trouble-free operation. When choosing geotextiles for drainage, the filtration coefficient is of primary importance. The most suitable for drainage work will be a fabric with a density of 150–200 grams.

Geotextile for garden paths

Application of geotextile under garden paths made of gravel, wood chips and sawdust will prevent the garden path material from mixing with the ground and will ensure water drainage. In addition, a layer of geotextile will prevent weeds from growing through the garden path material. The geotextile must be laid on the ground correctly, since the fiber can have different filtration coefficients on the front and back sides. Laying it on the wrong side can have the opposite effect.

Gardening and weed control

Low-density geotextile material from 17 to 100 grams is widely used in garden plots and summer cottages. This fabric is also called agrofibre. Agrofibre comes in two colors: black and white.

Black agrofibre is usually used for laying on beds to protect against weeds. It warms the earth and allows all moisture to pass through. At the same time, such a fiber does not transmit light. Absence sunlight prevents weeds from growing. Thus, black geotextiles against weeds are used. Special holes are made in it for the plants being grown.

Agrofibre white used for greenhouses and greenhouses. Unlike film material, it ensures moisture penetration to the plants and air circulation.

When using geofiber, its density affects the ability to protect plants and soil from overheating and hypothermia. Material with a density of 17 grams will protect plants from frosts down to -3 degrees, and a canvas with a density of 40–60 can protect against frosts down to -10 degrees. The choice of geotextile depends on its use cases.


All owners own home or a suburban area, they dream of simplifying gardening and construction work. One of the popular ways to simplify the process of landscaping, as well as designing artificial reservoirs and other important landscape works, will be the use of geotextiles. This material is safe, environmentally friendly, found widespread use in the garden and vegetable garden. We propose to consider the advantages of agrofibre, features and methods of its use on the site.

There are several technologies for the production of raw materials - woven and non-woven geotextiles, on the basis of which they are classified:

  • Needle-punched non-woven. Its production involves pulling fixing threads through the base using serrated needles. This material guarantees strength and excellent water permeability. Needle-punched geotextiles have found application in the formation of drainage.
  • Thermally bonded non-woven. The production of the material consists of heat treatment canvases. During its execution, the fibers melt and adhere tightly to each other. Such raw materials are durable, but have reduced filtration qualities.

Thanks to its own properties, Dornit geotextiles have found application in construction, gardening, and other areas of landscaping in suburban areas. It should also be understood that the material is divided by density - from 80 to 600 g per m². The scope of use of raw materials also depends on this indicator. For example, the most popular use of geotextiles is 100, 150 g per m², 200 g per m². These non-woven fabrics are lightweight, they are actively used as a filter material in drainage systems, to protect the territory from weeds, and to arrange various paths.

Nonwoven fabric with medium density– from 200 to 350 is actively used to protect the soil from erosion, separate soil layers, and strengthen the soil. A dense type of material - from 350 to 600 - is actively used as cushions in geomembranes to equip dams, pools, and coastal areas.

Advantages of using geotextiles in garden design

The use of geotextiles largely depends on its characteristics. The special technology for creating the material guarantees several advantages of the raw material:

  • High level of environmental friendliness. The fabrics are not subject to disintegration chemical elements, therefore they do not harm human health or nature.
  • Strength. Non-woven fabrics are resistant to deformation, mechanical flaws, piercing and tearing loads. This eliminates damage to the material during installation.
  • Resistance to environmental factors. The canvases do not rot, do not rot, do not silt, they are very resistant to ultraviolet rays and acids different types, alkalis, substances of organic origin.
  • Easy to install. The raw materials are sold in the form of small and light rolls, so they are extremely convenient for transportation and cutting with a knife or scissors.
  • Low pricing policy. The material is an ideal ratio of price and quality, therefore it is actively used in industrial construction and for domestic needs.

The wide scope of operation makes the purpose and use of geotextiles a universal solution to many problems.

The use of road geotextiles on your site

Since this material is actively used in road construction, a popular area is the use of geotextiles for garden paths. The canvases allow you to separate layers to reduce the level of load on the base of the structure. Also such raw materials - great solution if necessary, reinforce the soil, which is especially important at high moisture levels.
When arranging garden paths, you can profitably use another property of the canvas - to prevent crushed stone from being pressed in, thereby guaranteeing more high level seals. In addition, thanks to the use of raw materials, it will be possible to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the cost of purchasing sand or crushed stone;
  • reduce the time required for the construction process;
  • reduce the cost of further maintenance of a parking lot or garden path.

Agrofibres are also actively used for the formation of open house areas and the formation of rocky gardens. Thanks to this material, it will be possible to create beautiful patio areas, divide and build various types of embankments, and strengthen surfaces. It is impossible to imagine the creation of children's playgrounds in suburban areas without the use of agrofibre.

The use of geotextiles in landscape design is a solution to many problems. For example, when improving a site on low-fertility land, there is always a need to increase the upper yield layer. To prevent it from being washed out, agrofibre is spread under the ground.

You cannot do without this cloth even during sharp frosts in the spring, in order to protect the plants from temperature changes. By covering the plantings with agrofibre, you don’t have to worry about their full development. The material will also save you in the summer; they cover the tender leaves of vegetable or flower crops to protect them from scorching ultraviolet rays.

The use of non-woven geotextiles in waterproofing reservoirs

Various bodies of water artificial creation are popular when creating an original landscape of the territory. When forming miniature reservoirs or large ponds, you cannot do without special waterproofing work.
When constructing such water features, the bottom of the pit is lined with a layer of sand or gravel, and then agrofibre is placed there. This guarantees reliable protection waterproofing layer from stones and other decorative elements that will be used to decorate reservoirs.

Greening the roof is another option for using geotextiles in the country

Very popular on summer cottages"green" roofs are used. To make them, you cannot do without non-woven fabrics. Agrofibre is used to separate layers. It is placed between the humus and the drainage layer.

Non-woven fabrics are also used to form inversion roofs. They prevent loading material and insulation from getting between the located slabs.

Formation of foundations and drainage systems

Any building is built on a reliable and solid foundation. For example, concrete look the foundation often suffers from groundwater. To improve monolithic foundations use thermally bonded raw materials.
It not only guarantees high-quality drainage properties, but also separates the layers, prevents prolonged contact of moisture and concrete surface. When constructing drainage systems, needle-punched material is also often used. It is used to create soft drainage and is also used to create sewer systems for a private home.

As you can see, the use of geotextiles can solve several problems in landscape design at once. Agrofibre will simplify the process of arranging a site, help fight weeds, provide excellent drainage and protect crops from bad weather.