Gas boiler double-circuit wall-mounted Visman instructions. Installation and maintenance of Viessmann boilers. Connecting a gas boiler: features of the stages

The quality of German household and climate control equipment is highly valued all over the world. And this is not surprising - the Germans are meticulous in every detail, honing the equipment they produce to perfection. And if a Viessmann Vitopend 100 gas boiler has settled in your home, you are very lucky - it will last longer than any other climate control technology. In this review, we will look at all the boilers from this line, talk about technical characteristics, and give user reviews as examples.

Description of the model range

Viessmann Vitopend 100 is a whole line of gas boilers, including a wide variety of models. They are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit, with open and closed camera combustion. In other words, in stores we will find models under different conditions operation and user needs. There is also a power division - samples with power from 10.5 to 34 kW are on sale.

Features of Viessmann Vitopend 100 boilers:

  • Reliable heat exchangers - they are made of high-quality copper (primary) and stainless steel(secondary). Some models have bithermal heat exchangers;
  • Reliable circulation pumps - initially Wilo pumps were installed here, later Grundfos pumps began to be installed in boilers;
  • Quick assembly and disassembly of equipment to speed up repairs and maintenance;
  • Many safety systems - they control the presence of draft, flame, water and coolant flow;
  • Simple management without unnecessary functions for the end user;
  • Built-in diagnostic system;
  • Premium build quality.

The operating instructions are supplied with each Viessmann Vitopend 100 gas boiler. If it is lost, download it. But even an untrained user can understand the controls.

For the end user, there are two handles and one button on board gas boilers - nothing more is needed. The first knob is responsible for the temperature in the hot water supply circuit, the second regulates the temperature in the heating circuit. Temperature indicators and pressure in the system are controlled using a pressure gauge and a liquid crystal display - error data is also displayed on it. The button turns the circuits on/off, and resets when the electronics freeze.

Also given in the description brief instructions for installation of a gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100 and auxiliary equipment– these are boilers and underfloor heating systems. Here users will be able to familiarize themselves with internal device technology. For specialists, guidance is provided on the design of heating and hot water systems.

Despite the presence detailed instructions, installation, configuration and first start-up of equipment should be carried out by specialists. They also connect Viessmann Vitopend 100 boilers to gas mains.

Some popular models

Let's explore some popular models and their specifications. We will also provide you with approximate prices for Viessmann boilers Vitopend 100.

Before us is a gas boiler Visman Vitopend 100 with a power of 31.2 kW. It is made according to a dual-circuit design and is equipped with a closed combustion chamber - smoke removal is carried out through a coaxial chimney. The unit is equipped with a circulation pump, a bithermal heat exchanger, a 10-liter expansion tank, a safety valve, a smooth ignition system and electronic flame modulation. In other words, the boiler is fully equipped, as it should be.

The power of the gas boiler from the Viessmann Vitopend 100 line is adjustable from 13.2 to 31.2 kW, the efficiency rate is 93%. The equipment can heat the coolant to a temperature of +76 degrees. Consumers will also be pleased with the excellent performance of the DHW circuit - it will be able to produce up to 14.3 l/min at an outlet temperature of +30 to +57 degrees. Estimated cost gas boiler from Viessmann is 47.5 thousand rubles.

This model is single-circuit, turbocharged, its power is 24 kW. To provide housing hot water you can use a boiler connected to the heating system indirect heating or a separate storage/instantaneous water heater. The boiler is equipped with everything necessary to be included in the heating system - from a safety group to a 6-liter expansion tank. It can warm up the temperature in the circuit to +76 degrees.

This gas boiler, like any other Viessmann Vitopend 100 boilers, can be converted to work with liquefied gas - the consumption will be 2.09 kg/hour, while the consumption of natural gas is 2.83 l/hour. If necessary, underfloor heating systems and room thermostats of compatible models (preferably those manufactured by Viessmann) are connected to the unit. The estimated cost of the device in Russian stores is 33 thousand rubles.

The presented gas boiler is turbocharged, double-circuit. Its power is 30 kW with an efficiency of up to 90%. The device was equipped with an advanced electronic control module with a built-in self-diagnosis system, a 10-liter expansion tank, and a Grundfos circulation pump. The temperature of the heating circuit can reach +76 degrees, the water temperature in the hot water supply circuit can range from +30 to +57 degrees with a capacity of up to 14.3 l/min. The approximate cost of the Viessmann Vitopend 100 WH1B 269 gas boiler is 36 thousand rubles.

This model differs from others in having separate heat exchangers. The primary one is made of copper, the secondary one is made of stainless steel. The power of the gas boiler is 31 kW, the power of the connected load is up to 33 kW. The unit is made according to a single circuit design; it does not provide hot water. The coolant warms up to +76 degrees. To control by air temperature, you must use a room thermostat. The model is different increased efficiency– up to 93%, can operate on liquefied or natural gas. The estimated price is about 37 thousand rubles.

Manufacturer : Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG,

Viessmannstraße 1 - 35108 Allendorf (Eder), Germany


gas heating boiler


Type:W.H.1 D

· Low-temperature single-circuit/double-circuit gas heating boiler.

· Installation location: wall mounted.

· Modulated automatic atmospheric burner.

· Open and closed combustion chamber.

· Programmable heat generation with constant and weather-dependent coolant temperature.

· Full automation of all processes.

· Application: heating and hot water supply.

· Type of combustion and gas removal: natural (atmospheric) and forced (turbo).

· Rated thermal power: from 10.5 to 31 kW.

Modification of wall-mounted gas water heating boilers VITOPEND 100-W, type WH1D

Table No. 1.

Wall-mounted gas water heating single-circuit boiler Viessmann VITOPEND 100-W, type WH1D

Thermal power, kW

24 .8


24 .8


Boiler type



Combustion chamber










WH1D2 68

WH1D2 63

WH1D2 69



WH1D2 64

WH1D2 70

WH1D2 65

WH1D27 1



WH1D2 66

WH1D27 2

WH1D27 3

Purpose and scope

Low-power low-temperature hot water boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D with an atmospheric modulating burner are designed and recommended by the manufacturer to provide individual heating and hot water preparation. Scope of application of single/double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W is the main source of autonomous heating systems for private residential buildings and other premises that are small in area and construction volume.

According to its intended purpose, the Vitopend 100-W single/double-circuit water heating boiler can be installed and operated only in closed heating systems with forced circulation of coolant and taking into account the relevant instructions for installation, maintenance and operation in accordance with Russian standards and the European standard EN 12828:2014 “Systems heating in buildings. Design of water heating systems."

Vitopend 100-W boilers with an open combustion chamber use natural draft to remove combustion products. The coaxial combustion product removal system LAS for Vitopend 100-W boilers with a closed combustion chamber ensures forced removal of combustion products. The rated thermal power of the boiler, depending on the model and operating mode, ranges from 10.5 to 31 kW.

The Vitopend 100-W boiler is intended for use in any climatic conditions and is intended exclusively for heating coolant having the properties of drinking water. The main condition for intended use is stationary wall installation. For ease of installation, a specially designed template is provided with the designation of the main fastening points.

It is possible to combine the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W hot water boiler with additional units that are approved for operation with this boiler system. For example, a single-circuit gas heating boiler Vitopend 100-W, when equipped with a Vitocell 100-V water heater, is used for hot water supply, both for household and drinking purposes.

In some cases, applications beyond the established scope may require the approval of the manufacturer. Non-intended use is considered to be industrial or industrial use, or for purposes other than space heating or hot water preparation.

Incorrect operation (handling) of the Vitopend 100-W gas water heating boiler is prohibited and releases the manufacturer from liability for failure of the boiler installation. Changing elements heating system In relation to their intended functionality, it is also considered improper handling of the hot water boiler.

The low-temperature wall-mounted gas water heating boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D is easy to transport, has a low weight and overall dimensions, which makes it possible to place it even on small areas, for example in wall niches.


Table No. 2.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boiler VIESSMANN VITOPEND 100-W WH1D

Combustion chamber



Technical Parameter


Boiler identification number

Range of rated heat output for space heating/hot water production

Efficiency at full load (100%)

Efficiency at part load (30%)

Nominal gas supply pressure

Natural gas

Natural gas with pressure sensor

Liquefied gas

Maximum permissible gas supply pressure

Natural gas

Liquefied gas

Maximum consumption electrical power*

Operating voltage

Electrical protection class

Maximum boiler water temperature

Permissible operating pressure

Diaphragm expansion tank

Inlet pressure

Vitopend boiler volume

DHW indicators**

Max. working pressure

Long-lasting hot water performance

Water consumption (T = 30 K)

DHW temperature adjustment range

Flow parameters at maximum load

Natural gas

Liquefied gas

Energy efficiency and environmental friendliness

Energy efficiency according to 92/42 EWG

NO x emissions

__ mg _

CO emissions at full load

Flue gas characteristics at air temperature 20 °C (natural gas/liquefied gas)

Flue gas temperature at maximum power

Flue gas temperature at minimum power value

Exhaust gas flow at maximum power

Exhaust gas consumption at minimum power value

Flue gas pressure: - maximum permissible pressure

Required pressure

Residual pressure of flue gas fan

Combustion product removal system LAS

Chimney diameter

Coaxial chimney

Parallel chimney


*Maximum electrical power consumption including circulation pump.

** DHW indicators are only for a gas combined (double-circuit) hot water boiler.

Device and description of the product

Gas low-temperature instantaneous water heating boiler of low thermal power Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D is one of the most popular high-performance, economical wall-mounted boilers, and for the potential owner it is especially important: with an optimal balance between price and quality - cost and performance. The rated thermal power developed by Vitopend 100-W gas boilers, type WH1D, provides the most comfortable and economical heating residential buildings of various sizes and construction volumes. The thermal power of boilers with a closed combustion chamber for space heating and hot water preparation is 24.8/31 kW and 24/30 kW with an open combustion chamber.

Wall-mounted water heating boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 W are divided into two types: single-circuit and double-circuit. The heat exchange process in both types of boilers is basically the same and is as follows: fuel combustion products heat water (coolant) passed through a primary lamella-type heat exchanger. The main difference between the two types of Vitopend 100-W WH1D boilers is that in a double-circuit boiler, in addition to the primary heat exchanger, elements of a water heating device for DHW - a hot water supply system - are installed. That is why an important element of the Vitopend 100-W WH1D double-circuit boiler is a flow-through heat exchanger plate type small in volume, in which cold water from the cold water supply system is heated by the hot coolant circulating in the system. The hot water preparation heat exchanger is installed on the chassis of the AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit.

The direction of coolant flow is determined by another important element of the Vitopend 100-W WH1D boiler - three way valve. In its state, two positions are possible: in one of them, hot coolant is supplied to the system central heating, in the other, the coolant goes into the heat exchanger, heating the water for hot water supply. In this case, the priority is considered to be the DHW mode, to which the valve switches when any hot water flow tap is opened. Controls the operation of a three-way valve using a flow relay (sensor) installed in the boiler. Convenient regulators allow you to quickly set the temperature of the heating line and DHW.

The gas hot water boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D, provides high comfort of hot water supply with a continuous output of 14.3 l/min (at a power of 30/31 kW). Maintaining a constant temperature of hot water is carried out thanks to electronic regulation and the presence of a temperature sensor on the output line. The DHW temperature adjustment range is 30 – 57°C.

The single-circuit boiler Vitopend 100-W WH1D is naturally not equipped with a heat exchanger for preparing hot water for the DHW system, however, it is possible to equip a boiler of this type with an autonomous cylinder water heater from Viessmann, for example Vitocell 100. In this case, the degree of water heating is measured by a temperature sensor of the cylinder water heater, which is connected to the electric boiler diagram (Fig. 16).

The temperature in the supply line or hot water can be monitored using the digital display on the display. Vitopend 100 boilers are equipped with a diagnostic system that displays the operating and service status of the device, as well as emergency modes. A pressure gauge installed on the boiler control panel measures the pressure in the boiler installation.

The Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D, has a long service life and is reliable in operation even with significant fluctuations in gas supply pressure and electrical voltage. Thanks to its small overall and installation dimensions, the boiler is suitable for installation even on the walls of small kitchens or in wall niches of utility rooms.

The main advantages of the atmospheric gas low-temperature water heating boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D, wall-mounted:

· ​ gas hot water single/double-circuit boiler with a thermal power range from 10.5 to 31 kW;

· ​ modulated atmospheric burner for operation on natural and liquefied gas;

· ​ efficiency: 83% (Hs) / 92% (Hi);

· ​ Boiler productivity in DHW mode is 14.3 l/min;

· ​ maintaining a constant temperature of hot water thanks to an electronic temperature controller;

· ​ open and closed combustion chamber;

· ​ compliance with high environmental requirements;

· ​ classification of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber for energy efficiency according to 92/42 EWG “Three stars”;

· ​ availability of a diagnostic system for boiler operating modes, with information about emergency mode;

· ​ presence of a frost protection system;

· ​ compact size and silent operation;

· ​ low energy consumption of the boiler due to the use of weather-dependent automation;

· ​high ignition reliability;

· ​ built-in gas pressure control relay for automatic switching on after a gas supply failure;

· ​ silent start of the boiler thanks to the periodic ignition system;

· ​ the low weight of the boiler facilitates transportation;

· ​ compact design makes it easy to install the boiler unit;

· ​supplied ready-to-use;

· ​high operational reliability and long service life;

· Possibility of combination with capacitive storage devices.

By design, the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W gas boiler is a rectangular body, inside of which a heat exchanger, a gas burner, an AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit with a circulation pump, a membrane expansion tank and other elements necessary for the operation of the boiler (Fig. 1). Highly effective thermal insulation of the combustion chamber protects the outer surface of the boiler installation from heating.

The Viessmann Vitopend 100-W single/double-circuit gas boiler with low thermal power uses a modulated atmospheric burner. With smooth modulation control, the burner changes its power within a given range, maintaining the controlled parameter - the temperature of the supply line at a given level. Therefore, a necessary element of the control system is a temperature sensor and an electronic controller. The modulating atmospheric burner of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W gas boiler is pre-configured to operate on natural gas type “E”. A set of replacement jets, which is not included in the delivery package, allows you to convert the boiler burner to operate on liquefied gas. The built-in gas pressure control relay automatically puts the boiler into operation after a gas supply failure.

Removal of combustion products from Viessmann Vitopend 100-W gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber is carried out using a separately located fan. Fan parameters are calculated depending on maximum power burner and aerodynamic resistance of the gas-air path of the heat generator. The air supply is regulated by changing the position of the air damper when the burner power changes.

Boiler water is heated in a primary flow-through lamella-type heat exchanger (Fig. 2). At the same time, in boilers of different thermal power, the number of lamellas also varies. So, for example, in boilers with a power of 30/31 kW the number of lamellas is 98, and in boilers with a power of 24/24.8 kW - 82 lamellas. The total volume of the primary heat exchanger is 1.2 liters of boiler water (Table 2)

Since the heating installation is a wall-mounted single-circuit gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, Type WH1D is delivered in a state of operational readiness, but at the factory the boiler automation is pre-configured for operation in standard mode. In this case, the boiler water temperature setting of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W low thermal power heat generator does not exceed 76 °C. Primary factory setting can be modified at the user's discretion to create more comfortable conditions accommodation. By resetting the thermostat regulator it is possible to increase the boiler water temperature and thus the flow temperature. However, the manufacturer recommends that in order to minimize distribution losses, the hot water preparation system and heat distribution device should be set to a supply temperature of no higher than 70 °C. During operation of the gas boiler, the boiler water temperature is constantly displayed on the display located on the control panel.

Rice. 3. Controls and displays

Fig.4. Display indication

1 – pressure gauge;

2 – display;

3 – “Hot water temperature” regulator;

4 – regulator “Coolant temperature”;

5 – on/off button with RESET function.

A – heating;

B – hot water preparation;

C – digital display or fault code;

D – temperature, °C;

E – service setting is active (for specialists only);

F – current burner power;

G – burner is working;

H – malfunction.

In the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D has built-in automation that allows you to control the boiler in operating mode with a constant supply temperature. Operating modes are carried out using a built-in controller and are set by controls on the boiler panel (Fig. 3). All functions of the boiler installation can be set with just two control knobs: hot water temperature control and coolant temperature control. At the same time, easy-to-use regulators allow you to quickly set the supply temperature of the heating line and hot water supply.

When the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler is operating, type WH1D without using a control device remote control(thermostat), the desired room temperature is set with the “Coolant temperature” knob. For indoor maintenance set temperature to the Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D you can connect four types of remote control room thermostats (regulating devices):

– Vitotrol 100, type RT room thermostat for controlling the boiler according to the set room temperature;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTA programmable room thermostat;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTDB digital thermostat with large LCD display;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTDB-RF room thermostat with integrated receiver and separate radio transmitter.

It should be noted that Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boilers are equipped with a built-in frost protection function and a diagnostic system, which, using a digital display on the display, informs about the operating and service mode of the boiler, as well as the occurrence of an emergency mode (Table 3).

Table No. 3.

Fault indication on display


Installation behavior






Burner blocked

Gas pressure too low

Check gas pressure and gas pressure control switch


Burner blocked

The traction control device has activated

Check the flue.

Note: If the draft stall control device operates 10 times within 24 hours, the burner goes into fault mode (fault indication "F6").


Burner fault

Temperature limiter tripped

Check the filling level of the heating system. Check the circulation pump.

Remove air from the installation.

Check temperature limiter and connecting cables.

To unlock, turn the knob“Coolant temperature” almost all the way to the right and then back (reset).


Burner fault

The flame signal is already present when the burner is started

Check the ionization electrode and connecting cables.


Burner fault

No flame signal

Check ignition electrodes/ionization electrode and connecting cables, check gas pressure, check gas control valves, ignition, ignition transformer.

Turn the mains switch off and on again or perform a reset, see F2.


Burner fault

The traction control device has activated

Check the traction tipping sensor.

Turn the mains switch off and on again or perform a reset, see F2.


Burner blocked

Short circuit of boiler temperature sensor


Burner blocked

Broken boiler temperature sensor

Check the boiler water temperature sensor.


Short circuit of the cylinder temperature sensor (gas single-circuit boiler)

Check sensor


No hot water preparation

Short circuit of hot water outlet temperature sensor (gas combi boiler)

Check the sensor.


No hot water preparation

Break in the cylinder temperature sensor (gas single-circuit boiler)

Check the sensor.


No hot water preparation

Break in hot water outlet temperature sensor (gas combi boiler)

Check the sensor.


Burner blocked

Short circuit of the traction control sensor

Check the sensor.


Burner blocked

Broken traction control sensor

Check the sensor.

The AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit with a circulation pump (Fig. 5) is installed in the lower part of the boiler on an easily removable chassis and is equipped with a MULTI-STECKSYSTEM quick-release connection. This makes it quite easy to produce service, since all the most important components of the unit are easily accessible from the front of the boiler and can be quickly replaced if necessary. Technical characteristics of the circulation pump are given in table No. 4.

Table No. 4.


Unit change

Pump type

UP 15-60

UP 15-50

Nominal thermal power of the boiler

Hydraulic characteristics (Fig. 6)


Circulation pump power

Installation input parameters:

Water temperature:< 85 °C.

· Minimum pressure: 0.8 bar.

Circulation pumps UP 15-50 and UP 15-60 have small dimensions and light weight, operate almost silently and at the same time consume a minimum amount of electricity. The pump housing is made of cast iron, the motor housing is made of extruded aluminum. The circulation pump motor shaft is made of hardened stainless steel and is mounted on bearings, which are lubricated by the pumped liquid. The impeller of the circulation pump is made of durable technopolymer.

An important element of the combined (double-circuit) boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D is a small-volume plate-type heat exchanger, in which cold water from the cold water supply system is heated by the hot coolant circulating in the system. Moreover, the number of plates varies between boilers of different productivity and heat exchanger volume. So in boilers with a thermal power of 30/31 kW the number of plates is 14, and in boilers with a thermal power of 24/24.8 kW there are 12 plates.

The expansion of water (coolant) is designed to compensate for the membrane expansion tank, the total volume of which for boilers with a power of 24/24.8 kW is 6 liters, and for boilers with a power of 30/31 kW - 10 liters (Table 2).

Nomenclature and overall dimensions

Boiler capacity 24/24.8 kW

Boiler capacity 30/31 kW

Fig. 10. Overall and installation dimensions of the Viessmann gas boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D

A – place for electrical cables.

B – required height taking into account the stand-on cylinder water heater.

C – width (depth) of the boiler.

D – reinforcement cover.

Table No. 4.

Dimensions wall-mounted gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D


Boiler thermal power

Height with reinforcement cover

Height including stand-alone DHW cylinder

Weight of single/double-circuit boiler

Connecting pipes of the hot water boiler:

Supply line

Return line

Gas connection

Installation instructions

Wall-mounted gas boilers Vitopend 100-W were specially designed to allow quick installation and reduce maintenance time. The installation of the wall-mounted water heating boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D should be entrusted to a specialized service organization. In this case, work on gas equipment may only be carried out by installation specialists who have permission to do so from the responsible gas supply company.

The room for installing the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler must have normal humidity and meet the requirements of the relevant building rules and regulations, in particular SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in malfunctions and damage to the boiler system.

To ensure proper boiler operation, frost protection and proper ventilation must be provided. So, for example, for the boiler burner to operate, the required volume of air must be taken from the room, which requires the installation of a special air duct extending beyond the outer wall into the atmosphere. To prevent drafts in the burner area, the air supply duct should not end directly behind the boiler. With a rated thermal power of a gas boiler up to 35 kW, the cross-section of the air duct must be at least 150 cm².

The air in the room for installing the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler must not be polluted with halogen-containing hydrocarbons, which, for example, are found in aerosols, paints, solvents and detergents. In the event of air pollution due to halogenated hydrocarbons, the hot water boiler may only be installed if sufficient measures have been taken to supply uncontaminated combustion air. In addition, heavy dust and high air humidity are not allowed in the room.

To avoid damage and deformation of the connecting pipes of the Vitopend 100-W boiler, use improper installation tool and applying excessive force (load) is strictly prohibited. Pipelines connected to the heating boiler during installation and after installation during operation should not experience residual mechanical stresses and loads (bending, misalignment, compression, torsion, stretching, vibration, distortions, uneven tightening of fasteners).

Fig. 11. Mounting kit, straight

Fig. 12. Installation kit under the boiler

1 – Mounting bar.

2 – Mounting connection kit, straight.

3 – Reinforcement cover.

To connect the boiler to the gas pipeline and for open installation of the hot water supply and heating system, a connection kit with straight pipes is included (Fig. 11). For visual completeness of the boiler connection, a protective decorative fitting cover is supplied.

To connect the Vitopend 100-W boiler to a heated floor system, a kit with a thermostatic mixer is offered, which limits the maximum supply temperature to the heated floor system and guarantees operation of the boiler without condensation (Fig. 12). The set comes with a decorative cover.

Several options are available for connecting a Viessmann DHW cylinder with a capacity of 120 or 150 liters to the boiler. This can be a set of connections for installing a water heater under the boiler, as well as a set of connections for installing a water heater installed next to the boiler.

Preliminary marking using an installation template.

Boiler installation.

Connecting electrical connections.


Fig. 14. Installation and commissioning of the boiler

Scheme electrical connections gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D

CN 8– stepper motor of the switching valve;

T8– high voltage transformer and line and ionization line;

3 – boiler water temperature sensor;

4 – outlet temperature sensor (combi boiler only);

5 – cylinder temperature sensor (single-circuit boiler only);

20 – internal circulation pump;

35 – electromagnetic shut-off gas valve;

47 – temperature limiter;

149 – DHW relay (sensor);

100/159 – blocking of exhaust devices by external module extensions H3;

162 – traction rollover control sensor;

190 – modulating coil.

Since the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D gas boiler is delivered ready for immediate operation, the main electrical installation connections are made inside the boiler at the factory. Installation of connections for auxiliary equipment, e.g. room thermostat Vitotrol 100 or Vitocell 100-W DHW cylinder is connected to the boiler controller connectors, so this work, as well as the connection to the network, should be entrusted to a specialized service organization. For example, the connection of the “L” and “N” wires of the mains cable must be observed, as incorrect connections can result in serious injury and damage to the appliance. In addition, direct contact of connecting cables with hot parts is not allowed, as this leads to damage to the cables.

The NYM-J 3×1.5 mm 2 cable, recommended by the manufacturer for powering the equipment of the Vitopend 100-W WH1D boiler from the electrical network, has the appropriate number of cores for external connections. The power supply network must have a neutral wire, and the power supply cable must have a disconnector that simultaneously disconnects all ungrounded wires from the network with a contact opening of at least 3 mm.

When installing the unit in wet rooms, it is prohibited to connect auxiliary additional equipment to the boiler on the controller in the zone high humidity. When installing a hot water boiler outside wet rooms, connecting additional accessories to the network can be done directly on the controller. This connection is controlled directly by the controller's mains switch.

The manufacturer recommends installing a gas boiler in the area where the chimney passes through the building structure. The flue gas pipe must be connected to the chimney the shortest route through a chimney. In this case, sharp bends in the gas exhaust pipes should be avoided. When installing a chimney, it is necessary to check that the cross-section of the chimney and flue pipes corresponds to the cross-section of the boiler pipe. A distance of at least 100 mm must be provided from the chimney to flammable structural elements. If necessary, the chimney pipe should be thermally insulated.

Well-deserved trust of customers in the Viessmann company and, accordingly, high demand for its products, corresponding European standards UNI-EN, manufacturers of counterfeit goods also noted. Cheap counterfeits of Viessmann products, which are distinguished by their low price and equally low quality, have penetrated the Russian market.

The use of such “branded” products is fraught with the occurrence of emergency force majeure circumstances associated with the use gas equipment. The money spent to eliminate these circumstances cannot be compared with the cost of true Viessmann branded products.

If you want to avoid such surprises, purchase original Viessmann products only from authorized distributors.

Group of companies "RANDSTROY"

is the official distributor of VIESSMANN products

in Russia and CIS countries

The German company Wissmann has been one of the world leaders in the market for several decades. heating equipment. The company gained its fame primarily thanks to its solid fuel and gas floor-standing boilers. And in this segment, perhaps, they have no equal at all.

IN recent years The German concern is increasingly relying on compact and economical wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann. Reviews for this type equipment is not as common as, for example, popular boilers of the brands or.

This is understandable, because the equipment from the German manufacturer has never been budget-friendly, and the price of wall-mounted single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers Wisman did not allow them to be purchased and made available to the average buyer.

Today we’ll talk in more detail and review wall hangings. gas apparatus the widespread Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1d series. Thanks to the operating instructions, we will together determine their significant advantages and disadvantages compared to competitors, and consider the main types and technical characteristics of German boilers of this brand.

Main types and models of wall-mounted gas boilers Visman

Today, the German concern produces two main types of wall-mounted devices:

1. Traditional boiler models Viessmann Vitopend 100-W;
2. Condensing boilers Viessmann Vitodens 100(-200)-W.

Gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

To countries Western Europe a German company supplies condensing gas boilers of the model Viessmann Vitodens. In Russia this type equipment is not so popular due to its high price of 100 thousand rubles and above. These devices have very good indicator Efficiency (more than 100%), and the country of origin is Germany.

For Russia and the CIS countries, this company has developed a more budget-friendly series of wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W. These models are characterized by a standard (for wall-mounted units) efficiency indicator of about 90%, and the price for a boiler is more realistic for the consumer - from 700 euros, which is already noticeably lower than, for example, for the same “”.

Boilers of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W series are assembled in Turkey and in some countries of Eastern Europe; they are available in several versions:

— double-circuit with thermal power of 22, 24 and 30 kW;
- single-circuit with a power of 24 and 30 kW.

Depending on the type of combustion product emission, gas boilers are divided into devices:

- with a closed combustion chamber or “turbo boilers”, with separate (80/80 mm) and, i.e. “pipe-in-pipe” type (60/100 mm);
- with an open chamber or “atmospheric” boilers, with a chimney pipe diameter of 130-140 mm.

Design and features of gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

In Russia, turbocharged double-circuit gas boilers have gained the most popularity, let's take a closer look at them in the photo below.

1. Turbine
2. Primary copper heat exchanger
3. Combustion chamber
4. Gas burner with flame modulation
5. AquaBloc hydraulic unit with Multi-Stecksystem quick-release connections
6. Boiler control unit
7. Expansion tank

Boilers of this model have two heat exchangers: a copper primary, and a compact secondary made of stainless steel for heating running water.

The three-speed circulation pump "Wilo" with an automatic air vent was replaced with a higher quality analogue - a pump from a German manufacturer " Grundfos", capable of raising a column of water up to 6 meters. The membrane expansion tank for models with a nominal power of up to 24 kW has a volume of 6 liters, and for 30 kW - 10 liters.

Thanks to a special hydraulic module AquaBloc with quick connectors Multi-Stacksystem, it has become very convenient to diagnose and repair the main elements of a gas boiler. This is especially true if you need to quickly replace any spare parts when outside the window minus temperature air.

The entire hydraulic part of the boiler of this brand is made of high-quality composite materials. Both heat exchangers, gas and three-way valves, flow and temperature, flame and draft sensors are made in Europe.

Vitopend boilers automatically maintain the temperature of hot water and coolant, thanks to an automatic modulating burner. The device also has a self-diagnosis system and boiler protection against freezing and overheating, as well as a safety group.

Operation control and functions of the Visman gas boiler

On the front side of the device body there is a control unit, with the help of which the temperature is adjusted and the operating modes of the Vitopend boiler are set. In addition, the digital LCD display shows error codes if a malfunction occurs during the operation of this gas heating equipment, as well as control of the operation of the indirect heating boiler, if necessary.

Visman boiler control unit

1 - pressure gauge
2 - LCD display
3 — flow water temperature controller in the DHW circuit
4 - coolant temperature regulator in the heating circuit
5 - boiler on/off button

Single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W have built-in weather-dependent automation. If you additionally buy an outdoor temperature sensor, the boiler will operate taking into account the weather and air temperature outside the window, on the street.

In addition, to maintain the required air temperature in the house, it is possible to install a room thermostat for the Visman boiler. The company produces several types of these control devices under the name “Vitotrol”:

— mechanical thermostat type “RT”
— programmable type “UTA”
— with digital display “UTDB”
— with a built-in receiver and remote radio transmitter “UTDB-RF”

Kit for connecting underfloor heating to a Viessmann gas boiler

To connect the underfloor heating system, the company has developed a special kit.

It consists of the following elements:

- circulation pump;

- thermostatic mixing valve;

— thermal heads with a remote sensor;

— supply copper fittings.

This set automatically supports temperature regime, necessary for heated floors and prevents the formation of condensation in the boiler.

Having purchased such an installation kit for a Wiesmann boiler, you no longer have to purchase an expensive manifold group with a pumping and mixing unit for a heated floor.

Technical characteristics of double-circuit gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

Double-circuit (combined) boilers of the Visman brand have a hot water capacity of 10 to 14 l/min, depending on the power of the specific model. Electricity consumption is low: up to 120 W from a 220 V power supply. To avoid damage to the boiler’s electronic board, experts strongly recommend purchasing.

Capable of operating on natural and liquefied gas (when replacing injectors gas burner) at low consumption. More detailed technical parameters are given in the table.

Gas boiler Visman: technical characteristics

Advantages of wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

— quality of materials;
— noiselessness;
— compact dimensions;
— modern German technologies;
- a prestigious brand.

Disadvantages of Visman gas boilers

— high price for boilers;
— high prices for spare parts and components;
- hydraulic tubes from composite material;
- narrow range of models.

Today we together disassembled wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers Visman and wrote your review about this device. In accordance with the operating instructions, we examined the technical characteristics and design of boilers of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1d series.

Despite some shortcomings and high prices for gas boilers, this is a very high quality and reliable heating apparatus from a German manufacturer. It may be worth spending once on a brand and buying good, prestigious heating equipment to avoid problems with your boiler in the future. Let's watch the video.

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D. Technical data sheet. Language: ru | pdf 945.84 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D. Operating instructions. 2009 | Language: ru | pdf 402.87 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D with an open combustion chamber. Installation and service instructions. Language: ru | pdf 5.02 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D with a closed combustion chamber. Installation and service instructions. Language: ru | pdf 4.93 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 111-W, type WHSB. Technical data sheet. Language: ru | pdf 6.87 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 111-W, type WHSB. Installation and service instructions. 2010 | Language: ru | pdf 13.71 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 111-W, type WHSB. Operating instructions. Language: ru | pdf 398.63 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WHKB with modulating atmospheric burner and with an open combustion chamber (10.5 - 30 kW). Technical data sheet. Language: RU | pdf 1.46 Mb

Gas combined boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WHKB (10.5 - 25.1 kW; 13 - 30 kW) with an open combustion chamber for operation on natural and liquefied gas. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 1.43 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WH1B (10.5 - 24 kW; 13 - 30 kW) with a closed combustion chamber, for operation on natural and liquefied gas. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 5.21 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 series type WH1B for natural and liquefied gas. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 4.69 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WH1B with modulating atmospheric burner, with open and closed combustion chamber (10.5 - 30 kW). Technical data sheet. Language: RU | pdf 2.29 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WH1B with controller for constant supply temperature. Operating instructions. Language: RU | pdf 342.24 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WH1B (10.5 - 24 kW; 13 - 30 kW) with an open combustion chamber. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 4.51 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100-W type WH1D (10.7 - 24.8 kW, 13.2 - 31 kW) with open and closed combustion chamber (from September 2013) 5793097. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 6.23 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100 type WHOA (10.5 - 24 kW). Technical data sheet. Language: RU | pdf 2.73 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 series WHO type with controller. Operating instructions. Language: RU | pdf 152.12 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100 type WHOA for natural and liquefied gas. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 6.60 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 100 type WHEA (10.5 - 24 kW). Technical data sheet. Language: RU | pdf 3.70 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 series type WHEA with Vitotronic 200 HO1 controller. Operating instructions. Language: RU | pdf 750.59 Kb

Viessmann gas wall-mounted boilers Vitopend 100 series type WHEA with Vitotronic 100 HC1 controller. Operating instructions. Language: RU | pdf 553.02 Kb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 series type WHEA for natural and liquefied gas. Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 2.58 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 222-W type WHSA (10.5 - 30 kW). Installation and service instructions. Language: RU | pdf 8.52 Mb

Gas wall-mounted boilers Viessmann series Vitopend 222-W type WHSA. Installation sequence instructions. Language: RU | pdf 736.83 Kb

Viessmann boilers have good performance properties. The article describes the correct installation and installation of boilers, which will allow you to realize their full potential and avoid troubles caused by installation errors.

Depending on the type, Viessmann boilers are installed differently. This is caused design features heating water heating unit, its dimensions, weight, method of connection to the chimney, type of fuel.

Installation steps for Viessmann boilers:

Installation various types boilers

  • Solid fuel and gas floor-mounted.

These types of units are characterized by increased mass, slightly larger width, length and height. The devices need the strongest and most reliable foundation, because their weight is the largest in the entire product line of the company. The base is made of rubble stone, broken brick, crushed stone, concrete. The area of ​​the foundation is three to four times the area of ​​the boiler. Using a weak base leads to damage to the chimney and loss of integrity threaded connections, leaks of coolant and household gas, fires, explosions. Carbon monoxide poisoning is no less dangerous. Solid fuel type heating devices are very demanding on the quality and size of the chimney. When burning wood, the release of volatile substances is greater than when burning gas, and the soot content in the emitted smoke is tens of times higher. Therefore, the diameter of the chimney channels must be increased. Minimum size channels is indicated in the operating instructions, but in reality it needs to be made at least one and a half times larger in order to avoid overgrowing with soot as a result of using oily or damp firewood. Incorrect calculations, installation and connection of Viessmann Visman boilers increase the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning tenfold.

  • Gas wall mounted.

Does not require a base because it is fixed to the wall using anchor bolts. Of all fuel boilers, it has the minimum weight and maximum efficiency.
Connecting the power supply system.

  • A solid fuel heating water heating unit does not require a special power system.

The only requirement is a flood sheet that protects the floor from possible escape of coals and protects against fire.

  • Gas boiler requires connection to the mains low pressure network gas. Prohibited by law

make this connection yourself. This is fraught with a gas leak, explosion, fire, and is dangerous not only for the people living in the house, but also for their neighbors. Connection to the gas pipeline must be carried out by specialists with appropriate education and documents of the established standard. After connecting the power, the technician will definitely search for and eliminate household gas leaks.
Connecting the heating system.
Installation of a Visman boiler to heating pipes is identical for any type and model. The pipes are connected using threaded connections sealed with fluoroplastic (FUM). A properly assembled connection will serve without leakage for decades. The water outlets of the unit are connected to metal-plastic pipes using adapters and fittings, and does not require special equipment. If the heating is made of plastic pipes, you will need a special soldering iron. Metal pipes heating is required welding machine, an angle grinder (grinder) and a highly qualified craftsman.
Chimney connection.
Solid fuel and open-chamber gas boilers are connected to a chimney that extends above the roof ridge using roofing iron pipes. The use of galvanized steel pipes is unacceptable; when heated, zinc begins to be released into the air, leading to accumulation in the body and severe poisoning.

Installation and installation of Viessmann boilers must be carried out by specialists. This is a guarantee of safe and comfortable heating in winter. The masters will determine best place for the unit, optimal location and shape of the chimney, calculate the required size and shape of the foundation, calculate ventilation and fire safety premises. Don’t risk the lives of your loved ones for illusory savings.