Lotto. rules of the game. Russian lotto rules

Lotto (RUSSIAN LOTTO)- a game designed to lift the mood in a large and fun campaign, captivating with its excitement and dynamics. A popular, traditionally Russian game that came to us from time immemorial, and to this day remains one of the most popular board games, both for a fun, noisy campaign, and for playing with the family. .

The rules of the game “Russian Lotto” are simple and clear. You can play lotto at home or any other place, the main thing is that you have a suitable “company”. There are several types of Russian Lotto game rules: simple lotto, short lotto and three-by-three lotto. Before the start of the game, the participants agree on which Russian Lotto game they will play.

Composition of the Russian Lotto game

  • wooden barrels 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;
  • 24 cardboard game cards, each card has three rows of cells, each row contains five numbers from 1 to 90 in random order;
  • plastic or cardboard chips (markers) for covering cells with numbers;
  • opaque pouch for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the simple game “Russian Lotto”

Each player receives three game cards and places them in front of them in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes one of the lines on his cards, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on one of the cards wins.

Rules for playing short Russian Lotto

Each player receives one game card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the presenter takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on any line wins.

Rules for playing Russian Lotto three by three

It is considered the most “gambling” game in “Russian Lotto”. Players buy cards, and this may not necessarily be money, the main thing is to maintain “interest”. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers).

If a player closes in any line has four out of five numbers, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with a word "apartment", after which the presenter takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

In the event that:

  • the player closes the top line on the card, other players report the bet and the game continues;
  • the player closes the middle line on the card, he takes the third part of the pot, and the rest report the stake and the game continues;
  • the player closes the bottom line on the card, he takes the stake and the game ends.

The presenter blindly takes one barrel from the bag at a time, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for announcing numbers in LOTTO:

1 - count
3 - three
10 - bull's eye
11 — drumsticks
12 - dozen
13 - damn dozen
18 - for the first time
22 - ducklings
25 - again 25
44 — chairs
50 - half a hundred
55 - gloves
66 — felt boots
69 - back and forth
77 - hatchets
88 - grandmother
89 - grandfather's neighbor
90 - grandfather

The player whose number on the card matches the number named by the leader covers this number with a special token or chip.

Rules of the game Russian lotto very simple. Before the game, cards are drawn from a common pack, the number is agreed upon in advance. You can agree that one card costs 1 ruble or 50 kopecks. Players bet on the pot. The presenter takes out barrels with numbers, names them, and the players cover the numbers on their cards, if they have them. And the one who closes the line wins.

There are several game options

“Simple Lotto” - the first one to cover all the numbers on all his cards wins.

“Short Lotto” - the first one to cover all the numbers on one of his cards wins.

“Three on Three” - when one of the players closes the top line of any of his cards, everyone except this player adds a contribution to the stake according to the number of their cards. The game continues. When the middle line closes any of his cards, the player takes half of the stake. And the rest add half of their down payment. And the game continues. The first person to cover the bottom line on one of their cards wins. Then it's all over and the game is over. And they start again, choose cards and put them on the line according to the number of cards.

The beginning of the game begins with the choice of a leader who “shouts”, that is, mixes the barrels and takes them out of the bag and calls the numbers on the barrel. The presenter can also play or just “shout.” Depending on the version of the game “Simple Lotto” and “Short Lotto”, all participants have the same number of cards. In the Three on Three lotto, the number of cards may vary among players. And the amount of the contribution to the bet depends on the number of cards.

Progress of the game "Three on Three"

Players put money into the bank depending on the number of cards it has, for example, a ruble per card. The shouter, having mixed well, takes out several barrels and quickly calls out the numbers one at a time. The difficulty is to have time to check all your cards for the named numbers and close them with “covers”. You can use buttons or coins with a face value of 1 or 10 kopecks as “closures”. When any player covers four out of five on any line on one of his cards, he says that he has an “apartment”. Then the “screamer” discards all the unnamed barrels that he has in his hand and now takes out one barrel at a time. The game continues until any player has a line on any of his cards.

If a player has closed the top line, then everyone except him adds an initial amount of money to the bank, depending on the number of cards each player has. And the game continues. If a player closes the middle line, then he takes half of the bank, and all other players add half of the original bet amount, for example, a ruble for two cards. And the game continues. When any player closes the bottom line on any card, he takes the entire bank and the game ends. All barrels are thrown into a bag, and cards, by agreement, can be changed or old ones left.

Controversial situations in lotto

When two players closed the top line at the same time. Then they add everything to the bank except them.

When different players cover the top and middle lines at the same time. Then the one who closed the middle line takes half, and all players except the one who closed the top and middle line add to the bank. And the game continues.

When two players closed the middle line at the same time. Then these two players “argue” i.e. Only they play further, and for the rest of the players the game is over, and the first one to have any closed line wins. Then he takes the entire bank and the game starts again. Or another option, players simply divide the base in half and the game ends.

When two players have covered the middle and bottom, the player who got the bottom wins.

If two players have covered the top and bottom, the player who has the bottom wins, i.e. he takes the bank.

When two players simultaneously close the bottom lines, they also “argue” until the first next closed line and takes the entire bank and the game ends.

We apply these rules of playing Russian lotto when playing with relatives and friends and get a lot of positive results from this!

Russian lotto is one of the most exciting games, in which 2 or more people can take part. Both adults and children enjoy playing it, and simple rules allow you to involve even kids in this entertainment. Lotto is ideal for a family evening, as it gives all players a lot of positive emotions.

The word "lotto" appears to be of French origin ("loto") or Italian origin ("lotto"). It combines gambling using special cards with numbers printed on them (usually rows and columns).

The rules of the game “Russian Lotto” are simple and clear. You can play lotto at home or any other place, the main thing is that you have a suitable “company”.

There are several types of rules for the Russian Lotto game:

Before the start of the game, the participants agree on which Russian Lotto game they will play.

1. Simple LOTTO- The one who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of his cards wins. He takes the bank. Typically, when playing simple LOTTO, each player receives three cards.

2. Short LOTTO- The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in any one line. Typically, when playing short LOTTO, each player receives one card.

When one of the players fills any top line, the rest double their bets into the pot;

When one of the players fills any middle row, he takes half of the pot;

When one of the players fills out any bottom line, he is declared the winner and takes the entire bank.

In a three-on-three game, it is possible to create unequal conditions between players who have made unequal contributions to the bank. Any player can double or even triple his contribution and receive not one, but, accordingly, two or three cards. This is possible because it is considered that a “card is played” and each card has equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of how many cards the player has.

At the beginning of the game, the leader is chosen, he may receive cards and participate in the game on an equal basis with others, or he may not receive them, this is determined by an agreement between the players.

The presenter blindly takes one barrel from the bag at a time, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for announcing numbers in LOTTO:

Composition of the Russian Lotto game

Wooden barrels 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;

There are 24 cardboard game cards, each card has three rows of cells, each row contains five numbers from 1 to 90 in random order;

Plastic or cardboard counters (markers) for covering cells with numbers;

Opaque pouch for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the simple game “Russian Lotto”

Each player receives three game cards and places them in front of them in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes one of the lines on his cards, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on one of the cards wins.

Rules for playing short Russian Lotto

Each player receives one game card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the presenter takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on any line wins.

LOTTO – gambling, very close to the lottery. Winning LOTTO, provided that experienced players play, is almost entirely determined by luck. The dependence on luck can be reduced by increasing the number of cards per participant, and then theoretically the possibility of an error due to inattention increases. But experienced players claim that this only works for beginners.

LOTTO first appeared in Genoa in the 16th century; the word Lotto itself translated from Italian means “fate” (everyone who watched the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” may be surprised by this circumstance, but this is so - in the 10th century in Kievan Rus couldn't play this game).

Soon LOTTO received widespread throughout Italy, and already in 1521 the first ban came out - the Senate of the Venetian Republic banned this game as gambling. But the game quickly gained popularity in France. To this day, the custom of playing Le Lotto with excitement on Saturdays is part of the French way of life.

However, in the Soviet Union, LOTO was considered not a game of chance, but a developmental game along with chess and checkers. In some ways, the Soviet officials were undoubtedly right, Lotto develops attention and memory, but then why weren’t cards, for example, welcomed, since many card games develop these qualities to a much greater extent.

Now everything has fallen into place: Lotto, of course, is, first of all, a game of chance. An attempt to build your own business on the organization of such games, for example, to open a Lotto hall following the example of American bingo halls, will most likely end in problems with law enforcement agencies. But this does not mean that we cannot get together with friends to have fun playing our favorite game.

To play you need:

1. Barrels with numbers on the end faces - 90 pieces.

2. A bag for kegs, always made of opaque material.

3. Cards with three rows of numbers – 24 pieces.

4. Tokens or chips designed to cover numbers on cards; their number can range from 150 to 200 pieces.

The game can be played for fun, or it can have a bank. Here are the three main game options:

1. Simple LOTTO - the first one to cover all the numbers on one card wins. He takes the bank. Typically, when playing simple LOTTO, each player receives three cards.

2. Short LOTTO - the first one to cover all the numbers in any one line wins. Typically, when playing short LOTTO, each player receives one card.

3. LOTTO three by three. Here you also need to close the numbers in one line, but the result will depend on the location of this line:

– when one of the players fills any top line, the rest double their bets into the bank;

– when one of the players fills any middle line, he takes half of the bank;

– when one of the players fills out any bottom line, he is declared the winner and takes the entire bank.

In a three-on-three game, it is possible to create unequal conditions between players who have made unequal contributions to the bank. Any player can double or even triple his contribution and receive not one, but, accordingly, two or three cards. This is possible because it is considered that a “card is played” and each card has equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of how many cards the player has.

At the beginning of the game, the leader is chosen, he may receive cards and participate in the game on an equal basis with others, or he may not receive them, this is determined by an agreement between the players.

The presenter blindly takes one barrel from the bag at a time, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for announcing numbers in LOTTO:

1 - count
3 - three
10 - bull's eye
11 - drum sticks
12 - dozen
13 - damn dozen
18 - for the first time
22 - ducklings
25 - again 25
44 - chairs
50 - half a hundred
55 - gloves
66 - felt boots
69 - back and forth
77 - hatchets
88 - grandmother
89 - grandfather's neighbor
90 - grandfather

The player whose number on the card matches the number named by the leader covers this number with a special token or chip.

When playing simple LOTTO, a player whose card has one row completely closed must notify other players about this by saying “apartment”.

The winner is determined depending on the game variant.

In America this popular game got a different name. Initially, dried beans were used instead of chips (in English - beans), placing the winning bean on the card, the player exclaimed: “Bingo”, which is why the Lotto game itself in America began to be called Bingo.

Currently in the USA, for every one player in a casino there are ten players in Bingo halls; now this is already a whole subculture with its own customs, etiquette, and language. Here are just the most common terms:

Front of House – the table located closest to the entrance.

Early Bird is a warm-up game before the main Bingo game.

Eyes Down (look down) - means that the game begins and the dealer will now begin to call numbers.

Flyer is a Bingo ticket that can be used for one game.

Market Bingo – refers to a game where the prize is in non-monetary form. In Basket Bingo, the prize is a basket filled with prize items.

Cash-In-Prize – refers to a game where the prize is in the form of cash.

Admission Packet - the minimum number of cards that you must take (purchase) to participate in the game.

Bingo Board is an electronic scoreboard on which the numbers pronounced by the dealer are duplicated.

Blackout (Full filling) is a game option when you need to cover the entire card to win.

Four corners - a game option where to win you need to cover the numbers in the corners of the card.

Pattern is a variant of the game when, in order to win, you need to cover numbers with chips according to a predetermined pattern (for example, a diagonal).

Catch-up ( Quick game) – in this game, the machine fills out the card for the player.

Jackpot – the main prize.

Money Ball - this ball is played before the start of the game, the player whose card it appears on receives a special prize.

Wait – last number, which the player should close to fill out the winning pattern, and then shout “Bingo!”

Wrap up is the latest game in the Bingo series.

TV game "Russian Lotto"

A huge number of lotteries have been created on the basis of LOTTO, currently the most popular of them in our country is the All-Russian state lottery “VGTL 1 “Victory” “Russian Lotto”, draws of which are held every Sunday at 8.15 on the NTV channel.

To participate in the lottery, as in a regular LOTTO, you will need cards with numbers. But, unlike the classic game, you don’t have to cover the numbers on the cards with chips or beans; you don’t even need to cross out anything, as the game organizers recommend. This is an ordinary lottery ticket and it does not need your help to win or lose.

At retail points of sale, you can purchase a colorful ticket equipped with the required degrees of protection; such a ticket will indicate the draw number and the date of the drawing; the same ticket will be the basis for receiving your winnings.

If the draw number and date are not indicated on the ticket, then the seller is obliged to give you a receipt printed by the terminal on which this information is present, in which case the receipt will be the basis for receiving your winnings. You will be asked for a phone number (you don’t have to give it), which will also be printed on the receipt. In this case, using your phone number you can register on the website and you will find a virtual copy of your ticket there, in addition, if you win, you will receive an SMS.

In addition to purchasing at retail points of sale, there are many ways to take part in the game; you can place a bet on the website, via SMS, in the Euroset and Alt-Telecom communication stores, and in the BaltBet-Loto lottery stores. In all these cases, it is necessary to indicate a phone number, since its use is necessary to ensure security; after all, we are talking about money. An SMS with a secret code will be sent to the number you specified, which, together with the receipt number and the number mobile phone and will be the basis for receiving winnings.

On the site there are many ways to make it easier for a player to select tickets, each ticket manually, at once and a lot, with favorite numbers, with different numbers, etc. I will not dwell on their description, because this has nothing to do with the rules of the game.

It should be remembered that bets on the next drawing are accepted until 12:00 Saturday (Moscow time).

Now the rules of the game. The drawing is divided into rounds, and a Jackpot is also drawn.

In the first round, the winners are the tickets in which the numbers in any horizontal line are closed before all the others, it doesn’t matter if it happened in the top or bottom table.

In the second round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in the top or bottom table were closed before anyone else. In the third and subsequent rounds, the winners are tickets that have all 30 numbers on the card covered.

The jackpot is won by a ticket on which 15 numbers are closed after the first 15 barrels played. The jackpot does not necessarily go to one of the participants in the draw; if this does not happen, it will accumulate until someone wins it.

In general, the rules are not complicated, the organizers tried to ensure that those wishing to take part in the lottery would not have problems buying a ticket, would have money, and your bet would definitely be accepted in any other way, the great popularity of the lottery leads to the formation of a large prize fund. These are the advantages.

But the classic game of LOTTO with friends also has its advantages. Firstly, such a game does not have an organizer, which means that 100% of the bets go into the bank, and not 50%, as in the lottery. Secondly, seeing your opponents and watching their reactions is much more interesting than playing while sitting on the couch in front of the TV or in front of a computer monitor against thousands of strangers.

There is a famous joke that will help answer the question of how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

A man came to church to ask God for help. He begged to send him a big cash win in the lottery or good and expensive prizes. God heard his call and was silent for a long time. After which he could not stand it and told him: “Friend, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket first?!”

So, to play lotto, you must first purchase a ticket. It's very easy to do. You can buy a ticket at a special kiosk or at a post office.

So, there is a ticket. What about Russian Lotto? Everyone has their own methods for winning, let's look at the most common ones.

Several methods for making big money when playing the lottery:

1. There is an American living in the states, Doug Myrock, who played the lottery for 17 years and entered the same combination, eventually winning 31.4 million dollars. Not ready to wait that long? Then it’s worth studying probability theory and optimizing the method quick receipt winning. If you are unable to do such calculations, a computer will come to the rescue. Using special programs, you can create a combination of lucky numbers.

2. Numerological method. How to win the Russian Lotto lottery using your date of birth or name? There is a special science - numerology, which determines favorable days for each person based on his personal data. To get your first lucky number, you need to add up all the numbers on your date of birth. The second number is obtained by adding the letters in your name, namely “a-1”, “b-2”, etc. Third lucky number is found by summing the first two. Now you have three that must be present on the lottery ticket.

3. Karmic-cognitive method. Some lottery fans believe that in order to hit the jackpot, magic is not needed. But often the thoughts that arise in the subconscious help you win. Some psychologists advise: in order to win, you need to believe in it all the time. To achieve the result, you need to take a piece of paper with a pen and depict yourself on it with a large bag of money. When you look at your creativity, truly believe that you will win.

4. Fatal method. Some are sure that only chance decides the outcome of a win. Some, for example, believe that lucky combination- this is the number of a car that was mined the day before somewhere in the world. A huge number of bets are placed on the 9th and 11th, after the famous disaster of September 11th. And the strangest thing is that these tickets won! Many people look for clues in the day of the week or the numbers of the month. Often they help them. It’s worth looking around you and finding out where your lucky number is hiding, which will allow you to understand how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

5. Superstitious method. Acquisition lottery ticket- this is a ritual that must be carried out especially. Firstly, you need to pay attention to appearance. Do not wear things that contain yellow and red colors. It is better to choose an outfit in dark colors. Striped or checkered clothes will also scare away good luck. And the most important rule is that you should not wear gold and silver jewelry!

It turns out that the probability of winning in any lottery, be it “Sports”, “Super” or another, depends on the goal set and the chosen method.