Love horoscope for a Taurus man for September. Taurus: Monthly Love Horoscope

As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, Taurus will experience many new experiences and receive a lot good opportunities. Be careful and observant, don’t miss your chance to improve your life. Now you can easily make decisions, which has a positive effect on the final result of your activities. Save positive attitude, set priorities, act in accordance with a pre-drawn plan. But don't try to jump over your head.

The question that occupies a lot of your attention will be family relationships. Difficulties with children will arise and they will need your help. Help your child adapt to an unfamiliar situation, but don’t push. Some Taurus will have to choose between work and family. While fulfilling your moral duty to your family, do not forget about your needs.

In September, Taurus will reconsider their views on life, and changes will occur in their worldview. Unexpected Events The month will change a lot for Taurus.


The horoscope for Taurus for September 2017 recommends taking care of your digestive system. Possible exacerbation of existing diseases gastrointestinal tract. Don’t test your body’s strength, stick to a gentle diet. Include vegetables and fruits and herbal teas in your diet.

An active lifestyle and moderate physical activity will help keep your body toned and stay alert and energetic.


In September, Taurus sensibly and objectively assess their situation and understand what they want to achieve in the future. Avoid disputes and conflicts with colleagues, be able to see in every person positive traits and find a common language with him. Choose your key for each person separately to achieve authority and trust in the team.

Avoid being late, do not delay in completing assignments, so as not to spoil your reputation in the eyes of your superiors. You must always remain focused and responsible.

The month is suitable for establishing connections with out-of-town and foreign partners.

At the beginning of September, it is better not to hold important meetings and negotiations, and avoid signing documents. And after the eleventh the stars already turn green. The second half of the month will be associated with small routine work, which nevertheless requires high level responsibility and care. The end of the month will bring some difficulties associated with inspection authorities.


The horoscope for Taurus for September 2017 does not promise representatives of the sign a stable financial situation. Income for the month will not fall, but expenses will increase. For the most part, expenses will be related to family and personal issues.

You can improve the financial situation of Taurus only by searching additional sources profit. Operations related to real estate will be successful.


As foreshadowed love horoscope for September 2017, Taurus will be preoccupied with family matters. Children will need to devote a lot of time and attention. When communicating with your spouse, you should be careful in choosing your words. In general, the relationship is favorable, your household values ​​and supports you.

Free Taurus people should spend more time in companies. A certain person will appear in your environment with whom you will have an affair, which in the future may develop into a serious relationship.

The end of September may bring some disagreements in the relationship of lovers. Avoid criticizing your partner over trifles, do not find fault. Arguing will not lead to anything good.

Man – Taurus

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, a Taurus man should be more tactful and wiser in communicating with family and close relatives, despite the fact that they will strain you with their high expectations.

The stars predict free men - Taurus fateful meeting. Other changes in relationships are also likely, this could be either an engagement or a divorce. Be philosophical about current events. Solve any problems that arise together with your significant other.

Avoid wasting money on unnecessary purchases. You have much more important family-related expenses ahead of you. In September, a Taurus man will be able to invest funds profitably.

Taurus Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Taurus woman must carefully prepare for transactions and paperwork. You have to throw yourself into your work. Show yourself as a responsible and professional worker, establish yourself in the eyes of your superiors on a good side. You should not make large purchases.

In the field love relationship pleasant changes are expected. Try to listen more to the opinions of older family members. Single women - Taurus are no longer worried about the unsettled personal life; rest and self-realization are now more important to them.

It is more correct now to act according to your inner instinct, it will not deceive. And now is not a good time to be alone with yourself. Also, various events in life are likely to evoke strong emotions.

There is probably a need to separate relationships and work. There is no need to renounce human communication in favor of the World Wide Web.

You can fall in love anywhere, even on the road. Apparently, in the current situation, it is best to pay a little more attention to the well-being of loved ones. And also, apparently, at the moment it’s a bad time for emotional conversations, try to wait a while with this. And time spent with loved ones will not be wasted.


It's probably time to maintain balance, not forgetting about your loved ones or yourself. Certain events in life are likely to cause strong emotional distress. Moral energy fills you, use it wisely. You can fall in love anywhere, even on the road. If you want to get a positive charge at an upcoming event, then it’s better not to look for romance there.

The World Wide Web will bring not only entertaining communication, but also a chance for something more. Perhaps a frank conversation is a good reason to resolve everything. And how to spend time with family should be discussed by everyone together. The emerging conflict situation will have to be resolved systematically.

In September, Taurus women are guaranteed the support of the stars in everything. The September horoscope for Taurus women in 2018 foreshadows many interesting events and changes in life. In September, energetic and sensible Taurus are guaranteed the support of the stars in literally everything. Wide opportunities for the implementation of planned projects will open in early autumn.

During this period, events will occur that will affect the entire fall of 2018. The month will be busy positive emotions, no one and nothing will take you out of your state of comfort. You will be surrounded by the attention and care of your loved ones, which will give you additional strength. However, you should reconsider your attitude towards your health.

3 planets influencing Taurus in September:

  • Saturn;
  • Mercury;
  • Venus.

To September 6 under the influence Mercury you will feel supernaturally confident own strength and possibilities.

After September 7 Saturn will have its effect on Taurus. The time will come for constant movement. All things that were in a state of creative stagnation will move forward. Taurus women will run ahead of the locomotive up the career ladder.

WITH September 12 gentle influence Venus will put you in a romantic mood. The sphere of personal relationships will sparkle with new colors. The romantic mood will not leave Taurus women until the end of the month, and some representatives of this sign will not leave until the end of autumn.

Career and money

The business horoscope for September Taurus wife 2018 will indicate a rapid career growth. Old projects will get off the ground. You can safely make grandiose plans and take responsibility for their implementation.

At the beginning of September, you should interact more with people, improve your communication skills and make new acquaintances. Useful connections will always help you move up the career ladder and save you in a dead end situation.

Your bursting creative energy and efficiency will attract important patrons. Don't be afraid to communicate with influential people, you will soon need their support.

Try to focus on the accuracy of performing your duties. Being organized and efficient will increase your importance in the eyes of management. If you bring a touch of creativity to even the most routine work, your colleagues will see you from a new side.

In the second half of the month, it is better to slow down your work pace. There is a high probability of situations arising in which you may encounter misunderstanding on the part of the team. Don't forget that compromise is the key to solving many problems.

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Home and family

At the beginning of the month, you should pay more attention to your loved ones.

Don't put off getting married together. Spend a cozy family evening with your loved ones. Take walks together or just enjoy each other's company. Let this become a new tradition. Communication with older relatives will be very useful.

Treat their problems with due attention and do not argue over trifles. This will strengthen family ties and put an end to old misunderstandings.

Household chores and solving everyday issues should not be put on the back burner. It's best to shop for your home. If you are planning to make changes to your interior, now is the right time. You can simply rearrange the furniture and buy several pleasant little things for home. Get creative with this process. Pleasant chores around the house will direct your energetic energy into a peaceful direction.

Personal life and love

Love horoscope for September Taurus women 2018 promises changes in your personal life

The women of this place are more charming than ever. A playful mood and a romantic state of mind will bring a second honeymoon back to your home.

The stars advise paying attention to the mood and needs of your loved one. Perhaps it is during this period that he especially needs your love and care. Spend time together, discuss plans for the future, talk about your experiences. Do not skimp on pleasant words addressed to your chosen one.

For those who are looking for a soul mate, the stars advise to be more attentive and careful. Do not succumb to the external charm of casual acquaintances.

Behind the charming appearance, you may not be the person you dreamed of. Even if the feeling hits you, wait to make long-term plans. Maybe you should take a closer look at your chosen one.

Health and physical activity

Try to consume as many calories as possible in the first half of the day. Under no circumstances should you starve yourself. Remember the benefits of nutritious snacks. Your active lifestyle requires energy.

Watch your emotional state, don’t eat negative emotions. Monitor your state of physical hunger and distinguish it from the need to eat stress.

Give preference to quiet types of physical activity, suitable for this:

  • Pilates;
  • dancing.

Additional physical activity such as running or going to the gym can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Emotional sphere

Try to save good mood and positive. There is still a long time before the autumn blues, so you should not pay attention to the flooding memories of the past.

Follow these top tips:

  1. Don't get caught up in negative emotions, especially at the end of the day.
  2. You shouldn’t constantly chew the “gum of memories.”
  3. Replenish your energy resource through sleep and meditation.

If you are afraid to be alone with yourself, then do not hesitate to ask for help and support from friends and loved ones.

Taurus will be filled with creative energy all month long. You can safely take on new things, training, or change your field of activity. You will enjoy something you have never done before.

The horoscope for September for Taurus women in 2018 recommends correctly combining physical activity and relaxation, interact with family and friends and approach any task with a creative touch. It is at the beginning of autumn that the time of major changes in life will become for you.

Taurus by nature is not very sensitive and open, especially with unfamiliar people. In September, you will also decide to be careful in communication, which will benefit you. The main thing is not to give up if you encounter troubles. Problems happen to everyone, so don't dramatize situations. The horoscope for September 2018 for Taurus, who does not have a “soulmate,” predicts a fateful meeting. It will be sudden and pleasant, which will already add optimism. Initiative on your part will not hurt. Try to fight for your feelings, because the chosen one will like your courage and sincerity. In September 2018, the horoscope advises Taurus to become more romantic and gentle. The mask of indifference and carelessness is not for you. Just don’t go to extremes, otherwise, on the contrary, you will scare away your chosen one. Duels have long gone out of fashion, and you can deal with your opponents using other methods. Be wiser and more balanced, and avoid affairs with married people. General year read here.

Horoscope for Taurus men for September 2018

The horoscope for September 2018 promises real turmoil at work for Taurus. You won’t be bored for a minute, because there will be so many projects that you just have time to implement them. Help from colleagues will come at the most unexpected moment, so trust more those with whom you work together. The leadership qualities of Taurus will be appreciated by the boss, which will lead to an increase in salary in the future. A long-distance business trip is possible, during which a lonely Taurus will make a romantic acquaintance. The meeting will not be fleeting, most likely it will develop into a long relationship.

Taurus's financial situation in September cannot be called stable. You must strictly adhere to the budget calculated at the beginning of the month. You should not spend money on large purchases, especially if you can live without them. The September 2018 horoscope for Taurus has a lot of lucrative offers in store. Just remember to take a break if you feel tired and apathetic. Well, if you have a vacation coming up, then don’t reschedule it winter period. You will be able not only to go somewhere, but also to complete all your planned household chores. Relatives will help Taurus cope with psychological problems. Their advice will be very helpful, so don’t pretend that you have a mustache yourself. Take care of your health, as the horoscope for September 2018 advises for Taurus. Don't waste money on a pool membership or gym. Especially if you have chronic diseases.

Horoscope for men for September 2018 for Taurus

Act according to the availability of benefits in September. If you have it, you can take on greater responsibility: both at work and at home. If it doesn’t exist, not only will you quickly cool down (after all, you are very pragmatic, even if you believe in high goal), you can also ruin something from excessive zeal (if you think that you can’t refuse). Let's say, while looking after an elderly relative, you will surround him with such care that he will stop moving altogether, which is not entirely correct at his age. Taurus' plans for September will not be realized, because they will be interrupted by more urgent matters. You will also have to pay for past mistakes, maybe correct them, starting all over again (in this case, someone must be in charge of you). But past experience will have to be revised: what you were taught, what worked before, is now outdated, and effective use You don't even have to talk. Favorable days – 4, 8, 13, 21, 23, 25. Unfavorable days – 1, 7, 11, 15, 24, 30.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Taurus man

For Taurus men, both personal and business relations. You will begin to be provoked into rash actions. You will be uncompromising and overly proud, as a result of which profitable business contacts may be disrupted. From mid-September you will be able to look at everything that is happening sensibly and begin to act more constructively. Mascot of the month: a toy horse or a picture of a carousel. Favorable days: September 5, 8, 13, 18, 22, 29. Unfavorable days: September 7, 19, 23. Priority of interests: pleasant shopping and spending, gifts.

Male love horoscope

Your influence on your loved one is especially great now. Just your word will motivate her to take decisive action. It seems like last month you understood each other perfectly, but today everything went wrong. Take care of your relationships. The intensity of feelings will be such that it will become difficult for you to control the situation. Try not to quarrel; this may adversely affect your future relationship. If you are tormented by vague suspicions about your friend, do not give them free rein. Remember, tomorrow everything will change.

Men's health horoscope

A difficult month for most Taurus men. Extra loads are undesirable, but idleness is just as destructive. Pleasant emotions will help you stay healthy. You will feel an improvement in your health in the middle of the month. If you haven’t visited a doctor before then, now your body will recover on its own. The main thing is less hassle. Excellent health is guaranteed to those Taurus who consulted doctors last week and took action. You may experience increased worries about the fate and health of your loved ones. Anxiety can make you feel worse.

Work and financial horoscope for men for September

In the financial sphere, you will probably have a goal that you will strive for at all costs. This month will not bring you any unpleasant surprises related to money. On the contrary, now luck may smile on you. In the second half of September, annoying misunderstandings in financial matters are likely. Be especially attentive to your actions in the field of finance; you may inadvertently not only cause pain to your loved ones, but also not achieve what you strive for.

Taurus will feel great in September 2016, and his beauty and attractiveness will attract the gaze of others. On September 3, 14, 23 and 25, representatives of the Taurus sign may have a desire to do yoga or other Eastern techniques that support internal harmony and physical beauty.

General horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

The horoscope for September 2016 for Taurus pays special attention to the most conflict-ridden day of the month – September 18. On this day, Taurus may have quarrels at work, and there is also a chance of getting injured on the road through no fault of their own.

In September 2016, Taurus needs to be attentive to his thoughts and actions during the new moon, as September 1 is a day that can set the mood for the next six months. At this time, it is most favorable to make plans on the topics of family, home and personal growth. In September 2016, Taurus needs to think positively and then he will succeed in everything he plans.

In September, new prospects related to a partner may open up for Taurus. Thus, the second half can provide assistance in resolving issues related to the acquisition or renovation of an apartment or house, which will most favorably take place in the days from September 5 to 7.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

The September 2016 horoscope for Taurus foresees participation in large financial transactions on days 1, 8, 15–17, as well as September 26–28. Taurus may be given serious responsibility for the implementation of such projects.

Most likely, Taurus will be able to successfully resolve work issues together with the team on September 15 or 26 - on this day there should be no serious disagreements between the participants; in general, a friendly atmosphere is predicted.

In September 2016, Taurus may be prevented from making the right acquisitions by retrograde Mercury. Thus, during the period from September 1 to September 22, it is better for representatives of the sign to refrain from making large purchases, especially in the field of leisure and entertainment. There is a high probability that after September 22 such acquisitions may turn out to be unnecessary, and Taurus will not know what to do with them.

In September 2016, the activities of Taurus will be influenced by the planet Jupiter, which will bring a feeling of well-being and tranquility. For Taurus working in pairs or providing services to the public, workdays on September 10, 21, 23, 30 can become an example of successful team activities and what representatives of the sign will strive for throughout next year. Special attention Taurus should pay attention to the day of September 26 - this is precisely the direction in work that may be offered to them soon.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Taurus: September 26 - 28.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

On September 6, 2016, Taurus may have a meeting with former lovers or old friends with whom representatives of the sign for a long time did not maintain any relationship. On September 5 and 7, Taurus, together with his partner, can understand something very important, necessary for the harmonious development of relationships, as well as making plans.

Already on September 7 and 8, acquaintances with interesting people, having powerful energy and weight in society, capable of having a positive impact on Taurus’s personal relationships in the future.

In the period from September 25 to 29, the partner can arrange provocations of a sexual nature for Taurus: it’s all about the transition of Venus into the sign of Scorpio, which is a symbol of jealousy and deep emotions. These days, Taurus may experience passion with elements of play in relationships.

The September 2016 horoscope for Taurus warns of the risk of conflicts on September 12 and 13. Most likely, topics for unpleasant conversations with your partner will be financial support or raising children.

It is the partner who can bring tension into such conversations and exaggerate the significance of existing problems. It is worth noting that due to issues not resolved in time on the 12th–13th, Taurus’ nervousness can accumulate and reach a maximum on September 16th, which can turn into a real scandal. The stars recommend that Taurus not let the situation get worse, negotiate with their partner and resolve all personal and family problems in a timely manner.

Favorable days for love relationships in September 2016 for Taurus: September 7, 8, 25 - 28.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

In September 2016, Taurus needs to try not to overload himself at work on September 12–13, as well as on September 16–18. It will be good if Taurus is not exposed to high physical activity during these days. The stars warn representatives of the sign about excessive emotionality during this period, which can negatively affect their health.

In September 2016, it is favorable for Taurus to engage in disease prevention, as well as eastern healing techniques.