Manager of social and cultural activities. Current status of an inventory manager

Ministry of Culture Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts"

Faculty of Social and Cultural Technologies

Department of Social and Cultural Activities

Work on the discipline: “Methodological support of SKD”


IV year student

group No. 30402

Skorichenko Ekaterina


Buzene Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg

A manager in the socio-cultural sphere is, first of all, a specialist and professional in his field.

Social and cultural activities, like many other areas, have their own characteristics. An SKD manager is a manager, maybe of some kind of organization, or maybe of an entire team that reproduces the cultural and social environment. He must express himself competently, he must have the ability for public activity, creative thinking. From my own work experience, I can say that an SKD manager cannot live without knowledge in the legal and economic spheres, so we can safely say that the work of an SKD manager is varied and multifunctional. The work is quite specific and interesting. It requires constant motivation, cannot fully function under strict control, sometimes freedom of thought and a flight of imagination are required, but we should not forget about the requests of consumers, they must be met in any case.

The SKD manager should not forget about the implementation of the management process through planning, coordination, control, motivation; development of the manager's organizational resource; improving the style and methods of management in the management system of the socio-cultural sphere. I work as a project manager and volunteer coordinator at the NGO "Apelsin" in St. Petersburg. I use all these tasks in my work. When writing various projects, planning and control skills are important to me. When coordinating volunteers, I constantly have to come up with different ways to motivate, I have to manage a whole group of people and be responsible for them. We work with orphanages and boarding schools for children and young people with disabilities, and I simply need knowledge in the legal field; tasks often arise to protect the rights and interests of our children. When carrying out various activities, one cannot do without economic calculations.

The cultural protection function is important in our work, incl. to study, preserve and use cultural heritage for the social needs and interests of different groups of the population, it is our guys who need this, so we actively use this function.

We also try to creatively develop our children, but sometimes we are faced with the fact that it is necessary to develop adults as well; here the cultural creative function comes into its own, without which the SKD manager cannot fully work.

From my own experience, I can say that an SKD manager must create a favorable cultural environment, stimulate innovative ideas in the social and cultural life of a city, region, country, state. We must conduct informational, educational and even educational work. This is also our specialty.

Graduates of educational institutions in the field of socio-cultural activities today can be successful only if they have high general and professional competence, the ability to independently improve professional knowledge and skills, and acquire the necessary skills during the learning process. An SKD manager is an educated, creative, enthusiastic person who must love his job and be fully involved in the process of culture development. The peculiarity of our activity is to be specialists in various areas of our life: economic, social, legal, political, cultural.


BOU SPO (Secondary Educational Institution) "KARELIAN COLLEGE OF CULTURE AND ARTS"

Methodological development

by subject:

"Economics and management of the socio-cultural sphere"

Completed by: Drapeko Tatyana Valerievna, teacher of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education (SSUZ) “Karelian College of Culture and Arts”


Explanatory note. 2

Economics, basic concepts. 2

Planning. 2

Financial management spheres of culture.. 2

Management of socio-cultural activities. 2

Marketing of the socio-cultural sphere. 2

Business planning. 2

Principles of calculation wages.. 2

Social and creative order. 2

Fundraising and design. 2

Pricing policy. 2

Sources used in preparation methodological development. 2

Explanatory note.

IN modern conditions functioning of cultural and leisure institutions, one of the main activities is to attract additional resources through the implementation paid services. This is a purposeful process arising from the needs of society, ensuring the profitability of cultural institutions and creative groups.

One of the main tasks of cultural institutions is the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Cultural Sphere of the Russian Federation”, preservation of cultural heritage, scientific, design and infrastructure support for activities to preserve cultural heritage sites, widespread use target cultures, programs created for a specific audience, in order to increase the level of culture of the population, taking into account the creative, economic and organizational capabilities of the personnel of cultural institutions.

Relations between cultural institutions and the population are currently built mainly in a commercial form. Self-financing and expansion of paid services create significant opportunities for changing the population’s attitude towards cultural institutions. In this connection, the entrepreneurial activity of cultural institutions ensures the attraction of additional financial resources into the industry.

In modern economic conditions, commercialization is becoming an integral part of the activities of institutions in the socio-cultural sphere. Also, in the practice of applying economic mechanisms in the cultural sphere, opportunities and priorities are expanding.

An important task for the formation of professionals in this field is the study of important issues of organization and management of the field.

In this regard, the need arose to create a collection of lectures and supporting notes in the subject “Economics and management of the socio-cultural sphere”.

Economics, basic concepts.


1. Oikos and nomos - economics - legal management of the economy.

2. Economy – production of material and intangible goods.

3. Economics – correct and competent division of labor

4. Economics – implementation of the production process in conditions of limited resources.

Economy resources:

· Labor is the totality of physical and intellectual abilities, the entire workforce creating a product;

· Capital – the entire material and technical base of the enterprise, i.e. property used to produce the product;

· Natural resources- all natural benefits of nature used in production process;

· Entrepreneurial ability;

Parts of the economy

· Macroeconomics is a part of economics that studies economics in a global sense; macroeconomic indicators – GNP, GDP, economic growth, employment and unemployment, inflation, etc.;

· Microeconomics – internal structure industry and specifically the organization and includes the following resources: Personnel; Financial; Logistics; Technological; Instrumental; Administrative; Informational; Temporal;


The club institution - UK - (B, K, A) independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for its development, based on the goals provided for by its Charter, the availability of its own creative and economic resources.

Planning by classification.

  • By level government regulation(F, R, M, L);
  • Plans within the organization (O, JV, Sotr)
  • By terms (short, average debt-strage)
  • By content of activity (E, Creative, Social)
  • For administrative purposes (Directive, Recommendatory, Forecasting)

Planning principles

  • System
  • Proportional
  • Perspective

Planning stages

  • Administrative-command system (until 1986 administrative-command)
  • Perestroika period (1986 - 1991 - system of norms and standards)
  • Post-perestroika period (1991 to the present day - program and target planning)

Other types (by importance)

  • Schedule
  • Annual plan
  • Thematic plan
  • Strategic plan
  • Lesson plan

Financial management of the cultural sector .

Funding-allocation cash from certain sources for specific purposes: industry development, construction of facilities, maintenance budgetary institutions, holding social and cultural events.

Two components - Formation and use of financial resources.

Channels and sources.

· Direct;

· From entrepreneurial activity;

· According to the Federal target program “Development of the cultural sector until 2020” - target;

Approximate estimate

Sources of funding:

  • Founder's appropriations;
  • Fees from the sale of tickets and income from the sale of related services;
  • Receipt under contracts (STZ);
  • Voluntary donations;
  • Credit relations;
  • Income from activities undertaken;

Funding provides:

  • Remuneration;
  • Maintenance of buildings;
  • Contents of library collections;
  • Material support for creative activities;
  • Equipping the management company with modern technical means;
  • Major renovation;
  • Restoration of monuments

Management of socio-cultural activities

Management is the management, organization and creation of (creative) products.

Management is a system of current and forward planning, forecasting and organization of activities, sales of products.

Management is the ability to achieve a goal using labor, intelligence, and the motives of other people’s behavior. Creation of a personnel management system, control over all changes occurring within a cultural institution. Clear responsibilities, financial planning.

Management – independent species professionally carried out activities aimed at the organizational aspect.

A manager is an executive leader who ensures the execution of the entire work process in his organization, creating a profitable enterprise based on human and material resources.

The founder of management, American metallurgist Frederick Taylor (1856-1915), introduced a system of training and retraining of personnel, rationing of working time, and the principle of remuneration for achieved results.

Henri Fayol is a like-minded person and successor of the ideas of competent management of Frederick Taylor; created functional approach in management, on the basis of which a specific system of functions has been formed in the socio-cultural sphere (since work is carried out by people and for people the coordination function is divided into coordination and motivation).

11 manager limitations:

· inability to manage oneself;

· blurred personal values;

· vague personal goals;

· stopped self-development;

· lack of problem solving skills;

· flaw creative approach;

· inability to influence people;

· insufficient understanding of the peculiarities of management;

· weak leadership skills;

· inability to teach;

· low ability to form a team.

Related information.

At the age of seven she began training at the Rodnichok choreographic school in Ulyanovsk, from which she graduated in 2000 with honors. In 2001 she entered the Ulyanovsk School of Culture. After 4 years of study at full-time department received a red diploma of secondary specialized education in the specialty “socio-cultural activities and folk art”, specialization “leader of a choreographic group, choreographer”. During her studies, she was a member of the folk song and dance ensemble named after. V. P. Koscheleva "Volzhanka". With the concern's activities they performed at city and regional venues. She was the head of the group. In 2005 entered correspondence department St. Petersburg state university culture and arts. After passing state exam and protection graduation thesis(2010) was awarded the qualification Manager of Socio-Cultural Activities with a specialty in “Socio-Cultural Activities”. In 2005 began working at the Municipal Educational Institution Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 20, which was supported by theoretical knowledge acquired at the university. 10/1/2007 based on the results labor activity was assigned category II to the position of "senior counselor". From 2002 to 2012 was a member of the folk group of the modern plastic ensemble "Crescendo" in Ulyanovsk. The group operates to this day and is the leading group, conducting active concert activities in the city and region. Takes part in competitions and festivals of various levels. For more than a year (2010-2011) she worked as a ballet dancer at the State Institution of Song and Dance Ensemble "Cossack Will". I received extensive rehearsal and concert experience, cultural and historical knowledge about the Don Cossacks. In 2011 got married and returned to teaching. During my work, I developed such qualities as responsibility for organizing working time, space, physical and moral health of children and adults, punctuality, ability to work with documents (drawing up work plans, filling out visit logs, reports on work done, etc.), work in a team. Requests for the proposed position: - study, restore, preserve and use cultural heritage; - creative development children, adolescents and adults, participation in organizing leisure time for the population, creating new values; - stimulate and support innovative movements in the socio-cultural sphere, create favorable conditions for the development of the cultural environment; - develop and implement municipal, regional, federal and other targeted social programs; - organize the activities of cultural centers that contribute to the development of the population; - promote development folk art, deepening and expanding the work of additional education structures.

  • Administrative and legal status of enterprises and institutions.
  • Administrative and legal status of civil servants and the procedure for their service
  • Administrative and legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons
  • A manager is a professional manager, a subject of management, an organizer. Professional,

    whose task is to organize specific productive work within a certain number of workers functionally subordinate to him.

    Status is the position of an individual occupied in society in accordance with age, gender, origin.

    Socio-cultural activity is an independent subsystem of personality socialization based on the inclusion of a person in the creative process of self-realization and mastering cultural values ​​in free time.

    Features of socio-cultural activity form a special type of manager - this is a high
    level of public culture, erudition. Must also have a good understanding of economics
    economic activity, in the field of psychology, pedagogy, imageology, etiquette,

    Basic social roles in which the manager senses socio-cultural activities
    are as follows:

    1. Management, entrepreneurship, production in the field of organizing leisure time for children, adolescents, youth of family associations.

    2. Mediation in two “guises” in the sphere of communication between people (the role of the leader) and in commercial relations (the role of the impresario).

    3. Reformism, innovative creative activity related to the development and implementation of creative ideas and projects in the field of leisure.

    4. Leadership in a small group, formal or informal community, associated with performing the function of a teacher - corrector of the behavior of children, adolescents, youth, adults.

    Functions of the manager of socio-cultural activities:

    1. The organizational function is participation in the creation of the necessary socio-economic conditions and the creation of forms of leisure activities for residents of society. This function of managers and socio-cultural activities is decisive. A manager is the organizer of club work, the leader of amateur performances.

    2. Legal function - this is participation in the legal provision and protection of constitutional freedoms of the individual in leisure conditions, i.e. knowledge of regulations and legal acts related to the sphere of free time.

    3. Management function– this is the financial and economic support of leisure institutions, i.e. mastery of the mechanism of material support for amateur initiatives, budget distribution, work with sponsors.

    4. The creative function is the provision of leisure forms of amateur activities of the population, development, adjustment of the implementation of socio-cultural, leisure initiatives, programs, projects.

    The SKD manager plays a special role in the socio-cultural sphere, which can be defined as the organization of group, family, personal leisure services in society, i.e. rational use free time and solving leisure problems of people.

    The professional competence of a manager of socio-cultural activities is determined in two aspects:

    1. the objective side - in the ability to manage the team of a cultural institution,

    2. the subjective side - in the professionalism of the manager himself.

    The professionalism of a manager of socio-cultural activities is his constant self-change in accordance with the changing goals and objectives of socio-cultural activities, which serve as a formative and developmental tool in relation to the manager.

    The professional competence of a manager is the result and evaluation indicator of the manager’s activities, but also the level of his thinking.

    Due to his official status, the manager is responsible for the people with whom he
    works. That's why there are the following for him ethical standards:

    1. Responsibility to ensure that there are no contacts, agreements or obligations with other managers.

    2. Avoid poaching employees from other managers.

    3. Be very clear in in writing draw up contracts indicating obligations and responsibilities (reimbursement of expenses, deadline for payment of fees, costs, etc.).

    Thus, the dominant features in the modern status of a manager are: his professional competence and high qualifications in stimulating and organizing individual and group leisure activities. And the modern status of a manager is determined by the social role of a specialist, which was mentioned above.

    Ticket number 22question number 2

    General characteristics ethnocultural and ethnically oriented SKD technologies.

    Definition of concepts: technology, access control, ethnicity.

    The role of these technologies in the preservation, development and education of the national self-awareness of the individual, in the development of the values ​​of the spiritual culture of the people. National-cultural, cultural-educational centers, Houses of National Creativity, studios, and amateur associations of ethnocultural orientation have proven themselves to be excellent generators, carriers, and users of these technologies. Their goal: cultural self-determination, self-development, preservation of large and small ethnic groups of the population.

    Ethnic-oriented technologies include forms and means
    sociocultural activities, promoting the revival of national cultural traditions, folklore, arts and crafts, folk arts and crafts. Carrying out events within the framework of cultural programs of national communities living in the region, creating television projects, for example, “Diversity of Russian Peoples and Lands”, organizing television bridges, book fairs, ethnographic celebrations, festivals, folk festivals, shows folk cuisines, "Days open hearts", anniversary celebrations associated with the most important historical dates in the history of specific ethnic groups of the population. The role of these technologies in recreating the national cultural environment, introducing children and youth to the values ​​of national culture, involvement in creative activity on the creation of national cultural values. The creation, for example, of a center of folk Tatar-Bashkir culture in Chelyabinsk contributes to the creation of an ethnocultural environment of “living” for children and adults united in appropriate leisure associations. Raising children and youth with the spiritual values ​​of the “small homeland”, the place where they were born and raised. The role of ethnocultural programs and projects in the socialization, self-development and self-realization of the individual as a subject of cultural activity. Examples of ethnocultural events at the local level.

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