Increase in the minimum wage this year. Description of the celebration of Maslenitsa. Cigarettes in large packs

The economic situation in the country today is quite difficult, so the issue of increasing the minimum wage, as they say, is long overdue. This decision of the State Duma, adopted quite recently, was preceded by events such as the devaluation of the ruble and a decrease in its purchasing power.
Thus, the State Duma adopted a law according to which the minimum wage from July 1 of this year will be 7,500 rubles.

Minimum salary in Moscow in 2016 from January 1

And although the minimum wage is set by the Russian Government, its level mainly depends on the financial capabilities of the region. So the size of the minimum wage in the regions may vary, and it reaches its maximum value in Moscow, which, in fact, is not surprising.

The previous increase in the minimum wage in Moscow was carried out on November 1, 2015, and has not yet changed since the beginning of the year. At the moment its size is 17,300 rubles. Its next increase should occur, as in the whole country, on July 1, when it should rise again. It is still unknown what exactly the increase will be, but preliminary information suggests that the process of increasing the minimum wage will occur in stages, after which its size will reach 20,000 rubles.

Mrot in Moscow in 2016 from April 1 in Moscow

What will change in the lives of Muscovites and other Russians, starting from the second month of summer - read the material on the site.

Minimum wage

From July 1, Russia will increase the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from 6204 to 7500 rubles. The State Duma adopted the corresponding law on May 17, the Federation Council approved it on May 25, and the president signed it on June 2.

According to the authors of the document, the increase in the minimum wage will affect about one million workers. Of these, 87 percent are employed in state and municipal institutions, and 13 percent in the non-state sector of the economy.

Cigarettes in large packs

On July 1, a law prohibiting retail sales more than 20 cigarettes in one pack.

The author of the initiative was the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, Sergei Dorofeev. In his opinion, larger packs of cigarettes provoke “increased consumption, thereby undermining efforts to combat tobacco smoking.” Such packages are economical - on average, the price of each cigarette is 10-15 percent lower than in regular-sized packs - and therefore attractive to consumers.

In addition, larger packs have become widespread among low-price brands. The production of tobacco products in large packs may subsequently lead to a reduction in excise revenues to the federal budget.

Alcohol sales accounting

From July 1, alcohol retailers will be required to report every bottle sold. Special equipment will record sales in the Unified State information system accounting for the production and turnover of alcohol (USAIS).

The system receives information about all alcohol produced at factories, as well as information about batches of alcohol delivered to stores. Now EGAIS will record sales to the end consumer.

At the checkout counter in a store, alcohol must be punched twice in order to transfer data to the Unified State Automated Information System. The data is taken from the barcode once to be entered into internal system store, the QR code from the excise stamp is read a second time. In this way, the buyer can make sure that he is purchasing genuine alcohol and not counterfeit.

New OSAGO forms

From July 1, new forms of MTPL policies will be put into circulation. According to the executive director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, Evgeny Ufimtsev, new form is being introduced to combat fraudsters who have learned to counterfeit MTPL policies that exist today, including watermarks and raised digits of the serial number. According to statistics, two percent of fake policies are now in the hands of capital city drivers.

New policies will be better protected. Citizens and law enforcement agencies will be able to visually distinguish them from fakes. A policy purchased before July 1 will be valid until the date specified on it. If desired, it can be replaced with a new one. The transition period for the simultaneous sale of old green and new pink policy forms will be established from July 1 for three months.

Indexation of electricity tariffs

From July 1, 2016, electricity tariffs will change in Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of one kilowatt-hour in Moscow will be 5.38 rubles instead of the previous 5.03 rubles. In TiNAO - 5 rubles, instead of 4.65, in the Moscow region - 4.81 rubles.

The rural population and residents living in houses equipped with electric stoves and electric heating installations in Moscow will pay 3.77 rubles (previously - 3.52 rubles). In TiNAO it is 3.50 rubles instead of 3.26 rubles, in the Moscow region – 3.37 rubles per kilowatt-hour.

You can view the new electricity tariffs on the Mosenergosbyt website.

Subscription parking

In Moscow, from July 1, subscription flat parking with barriers will begin operating. Seven such parking lots will appear in the peripheral areas of four city districts. Subscriptions will be valid for one month. You can buy them and extend them for the next month on the Moscow Parking website.

Addresses of subscription flat parking:

1. Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, possession 22
2. Krasnostudencheskiy proezd, possession 5
3. Michurinsky Avenue, property 25, building 1
4. Plekhanov street,
5. Rublevskoe highway, property 48/1 (1st part)
6. Khoroshevskoe highway, property 50-52
7. Tsimlyanskaya street, property 7

New tariffs on the M11 highway

The new fare will be in effect on the section of the M11 highway bypassing Vyshny Volochok from July 1 to September 30 inclusive.

Tariffs will be reduced for cars of the second, third and fourth categories - the price for the latter will be halved. Drivers who pay via transponders will be given a 20 percent discount and other discounts for regular trips on the expressway. As part of the loyalty program, discounts can range from 3 to 10 percent.

You can pay for travel on the new Moscow – St. Petersburg highway using cash, bank cards, and transponders.

Curators for the unemployed

From July 1, personal curators for the unemployed will appear in the capital's employment centers. A trained universal specialist will deal with the applicant during the entire job search process, from paperwork to career guidance, retraining and job placement. Changes at the labor exchange are taking place as part of the reform of the employment service.

Road traffic

Movement on Rostov embankment will be limited from July 1 to September 1 due to reconstruction utility networks. The restriction will be introduced on the section of the embankment from the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Bridge to the exit to Smolenskaya Street. Two lanes of traffic will be blocked in the area 24 hours a day.

From July 5th movement along Shkolnaya street in TiNAO will become one-sided. A new traffic pattern will be introduced on the section from Engels Street to Moskovskaya Street. The decision was made to reduce the number of conflict points for cars and pedestrians.

From July 10, traffic in sections understudy of Kronstadt Boulevard and Vyborgskaya Street will become one-way. A new traffic pattern has been introduced in the direction from Avangardnaya Street to Narvskaya Street. On Vyborgskaya Street, traffic will become one-way in the section from the intersection of Narvskaya, Mikhalkovskaya, Golovinskoye Shosse and Koptevsky overpass to building 14. The introduction of one-way traffic will reduce congestion in the area of ​​the Koptevsky overpass.

Additional trains

On the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railway, 30 additional commuter trains will be launched from July 2. Additional trains will run at the most popular times for travel - from 6:00 to 10:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 - on the Moscow-Aprelevka, Moscow-Nara and Moscow-Solnechnaya sections. In connection with the launch of additional trains, changes will be made to the schedule of suburban trains in the Kyiv direction of the Moscow Railway.

Testing of the Moscow Ring Road

Railway workers will begin testing the Moscow Ring Railway on July 1. Trains will run around the entire ring.

"Number of trains in different days will be different depending on the solutions being worked out: be it running-in the infrastructure, checking the contact network, and so on. When we work out the system of interval regulation of train traffic, we will use the largest number of trains,” said Nikolai Kostenko, deputy general director Directorate of High Speed ​​Transport - a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

Trains around the ring will run in accordance with the city order from 5:30 to 0:30. Freight traffic on the Moscow Ring Railway will remain at night. According to Kostenko, the train schedule will be worked out in August. By the end of summer, all 320 employees of locomotive crews must undergo training and receive the appropriate documents to operate trains on the Moscow Circle.

From July 1, the minimum wage (minimum wage) increases by almost 21 percent to 7.5 thousand rubles. Employers throughout Russia will not be able to pay employees less than this amount, provided that the employee has worked in full for the month, and job responsibilities completed.

The new minimum wage is established by Federal Law dated June 2, 2016 No. 164-FZ. The change will affect about a million workers. Of these, 87 percent work in state and municipal institutions, and the rest - in the non-state sphere.

The increase in the minimum wage is the next step of the Russian Ministry of Labor towards increasing the minimum wage to the subsistence level. It is planned to compare the two indicators by 2020. The cost of living in Russia for the first quarter of 2016 averaged 9,776 rubles per month per capita, for a working Russian - 10,524, for a pensioner - 8,025 rubles, per child - 9,677 rubles. Thus, from July 1, the minimum wage will be 77 percent of the average subsistence level.

Monitoring the compliance of wages with the minimum wage is carried out by the labor inspectorate. Trudoviks carry out both scheduled inspections and work on requests from citizens. For violation of the legislation on wages, the employer may be held liable under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For managers and entrepreneurs, the fine will range from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. For legal entities - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Experts remind that each territory additionally sets the minimum wage at the regional level. However, the discrepancy between an employee’s salary and the regional minimum wage is not punished so severely. “The specificity of the regional minimum wage is that in case of violations, sanctions cannot be applied to the employer, but only administrative measures, for example, such as a ban on participation in regional projects,” says Alexander Safonov, vice-rector of RANEPA.

Increasing the minimum wage has a number of consequences. This makes it difficult to equalize the cost of living and the minimum wage at the same time. Increasing the minimum wage increases federal, regional and local budget expenditures on remuneration of civil servants. “Although the number of people receiving wages at the minimum wage level is not so large, the proportions in the remuneration of highly qualified specialists are tied to the minimum wage, as a base value,” notes Alexander Safonov.

In addition, an increase in the minimum wage will lead not only to an increase in household incomes, but also to an increase in income tax (NDFL) deductions and insurance premiums.

It contributes to an increase in the minimum wage and an increase in the cost of maternity and hospital benefits. Such payments are calculated on the basis of the minimum wage, if two years before the insured event the person had no income or it was less than the minimum wage. If the employee’s insurance experience is less than six months, his sick leave or maternity benefits for a full month cannot exceed the minimum wage.

At the same time, increasing the minimum wage will reduce the amount of “shadow” income. It is no secret that many entrepreneurs assign their employees a formal salary of one minimum wage to reduce taxes. Now personal income tax and contributions of such employers will increase by 21 percent.

In Moscow, since the current period, since January, there has been a significant increase in prices for food and essential needs. Minimum wage in Russia, in St. Petersburg, Moscow region, in Bashkortostan, in Krasnoyarsk region, in Voronezh, in Chelyabinsk region, in Nizhny Novgorod, in Kurgan, in Crimea, in Ulyanovsk, in Omsk, in Tula, in Tatarstan, Oryol, Rostov , Smolenskaya is from 6,000 rubles. up to 17 thousand depending on the region. The unified trade union carries out statistical accounting between positions held and level wages.

Today in the Russian Federation there is relevant news about increasing the minimum wage from July 1, 2016. This decision was made by the Prime Minister of the country, in accordance with constitutional reforms. According to special calculations, it was determined that this measure will reduce the gap between the cost of living and the basic amount of wages.

Minimum salary in Moscow in 2016 from January 1

Since January 2016, a decision was made to increase the minimum wage. If in 2015 it was approximately 5900 rubles, then today it has been increased to 6300. Of course, the amount varies depending on the region Russian Federation. If you believe the promises and forecasts, then next year The minimum wage will be approximately 7300, i.e. it will be increased a little more. The federal minimum is 3,500 thousand rubles.

Minimum wage in Moscow from April 1, 2016

To determine the minimum wage level, specially authorized bodies decide to increase the minimum wage. This requires a regional agreement on minimum payments. Taking into account all factors, such as: the economic state of the country, the number industrial enterprises and jobs, a verdict is passed on the amount of distribution to public sector employees and civil servants. How much is the official one according to the decree? The Ministry of Labor sets the amount by which the minimum wage will be increased depending on the city and region. A meeting of deputies led to a decision to increase wages for all categories of workers in Moscow. From April 1 of the current period, the salary is 15 thousand rubles.

In St. Petersburg

As for a city like St. Petersburg, it was decided to increase the amount paid by 20 percent. As a result, the minimum volume was 11,700. If we delve into history, then last year and the year before that this amount was significantly lower.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2016 in Russia - increase in minimum wage by region

As for other regions, for example, Bashkiria and the Krasnoyarsk Territory are among the cities considered to improve the situation with the minimum wage. At the moment, there has been a slight increase in payments to government employees; as a result, you can see that the average worker receives 9,000 rubles per month. This is a relatively high figure for such areas.

As for the minimum wage, its value directly depends on the payment limit for any type of work in Russia. The latest government news tells us about the changes that are coming. So, it is likely that the condition will improve and stabilize in a year. By 2017, wages will increase by about a quarter. Most likely, the ruble itself will rise.

Minimum minimum wage from July 1, 2016 in Russia - the latest news from the Russian government about the increase

At the moment, the government has adopted a number of laws and reforms, which state that about 8 million rubles will be added to the general treasury, which will be used to pay employees. First of all, these are teachers and doctors, and of course, veterans and children of war. When calculating the cost of living coefficient, all human needs were taken into account. The RF bill will come into force immediately in early July 2016. Regional values ​​will vary. The Ministry of Labor confirmed the government's decision.

Increasing the minimum wage from July 1, 2016, what does this give to ordinary people?

IN given time many people care latest news related to the minimum wage, or minimum size wages in July 2016, and how this reform will affect the standard of living of the population.

In general, the minimum wage law was adopted back in 1970 at the Convention international organization labor. Its goal is to support the poor residents of the country, as well as force the employer to periodically increase wages. The boss is obliged to pay the amount of the minimum wage to the employee if he worked for a whole month, 40 hours a week. In a word, if a person worked only half a month, then he will receive ½ minimum wage.

For what reasons can an employer pay less than the minimum wage?

It is virtually impossible to do this legally and legally. The only thing is that in many regions the minimum wage is much higher than the federal one and is also mandatory for payments. In order for wages to be lower than the regional minimum wage, it is necessary to have quite serious reasons like a business that has just started or a financial crisis in an enterprise. Their documentary evidence must be submitted to the government within 30 days after the decree is published in the media.

How it all started

This problem was voiced on the agenda back in May 2015. It became relevant due to the sharp rise in prices and, accordingly, the cost of living, as well as the lack of indexation. According to Andrei Isaev, the increase in the cost of living over the last period amounted to 43%. Therefore, they decided to raise the minimum wage to 7,189 rubles. After much debate and disagreement, they decided that there was no such money in the treasury. In this regard, from January 1, 2016, the minimum wage was increased by only 4%. It amounted to 6,204 rubles, which is 239 rubles more than the previous amount.

On March 25, 2016, Dmitry Medvedev raised this topic again and issued a decree to increase the minimum wage by 20.5%, and now from July 1, 2016 it should be 7,500 rubles. To implement this project, it will be necessary to allocate about 6.1 billion rubles from the budget. At the same time, the Prime Minister appealed to the State Duma deputies and the United Russia party so that they prepare a bill as quickly as possible. The hearing was scheduled for May 17.

Gradually, by 2020, it is planned to level out the minimum wage and the cost of living, which recently stood at 10,524 rubles, and was later reduced to 9,452 rubles. At the same time, according to Batalina, trade unions agree to raise the minimum wage to the subsistence level even tomorrow. But the employers' union is against it and says that this is possible no earlier than 2020, otherwise some enterprises will almost immediately go bankrupt.

How will this affect other payments?

The minimum wage affects not only the increase in wages, but also benefits for temporary disability, unemployment, pregnancy and childbirth. Also, do not forget about additional coefficients. Thus, the increase in wages and benefits in some regions will be much greater.

Moreover, unlike the cost of living, it does not affect the growth of pensions and scholarships, social benefits and the calculation of the federal budget.

You can see that it turns out very interesting way reduce the country's budget expenditures. Because if the cost of living is lower, then less money should be spent on the region. At the same time, an increase in the minimum wage will affect the amount of taxes that will go to the treasury. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the country's budget during the crisis.

Minimum wages in different regions

It is possible that the increase from July 1 in some regions will be greater. This is due to the fact that in many areas of the country the minimum wage is higher than the established one due to the fact that the economic situation is different in different parts of Russia. By region, it is determined by agreement of three parties:

  • local authorities;
  • Union of Entrepreneurs;
  • industrialists and trade union associations.

From January 1, the minimum wage in Moscow is 17,300 rubles. In St. Petersburg - 11,700 rubles, Sakhalin region - 16,838 rubles, Kamchatka Territory - 15,800 rubles, Magadan region - 17,100 rubles and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 15,390 rubles. These are the districts with the highest minimum wages, but do not forget that each district also has its own additional allowances. The minimum wage in all regions for 2016 can be viewed on the state portal and a complaint can be left there if the figures differ.

Impact on taxes

Most of all, this increase will affect individual entrepreneurs, since insurance premiums to the Health Insurance Fund and Pension fund are considered according to the minimum wage. For a month of work, individual entrepreneurs are required to contribute 26% to the Pension Fund and 5.1% to health insurance. Currently, this amount is 1,929.5 rubles, and from July 1, 2016, it was planned to be 2,332.5 rubles. But it was decided that until January 1, 2017, contributions would remain at the same level.

Based on this, we can conclude that in 2017 taxes will be increased by at least 4 thousand rubles per year. Maximum size for pension insurance, calculated on the basis of 8 minimum wages, will be about 32 thousand rubles per year.

This tax increase will most affect entrepreneurs with small businesses whose income for 2016 is less than 470 thousand rubles. Because in this case they will not be able to use the simplified taxation system (STS). This could lead to many individual entrepreneurs going into the shadows and starting to evade taxes. Or they will simply go bankrupt and, as a result, close down, and even more citizens will join the number of unemployed. Plus, expenses will increase for those entrepreneurs who officially pay salaries in the amount of the minimum wage.

According to Pavel Sigal, a deputy of the Opora Rossii party, the minimum wage was initially designed to ensure that there were as little shadow wages as possible. But in this case, most likely, there will be a diametrically opposite effect.

How will this reform affect the common population of the country?

Already on the 1st, about 1 million people will feel a 21% increase in wages. At the same time, 150 thousand of them are not civil servants. Not only wages will increase, but also fines. They, like taxes, directly depend on this value.

At the same time, a large amount of tax payments and, as a consequence, the bankruptcy of some entrepreneurs, can lead to a serious increase in the number of unemployed in the country. The population will feel this especially acutely when the minimum wage aligns with the subsistence level.

Some employers will try to get out of the situation by moving staff to part-time or making staff reductions, which will put more responsibilities on the shoulders of other employees for practically the same money.