Dream interpretation of the house of the sun. Warning - destructive words! It's better to never say them...

In the Russian alphabet, each letter corresponds to a specific number:

  • 1 - A, I, C, b,
  • 2 - B, J, T, S,
  • 3 - B, K, U, b,
  • 4- G, L, F, E,
  • 5-D, M, X, Yu,
  • 6-E, N, C, I,
  • 7th, O, H,
  • 8 - F, P, W,
  • 9 - 3, R, SH.

Add up all the numbers in the word or expression whose energy you want to know, and reduce the sum to a simple number. For example, the word “okay” (4+1+5+6+7=23. 2+3=5) has the vibration of five.

1 - words that correspond to one carry negative and aggressive energy. It is the unit that numerologists identify with leadership, ambition and selfishness. Such expressions include: thank you, wow, war, and so on. According to experts in the field, by expressing our thoughts in such words, we send negative and negative vibrations to the universe.

2 - such expressions include “love”, “God has mercy”, “wealth”, “welcome” and “great”. They have positive and positive energy. Such words can unite people, charge them with enthusiasm, positivity and love.

3 - “thank you”, “good”, “dear”. According to numerologists, such words can come true. On the one hand, this is good, but with the expression “never in my life” and similar ones you need to be extremely careful.

4 is a symbol of a healthy body, physical strength and beauty. Fours words can affect you and your life in different ways. Everything will depend on what emotions you put into them. For example, the words “can’t” and “don’t” represent your physical impotence, refusal of good health and good mood. The words “gloriously” and “endlessly” also have the energy of the four. Admiring appearance person or object, say “wow” or “lovely” - they carry a stronger positive charge.

5 - this number is responsible for home, comfort, relationships and harmony in the family. Therefore, by saying “crap”, “enough”, “don’t like”, “better not”, you weaken its effectiveness, attracting disagreements and misunderstandings with your family.

6 - “nightmare”, “no way”. Six is ​​a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so if you use such expressions, you risk reducing your income. Also, according to numerologists, the word “of course carries a negative message, so if you use it often, then you should think about replacing it, for example, with “definitely.”

7 - “good”, “excellent” and “money”. This number symbolizes luck, success, prosperity and happiness. Therefore, in order to attract all these benefits to yourself, you need to pronounce the above words more often, and then the Universe will give you gifts of fate.

8 - examples of such words are “hello” or “money”. This figure, according to experts in this field, is a symbol of responsibility, decency and duty. By pronouncing such words, you are charged with the positive energy of such expressions, and also help your interlocutor by sending him health and well-being in the family. Also, with the help of such words, you help yourself by increasing your income.

9 - “only over my corpse”, “never”, “truth”. All these words carry a negative message. In this way, you seem to program the Universe for certain actions. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about how to replace them, for example, instead of “truth” you can say “truth”. This way you attract positive notes into your destiny. All numerologists agree that this number represents belligerence, power and strength. Therefore, when pronouncing such words, you must understand that they will be brought to life and think about whether you want certain expressions to be fulfilled.

This short essay is written especially for highly spiritual and intellectual skeptics. When, at the end of 2006, the work on etymolgy and the origin of the Russian word was nearing completion, I had to more thoughtfully familiarize myself with the work of the great mystic of Russia Daniil Andreev, the book “Rose of the World.”

As is known, most of the terms given in the book were given to the author of “Rose” in subtle material awareness from the Forces of the World; and they initially contain a vibrational meaning more high order...

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The influence of home electronics on humans

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However, they emit negative energy. If you stay in a room with...

Why should you, as an internet entrepreneur, become a better writer, you ask?

Have you ever noticed the amazing ability of some writers to play with the reader's emotions?

No? But in vain. It’s precisely you, as an Internet entrepreneur, who should pay attention to this because the client ( attention secretsecret =)) buys ONLY emotions. Neither the product nor the solution to the problem, but the emotions that he receives from the work of the seller during the sale, the lack of stress thanks to your product, which prevented the problem, positive emotions that the service can provide, etc.

Just a few pages for real can make you experience the whole gamut of feelings: from excitement and tears to rage and the desire to throw a book across the room. This sign of the greatest writing skill, proof of mastery of the craft and the yardstick by which aspiring writers evaluate their work.

Of course, the ability to take the reader on an emotional rollercoaster is important for novels and short stories, but what to do with letters, blogs, resumes, commercial offers? All of them, one way or another, are designed to influence the addressee. Their goal- transmit information, but you, as the author, are also interested so that the reader feels close to these emotions and takes the targeted action.

Maybe you need to impress them; make you worry or, on the contrary, wary; to make you angry or to push you to continue the path you have started - here the goal can be any kind of emotion. The more feelings you evoke in the reader, the greater your influence on him and, therefore, the greater the chance of achieving your goals.

Remember: it is emotion that leads to a target action (purchase, for example), you just need to be careful about what emotions to evoke in the reader for a certain target action and actually become this brilliant writer who can evoke the right emotions.

Want to know how to do this?

We have good news for you: you can achieve this too. There is an easy way. Read on to find out what to do.

How to become a better writer in an instant? It's simple. Use powerful words.

Instead of explaining what I mean, I I'll give you quote great Winston Churchill:

“We stand on the threshold of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. You ask, what is our policy? I can answer: to wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny, which nothing in the dark, sorrowful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. This is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: it is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory, despite all the terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Inspiring, isn't it?

Yes, there was room for inspiration there. Under threat from Germany, Britain was fighting for its survival, and somehow Churchill had to find a way to inspire his countrymen and encourage them to fight.

He chose the words. Or to be more precise, powerful words.

Let's look at this quote again, and this time highlight the powerful words:

“We stand on the threshold of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. You ask, what is our policy? I can answer: to wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny, which nothing in the dark, sorrowful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. This is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: it is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory, despite any terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Each underlined word evokes some feeling in the audience. In this case, Churchill mixes words that cause fear(“struggle”, “tyranny”, “terror”) with words that give hope(“power”, “God”, “victory”). Especially the last, positive words are repeated again and again, causing almost a storm of emotions in the minds of the audience.

This is no coincidence. , like their speechwriters, infuse their public speeches with carefully chosen, powerful words, skillfully leading the audience from one emotion to another - just like any writer or screenwriter.

Of course, this is not the only thing they use. The best writers use many tools to evoke emotion in the recipient, and words are only one of them.

But for aspiring authors, powerful words - this is one of the most simple tools that can be mastered. Instead of using a variety of techniques that require years of writing practice, you can start using powerful words in your writing, and you will soon notice a significant improvement in the quality of your writing.

All you need is a list of such words, and of course, I have prepared it for you.

257 Powerful Words You Can Start Using Right Now:


1. Provoking panic

Let's do a little experiment. Take a break from this article for a while, and find a news channel. Watch it for about five minutes, listening to the words. You will likely hear dozens of words that I list below. And here's why:

, is undoubtedly the most powerful emotion for capturing and holding the audience's attention. To keep you from changing the channel, newscasts overload your mind with fear-inducing words, making you worry that you'll miss something important.

And it works. Of course, there is a danger of overdoing it, but in my opinion, most authors do not use these words enough in their work. And they really help you find .

Here's a list to get you started:

















Out of place









Laughing stock


















2. Pep talk

Let's face it. Most people are not full of energy and enthusiasm when they read. They may feel bored, perhaps a little depressed, and almost certainly tired. They subconsciously look for something that could cheer them up and make them feel a little better.

Good news: yours can do it. Use the following words to write an encouraging text and give your readers some positivity:





























3. Take a page from any men's magazine (I'm serious)

Whether we like it or not, passion is one of the basic human emotions. Just take a look at the men's and women's magazines on the trays and you'll see what I mean. Almost every cover directly or indirectly hints at sex.

And this applies not only to men's and women's magazines - it can be used everywhere. As a writer, you can use passion words to make almost any piece of writing compelling.

Here is a list of words for this topic:

















4. Playing on greed

Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert once said, “If you want people to buy something, irritate their greed glands until they bleed.” Figuratively? - Yes, but still true.

Read , and you will find many such powerful words. Many of them are already so hackneyed that they have long turned into clichés, but this does not negate their effectiveness.

The bottom line is that almost all of us are interested in how to make or save money. To stimulate these desires, use the following words:

For free


blow up
















Six figures



5. Give a feeling of security

Greed isn't the only emotion your readers should feel. You should also make them feel safe.

They need to trust you and your product or service and trust that you will deliver. They must believe in the result.

Of course, creating such trust begins with the quality of the product/service and reputation, but the words with which you , are also very important. To help clients feel safe, try using the following words whenever possible:



No questions asked

No obligation

Free of charge











No risk


Cancel at any time


Backed up


Try before you buy




Service life

6. Offer forbidden fruit

Do you remember when you were probably forbidden to do something as a child, and from that moment on you couldn’t think about anything else? Was there such a thing?

It attracts us all - such is our nature. So why not use this fact to your advantage?

Whenever you need to arouse curiosity, use the words below in your texts and your readers will not be able to resist the temptation:


Behind the scenes




Banned by censorship






Illegal distribution





Cover up


Back door


Yes, this is a huge list, but not the whole list. Of course, there are a lot of powerful words, and it’s difficult to fit them all into one article. But what you have read is the basis, the basis that will help you immediately evoke the emotions of your readers and / , subscription, etc.

What other words are there that carry an emotional charge?

Do you have 5 minutes? Read another very useful article:

Energy of words

Each word has its own energy. Professional jargon contains slightly modified words that are closer to the energy sector of the profession. Every word we utter has a purpose: to please the interlocutor, to encourage him, to harm him. Very often people do not think about the result of their own speech, but they should. Affectionate words: dear, dear, beloved (+14 e.a.) - carry positive energy and increase the energy of the person to whom they are addressed. That’s why we love to listen to these words so much, but for some reason we are embarrassed to say them. We like polite people, attention, pleasant speeches addressed to us - but people with weak energy can even become dependent on affectionate words, which scammers sometimes use: they will talk to a person, treat him kindly - and take him warmly, he will do everything. Now in our lives there are not enough affectionate, friendly words, people are in no hurry to share their energy, but in vain, because the one who utters affectionate words even intensifies it.

Prayers, mantras and spiritual chants cleanse harmful energy and strengthen the human biofield. The words in them were selected specifically in order to have the most strong influence per person and environment. The Lord's Prayer harmonizes a person's internal energy and cleanses the environment of harmful energy. It is usually read before meals and before bed.

Samurai were taught poetry so that they could more subtly feel the flow of energy. Practice writing poetry - this will benefit the development of your energy. It is very useful for this to read poetry at least once a week, and the poem should be chosen in a euphonious, rhythmic manner; in the beginning, you should take your favorite or classical works to read. Children need to read poetry often, this allows them to quickly develop their own energy and increase their intellectual level. You need to talk to children using the maximum number of words. This improves health and increases life expectancy. How more words A person knows and uses it, the better the brain works and the longer the clarity of thinking remains.

I already wrote in the previous book, but I will repeat it again: the influence of spoken words and their intonation is extremely important for the state of energy, health and even human life.

I once witnessed a very instructive scene: a man and a woman had a heated argument at a party. The man was very emotional and excitable. He told the woman in the heat of an argument: “You’re wrong!” At the same time, he raised his index finger and pointed it at the woman. She managed to shield herself with her hands and immediately screamed in pain. Imagine the surprise of everyone present when we saw that her hand, like a thin needle, had been pierced through and blackened in this place. There was a doctor among us, he immediately examined the hand and provided first aid. The doctor said that such tissue damage occurs only in contact with metal heated to high temperature or a high-frequency discharge, he added that if he had not observed this incident himself, he would never have believed it. The man apologized for a long time and tried to make amends, but what was done cannot be undone - the victim’s hand healed only after a few weeks, and the black spots on both sides of the hand remained even longer.

The words “how wonderful life is!” activate chakras and increase a person’s energy (almost +3 e.a.).

When a woman says to herself: “How beautiful I am!” – she activates all the chakras of her body and increases energy by an amount from +3 to +5 e.a.

The most interesting thing is that a woman’s statements about her husband also affect her energy:

“What a wonderful husband I have” - a woman’s energy increases by +1...+ 2 e.a.

“What a piece of junk my husband is” – a woman’s energy decreases by two units.

“What a scoundrel I got for a husband!” – a woman’s energy decreases by six units (–6 e.a.) and the activity of all chakras sharply decreases.


“I’m sick (I’m sick)” - reduces the body’s energy to -4 units. in men and –6 e.a. in women. This expression sharply activates muladhara, and the activity of other chakras sharply decreases.

“I feel great!” – increases energy by two units (+2 e.a.) and activates the work of all chakras, anahata is in harmony.

I dated a man who looked fifty years old, but in terms of physical strength could give a head start to even forty years old, there was no gray hair, but according to his passport he was eighty years old! It turned out that every morning when he opened his eyes he said: “How beautiful the world is!” – and mentally hugged him. I asked permission to measure his energy at the same time - and it turned out that with these words it immediately rose by seven units! All chakras were activated and harmonized.

The phrase “I’m interested in living” increases a person’s energy by +6 units. and harmonizes it.

Through my research, I realized why people say “I hate you!” to each other. - this word, like a weapon, damages the one to whom it is spoken, but few people suspect that this word also damages the speaker himself.

“I hate” – minus 7 e.a.

People who often like to complain and are pessimists actually have weakened vitality and deteriorated health. They themselves are to blame for most of their illnesses, because they caused them with their thoughtless words and complaints.

“There is no point” – minus 4 e.a.

This is probably why pessimists live less and get sick more often - they program themselves for this with negative thoughts and words.

Some researchers believe that diabetes mellitus often appears as a result of self-pity, unforgiven grievances, dissatisfaction with people around, vocal complaints, depression and decline in vitality. I am also inclined towards this, but I want to add that we ourselves are largely to blame for the deterioration of our health: we do not monitor our speech and vocabulary. Ethnographers were surprised to discover that old women in lost villages have a vocabulary of 80,000 to 120,000 words, which they constantly use! Just for fun, count your vocabulary – it’s unlikely to be more than 2000-3000. A wide variety of daily spoken words maintain health and activity even at a very advanced age. You should not take your speech lightly - you can injure yourself and those around you. A careless word can cause harm physical level, especially if a person’s body lacks protein or natural vitamins, he is weakened after illness, tired, and has low energy. It’s good when everyone in the family treats each other with care and chooses their words.

For some reason, it is considered necessary to monitor your speech in the presence of strangers, and in the presence of loved ones - not to restrain yourself! But close people are called that because they are closest to us, we live side by side with them - and we must value and take care of them most of all, carefully monitor the words spoken to loved one so as not to disturb his health.

A person’s speech shows the degree of his development in energetic terms, so it is better to talk to everyone in his own language, the one to which he is accustomed. Words can heal. For example, if you read books in Old Church Slavonic, the energy of the lungs and respiratory system is restored.

Many people study foreign language in order to read the works of your favorite writers in the original. When reading a book in its “native” language, the reader understands not only the meaning of the work, but also feels its aura, its unique energy, which, unfortunately, partially disappears after the book is translated.

Words are one of the manifestations of the human soul in the world around us. When we pronounce a word, we cause a weak vibration in the world around us and do not always imagine how the world will respond to our word. Our speech affects the energy structure of the house and helps create the aura of the house. And not only at home - our words can change the aura of a person and other living beings.

When pronouncing any word, a person pays for it with his own energy. Some words reduce our energy - usually these are the words with which we scold other people, express our dissatisfaction, try to humiliate someone, offend, cause harm. By causing energetic harm to another with words, we also harm ourselves, and our personal energy suffers. If a person is willing to pay such a price, let him pay.

If in a family parents often quarrel and call each other names, then is it any wonder that the child grows up with a weakened nervous system, poor health and reduced immunity? His energy suffers greatly from the words and emotions of his parents. Often in such cases, the energy is “coarsened” and the person will not be able to feel the pain and emotional state of loved ones, and sometimes he will even take pleasure in tormenting loved ones - his wrong energy is fueled by such actions. Reading books with the rich literary language can partially compensate for this and develop the child’s energy in right side.

Let me give you a few examples.

Dmitry grew up in a family of alcoholics, where parents constantly quarreled with each other. Dima ran to hide from the “educating” fists to his neighbor. Everything about him was interesting: the aquarium, bookshelves all over the wall. The neighbor knew many stories, fairy tales and poems and enjoyed talking with the child. When Dmitry learned to read, he often borrowed books from a neighbor to read and sat quietly in the neighbor’s room - it was impossible to bring a book home: they would drink it away, just like they drank away their textbooks. Dmitry was interested in many things and studied well; after the army he stayed in another city and got married. Now he has large library, he reads books to his children almost from their birth. Dmitry is appreciated at work (he has been awarded several orders), he speaks very calmly and chooses his words carefully.

And this story began a long time ago, almost sixty years ago. The girl Nina grew up in a very dysfunctional family. The grandmother took care of the children there; she often told fairy tales and sang lullabies. Grandmother talked a lot about her life. Nina's father forbade her grandmother to talk to her grandchildren - they say, common speech offends his hearing. Nina’s father can be called a little dictator; in life he could not achieve anything he wanted, and therefore he took it out on his family, demanding from them ideal purity, discipline and complete submission. But grandma led household and she had to be endured. To escape from her father's oppression, Nina went to big city. She was amazed at how correctly they said it. The girl began to listen to the speech of others and read books. She did not enter the technical school, went to work as a seamstress, rented a “corner” from an old woman. Nowadays they rent a room or an apartment, but back then old women often rented out a “corner” to students and working girls - there was a bed and a nightstand in the corner, sometimes they allowed four guests per room. The old lady turned out to be a very educated lady, and Nina talked with her with pleasure - it seemed that the shackles of her father’s upbringing were falling away. Nina’s speech became rich, it was pleasant to talk with her. The girl studied and entered a technical school, which she graduated with honors. On graduation party she met an interesting major, whom she soon married. A few years ago they celebrated their golden wedding, together with their children and grandchildren. Nina told me that if it weren’t for her grandmother and Tatyana Sergeevna (that was the name of the old woman from whom Nina rented the “corner”), she and her husband would not have found a common language and, quite likely, would have quickly separated. And so - we lived in perfect harmony for so many years - Nina says, smiling.

A great thing is a word. The word is primary, the action is secondary. Human life in our time is far from ideal. Many still live in communal apartments, and not all neighbors can be explained what value words represent. Therefore, after a not very pleasant conversation, you can read favorite poem, interesting book or say a prayer.

To protect themselves and their loved ones, they prayerfully turn to the Holy Martyr Cyprian.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

Oh, holy servant of God, holy martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer maker to all who come running to you. Receive from us, the unworthy, our praise, ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful in our life. Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits and deliver us from those who offend us. Give us a strong face against all enemies, visible and invisible. In temptations, grant us patience and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers at our aerial ordeals. May we, led by you, reach the heavenly Jerusalem and be honored in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing Holy name Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers have a harmonizing effect on people and the surrounding space. In prayer, each word is selected in such a way as to have maximum energetic impact. You cannot change the order of words or replace letters (for example: o with a, as in modern pronunciation), the effect will be unpredictable.

By reading a prayer before eating, a person has a beneficial and harmonious effect on himself, on the food and drink on the table, and on the environment. Monastic cuisine has always been famous delicious dishes, and the wines made in the monasteries are known all over the world. I think that prayers and the prayerful aura of the place play an important role in this. When prayers are said by several people at once, this increases its influence on the world around us.

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Human energy

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Energy at home

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The energy of things It follows from the principles of Feng Shui that all objects are saturated with the energy of what happens around them. The more we use certain objects, the more noticeable the radiation emanating from them can be. Some objects can bring happiness,

From the author's book

From the author's book

Energy of a psychic An ordinary person does not have the energy to realize what exists outside of his everyday world, so he calls the sphere of extraordinary perception of extrasensory perception witchcraft or the activity of dark forces, rushing away from it without

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What is the energy of wealth? What is this energy of wealth? This was best explained by the Eastern sages, who identified the two most important energies operating in the world. They gave these energies the names Yang and Yin. Yang is solar, masculine, life-giving, fertilizing

Each word has its own energy. Professional jargon contains slightly modified words that are closer to the energy sector of the profession. Every word we utter has a purpose: to please the interlocutor, to encourage him, to harm him.
Very often people do not think about the result of their own speech, but they should. Affectionate words: dear, dear, beloved (+14 e.a.) - carry positive energy and increase the energy of the person to whom they are addressed. That’s why we love to listen to these words so much, but for some reason we are embarrassed to say them.

We like polite people, attention, pleasant speeches addressed to us - but people with weak energy can even become dependent on affectionate words, which scammers sometimes use: they will talk to a person, treat him kindly - and take him warmly, he will do everything. Now in our lives there are not enough affectionate, friendly words, people are in no hurry to share their energy, but in vain, because the one who utters affectionate words even intensifies it.

Prayers, mantras and spiritual chants cleanse harmful energy and strengthen the human biofield. The words in them were selected specifically to have the strongest impact on people and the environment. The Lord's Prayer harmonizes a person's internal energy and cleanses the environment of harmful energy. It is usually read before meals and before bed.

Samurai were taught poetry so that they could more subtly feel the flow of energy. Practice writing poetry - this will benefit the development of your energy. It is very useful for this to read poetry at least once a week, and the poem should be chosen in a euphonious, rhythmic manner; in the beginning, you should take your favorite or classical works to read.

Children need to read poetry often, this allows them to quickly develop their own energy and increase their intellectual level. You need to talk to children using the maximum number of words. This improves health and increases life expectancy. The more words a person knows and uses, the better the brain works and the longer clarity of thinking remains.

I already wrote in the previous book, but I will repeat it again: the influence of spoken words and their intonation is extremely important for the state of energy, health and even human life.

I once witnessed a very instructive scene: a man and a woman had a heated argument at a party. The man was very emotional and excitable. He told the woman in the heat of an argument: “You’re wrong!” At the same time, he raised his index finger and pointed it at the woman. She managed to shield herself with her hands and immediately screamed in pain. Imagine the surprise of everyone present when we saw that her hand, like a thin needle, had been pierced through and blackened in this place.

There was a doctor among us, he immediately examined the hand and provided first aid. The doctor said that such tissue damage occurs only when in contact with metal heated to a high temperature or a high-frequency discharge, he added that if he had not observed this incident himself, he would never have believed it. The man apologized for a long time and tried to make amends, but what was done cannot be undone - the victim’s hand healed only after a few weeks, and the black spots on both sides of the hand remained even longer.

The words “how wonderful life is!” activate chakras and increase a person’s energy (almost +3 e.a.).

When a woman says to herself: “How beautiful I am!” - she activates all the chakras of her body and increases energy by an amount from +3 to +5 e.a.

The most interesting thing is that a woman’s statements about her husband also affect her energy:

“What a wonderful husband I have” - a woman’s energy increases by +1...+ 2 e.a.

“What a piece of junk my husband is” - a woman’s energy decreases by two units.

“What a scoundrel I got for a husband!” - a woman’s energy decreases by six units (-6 e.a.) and the activity of all chakras sharply decreases.


“I’m sick (I’m sick)” - reduce the body’s energy to -4 units. for men and -6 e.a. women This expression sharply activates muladhara, and the activity of other chakras sharply decreases.

“I feel great!” - increases energy by two units (+2 e.a.) and activates the work of all chakras, anahata is in harmony.

I met a man who looked fifty years old, but in terms of physical strength could give a head start to even a forty-year-old, there were no gray hairs in his thick black hair, but according to his passport he was eighty years old! It turned out that every morning when he opened his eyes he said: “How beautiful the world is!” - and mentally hugged him. I asked permission to measure his energy at the same time - and it turned out that with these words it immediately rose by seven units! All chakras were activated and harmonized.

The phrase “I’m interested in living” increases a person’s energy by +6 units. and harmonizes it.

Through my research, I realized why people say “I hate you!” to each other. - this word, like a weapon, damages the one to whom it is spoken, but few people suspect that this word also damages the speaker himself.

“I hate” - minus 7 e.a.

People who often like to complain and are pessimists actually have weakened vitality and deteriorated health. They themselves are to blame for most of their illnesses, because they caused them with their thoughtless words and complaints.

“There is no point” - minus 4 e.a.

This is probably why pessimists live less and get sick more often - they program themselves for this with negative thoughts and words.

Some researchers believe that diabetes mellitus often appears as a result of self-pity, unforgiven grievances, dissatisfaction with people around, vocal complaints, depression and decline in vitality. I am also inclined towards this, but I want to add that we ourselves are largely to blame for the deterioration of our health: we do not monitor our speech and vocabulary. Ethnographers were surprised to discover that old women in lost villages have a vocabulary of 80,000 to 120,000 words, which they constantly use! Just for fun, count your vocabulary - it’s unlikely to be more than 2000-3000. A wide variety of daily spoken words maintain health and activity even at a very advanced age. You should not take your speech lightly - you can injure yourself and those around you. A careless word can cause harm on a physical level, especially if a person’s body lacks protein or natural vitamins, he is weakened after illness, tired, or has low energy. It’s good when everyone in the family treats each other with care and chooses their words.

For some reason, it is considered necessary to monitor your speech in the presence of strangers, and not to restrain yourself in the presence of loved ones! But close people are called that because they are closest to us, we live side by side with them - and we must value and take care of them most of all, carefully monitor the words spoken to a loved one so as not to disturb his health.

A person’s speech shows the degree of his development in energetic terms, so it is better to talk to everyone in his own language, the one to which he is accustomed. Words can heal. For example, if you read books in Old Church Slavonic, the energy of the lungs and respiratory system is restored.

Many people study a foreign language in order to read the works of their favorite writers in the original. When reading a book in its “native” language, the reader understands not only the meaning of the work, but also feels its aura, its unique energy, which, unfortunately, partially disappears after the book is translated.

Words are one of the manifestations of the human soul in the world around us. When we pronounce a word, we cause a weak vibration in the world around us and do not always imagine how the world will respond to our word. Our speech affects the energy structure of the house and helps create the aura of the house. And not only at home - our words can change the aura of a person and other living beings.

When pronouncing any word, a person pays for it with his own energy. Some words reduce our energy - usually these are the words with which we scold other people, express our dissatisfaction, try to humiliate someone, offend, cause harm. By causing energetic harm to another with words, we also harm ourselves, and our personal energy suffers. If a person is willing to pay such a price, let him pay.

If in a family parents often quarrel and call each other names, is it any wonder that the child grows up with a weakened nervous system, poor health and reduced immunity? His energy suffers greatly from the words and emotions of his parents. Often in such cases, the energy is “coarsened” and the person will not be able to feel the pain and emotional state of loved ones, and sometimes he will even take pleasure in tormenting loved ones - his wrong energy is fueled by such actions. Reading books with rich literary language can partially compensate for this and develop the child’s energy in the right direction.

Let me give you a few examples.

Dmitry grew up in a family of alcoholics, where parents constantly quarreled with each other. Dima ran to hide from the “educating” fists to his neighbor. Everything about him was interesting: an aquarium, bookshelves covering the entire wall. The neighbor knew many stories, fairy tales and poems and enjoyed talking with the child. When Dmitry learned to read, he often borrowed books from a neighbor to read and sat quietly in the neighbor's room - it was impossible to bring a book home: they would drink it away, just like they drank away their textbooks. Dmitry was interested in many things and studied well; after the army he stayed in another city and got married. Now he has a large library; he has been reading books to his children almost since their birth. Dmitry is appreciated at work (he has been awarded several orders), he speaks very calmly and chooses his words carefully.

And this story began a long time ago, almost sixty years ago. The girl Nina grew up in a very dysfunctional family. The grandmother took care of the children there; she often told fairy tales and sang lullabies. Grandmother talked a lot about her life. Nina's father forbade her grandmother to talk to her grandchildren - they say, common speech offends his hearing. Nina’s father can be called a little dictator; in life he could not achieve anything he wanted, and therefore he took it out on his family, demanding from them ideal purity, discipline and complete submission.

But my grandmother ran the household and had to be tolerated. To escape from her father's oppression, Nina went to the big city. She was amazed at how correctly they said it. The girl began to listen to the speech of others and read books. She did not enter the technical school, went to work as a seamstress, rented a “corner” from an old woman. Nowadays they rent a room or an apartment, but back then old women often rented out a “corner” to students and working girls - there was a bed and a nightstand in the corner, sometimes they allowed four guests per room.

The old lady turned out to be a very educated lady, and Nina talked with her with pleasure - it seemed that the shackles of her father's upbringing were falling away. Nina’s speech became rich, it was pleasant to talk with her. The girl studied and entered a technical school, which she graduated with honors. At the graduation party she met an interesting major, whom she soon married. A few years ago they celebrated their golden wedding, together with their children and grandchildren. Nina told me that if it weren’t for her grandmother and Tatyana Sergeevna (that was the name of the old woman from whom Nina rented the “corner”), she and her husband would not have found a common language and, quite likely, would have quickly separated. And so - we lived in perfect harmony for so many years - Nina says, smiling.

A great thing is a word. The word is primary, the action is secondary. Human life in our time is far from ideal. Many still live in communal apartments, and not all neighbors can be explained what value words represent. Therefore, after a not very pleasant conversation, you can read your favorite poem, an interesting book, or say a prayer.

To protect themselves and their loved ones, they prayerfully turn to the Holy Martyr Cyprian.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

Oh, holy servant of God, holy martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer maker to all who come running to you. Receive from us, the unworthy, our praise, ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful in our life. Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits and deliver us from those who offend us. Give us a strong face against all enemies, visible and invisible. In temptations, grant us patience and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers at our aerial ordeals. May we, led by you, reach the heavenly Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the Most Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers have a harmonizing effect on people and the surrounding space. In prayer, each word is selected in such a way as to have maximum energetic impact. You cannot change the order of words or replace letters (for example: o with a, as in modern pronunciation), the effect will be unpredictable.

By reading a prayer before eating, a person has a beneficial and harmonious effect on himself, on the food and drink on the table, and on the environment. Monastic cuisine has always been famous for its delicious dishes, and the wines made in the monasteries are known all over the world. I think that prayers and the prayerful aura of the place play an important role in this. When prayers are said by several people at once, this increases its influence on the world around us.