Phytoncides are natural antibiotics. The main properties of phytoncides. Phytoncidal plants Creating a harmonious living space using methods of working with indoor plants and video ecology

In 1928, thanks to the research of Alexander Fleming, the world became aware of antibiotics. At the same time, Boris Petrovich Tokin made the discovery of natural substances that suppress the growth of many pathogenic organisms, which were later called “phytoncides.”

The role of natural antibiotics in nature

The role of plants in the formation of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide is well known. A lesser known fact is that any representatives of the kingdom of Flora secrete volatile or non-volatile phytoncides, but the effect on one or another type of microorganism is different.

The immunity of trees and shrubs to a particular disease is ensured by the formation of these substances.

Biologists have noticed the influence of substances secreted by some representatives on stimulating or inhibiting the vital activity of others, even those located at some distance. Vegetable growers will never plant tomatoes and potatoes or melons and cucumbers next to each other, but melons will get along well with radishes, and potatoes with beans. An apple tree gets along well with a pear, but it won’t be a good neighbor with a cherry.

When they enter a person’s lungs along with inhaled air, natural antibiotics neutralize viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Oxygen ionization is also ensured, as a result of which its biological activity increases.


Among volatile and non-volatile compounds, several types can be distinguished:

  1. Bactericidal - suppression of the growth of pathogenic cells;
  2. Fungicidal - fight against fungal diseases;
  3. Protistocidal - destruction of protozoan single-celled organisms that cause malaria, dysentery and other ailments;
  4. Compounds toxic to ticks and insects;
  5. Substances that stimulate or inhibit the development of other plants and bacteria.

Factors influencing the activity of phytoncides

During the daytime, several times more volatile esters are released than in the early morning or evening. In homogeneous forests (pine, birch) their activity is higher than in mixed ones; in the shade and in conditions high humidity lower than in the sun on a hot day, and in a summer forest the content is much higher than in a winter forest.

It is not at all necessary that volatile substances be emitted by crops with a strong odor. Their production is possible without the presence of essential oils (for example, crushed oak leaves, plantain and nettle).

Properties of coniferous trees

The most popular types of trees that produce beneficial esters include conifers, the leader of which is juniper. People suffering from asthma will feel improvement due to the anti-allergic effect of this plant.

Spruce, pine, fir, cedar - these coniferous trees help cure ARVI, and also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Probably for this reason, residents of mountainous areas are less likely to suffer from nervous and mental disorders, which is directly related to longevity.

It must be remembered that pine effectively fights Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis, but at the same time increases blood pressure, so it is better for hypertensive patients to avoid prolonged stay in the pine forest. The bacilli of diphtheria, whooping cough and even Staphylococcus aureus die near the presence of thuja and fir. Any coniferous trees increase antibacterial protection of the skin and immunity.

Properties of deciduous trees

Deciduous trees also release biologically active substances, but in smaller quantities. For example, oak has the ability to lower blood pressure, but poplar, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels, which causes blood pressure to increase.

Stimulation with birch and linden phytoncides, which dilate the bronchi and have a calming effect on the nervous system, has an extremely positive effect on the respiratory system. Linden blossom is an excellent remedy against headaches, colds, and fever. Bird cherry phytoncides contain hydrocyanic acid, under the influence of which protozoa die within 5 minutes, and mites - 15 minutes. It has even been noticed that if you leave a bouquet of bird cherry in the bedroom, you can get mild poisoning and wake up with a headache the next morning.

Properties of shrubs

One of the most well-known expectorants are herbal preparations based on wild rosemary, used even against the most severe suffocating cough in whooping cough. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma can also be treated with an infusion of this plant.

Lingonberries and cranberries are widely used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Fruit drinks made from these berries have a diuretic effect and create an acidic environment in the bladder and kidneys, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Lingonberries and cranberries are rich in vitamins; their regular consumption helps strengthen the immune system.

To strengthen the heart and blood vessels, the properties of hawthorn are used, which has a vasodilating effect and can have a calming effect on the nervous system without a sedative effect.

When treating with natural remedies, infusions of elderberry bark, leaves, fruits and inflorescences are actively used. Sore throats and colds are treated with elderberry decoctions; lotions and baths are used against rheumatism, arthritis, burns, and boils. Elderberry jelly has a good laxative effect.

Barberry is considered a plant that prolongs youth. The juice from its berries can stop bleeding and reduce fever. Barberry is useful for liver diseases (gallstones, cholecystitis, hepatitis).

Decoctions and infusions of lilac help fight diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma), diabetes, and stomach ulcers. Lilac baths and lotions are useful for bruises, rheumatism, and purulent ulcers.

Properties of herbs

Infusions of phytoncidal herbs are used not only externally, but also for oral administration.

The most famous herbs used in the treatment of colds are calendula, thyme, sage, oregano and elecampane. All of them are used as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. Calendula also has a wound-healing and analgesic effect, oregano and thyme have an expectorant effect, sage has an anticonvulsant and vasodilator effect, and elecampane has an anthelmintic effect.

For problems with the urinary system, herbs are used whose phytoncides are not destroyed before being eliminated from the body: St. John's wort, kidney tea, cornflower, bearberry.

In the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract chamomile, wormwood, plantain, caraway seeds, and sage are used.

Skin ailments are cured by external use of string, calendula, and celandine.

Properties of indoor plants

A person usually spends more than half of the day at home, including sleeping at night. It is important that the microclimate in the apartment is as harmless as possible, which can be achieved by growing indoor plants.

Perhaps the most recognizable houseplant is the geranium. The air in the premises in which it is grown contains almost 50% less protozoan microorganisms. Ficus and begonia also successfully fight microbes.

Chlorophytum, dracaena and dieffenbachia absorb harmful substances from the air that enter through windows from the street.

Any indoor greenery improves the air quality in apartments and even the most unpretentious ones decorate the surrounding interior.

Phytoncides on a personal plot

In your garden or dacha, you can successfully grow natural healers, famous for their medicinal properties.

Onions, horseradish, garlic - they are all used not only in cooking as seasonings, but also in folk medicine. They are effective in the treatment of colds, diabetes, and are also useful for cardiovascular diseases, thanks to their vasodilating properties, and strengthen the immune system.

Red pepper helps digestion, improves the condition of bronchial asthma and bronchitis, and accelerates hair growth.

Melissa and mint help with stress, calm the nervous system, and relieve headaches.

Harm from phytoncidal plants

The popular saying “Everything is good in moderation” also applies to the treatment of diseases with traditional medicine. It is always possible that there may be an individual intolerance to certain substances, the occurrence of allergic reactions, and with excessive consumption, a deterioration in well-being.

Everyone knows that forest air is very good for health, and one of the most important reasons for this is the presence of phytoncides in it, which kill or suppress pathogenic organisms and have a healing effect. You should not think that by releasing phytoncides, plants take care of our well-being - they protect themselves first of all.

Professor Tokin's discovery

Phytoncides– these are substances of plant origin that have the property of killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Name "phytoncide" comes from the merger of Greek "phyton" ("plant") and Latin "caedo" ("I kill"). Distinguish volatile And non-volatile phytoncides of tissue juices. Non-volatile phytoncides are found in all plants.

The phytoncidal properties of plants were discovered in 1929 by a prominent Soviet researcher, Professor B.P. Tokin. The scientist crushed fresh leaves of various trees, grated horseradish or radish, onion or garlic, mixed them with water and observed under a microscope how bacteria and protozoa living in this water behaved. Before our eyes, they changed the nature of their movement, the shape of their bodies, and finally died. This is how the effect of plant phytoncides was discovered. Subsequently, it turned out that phytoncides have not only a destructive effect on bacteria and protozoa, but also a number of other functions. They play an important role in the creation.

Boris Petrovich Tokin (1900–1984) - Soviet biologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, founder of the Department of Embryology at Leningrad State University, creator of the doctrine of phytoncides.

Based on numerous studies conducted by the laboratory of Professor B.P. Tokin, the time of death of protozoa after non-contact exposure to phytoncidal trees was established:

  • English oak – 5 minutes,
  • pyramidal cypress – 6 minutes,
  • yew berry – 6 minutes,
  • Cossack juniper – 7 minutes,
  • Scots pine – 10 minutes,
  • warty birch – 20 minutes,
  • silver poplar – 9 minutes.

What affects activity

In nature, the phenomenon of phytoncides is universal. However, there are differences in phytoncidal activity among different species. Moreover, phytoncides from tree leaves differ in their antimicrobial action from fruits, etc.

  • The phytoncidal activity of a plant can vary depending on the time of year, the weather, the time of day (in the morning before 8 o’clock and in the evening after 19 o’clock the amount of phytoncides produced by plants is several times less than during the day).
  • Trees in the shade emit less phytoncides.
  • There is more light and more phytoncides in birch and pine forests than, for example, in mixed forests.
  • The amount of volatile substances produced can also be affected by air temperature and humidity: hot weather the concentration of phytoncides increases significantly (1.5–1.8 times), and with increasing air humidity it decreases.

They are all different

Some phytoncides have a detrimental effect on microbes, while others only inhibit their growth.

Phytoncides of some plants tend to influence various classes of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoan unicellular animals, microscopic fungi, etc.), while others selectively suppress only certain types of microbes. Thus, phytoncides create immunity and support the natural immunity of plants to various types of diseases.

Plant phytoncides have different chemical natures. As a rule, this is a complex of compounds - glycosides, terpenoids, tannins and other substances that do not belong to the three main classes of natural compounds - proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Bird cherry

Volatile fractions of the kidneys bird cherry contain hydrocyanic acid; cyanide-containing glycosides were found on bird cherry leaves.

In plants such as larch, warty birch, elm, small-leaved linden, Norway maple, common ash, phenolic compounds and organic acids were detected. Condensation from crushed leaves birch, oak And bird cherry contains organic acids and aldehydes, i.e. substances formed during the oxidation of alcohols, and quinones resulting from the oxidation of aniline were found in volatile substances.

70% of plants that have a phytoncidal effect contain alkaloids of plant origin - organonitrogen substances. Plant phytoncides include essential oils, dyes (pigments), etc.

Capable of much

In total, there are about 500 species of trees that have phytoncidal properties. Scientists have calculated that the Earth's plants annually release about 490 million tons of phytoncides into the atmosphere.

Among the pronounced phytoncidal trees and shrubs middle zone Russia includes juniper, pine, spruce, birch, oak, poplar, bird cherry, rowan, and lilac.

Coniferous plants are truly record holders for the release of phytoncides. Yes, 1 ha juniper releases 30 kg of volatile substances per day; about 20 kg are released pine And spruce. Among the southerners they are famous for their phytoncidal activity cypress trees, thuja occidentalis, yew berry. Thanks to the ability of plants to release phytoncides, the air in parks contains 200 times less bacteria than street air.

Some plants produce highly volatile phytoncides, others - low-volatile.

It turned out that it is not at all necessary that plant substances that have an odor emit volatile phytoncides. They can also be produced by plants that do not contain essential oils. Thus, they have excellent phytoncidal properties freshly chopped oak leaves.

At the same time, some essential oil plants (i.e., those that secrete volatile essential oils) have a rather weak effect on bacteria (for example, phytoncides secreted by geranium leaves kill single-celled organisms only after a few hours). Some plants lose their phytoncidal properties when they die, while others can retain them for quite a long time. It is assumed, for example, that the ability of larch wood to survive for hundreds and even thousands of years is associated with its phytoncidal properties.

Impact on humans

Volatile phytoncides are able to penetrate through the lungs and skin into the human body. They inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms, protect against infectious diseases. Phytoncides normalize heart rate and blood pressure, participate in metabolism, reduce blood sugar levels, have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation in the brain, liver condition, bactericidal activity of the skin, as well as on the immune and nervous system.

When inhaling volatile phytoncides coniferous trees The resistance of red blood cells to oxygen deficiency increases, their lifespan almost doubles, and they have a positive effect on the function of the entire circulatory system. It is no coincidence that people living in forested areas are much less susceptible to upper respiratory tract diseases compared to city dwellers.

Volatile phytoncides affect the physical and chemical composition of the air. They help increase the concentration of negative ions in the air and reduce the number of positive ones. Phytoncides ionize oxygen in the air, thereby stimulating its biological activity. In addition, they improve the efficiency and economy of cell energy and promote the settling of dust particles.


Strong, somewhat intoxicating aroma of flowers and leaves bird cherry cleans the air of germs. Its leaves, flowers, bark and fresh fruits have phytoncidal properties. Bird cherry produces the most powerful phytoncides containing hydrocyanic acid. Protozoa die under the influence of its phytoncides after 5 minutes, ticks - after 15 minutes. Especially a lot of phytoncides are released by young leaves in spring and summer; in the fall they are released much less.

Bird cherry phytoncides have antimicrobial and insecticidal properties; they are destructive to fungi. Collars made from steamed bird cherry branches and a decoction of the bark rid animals of lice. Previously, peasants soaked seeds in a decoction of branches before sowing to combat plant pests. Described lung cases poisoning with bird cherry flowers when bouquets were left overnight in a bedroom or other closed room. In experiments on animals, it was found that bird cherry phytoncides (crushed leaves under a cap) depress their nervous system and reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Oak phytoncides reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension

Experience of phytoncidotherapy with leaves oak shows that after several sessions the pressure in patients with hypertension at all stages of the disease decreases significantly. And the folk custom of going to the bathhouse with an oak or birch broom is also a way of using volatile phytoncides released by plant leaves.

In contrast to volatile oak phytoncides, lilac, pyramidal poplar, hawthorn They, by constricting blood vessels, increase blood pressure and stimulate the cardiovascular system.

Scientific research in recent years proves that phytoncides birch trees And linden trees dilate the bronchi, stimulate the respiratory system. Phytoncides secreted by young leaves birch trees, relieve overstrain of the central nervous system. Birch sap also has excellent phytoncidal properties. Phytoncides linden trees have a good anti-cold and antipyretic effect, relieve headaches.

Birch phytoncides relieve overstrain of the central nervous system


The pleasant aroma of a coniferous forest is created by the volatile fractions of resin - aromatic terpene compounds and essential oils - evaporating through small wounds and young needles. On a hot day they evaporate more intensely. Some people with cardiovascular diseases may feel worse in a coniferous forest. Persons with heart disease find it difficult to breathe and feel stuffy. But if it is windy and the forest is sparse, staying in it is very useful.

Coniferous phytoncides increase the resistance of red blood cells to oxygen deficiency

Phytoncides fir, Siberian cedar And Siberian spruce have a stimulating effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems, which is especially evident during physical activity. They also have a positive effect on the dynamics of cerebral circulation, the condition of the liver, the bactericidal activity of the skin and the immune system in general.Phytoncides of fir, cedar and spruce have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, stimulate metabolic processes.

It has been proven that thuja And fir reduce the number of microbes in the air, including the causative agents of diphtheria and whooping cough. Thus, scientists have proven that inhaling volatile substances from fir stimulates some forms of natural immunity. In cosmetology, juniper phytoncides are used to disinfect the skin and heal wounds and cracks.

Tamed phytoncides

It is more difficult for pathogenic microbes to adapt to the action of phytoncides of higher plants than to antibiotics obtained from lower plants - microscopic fungi. This is an important fact indicating the prospects of using phytoncidal preparations for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

If you don’t have the opportunity to often travel to the forest or nature, then essential oils of coniferous plants will allow you to enjoy healing aromas without leaving home. They will create favorable microclimate, which will allow you to simultaneously heal and relax. By conducting a course of aromatherapy, you will satisfy your “phytoncidal hunger”. Using individual parts of plants: needles, buds, branches, bark, cones, you can carry out healing procedures at home. From the prepared raw materials it is not at all difficult to make infusions, tinctures, decoctions, teas, ointments, powders, inhalation mixtures and extracts for healing baths. A tree can live for a very long time. The power accumulated over the years, the majestic beauty, the history of his life, which has developed over many human generations, evoke delight and admiration. But, unfortunately, such a happy fate is rare. Throughout their life, trees are exposed to many factors that weaken their vitality and shorten their lifespan.

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For centuries, people have tried to decorate and furnish their homes with the help of plants. In today's noisy, fast-paced and polluted world, the role of plants has increased many times over. It is especially great in cold climates, where people spend most of their time indoors and are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with living nature. According to the US Space Research Center and the University of Kehl, the air in urban homes and offices contains more than 200 different toxic substances. The presence of vapors of formaldehyde, acetone, methanol, benzene - all this is the result of civilization. Therefore, people who spend a long time indoors are increasingly experiencing a feeling of nausea, allergies, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Under these conditions, the normal development and health of children largely depend on the quality of the indoor environment - schools, kindergartens, etc. Protecting themselves from dust and noise, modern premises are becoming more and more airtight and the concentration of potentially hazardous substances in them is increasing. Reducing risk factors can be achieved through landscaping. This area has been little studied, so it interested me. I decided to conduct a study on the phytoncidal properties of indoor plants. In the popular scientific literature I found virtually no data on the phytoncidal properties of indoor plants, which surprised me very much, because we spend most of our time in residential premises and public institutions. A problem arose before me: how can this be accomplished. On the Internet I was able to find articles on a topic that interested me. I found out that many scientists working in this area offered their own methods for determining the phytoncidal potential of indoor plants. Famous Russian scientist B.P. Tokin developed his own method. He studied the phytoncidity of indoor plants using protozoa - ciliates. Laboratory of Professor B.P. Tokin, more than 500 species of plants with phytoncidal properties were discovered. Based on numerous studies, the time of death of protozoa after non-contact exposure to phytoncidal plants has been established. I decided to conduct a study and find out the effect of phytoncides from indoor plants growing in the classrooms of our school on protozoa, and also to trace the effect of indoor plants on cleaning the air of the biology classroom from microorganisms.

Goal of the work: study of the influence of volatile phytoncides of indoor plants on biological objects

Main goals:

    Analysis of literature data on this issue.

    Study of the composition and biological characteristics of phytoncidal-active indoor plants in classrooms.

    Study of the effect of tissue juices of indoor plants on ciliates.

    Studying the influence of volatile phytoncides from indoor plants on mold fungi.

    Studying the influence of gaseous phytoncides of indoor plants on the germination of cucumber seeds.

    Conducting a sociological survey of students of MBOU “School No. 41” on the topic “What is


The relevance of the work I presented due to the need to find environmentally friendly and, taking into account the growing resistance of microorganisms to chemical antibacterial drugs, effective means protecting the environment surrounding modern humans from pathogenic microorganisms. Plant phytoncides, as a rule, do not upset the balance of the natural human microflora, do not pollute the environment, and microorganisms are less likely to develop resistance to them.

Thus, this topic seems to me relevant and practically significant, although it remains unexplored in many aspects. In this work, I conducted a study of the phytoncidal activity of indoor plants, which is of particular importance in terms of proper landscaping of premises and educational institutions.

Solution to this problem we see in the study and use of natural biological helpers - indoor plants with active phytoncidal properties.

As objects of research, we chose widely known, available in school classrooms and described in the literature such phytoncidal-active plants as: zonal pelargonium, fragrant geranium, aloe vera, begonia, lemon, uzambar violet, chlorophytum crested. To study the microflora of the air, primary school classrooms were used, laboratory of biology, geography, technology. According to the objectives, during the research process, the following were used: methods: 1. Study and analysis of literature on this problem; 2. Morphological description of indoor plants and colonies of microorganism cells; 3. Microbiological methods: sedimentation method, Wells method, method of mathematical statistics.

Hypothesis: It is assumed that tissue juices and volatile fractions of different types of indoor plants have different effects on microorganisms. Based on this, it is possible to determine the degree of phytoncidity of these plants.

Object of study: some types of indoor plants; culture of simple organisms (ciliates).

Subject of study: the influence of tissue juices and volatile fractions of different types of indoor plants on the culture of ciliates.


    study and analysis of various information sources on this issue;

    microbiological methods: growing cultures of microorganisms; determination of the influence of tissue juices and volatile fractions of different types of indoor plants on the culture of ciliates in order to determine the degree of phytoncidity of these plants.

Chapter I. Literature Review

1.1. What are phytoncides

Phytoncides is a Greek-Latin word: phyto- (Greek) - plant, cido- (Latin) - “I kill.” These are biologically active substances of various chemical natures produced by plants. They have the ability to inhibit the development of bacteria, viruses, protozoan single-celled animals, microscopic fungi and even kill them. Phytoncides are the main factor in plant immunity; they are protectors against pathogenic microbes of humans and animals. Phytoncides are all fractions of volatile substances secreted by plants, including those that are almost impossible to collect in noticeable quantities. They are also called “native antimicrobial substances of plants” (Anikeev, 1983)

1.2. History of the discovery and study of phytoncides

The ideological father of all research on phytoncides of lower plants and bacteria is the famous Russian biologist I.I. Mechnikov is one of the founders of modern medicine. Volatile phytoncides of higher plants were first discovered in 1928-1930. A.G. Filatova and A.E. Tebyakina. The essence of the main discovery was that higher plants, when wounded, produce volatile antimicrobial substances. The tissue (cellular) sap of many plants turned out to be even more active. The term phytoncides itself was proposed by the Russian scientist B. T. Tokin in 1934 to designate volatile substances with antimicrobial properties that are released by plants. B.P. Tokin drew attention to the fact that food products prepared in oriental bazaars, in unsanitary conditions, do not cause outbreaks of infectious diseases. The scientist suggested that the abundance oriental spices somehow protects food from spoilage. He studied the substances contained in spices and discovered that the antiseptic effect was provided by volatile components. He proposed to call these “volatile plant poisons” phytoncides.

There are phytoncides contained in plant tissues in dissolved form, and volatile fractions of phytoncides released into the atmosphere, soil, and water. Volatile phytoncides are capable of exerting their effect at a distance. All plants secrete them for self-defense; Some plants emit small amounts of phytoncides, others - including onions and garlic - large amounts. In relation to higher plants, numerous evidence of the role of phytoncides in their immunity was obtained in experiments of the school of D.D. Verderevsky. Interesting observations were made by M.N. Khanin, A.F. Prokopchuk, L.A. Nikolaeva, L.V.Krivolazova, Yu.I. Smetanin - workers of the Kuban Medical Institute. Phytoncidal properties were initially discovered only in a few plants, but as they were studied, their range expanded. According to Academician V.G. Drobatko, about 85% of higher plants have them. Doctors and veterinarians became interested in the question of the effect of phytoncides on pathogenic microorganisms, pathogens of human and animal diseases.

At the Institute of Microbiology and Virology named after D.K. Zabolotny of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the problem of phytoncides has found comprehensive development. In 1945, with the direct participation of Academician V. G. Drobatko, the drug imanin was obtained from the St. John's wort plant. In 1948, this drug was introduced into medical practice and is still used in the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and other diseases.

When conducting a series of experiments to identify the effect of phytoncides on the morphology of a bacterial cell, it was found that under their action a relatively rapid and pronounced disruption of structures such as the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane occurs; some cells are destroyed even after 3 hours.

The antimicrobial properties of phytoncides determined big number research on their use in medicine, veterinary medicine, plant protection, storage of fruits and vegetables, in Food Industry and others (Vvedensky 1956)

1.3. Basic information about phytoncides

From a chemical point of view, phytoncides are a complex of gaseous and easily evaporating compounds, which may include both inorganic and organic compounds: simple connections such as strong acid and ammonia, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, volatile formaldehydes, alcohols, low molecular weight ethers fatty acids, resins. Thus, phytoncidal complexes have a complex chemical composition, which determines the specificity of their action on different groups of microorganisms.

Phytoncides of different plant species differ in their composition and action. The protective role of phytoncides is manifested not only in the destruction of microorganisms, but also in the suppression of their reproduction, in stimulating the vital activity of microorganisms that are antagonists of pathogenic forms for a given plant, in repelling insects, etc. There are phytoncides contained in plant tissues in dissolved form, and volatile fractions of phytoncides released into the atmosphere, soil, and water (in aquatic plants). Volatile phytoncides are able to exert their effect at a distance, for example, phytoncides of oak, eucalyptus, pine leaves, etc. In addition, volatile phytoncides cause the appearance of negative ions in the air and reduce the content of heavy positively charged ions in it, which has a good effect on human well-being and health

Active phytoncides are contained in onions and garlic: vapors and extracts from them kill Vibrio cholera, diphtheria bacillus, and pyogenic microbes. According to the generic Latin name of garlic - allium - its active principle is called allicin.

Once you chew garlic for a few minutes, most of the bacteria living in the oral cavity die. Consuming plants with high content phytoncides helps relieve microbes from the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. The bactericidal properties of plants are used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, in particular of the upper respiratory tract. .

Usnic acid, a phytoncide from the usnea lichen, inhibits tuberculosis bacteria.

1.4. Phytoncidal properties of indoor plants

Academician N. G. Kholodny suggested that volatile substances released by higher plants and found in the air around us are “atmospheric vitamins” or “vitamin-like substances” that can be absorbed human lungs and have a beneficial effect on his body. Everyone knows the effect of volatile substances in the air of a pine forest and oak forest on a person’s general well-being and on his nervous system. From this point of view, landscaping cities, workshops and areas of factories, and residential premises by selecting plants whose phytoncides act most favorably is of great health value.

It is known that a hectare of deciduous forest releases 2 kg of volatile phytoncides per day in the summer, 5 kg of coniferous forest, and 30 kg of juniper forest, 30 kg of volatile substances harmful to microorganisms. Indoor plants also release phytoncides and purify the air from the microorganisms it contains. For example, begonias and geraniums reduce the content of microflora in the surrounding air by 43%, cyperus - by 59%, and small-flowered chrysanthemum - by 66%.

Research is currently underway to select types of indoor plants that have bactericidal and protistocidal properties that can cause the death of bacteria and single-celled organisms. Phytoncidal properties have been identified in more than 40 species of greenhouse plants. Scientists have compiled an assortment of indoor plants of tropical origin that can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes at home and in crowded places: in kindergartens, schools, medical and other institutions, which can be combined into 3 groups:

1st group- plants whose volatile secretions have pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity against air microflora. (Sansevieria three-striped, dieffenbachia spotted, scindapsus variegated, cissus antarcticus, tetrastigma Voignier, fragrant pelargonium (geranium), Bloom's coleus, evergreen pyramidal cypress, common oleander, evergreen boxwood, Benjamin ficus).

2nd group- plants whose volatile secretions improve cardiac activity, increase immunity, and have calming, anti-inflammatory and other medicinal effects.

(Attractive monstera, fragrant pelargonium (geranium), Sambac jasmine, common myrtle, lemon).

3rd group- phytofilter plants that absorb harmful gases from the air. For example, the indoor plant spathiphyllum is able to absorb acetone, nephrolepis and ficus plants absorb formaldehyde. The same group of plants includes: chlorophytum crested, ficus Benjamin, cissus Antarctic.

In the late 1970s - 1980s. a direction emerged called phytodesign. Its founder, A.M. Grodzinsky gave it the following definition: “Phytodesign is the use of plants to improve the habitat in artificial systems.” The objectives of phytodesign are: cleaning and improving indoor air, humidifying, ionizing and enriching it with substances that have a beneficial effect on human health, as well as creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment.

To improve the indoor air quality, plants with high phytoncidal activity are used. The most phytoncidal active are the following: chlorophytum crested, violets, dracaenas, yucca, monstera, Arabica and Arabian coffee, Kalanchoe, hibiscus, lemons and others.

1.5. Significance for animals and humans

What is primarily affected by plants and phytoncides, if we talk about human organisms and mammals?

Reduces the quantitative content of microbes in the air up to 250 times per 1 m3. Therefore, walks in forests where similar plants grow (coniferous, oak groves, deciduous) improve the condition of the lungs and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system. They are very useful for patients with tuberculosis and other diseases in this area. Linden, thyme, and birch have a good bronchodilator effect.

It is oak groves that have the ability to normalize high blood pressure, so this treatment is indicated for hypertensive patients.

Many herbs containing phytoncides and vitamins strengthen the immune system, have a sedative effect, normalize sleep and mental state (lemon balm, oregano and others).

These compounds ionize the air, precipitate dust molecules, clean and disinfect the environment. Accordingly, they improve the general atmosphere for the normal development of living beings.

A number of plants help in the fight against colds, infectious and viral diseases (onions, garlic, raspberries, blueberries, radishes, mustard and others).

Thus, the importance of phytoncides for animal organisms and humans is important. With their help, you can save yourself from the use of strong antibiotics synthesized artificially, and prevent the formation of the consequences that they entail. Of course, the action of phytoncides will not be as fast, but it will be softer, gentler and more effective.

Chapter II. Materials and research methods

In this work, as a basic one, the version of the method for determining the phytoncidal capacity of plants, developed by B. P. Tokin, was initially considered.

In this case, the activity of phytoncides directly included in the plant tissue sap is determined. The main points of this technique are described below.

Equipment: leaves of indoor plants with petioles, microscope, mortar and pestle, pipette, slides and coverslips, a vessel with a culture of ciliates, cloth for wiping the microscope and slide, clean water for rinsing, stopwatch.

Completing of the work: preparing equipment for work: obtaining tissue juice from plants by preparing a slurry, grinding plant leaves with a pestle and mortar. Squeezing out a few drops of the juice of the plant under study through gauze. Applying a drop with a culture of ciliates to a glass slide, observing the activity of ciliates under a microscope at a magnification of 56 times (14 x 4). The method of working with a microscope is standard. Next, apply a drop of plant juice next to a drop with ciliates, connecting the two drops. Observing changes in the activity of ciliates until they die, noting the time using a stopwatch. The experiments are carried out twice. Phytoncidal activity of plants is calculated by the formula: A=100:T, where A is phytoncidal activity (in percent); T - time of death of microorganisms (in minutes)

This technique was subsequently subjected to careful study on my part and, based on what I had studied, I proposed a more simplified technique for determining the phytoncidity of indoor plants.

Subsequently, in this project, research was carried out according to the proposed methodology. Its description is given below.

My research methodology consists of conducting a series of repeated experiments. Plant materials (leaves and plant cuttings), crushed into pulp, are placed under a microscope in a Petri dish. A drop of water containing a culture of protozoa (in this case, slipper ciliates) is placed on the inside of the cup with a pipette, and the behavior of the microorganisms is observed for a certain time (1 minute). Observation is carried out as follows: the initial number of microorganisms in the environment is recorded, and then, after a certain time, the number of dead microorganisms is recorded. Based on the percentage of dead microorganisms to their initial number in the environment, conclusions are drawn about the phytoncidity of indoor plants.

III. Research results and discussion

3.1. Species composition of phytoncidal-active indoor plants at school.

The research was carried out in the 2016-2017 academic year: from December to February at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 41”

Carrying out a visual count and identifying the most common indoor plants in the school showed that the predominant plant species are: zonal pelargonium, tree aloe, chlorophytum crested, fragrant geranium, uzambar violet, lemon, begonia.

1. ZONAL PELARGONIA(lat. Pelargōnium)

The geranium family, native to the subtropics of South Africa, the genus contains about 250 species. The unpretentious plant is very common and has tall, branched stems reaching a height of 70 cm. The leaves with stipules are light green, rounded, kidney-shaped, slightly pubescent. Blooms from early spring to late autumn, forming umbrellas of flowers. Easily propagated by cuttings

2. ALOE TREE(Alóe arborescens )

Aloewood (Latin, also known as “agagae”) is an evergreen succulent plant, a species of the genus Aloe of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family. Its natural range covers South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Malawi. It has a branched, erect stem, the leaves are very thick and juicy, convex at the bottom. The leaf color is grey-green, covered with a waxy coating, and is propagated by apical cuttings.

3.LEMON(Citrus lemon ) Lemon (lat. Cítruslímon) - plant; species of the genus Citrus (Citrus) of the subtribe Citrus (Citreae) of the Rut family (Rutacea). The fruit of this plant is also called lemon. An ornamental, evergreen fruit tree.

The smell of lemon stimulates the autonomic nervous system and has an invigorating effect. 4. Chlorophytum crested (Chlorophytum).

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) is a perennial herbaceous shrub with green leaves, with hanging airy tendrils with small bushes of new plants. Homeland of Chlorophytum - South Africa, where it grows like an epiphyte on the bark of trees. According to some data, the genus Chlorophytum belongs to the Asparagus family, according to others - to the Agave family. In Europe, chlorophytum became known only in the 19th century. Mature plant Chlorophytum reaches up to 50 cm in diameter and the same height. The long leaves of Chlorophytum are green, pale green with white or cream longitudinal stripes. From the center of the bush, long shoots up to 80-100 cm with small leaves and flowers fall in a cascade. Chlorophytum flowers appear as small white stars at the ends of long shoots, which then turn into leaf rosettes with aerial roots.

5. fragrant geranium (lat.Geranium )

Fragrant geranium is an unpretentious, quite popular garden and indoor plant with a specific smell. The plant is a branched bush with a well-developed nodal rhizome. The leaves are carved, palmate-lobed in shape. Covered with fibers that, when touched, emit an intense aroma. The flowers are collected in umbels, small, inconspicuous, white and pink in color. It is the ability to spread an unusual strong odor that is business card and the main value of fragrant geranium.


Saintpaulia(lat. Saintpaulia) a genus of beautifully flowering herbaceous plants of the Gesneriaceae family ( Gesneriaceae). One of the most common indoor plants; also known in floriculture as Usambara violet.

It grows in the mountainous regions of East Africa. Inhaling the volatile substances of these plants has a beneficial effect on the psyche, normalizes heart rate, improves metabolic processes, strengthens the body's defenses, normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cortex cerebral hemispheres, increases performance and endurance to physical activity.

7. BEGONIA (lat.Begonia )

Among begonias there are annual and perennial herbs, shrubs (occasionally climbing) or subshrubs with a creeping or tuberous thickened rhizome, sometimes with a tuber. The leaves are usually asymmetrical, often beautifully colored (especially in cultivated species). The flowers are irregular, unisexual, monoecious. Tepals are unequal, brightly colored; fruit - capsule.

So, based on the data I received, I can do conclusion that the most commonly found plants in classrooms include:

3.2. Experimental studies of the level of plant phytoncidity.

At the next stage of my research, I set out to determine the culture of protozoa to conduct experiments to establish the level of phytoncidal activity. As one of the most common, I proposed the culture of the ciliate slipper.

Ciliate slipper, paramecium caudate (lat. Paramecium caudatum) is a species of ciliates of the genus Paramecium, part of a group of organisms called protozoa, a single-celled organism. The organism got its name from permanent form body, resembling the sole of a shoe.

Growing Ciliates - slippers

We poured water into 2 jars with a volume of 3 liters.

1. Take the hay and put it in a jar, and do the same operation with the banana peel. Cover the top with gauze.


Two weeks later, a microspecimen was prepared from the solution.

We saw actively moving single-celled animals.

A smaller drop of plant sap is added to a drop of liquid containing the protozoa. An increase in the movement of protozoa is observed, then a slowdown in movement is detected, and then death follows.

If you record the time of death, then phytoncidal activity can be calculated using the formula:

where A is phytoncidal activity, and T is the time of death of the protozoa

Reaction of protozoa to the action of phytoncides

Plant name




Violet uzambarica

3 min. 30 sec.

Geranium fragrant

2 min. 20 sec.

3 min. 40 sec.

4 min. 30 sec.

Chlorophytum crested

1 min. 40 sec

2 minutes

3 min. 10 sec


1 min. 20 sec.

2 minutes. 30 sec.

3 min. 40 sec.

Aloe arborescens

4 min. 30 sec.

5 minutes. 10 sec.

2 minutes. 30 sec.

3 min. 40 sec.

5 min. 30 sec.

3 min. 30 sec.

4 min. 40 sec.

Conclusion: The following plants have the greatest phytoncidal activity: fragrant geranium, chlorophytum crested, pelargonium.

3.3. Determination of the influence of gaseous phytoncides of indoor plants on the germination of cucumber seeds.

To conduct the experiment, we used sapling seeds of the Zozulya cucumber variety (leaves of the indoor plants under study, 5 Petri dishes, mortar and pestle, filter paper, plastic cups of 0.25 liters, scissors, electronic scales.) Place filter paper in the Petri dishes . In the center we place containers with a side height of 0.5 cm (cut from plastic cups), into which we place a gruel, ground in a mortar from 5 g of leaves of the plants under study: cup No. 1 - Kalanchoe, No. 2 - geranium, No. 3 - chlorophytum, No. 4 - Dieffenbachia, No. 5 - control, filled with water. Around the perimeter of the container, on filter paper moistened with water, we place 10 cucumber seeds at an equal distance from each other. The experiment is repeated three times. Place the samples in a warm, dark place.

The results of the experiment “Determination of the influence of gaseous phytoncides of indoor plants on the germination of cucumber seeds” were taken on the 5th day:

3.4. Determination of the influence of volatile phytoncides of indoor plants on saprophytic microorganisms:

For the experiment you will need: 5 jars with screw caps, a hard-boiled egg, a needle and thread, electronic scales, a mortar and pestle, tissues of the plant samples being studied, Vaseline. At the bottom of the first jar is placed a gruel prepared by grinding in a mortar 10 g Kalanchoe leaves, the second - geranium, the third - chlorophytum, the fourth - dieffenbachia, the fifth empty jar - control. Using a needle, hang eggs from five jars on a thread at a distance of 3-4 cm from the vegetable pulp (use a paper stopper). The jars are tightly closed with lids, the edges of which are smeared with Vaseline. They are placed in a dark, warm place for several days. We are monitoring the condition of the egg pieces.

The results of the experiment “Determination of the influence of volatile phytoncides of indoor plants on saprophytic microorganisms” were taken on the tenth day:

Sample No.



Extensive growth is observed mold fungus on the egg and on the plant pulp at the bottom. There is no licking of the egg.

A small amount of mold is observed on the leaf pulp. There is no mold on the egg, but it has changed color, turned yellowish, and mucus has appeared.


Mold is abundant on the leaf pulp and on the egg. Bacterial colonies are visible on the egg.


There is no mold anywhere. The suspended egg exhibits mucus and discoloration. The piece of egg that fell into the mush remained unchanged.


Excessive mold growth, severe egg decomposition.

3.5. Sociological survey of students of MBOU "School No. 41"

A sociological survey was conducted among students in grades 7-10 on the topic

"What do you know about phytoncides"

Students were asked the following questions:

    What are phytoncides?

2.What function do they perform?

3. What phytoncidal-active plants do you know?

4. Do all plants contain phytoncides?

5. How do they affect people and animals?

Survey results:


Having examined all the diagrams, we can say that students are well aware of the concept of phytoncides and their properties, as well as in which plants phytoncides are contained and how they affect humans and animals


1. We studied the composition and biological characteristics of phytoncidal-active indoor plants in classrooms.

2. A study of the effect of tissue juices of indoor plants on ciliates showed that the following have the greatest phytoncidal activity: fragrant geranium (Geranium), crested chlorophytum (Chlorophytum comosum), pelargonium (Pelargonium).

3. A study of the influence of volatile phytoncides from indoor plants on mold fungi showed that the greatest phytoncidal activity is observed in Dieffenbachia leopoldii and geranium (Geranium).

4. A study of the influence of gaseous phytoncides from indoor plants on the germination of cucumber seeds showed that the shortest root length was observed in Dieffenbachialeopoldii and geranium (Geranium).

5. A sociological survey showed that students do not have an entirely accurate understanding of the properties of phytoncides and their meaning.

Plant name


1. Euphorbia ribbed (combed)


Along the entire length of its five-ribed trunk there are leaf scars - traces of fallen leaves. Leaves (up to 15-30 cm long) with silvery veins. But they decorate only the top of the stem, making the milkweed seem like a palm tree. In indoor culture, the plant reaches 70-100 cm.

Phytoncidity 40%. The milky juice of euphorbia is poisonous and causes a severe burning sensation when it comes into contact with mucous membranes. It is not recommended to grow in apartments where there are children. Perfect for landscaping office buildings.

2. Fragrant pelargonium (geranium)


This is an evergreen subshrub from the geranium family with branched, pubescent stems up to 90 cm high, woody at the base. The lower leaves have long hairy petioles. At the base of the petiole of each leaf there are 2 free ovate bracts. The flowers are arranged in umbels on long peduncles.

Phytoncidity 46%. Geranium essential oil helps calm the nervous system, improves sleep, and reduces stress. It should be borne in mind that in a closed small space this plant can cause headaches or allergies in people with hypersensitivity. It is recommended to grow geranium in spacious rooms so that the concentration of essential oils and phytoncides in the air is not too high.

3. Dieffenbachia spotted Dieffenbachia maculata

An evergreen perennial plant, relatively low, up to 60-70 cm, with large leaves covered with bright white spots. The stem is quite thick, herbaceous

Phytoncidity 55%. Cleans the air of toxins, absorbs formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene. It is not recommended to grow in apartments where there are children. Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous and can cause irritation of mucous membranes upon contact. Best suited for growing in spacious office-type premises.

4. Primrose obverse conical

Primula obconica

Herbaceous houseplant. The leaves are on long pubescent petioles, collected in a lush rosette. Inflorescences rise in a second tier above the leaves

Phytoncidity 64%. Contains primin in the leaf pubescence. An allergic reaction is possible. It is not recommended for landscaping in places where there may be people allergic to primin.

5. Crassula portulaca (money tree)

Crassula portulacea Lam.

A tree-like plant up to 1 m in height has dark green leaves with a red border along the edge. Leaves are up to 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Forms aerial roots, which are whitish at first, then turn brown. Blooms with white or pink flowers.

List of cited literature

1. Anikeev V.V., Lukomskaya K.A.. Guide to practical classes in microbiology. - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1983. P. - 127.

2. Bagrova L.A. Children's encyclopedia "I explore the world." Plant volume. - M.: TKO "AST", 1996. - P.27 -28.

3. Vvedensky B.A. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1956. -P. 209-210.

4. Vasilyeva Z.P., Kirillova G.A., Laskina A.S. Laboratory work in microbiology. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1979. - P. 17-18.

5. Verzilin N.M. In Robinson's footsteps. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1994. - P. 136 -137.

6. Golyshenkov P.P. Medicinal plants and their use. - Saransk. Mordovian book publishing house, 1990. - P.29-30.

7. Kretovich V.L. Fundamentals of plant biochemistry. - M.: “Soviet Science”, 1956. P. 218-219.

8. Kudryashova N.I. Treatment with lemons. - M.: “Image - Company”, 1999. - P. 5 -7.

9. Nuraliev Yu. Medicinal plants. - Nizhny Novgorod. JV "IKPA", 1991. - P.29-31.

10. Sinyakov A.F. About tops and roots. - M..: “Physical Education and Sports”, 1992. - P. 211 - 246.

11. Tvorogova A.S. Microbiological experiment at school. - Saransk, “Niva”, 1987. - P. 5-10.

12. Shvechikova A.P., Kosogova T.M., Lutsenko A.I. Houseplants and indoor air purity scientific and methodological journal “Biology at School” No. 1-2 1992. - P. 66 - 67.

12. " encyclopedic Dictionary young farmer" edited by K.A. Ivanovich M.: “Pedagogy”, 1983. - P. 329.

13. “Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist”, ed., M.S. Gilyarovich M.: “Pedagogy”, 1986. - P.37.

Elena Doskach

The air environment in our premises is far from ideal. In addition to ordinary dust, the air has a high content of chemical compounds that are emitted by building materials, furniture, not to mention exhaust gases.

In addition, the air environment contains pathogenic microorganisms, such as: Streptococci, staphylococci, sarcina (Escherichia coli, molds.

When exposed to favorable conditions, these microorganisms cause various respiratory and intestinal diseases, as well as allergies.

According to research, content harmful microorganisms in kindergartens often exceeds the norm by 2-3 times.

What can be done to somehow neutralize the harmful effects of these microorganisms?

You can improve the air environment of indoor spaces by using certain plants for landscaping.

Everyone knows that some plants secrete phytoncides.

Phytoncides– these are volatile substances that can suppress the activity of harmful organisms.

Academician N. G. Kholodny called phytoncides atmospheric vitamins, because they are needed in very small quantities and act like vitamins. Some plants also serve as a filter. harmful substances, acting as a “green liver”. In addition to the fact that plants purify the air from toxic gases: formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, they also feed on them, converting them into sugars and amino acids. Along with plants whose volatile substances have pronounced phytoncidal properties, there are plants whose volatile substances have a healing effect on the human body.

All these plants can be combined into 3 groups:

1 group– phytoncidal plants that have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal activity. They suppress the vital activity of streptococci, staphylococci, sarcinoids, and mold fungi.

Plants of group 1:

Aloe, Dieffenbachia, Rhoicissus, Begonia, Kalanchoe, Sansevieria, Bryophyllum, Coleus, Crassula, Geranium, Euphorbia, Thuja, Hibiscus, Ivy, Ficus

It is necessary to take into account the specificity of the action of plant volatiles. For example, volatile substances begonias active against staphylococcus and, especially, mold fungi, but neutral against sarcina (intestinal bacteria). If the room is dark and damp, then there is an increased content of mold fungi in the air. In such rooms it is recommended to grow primarily begonia, which is also shade-tolerant. In addition, the following can adapt to these conditions: myrtle, laurel, monstera, ivy, lemon, ficus. Kalanchoe acts on staphylococcus and sarcina. Thuja active against pathogens of diphtheria and whooping cough. Ivy, coleus– regarding Sarcina.

2nd group- plants that have medicinal effects. They increase immunity, improve cardiac activity, calm, and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Plants of 2 groups:

Monstera– has a beneficial effect on people with nervous system disorders, eliminates headaches and heart rhythm disturbances.

Geranium fragrant– has a calming effect, helps with insomnia and various neuroses.

Spurge– has a sedative effect.

Lemon– improves heart function, lowers blood pressure, improves general condition.

In aerophytotherapy, these plants are used as a bronchodilator, antispasmodic and sedative.

For 10 years in preschool institutions Novosibirsk doctors of Novosibirsk medical academy conducted an experiment - tested the effect of phytoncidal plants on the health of children.

It turned out that the phytoncidal radius of action of myrtle extends to 5 meters. At this distance, microbes are not viable.

However, myrtle does not tolerate dry air, especially in winter time- its leaves are falling off.

3 group– plants whose filters absorb harmful gases from the air: formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, hexane.

Plants of 3 groups:

Ficus, cissus, chlorophytum.

Chlorophytum cleans the air much better than special technical devices. For example, to clean an average-sized apartment from harmful gases, approximately 10 chlorophytums will be required.

An assortment of plants with high phytoncidal activity that heal the body, are easy to care for and easy to propagate has been developed especially for kindergartens. Certain plants should be placed in certain rooms.

Plants of all 3 groups are suitable for playrooms.

In nurseries and junior groups exclude poisonous (albeit useful): milkweed, dieffenbachia, alocasia, since children do not yet realize the danger that a completely harmless-looking plant poses (milky and poisonous juice can cause allergies or even severe burns). Plants with thorns are also not recommended for placement in younger groups. But in older groups, where children already know about the danger that can come from flowers, phytoncidal plants, even those containing poisonous juice, can be placed. It is necessary to explain to children what kind of plant this is and how to handle it.

In game rooms Where children spend most of their time, there is an increased amount of dust, which means there is a high contamination of spore cultures: mold and bacilli. Often, dust-laden air is the cause of poor health. You can also avoid these troubles with the help of plants.

For example - Cyperus. This plant increases air humidity, which helps dust settle. Cyperus loves water very much and happily evaporates it into the air, so the pot with this plant is constantly kept in a tray with water. A good moisturizer also includes hibiscus(Chinese rose).

In the reception area It makes sense to install plants with a strong antimicrobial and tonic effect. For example, myrtle, thuja, sansevieria. They perfectly disinfect the air and even kill the diphtheria bacillus. In this case, the child, before entering the group, will naturally cleanse himself, thanks to the biologically active substances of plants.

Rules for caring for plants

When purchasing plants, you must first find out how much light they need.

Photophilous, air t is not less than 15.

Aloe, geranium, Kalanchoe, coleus, peperomia, crassula.

Less demanding on light, t not lower than 20 – 25.

Begonia, Dieffenbachia, Sansevieria.

Shade-tolerant, cold-resistant.

Cissus, ivy, epipremnum.

It is important not only to place the plants correctly, but also to properly care for them. Particular attention should be paid to watering. You need to water not every day, but as needed. Some plants will tolerate drying out of the earthen coma without any problems (aloe, Kalanchoe, Crassula), others will immediately shed their leaves and may even die (myrtle).

It is equally important to spray the plants. In winter, during heating season, air humidity decreases sharply, and dry air is as destructive for some plants as dry soil. If you have myrtle, lemon, or laurel, then it is advisable to place them away from the battery and spray them at least twice a day cold water. Spraying is also good because it prevents the appearance of pests, since dry air promotes the spread of whiteflies and spider mites. If pests have already appeared on the plants, then it is necessary to fight them not with pesticides, but by daily spraying the internal and outside leaves. If there are a lot of pests, a cold shower is effective. To do this, the plant needs to be placed in a bath, the ground covered with film, and applied to the leaves. soap suds, after 10 minutes, rinse it off with water.

If you do this regularly for a week, the plant will get rid of mites, whiteflies, and aphids. You can fertilize indoor plants at any time of the year, but only healthy ones.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you not to clutter the room with many pots, jars, and bowls with plants (sometimes stunted). It is more rational to have 2-3 well-groomed, healthy plants, which create a more comfortable atmosphere in the room and better purify the air.

Attach a label with the name to each pot with a plant. The title must be correct and literary. You should not memorize colloquial names of plants in your child’s memory, such as “birch”, “Vanka - wet”, “pike tail”, etc.

Be healthy!


“Man is historically more adapted to life in rural areas, so the urban environment causes stress in him,” noted Professor N. F. Reimers.

The danger to humans of modern anthropogenic influences is caused by their fundamental difference from natural influences that acted for hundreds of thousands of years during the period of human formation. Therefore, it is very important, when considering various methods for eliminating harmful environmental factors, to pay attention to living nature.

Creating a harmonious living space using methods of working with indoor plants and video ecology.

Improving the habitat by releasing biologically active plant substances into the air


Phytoncides (from the Greek - “plant kills”) are volatile organic substances of plants that have a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

The term was introduced in 1928 by B.P. Tokin in order to emphasize the ability of higher plants to protect themselves from pathogenic microorganisms - microbes, molds and protozoa. Initially, in the experiments of Tokin and his followers, the protistoncidal (protozoan-killing) effect of phytoncides was discovered. Later, with the works of N. G. Kholodny, A. A. Chesovennaya and others. It has been proven that phytoncides have an important role in allelopathy, i.e. in the chemical interaction of plants in phytocenoses. The work of Soviet scientists has proven that absolutely all plants have the ability to secrete phytoncides. Considering that the amount and activity of phytoncides in the same species varies depending on the conditions of the place of growth, and also the fact that different plants have different phytoncidal properties. Phytoncides increase the degree of air ionization and also neutralize industrial toxins in the air and soil.

The chemical nature of phytoncides is complex and still little studied. It has been established that phytoncides, as a rule, are a mixture of various substances, among which are identified: essential oils, aldehydes, hydrocyanic acid, etc.

The biological activity of phytoncides is, as a rule, determined not by one particular substance, but by the entire set of substances. There are: volatile fractions of phytoncides, phytoncidal properties of tissue juices.

Effect of phytoncides on human health and the environment

Scientists have calculated that the Earth's plants annually release into the atmosphere about 490 million tons of phytoncides, volatile substances that kill or suppress the growth and development of microorganisms. Each of us has been convinced more than once how biologically active they are by bringing a bouquet of strong-smelling flowers into the house. The aroma of lilies, lilies of the valley or bird cherry can cause very unpleasant painful sensations even in the healthiest heads after a few hours. These substances, at least in strong concentrations, are even worse for animals. Chopped bird cherry leaves placed under a glass cover with a fly, mouse or even a rat can kill the animal after a while.

Essential oils

Essential oils are volatile aromatic liquids of complex chemical composition (more than 100 components), the main components of which are terpenoids. There is practically no essential oil about which one could say that its composition has been fully studied.

Essential oils contain a mixture of different organic matter, both liquid and crystalline, easily soluble in each other. Essential oils isolated from plants are colorless or slightly yellowish oily liquids with a peculiar odor.

Essential oils are similar in appearance to fatty oils, although their chemical composition has nothing in common with them. They are called essential because of their volatility. Thus, the name “essential oils” is purely conventional and is only traditional and generally accepted.

The pleasant smell of lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, lilac, mint, dill and other plants is associated with the presence of essential oils.

Essential oils are found in plants of various families: Lamiaceae, Cloves, Asteraceae, Umbelliferae, and conifers. They are formed in various organs: flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, stems. Essential oils of even one plant can be different in composition in different organs, and therefore in smell. The varied effects of these products depend on their chemical composition.

The effect of essential oils on human health and mood

Due to differences in chemical composition, essential oils have different effects on the body: antimicrobial (bactericidal), antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, improves the secretion of digestive juices, etc. Some essential oils have an effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The influence of the smells of essential oils on a person’s feelings and mood, the occurrence of one or another psychological reaction, has been noted. This is due to a subconscious reaction to olfactory receptors. Scientists Kirk-Smith and Booth argue that most human reactions to odors are associative in nature. Events and feelings in different periods lives took place under certain conditions, including smell. As a result, they became associated with that smell and were remembered.

Some phytoncidal and essential plants

Lavender. Lavender essential oil has phytoncidal properties. It has a detrimental effect on streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, tuberculosis bacillus, and influenza virus. Lavender acts as a general strengthening plant and increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions. Phytoncides have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood, calm the nervous system and improve sleep, so this plant is useful for people with great mental stress and stress.

Rosemary. Rosemary improves the health of people with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma and vegetative-vascular distance. Increases tone during mental fatigue, reduces headaches and normalizes blood pressure. Essential oil has antiseptic properties and is useful for colds and inflammatory diseases.

Myrtle. It has antiseptic properties, significantly reducing the number of microorganisms in the air (up to 50% within a radius of 5 m). Reduces the incidence of respiratory tract diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza.

Lemon. The phytoncidal field of lemon is quite large, up to 7 m, and is quickly restored after ventilation, so this plant can be used for large rooms contaminated with mold fungi and opportunistic microorganisms. Reduces the number of colds and is useful for hypertension.

Coniferous indoor plants. All coniferous plants are strong antiseptics. There are types of varieties of coniferous plants adapted to room conditions. Among them are cypress trees, cypress trees, cedar, juniper, etc. They are often grown as bonsai and therefore are highly decorative.

Among coniferous plants, juniper is the most phytoncidal active. It produces about 6 times more phytoncides than other conifers. However, it is very sensitive to chemical air pollutants.

Geranium (pelargonium). Geranium essential oil helps calm the nervous system, improves sleep and reduces stress. Useful for colds. The phytoncidal properties are not very strong, however, in the presence of geranium, the number of colonies of protozoan microorganisms is reduced by approximately 46%. It is recommended to grow geranium in spacious rooms so that the concentration of essential oils and phytoncides in the air is not too high.

Citronella. The plant has antiseptic properties and is useful for inflammatory diseases. Has a tonic and stimulating effect when nervous disorders arising as a result of stress.

Absorption of toxic substances from the air

Under the influence of compounds included in phytoncides, the concentration of some dangerous pollutants in the air is reduced: carbon monoxide by 10 - 30%, sulfur dioxide by 50 - 70%, nitrogen oxides by 15 - 30%.

Plants “feed” on polluted air, releasing “fresh” oxygen. For example, one 1.5-meter shefflera absorbs about 10 liters of carbon dioxide per day, releasing 2 - 3 times more oxygen. Pollution is neutralized not only by leaves, but also by soil in pots. And the more it is loosened, the better the air is purified.

Plants that absorb harmful substances from the air

Chlorophytum. Absorbs formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene from the air. Significantly reduces colonies of microorganisms in the air. Particularly active against mold fungi.

Grows well in apartments, is not afraid of dry air, and is unpretentious to light.

Dieffenbachia. Cleans the air from toxins coming from roads; absorbs formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene. A highly decorative plant, it has a wide variety of shapes and colors.

Dracaena. Absorbs benzene, xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde from the air.

Sansevieria. Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene from the air.

Spathiphyllum. Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, phenol, and toluene from the air.

A highly decorative plant, has various sizes and can be grown in any room

Aloe. Absorbs formaldehyde from the air. Significantly reduces the number of protozoan microorganisms in the air (up to 3.5 times). Weak effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

It is a valuable medicinal plant used in the treatment of gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcers, purulent wounds, burns, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane, stomatitis.

Peperomia. Absorbs formaldehyde from the air.

Increasing beneficial ionization and air humidity with indoor plants

All plants help increase beneficial ionization and air humidity. By releasing water through their leaves, plants humidify the air. Most of them return up to 90% of moisture to the environment, using only 10 percent for their needs. Plants that give off a lot of moisture include: dwarf ficus, Fatsia, Sparmannia, Dracaena, Nephrolepis, Hibiscus.

By evaporating water, plants are able to reduce air temperature in summer by 8 - 25 degrees, increase its humidity and soil moisture by 10 - 20% and 10%, respectively. Moreover, one hectare of plantings humidifies the air 10 times more than the water surface of the same area.

Plants that increase humidity and air ionization.

Nephrolepis. Increases air humidity. It is highly decorative and can be used in the interior for single placement.

Fatsia. The plant reaches 1.4 m in height and is hardy. Can be used in interiors for single occupancy.

Cyperus. It moisturizes the air well and has phytoncidal properties.

Sparmannia. Increases air humidity

Fast-growing, highly decorative, has light pubescent leaves that harmonize well with the dark leathery leaves of philodendrons and ficuses.

Improved visual environment

A beautiful city, well perceived by residents and positively influencing them, is a harmonious city, in harmony with nature and based on knowledge and consideration of the laws of nature.

Beauty is harmony achieved by a combination of various details. Interestingly, a harmonious combination of artificial structures and nature is impossible if geometric forms of strictly functional architecture are used. Strictly ordered urban space is not in harmony with the space of natural landscapes.

The main condition for the harmony of buildings with the landscape is the preservation and development of the plastic properties of the site - the plastic integrity and originality of its relief and green forms.

The aesthetic role of indoor plants and the formation of a comfortable visual environment

In addition to the functional features of the landscape, its aesthetic properties are very important. The beauty of the landscape has a strong emotional impact on a person, raising his vitality.

There are two fundamentally different approaches to plant maintenance. The first approach treats plants like pets and places them individually in their appropriate environment. The second approach considers plants as living decoration designed to make the room more comfortable. Therefore, when choosing indoor plants, it is very important to take into account not only the characteristics of the room, its size, design style, but also the psychological characteristics of the people living or working.

To create harmonious interior compositions from indoor plants, you can use the following recommendations:

  • large plants should be placed in spacious rooms, small pots on small window sills;
  • a spectacular plant looks better alone, nondescript ones should be placed in groups;
  • plants with brightly colored variegated leaves are best used as single plants;
  • hanging plants can be grown in compositions with other plants in hanging baskets or on high tables;
  • for most plants a good background is simple wall any pastel color;
  • variegated plants and pale flowers look better against a dark background;
  • small plants get lost against the background of wallpaper with a large pattern.

Some ornamental plants

Decorative foliage:

Coleus. A very colorful plant. Has many shapes with different leaf edges and color schemes. To preserve their decorative appearance, plants should be pinched.

Araucaria. The plant can reach 1.6 m in height. Recommended to be grown as a single plant. Suitable for spacious premises, young plants can be used to decorate the table.

Aspidistra. A very unpretentious plant, resistant to air pollution, light and watering restrictions. There are variegated forms.


Clerodendron. A beautiful flowering plant. It can be grown as a vine, tied to a support, or as a shrub, pinching the tops.

Abutilone. There are varieties with green and variegated leaves with yellow and white spots and stripes. If the plant is pinched in the spring and cut back to half its height at the end of autumn, it will branch well and be more decorative.


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Savina S. A., “Ecology of living space”