Five-minute blackcurrant jam: delicious recipes with photos. Five-minute currant jam - recipes with photos and videos. Preparation of “five-minute” red and black currants without water, in glasses, through a meat grinder...

When I carefully wiped the last rolled up jar of currant jam with the amusingly straightforward name “Five Minutes” and turned it upside down, suddenly I was occupied with the question of universal injustice. Wrapping a blanket around the delicious killer for my waist, I thought: “That’s why, in order to prepare five-minute jam for the winter, you need to squirm under a spreading bush for two hours? And then another hour to separate each fragrant year from the branches? If only it were possible to pick berries just as quickly. Then such currant jam could be called “Five Minutes Squared”. “Yes, it’s unfair,” I summed up, rubbing my stiff lower back. But I made this quick currant jam, I make it, and I will make it. Here. So the recipes from my notebook are at your disposal!

Blackcurrant jam“Five Minute” (simple recipe)

This is the easiest recipe for making five-minute jam from aromatic and healthy black currants. Stock up on berries, sterilize the jars and go! To conquer sweet, healthy preparations!

Required ingredients:

  • currant berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - ½ cup.

Preparedtion: Sort the currant berries. Remove branches and rinse. Place in a colander and let them dry. Pour granulated sugar into an enamel bowl (basin or pan). Pour in clean water. Place on the burner and let the syrup boil. Gently add the berries to the syrup without splashing it. Let the future currant jam boil again. Keep the container on the fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove.

Distribute the hot currant jam “Pyatiminutka” into half-liter jars. The container for storing jam must be well sterilized. Roll up the lids washed with baking soda and boiled for 10 minutes.

Advice. To prevent the currants from losing their original appearance while preparing the five-minute jam, dip them in boiling water for a couple of minutes in advance. Drain in a colander. Use the berries when all the water has drained.

Blackcurrant jam-jelly “Pyatiminutka”

Especially for modest fans and ardent fans of delicate currant jelly in jars. You put a rosette with such jam on the table, and you don’t need any more decoration. Yes, and protect your fingers, spoons and tongues from uncontrolled licking and swallowing!

Ingredients for making jam:

  • currants - 12 glasses;
  • sugar - 15 glasses;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to prepare five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter: You cannot violate the proportions specified in the recipe. If you increase or decrease the amount of currants, then proportionally change the amount of granulated sugar and water. Sort the berries. Remove twigs and tails. Rinse and drain in a colander. Blend the currants into a homogeneous mass with a blender or food processor. Transfer the resulting puree into a bowl for making jam. Pour water into the berries. Add half the sugar. Place the future currant jam-jelly on high heat. Wait for it to boil. Dim the fire. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Or just time it. Turn off the burner and add the remaining sand. Mix well until all the sugar grains have dissolved. Pour hot blackcurrant jam-jelly “Five Minute” into jars. For convenience, use a ladle. Cover the container with the contents with paper (napkin or towel) and leave for an hour at room temperature. Seal the jars with a seaming machine.

Five-minute currant jelly is ready to be sent for storage.

“Five-minute” currants (recipe for a slow cooker)

While picking currants, I thought it would be nice to “plow” my “multi-horse”. Involve, so to speak, in the preparation of currant jam. And then it stands, you know, idle, its chrome side glistening. No sooner said than done! Written results of making five-minute blackcurrant jam are in front of you.

List of products for quick currant jam:

  • black currants - 8 glasses;
  • sugar - 10 glasses;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Detailed recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam:

Sort the berries, removing all twigs and leaves. Rinse. Place clean berries in a bowl. Add sugar. Leave at room temperature until juice appears. This takes approximately 6 hours. Transfer the berries along with the juice into the multicooker bowl. Select the "Multi-cook" program. Temperature - 110-120 degrees. Time - 10 minutes. It will take approximately 5 minutes for the jam to boil. And 5 minutes directly to prepare the treat. Do not close the lid during cooking. Pour the prepared currant “Five Minute” into clean jars. Roll up and turn upside down until completely cool. And then put the jam in the refrigerator for long-term storage until winter.

Redcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka”

A sweet and sour delicacy of transparent ruby ​​color... This five-minute jam simply has no place in a dusty cellar or dark pantry. But otherwise, the harvest simply will not have a chance to “survive” until winter. So get ready and try to forget about it. At least for a month or two.

Product List:

  • red currant berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.

Preparation: Rinse the berries. Remove all debris. To get rid of water, drain the berries in a colander. Let it sit. At this time, start preparing the syrup. Mix sugar with water. Bring the syrup to a boil. Dip the berries into it. Let it boil again. From the moment of boiling, time it for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire. Stir. Be careful if you want to preserve beautiful whole berries in syrup. Or intensively, if you plan to prepare five-minute currant jelly for the winter.

You can even mash the berries with a potato masher for uniformity. Return the jam to the burner. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes. Distribute the finished jam into sterilized glass containers. Roll up with clean boiled lids. Store in a cool place.

Five-minute jam from red currants with honey

The recipe is unusual. You can’t prepare a lot of this delicacy. Well, no need. Save a small jar of this “delicacy” currant jam for a special occasion. To put the delicacy on the table with a solemn look and readiness to accept praise. Are you ready? Write down the recipe.


  • red currant - 800 g;
  • honey (artificial) - 800 g;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Subtleties of preparation:

Dissolve artificial honey in two glasses of water. Place on low heat. When the honey dissolves, increase the heat intensity. Bring honey syrup to a boil. Natural honey cannot be heated, so use artificial honey. Wash the berries, sort them, separate them from the stems. Stir red currants into honey syrup. Stir. After boiling again, cook the jam for 5 minutes. There is no need to stir, but do not forget to skim off the foam. Distribute the five-minute jam into dry, sterile jars up to the shoulders. Seal tightly with clean nylon lids or roll up with a key for preservation.

Don't lose the recipes! Sweet preparations to you!

The article below discusses various options Making blackcurrant jam using the “Five Minute” method. This method is characterized by speed and ease of preparation, while maintaining all the taste qualities of the berries.

To obtain delicacies that will last until winter and will delight you with their taste, given useful tips housewives, which it is advisable to read first.

Modern housewives are increasingly choosing to prepare for the winter freezer. However, lovers of the rich taste and aroma of berries prefer grandmother’s well-known methods - preparing summer gifts in jars.

But I would like to do this simply, quickly, while preserving the vitamin properties and natural taste. For the most simplified preparation of black and red currants, the “Five Minute” method is proposed.

The amount of sugar depends on how sour the currants are. Typically, for 1 kg of berries there are 1.3 - 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

For this method For currant preparations, conventionally called “Five Minute”, water is often used. Its quantity varies and will be indicated below in the recipes.

Traditional recipe

For this simple recipe“Pyatiminutka” blackcurrant jam, in addition to currants (1 kg) and granulated sugar (1.5 kg), you will need water - 1.5 cups (or a little less).

After preparing the currants, prepare the syrup.

Granulated sugar is added to the water, mixed and brought to a boil.

Cook until completely dissolved.

Currants are poured into the resulting syrup and cooked for 5-10 minutes after boiling.

Remove from heat and put into jars.

We invite you to watch a video recipe for preparing this delicacy:

Blackcurrant jam-jelly “Pyatiminutka”

One word jelly sets you up for long and tedious magic in the kitchen. But this is not true at all. This blackcurrant jelly requires a minimum of effort and time.

In addition, the currants are not boiled, but remain whole berries and retain all useful substances, in particular vitamin C. The only requirement is to adhere to clear instructions on the proportions and sequence of preparation.

For jelly you need:

  • Blackcurrant – 12 cups;
  • Granulated sugar - 15 glasses;
  • Water – 1 glass.

The washed currants are poured into a dry container, half of the required granulated sugar (7.5 cups) is added. Carefully, so as not to crush the berries, mix and add a glass of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 - 7 minutes. The foam is removed.

The stove is turned off and the second half of the required sugar is added (another 7.5 glasses). Mix thoroughly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

Hot jam-jelly is put into jars and tightly closed with lids. No need to turn over onto lids and cover with a warm towel.

Over time, the jam takes on the appearance of jelly with whole berries and without excess liquid. It is better to store in a cool place.

Cook in a slow cooker

Modern technology makes the work of housewives easier. The products in the multicooker remain intact, do not burn, and do not need to be constantly stirred. In a slow cooker you can make any preparations for the winter, including “Pyatiminutka” blackcurrant jam. So, now about how to cook it correctly.

No water is required for this recipe. 1 kg of pure berries is ground with 0.3 kg of sugar. You can twist it in a blender. Then cook in a slow cooker for 5 minutes on the “Soup” mode.

Add the remaining granulated sugar (1 kg) and cook for another 15-20 minutes in the same mode. Cool the finished jam a little and put it in jars.

The jam turns out thick, with a rich taste. It can be drunk with tea or used as a filling for baked goods.

You didn't have enough currants, but do you have cherries in stock? Yes, this is great! Find out and prepare a few jars of this delicacy as well.

Gooseberries make an incredibly tasty compote. By using these, you can verify this personally.

Well, who doesn’t love adjika? And from zucchini? Don't miss the opportunity to prepare squash adjika for the winter; you will be surprised at how tasty and simple it is!

Recipe for preparing for the winter

For puree lovers, there is a great way to make “Five Minutes” blackcurrant jam for the winter. No water required.

Spread the wet currants out to dry a little. Blend the currants through a blender until soft puree. The ground berries are placed in a saucepan, sugar is added, everything is mixed and simmered over low heat with continuous stirring.

After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. The finished jam in jars should stand under a warm blanket for a day.

You don’t have to cook the jam, but simply put the ground berries and sugar into sterilized jars. Be sure to store in a cool place.

Redcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka”

Red currant berries are distinguished by the fact that they are more sour, watery and have slightly larger grains. Therefore, the name “Five Minute” for this type of berry is very arbitrary. The currants are washed using the above method.

Granulated sugar is added 1.5-2 times more than berries. For red currants, 0.5 cups of water per kilogram of berries is sufficient due to wateriness.

The syrup is being prepared. Berries are placed in it and cooked for 6-10 minutes after boiling. If you need whole berries in the jam, then it is better not to stir the mass, but to shake the cooking container.

To shake, remove the jam from the heat. This needs to be done 2-3 times. In general, the jam sits on the fire for about 20-30 minutes.

Let's dilute the taste of the treat with orange notes

For 1 kg of black currant you will need 1.5-2 cups of sugar and 2 oranges. Currants are preparing in the usual way. Since the peel will be used, the oranges are washed thoroughly.

The oranges are cut into slices, the seeds are removed and passed through a blender. Place the resulting mass into the currants, add sugar.

After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Seal the “Five Minute” blackcurrant and orange jam for the winter in sterile jars.

Berries should be picked immediately after ripening or slightly unripe. To ensure that they remain intact during cooking and not become soggy, it is better to collect them with whole tassels and in dry weather. After collection, they can be stored in a cool place for a couple of days.

When processing berries, the first step is always their preparation. You can wash the berries in plastic dishes. Easy to rinse in a water-filled sink. The sink is washed, closed with a stopper, cool water is poured in and a little currant is poured out.

Currants are easily washed in water, and the leaves and branches float up. If the dry ends do not fall off, then they are additionally trimmed with scissors.

Blackcurrants can be combined with other seasonal berries such as blueberries, gooseberries or raspberries to add a piquant taste.

When the jam boils, foam will certainly appear, which must be skimmed off with a slotted spoon or a spoon with holes. This can be done immediately, as soon as foam appears, or after removing from heat.

The name “Five Minutes” is conditional. In fact, it is advisable to increase the jam preparation time to 7-10 minutes after boiling begins.

Berry treats will keep well until winter and even longer if you follow:

  • The proportional ratio of currants and sugar, which acts as a preservative;
  • Cooking conditions. If you are a beginner, then it is better to follow everything strictly according to the description. And if you’re a professional, you can experiment by adding other ingredients or changing cooking modes. At the same time, there is a risk that the product will not last until winter;
  • High-quality prepared containers. The jars are thoroughly washed with soda, then processed over steam or in the oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Do the same with the lids.

In conclusion, I would like to add that when frozen, the berries retain their beneficial properties, but they cannot compare with the same berries prepared using canning. Until winter, the berries are infused in jars, retaining their unique aroma, taste, and shape.

After defrosting, they lose their appearance, they can only be used for making compotes, mousses and cocktails, and not all berries, as a filling for baked goods. It’s convenient because I took out a jar of blackcurrant jam, opened it and ate the ready-made delicacy.

“5-minute” blackcurrant jam for the winter is extremely simple to prepare. The berries need to be covered with sugar, immediately brought to a boil and cooked for only five minutes. That's all! Fragrant sweet currant jelly can be poured into sterilized jars. The supply of winter vitamins will be perfectly stored even in apartment conditions.

Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 600 ml


  • black currant – 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant

The first step is to prepare the container and berries. The jars should be thoroughly washed with soda and then sterilized in any way convenient for you: steam, microwave or oven. Boil the lids. Sort and sort the currants. For jam, I painstakingly select whole berries, discarding all the suppressed, spoiled and unripe ones. I remove all debris and twigs, remnants of green stalks. I leave the dried stalks (“spouts” on the other end), although some housewives also cut them off with scissors - this process is very long and not the most pleasant. If this is important for you, then remove the “spouts”, but I can assure you that they will not be felt at all in the finished jam, and the jam will stand perfectly with the stalks. I wash the sorted currants and place them in a colander to drain the water.

I take a saucepan for jam - large and spacious, three times larger than the volume of currants. For what? So that the berries do not press on each other, they warm up evenly and do not overcook. And during active cooking, currants like to foam and strive to escape from the pan, so the walls of the vessel should be high. I sprinkle the berries with sugar. The ratio is 1:1, that is, for every kilogram of currants, one kilogram of granulated sugar.

I shake the pan in the air so that the sugar is better distributed and begins to melt.

I immediately set it to cook - first on low heat. Due to slow heating, the berries will gradually warm up and release juice on their own.

After 7-8 minutes, the sugar crystals will dissolve, and the currants will literally “float” in the liquid (no need to add water!).

As soon as it boils, I increase the heat. The jam should boil vigorously so that pectin is actively released. I boil for exactly 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, without a lid. Gently stir with a spatula so that the jam does not stick to the bottom. If you have a saucepan with non-stick coating, then you can lightly turn it in the air, without stirring. And don't forget to remove the foam.

After 5 minutes, I remove the pan from the heat and pour the five-minute mixture into jars. Attention! To prevent the glass from cracking, first pour 2-3 tablespoons of jam into the jar, spin the jar in the air to warm up the walls, after which you can fill it to the top. I seal with clean lids. I turn it upside down and leave it like that until it cools completely.

Delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam is ready for the winter! As it cools, it will become thicker, like jelly. Preservation can be transferred to storage in the cellar or hidden in another dark place. Shelf life - 1 year.

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly is a delicious homemade treat that flies out of the jar instantly. My currant harvest is very rich, and I make my favorite jam in the form of jelly every year. It turns out incredibly tasty and beautiful, thick, it can even be used as a layer between biscuits. And for morning toast - this is something, and even with a cup of aromatic coffee - a pleasure!

To prepare jam-jelly, take five minutes from black currant Prepare food items for the winter according to the list.

First of all, prepare the currants - sort and inspect them, wash them in cool water.

Place the currants in a saucepan or saucepan in which you cook preserves and preserves. Pour literally 50-70 ml of water into the bottom so that the currants steam faster.

Place the saucepan on the stove, boil the currants under the lid for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice and completely steam.

Now take a sieve and strain the juice and currant pulp. You don’t have to throw away the cake; you can make compote from it. Return the grated juice and pulp to the pan.

Add sugar and gelling mixture to the juice. Such mixtures are sold in spice departments; mine is called “Confiturka”. Stir and return to the stove.

From the moment it boils, cook the currant jelly for five minutes over high heat, stirring constantly. Remove any foam that will form with a slotted spoon.

Place the jelly into sterile jars. It will not be very thick right away, but after cooling and steeping it will acquire the desired consistency. Of course, pre-wash the jars with soda, rinse and sterilize, and do the same with the lids.

Roll up or screw the lids on the jars and place them upside down. Cover with a blanket and leave for a day. For the winter, transfer five-minute blackcurrant jelly to a cool place and store without direct hit sun rays.

Black currant contains many beneficial substances and is famous high content vitamin C. Ascorbic acid and some other vitamins are affected by high temperature are destroyed. Because of this, many housewives consider jam not best view currant preparations for the winter. However, there are recipes that allow you to cook the berries for only 5 minutes, and the resulting delicacy stands well at room temperature, although it feels better in a cool room. Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam is prepared using a special technology, but it is not complicated.

Cooking features

Even a novice housewife can make blackcurrant jam “Five Minute” if she knows a few things.

  • Before cooking, the currants need to be sorted, washed, and dried. The berry will dry faster if you scatter it on a fabric towel that absorbs water well. After this, it is recommended to remove the branches, if any. This work is labor-intensive, but it will produce beautiful jam that will be well stored at room temperature even after minimal heat treatment. If you leave the twigs, the dessert can quickly go bad.
  • Blackcurrant jam cannot be cooked in aluminum cookware. This material comes into contact with acids, which are abundant in currants, forming harmful substances.
  • The jars into which the “Pyatiminutka” blackcurrant jam will be placed must be sterilized with any in a convenient way(steamed, oven, microwave). The lids that come with them must also be sterilized, usually by boiling.
  • Plastic lids can only be used when the jam is stored in the refrigerator. In other cases, it is closed with metal lids to ensure a tight seal. They can be screw or keyed.
  • Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam stands well at room temperature, but it will not spoil longer in a cool room.

Pyatiminutka jam can be made from black currants in different ways. All recipes have their own characteristics, but the above rules apply regardless of the chosen option for preparing blackcurrant delicacies.

Classic recipe for blackcurrant jam “Five Minute” with water

Composition (for 2-2.25 l):

  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and wash the currants in running water. Let it dry. Don't forget to remove the branches.
  • Boil water, add 2 cups of sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the remaining sugar and cook the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  • Add berries to syrup. Leave them in it for 1-2 hours.
  • Over low heat, bring the syrup to a boil and cook the berries in it for 5 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears on the surface. If the foam is not removed, the jam will quickly sour. There is no need to throw away the foam - it would be a good idea to serve it with tea.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Fill the jars with hot jam and roll them up.
  • Turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket, leave to cool in a steam bath for better preservation.

After cooling, the jars of jam can be moved to the pantry or other room where you usually store supplies for the winter.

Blackcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka” without water

Composition (per 1.25 l):

  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting and removing the branches, wash and dry the currants.
  • Place in a bowl or pan, add sugar, shake.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time, the currants will release juice and the sugar will dissolve in it. The result is a syrup in which you can boil the berries.
  • Place the container with currants on low heat and bring the syrup to a boil.
  • Increase the intensity of the flame, boil the berry mass over high heat for 5 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam.
  • Place the aromatic dessert in prepared jars and seal them tightly.

The jam can be stored at room temperature, although it tastes better in a cool room.

Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam, like jelly

Composition (for 2.5 l):

  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Place the prepared currants in a basin or other container that has a wide evaporation area.
  • Fill with water and place on low heat. Heat over low heat until boiling and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the bowl from the heat and grind its contents using a blender.
  • Add sugar, stir, leave for half an hour.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Place the jam in prepared jars and seal them.

It is advisable to store “Pyatiminutka” blackcurrant jelly in a cool room, although it will not spoil at room temperature for at least 6 months. In a cool place the dessert will last twice as long.

According to this recipe, you can prepare a more delicate jelly by rubbing the currants through a sieve after grinding. The finished dessert will then be almost 0.5 liters less.

Blackcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka” is tasty, aromatic, and healthy. Despite the short cooking period, the dessert stands well even at room temperature.