House mushroom (Serpula lacrymans). Study of the fungus - merulius in residential premises. Delgay. The effect of the fungus on the human body White house fungus

Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), p. Delgay,

Scientific supervisor:

biology teacher

Olekminsk 2011


Chapter 1 Merulius house mushroom……………………………………..………….………..5

1.1. Characteristic………………………………….................................... ...................5-6

1.2. Structure. Fungus development and wood destruction…………………..….………..6-7

1.3. Conditions for the development of wood-decaying fungi……………………………….…….7-8

Chapter 2 The effect of merulius on human health………………………………………………………...8

2.1. The appearance of a mushroom in the house.……………………………………………..………….….....8

2.2. Practical advice: How to deal with house fungus………………….…….…9

2.3. How to prevent wood damage…………………………………........10-11


List of references…………………………………..……….………...13


Study of the fungus - merulius in residential premises. Delgay.

The effect of the fungus on the human body.

Kopylova Evgeniya

Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), p. Delgay,

MKOU "Delgeyskaya Secondary School", 11th grade


The house mushroom (fungi) is a separate kingdom of organisms, numbering over 80 thousand species, different in lifestyle, structure and appearance buildings. House mushroom from the group of wood-destroying fungi of the basidiomycetes class, causing wood rotting, destroys wooden parts in residential buildings, infects wood with basidiospores, which easily spread through the air, with the help of animals and humans and are viable for several years, as well as mycelium, which remains viable in wood with a humidity of 10-15% for more than a year. House mushroom can be introduced into new building with building material, household items and other ways. Inside buildings, the fungus spreads rapidly using mycelial cords that can pass through interfloor ceilings and partitions, grow on the surface of walls and floors, under plaster and baseboards. They often switch to brick and stone masonry. Dampness and stagnant air in buildings are especially favorable for its development.

About 70 species of house mushroom are known. The most common and harmful are true, filmy, lamellar, or shaft. At favorable conditions they can completely destroy the affected building structures within 1-2 years. All of them cause brown destructive cracked rot; the affected wood is easily ground into powder.

House fungus is common all over the world, in our country, and in our village this is also a pressing problem.

Research hypothesis: if people use our advice, they will save their buildings and save material resources and human health will be preserved.

Object of study: house mushroom (merulius).

Target: identify the effect of the house fungus on the housing structure and provide assistance to residents of the village. Delguey in his destruction.

Different types of brownies mushrooms They exhibit different requirements for moisture, and the best conditions for the active development of each of them are characterized by their own indicators. Thus, the most demanding of moisture is the mine mushroom, for which best conditions development are wood moisture 50-70% and air humidity about 100%. (See Appendix VIII).

White brownie mushroom It develops most actively at wood moisture content of 50-60% and air humidity of 95-100%. At wood moisture content of 22%, its growth stops. For the filmy brownie mushroom The best wood moisture content is 34-46%. A real brownie mushroom develops well at wood moisture content of 19-22% and air humidity of 87-95%. It can continue to develop even when the wood moisture content is below 19% in conditions of poor ventilation of structures. This ability is explained by the fact that during the accelerated process of decay, a significant amount of moisture is released due to the putrefactive decay of wood, leading to its so-called self-hydration.

According to (1932), when 1 m3 of pine wood rots, 139 liters of water are released, which contributes to further development mushroom in dry areas of wood adjacent to the lesion. There are many types of wood destroyers mushrooms. They differ from each other in shape, structure and color mushroom eggs, cords, fruiting bodies and spores, as well as by the speed and force of wood destruction. (See Appendix X).

Chapter 2. The effect of merulius on human health.

When a mushroom appears in the house. It has a negative effect on human health, causing cough, runny nose, lacrimation, weakness, malaise, headache, restless sleep. At the same time, people think that they are suffering from viral diseases, but in fact this is an allergic reaction to fungal spores that come out from under the floor. When such symptoms appear, people seek help from a general practitioner and begin treatment for viral diseases, but that doesn't help. Then sick people turn to another allergist, he conducts a survey on allergic substances (dust, fluff, wool, food, etc.) When people come home, they inspect the entire room, starting from the walls and ending with the underground. When they discover a fungus, they begin to fight it using different methods.

2.1. The appearance of a mushroom in the house.

This work has been carried out, as we have already said, for the fourth year. We have collected material on the effect of house fungus on residential buildings.

It is not difficult to notice the appearance of a house mushroom. At first, on the logs of the walls and floor boards, we noticed white fluff or cotton-like accumulations of threads. Later yellow, pink, and lilac spots appeared. They gradually turned into light gray films with a silver tint. Sometimes special cords up to 10 millimeters thick were formed, which penetrated along the stone walls from one ceiling to another. In this way, the mushrooms spread throughout the building. The wood on which the fungus settled gradually changed its normal color, darkened, cracked, crumbled easily and sometimes even turned into powder. In 5-6 months the fungus destroyed the wood. They destroy damp wood especially quickly. (See Appendix IV).

2.2. Practical advice: How to deal with house fungus?

To protect the floors, you need to fill the ground under the floor with dry clay mixed with crushed stone and lime, add a little cement or lime mortar and tamp down.

The height of the floor above the ground should be approximately 30 centimeters.

It is very important that the joists on which the floor boards rest do not touch the ground. It is necessary to make grates or slotted plinths in the floor for ventilation.

Detected fungal deposits in the form of cotton wool-like clusters or threads must be urgently removed, and wooden parts that have completely lost their strength must be replaced with new ones. Individual places destroyed by the fungus can be cut off with an ax or scraped off, and the waste must be burned so that the fungus does not spread further. (See Appendix II).

To get rid of the fungus, the residents of our village began to use different methods:

2. Watered with vinegar.

4.Sprinkle with coarse salt.

5. Copper sulfate.

8. Urine solution.

2.3. How to prevent wood destruction?

Wood destruction can be prevented if you follow the following four simple principles: - build houses from well-dried wood;

Keep wood dry after construction;

Prevent contact between wood and soil, and if contact with soil and other sources of moisture cannot be avoided, then use impregnating compounds.

Since wood-decaying fungi cannot colonize and destroy wood with a moisture level of less than 30%, it is recommended to use wood with a moisture level below 20% for construction work. This will provide the building with a margin of safety.

A tree in contact with the soil very quickly absorbs enough water to begin the development of wood-decaying fungi. In addition, the soil contains a large number of spores and fungi, which can migrate to structural elements, as well as insects that can cause damage to wood.

In our conditions, we decided to check the products sold in stores (for those people who do not believe in traditional methods). And identify the effects of these agents on the house fungus.

1. We bought the product “Antiseptics and primers” in the store - for reliable protection wood from insects and mold, prevents the appearance of blue stains. They offered it to the Kopylov family. And, in their opinion, this product, firstly, reduces the risk of cracks and prepares the surface of the wood (floor) for subsequent painting, and secondly, the use of “antiseptics and primers” can significantly increase the service life of applied surface coatings to protect wood and protects against fungal infections.

2. We offered another product “Tinting varnishes” to the Galkin family. This product contains fungicidal additives that prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria on the painted surface.

In other laboratory conditions, we have already tested traditional methods “this is for those who do not want to spend a lot of their finances.”

1. When exposed to slaked lime, the mushroom dries out; when smeared with diesel fuel, the mushroom becomes rough in color and after some time wrinkles.

2. When treated with vinegar, the mushroom shriveled, turned yellow, and decreased in size.

3. When we sprinkled salt on the mushroom three times, the salt got wet and absorbed everything organic matter mushroom. The mushroom became smaller in size, but did not die.

All the experiments we conducted were confirmed that the advice is correct and helps stop the development of the fungus.

People have developed chemicals to combat house fungus, but they are not always available to residents of remote villages (or they are available, but you need to spend a lot of money to buy them). Therefore, everyone fights with their own methods and not always successfully. People have to spend huge amounts of money on major home repairs (replacing rotten floors, foundations, etc.).


As a result, we came to the conclusion that the fight against house fungus is a pressing problem among the population of the village. Delgay. The spread of house fungus in residential buildings in our village can be prevented using various methods. Due to this, it is possible to destroy the house fungus and its spores.

In this work, we tried to show that the fight against house fungus is carried out in various ways not only in our village, but also in the neighboring village of Innyakh. The main reason The spread of house fungus is dampness. Residents of the village of Delgey and the village of Innyakh tried to get rid of the fungus (this can be seen in Appendix II). The house fungus also affects the health of people who live in rooms infected with the fungus; all of them noted a deterioration in their health in the form of headaches, runny nose, lacrimation, and sought help from the hospital. Houses built on a dry site are not affected by the fungus.

List of used literature:

1. A. S. Bondareva “Manuals for definition. House mushrooms" 1956.

2. , I. And Sidorova. Mushrooms "Encyclopedia of Russian Nature" 1997.

3. World of plants T.2 Mushrooms, second edition revised.

4. , Biology. “Diversity of living organisms” 2007.

5. “Mushrooms culture and development” 2000.

6. T. I. Serebryakova Biology 6-7 classes “Mushrooms”. 1997.

7. World of plants "Mushrooms" 1982.

8. "Morphology of fungi" 2003.

9. B. K. Flerov “House mushrooms and measures to combat them” 1935.


Survey of village residents Delgay for 2011.

A resident of our village A four years ago told me that a house mushroom appeared in their house after a flood, when the water left from under the floor there was dampness. After 3 months, the salary logs appeared white coating, then the mushroom began to grow, forming a hat that hung down when the mushroom was picked up, it was wet, when squeezed, water was released, as if it was crying. Then the fungal spores came out through the floorboards into the house, they were red-orange in color. She told how she struggled:

First, I cut the mushroom with a knife, then covered it with salt, but it didn’t help, then I poured it on it, the mushroom and the frame logs turned black, and its growth stopped. It did not grow in winter, but appeared again in the spring. This summer they changed the frame and the soil, and began to sprinkle coarse salt on the mushroom, which gradually disappeared.

Another resident of the V. village of Delgey said that the mushroom appeared in the bathhouse. They couldn't get him out for a very long time. We also used various folk remedies: salt was sprinkled, treated with processing, and vinegar was poured over it. He disappeared for a while, and then appeared again, he had already eaten half of the logs where the mushroom was, and the area was treated with diesel fuel, but the mushroom did not disappear. In the summer they carried out repairs, changed the salary, changed the land. The mushroom is not growing now.

A resident of the village of Delgey, who lives on the embankment street, said that every spring the water goes underground and lasts a long time. When the water drains, white threads of mushroom remain on the logs. Then it begins to grow, forming entire hats. She has been fighting the house fungus for three years now, but at this point in time the growth of the fungus has been stopped, but it has not disappeared.

Who lives next to the lake, she told us her story of fighting the fungus. She lives for 20 years and constantly fights house fungus when the snow melts and water from the lake enters the fence, house, and bathhouse. They used various folk remedies, but the fungus did not go away, then they changed the soil, rotted logs, treated it with mining, the fungus disappeared.


Diagram 1. Methods for removing house fungus from residential premises

Diagram 2. Survey of residents of the village. Delgay for 2011

Diagram 3. Survey of residents of the village. Innyakh 2011

This summer, under the guidance of my leader, I went to the neighboring village of Innyakh. I conducted a survey of residents and it turned out that there were a significant number of infected houses in the village. We identified the reasons, the dampness left after the flood. During the construction of the house, the residents did not pay attention to the wood infected with the fungus. In this situation, I advised various effective methods fight against house fungus.

1. Physical removal by cutting off the root of the mushroom with a knife, and then this place was whitened with slaked lime.

2. Watered with vinegar.

3. Lubricated the foundation with mining.

4.Sprinkle with coarse salt.

5. Copper sulfate.

6. Charcoal in dishes is placed underground in order to draw out dampness.

7.Drafts (make vents on four sides)

8. Urine solution.

9. They completely renovated the house, changed the foundation, burned it at the stake, changed the ground.

Appendix III

Table 1. Species characteristics of the real house mushroom (Serpula lacrimans Schroet. Syn.: Merulius lacrymans Fr.)

Description and size of spores

Spore drawing

Description of the gif

GIF drawing

Smooth ellipsoidal, almost ovoid, flat on one side, ocher-yellow or light rusty, 8-12<4,5-6 }х., часто каплей масла

Colorless, thin-walled with sparse buckles, 2-3 µ in diameter.

Straight, relatively parallel, thick-walled, fibrous, 3.5-4.5 µ thick.

Colorless, vessel-shaped with special septa and constrictions, with typical thickenings on the inner side of the walls, the diameter of such hyphae reaches 30 µ


Initial stage -1 Initial stage - 2

Middle stage - 1 Middle stage - 2

Final stage-1 Final stage-2

Merulius controversy


Fig.1. Treating Merulius with salt.

Rice. 2. Size of merulius compared to matchbox.

The house mushroom belongs to the tinder fungi; it develops exclusively in buildings and is not found in nature. First of all, it infects the wooden parts of basements and lower floors, which are most exposed to moisture and, at the same time, poorly ventilated. Temperature 18-23 C and humidity 90-95% contribute to the most intensive development of the fungus.

This insidious destroyer spreads especially easily in buildings made of soft wood (it has been noted that pine and oak wood is less susceptible to infection by house fungus).

Signs of the presence of fungus

Infection with house fungus can be easily identified by a musty smell in the room, wet, non-drying spots on the walls, and the appearance of white cotton wool-like accumulations of thin threads on the surface of the wood, which later becomes dark and soft. Yellow, pink, and lilac spots appear on the surface of the wood. Gradually they turn into gray films with a silvery tint. The wood darkens, cracks, crumbles.

The action of the fungus is very intense: if house mushroom If it is not destroyed in a timely manner, then in 6-8 months it can “eat through” the wood; six months is enough for the floor to completely rot. Subsequently, fleshy fruiting bodies form on the lower surface of the rotten wood.

Protection against fungal infection

Protection against wood infection by house fungus consists of creating conditions that would prevent its appearance and development. Basic preventive measures are first and foremost avoiding excessive humidity and dampness indoors at the same time as mandatory constant ventilation.

Also, to prevent the wood from becoming infected with house fungus, wooden structures should reliably isolated from the foundation, when building houses comply with all basic ventilation requirements premises.

Important preventive the measure is also coating the wood surface with a protective layer of resin or oil– It has long been known that resinous, oiled or salted wood is preserved better.

What to do if infection has already occurred

If the fungus has already appeared on the wood, then, in addition to special chemical antifungal drugs that are sold in every store, the following methods can also be used to combat it:

1. If possible, building materials affected by house fungus should be remove and burn immediately, replacing them with new ones so that they do not infect the remaining wood.

2. Try to warm up the affected parts of the wood (for example, with an electric reflector).

3. Prepare antifungal composition(mix 950 g of table salt with 50 g of boric acid and dilute this mixture in 5 liters of boiling water) and then thoroughly lubricate the parts affected by the fungus with it (with a brush or sponge), so that the composition penetrates deeply into all the cracks and cracks.

4. Finally, as a last resort, it is recommended to use anthracene oil– it penetrates into the very depths of the wood, completely destroying the fungus.

Various fungi and molds have accompanied humanity throughout its history. Mold appeared on the planet much earlier than people. It was only relatively recently that fungi began to be treated as a big problem. Many people are accustomed to the characteristic smell and do not pay attention to it. For some reason, rooms with black fungi do not shock people, and the greenery of the basement in a summer cottage or garden plot does not interfere with storing food supplies there.

Mold can appear due to insufficient floor ventilation.

However, then people wonder why they suddenly developed allergies, found it difficult to breathe, or why a perfectly built house suddenly began to rot. Of course, everything can be attributed to poor quality materials or something else, without paying attention to the main reason. When fungal spores enter the house, they can begin to actively reproduce in a humid environment that is comfortable for them. It is impossible to remove fungus with regular cleaning. However, it can be completely destroyed using special means, preventing its reoccurrence. Before destroying the fungus, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its appearance in order to prevent this from happening in the future.

Why does fungus appear in the house?

The appearance of fungus may be due to improper condensation and the appearance of condensation on the floor.

In order to permanently destroy the fungus, you must first find out the reasons for its appearance in the house. Microscopic spores are present everywhere, and as soon as they get into a favorable environment, they begin to grow. The most common causes of fungus are lack of ventilation and high humidity. Mold is the simplest fungus, which, in turn, loves rooms with poor ventilation and high humidity. Damp apartments on the ground floor, houses, growing many tropical indoor plants in a small room, unreasonable use of humidifiers - all this can lead to the appearance and spread of fungus.

Among modern finishing and building materials there are almost none that are not susceptible to the influence of fungus. It very often appears in toilets, bathrooms, and air conditioner filters. It can also be found in the refrigerator or washing machine, on wallpaper, books, under the floor.

Infection with fungus and mold on wooden floors is a common problem faced by home and bathhouse owners.

Spores actively develop in a suitable habitat, so it is impossible to get rid of them using wet cleaning.

To effectively eliminate fungus in the underground, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance, remove the formations and, if necessary, replace the floor covering.

Types and signs of fungal formations

Mold and fungi are the simplest forms of microorganisms that have long existed in nature. The following types of fungus develop on wooden surfaces:

  • House sponge;
  • White house fungus;
  • Basement fungus.

Such formations pose a hidden danger not only to modern coatings, but also to human health. Fungal spores provoke frequent headaches, difficulty breathing, night cough and allergic reactions.

The spread of fungal formations is accompanied by the appearance of the first signs:

  • Strong smell of dampness;
  • Brown, black, dark gray and white spots with uneven edges and their further darkening;
  • Moistened areas of the floor covering with color fading;
  • Blistering, cracking and falling of the plaster layer.

In order to take effective measures to eliminate fungus on a wooden base, it is necessary to find out the main reasons for its appearance.

Reasons for appearance

The key reasons for the appearance of fungal formations are high humidity and poor ventilation. High humidity occurs due to oversaturation of soils with melt and underwater waters.

If a building is erected on such soils, then with insufficient waterproofing, the likelihood of fungus appearing is especially high.

Poor basement ventilation also leads to mold and mildew.

High humidity can occur not only in utility rooms, but also in living spaces. Most often this occurs due to poor quality wet cleaning, insufficient or excessive air humidification.

How to remove and destroy

Elimination of fungal formations under the floor should be approached comprehensively.

It is not enough to identify the cause of the appearance and remove fungal formations mechanically; it is necessary to create a suitable indoor microclimate that will prevent the emergence of new foci of infection.

If a large area of ​​the floor is infected with fungus, then it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. Experts recommend removing the old flooring and replacing it with a new one.

In addition, it is important to remember that if there is a large area of ​​floor contamination, fungal spores can spread throughout the room.

The key areas of work to eliminate fungus from wooden floors are as follows:

  • Cleaning surfaces from formations mechanically;
  • Treating surfaces with antifungal compounds;
  • Replacement of damaged coating elements with new materials;
  • Arrangement of a good ventilation and waterproofing system.

Antifungal drugs

The following can effectively get rid of all types of fungus on wood:

Sulfur based checker

This is the most effective preparation available, which allows you to quickly eliminate any mold and mildew. You can purchase it in specialized construction stores or on the market.

Sulfur gas is extremely dangerous for the human and animal body, so the room must be treated in the absence of strangers and with the windows and doors closed.

The checker is placed in a metal container, set on fire and left until it burns out completely. You can open the room no earlier than after 10-12 hours. The treated area is thoroughly ventilated and dried.

Chlorine-containing preparations

The most popular is plain white.

A high concentration solution is prepared for surface treatment. When working with white, it is recommended to use a respirator, protective gloves and protective clothing.

Whiteness thoroughly cleans all surfaces from fungal spores and mold. After treatment, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

Antifungal primer

This is a specialized antifungal agent that allows you to quickly solve the problem with fungal formations. It can be purchased at any hardware store.

The primer effectively eliminates lesions and prevents their reappearance. Antifungal primer is applied to a previously cleaned surface. If the surface is deeply damaged, it should be cleaned to a clean base. The primer is applied in several thin layers with a wide paint brush.


To effectively eliminate fungus, you can use solutions of copper and iron sulfate. To obtain a concentrated solution, a clay base, vitriol solution and boiled water are used. The prepared ingredients are diluted in a liter of water, after which the affected surface is treated with the solution.

You can get rid of the lesion and prevent its appearance on the tree using special antiseptic compounds developed for wood.

They contain components such as ammonium, sodium fluoride and zinc chloride. The drug in the required dosage is diluted in water to obtain a concentrate, which is used for spraying the surface.

To effectively combat fungus, homemade remedies are suitable - table vinegar, baking soda and ammonia. Most often they are used for safe prevention, but for the comprehensive elimination of fungus it is worth using more professional drugs.

How to destroy fungus step by step

How to get rid of fungus from flooring? You can perform a similar procedure yourself, following the step-by-step instructions.

  1. First you need to prepare the infected room. Remove clean clothes, furniture and household items from it to a suitable place, and pack contaminated items into garbage bags. Carefully seal the garbage to prevent the spread of spores and take it to a garbage disposal.
  2. It is better to take household items that have come into contact with the contaminated surface outside for further disinfection.
  3. In the room, tightly close windows, ventilation and other openings, and doors.
  4. Next, you need to dismantle the affected floor covering. If the fungus has affected a small part of the floor, only that can be removed. In case of extensive damage, dismantling of the entire coating is required. If the room uses a coating such as parquet or laminate, dismantling should begin from the corner. If carpet or linoleum is used, it is removed along with the padding.

The affected areas should be moistened generously with water to avoid the spread of fungal spores throughout the room. Soft flooring cannot be restored, but laminate and parquet can be disinfected and reinstalled.

  1. For surface treatment, it is recommended to use any antifungal agent described above. For example, prepare a concentrated solution of vitriol or antiseptic primer. Small areas are treated with a brush, and large areas with a mop or paint brush. Mechanically, using a scraper, clean the floor of fungus, then apply an antiseptic and leave for a quarter of an hour. After which you need to moisten the surface again with an antifungal solution and clean it with a scraper.
  2. If the parquet and laminate boards are slightly damaged, they can also be treated with an antiseptic solution, and fungal spores can be removed using a vacuum cleaner. Finally, the coating should be additionally treated with an antiseptic and left to dry for a couple of days.
  3. All items that have come into contact with the contaminated surface are treated with a light borax solution diluted in water.

The fight against fungal infections requires mandatory disinfection or replacement of the affected floor covering. Timely prevention will help avoid the emergence of new foci of infection.