Green mung beans recipes. Mung bean peas: recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya. How to cook mung bean as a side dish

Red cabbage is rich in vitamins, microelements and fiber. In addition, it is more tender and has a more subtle aroma compared to the usual white cabbage. Bright reddish-purple cabbage can be fried, stewed, and added to salads and sandwiches.

Braised red cabbage: video

Braised red cabbage

This dish is ideal as a side dish for roasted poultry, such as stuffed goose or duck, as well as a variety of game. Spices and apples give the dish a piquant, very delicate taste and aroma.

You will need: - 1.1 kg red cabbage; - 2 onions; - 2 sweet apples; - 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg; - 0.25 teaspoon of cinnamon powder; - 0.25 teaspoon of clove powder; - 1 teaspoon fine dark brown sugar; - 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar; - 30 g butter; - thyme greens for decoration.

If you don't have ready-made clove powder, crush the clove buds in a mortar

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage head. Chop it as thinly as possible. Place the chopped cabbage in a large ovenproof dish. Peel the apples and grate them on a coarse grater, chop the onion. Add apples and onions to cabbage. Pour nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and sugar into the mixture, pour in vinegar, mix everything. Cut the butter into small pieces and place on top of the cabbage.

Cover the pan with a lid and place it in the oven preheated to 170 degrees. The cabbage will simmer for about an hour and a half, during which time it needs to be stirred several times. When completely soft, remove from the oven, place on a warm platter and serve, garnished with thyme sprigs.

Red cabbage with ham

This cabbage is suitable as a side dish for fried sausages, pork steaks or game. It can be served as an independent dish, accompanied by gray or grain bread. A light, cold beer goes very well with this dish. You can make changes to the recipe by replacing the ham with dry-cured ham or chicken fillet.

You will need: - 1 medium-sized head of red cabbage; - 60 g butter; - 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar; - 125 g lean ham; - 1 tablespoon of sugar; - salt; - freshly ground black pepper.

For stewing, choose strong young heads of cabbage; they are distinguished by their juiciness and pleasant aroma.

Cut the cabbage head into 4 parts, remove the stalk. Finely chop the remaining cabbage. Melt in a heatproof bowl butter and place the ham cut into noodles into it. Stirring, heat it for about 5 minutes, then add the cabbage and stir several times from bottom to top so that the vegetables are evenly oiled. Cover the dish with a lid and let the dish sit for a few minutes.

In a separate container, mix wine vinegar, sugar, salt and freshly ground pepper, pour the resulting sauce over the cabbage. Place it in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, and simmer for 2 hours, stirring from time to time.

Red cabbage salad

You will need: - 0.5 heads of red cabbage; - a bunch of parsley; - olive oil; - a handful of lingonberries; - 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar; - 1 teaspoon of sugar; - 1 teaspoon sweet mustard; - salt.

Clean the head of cabbage upper leaves, cut out the stalk. Finely chop the cabbage and place in a deep bowl. Pour hot salted water over it for 5 minutes, then drain the water and squeeze out the cabbage. In a separate container, mix olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and sugar, pour the sauce over the cabbage and stir. Let it stand in the cold for about an hour, then transfer it to a salad bowl and sprinkle with lingonberries.

Mash is an unknown name for a cereal that is very popular in the East. Other names you may have heard are golden bean, mung bean or dhal. This cereal has many beneficial properties for the female body.

Appearance of mung bean cereal

Mung beans are small beans oval shape green. They are smooth and have a glossy shine. Cereals are very popular among supporters of vegetarian nutrition.

Composition of mung bean

Mung bean contains a lot of vegetable protein, magnesium and potassium, sodium and iron - minerals.

  • The fiber contained in cereals will help improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.
  • B vitamins will have a stabilizing, calming effect on the body.
  • Phosphorus in mung bean will improve memory, help resist stress, have a beneficial effect on vision, strengthen bone tissue and help kidney function.

Medicinal properties of mung bean cereal

Mung bean helps to enhance the development of intelligence, in the treatment of asthma, allergies and arthritis. Quite frequent consumption of cereals will have a positive effect on nervous system. It helps improve joint flexibility. You will feel how your body is filled with energy.

The cardiovascular system of the body will only benefit from the beneficial properties of cereals. Constant use can strengthen the heart, make blood vessels stronger and more elastic, and even lower blood pressure. Mung bean will help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Mung bean has antitoxic properties and is able to heal thermal burns.

The use of mung bean in the treatment of diseases

  1. Mung bean cereal can be used for breeding harmful substances from the intestines. It will have a diuretic effect. Sprouted mung beans will have a beneficial effect on infectious and inflammatory diseases: tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis and sinusitis.
  2. At food poisoning: pesticides, heavy metals, fungi or poisonous plants, - mung bean will be very useful.
  3. Mung bean mush will help treat minor wounds, dermatitis, and acne.

The benefits of masha for female beauty

Mung bean powder can cleanse the skin, reduce pores, while it will nourish and soften the skin. Mash is able to smooth out wrinkles, smooth and tighten the skin. The skin of the face will acquire a healthy color, softness and silkiness. Nanocoenzyme, which is part of the cereal, helps cope with age-related changes in the skin, and is also an important component of protection against exposure external environment cellular structures. Mung bean will strengthen cell immunity and protect against the effects of free radicals. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps get rid of dullness.

Mash: contraindications

For people with digestive problems, eating mung bean in too large quantities is undesirable. There are no other contraindications except individual intolerance.

Sprouting mung beans

To germinate mung beans, use beans that are less than 2 years old. Next, take a container with holes made in it. Place gauze on the bottom. We place this container in a container larger size with water. Cover the beans with water too. The water should only cover the beans. Place the container in a warm place, after 4 hours add fresh water, 2 times will be enough. The next day, the mung bean will begin to produce its first shoots. After 3 days it can be eaten. Before eating, peel and rinse them in water. If you feel bitterness in the sprouts, simply pour boiling water over them.

The golden rule of cooking mung bean

Before you start cooking with mung beans, be sure to soak them. When the mung bean is young, 1 hour is enough; if you don’t know its age, then soak it overnight. Also, the soaking time depends on the type of future dish. For stewing or quick soups, soak the mung beans for a long time. This will give it a delicate taste. For dishes whose cooking time more than an hour, it will be enough to rinse the mung beans.

Mung bean recipes

Mung beans can be used as a side dish, sauces, soups, desserts and pastas. Mung beans are also stewed with meat and vegetables.

To get the most full benefit you can germinate mung beans. It won't be difficult to cook with it. Mung bean sprouts can be fried with ginger, chicken and mushrooms, and added to salads.

To prepare a snack from mung bean sprouts “Korean style”, you will need sprouted mung bean sprouts 2 cm long, 2 tomatoes, soy sauce, 0.5 onions and vegetable oil. Take the sprouted sprouts and separate the grain from the husk. Pour soy sauce over the cleaned sprouts. Pre-fry the onion in vegetable oil until light golden brown. Chop 2 tomatoes. Add onions and tomatoes to the sprouts with the sauce. The sprouts should be completely covered in soy sauce. Then refrigerate for 14 hours. The appetizer is ready.

To prepare mung bean risotto, take 1 cup mung bean cereal, 1 carrot, 0.5 onion, 200 g minced meat, paprika to taste, 1/3 cup rice and 0.5 water. Pre-soak the mung beans for about 3 hours. Fry the minced meat, add carrots, paprika, onions and fill everything with water. Then throw in the mung bean, cook until half cooked, add rice and cook until fully cooked. At the end, add seasoning, salt and your favorite seasonings.

Mash - half a glass
Rice - 1 glass
Cauliflower - several florets, approximately 100 grams
Tomato - 1 small
Carrots - 1 small or half a large one
Ghee butter - 2 tablespoons
Ginger - half a tablespoon
Cumin - tablespoon
Cumin - 1 tablespoon
Turmeric - teaspoon
Coriander - teaspoon
Asafoetida - a pinch.

Cooking kitchari
Rinse the mung beans, cook for 10 minutes, then add vegetables, after another 10 minutes - rinsed rice, cook for 20 minutes. Heat a frying pan slightly and pour ghee on the bottom. While the oil is not boiling, add cumin, coriander, turmeric and asafoetida. Add all spices and salt to the pan and mix well. Simmer for another 7 minutes.

The amount of water for preparing kitchari is 10 glasses.

Very rare spices and oil for cooking kitchari can be purchased in Indian food stores.

Mung bean soup

2.5 liters per pan
Green mung bean - 300 grams
Minced meat - 400 grams
Potatoes - 4 pieces
Onion - 1 onion
Carrots - 1 piece
Garlic - 3 cloves
Greens - 1 bunch
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste
Water - 1.5 liters

How to cook soup with mung bean and minced meat
1. Pour 150 grams of mung bean into a saucepan and rinse.
2. Pour in 1.5 liters of water and put on fire.
3. After the water boils, set aside for 30 minutes: cook over low heat, add salt 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time.
4. Wash and peel potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.
5. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion and garlic.
6. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the frying pan, add onion and garlic, fry until golden brown.
7. Then add the grated carrots and fry for another 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.
8. Add minced meat to the frying, mix everything and fry for another 7 minutes; salt and pepper to taste.
9. After 30 minutes of cooking, add the roast and chopped potatoes to the pan.
10. Stir the soup, let it boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
11. Wash the greens, dry them and chop them finely.
Before serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs.

Fun facts about masha

Mash is leguminous crop, origin - India. It is eaten whole (with green husks) or shelled (then the mung bean color is light, as in our picture). Very common in China.

People often ask whether it is necessary to soak mung beans. Mung beans should not be soaked. Although the cereal is a bean, it is very tender and begins to soften after half an hour of cooking. Even if you need porridge, it is enough to cook the cereal without soaking, just increase the cooking time to 40 minutes.

When cooked, mung bean doubles in size.

The calorie content of mung bean is 312 kcal/100 grams.

Mung beans are also called "golden beans" or "mung beans" or "mung dal" ("mung dhal").

We are used to pea puree and bean or lentil soup. However, there are legumes that you rarely see in our kitchen, for example, mung bean. If you have never come across this product, but now want to cook something from mung bean, our recipes with photos of the most interesting dishes These beans will help you in your culinary experiments.

A little about Masha

The homeland of this legume is India. Mung beans are small green grains, similar in shape to peas, only smaller and slightly darker. This is a very useful product, which contains large quantities of elements such as fiber, phosphorus, and B vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, stabilize the nervous system, and have a positive effect on other organs and systems of the body.
This is a fairly high-calorie product - about 300 calories per 100 g, nutritious and satisfying.

The most important rule, which applies to both mung beans and other legumes, is their preliminary soaking. How long to soak directly depends on the age of the beans. If they are young, then 50-60 minutes will be enough. But if the beans are several months or even years old, then soak them in water overnight.
Also, the soaking time depends on the purpose for which the product will be used. For dishes instant cooking, for example, some soups or side dishes, it is better to keep them in water longer. And for those that take an hour or more to prepare, you don’t need to soak them at all, just rinse the beans.
These recommendations apply to any dishes containing mung bean, the recipes for which you will find below.

How to cook mung bean as a side dish

The most common method of preparation is as a side dish of this legume for meat dishes.

To do this you need to take:

  • 200 g mung bean;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • salt, pepper, dill seeds.

The process of preparing the side dish is quite simple:

  1. Boil the pre-soaked grains in salted water until tender.

  1. Fry onion in half rings with vegetable oil, allspice and dill seeds. If you like spicy notes, you can replace allspice with red pepper.

  1. At the end of frying, add diced tomato. Stew.

  1. Place the cooked mung bean in a frying pan with fried vegetables and mix well. Simmer for another 5 minutes and set aside.

This method is the fastest and easiest. However, in order to experience all the facets of the taste of this legume, you need to cook other dishes with it. Only then will mung bean, from which we offer other recipes below, reveal itself to you in a completely different way.


These beans can easily become the basis of risotto.

We will need:

  • 1 cup beans;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • salt, ground paprika, spices.

The process itself will take a little time:

  1. Soak the grains for 4 hours (or better yet, overnight).

  1. Fry onions and carrots. Add minced meat to them and fry everything together.

  1. In a deep container, combine mung bean with minced meat.

  1. Salt and sprinkle with paprika. Pour in water, cover and cook until the beans are ready. At the end, add your favorite spices or herbs.

Mung bean soup

You can also prepare hearty first courses from this product. We suggest you cook one of these.

To prepare the soup, take:

  • 300 g beef;
  • 1 tbsp. Masha;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

Prepare the soup as follows:

  1. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil along with the carrots.

  1. Place the diced beef in the pan.

  1. Transfer the entire contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, pour cold water, add the washed mung bean and put on low heat.

  1. Salt should be added when the beans are almost ready and cracked. Otherwise you will end up with hard grains. Pepper and turmeric should be added along with salt.

  1. Melt butter in a frying pan and mix with flour. Fry the flour until golden brown and add it to the soup. After the soup is cooked, it should be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

As you can see, recipes with mung bean are varied and versatile. It can even be cooked in a slow cooker or in pots. This legume will add healthy variety to your menu.

First, let's figure out what this miracle product is. These are beans small size, in some ways they are very reminiscent of beans, but smaller in size and green in color. Adherents of a vegetarian diet adore this cereal, because it contains vegetable protein (a lot!), vitamins, iron, fiber, etc.

Mung bean is cooked in different ways, the degree of its softness depends on what dish it will be used for. For example, for salads, mung bean needs to be slightly hard, and for soups and cereals – boiled.

The main rule for preparing mung bean is to pre-soak it in cold water, if possible overnight (the exception is young mung bean, for which 1 hour of soaking is enough). By the way, for stewing and soups, mung bean is soaked overnight, and for quick dishes- for an hour maximum.

You need to take 2 times more water than cereal. For salads, mung beans are cooked for about 40 minutes over medium heat, then the peas will remain intact, just drain the water. But for side dishes, it is advisable to take 1:1.5 water, cook over medium heat for about an hour, add salt, and cover with a lid.

Ready mung bean is used both cold and hot. You can also serve it as an independent vegetarian dish (greens are added).

Risotto, sauces, side dishes, pastas and even desserts are made from mung beans! Meanwhile, for women, mung bean is a source of beauty. It is used not only as healthy food, but also for beauty recipes (masks, scrubs, etc.). If you're not familiar with these miracle beans, be sure to give them a try! And for those who already know mung bean well, we can advise you to try sprouted beans, which have a unique taste and benefits for the body.