Children's slide with their own. Do-it-yourself children's slide at your summer cottage. Photo of a children's slide with your own hands

Skiing down the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this activity, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of available materials, and which ones will be discussed in this article.

What do you need for a slide?

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as scrap materials left over from an old cabinet and desk. With even a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and place them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • varnished cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing stages:

Making a snow slide

Making a mountain out of snow with your own hands is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature outside approaches about 0 ᵒC. And, of course, it is important to have enough snow.

You will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm mittens.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injuries, it is imperative to ensure that you roll out onto a level area so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the skaters. For children under 3 years old, a height of 1 meter will be enough, and for older children you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Roll several large balls and form them into the foundation of a future building. If you plan to make a fairly high slide, then you should think about how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by manufacturing the same snowballs, which can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until cold weather sets in.
  5. The slide should be filled in cold weather. It is not recommended to use buckets or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It is better to use a regular garden watering can or the one that housewives use to water indoor plants.
  6. Using a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part, slowly pour water onto the structure. Or you can cover the raised area with a large piece of fabric and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be distributed more evenly over the snow.
  7. If you don’t have anything at hand except a bucket, then you need to mix the water in it with snow and cover the surface with this very slurry, leave it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. That's it, the slide is ready. If necessary, potholes can be smoothed out with a spatula.

To entertain and keep the kids occupied personal plot, while parents are busy with their “adult” affairs, you can install a swing, a sandbox and a slide. Wooden slide design for home or a dacha is quite simple and does not require expensive materials. Today we'll talk about how to make a slide for children with your own hands.

DIY slide for children: drawing

To calculate the quantity required material First of all, prepare a design diagram of the structure. You can draw the layout yourself or use it as a basis finished drawing from any source, adjusting the dimensions to your requirements.

At independent development layout take into account the following nuances:

  • child's age: for children from 1.5 to 4 years old, the height of the slide should be no more than 1.5 m; from 4 to 11 years – from 2 to 4 m;
  • the optimal length of the slide can be calculated using the formula: “height of the slide x 2”;
  • The angle of inclination of the slide should be within 40-55 degrees;
  • the height of steps and handrails is calculated depending on the height of children;
  • It is necessary to provide protective sides, the height of which at the launch site should be at least 60 cm, and at the descent - about 20 cm.

How to draw it yourself diagram? You can create your own drawing based on these photo:

Do-it-yourself wooden slide for children: manufacturing stages

Preparatory stage

First of all, based on the drawing, it is purchased required quantity main material - boards, bars; auxiliary materials - self-tapping screws, wood varnish, paint. It is also necessary to prepare tools - a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill, a tape measure, a level, a plane.

IMPORTANT! Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the wood - it must be dry, without visible defects. It is preferable to use wood coniferous trees. It is advisable to use self-tapping screws, bolts, and screws as fasteners, as nails may come out during operation and cause injury. .

Preparation of materials

  • First of all, sawing all wood parts, according to the drawing.
  • Then everything wooden parts must be freed from knots and nicks and sand thoroughly to remove all defects.
  • To avoid rotting, the bottom of the support pillars is processed resin, mastic for waterproofing, shale or anthracene oil, oily antiseptic.

Site and foundation preparation

The place where the slide will be installed must be carefully leveled, and the positions of the support pillars must be marked with a tape measure.

If you decide to put the slide not at home, but on summer cottage, follow following instructions. Using a garden auger dig holes about 60 cm deep, which will make the entire structure more resistant to weather conditions - freezing of the soil during severe frosts and soaking it during periods of rain.

In the resulting wells insert the pillars, leveling them using a level and filling them with concrete.

IMPORTANT! Z the descent should be quite soft - covered with sand, or artificial grass, a rubber mat to avoid injury when completing the descent.

Assembling a wooden structure

  • in installed supports cut grooves. Their width should correspond to the width of the board that will make up the frame, and their depth should be about 2-3 cm;
  • a board is inserted into the grooves and the stand is tightened using self-tapping screws;
  • at the upper ends of the support pillars, transverse bars are screwed on both sides, which will serve as the railings of the launch pad;
  • two bars are screwed to the supports, to which the stairs and descent will be attached;
  • on top of these bars the floor of the launch pad is laid. Small gaps (2-3 mm) should be left between the boards to ensure the flow of rainwater and melted snow;
  • ladder being installed: the edges of two boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, they are screwed to the cross beam of the launch platform. These boards are fixed to each other using steps. Optimal step between the steps is 25-35 cm. Next, balusters are installed to which the railings are attached;
  • descent is being installed: the edges of two boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, they are screwed to the transverse beam of the landing platform opposite the stairs. These boards are fixed to each other using several cross beams secured with self-tapping screws. Plywood or long boards are laid on top of the cross beams, which will serve as the descent.

Final stage

After assembling the slide, you must carefully inspect all fasteners and check that all the caps are recessed into the wood.

Sand all uneven surfaces, treat all wooden parts with an antiseptic and open them with varnish or paint. DIY summer slide for children ready! By the same principle, you can not only make a wooden slide for children in the apartment, but also on any street area .

IMPORTANT! Every spring, before using the slide, it is necessary to check all wooden components for chips, burrs, and cracks that could have occurred during winter period. If damage is found, sand it, cover it with an antiseptic and varnish or paint it.

Clearly see step-by-step assembly Children's slide can be seen on video.

Nothing brings more joy to a child than going down a slide. So why not put this play structure in your summer cottage so that children can climb on it whenever they want? Of course, it is easier to buy than to make. But there is no guarantee what manufacturers use to make slides quality materials and do not violate technology. Parents who think about the safety of their children take on the construction themselves.

Which slide to choose - metal or wooden?

The manufacture of slides mainly uses wood and metal. The selected material influences the manufacturing technology, because any construction raw material has its own characteristics.

Wooden slides in classic version built with an upper platform in the form of a house and comfortable steps. All parts of such slides are connected using fastening elements. Every detail must be polished so that the child does not get hurt. It is important that all boards used in construction are smooth and dry.

Metal slides usually look simpler: a small platform, a ladder made of pipes and a ramp. The supports for these elements of the structure are usually poured with concrete. Metal slides are most often painted.

Only those who know how to use a welding machine can undertake the creation of a metal slide. Alloy metal parts It is impossible to work with welding without skills - in inexperienced hands, the material heated by welding will bend and become unsuitable for construction.

A table will help you make a choice in favor of one material or another, indicating the pros and cons of using metal and wood when building a slide:

Wooden slide Metal slide
Wood is a traditional material that is easy to process and cutThe metal slope of the slide will not deteriorate during operation
Wood products are environmentally friendlyThe structure will stand securely - no element will move away or become loose
The slope of the wooden slide is always warm, despite the cold weatherThe slide will remain in its original form, even when the child grows up
Wood is susceptible to rotting and drying outThe metal is subject to strong heating in summer and cooling in winter.
Mold may appear on woodIt is better for children to ride on an iron slide school age, since small children can accidentally get injured by hitting a sharp corner of the structure
The wooden slope gets wet and therefore becomes deformed.Metal slide, design decoration which has limited opportunities, can quickly get boring for a child

The listed disadvantages of wooden slides can be combated if you periodically cover the wooden parts of the slide with special protective equipment and varnish.

The choice is yours. But manufacturers offer to purchase slides, some parts of which are made of metal, and others of wood. Thanks to the combination different materials, the game design seems more interesting.

Ideas for creating slides

Creative design of a wooden slide Wooden slide under the roof Wooden slide with metal slope Wooden slide with a large platform and stairs on both sides Metal slide under the roof Low metal slide for children younger age Simple metal slide This structure has a simple wooden slope Thanks to the curved bars, this slide looks unusual

Step-by-step production of a wooden slide

Any construction begins with the execution of drawings. They will tell you what materials, in what quantities, will be needed, and most importantly, they will give a clear idea of ​​the scale of the work. These drawings should reflect the dimensions of the base, descent and stairs of the structure.

A simple wooden slide with a long slope

The height of this structure is 3 meters, the length of the slope is 6 meters. The site is located at a distance of 2 meters from the ground. The length of the handrails, which are attached to the structure on the sides of the descent, depends on these numbers.

But if a wooden slide is being built for a child under 4 years old, then you need to sketch out a drawing on paper small design with a short slope and a staircase of a couple of steps.

Among the tools you will need to arm yourself with a drill, saw, screwdriver and shovel. At the very beginning of the work you will need sandpaper, and upon completion - stain and color emulsion. Instead of paint, you can use wood varnish.

Required materials

To build a wooden slide, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • 8 boards;
  • 4 thick beams 0.6 meters long and one 2 times thinner 0.8 m long;
  • Several sheets of plywood;
  • 2 round wooden profiles.


  1. The process of building a slide should begin by cutting all wooden elements, while being guided by the drawing. The beams and boards need to be sanded with sandpaper and then the sharp corners must be rounded off;
  2. Now it’s time to make markings on the ground and drill holes in the ground to install the bases of the beams in them. The bars will not move from their place during the operation of the slide if their base is filled with concrete;
  3. Taking a saw, you need to create recesses at the top of the posts. They are needed for fixing planed boards. The supports must be attached to each other using self-tapping screws. The structure will become reliable after cross bars or, in other words, sides are attached to it, preventing the child from falling from the slide;
  4. To an almost finished structure, you can screw two bars onto self-tapping screws, to which a ladder and a ramp are attached. After this, you can lay floorboards on a small slide area and fix them with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to lay floorboards at a short distance from each other. With gaps of just a few mm, wooden floor it will dry well if it gets wet by rain or snow;
  5. Then you can make the sides for the stairs. To do this, the edges of two boards must be cut down, positioning the saw at an angle of 45 degrees. These boards are attached to the racks, and then smaller boards are fixed to them - steps;
  6. The gap between steps must be calculated in advance. If the distance is too large or too small, it will be difficult for children to climb up. A comfortable step for climbing stairs is 35 cm +/- 5 cm;
  7. At first, the slope is created in the same way as a staircase, but instead of boards, sheets of plywood tightly pushed together are placed on the sides. WITH reverse side they are fixed wooden slats using screws;
  8. Lastly, the structure is coated with varnish or color emulsion. Wood and plywood must be treated, otherwise they will deteriorate under the influence of moisture, thereby reducing the service life of the slide.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a children's metal slide

Preparation: drawings and tools

One of the main tasks is to make a drawing of a future structure for children's games.

This slide is designed for older children

To work with metal you will need welding machine and pipe bender. The parts bent by it are needed to create a railing on the top platform of the slide. Although easy to make metal slide you can do without them.

List of materials

To make a simple metal slide you will need:

  1. Galvanized sheets or stainless steel;
  2. Metal square profile pipes;
  3. Metal round pipes;
  4. Special corners.

To make a slide, you should choose metal with a thickness of 3 mm. The suitable size of square profiles is 3x50x50 mm and 2x25x50 mm.

Stages of work

  • First, you need to place four metal profile pipes in holes dug in the ground. Then you need to weld a smaller pipe to their tops, which will serve as a support for the base of the platform. Following this, handrails and stiffening ribs must be welded to the structure;

Railings are an essential element of a metal slide that protects children from accidental falls. There should be no jumper posts on them.

  • The next step is welding guides for the future staircase and ramp to the structure. Later, metal sheets are attached to the base of the platform and the sliding surface by welding;
  • Now we need to weld short profile pipes to the ladder guides, which will become steps. The second and subsequent pipes must be welded every 17.5 cm. With such a gap, the child will be able to easily free a leg that is stuck between the steps while playing;
  • All that remains is to add handrails to the stairs, covering the distance from them to the guides with sheets of metal. All existing corners must be rounded to avoid injury to the child. The protruding edges of the pipes can be “closed” with hemispherical plugs.

Video instructions

Thus, the main advantage of a wooden slide is ease of manufacture, and the main advantage of metal structures is durability. To create a wooden play structure, you will need to sand, saw and screw the boards. Installation of a metal slide is based on the use of a welding machine.

A children's slide is an excellent option for entertainment, especially in a country house or local area. It is not difficult to make such a design, and independent work will cost much less than purchasing a ready-made slide in a store. Now we will tell you how to make a slide with your own hands, what you should pay attention to and what nuances to consider.

Material selection

The most common material options include plastic, metal and wood. We will not use the first two, since plastic is quite expensive (as a rule, this is already ready-made designs slides), and metal will not be practical due to high thermal conductivity. In summer it gets very hot, and in cold seasons it becomes icy almost instantly. So we will make our own slide from wood.

Care should be taken to ensure that the slide is positioned in such a way that there is approximately 2 meters of free space around it. This is necessary to ensure safety so that children do not get injured while playing. By selecting suitable place, let's start designing the slide.

By and large, the project depends solely on the size of the free space in the local area, the availability of material and your desire. We give you examples of several popular designs, but you can easily plan own version. The main thing is to take careful measurements and mark everything on the diagram.

We draw attention to a number of important points:

  • Focus on the height and age of the child;
  • Consider the steepness of the slope;
  • You may want to include a few bends in the slope.

The slide is made with your own hands from wooden beam 100*100 mm, 30*30 mm, 20*40 mm, as well as 25*100 mm boards, which will act as flooring and steps. We assume the length of the slide to be approximately 3 meters and the height of the structure to be approximately 1.5 meters. Having prepared the material in accordance with the dimensions indicated in your drawing, proceed to site preparation.

We clear a square or rectangle on the site with sides according to the dimensions of the slide. This will be the place to install the supports. It is also advisable to clear the entire play area immediately as this can be difficult once the structure is erected.

We drill holes in the corners of the intended square or rectangle to a depth of approximately 60-70 cm. We compact the bottom of the holes and cover them with a small layer (5-10 cm) of a mixture of sand and crushed stone for greater strength and stability.

Now we lower the racks into the holes and be sure to fasten them with a planed board at a distance of about 10 cm from the ground. This will ensure the strength of the structure and it will not wobble. Use assistants who will hold the supports during fastening work. Also, do not forget to maintain a strict vertical line using a building level. In this way we install all the supports (in our case there are four, but you can use more) and fasten them together with boards around the perimeter. For greater strength, it is recommended to make a kind of lower platform from another set of boards, making sure to attach them to the main supports. This platform has no practical value, but with it, your own slide will be much stronger. However, on this site you can build something like a storage facility for toys, but that’s another story.

Installation of the upper floor

Secure the boards at the intended level, similar to the structure you made at the bottom of the slide. Now we take a 20*40 mm beam and install a platform based on these boards close to each other or with small gaps (10-15 mm). Be sure to provide for fastening the beam to the support posts. This can be done using metal corners. This area is covered with a 25*100 mm board, which is nailed very tightly and without gaps to the bars on top. The floor of the upper platform is ready.

You can, of course, immediately attach a plastic slope to the resulting structure, but we will not deviate from the project and will continue to use wood. So, we take two boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm and a length of about 3 meters (as provided for in the projects) and fasten them together with transverse boards 25 * 100 mm. Pay attention to the strength of the connection and maintaining right angles so that your slope does not turn out crooked. The pitch of the transverse board can be left approximately 20-30 mm. This way we will have the base of the slope, which can be covered with plywood or boards that should be polished.

At this stage, you will only secure the material for the slope, and then it will need to be processed. We'll talk about this later. Sometimes people who are interested in the question of how to make a children's slide choose a sheet of galvanized steel as a covering for the slope. This is, of course, a good, slippery option, but very susceptible to atmospheric influences, for example, temperature changes. We'll stop at wooden version, although you can use the material of your choice. Fundamentally, all installation work will not change.

Now we attach the slope to the base. You can simply grind off the edge of the board at the required angle, but for reliability it is recommended to cut special grooves, as shown in the figure. After installation, the parts are fastened with nails. Choose the angle of inclination at your discretion; for young children, it is recommended that the descent not be too steep.

An important point: the lower edge of the ramp must be made in the form of a kind of “springboard” and raised above the ground at a level of approximately 20 cm. This is necessary so that the child does not hit the ground after descending, but, let’s say, “fly” some distance. A springboard can be made from additional boards by assembling simple design with a slight rounding inner side. Thus, the end of the entire descent should be either straight or directed slightly upward.

We cover the springboard with a coating and be sure to round off the front sides of the boards using grinder. We install the slope on a transverse beam, approximately 20 cm high, and fasten it with corners. It is advisable to strengthen the beam by burying two small posts in the ground, but if the structure is of sufficient weight, this is not a necessary procedure.


To make the stairs, he uses the same parts as in the previous stage. First, determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, and then mark the angle of fastening of the steps. They must be strictly horizontal when the entire structure is ready. The steps are fastened with nails.

From additional boards we construct railings for the stairs and the upper landing itself. Racks for stair railings needs to be made additionally, and the railings of the upper platform will be attached to the main posts of the slide.

The lower edges of the stairs must be protected with an additional cross board. It is advisable to make small racks, digging them into the ground to strengthen the structure.

Finishing work

Wood for a children's slide with your own hands must be carefully polished. Avoid chips or other damage. It is advisable to treat wood with a special varnish, and in several layers. This is especially true for the ramp - the most used element. To save varnish, the base of the slide can be painted acrylic paint, but for handrails and ramps, varnish is best suited.

Remember to let each coat of varnish dry thoroughly before applying the next. Ensure the uniformity of the coating and carefully process all parts, even the most inaccessible places.

Provide safety and convenience for children. We have already cleared the area, now we need to take care of the softness. You can cover the entire area with a special rubber tiles- it is soft enough to prevent injury. Even if you do not have the opportunity to use such a coating, pour piles of clean, sifted sand in front of the slope. To prevent sand from spreading around the site, you can make a kind of sandbox from the boards left over from construction.


So, now you know how to build a slide for children with your own hands, but do not forget that it requires regular maintenance. Intensive use of the slide is from late spring to mid-autumn. Try to check the surface at least once every two weeks, excluding obvious damage, which children should definitely tell you about. If the surface is worn out (especially important for slopes), you should thoroughly clean it, check for chips and re-varnish it. You should not save money - repair the entire surface at once, and not parts of it, since in the future you will have to do double work.

When the slide is not in use, it is advisable to cover it with polyethylene and secure it with ropes. It is better to take opaque polyethylene to protect the slide from direct sunlight. Be sure to check the surface after winter - temperature changes may cause unevenness or structural parts to become loose.

A children's slide at the dacha or in the local area is great entertainment, but you can interest children not only in this, but also in the construction process itself. As you can see, building it with your own hands is not difficult and the children will be happy to help you with this. Just don’t forget about safety and regular maintenance of the structure.

Setting up a playground is impossible without a slide. But you need to choose the design very carefully and take into account all the nuances. This means safety, comfort, and ease of making it yourself.


Speaking about the types of children's slides, we must first distinguish two types: garden and located in the house. Most often, home structures are placed in the bedroom. They can be made from randomly selected materials, even plywood or particle boards. This is unacceptable on the street - the adverse meteorological influences there are too strong. But the basic approaches to design remain unchanged.

The difference may be due to the materials used to make the slide. For it they use:

  • tree;
  • metal.
  • ease of assembly;
  • minimum occupied territory;
  • possibility of obtaining various forms;
  • convenience and safety;
  • seasonal versatility.

Plastic allows you to make slopes in the form of a spiral, pipe or wave. The excellent heat capacity of the plastic slope allows it not to overheat in the summer, and also maintain a comfortable temperature in the winter. The work is very simple, you just need to assemble the parts in accordance with the instructions. However, plastic is fragile, especially if we talk about cheap Chinese samples. It doesn't last long enough.

Often on site nearby apartment buildings you can see metal slides. They are very durable and last a long time. Even with active use, the attraction will work enough for several generations to use it. You can make a design with different heights and with unequal descent lengths.

However, before choosing such a structure for your yard, you need to take into account its weaknesses.

Metal conducts heat too well. In hot weather it gets very hot, and when cold weather sets in, skaters easily freeze. This can lead to bad health consequences, even if they are not noticed in the heat of the game. You also need to remember that metal requires maintenance. And if the ramp is made of steel, it may corrode.

Wood is attractive for many reasons. It is safe in environmental and sanitary terms. Wooden structures relatively light and can be placed in any location. Weather conditions do not prevent their use. But we must understand that even the most best wood may become deformed due to dampness and temperature changes.

Special treatment is carried out for protection. However, it complicates and increases the cost of the construction process. In addition, it is necessary to carefully select impregnation compositions, since not all of them are safe enough. But a wooden slide can be easily repaired with your own hands. And during the construction stage you will not need to use a welding machine.

The large area occupied by the slide (especially together with the descent) requires a more thoughtful approach to organizing this element of the playground. Limit your choice suitable material it is forbidden. Often the slide is complemented by a house. Not only does it provide another place to play, but it also provides shelter from the rain during the summer months. It is also worth mentioning that the types of slides differ both in the presence of the house and in the size of the structure.

Drawings and dimensions

In order to properly build a slide for children on a summer cottage, it is necessary to draw up drawings and diagrams. If the slope profile found on the Internet does not suit you, you need to turn it clockwise (to increase) or counterclockwise (to decrease) the angle. The steeper the slope, the more enjoyable it will be for children. In addition, such a design will take less space, which is especially important in the country.

But when the slope of the slide is tilted by more than 40 degrees, careful calculations must be made so that the braking section does not turn out to be excessively long.

Typically profiles are drawn to the same scale, from bottom to top. At the same time, they try to ensure that the distances between the starting points coincide. After this, vertical secant lines are prepared, between which there should also be an identical distance. The angle of the slope is determined by how large the free space is.

If in the courtyard of the house near the descent there will be a wall, a pool or other dangerous places, you need to plan to build the steepest slide possible.

When drawing up drawings, it is necessary to take into account not only the accessible territory, but also the age of the children. So, if the design is designed for a category of 3-7 years, you can make a playing surface at a height of over 2 m. But in this case you will have to make barriers from metal, the height of which will be at least 0.7 m. If children of any age can use the slide, the openings of the fences can be a maximum of 0.5 m. In this case, the height of free fall should be limited to 2 m.

When a fall from the upper platform is likely, it is necessary to provide for the laying out of an impact-absorbing coating during the design. They are often not indicated in the drawings support structures. And also there may be no other deepening elements. The form should be as simple as possible, since it is difficult to build a structure with a sophisticated configuration. The drawing of a slide for the street should be made in such an orientation that the descent is not directed towards the roadway.


At an early age, children's imagination does most of the work. It is able to “colorize” a seemingly unremarkable element on the site, presenting it as a fairy-tale space. But it is quite appropriate that some adults intend to help the imagination, to push it in a strictly defined direction. And if it is difficult to diversify the slope, then the ascent can be presented much more interestingly than simple staircase. Excellent solutions this kind can be:

  • slide in the form of a “tractor”;
  • tree house;
  • "locomotive".

How to do it yourself?

On the Internet you can easily find many schemes for arranging a children's slide. But you should seriously pay attention only to such drawings and drawings, which show the barriers in detail. Children of any age play with abandon and lose their sense of reality. Therefore, both fences and railings must be present. Special attention should be paid to the materials from which the slide as a whole and even its minor parts are constructed.

There are two main requirements: sanitary safety and minimal risk of fire. All wooden and metal structures must be sanded to minimize the risk of injury. When thinking about a future structure and constructing it, you need to exclude any slotted partitions and gaps. When playing, children do not watch where they put their fingers or even their heads. It is useful to imagine the slide through the eyes of a child, and then it will become clear where dangers may be hiding.

Step-by-step design sports equipment begins with preparing the descent. It is made from boards that match in length and width. The wood is carefully sanded to ensure a safe descent. To connect the boards, bars are used, placed from below. The next step is to attach the side parts of the structure to the descent.

In order not to carefully calculate all the proportions, you can simply repeat standard sizes factory slides. It is 1.3 m in height at an inclination of 55 degrees. The boards of the side parts are selected and placed so that the ends are at the top of the site. They function as handrails that you can hold on to before descending. The sides are secured on both sides with self-tapping screws so that they hold onto the base of the descent.

Important: the side parts should be thoroughly processed. All sharp corners are cut off and even sanded with sandpaper. To spend less time and effort, you can simply take a grinder with grinding disc. Next you need to do the marking. At this point you will need a garden auger.

Recesses in the ground obtained with its help are needed for installing timber. Note: the bottom of this beam should be lubricated with mastic. Now the places where it was placed are being concreted. Only such a solution ensures the reliability and stability of the structure. It is recommended to mix the mortar using M500 cement in standard proportions.

Grooves are cut in the upper part of the beams with a saw. They are needed to install the trim strips. The parts are connected using self-tapping screws. The slats solve two problems at once: they increase rigidity and ensure the safety of children. Now you need to attach a couple of wooden crossbars to the frame.

A ladder is attached to them on one side and a prepared descent on the other. When this work is completed, it is necessary to build a wooden floor. When making it, boards are laid, attaching them with self-tapping screws.

Important: boards cannot be placed closely. The gaps should be such that there is no risk of injury, but water can drain freely.

If you need maximum strength, joints wooden parts strengthen steel corners. It is recommended to make the slide twice as long as it is tall. When choosing a site, you need to make sure that it does not end up in a lowland. When it rains for a long time, a “swamp” will form there. All wooden and plastic parts must be impregnated with fire retardants.

But the construction of a wooden slide can happen differently. An alternative scheme involves first removing all the soil and leveling the excavation. This is necessary if there is fertile land there - then it will not be empty and will be useful somewhere else. Next, the site is covered with sand and after a while, when it settles, the entire area is compacted. This time should not be wasted, you can:

  • prepare wood;
  • dry it;
  • cut according to the drawing;
  • sand;
  • impregnate with protective components.

The steps, handrails, railings and boards that will be needed to build the “tunnel” are painted twice with enamel. They need to be sanded between paintings. On this preparatory stage ends. The time has come to build the foundation: reinforcement is placed in the holes prepared using a garden auger. It will certainly be verified according to the building level.

When the reinforcement is placed, it is immediately concreted, and the corners are welded on top. The pillars that will be placed at the base must be sawed in certain places. These recesses will allow you to fix the timber at the corners with self-tapping screws. Next, the pillars are connected to each other using jibs. The staircase is made like this: stringers are attached, and then steps are placed on top of them.

But the ladder cannot be used normally if it is not supplemented launching pad. When this work is completed, it is necessary to prepare the base of the descent (it is made of timber). A steel curved profile for the slope is installed. A plywood shield is placed on top of the base under the slope. A sheet of iron is nailed onto this shield.

The outer edges of the sheet are folded and secured to the profile. Otherwise, injuries are inevitable. Now you can cut gaps in the boards and wrap the edges of the sheet there. A boardwalk is being prepared under the ramp. The sides are covered with plywood. Now you can:

  • put up the sides;
  • complement the stairs with railings;
  • build hipped roof, cover it on top with plywood.
  • sheet of plastic;
  • linoleum;
  • galvanized steel 0.05 cm thick.

It is not advisable to use laminate for slopes. Under constant load or simply upon contact with water, it is easily deformed. And here are some more recommendations:

  • You can increase the protection of wood from moisture by polishing it with wax;
  • for covering a wooden slide oil paint much worse acrylic compositions and varnish;
  • you can’t place a slide near poisonous plants and honey plants;
  • you must immediately ensure that there are no pipes or electrical appliances nearby;
  • You cannot orient the slope towards the roadway, fence or main wall.

Beautiful examples

It would take a long time to list the rules for building slides and study the nuances. But it is much better to take the initiative and focus on ready-made design ideas. The photo below shows a simple light-colored slide built almost entirely from wood. Only the surface of the slope is lined with sheet iron. At the same time, the protective sides are completely wooden. Contrary to the fears of some people, this decision does not look sad at all.