How to open a natural cosmetics store. Your own business: cosmetics and perfumes. Is it profitable to trade cosmetics and perfumes? How to open a cosmetics store

Cosmetics and perfumes are among the top ten most popular products sold online. After household appliances, books, clothes and shoes, flower and pizza delivery. At the same time, breaking into this market is no longer as easy as it was initially. True success can be achieved if you love a particular brand or create own production. Today, the procedure for creating creams and lotions has become much easier due to the availability of a wide variety of high-quality ingredients. That is why you can safely pay attention to the point of creating your own cosmetics. You can start with simple things like lip balms or eyebrow wax, and then expand the range. Fortunately, the country has no shortage of soap-making ingredients stores.

But, even if you don’t plan to create your own line of cosmetics, then you have every chance to conquer the market using our little tips. There are many advantages to selling cosmetics. Firstly, you can find a brand that you really like and sell only the products of one company, or even just one product. Secondly, you know the product so well that it allows you to provide professional advice. Thirdly, you don’t need to target the entire market and win a piece of the pie from companies that import mass-market products and have huge turnover. You find your niche where there is no competition at all. If you love a particular brand, you are unlikely to have difficulty finding customers and expanding your online store. And now the promised tips.

1. Find a product or a dozen products that you sincerely want to sell. As practice shows, if you love the product you are selling, then it is as if it sells itself. If you don't feel strongly about the product, it can really hurt sales. Especially at the first stage, when the network of clients has not yet been expanded and there are no sales. Your enthusiasm and ability to talk about a cosmetic product with fire in your eyes is the first and most necessary tool sales in the absence of an advertising budget. Do you have at least 1 product that you would like to sell? Get down to business, and later you can expand the range to 10-20 products. Remember that niche stores have one important advantage - they can be completely independent of assortment. You can learn to sell even one single product and make a business out of it.

2. Write at least 3 articles on products every week. It's simple necessary condition to promote the product. Content has been declared king, and even if you are going to use contextual advertising, you cannot do without content. It is written not only for search engines, but also for people. Content increases people's trust in your project, so it is an extremely important component in promoting any product.

3. Use contextual advertising. Even a budget of several tens of dollars can bring success in sales, provided correct use contextual advertising. Learn to look for the most profitable words for promotion. Learn how to properly manage advertising budgets and get the best return on your investment - it will come in handy. Even with 10 dollars you can already start getting your first clients.

4. Conduct webinars and master classes. This is a great way to engage your audience and build trust. Nothing helps increase confidence more than conducting live master classes or webinars via the Internet. You can also record a master class on video and use it to constantly attract new audiences. One video can always work for your name, provided, of course, that it gives users valuable information.

5. Invite a good cosmetologist to visit. It is so important to take expert advice! Interview cosmetologists and makeup artists, indicate their real names and phone numbers. In general, agree on cooperation! Advice from a good cosmetologist will help you sell a lot more cosmetics. Professionalism is judged by the kind of consultations and advice a specialist gives. So take the trouble to find good professional. If you manage to get a good interview and advice, your content will seriously increase your credibility.

6. Go to forums and niche blogs. There you can find the “hottest” and most prepared audience. People may buy from you immediately if you convey your unique selling proposition and it suits them.

7. Show that people are already buying from you and orders are coming in constantly. For example, take a photo of the number of orders you have packaged and couriered today. Such photo reports clearly show what people buy and order from you, that they can trust you, and that it’s worth trying to buy from you.

8. Take photographs of cosmetics and conduct experiments with them. Do you sell cream or organic shampoo? Wonderful. Try experimenting with them. For example, add a little white or blue clay to your shampoo. Take a photo of the recipe. Apply the cream as a mask. All this advice is very rarely something outstanding. But they show that your cosmetics can not only be safely stored in jars, but that they are a working tool for beauty and youth.

9. Show your face and record some video messages. Record at least 1-2 videos with your participation. All for the same trust. Without it there will be no sales, no matter how you look at it.

10. Find your USP and don’t forget to remind your audience about it. Finally, remember your unique selling proposition. Without a developed USP, you will not be able to tell the buyer why he should try your product. And it doesn’t matter how wide your range is.

  • Legal aspects
  • Registration
  • Premises and equipment
  • Staff
  • A little about advertising
  • Costs and profits

Cosmetics and perfumes are products that are very popular among women of all ages and this is not surprising! We all want to be beautiful and sometimes we are ready to pay fabulous sums for it. This is why such a business is very profitable if done correctly. In this article we will find out the main nuances of how to open a cosmetics store from scratch.

Legal aspects

In the business of selling cosmetics, there are strict requirements for products. Today there is a technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”, which clearly describes all the rules that must be strictly observed if you want to open a professional store. Be sure to study these regulations before starting your own business.

Before starting a business, please note that all goods must be certified, stored at a certain temperature, have an expiration date and special packaging with detailed composition, etc. useful information. All these and many other conditions are described in the legislation. You should also cooperate only with trusted suppliers who provide all necessary documents for products. This is very important aspects, without which you will not be able to open good store cosmetics. By the way, we also recommend reading a useful article on the topic “ How to choose good name for your own company?».


To open your own business, including a cosmetics store, you need to register your activity. Here you will have to go through several mandatory steps:

  • register your activity as an individual entrepreneur(Individual entrepreneur) or LLC (Limited Liability Company);
  • select OKVED code 52.33 for your activity: “ Retail cosmetic or perfumery products” (in addition to this, it is advisable to select a few more thematic codes “in reserve”);
  • decide on the taxation system - the most good options will be simplified tax system or UTII.

Premises and equipment

In order to open a profitable cosmetics store you need to choose suitable premises. You can rent a place in a shopping center, on the first or ground floors residential building or even in a separate building. It's not that important. It is important that the building is located in central areas with high foot traffic. Of course, due to this factor rent will be significantly higher, but as a result, you will start earning money faster after opening a store and will only win. As for the area of ​​the rented premises, it is best if it starts from 40 sq.m.

Before starting a business, be sure to conduct a competition assessment so you know what to expect. This is especially true for those women who plan to open a business in small town, where entrepreneurship flourishes. You should not rent space next to a well-known branded cosmetics store. No matter how good your “shop” is, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do it profitable business in such a tough competition.

Before opening a cosmetics store, you will need to take care of the purchase necessary equipment. This includes glass display cases, shelves, racks, workplace sellers and other furniture so that the goods are always visible. You should also purchase before opening cash register and register it with the tax authorities.

It is impossible to open a prestigious cosmetics store without the proper assortment. It may include the following product groups:

  1. Hair products
  2. Decorative and caring products
  3. Perfumery
  4. Nail products
  5. Household chemicals

Today, almost any product can be purchased on the Internet, and online store owners often make good money.

An example of a product that is sold online is cosmetics. Recently, selling cosmetics via the Internet has become an increasingly popular activity, so we can conclude that selling cosmetics online is a profitable business. Trading on the World Wide Web has many advantages that can be listed for a long time. For example, there is no need to rent an office or premises for a store; there is no need to spend money on security guards, sales consultants and other workers that might be needed. That is why young businessmen are increasingly asking themselves the question of how to open an Internet site and sell goods using it. It is worth knowing that for this you need to have cosmetics.

An interesting fact is that the perfume and cosmetics niche in the Russian segment of the Internet is represented by about a hundred stores, most of which are not working or do not receive any orders.

Analyzing the leading sites selling cosmetics via the Internet, it is worth knowing that their traffic is about 5,000-15,000 visitors per day.

Several dozen mid-level stores have approximately 30-40 orders per day. We should strive to achieve such indicators in our cosmetics sales business in the first six months.

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What is the cost of opening an online store selling cosmetics?

Opening a store on the Internet requires the following expenses:

  • organizational costs for online;
  • organizational expenses for offline;
  • working capital;
  • costs of maintaining the site every month.

It is worth understanding that there are two ways to create an online store:

  • creating a website from scratch;
  • launch on the basis of an existing company.

If the choice falls on the first option, all components of the listed costs are important. If the website is created on the basis of a ready-made company, part of the offline costs can be eliminated, since some issues related to this have already been resolved. Costs can be reduced if the entrepreneur initially works from home and acts as an online store manager, and the goods are not purchased, but simply picked up from the supplier’s warehouse to order.

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Organizational costs for online

First you need to register a domain. The cost will depend on the zone that will be selected. "RU", for example, will cost approximately 500 rubles annually.

The next thing you need to order is an exclusive online store design. The cost of the design will be approximately 30,000-60,000 rubles.

In order to launch a store on the Internet, you will need to purchase an online store management system along with hosting and technical support. It is important to note that payments can be made either every month or once a year. Approximate costs are 2000-5000 rubles per month or 24000-60000 rubles per year.

Total costs - from 55,000 to 120,000 rubles.

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Organizational expenses for offline

The first thing you need to take care of is registering an enterprise in the form of an LLC. Then you will need to open a bank account, if you don’t already have one, and also deposit the minimum authorized capital 20,000 rubles.

The next stage will be to organize the manager’s workplace, which should contain the following elements:

  • laptop;
  • printer (inkjet or laser);
  • cash register.

The cost of this equipment is approximately 40,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the selected manufacturers and type of printer.

The total offline expenses will be approximately 60,000-80,000 rubles.

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Working capital of an online store selling cosmetics

If it is planned to place about 1000 items on the site, of which about 75 are popular, then it makes sense to keep only the last ones in stock, and provide the remaining 925 to customers upon order.

If one item, for example, costs 1,000 rubles, and it needs to be purchased in at least two copies, the costs will be approximately 150,000 rubles.

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Monthly costs of running an online cosmetics store

General expenses will consist of the following items:

  • rent small room for an office warehouse - 20,000 rubles per month;
  • accounting support - 15,000 rubles per month;
  • payment utility payments for telephone and Internet - about 5,000 rubles every month;
  • office expenses - 1000 rubles per month;
  • payment for work performed by the manager (if such an employee is hired) - 25,000 rubles every month;
  • contextual advertising - from 20,000 rubles per month;
  • store promotion in search engines- about 20,000 rubles monthly;
  • additional advertising experiments - another 10,000 rubles per month.

The total costs will be approximately 116,000 rubles.

At the very beginning, the owner of an online business can cope with the functions of an order manager and assortment and price manager independently in order to save money. If the store develops and the number of orders increases, it is recommended to hire individual employees to perform the duties of managers.

Courier delivery is a separate cost item, but it is often included in the cost of the order. That is why, until an online store selling cosmetics organizes its own delivery unit, it is recommended to use the services provided by courier services that specialize in delivering goods from online stores.

It is worth noting that you can save money on some expense items if you want and need it. However, the minimum cost of creating a business selling cosmetics on the Internet is 100,000 rubles, and monthly maintenance costs start from 30,000 rubles. Price examples are given for Moscow.

The total costs of creating an online store may vary, so the amount must be calculated in each case individually.

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What needs to be done in order for an online store to pay off and generate stable income

In order for an online store to reach self-sufficiency, the amount net profit must be no less than the monthly maintenance costs, taking into account all taxes and additional possible expenses.

For example, if to achieve payback the profit must be 1.5 times greater than all the above costs, we can conclude that the monthly profit should be about 170,000 rubles. In this case, the store will pay for itself.

If the average cost of one unit of goods in an online store is 1000 rubles, with a trade margin of about 70%, then in order to achieve payback, you need to sell about 400-440 goods per month, that is, about 20 goods every working day. To sell 20 products per day, site traffic should be about 2000 people per day.

Regarding advertising, it is worth saying that after the first few months of promotion, a situation may occur in which 40% of visitors will come on their own. This is due to personal recommendations from clients and repeat sales. The other 40% can be obtained through contextual advertising and search engine optimization, and the remaining 20% ​​will come from links on third-party sites. In this case, the conversion will be 1%.

In order to promote an online store to initial stage, it is recommended to recruit as many users as possible who will receive their first positive shopping experience in the store. The quality of service must be monitored so that customers return and purchase other products.

A cosmetics store is a profitable business, little susceptible to economic crises. Most simple option opening is the purchase of a franchise, because an already promoted brand contributes to a quick return on investment. However, to begin activities, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which is issued after an inspection. To do this, you will need to collect a number of documents.


Cosmetics are an extremely popular product, the demand for which does not fall even during the years of economic crisis. Opening a cosmetics store is quite difficult, since all products must be certified. It is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the composition of goods, their packaging, labeling, and storage.

Why a cosmetics store?

Selling cosmetics is highly profitable because... women always buy it. Plus, it makes a great holiday gift, so sales in holidays increase significantly. Sales of cosmetics can be combined with perfumes, you can organize master classes on makeup or manicure, open a mini beauty salon, thus attracting new customers.

Main store formats:

  • free-standing;
  • wholesale;
  • online store.

Rice. 1. Salon design project natural cosmetics.

Rice. 2. Futuristic design for narrow rooms semicircular shape.

Rice. 3. Island store.

Rice. 4. Design of a salon where you can try cosmetics or order the services of a makeup artist.

Regulatory documents

Activities in the retail trade of cosmetics and perfumes are regulated by the following: legislative acts:

  • Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 dated 09.23.2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”, valid in the territory of three republics: Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan;
  • SanPiN 1.2.681-97 Hygienic requirements for the production and safety of perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 (as amended on May 30, 2018) “On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods...”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 1999 N 967 (as amended on December 24, 2015) “On the production and circulation of alcohol-containing medicines and perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2001 N 11 (as amended on 18.06.2002) “On the approval and implementation of the “Rules for the certification of perfumery and cosmetic products”.

Sequence of actions

When the decision to open a cosmetic store has been made, a number of actions must be taken:

  • work out areas of activity, choose a taxation system and draw up a business plan;
  • choose a room;
  • obtain a statistical activity code (OKVED);
  • carry out the procedure state registration V Tax Inspectorate as an individual entrepreneur. You can register another form of ownership, for example an LLC - it all depends on the preferred taxation system;
  • submit an application for registration (receive a TIN) and choice of taxation system to the tax authority;
  • register with social funds;
  • purchase a franchise if you decide to work under the franchising system;
  • purchase equipment and prepare premises;
  • purchase a cash register, enter into an agreement with the center maintenance and register the device with the tax office;
  • obtain permission for an external sign from local authorities and register it;
  • conclude agreements for garbage removal, sanitary epidemiology and other activities;
  • obtain a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • purchase goods;
  • obtain a conclusion from the state fire control authority;
  • obtain permission to open from Rospotrebnadzor.

Reference! OKVED code for a cosmetics store: 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes.

How to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor

The most important document is permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a store. After registering as an individual entrepreneur and registering for tax purposes, you must send a notification about the opening of the store to Rospotrebnadzor. At this point, the premises must be prepared and equipment must be purchased to ensure the safety of the goods.

Basic documents

To obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the following documents will be required:

  • certificate of state registration - individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • certificate of ownership of the premises or a lease agreement;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • charter and tax identification number;
  • license;
  • employee medical records;
  • agreement for garbage removal, sanitary epidemiology, disinfection, deratization;
  • audit log;
  • conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • control program.

Premises requirements

To successfully pass the Rospotrebnadzor inspection, it is necessary to prepare the premises. The following requirements apply to it:

  • properly designed consumer corner;
  • availability of equipment to ensure the safety of goods;
  • a sign designed in accordance with all the rules;
  • availability of price lists and information about product manufacturers;
  • price tags issued in accordance with the law.

What Rospotrebnadzor checks

During the inspection the following is carried out:

  • document analysis;
  • inspection of inventory and equipment;
  • checking certificates of conformity for goods;
  • inspection of the object as a whole.

How to prepare for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor is described in detail in the video

Upon completion of the inspection, a report is drawn up indicating the results of all examinations. If violations are detected, a protocol is drawn up.

The most interesting franchises

Among the franchises for opening a cosmetics store there are various interesting and original options. These are professional cosmetics and natural cosmetics stores self made, Thai, Crimean, Korean and Belarusian.

Reference! Buying a cosmetics brand franchise is the easiest way to open a cosmetics store. Franchising, due to the promotion of the brand, makes it possible to quickly reach the required sales volumes and significantly reduce the payback period for investments.


One of the franchises with a long history, requiring minimal investment. Flormar is an Italian decorative cosmetics brand that has existed for 47 years. Its stores are now located in 94 countries around the world.

Rice. 5. Flormar island.

The advantages of the Flormar franchise:

  • no lump-sum fee or royalty;
  • minimum investment- from 500,000 rub.;
  • average price category goods;
  • high profitability;
  • payback period 4-6 months;
  • minimum room area - from 6 to 50 square meters. m;
  • two formats - a separate store and an island in a shopping center.


The franchise of the handmade cosmetics store Lush is profitable business with a well-known, well-promoted brand. The franchise has been open in Russia since 2008. We offer products exclusively made from natural, handmade ingredients. These include shampoos and soaps, bubble baths, scrubs, scent bombs and much more.

As of the beginning of 2018, more than 920 stores were opened in 50 countries around the world.

Rice. 6. Lush cosmetics salon.

Opening a cosmetics store is a relevant and quite popular idea that is being implemented by middle-class entrepreneurs. This is due to several factors.

First of all, people care about their appearance, and when certain problems arise (wrinkles, age spots, peeling skin and other troubles), they choose cosmetics that help them solve these problems. In addition, a cosmetic store is simply impossible without a perfume department, and perfumes have always been an excellent gift for any occasion.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store. Let's take a closer look at all the stages of creating this type of business.


Before you begin to take any steps towards achieving your goal, you should register with the Tax Inspectorate. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). To do this you will need the following package of documents:

  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • registration application individual entrepreneur, certified by a notary;
  • photocopy of passport (all pages);
  • photocopy of TIN;
  • a statement indicating the chosen taxation system.

For the perfumery and cosmetics business, you should choose a simplified taxation system (USNO) or UTII.

In addition, to start operating a store you will need permission from the SES and fire supervision. It is imperative to prepare a lease agreement or property documents, a sanitary passport of the premises and, finally, an act from the BTI confirming the commissioning of the premises. You should purchase a cash register, which must be registered with the same Tax Inspectorate.

When all the documentation is in hand, you can begin to act.

Business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store

Any entrepreneur knows perfectly well that in order to achieve financial success, you must have a clearly developed list of actions that describe in detail each subsequent step. Let's do this too. Let's draw up a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store.

Choosing products

First of all, you need to decide what you intend to offer your customers. The domestic market has several types of perfumes and cosmetics products, which differ not only in quality, but also in their client audience. The scheme for building the entire business will depend on the choice of the future assortment.

Main Product Types

  • Original cosmetics and perfumes are premium products produced exclusively at the manufacturer’s enterprises. A rather high price (for example, from several thousand rubles for a small bottle of perfume) immediately suggests target audience, which is represented by very wealthy people. If you decide to sell a product of this class, then you should not forget that wholesale purchases will cost a tidy sum. In addition, the premises of the future store will require appropriate stylish design, which means additional costs.
  • Licensed products are one step below original cosmetics, but are also considered elite. Visually it is practically indistinguishable from the original, but its quality is much lower. The initial investment for a business in this case will not be so mind-blowing. The customer base consists of people with an average level of income, since the cost of products is approximately 5-10 times lower than that of the original product.
  • Bulk perfumes. The product is initially supplied in large containers and then bottled into small bottles.
  • Selling natural cosmetics is somewhat different, since not all clients can afford these fairly expensive means. In addition, it has a short shelf life. Manufacturers of natural cosmetics occupy the same segment as famous brands with original products.

Deciding on a business model

When thinking about the question of how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store, it is worth discussing one more important point. A potential entrepreneur needs to choose the most convenient business model for him. There are not so many options: your own store, a department in a shopping center and an online store. Let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

  • Organizing a store initially involves quite a large investment. You will need to pay rent for the premises (or purchase your own territory, which is even more expensive), then you will need to stock the store with the appropriate goods. The table below contains a list of the main expenses. As an example, the average figures obtained based on statistics are given:

The projected income of the store with such figures will be approximately from 300,000 to 350,000 rubles per month. The average monthly profit will be kept around 100,000 rubles. You will be able to return the invested money in about 9-12 months.

  • A department is no longer a store, but only a rented area (relatively small). In this case, the investment is not too large, in addition, it is possible to control the assortment by removing goods that are not in demand.
  • The online store of cosmetics and perfumes deserves a more detailed consideration, and we will return to it a little later.

Amount of funding

Any business plan (including a cosmetics store) is unthinkable without consideration financial issues. This is the key point.

First of all, you should definitely decide starting capital. If you are able to invest in your own business a large sum(from 3 million rubles), then it is advisable to offer customers original products. If you are short of cash, opt for a licensed product.

If we look at average figures, a cosmetic store makes a profit of approximately 250 to 300 thousand rubles per month, so your investment will pay off in the first year of operation. The profitability of the cosmetics and perfumery business reaches about 30%.

Internet business

This business is interesting because it can develop well in the virtual space. Therefore, we will consider in more detail how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in this format.

Today, the World Wide Web offers many services, including online shopping. You can buy everything, including your favorite cosmetics. At the same time, its price will be much lower. Therefore, for such a virtual retail outlet the business plan will look a little different. An online store of cosmetics and perfumes, of course, involves certain financial costs. First of all, you will need to develop a website, pay for the services of a web designer and hosting. Buy a suitable domain name. But all these activities will cost much less cash than in the real world.

On average, organizing this type of business will require approximately 100,000 rubles. But the amount may vary, both up and down. This will depend on the intended functionality of the site.

In fact, the owner only needs to decide on the type of product and the initial amount that he is willing to spend on his online store of cosmetics and perfumes. Properly conducted online advertising company will provide the store with excellent traffic.

At this point, the question “How to open a cosmetics and perfumery store on the Internet” can be considered closed. Let's get back to business in real life.

Location of the perfume and cosmetics store

Continuing the topic “How to open a perfume and cosmetics store,” we will consider a very important issue regarding the location of the store.

If possible, it is best to open it closer to the city center. Ideal place will become big shopping mall. The first floor of the building, that is, any crowded place, is also perfect. After all, the more potential buyers visit the store, the greater the likelihood of its speedy payback.