Mathematics testing for employment. Personal and motivational. What questions should you not ask at an interview?

Main - find out as much as possible about a person who is sitting in front of you: does he have business qualities, is he capable of impressing his superiors and clients with his intellect, can he restrain his emotions, will he communicate with colleagues.

To do this, they use a method called testing.

Did you know that for the first time a peculiar testing was carried out in ancient times. And the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras came up with problems that would make it possible to see whether a student is stupid or smart. He argued that “not every tree can be carved into Mercury.”

How is testing done?

You enter the office and sit opposite a person you still don’t know, who is very worried.

You start talking to him and understand that the applicant is prepared to take tests, that may distort the validity of the results.

The second step is to test:

  1. Hand out tests with questions and assignments, answer sheets.
  2. Explain for what purpose you will be testing.
  3. Read out instructions or give me the printed text.
  4. Tests should consist of 20-25 tasks.
  5. Specify that for each task given one minute at a time. When the time expires, testing stops immediately.
  6. If a person doesn't understand, give an example performing similar tasks.
  7. Reply to candidates' questions.
  8. Acceptance answers and their verification. The candidate can be familiarized with the results of the processing, but this is not obligatory.

Download examples and sample tests You can use the following links for answers and comments for the interview.

Other employment tests with answers can be found on the Internet.


Employment tests are divided into several types: professional, personal, intellectual, mathematical, logical, verbal, stress resistance, attentiveness, intelligence, learning ability, mechanics, Polygraph and the most common in trade organizations “How to sell a pen.”

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


To determine the professionalism of an applicant, experts use special tests. For accountant– tasks on knowledge of accounting; For secretary— pass a test of mastery of the basics of office work, testing literacy, attention to detail, typing speed, fast and effective information retrieval; For specialist tax service — passing tax tests, for lawyers and economists— test of legal or economic literacy, level of knowledge foreign language, knowledge of computer programs, etc.

Professional testing consists of questions and several answer options: yes, no, in some cases.

In this case it is given interpretation answers.

With such explanations, you can immediately see the answer.

And using ready-made keys for the test, determine the number of correct answers and make your decision.

An employer may offer a test for applicants to test their knowledge of some Excel techniques.

An applicant who has experience, knows the theory, and has answered most of the questions has every chance of getting desired position.

Personal or psychological

Typically such tests awaken maximum disapproval in the subjects. Of course, you can talk to a person and understand who he is.

More often than not, first impressions can be wrong. And this type of testing, if complemented by a short conversation with the applicant, gives a complete and true picture of a person, provides a guarantee of the most suitable candidate for the position.

Tests allow you to accurately determine employee's temperament type. Responsible, balanced and efficient phlegmatic people are suitable for certain positions. But active, expansive, persistent and mobile choleric people are only for others.

The results reveal the ability to learn, work in a team, act decisively, and attitude towards people.

Many employers do not want to waste precious time when hiring and do not use psychological tests, but only pay attention to the interview. But problem of conflicts in the team sooner or later it may arise.

How to find an approach to this or that person? Conduct such a test, if not even upon starting a job, then at least in the first month of work of a new employee.

You can take psychological tests online.


If work requires mental investment, then the employer has the right to know how high the intellectual abilities of his employees are.

It is for this purpose that this type of testing is used to objectively assess intellectual level (IQ) applicants.

For correct selection a book by an English psychologist is suitable for assignments G. Eysenck.

You can use the test Amthauer. It determines the level mental abilities according to nine criteria.

Based on the results, you can accurately determine the mathematical mindset of a candidate or a humanist and even determine which of the 49 professions is suitable for.

You can take an online intelligence test.


The great mathematician does not search for a job, she finds it herself. But the head of the company or the head of the company needs professional accountants or economists who can not only count, but also perform complex mathematical operations.

Offer a test of twenty to thirty simple and complex tasks, consisting of finding proportions, fractions, calculating differences, adding several numbers, understanding diagrams, drawings, graphics, working with figures. The applicant needs to quickly understand which numbers should be used to operate.

Based on the test results, it will be clear Will a specialist be able to cope with mathematical problems? in a new position.

Pass online test in mathematics it is possible.


Logic tests for employment are aimed at degree of intelligence of the candidate, which is central to many professions. They are an excellent tool for revealing human behavior in an unfamiliar situation.

Logical tests for operation are absurd at first glance. One of the problems says that some snails are mountains. Mountains love cats. This means that all snails love cats.

The main thing for the test taker is to concentrate, build a logical chain, explain it, not paying attention to snails and cats. The specialist must understand whether the future employee can reason logically and think outside the box.

The logic test can be taken online.


Verbal tests are useful for job testing teachers, translators or secretaries.

Provides an opportunity to evaluate the applicant’s skills work with texts: understand, disassemble, evaluate information, draw conclusions.

A candidate has the opportunity to get the desired position if he is fluent in his native language, can speak logically and competently, and has a large vocabulary.

To perform a verbal test usually much more time is given than numeric ones. The answer consists of letters or a word. You need to choose from several options or come up with the answer yourself.

But there is a type of verbal test where you need to read a short informational text and a few statements. Applicant must reveal truth or falsity of this statement.

Verbal tests enable the employer to understand whether the candidate’s speech is concise, whether he can convince and prove with words.

You can take the verbal test online.

For learning ability

Many young applicants write in their application forms: “Ready to learn.” But people with extensive experience and experience don't want to retrain, thinking that the knowledge they have accumulated will be enough. To do this, a short test is used to assess learning ability (the ability to process and perceive new information).


Mechanics test offered to a narrow circle of specialists, mainly to candidates of physical specialties and engineering professions.

The tests test spatial thinking, knowledge and experience, and determine the ability to work with drawings, mechanical devices, and complex equipment. These are tests consisting of simple questions, but for which Only people who understand mechanics can answer.

Online testing on mechanics is offered.

On the Polygraph

Large companies use the Polygraph mobile hardware system when hiring.

Can an employer apply lie detector?

The law doesn't prohibit it.

The Labor Code allows you to obtain information about an employee that is not in doubt. But the candidate has the right to refuse inspection to honesty if he considers this a humiliation of his human dignity.

What is the testing process? Questions three types: adjusting, corrective and factual.

If the answers to the last two are honest, the physiological parameters of a person are the same. They transform if a person tells a lie. This is recorded by the device.

The attraction to drinking alcohol cannot be hidden from “Polygraph”; drugs, theft, gambling addiction, any loans, criminal history and even convicted relatives; whether a person is capable of harming the company.

The answers are given unmistakable judgment about the candidate. At the end of the check, the employer decides whether the candidate will work or not.

"Sell your pen"

For applicants who want to work in the trade sector, specialists conduct popular test"Sell me a pen."

Any item is offered: pen, pencil, notepad, the price is called. Cannot be exchanged or gifted. He must sell this item within five minutes. The employer speaks out as a buyer.

This situation is stressful for the candidate, as it is close to a real sales situation. The test was carried out many times in countless interviews. As a result, the employer receives an objective look at skills and technique future sales manager.


So is it worth trying to use tests when recruiting personnel?

Professional staff- this is a very important stage in managing an organization, a guarantee of success, it is a treasure that needs to be protected.

If the choice is correct, then it increases productivity, efficiency all employees of the organization.

Mistakes are costly. The ability to hire is a real talent that is not often found.

When hiring for some positions, employers practice conducting psychological tests. They determine the applicant’s personal type, basic character traits and their suitability for the position.

Is it legal to use psychological tests?

Is it legal to use psychological tests when hiring a job applicant? There are polar opinions on this matter. The thing is that at the moment there are no regulations in the Russian Federation regulating this issue. Accordingly, from the point of view of the law, there is neither prohibition nor permission to conduct psychological tests.

Some legal experts believe that if the relevant regulations do not exist, then conducting psychological tests is not legal. The use of tests in this case is solely the initiative of the employer. It is not regulated by anything. For this reason, during the procedure, the rights of the applicant may be violated.

There is a second point of view: psychological tests that reveal professional skills are legitimate. It is based on Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It states that the employer does not have the right to refuse an employee a position because of discriminatory characteristics: gender, skin color, nationality. The tests identify characteristics that do not discriminate against an employee. This is exceptional business characteristics employee that are directly related to the requirements of the position.

A psychological test is simply one of the methods for testing qualifications.

Proponents of this view believe that denying a position based on test results is legal. Essentially, the refusal is made due to the fact that the applicant does not meet the requirements of the position. In favor of the opinion under consideration, paragraph 10 of the Resolution of the Plenum No. 2 of March 17, 2004 is cited. It states that if the refusal to work is related to the business qualities of the applicant, it can be considered legal.

Legal registration of tests

The employer’s task is to correctly document the conduct of psychological tests. It is carried out on the basis of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The head of the company needs to fulfill two points:

  • Drawing up an internal regulatory act. It is the local act that regulates all aspects of testing: stages of conduct, stages of test approval, persons responsible for carrying out the procedure. This document will be useful if the legality of testing has to be proven in court.
  • Preparation of a psychological test. The test should only contain questions that reveal the applicant’s business qualities. Otherwise, it will not comply with Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, there is a difficulty in defining the term “business qualities”. This definition can be found in Plenum Resolution No. 2. Business skills are a person’s ability to perform certain work taking into account his specialty, personal qualities, and work experience.

If these two conditions are not met, psychological testing will not be legal.

Why is testing done?

Psychological testing allows you to identify the personality traits of an applicant. Based on the test results, it can be determined whether the applicant can cope with the upcoming responsibilities. For example, the position is directly related to constant communication with people. That is, the employee must be sociable and diplomatic. These personal qualities cannot be confirmed by documents on education and work experience. Only psychological testing will help here.

What personality traits can be identified through a test?

With the help of a well-constructed psychological test, the following aspects can be identified:

  • General psychological state.
  • Learning ability.
  • Leadership ability.
  • Priorities.
  • Non-standard approach to problem solving.
  • Moral qualities.
  • Communication skills, ability to get along with a large team.
  • Motivation.

NOTE! The interpretation of test results directly depends on the position. For example, in a young team in a company just starting its operations, qualities such as creativity, learning ability, and a non-standard approach to solving problems are in demand. A large government structure requires workers with such qualities as perseverance, the ability to work under leadership, and psychological stability.

Features of testing for different positions

Let's consider the positions for which testing is carried out, as well as the features of the procedure:

  • Personnel officer. It makes sense to use tests for concentration, sociability, and verbal thinking. Employees must work equally successfully with both documents and people.
  • Accountant. The ability to be analytical and logical thinking, aptitude for mathematics. An accountant must be able to quickly process large amounts of information, draw up charts and find patterns.
  • Lawyer. The ability for analytical thinking, attentiveness, sociability, and the ability to work with large amounts of information are revealed.
  • Psychologist. Verbal thinking, patience, logical thinking, the ability to analyze large amounts of information, and identify relationships are revealed.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB. Testing of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB is regulated regulations. The process reveals all aspects of the applicant's personality.
  • Public service. Testing determines such qualities as intelligence level, communication skills, logical thinking ability, and moral qualities.
  • Programmers. A mathematical mindset is revealed, the ability to non-standard solution tasks.

The more serious the position, the more likely it is that psychological tests will be used.

What tests are used?

When hiring, one test is rarely used. Typically, a set of tests is used. Let's look at some of them:

  • Intellectual: logic, attention, memory.
  • Personal: character traits, temperament, negative and positive qualities, non-standard thinking.
  • Professional: motivation, technical abilities.
  • Interpersonal relationships: predisposition to conflicts, communication skills.

Let's look at the most popular tests that are used when hiring an employee:

  • Eysenck test. Allows you to determine the type of temperament.
  • Eysenck on IQ. Displays the level of intelligence.
  • Amthauer. This is an extended version of the intelligence test.
  • Timothy Leary. Allows you to determine the degree of conflict.
  • Luscher color test. The type of temperament is determined, as well as the state of the psyche at the current moment.
  • Cattella. Allows you to identify the main character traits of a person.
  • Sondi. Identifies existing psychological abnormalities.
  • Rorschach. Also detects deviations.
  • Holland. It is a test of professional suitability.
  • Belbina. Shows the degree of communication skills. Allows you to determine whether the applicant is suitable for team work.
  • Bennett. Relevant if the applicant is applying for technical specialty. Displays the presence of a mathematical mind.
  • Thomas. Determines the ability to communicate, conflict.
  • Schulte. Displays the ability to concentrate and attentiveness.

How to pass the tests?

All questions should be answered truthfully, as most tests also track lies. In addition, truthfulness is important not only for the employer, but also for the employee. For example, if a person is not good at communication, it will be difficult for him to work in a team.

Any employer wants to see exceptionally reasonable, hardworking, responsible and prudent people on its staff. Successful completion of various types of tasks requires not only specific skills and abilities, but also special personal qualities. However, to learn such a volume of information about a candidate for a vacant position, you need to observe him for a long time. For these purposes, for beginners they set probationary periods. And yet, despite the ability of an employer to say goodbye to an employee in a matter of months if he is disappointed, most managers want to create a stable staff with minimal turnover of workers. To carry out a competent and successful personnel policy, many bosses have in their arsenal such weapons as psychological ones. Let's consider what their essence is, what information they will help reveal about the candidate and in what forms they exist.

Wishes of managers

To begin with, let us clarify the wishes of employers regarding the composition of their staff, namely, we will determine what qualities they use to establish psychological techniques when applying for a job. Firstly, this is, of course, the individual’s competence, his professional suitability for the vacancy. Despite the fact that in order to occupy certain positions, it is unconditional to have diplomas of appropriate education, employers want to know both the level of intelligence and the possibility of applying the obtained theoretical bases in activities.

Secondly, the correct personal characteristics of applicants are important. These include qualities such as hard work, accuracy, communication skills, stress resistance, dedication, rationalism, honesty and politeness. Thus, the employer, using various psychological ones, identifies both professional and personal qualities of his potential workers.

Main types of impact

In order to get to know a candidate for a vacancy better, many methods are used. Specially formed departments or centers in organizations deal with issues of competent personnel selection. The main techniques used by personnel workers are various questionnaires, tests offered to applicants, and interviews. It is necessary to consider each of them in detail.

A little about the survey

There are a number of questions that the candidate is asked to answer independently. As a rule, the questionnaire is a fixed list of questions about the main characteristics of the applicant. These include the date and place of birth of the potential worker, his education, address, contact phone numbers, marital status, citizenship. Questionnaires are a lifesaver for HR departments due to the ease of use and completeness of the information received. However, the employer wants to ask candidates for vacancies not only the above questions.

Questionnaire questions about professional qualities

Information about the education received by the applicant, as well as other information related to the level of competence of the potential employee, is established first. If the candidate does not have the necessary knowledge, and in some cases, the relevant experience, then, despite his possibly outstanding social qualities, the employer will not be interested in working with such a person. To be able to assess an individual’s professional suitability for a vacant position, a number of questions are asked in the questionnaires.

Firstly, the employer is interested in learning about the education received by the applicant. Questions that are present in the questionnaires of almost all organizations concern the place, time and form of training, name of specialty, qualifications, diploma topic, academic degrees and titles, additional education, knowledge of foreign languages.

Secondly, it is important to determine the candidate’s experience. In order to obtain relevant information, the questionnaires indicate periods of work, positions held, responsibilities, salary levels, and reasons for leaving companies. The answers to this range of questions clarify for the employer how often and for what reason the person left previous jobs, and how the responsibilities assigned to him changed.

Thirdly, the employer is certainly interested in versatile and easily trained people, so questionnaires often include questions regarding the availability of not only specialized skills, but also other professional skills. These include, for example, the degree of proficiency in a PC and other office equipment, and the presence of a driver’s license.

Help of questionnaires in establishing psychological qualities

In order for the head of the company to form a complete and comprehensive opinion about a candidate for a vacancy, the questionnaires ask psychological questions when applying for a job. They relate, firstly, to the motivation and incentives that drive a person when working in specific organization. What exactly influenced a person’s choice of a company: a good team or the prestige of the company, the level of remuneration, the opportunity for self-realization, gaining new knowledge or prospects career growth, stability, proximity to place of residence? What goals does the candidate set for himself for the coming years? All this information will certainly be appreciated by the employer.

Secondly, the psychological one contains a number of questions about the hobbies of applicants. At first glance, the employer's desire to know how a person prefers to spend free time seems strange. However, it is the answer to this question that clarifies the individual’s activity, his diversified development, thirst for life and ability to rest.

Thirdly, psychological techniques when applying for a job are designed to determine information about a person’s self-esteem. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find in questionnaires requests to indicate your best and worst characteristics, your main personality traits. The answers to all these questions are subsequently necessarily assessed by the head of the enterprise.

Pros and cons of surveys

Questioning is the most common technique used by employers to get to know their potential employees. Its undoubted advantages are simplicity, the ability to indicate many diverse questions in the questionnaire, speed, ease of use, as well as the completeness of the information reflected in it. However, there are also serious drawbacks to this technique. Thus, when filling out a questionnaire, the easiest way for a candidate to deceive a potential employer is to indicate only positive information about his personality, which the employer wants to see. In addition, compiling a list of questions is a responsible matter. In order to obtain complete information about the applicant and avoid possible double interpretation of candidates' answers to the questions posed, companies have to involve a wide range of specialists in the preparation of questionnaires - lawyers, psychologists, sociologists.

Psychological tests when applying for a job

The person gives answers to the questions contained in the questionnaires consciously. This means that the reliability of the information received cannot be defined as unconditional, because there is always the opportunity to embellish the true state of affairs. Therefore, in order to obtain the actual characteristics of candidates, firms use psychological tests when hiring. A person performs their tasks unconsciously, which means the results obtained can be interpreted as corresponding to reality. In addition to psychological tests, tests can be used to determine the level of intelligence and evaluate professional qualities person.

IQ test

Nowadays, it is very common to ask candidates for vacancies to complete tasks that will indicate the degree of development of logical and spatial thinking, the ability to memorize several facts at the same time, and the ability to compare and generalize certain knowledge. The most famous and well-written is the IQ test, which was compiled by Eysenck. The result of completing this type of task will give a more detailed answer about the candidate’s intelligence, in particular compared to a questionnaire where the subject describes himself independently.

Tests that reveal personality traits

It's not just the level of intelligence of a potential employee that employers want to know. Currently, psychological testing is also used when hiring. Representatives of the personnel service offer applicants to complete certain heterogeneous tasks in which there is no correct answer in the traditional sense. In this case, the subjects act unconsciously, so the percentage of deception is extremely low. Here are some examples of psychological tests when applying for a job.

The first one is determining your favorite color. A potential employee is asked to arrange 8 multi-colored cards in order from the most pleasant shade to the least liked. In order to pass the psychological test when applying for a job correctly and to please the head of the company, you need to know the essence of this experiment. Here the colors represent specific human needs. As a rule, red is activity, a thirst for action. The yellow card symbolizes determination and hope. Green indicates needs for self-realization. Blue is liked by stable and often attached people. Gray describes a state of fatigue and a desire for peace. The purple color of the card indicates a desire to escape reality. Brown symbolizes the desire to feel protected. And finally, choosing a black card indicates that the applicant is in a state of depression. Of course, the first 4 colors are the most favorable, and therefore they are in the beginning.

The second testing example is drawing. On a piece of paper, applicants are asked to depict a house (a symbol of the need for security), a person (the degree of fixation on one’s personality) and a tree (characterizing a person’s vital energy). It should be remembered that the elements of the drawing must be proportional. Don’t forget about such elements of the composition as the path to the house (communication skills), the roots of the tree (spiritual connection with people, the team), and the fruits (practicality).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Testing

The advantages of this technique when determining the personal, as well as professional qualities of the applicant are surprise, interestingness, and the possibility of obtaining the right result. But not everything is so simple. It should be remembered that when taking these types of tests, the results can be affected by a person’s mood. In addition, everyone evaluates the elements of reality differently. For example, for one, black certainly indicates depression, and for another, it indicates superiority, sophistication and courage.

Psychological interview for employment

Direct communication between the head of the company and a potential employee is also important stage when assessing the personality of a candidate for a vacancy. During the conversation, you can ask clarifying questions, and also evaluate the interviewee’s speech skills, his self-control, self-confidence, and reaction. In the process of communication, you can learn information about both personal and professional characteristics potential employees.

Interview: pros and cons

Of course, employers like this method of getting to know a candidate for a vacancy, because in this way they can evaluate not only the internal qualities of a person, but also his appearance. Unfortunately, there is a lot of subjectivity here, because managers often have stereotypical ideas about the ideal employee, and if appearance the candidate was not assessed by the employer, then he will not want to find out about his internal qualities.

Impact beyond recruitment

Psychological techniques, in addition to the initial stage of communication with potential workers, are used by employers in the process of joint labor activity. In addition, they are used not only by company managers, but also by other categories of workers in their professional activity. For example, there are various psychological techniques for working with children. A child is not always frank with his parents and teachers, so sometimes various tests or questionnaires are used to determine the reasons for his unethical behavior. Employers, in turn, also use psychological techniques to deal with violations of discipline. As evidenced by various factors, people and the productivity of their work activities are influenced to a greater extent by incentives and favorable relationships, but not by censure from their superiors.

Psychological testing- a psychology term denoting the procedure for establishing and measuring individual psychological differences. IN domestic psychology The term “psychodiagnostic examination” is also used.

Psychological testing is used in various fields: career guidance, professional selection, psychological counseling, planning correctional work, research activities etc.

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The rules for organizing and conducting psychological testing are described within the relevant field of psychology - psychological diagnostics. Psychological testing in organizations is regulated in Russian standard personnel testing.

This is largely due to the fact that testing does not allow for any psychological factor on the part of the employee, and each applicant has more opportunities to get the desired job, since absolutely the same conditions are created for them.

However, even despite the fact that this method there are many positive aspects, it cannot be called perfect.

But even one such test will allow the employer to see which candidate has the minimum knowledge required to perform the job. In addition, the test result will immediately give the necessary idea of ​​​​this applicant as a person, which is no less important for a boss who respects himself and his employees.

What constitutes psychological testing when applying for a job will be discussed in our article.

Main categories of employment tests

There are several types of tests used when hiring:

  1. Qualification tests. They help to find out whether he has any knowledge in the area in which he plans to perform his work functions.
  2. Intelligence tests. Such tests help to find out attentiveness and level of mental development.
    • Accounting knowledge test.
    • Computer skills test.
    • Literacy test.
  3. Psychological tests. Such tests allow you to find out the personality traits, as well as his psychological stability.

Main purposes of employee testing

It is carried out for the following reasons:

  1. Conducting an objective assessment of the candidate, in no way dependent on the bad mood and personal sympathy of the employer or special HR manager.
  2. Selecting the required candidate who best meets all the stated qualities.
  3. Selecting an employee who will be most comfortable working in an established team.
  4. Screening out employees with mental problems. This will avoid the long hassle associated with their dismissal.
  5. Screening out applicants who are clearly unsuitable for the job. This is especially true if there is a large competition for a similar vacancy.

The most important thing when conducting a test for an employer is that he understands exactly what the test of this test is.

Many large and well-known companies first of all want to determine, using this test, whether a particular candidate has any personal leadership qualities, as well as dedication and a desire to receive promotions.

However, sometimes the purpose of testing is completely different if the employer, first of all, requires an executive employee who will not aspire to any leadership positions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other activity, testing also has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Advantages:
    • Possibility to compare answers with existing normative samples.
    • Objectivity of the final assessment.
    • The ability to quickly select the right candidate if there are too many applicants for a position.
  2. Flaws:
    • The complexity of carrying out the entire procedure for an HR employee.
    • Low quality of foreign tests, or rather, their translation and adaptation to the mentality of the Russian person.

Why do employers conduct pre-employment tests?

Testing a candidate for his suitability for a future position is quite important, but not single source obtaining information by the employer.

There is also a separate practice for selecting candidates based on the following parameters:

  1. Resume.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Preliminary interview.

Quite often, after passing the required testing, the candidate for the position will also have an interview. And those who fail the test are not allowed to do this.
According to statistics, testing accounts for thirty percent of all information an employer requires about a given candidate.

What indicators are revealed?

Most often, when conducting such testing, the employer is not at all interested in what specific personal qualities a given candidate has. He requires that he, first of all, correspond to a certain list of qualities inherent in the desired position.

By conducting it, the employer will be able to highlight the following professional aspects and skills:

  1. Leadership qualities.
  2. Ability to competently manage the entire team.
  3. Ability to adapt to any changes and manage them.
  4. Human controllability.
  5. Ability to learn.
  6. Level of communication skills.
  7. Stress resistance.
  8. The ability to withstand any stressful situation.
  9. Ability to perform repetitive work.
  10. How does a person feel about constant control?
  11. Receptivity to information.
  12. Ability to quickly analyze all incoming information.
  13. Candidate creativity.
  14. Presence of any bad habits.

Key points when applying for a job for various professions

Any testing is carried out directly in front of the computer. Most often, such testing is the first step for a candidate who wants to get a vacant position.

However, the same test allows the employer to weed out all people who, according to the test results, will not be able to perform the duties assigned to them.

There are a number of professions for which the test is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the specifics of the job functions performed:

  1. Accountant. First of all, during testing, attention is paid to how quickly and easily the candidate can operate with any numbers, as well as how much he knows the reporting forms and the basics of accounting. For example, during testing, a candidate may be asked various questions from the series: what number will need to be multiplied by initially in order to obtain a result that is ten percent larger. In addition, questions on taxation and payroll are especially popular.
  2. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB. Of course, such a test is not officially published anywhere, so you can only find out what exactly is stated in it from the candidate who took it. According to such stories, the testing test lasts the whole day. In this case, special attention is given to the following criteria:
    • Memory.
    • Savvy.
    • Intelligence.
    • Existing priorities in life.
    • Tendency to lie.
  3. Civil service employee. In addition, almost all candidates are also tested for knowledge of the basic skills that will be required to perform the assigned job functions.
  4. Programmer. Such tests are aimed primarily at checking the personal qualities of each candidate. Moreover, when testing in special attention the fact that a programmer must always find a way out of any situation, even the most non-standard one, is taken into account. That’s why the testing questions they most often have are some kind of humorous ones, when answering which the candidate shows his ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  5. Employee with knowledge English language. Quite often, the employer needs to check the level of knowledge of each candidate in English. There are all kinds of online tests that take quite a bit of time and are quite simple. If a candidate is applying for a high position, then a more in-depth, international test is required. Such testing is most often carried out on the basis of some higher education institution. educational institution and it doesn't cost a penny.

Possibility of using the result during an interview

There are two main ways you can use your results in an interview:

  1. Degree of trust. You will need to seek help from psychologists to get a complete picture of your test results. The reliability of the test will be equated to a range from 20 to 70 percent - it all depends on the qualifications of the specialist involved in the interpretation. It is believed that the more tests each candidate has passed, the more reliable the final result will be. That is why, before an interview, each candidate is most often given a whole pack of testing variations.
  2. Personal assessment. Testing, of course, cannot become the main criterion for hiring. Each result must receive a personal assessment from the head of the organization himself, because only he alone knows what the current situation is in the team.

In addition, it is thanks to such a personal assessment that a kind of contact can be created between the future employee and the employer. After all, it is quite likely that the person who, according to the test results, became the most ideal candidate for this position will turn out to be such a specialist with whom it will be simply unpleasant to communicate not only for the manager himself, but also for all his subordinates.

Is testing legal when applying for a job?

Testing each candidate is a completely legal activity. If any of the applicants is categorically against passing this test, he may well refuse it.

But the chances of him getting the desired position will become almost zero. It is likely that the employer will not even want to talk to such a candidate during an interview.

However, refusal to test or poor results cannot be a reason for refusing a potential applicant.

The employer will have to come up with another reason for not hiring him.

Among the most popular:

  1. Insufficient level of professional skills.
  2. There is a more suitable candidate for this position.
  1. Need to act as calmly as possible, be focused and answer all questions sincerely, without hesitation or long pauses.
  2. If very little time is given to complete it, and the candidate realizes that he will not have time to answer all the questions put to him, he should skip questions that cause difficulties. Most often, the final test result depends on the number of tasks completed, and none of the HR employees expects the final result to be one hundred percent.
  3. Concentrate and be attentive. This will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the task and not make mistakes when performing it.
  4. If any question in the assignment is not clear, it is better to skip it rather than poke at it at random. You can put an extra box and describe yourself as completely insane with a large number of mental deviations.
  5. If possible, it is better to find out in advance what tests will be carried out.
  6. Before directly carrying out testing, it is worth getting a good night's sleep, as well as wearing comfortable and comfortable clothes so that nothing distracts you from completing the tasks.

These simple tips will allow you to count on getting the desired position. And if you still have any doubts, you can cheer yourself up with the fact that most employment tests are American.

Of course, the residents of this country themselves find it quite difficult to pass them when applying for a job, but in our country any schoolchild can easily cope with such tasks.

In our country, this is a fairly new technique, but its fans are growing more and more every year, because it allows you to quickly and objectively identify the personal and professional qualities of a candidate.

Many companies and recruiters may even exaggerate the significance of test results, so to ensure that such a test does not become an obstacle to getting the job of your dreams, you need to know how to overcome it with flying colors.

Psychological test No. 1. Favorite color

You are asked to arrange 8 cards different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant.

What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining a person’s emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:

– red color – need for action;

– yellow – the need to strive for a goal, hope;

– green – the need to assert oneself;

– blue – the need for affection, constancy;

– gray – fatigue, desire for peace;

– purple – escape from reality;

– brown – need for protection;

– black – depression.

The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.

Key: in the first four there must be red, yellow, blue, green - in what order is not so important. The most preferred arrangement of cards, which paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person: red-yellow-green-blue-purple-brown-gray-black.

You may be asked to take this psychological test twice. The second time, change the cards a little, but not significantly, otherwise you will be considered an unbalanced person.

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson

You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person.

What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.

It is also important what is drawn first: a house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, a tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; a house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).

Key: your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree(practicality), pet (caring).

Psychological test No. 3. Story

You are shown pictures of people in different life situations and ask them to comment: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?

What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words - “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if the picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.

Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob

You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see.

What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blot you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) indicates that you have a lot of unfounded fears or deep stress.

Key: if you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles.

What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly being questioned (if a person has low scores, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has unconventional thinking or is simply simply inattentive), the tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.

Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something. On the eve of the job test, take several psychological tests on the Internet, this will help identify the principles of the decision. According to statistics, each subsequent passing of a psychological test increases performance by 5-7%, just don’t get carried away, otherwise you’ll suddenly find yourself too smart for the position offered.

Now you see that passing psychological tests when applying for a job is not so difficult. After all, you have the “keys” that will open the way to new career achievements!