Basic malfunctions of chainsaws and do-it-yourself repairs. Causes and descriptions of breakdowns of the Stihl chainsaw Calm saw does not start

When your chainsaw doesn’t start, even though you’re doing everything right, it’s puzzling.

However, do not rush to take it for repairs - the reason may not be that serious and it is possible that you can completely cope with the alleged malfunction with your own hands.

You can find a solution to why the chainsaw is difficult to start when hot, in the instructions.

If for some reason you don’t have it, then we’ll talk about the structure of the device and possible problems in the first part.

If you do everything correctly, according to the instructions, but the chainsaw still does not start or stalls, then the second section will help you, where you will learn about the most common solutions to this problem.

The most popular and frequently used chainsaw models by Russian users are Ural, Husqvarna, Shtil 180 and Partner.

Although they have their own characteristics, they are generally similar, so we will describe possible causes of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them in general for all tools.

Saw device - determine the location of the problem

All chainsaws are designed more or less the same. This applies to both foreign-made devices (Husqvarna 142, Makita, Shtil 180, Partner 350) and Russian (Ural, Druzhba).

Therefore, you can easily find the answer to your question of why the chainsaw won’t start or why it stalls.

Below you can see a photo of the Partner 350 chainsaw.

Most often, problems in chainsaws arise with the following elements: fuel, lubricants, air, spark.

During operation, these elements interact, and if one of them is broken, this may be the reason why the chainsaw does not start.

All these 4 elements are located in different areas of the car: the carburetor is responsible for the air-fuel mixture, lubricant is obtained by adding gasoline, air enters a special air filter, and the quality of the spark depends on the ignition unit.

It’s worth starting with the fact that all chainsaws start differently - hot and cold. At the moment, there are 2 most commonly used mechanisms that are responsible for this process.

First of all, let's look at the instructions. It often says that when you turn on the chainsaw, it must have the emergency stop brake engaged.

This is suggested to be done for safety, so that you do not injure yourself with the tool. However, starting the chainsaw in this position is much more difficult, so it is best not to lock the brake.

The likelihood that you will harm yourself is minimal, even if you have little or no experience with the tool.

According to the instructions, inside the chainsaw body there is a fuel tank and an engine, and with outside– handle, starter, bar with chain (saw part).

When they say that a saw won’t start, they may also mean the following: it starts, but immediately stops working, loses power or the quality of the cut.

Most often, interruptions in the operation of the saw are caused by the operation of the engine, however, it is not recommended to disassemble it right away - it is better to start looking for the problem gradually, from the simplest.

So, first of all, pay attention to the fuel - if its composition and preparation method are not suitable, then even very reliable tools, like Husqvarna 142 or Ural, will not work.

The correct fuel mixture is prepared only from gasoline, mixing it with a special oil, the brand of which is always indicated in the instructions for the tool.

The problem with oil can be not only in improper preparation, but also in using it for too long - if it sits in your canister for months, it will certainly go bad, and the same fate will await your chainsaw.

Another common problem is that the spark plug may flood while starting the tool.

Inspect the spark plug - if it is completely dry, then something is wrong in the system. The fuel may not be getting into the cylinder.

Also, upon inspection, you can see black carbon deposits or too much fuel - this all indicates incorrect carburetor adjustment.

If the saw starts but immediately stalls, the problem is most often in the fuel filter or carburetor jet - they are probably clogged and therefore do not work well.

To exclude the saloon from the damaged objects, you need to disconnect the fuel hose attached to the carburetor and check if fuel is leaking from it.

When operating properly, gasoline should flow from the device in a stable and dense stream.

If the saw does not start when hot, stalls after switching on, or quickly loses power, then you need to inspect the muffler.

If this is the problem, then it will be clogged with deposits left over from the exhaust, which will have a bad effect on the operation of the chainsaw.

A common cause of chainsaw breakdown is a small amount of chain lube. – This could be if the tool channels are clogged or the oil line is leaking.

It is also necessary to inspect the places where the tubes connect to the oil pump fittings - it is possible that they are leaking.

The material below describes the main malfunctions of the Druzhba chainsaw.

The most difficult situation arises if the breakdown is located somewhere in the cylinder. To do this, you need to carry out a routine visual inspection.

If during the test you discover that a chip or unevenness has formed on the device, then the problem has been found.

How to fix a chainsaw

Measures required for recovery proper operation saws, no matter whether you have a Ural or any other model, depend on the location of the problem.

Please note that not everything you can fix with your own hands - if the breakdown is serious, you will have to take the saw to a specialist.

If you have done the first step - checked and corrected the quality of the oil, but the device still does not work, then you can move on.

If the problem is in the candle, then it is also quite simple to solve - you need to unscrew and dry the candle, but do not pierce it, because... this will render the candle unusable.

Excess fuel that is inside should be drained through the hole. You need to dry the candle for at least half an hour, then insert it back and try to start the tool again.

In addition to filling, it may be that the candle has simply become unusable.

In this case, it’s a good idea to have a spare part (and better set) to replace this element and remove it from possible reasons device failure.

In addition to the spark plug itself, the reason why the chainsaw is difficult to start when hot or stalls may be poor contact connecting the end of the spark plug and the high-voltage wire.

If there is nothing wrong with this area, but there is still no spark, the ignition unit may be broken. It cannot be fixed - you will have to replace it with a new one.

From time to time you have to clean the air filters in chainsaws. If you have never done this before, then the reason for the tool failure may be that it is clogged with dust.

If you have a Shtil 180, Partner 350 or Ural chainsaw, check the saloon first. A common reason for the incorrect operation of these models is its clogging.

You can clean the saloon using sewing needle– there is nothing complicated about it.

Another point that sometimes worries owners of Shtil 180 chainsaws is frequent idling after the first tanks of gasoline are used up. However, according to experts, this is not a problem at all.

But if the phenomenon still bothers you, then you can use the carburetor screw to reduce the engine speed.

The video below shows how a Shtil chainsaw is repaired.

You can also clean the muffler yourself - this is a problem not only for Shtil 180 or Husqvarna 142 chainsaws. Domestic Druzhba and Ural can also stall due to this problem.

Problem bad work chainsaws are often located in the carburetor, but it may not be possible to repair it yourself without experience in this matter.

Therefore, if you have not done this before, take your saw to the specialists. Trying to save now, you may end up paying many times more if you accidentally damage some important part.

If you have done all of the above and the problem is still not resolved and your chainsaw stalls or does not start, then the problem may lie in the cylinder group.

If chips and damage are found on the cylinder or piston assemblies, then these elements will have to be replaced or the cylinder will have to be bored out for a new piston of a suitable size.

If you inspect the chainsaw tubes and see that they are leaking, this means that the problem with your chainsaw is insufficient lubrication of the chain.

To fix this problem, you need to replace the tubes and carefully seal the places where they connect with sealant.

It may also be that the parts with which your saw is equipped have expired. In this case, you will have to replace them with new ones.

You can see the service life of the components in the instructions.

Shtil 180 is one of the most common models of chainsaws, so let’s talk about its problems in more detail.

The most common reason why a Shtil 180 model saw does not start or stalls is that the carburetor is clogged. In this case, it will have to be cleaned. The second most common problem is a clogged fuel filter.

If it malfunctions, it will have to be replaced.

Replace the spark plug - also common solution problems with the 180 model.

Also look at the condition of the pistons - perhaps they, as well as the cylinder and seals, need to be replaced.

In general, the Shtil 180 model is quite durable and, most likely, if it does not start or stalls, then the problems with it are not too serious and you can fix them yourself.

The video below shows the repair of a Ural chainsaw carburetor.

Almost the same can be advised regarding the Partner 350 and Husqvarna 142, Ural, Makita models.

First of all, check the air filter - it could be clogged with sawdust and other debris. Then inspect the carburetor (in the Partner 350 it is located in the same place as the spark plug).

The main advice in repairing a chainsaw with your own hands is not to do what you don’t know how to do, because... this can only make the situation worse.

If the chainsaw does not start, stalls or does not work well, then first check the simplest and most easily accessible elements: perhaps the oil was selected incorrectly, or it is flooding the spark plug, the filter is clogged, or the pipes have begun to leak.

All these problems can be easily fixed with your own hands.

In case of serious damage, if you do not have the necessary qualifications, it is better not to try to repair it yourself and entrust the work to a specialist.

In any case, fixing the breakdown, even with someone else’s hands, will cost you less than a new model.

Don’t forget to also check the instructions for the tool and promptly replace all the parts responsible for its operation.

This will help you not to rack your brains over why the tool stopped working and not waste time disassembling and checking it.

If you still cannot do without repairs, then before starting work, watch a video on how to disassemble and repair a chainsaw - it will help you.

1. "Running in" the STIHL chainsaw

It is strictly forbidden to break in a new Shtil gas tool: after the so-called “break-in”, the Shtil chainsaw is usually taken for service. For Shtil motors it is generally not advisable to work on idling. The fact is that in 2-stroke engines, at idle, the fuel mixture is not completely burned and the engine becomes coked. The advice is simple - give the chainsaw gas all the time, t STIHL machinery loves to work! The only limitation for new chainsaws is that for the first 2-3 tanks, do not give full gas, let all the parts of the saw grind at medium speeds. However, if the saw is “stuck” in a log, use full throttle, this is normal.

2. Air and fuel filter

It’s just some kind of mysticism, but very often even experienced motorists for some reason forget that a chainsaw has a standard 2-stroke internal combustion engine that needs clean air and fuel. Surprisingly, many users do not change air and fuel filters for years! And only thanks to the unique design of STIHL engines do they work for a long time on a dirty fuel mixture (which is very important in forest conditions and the lack of service nearby). However, miracles do not happen, and a dirty fuel mixture eventually kills even the ultra-reliable Stihl engines. And replacing the engine is usually half the cost of the saw. At the same time, other spare parts follow the engine, which makes repairs unprofitable. Therefore, after each work, open the filter cover (at Shtil it is very simple) and check the filter. Most Shtil filters can and should be washed. Pay special attention to the inside of the filter that goes into the air bypass manifold: everything should definitely be clean there. If It is not possible to clean it - change it! To do this, always have a reserve. The fuel filter usually lasts much longer. But don't forget to check it too. If the saw does not start, the fuel filter may be clogged with dirt from low-quality fuel.

3. Flooded candle.

This is a “disease”, as a rule, for novice users of power tools. As you know, to start a cold chainsaw it is necessary to pump fuel into the system. To do this, the user must, with the throttle valve closed (so that the mixture does not ignite or burn), vigorously pull the starter cord several times until the first “grumble” occurs. After this, you can start the saw at high speeds with the throttle open. So, many beginners either miss the moment when the saw “grumbled” for the first time or do not jerk sharply enough (then the saw doesn’t “grumble” at all) and continue to turn the starter, at the same time feeding fuel not into the system, but into the combustion chamber. In this case, the fuel mixture floods the spark plug and the saw will no longer start. So this is the advice. Firstly, with the damper closed, you need to pull it about five to seven times, a maximum of ten, and even if you don’t hear the first “burk”, open the damper and try to start the saw (switch position “half-open damper - high speed”). Secondly, the sharper you pull, the faster you will start the engine.

If you have filled the spark plug, you can start the saw as follows. Unscrew the spark plug and wipe it with a dry, clean cloth. Turn the saw over with the spark plug hole facing down and turn the starter several times until all the fuel is squeezed out of the combustion chamber. Screw the dry spark plug back in and try to start it at high speeds in the “half-open” position of the switch.

4. STIHL fuel oil

The fourth most common reason for saws to be repaired is improper handling of fuel oil. The 2-stroke engine is known to require the addition of gasoline motor oil, which serves to lubricate rubbing parts, primarily the piston in the cylinder. Remember, only Stihl has a motor oil proportion of 20 g per 1 liter. All Chinese chainsaws have a proportion of 40-50g per 1 liter (by the way, here’s a simple way to determine the original from the fake: just ask the seller about the proportion of oil in the fuel mixture). When oil is overfilled, it does not burn out, which is deposited on the walls of the piston, and when it is underfilled, the friction between the piston and cylinder increases. Those. In both cases, premature wear of the cylinder and piston occurs. Of course, you need to strive for an ideal proportion, but a couple of percent in any direction will not lead to a sad result. To prepare the fuel mixture, a special liter canister, offered by Shtil. Look, preparing the mixture with its help is really very convenient.

STIHL chainsaws, by the way, do not have the concept of cylinder repair; the entire engine is replaced. Therefore, if the cylinder is already worn out, replacing the piston with rings has no effect: in just a few hours of work, perfectly round rings and the piston are worn out to fit the worn oval of the cylinder. And that's it, goodbye compression. There is no talk at all about using non-branded oil, although there are still some desperate people who, in order to save a penny on cheap oil, do not regret spending several thousand on a branded chainsaw. Some of them are even lucky - they end up with an oil with similar properties as STIHL. But rare successes only confirm the rule - you need to use only branded oil.

5. Drive sprocket

Also a mystical spare part that most users for some reason forget to change. And although when changing a chain it is very clearly visible that the teeth of the sprocket are worn out in the form of grooves, very often the sprocket is used “until the last”: until the teeth are worn out so that the chain no longer clings. It is not difficult to remember that the wear rate is no more than 0.5 mm of furrow depth. Otherwise, a heavily worn sprocket will stretch the chain until it is completely impossible to tension it. As a result, you will constantly buy new chains and throw them away after 2-3 sharpenings, i.e. practically new. Remember, when using the cutting set of STIHL chainsaws correctly, when two chains are completely worn out, one sprocket wears out, .

To make physical labor easier, humanity has come up with working tools. They serve to influence objects and materials. There are mechanical tools and those that are powered by pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel or electrical power. Tools are used in construction and for small repair work in everyday life. One of the most popular tools is the chainsaw. It is a reliable tool that can be used to saw and shape hard objects and materials. But the chainsaw does not always work properly. This article will look at cases in which a new chainsaw refuses to work, the causes of this problem and methods for eliminating it.

New chainsaw won't start

By purchasing new tool, you count on its quality. Unfortunately, not every tool meets the working requirements.

Important! Saving on fuel materials will lead to serious losses when repairing the piston group. Buy only high-quality fuel and oil, which is specified in the operating instructions to avoid breakdowns.


In general, there should be no problems with new equipment, since all its parts and elements are in perfect factory condition and have not been used by anyone before you.

First And main reason problems starting - you don't stick operating instructions. If the instructions are followed, the problem may lie in the oil-gasoline mixture that you prepared using the wrong proportions. Third The reason why you cannot start a new tool is a technical malfunction or a manufacturing defect.


Before contacting the store for a return, carefully read the instructions. Make sure all instructions are followed step by step. If you did everything correctly and the tool still does not work, check that you have good oil and gasoline in the tank. To lubricate and power chain tools, quality products from the manufacturer are required. Don't skimp on it.

If you have followed all the instructions in the instructions and the saw still does not work, contact the store. You need to have with you warranty card and original packaging. The store will issue you a refund for low-quality products or replace it with a similar one, or return the money you spent. If the warranty and packaging are lost, you will not be given a refund, so please contact service center. Do not attempt to disassemble the instrument and identify the problem yourself. Once in working order, it may fail and injure you. Take your chain saw to a mechanic who will inspect it and repair it if necessary.

Did you know? Tools similar to saws are found during excavations of ancient settlements. Their estimated age dates back to the 7th-3rd millennium BC.

The chainsaw does not work: reasons and solutions

During operation, components and saw sets are subject to significant load, which means they wear out. Therefore, a tool that was working just recently refuses to start. To understand the cause of the breakdown, you need to know the reasons that affect the operation of the tool more often than others.


A special oil-gasoline mixture is prepared manually by the owner of the tool, therefore, there may be inaccuracies here. The desire to save on fuel has a bad effect on the tool, up to its complete inoperability. To keep everything running smoothly, make sure you use gasoline high quality and oil, which is indicated in the instructions. A properly formulated mixture can be stored in finished form no longer than two weeks.

Gasoline fuel loses its properties in the third week and will not be able to power your instrument normally. Chainsaws are especially sensitive to the quality of the mixture. made in China. Sometimes you have to go through several different oils before achieving smooth and high-quality running.

Spark plug

This reason is easy to determine. If the spark plug malfunctions, the device starts and immediately stops working. The malfunction of this element is caused by the accumulation of the fuel mixture on the electrodes and the build-up of carbon deposits on them. To get rid of this problem, remove this element, remove the carbon deposits with a file, turn it out and wait half an hour until it dries. Drain off the remaining mixture, put the candle in place and you can continue working.

If this element is dry, its malfunction is long distance between the tip and the wire giving the spark. Check spark: remove the tip, remove the candle, put the tip in place, place the candle so that its skirt touches the cylinder. Launch. If the spark is visible and large, the problem is not with the spark plug. If the spark is weak, reduce the distance between the electrodes using a special feeler gauge.

Important! Most of the saws do not start due to the accumulation of the fuel mixture between the electrodes on the spark plug. You can fix this problem yourself. Simply clean the electrode tip of carbon deposits and fuel. After this procedure, the tool should start.


Filters tend to become clogged and lose throughput . To check the fuel filter, disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor and pump up the gasoline mixture. If it flows in a steady stream, the filter is fine. If it starts dripping or leaking in a thin stream, the filter is clogged. It is almost useless to clean it.

It's better to replace the cartridge with a new one. As for the air filter, it gets clogged if you cut something very fragile or dusty. Remove this element very carefully so that debris settled on it does not get into the carburetor. After removal, rinse, clean and dry, and then carefully replace.


This element of the device is often overgrown with resinous deposits, which accumulate on it during the combustion of the fuel mixture. At the same time, the rpm power drops, sometimes to the point of complete inoperability. To clean the exhaust duct and muffler, remove them, remove the cooler and seal from the body, and disassemble the spark arrestor and resonator. Wash all elements removed from the body in warm soapy water, dry and reassemble.

Dry cleaning of this element is unacceptable, since substances harmful to human health accumulate on it.

Did you know? From time immemorial, these instruments were made of stone. Only the ancient Scandinavian peoples began to cast them from metal alloys. Saws were used as military weapons, but they were not particularly widespread, since they were significantly inferior in strength to axes.

Hoses and connections

These elements of the device quickly fray and wear out, since they are flexible and transport the fuel mixture. A leaking hose can result in the tool being flooded with fuel mixture, and such breakdowns can only be repaired at a service center. As for the connections, it is better to check them for tightness immediately after purchase. Hoses have a certain service life.

After its expiration, they must be replaced. This applies to already used hoses. If you have checked the hoses and connections and found a leak, remove the used element and replace it with a new one to avoid serious damage. You can check them by pumping up the fuel mixture after disconnecting from the carburetor.


This is a fragile element of the chain saw that needs delicate debugging. If you have checked all the previous elements and they are working fine, start cleaning the carburetor. Its contamination disables the entire machine. Place a clean cloth on work surface and gradually, part by part, disassemble this mechanism.

Clean dust, resins and carbon deposits from it using special liquids. An injector cleaner is suitable. Then reassemble the entire mechanism. If necessary, write down the order in which you removed the parts or lay them out on the table in order. A cleaned carburetor will begin to function.

Important! The dusty headset is different for each manufacturer. When purchasing replacement parts, pay attention to the manufacturer, as you risk purchasing a headset that is inappropriate in size or technical specifications. The service life of the headset is specified in the instructions.

Ignition system

Also known as the ignition unit, this element is responsible for the electrical generation of the ignition spark. If the electrodes on the spark plug can be pulled closer together, then this unit cannot be repaired. It is simply replaced with a new one. To check for a spark, remove the spark plug, replace the tip and run the saw idle. If a spark does not occur even after the electrodes are brought together, contact the service center. Your saw will be installed there new system ignition

Cylinder-piston group

This is the last possible source of the problem and the most difficult to repair. First, check that it is working properly. Screw in the compression gauge in place of the spark plug and start the saw. If you do not have this device, simply close the spark plug hole with your finger and start the mechanism. If you feel a strong retraction, then everything is in order with the cylinder-piston group. If there is no compression, then you will have to conduct an external examination.

The slightest dents and chips will lead to immobility of the cylinder. You can make it wider and install a new piston, or you can replace the entire group, then the tool will last you longer after repair.

Did you know? In Ancient Greece, saws were used only as tools in construction. They were not only made from metals, but also began to be processed by forging. This significantly increased the durability of the instruments and made them popular among the common people. Saws began to be used not only by builders, but also by villagers and artisans.

Chainsaw mechanisms do not work: reasons and solution

You run the saw in different conditions. It can be hot, cold, worn or new, and each of these cases requires a separate approach.

Insufficient chain lubrication

The reason for this may be clogged hoses, their wear and, as a result, leakage. A poorly lubricated chain and disc will wear out quickly. Check that the oil flow is good - start the saw and point it at a clean piece of paper. If there are microscopic drops left on it, flying off the rotating chain, everything is in order. If the leaf is dry, you need to clean the hoses that supply lube to the disc and chain. Be sure to check the joints and connections of parts with hoses. Leaks must be cleaned, degreased and treated with sealant.

Fuel quality

It's all up to you. Read the instructions, read what quality of gasoline is required for normal operation saws, and do not skimp on powering this mechanism. Its gas mileage is low, and low octane fuel will quickly kill it.


Custom cleaning outside the service center is of poor quality. If you gave the tool to a familiar craftsman for cleaning, and after returning it you were unable to start it, the reason lies in residual contamination. You can take the saw to a professional cleaning, or you can do it yourself.

Start by draining the fuel and lubricant mixture. Then dry all the parts and, if possible, remove carbon deposits from them with needle files. Disassemble the saw into hoses, cylinders and valves. On a separate work surface, disassemble the carburetor. Replace the fuel filter, wash and reinstall the air filter. Wash all parts in warm soapy water and dry them with a hairdryer. Then reassemble everything in reverse order and try starting. He must be successful.

Important! Wear of one part leads to failure of another. Thus, the lack of lubrication on the sprocket leads to increased vibration and loosening of the expensive piston group.

Wear of parts

Most often, the chain sprocket, chain bar, spark plug and piston rings fail. It is recommended to change them as the tool is used. If you haven't studied service, and the saw suddenly breaks, first of all, replace the spark plug. It becomes covered with soot, the electrode tip moves away from the wire. A new spark plug may solve the problem of normal starting. The saw bar and sprocket are consumables, so they need to be replaced more often than spark plugs. They guide the chain, determining the quality of the cut, and operating a saw with a worn tire is very dangerous. Replace these parts at a service center or buy similar ones and replace them yourself.

Piston rings fail when sawing hard materials and significant long-term load. The vibration breaks them, they become covered with cracks, and the cylinders begin to sink. Wear is indicated by poor traction, low power, and smoke coming from the muffler. The replacement is not difficult, the main thing is to remove the cylinder-piston group from the saw body and clean it of fuel traces so that the new rings rest on clean pistons.

Engine flooding

Most often, this problem occurs when trying to start the engine “hot”. To resolve the issue, turn the air duct damper horizontally and try to start the mechanism. It may not start immediately, but after some of the fuel mixture has evaporated, it should start working. Warm up the mechanism for fifteen to twenty seconds, and then set it to idle. Open the throttle completely and let the engine dry.

Did you know? Hand saws used in carpentry in ancient Egypt. To this day, frescoes depicting workers with these tools in their hands, dating back to the 14th century BC, are found on the walls of the royal tombs.

Preventive measures

The best way ensure long tool life- it's good to look after him. If you use a saw, then put it on the shelf, and do so every time, then you need to reconsider your approach. Use only high-quality lubricants and fuels. Minimal savings can damage the piston group, the cost of which is more than half the cost of the saw. After purchasing, run the tool at idle speed for at least half an hour. Use gas only when the load increases; cut loose materials at medium speed.

As soon as you finish work, let the mechanism cool and clean it of small debris. Fuel mixture Do not store it in the tank for a long time, otherwise it will flood the entire mechanism and oxidize. If you plan to put the tool away for a long time, keep it idling until it stalls from burning out fuel. Flush the muffler and engine from time to time to prevent oil buildup. Replace hoses, chain and bar as they wear out.

Important! One saw bar can be used to service three to four chains in a row, depending on the intensity of use. After this amount, the bar must be replaced along with the chain.

Systematic care is important when caring for this instrument. An expensive tool at the disposal of a careless owner will not last long. Conversely, an owner who takes good care of his tools will use the same chain saw year after year. If you are not confident in your repair abilities, leave this task to the professionals. Take the tool to a service center for debugging and ask in detail how it should be handled. Be sure to follow the instructions and replace the headset as it wears out. This way you will ensure your safety and will be able to use a trouble-free working tool at the right time.

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Question: During operation, the stihl ms 180 c chainsaw stopped idling and stalled. I started it with difficulty, but stalled again at idle.

After this it doesn't want to start. The next day, after unsuccessful attempts to start it, I removed and washed the air filter. It didn’t help, I had to remove the spark plug - it turned out to be dry, although there were plenty of attempts to start it.

I cleaned the breather with a needle (it was not clogged). I changed the fuel filter (although the old one was not visually dirty). I cleaned the carburetor and installed a new spark plug just in case. The saw won't start! I unscrewed the spark plug again - it was dry. What to do?

Answer: Remove the muffler. Look at the piston, if there are longitudinal stripes on it, then it needs to be replaced.

Question: What is the difference between drive sprocket and chain sprocket? Stihl chainsaws 180?

Answer: There is no difference between a “drive sprocket” and a “spin wheel”, this is different names the same detail.

Question: I bought a Shtil ms 180 chain saw, I really liked it, but I want to ask you, can my saw cut thick wood?

Answer: The standard length of the MS 180 tire is 35 cm, it is possible to cut a log of 70 cm in diameter, if logs of this diameter predominate, then you need a chainsaw of greater power.

The MS 180 will, of course, cope with the task, cutting all the logs slowly and surely large diameter, but you need to remember that by giving heavy loads to a device that is not designed for this, you (at best) reduce the life of the chainsaw, that is
you are approaching its major overhaul.

Question: Please tell me, is it possible to use a 45 cm guide bar on a Stihl 180 chain saw?

Answer: You can install a tire on the MS 180 chain saw maximum length 40 cm.

Question: Where is the breather located in the Shtil ms 180 chainsaw?

Answer: Valve ventilation system(“breather”) is located “on top” of the gas tank and oil tank, it cannot be seen visually, because Everything there is covered by the starter housing.

Question: On the MS 180, the gas button gets stuck in a horizontal position. What to do?

Answer: Most likely, the lever-traction mechanism is faulty; when the unit is turned over, one of the levers or rods “falls”.

Question: Why does the cylinder heat up and when it heats up, does the Stihl 180 chain saw stall?

Answer: The problem is in the ignition module, perhaps there is no compression (necessary).

Question: We use a Stihl 180 chainsaw with a standard bar; we recently found out that people are installing a Carving bar on this model. According to the catalog, you can install a 30 cm tire of this type, but is it possible to install a 25 cm tire or is it not possible on this model?

Answer: Carving has a very small nose radius. It is better to use a 1/4 pitch chain with this tire. And this is where the problems begin. Chains like this are very rarely available in retail, and in addition to the 180th, you can also find a 1/4 sprocket.

Maybe it makes sense to look for a 30 cm Rollomatic Mini tire on 3/8 1.1. Its article number is 3005 000 3905, if I’m not mistaken. She has a small nose with a 7-tooth star. Somewhat larger than Carving, but not so picky about lubrication.

Question: Where should the arrow on the piston point to the muffler or vice versa on the Stihl 180 C chain saw?

Answer: The arrow should point towards the muffler (the rule for all STIHL chainsaws).

Question: Tell me, what is the clutch thread (left or right) on the MS 180 chain saw?

Answer: All STIHL chainsaws have left-hand threads on the clutch.

Question: The starter on the Shtil ms 180 chainsaw pulls out jerkily, what is the reason?

Answer: There may be several reasons - from a faulty starter (starter spring, etc.) to a faulty cylinder-piston group.

Chainsaw Shtil 180 will not start: causes and repairs

Question: Why is there play in the chain sprocket on the Stihl 180 chainsaw?

Answer: The clutch cup needle bearing is worn out, but even on a new saw the chain sprocket has minimal play!

Question: Shtil 180 chain saw. Second fill of gasoline, full tank. Gasoline is seeping from below. Why?

Answer: The gas hose rubber could have popped out and could overflow through the gas tank breather. The first needs to be corrected, the second is acceptable!

Question: On the Shtil 180 chainsaw, the chain does not move during operation while the brake lever is in the middle position, and only begins to rotate when you move it towards you.

What could be the matter?

Answer: The chain brake on a chainsaw has two positions: the extreme position, “pull away”, - this is the brake in the working position “on”, the chain does not move; move the extreme “towards you” until it clicks - this is the brake in the cocked position, the chain rotates.

You most likely have the brake on, you need to move the handle to the extreme “towards you” position, i.e. pull the handle until it clicks and if this does not help, then the brake is faulty and you need to contact a service center!

Question: How to properly adjust the carburetor of the Shtil MC 180 chainsaw?

Answer: On the Stihl 180 chain saw, only the idle speed is adjusted, since the carburetor is rolled and adjusted at the factory. The idle speed is adjusted so that the chain does not rotate at minimum speed, or according to the tachometer.

Question: Tell me what to do. The Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start. There is a spark, but the spark plug floods and does not want to start. Where to start repairing or disassembling?

Answer: All repairs must begin by removing the muffler and seeing what the piston looks like.

Question: The Stihl MS 180 chainsaw does not stall when the lever is moved up, I turn it off with the air damper, what should I do?

Answer: By moving the lever up you interrupt the contact, in your case the contact is not interrupted, the contact spring has “moved away” (bent), the contact spring wire may be broken, the control shaft (the lever that you lift up) may be worn out.

Question: Tell me how to replace the clutch springs on a Shtil 180 chainsaw?

Answer: clutch springs can be replaced even without removing the clutch. All you need is a small but strong hook made of strong wire and a standard spark plug wrench. We remove the cup, put the key on the hexagon of the coupling and use the hook to unhook the stretched spring.

We immediately put a new one in its place - it’s simple. We hook one hook of the spring with our fingers, and use the hook to pull the second hook into the hole. It will catch, then we push it with a screwdriver so that it fits into the hole properly.

Turn the crankshaft 1/3 of a turn, put the hex key back on,
keep it from turning and also replace the spring with a new one. Next - the third. We put the cup in place and work. You can also check the condition of the springs with your fingers.

The stretched spring allows the weights to move on the crosspiece and can be removed very easily. When we replace the springs with new ones, the clutch should become like a monolith and it is not possible to pull the weights off with your fingers, only if you push against it with a screwdriver.

Question: Is it possible to install a Stihl MS 180 chainsaw instead of a standard 30 cm bar, 1.3 tires from 170 by 30 cm, but with a 1.1 groove? What is the threat of such a replacement?

Answer: In my opinion, only unnecessary consumption of chains. Still, 1.1 has a shorter tooth (and on some models, much shorter), resulting in fewer sharpenings.

Help please | Topic author: Fatima

Yesterday I bought a calm ms180. I started it and slept the tank at idle. Today I started sawing a little and it stalled and won’t start, then you drank it for a long time, it starts up, works for a few seconds and stalls. What should I do? I don’t know what to do. Is it possible to return it and will they return it? money

Dmitry (Leyla) You violated the operating rules!!! It is STRICTLY forbidden to run in at idle, or to break in anything at all. Now change the spark plug, and finally cut with a saw, there is no need to break in anything, the manufacturer has already done everything, full throttle, I emphasize FULL and sawing!) at first the smoke will come out and black slurry will fly from the muffler, in your case this is normal)) and no idle, no need for a saw - muffle it.

When all the unburned oil burns out of the piston, everything will stabilize.

Maxim (Shemar) Thank you

Alexey (Jemmy) the manufacturer of the stihl saw does not break in, but as it should, I wrote earlier

Sergej (Porcius) Alexey is right, thanks to him for the advice.

Evgeny (Flutura) I don’t know, as soon as I brought it, I diluted the gasoline and put 7 cubic meters of wood into work, only to refuel and the fire works

Dmitry (Leyla) Evgeniy, he did everything right.

Aleksei (Sharun) Guys, tell me this is the problem. I bought a German 180 from my grandfather. It was sawing well, then the idle speed began to disappear. When working, it was necessary to perform peregazovka. then he poured gasoline into a canister that had been poorly washed out of diesel oil. I mixed gasoline as required 1:20. poured STIHL MS180 into the brainchild of Germany. the saw began to malfunction. became high idle. but when I pressed the gas trigger, she began to choke and stall. Maybe this is due to a poorly washed canister.

Dmitry (Leyla) Aleksei, I poured more than 2 times more oil than necessary, you need not 1:20, but 1:50, this is the first, second, gasoline for high-speed gasoline tools itself must be impeccable, from a proven branded gas station, and even more so not bothered by anything)) ready mixture Do not store for more than 3 - 4 weeks, do not use plastic for storage.

Aleksei (Sharun) Dmitry, thank you very much for your answer, now I’ll know. I just have a Chinese Husqvarna type saw, so even at 80 slabs the rpms don’t drop and the idle is normal. After 6 years of operation, it starts with 4 keys. I adjusted the carburetor myself. but with this German I was a little upset. Tomorrow I will torture him again. Maybe the whole problem is just in the gasoline. thanks for the tip. Good luck

Evgeny (Flutura) how to rivet the crankshaft and assemble..? write in PM

Dmitry (Leyla) Evgeniy, no way..

Pavel (Lovett) Friends, tell me what to do, oil is leaking from under the muffler, but the tire is lubricated, you can see in the photo where it comes from...
Oil leaves the reservoir quickly

Alexey (Jemmy) Pavel, either change the crankcase, or take a thin drill and insert it into a small channel and cut a thread in this hole with an M6 tap, clean it thoroughly and screw in the screw until it hits the drill, the main thing is that no chips get inside

Pavel (Lovett) Alexey, ok) thank you, in short, I understood that I need to shut this thing up)

Alexey (Jemmy) Pavel, that’s right, the main thing is not to block the oil channel

Pavel (Lovett) Alexey, thank you)

Alexander (Jewel) Can I leave it on? long-term storage oil in tank? MS180. And also, is it possible to flush the oil system with kerosene (let’s say when the oil runs out and I leave the saw for storage) by pouring a small amount of kerosene into the tank - start it up and let it run for a minute? Good luck to everyone in collecting firewood and heating your home!!!

Dmitry (Leyla) Alexander, in most cases no special manipulations with the oil tank are required, drain the oil and that’s it.

Viktor (Latifa) 180 starts and works well, but one problem is that it does not turn off as it should. what is the reason?

Tags: How to adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw Shtil 180 video

Similar video about adjustment on my channel: -gwU...

Who can tell me how to adjust the carburetor on a Stihl chainsaw? | Topic author: Olesya

WHEN COLD IT WORKS NORMAL, BUT AFTER LOAD it feels like there is not enough fuel and it stalls at idle. This happened in snowy weather, maybe the air filter? And could there be a winter-summer mode at ms 180?

Inna what seals are what carburetor on any file there are 3 regulators, one for idle speed - you don’t need to touch it. and two together, that’s what needs to be regulated. Below them there are the letters H and L. H is a coarse setting and L is a fine setting. turn the fine adjustment half a turn clockwise or counterclockwise while working. along the way you will understand everything: if the speed drops, then turn in the other direction. and clean the air filter on time.

Artyom shouldn’t go there.

Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start: main reasons

change the mixture to the freshest one and everything will work!
I ADDITION, if there are symptoms/it is difficult to start hot/ - change the seals on the shaft.
And add idle, it’s not hard. I don’t know what model we’re talking about, most likely a hobby, there are only two bolts, one pushes the lever. So screw it on

Black bolt

Raisa Iz personal experience— buy a new carburetor.

Grigory if xx is fine, it just stalls and stalls, change the seals

Shtil 180 chainsaw won't start? Reasons and solution!

Chainsaw Shtil 180

Today, the manufacturer Shtil occupies a leading position among other companies that produce equipment intended for agricultural and construction work. The products of this manufacturer are famous not only for their high level quality, but also optimal pricing policy and the power of its models. This is one of the world's most famous companies.

It is probably quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a chainsaw of this brand. But the fact is that out of ten possible, six people definitely have them. And this is not surprising, since Stihl chainsaws represent power along with graceful design. But unfortunately, such giants of technology sometimes break down and require a certain kind of repair. Today we will pay attention to one of the brands of this manufacturer, namely the Stihl 180 chainsaw. Read about the stihl ms 660 chainsaw here. So let's get started.

Briefly about the main thing

This model is the pride of the German manufacturer and is a direct tool intended for minor work. It can be used for no more than twenty hours per month. This wonderful device will easily help you take care of your garden, prepare firewood for winter period time (see

The main reasons why the Shtil chainsaw does not start and how to eliminate them

how to cut down a tree), make cleared areas, and will also an indispensable assistant in other areas, let’s say, simple manipulations.

We can say that these are mini model chainsaws. since it has a small weight, which is 3.9 kg. It does not have a large tank mass, both oil and fuel. The manufacturer has equipped this device with a two-stroke engine with sufficient power for light work.

Moreover, it is quite quiet since during operation the noise level does not exceed 98 dB. So to better understand the volume itself, just compare its noise with colloquial speech, which has an indicator of 76 dB.

The power of this model is 2.6 W. It's worth noting that this is a fairly significant level of power, considering that it is not a professional chainsaw. The oil tank has a volume of only 0.145 liters, and the fuel tank - 0.25 liters. The tire has a size of 350 mm and a pitch of 0.325 inches.

Winding device

The basis of this type of model, as well as all other chainsaws, is the carburetor. But since we are talking today specifically about the Shtil 180 chainsaw, we will not deviate from the topic. So. The carburetor in this model has a single adjustment screw. that is, it is a kind of idle speed adjustment screw. While the jet of the fully loaded load is stationary.

In simple terms, we can say that it simply cannot be adjusted (see here), while the full load setting simply cannot be changed. It is also important that the carburetor itself was configured at the factory in such a way that, regardless of the conditions under which it is produced, direct exploitation chainsaws, the air-fuel mixture is supplied to the engine itself.

The saw does not start: reasons and solutions

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that the 180 chainsaw of this manufacturer is one of his best “creations”, but it also has its drawbacks. Actually, which we will talk about now.

    • Enough common problem is that the Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start and floods the spark plug. The reason for this is that the oil that is poured in to lubricate the chain. starts to leak. Since time is merciless and the seal is simply broken exactly in the place where the hose from the oil pump and the oil tank is actually connected.

    Naturally, this problem can be solved, but given the design of this chainsaw, this will not be so easy, since you simply have to completely disassemble the device in order, as they say, to get to the right place. Seen more clearly:

  • Many people are concerned about this question: why does the Shtil 180 chainsaw not start? If you believe the experts, then in such a situation you need to first open and then close the cap located on the gas tank. Or take out and dry the candle. Or try to ventilate the combustion chamber. In most cases, this kind of manipulation is quite enough for the device to work. But there are times when the Shtil chainsaw does not start, but there is a spark...
  • In the above case, you need to directly check the gasoline supply. the air filter and the immediate performance of the spark plugs. Since the basis of this type of breakdown is the breather, namely its contamination. Because when it is completely clogged, a kind of vacuum appears in the gas tank itself, which simply interferes with the fuel supply process. Solving this issue is not difficult, since all you need to do is clean it using a needle.
  • There are also situations when the device basically started up, but immediately stalled.
    The main reasons for this type of malfunction are the carburetor and filter, which could simply be clogged.

    In order to exclude the saloon from damaged objects, it is necessary first of all to disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor itself and actually check whether fuel is leaking from it.

  • You must remember that during proper operation of the chainsaw, gasoline must flow out in a dense and stable stream. It is also not uncommon for the Shtil 180 chainsaw to not start when hot and actually stall after switching on, or to hold power for a fairly short time.

    In this case, the problem of breakdown lies precisely in the muffler, which can simply be clogged with any deposits that arise through the operation of the device, and which settle during the exhaust process.

  • Also enough common cause The malfunction of the tool is insufficient lubrication of the device circuit itself. The reason for this may be channels that are simply clogged, or the reason is an oil line that is leaking.

Chainsaw chain lubrication

  • Connecting pipes or the connections themselves may also leak in the area of ​​the oil pump fittings.
  • It happens that the Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start well due to the cylinder, which may be broken. But to determine its condition, a visual inspection is sufficient. But if there you find the formation of irregularities and chips, then you can be sure that you have found the cause of the breakdown.
  • If, through inspection, you find that the fault is in the spark plug. then you simply need to turn it out and then dry it directly. But it is worth noting that under no circumstances should you pierce it, as you will simply ruin the part and it will be unusable.

    You also need to drain excess fuel from it through a special hole.

    In addition, you must remember that direct drying should be carried out for at least thirty minutes, and only after this kind of manipulation can you install it back and actually try to start the tool directly.

    Moreover, it may also be that your candle has simply passed its expiration date, in which case it is necessary to replace it. Therefore, excellent advice is that it is best to always have a new candle in stock, or preferably a set. Then you can replace it at any time and actually understand whether it was the direct cause of the device failure. Moreover, the cause of the breakdown may also be a weak contact, which actually connects the high-voltage wire and the end of the spark plug. A faulty ignition unit may also be the cause. It is worth noting the fact that in order to eliminate this kind of problem, it is necessary to replace the unit itself since it cannot be repaired.

  • Also important is the concern of the owners of this model regarding the systematic idling after the first gasoline tanks are empty. But if you believe the experts in this field, they claim that this kind of situation does not pose any problem. But still, if this kind of process is repeated quite often, then you need to simply reduce the engine speed by using the carburetor screw.
  • In addition, you can clean the muffler itself. since this may be the cause of the malfunction. This manipulation is not difficult.

    Fairly common occurrence poor quality work The tool is the carburetor.
    But it is worth noting that it would be best if specialists deal with its repair, since if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then you can simply break it and have to buy a new one.

It is important that even if you have discovered the very cause of the tool malfunction, this does not mean at all that you will be able to eliminate it yourself. Since there are such types of breakdowns that can only be corrected by a specialist. If you have carried out direct manipulation regarding checking and replacing the quality of the oil (see oil for the Shtil chainsaw), but, nevertheless, the chainsaw still refuses to start, then you need to continue your search.

But if you have fully carried out all the manipulations prescribed above and have not missed a single nuance, but the tool has still not been corrected, then in this case the problem lies in the group, which is called the cylinder group. But if you still couldn’t “bring back to life” your iron friend, then simply take the chainsaw to a service center where your device will be repaired.

To sum it up...

In fact, as you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for the breakdown of the Shtil 180 chainsaw, and at the same time, there are also quite a few solutions to this problem. If you are faced with this situation, then simply follow all the recommendations written above and then, undoubtedly, you will be able to repair your device, and it will delight you with its work for many years to come.

What could be the reason that the Shtil MC 180 saw does not start?

Chainsaw til MC 180 does not start. I washed the spark plug with acetone and sanded it with fine sandpaper. Several months It was not used, gasoline and oil remained in the tank, but it had also started before on the 50th try. Tell me where to look and what to do. And please also send the repair instructions if available.

Because If you have gasoline left in the tank, then 80 percent of the time you need to clean the carburetor - this is the first thing. Secondly, the saw starts if fuel is supplied to the cylinder, there is a spark and compression. The lack of fuel supply can be seen by a dry spark plug (we disassemble and clean the carburetor, change the fuel filter, clean the pulse channel). If there is no spark, then change the spark plug; if the replacement does not help, then you need to change the magneto. If there is no compression, then the piston, cylinder and seals must be replaced. I advise you to first remove the muffler and look at the condition of the piston (whether there are scuffs on the piston or not).

I have the exact same saw for three years now, it has been working properly and starts normally. If it started like this before, change the spark plug, you were caught with a low-quality spark plug.

If the Shtil 180 chainsaw does not start: instructions

Don’t skimp on candles, buy branded ones from the catalogue. Good luck.

At your request, these are instructions for starting the saw, but as for what you can do if the saw didn’t start well, and now won’t start at all - most likely the rings have already come to an end and there is no compression, which is why, if it starts miraculously, After working, it heats up the piston, reducing the gap and then it works normally. Needs renovation! It is not necessary to change the rings or piston.

The second option - if the chainsaw, according to the norm, should not be so used that there is no compression, then the problem is in the carburetor settings, you need to clean and adjust the carburetor, then what are you sandpaper Rubbing a candle won't do much good!

  • I almost forgot, a chainsaw can be difficult to start if a lot of oil is poured into the gasoline, or the oil is of low quality The oil mixed with gasoline is special, not ordinary motor oil!

Therefore, advice - if you yourself are not afraid, you need to surf the Internet and find information on repairing the piston and adjusting the carburetor, if you are afraid, then take it to the service center, I will say that there is nothing wrong with disassembling and repairing the chainsaw, and there are spare parts in bulk in special stores for all models, and There are plenty of online stores!

If you saw for a long time was filled with gasoline, but did not start, then pour the old gasoline out of the tank and pour new one, the first time the saw will not start very quickly, and then it will start working normally. If the spark plug is normal, then don’t forget to check the spark, otherwise it’s clean, but it’s of no use. Next, clean the air filter or replace it with a new one and special attention you need to pay attention to such a crack, which should always be clean, otherwise the saw will start with great difficulty, I marked this place with an arrow
Well, it wouldn’t hurt to check the gasoline filter, which is located in the tank, take it out and clean it if it’s dirty. If these measures do not help, then you will have to take Shtil to a specialist, which means something serious has happened.

If it has previously started up the fiftieth time, then it is worth sending it for service, since servicing of all systems is necessary. But the company and model are not bad. That is, cleaning the carburetor itself and checking the condition of the pistons and rings. If, for example, oil is thrown into the combustion chamber, then, as you understand, there is nothing good about it. The point is that gasoline engine A chainsaw is not much different from a car engine, and if it doesn't start, it needs to be rebuilt, worst case scenario.

Of course, each of us strives to purchase a high-quality chainsaw that would be distinguished by reliability, high working life, efficiency and good technical characteristics. The Stihl MS 180 chainsaw fully meets all these criteria. About its advantages, common breakdowns and self-repair Let's talk in more detail.

Structure of the Shtil MS 180 chainsaw - model components

The design of the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw can hardly be called simple - this is due to the operating features of this model. The Shtil 180 chainsaw consists of the following components:

  • Ematic guide rail;
  • Oilomatic's own saw chain;
  • Air filter;
  • Throttle valve;
  • Cold and hot start lever;
  • Control lever;
  • Spark plug;
  • Handle with proprietary vibration suppression system,
  • Powerful engine with extended service life.

The manufacturer took into account the possibility of regular use of the chainsaw with low temperatures, the result of which was the presence of a proprietary system for a smoother and faster engine start.

Chainsaw Shtil MS 180 – technical specifications

In terms of performance indicators, the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw is in many ways superior to its analogues. price category. This tool, as well as its modification – the Shtil 180 C chainsaw, has the following technical characteristics:

  • Power – 2 l. With.;
  • Cylinder displacement – ​​31.8 cm3;
  • Fuel consumption – 0.7 l/h;
  • Fuel tank capacity – 250 ml;
  • The volume of the oil supply tank is 145 ml;
  • Idle speed – 2800 rpm;
  • Launch – manual;
  • Chain lubrication – automatic;
  • The length of the tires used is 30–35 cm;
  • Chain pitch – 3/8’’v
  • Working weight – 4.2 kg.

Chainsaw Shtil MS 180 does not require special care. The only thing the owner needs is to use high-quality fuel and add oil on time. The diameter of the file for sharpening the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw chain should be 4.5–5 mm.

Features of operating the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw

This chainsaw model, like its modification – the Shtil MS 180 C BE chainsaw, is not difficult to use. Below we will study the basic operating rules that will protect the main spare parts and mechanisms of the chainsaw from premature wear.

How to dilute gasoline for a Shtil 180 chainsaw?

The chainsaw motor must run on a properly prepared mixture of gasoline and oil. The higher the quality of these two components, the longer your garden tool. Great value also has the proportion of oil and gasoline.

The operating instructions for the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw clearly indicate that the ratio of oil to gasoline must be 1:50.

How to start the Shtil 180 chainsaw correctly?

The correct order for starting a chainsaw is as follows:

  1. Before starting the saw, you need to activate the chain brake. To do this, the brake lever must be tilted forward;
  2. Next you will need to remove the protective cover;
  3. Next, you need to press the decompression valve - this will make starting the engine much easier;
  4. After this, press several times fuel pump. This will reduce fuel consumption directly when starting the saw engine;
  5. Then move the combination throttle lever down to the cold start position. To do this, you will first need to activate the throttle lever;
  6. Slowly pull the cable until you feel resistance. After this, quickly pull the cable towards you until you hear the engine start and stall;
  7. Then move the combination lever up one position;
  8. Pull the cable again until the engine starts;
  9. As soon as the engine starts, pull the throttle trigger, and, moving the combination lever to the up position until it stops, release it;
  10. Release the chain brake lever by pulling it towards you until you hear a characteristic click;

It is worth noting that all of the above steps must be performed every time you start a chainsaw with a cold engine.

How to break in a new Shtil 180 chainsaw?

When starting to use the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw, most owners of the tool do not know how to properly break in the purchased saw. To do this, you must proceed in this order:

  1. Check the presence of chain oil - to do this, the saw must be placed on old newspaper and start the instrument. If there is oil, traces of it will appear on the paper;
  2. Next, turn off the inertia brake;
  3. After this, start the chainsaw and leave it idling for 20 minutes. In this case, every minute you need to briefly press the gas trigger;
  4. After 20 minutes, start sawing thin branches, gradually increasing the density and diameter of the wood.

After completing all of the above steps, you will properly break in the new chainsaw.

Chainsaw Shtil 180 - malfunctions and repairs

In the case of the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw, malfunctions and methods for eliminating them may be different. In order to be able to independently fix breakdowns of the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw, we will study the most common causes of breakdowns and methods for eliminating them on our own.

The chainsaw does not start - reasons and repairs

If you notice that your saw has stopped starting, this may indicate that the engine oil is filling the spark plug of the tool. To inspect the spark plug, you need to pull out the rubber cap on the body and unscrew the part with a spark plug wrench. If you see large oil stains on the spark plug, this means that this is the cause of the breakdown.

If the saw does not develop speed, then the first thing to do is to wipe and dry the chainsaw spark plug. You will also need to dry the chamber in which the candle was located. The next step is to replace the oil pump that was leaking engine oil. To do this, you need to remove the saw body and unscrew the screws holding the rubber primer. After this it is removed upper part pump

Stihl MS 180 chainsaw stalls at idle

The most common reason for this is improper adjustment of the saw's carburetor. If the saw does not idle, you will need to re-adjust the tool assembly. To do this, take the adjusting key from the saw kit and insert it into the “+” screw on the tool handle. While doing this, slowly turn the screw clockwise until the saw starts to operate normally.

Gasoline does not flow - independent solution to the problem

The reason for this lies in the malfunction of the carburetor. To repair the unit, it will need to be dismantled. However, before disassembling the carburetor on the Shtil 180 chainsaw, do not forget to disconnect the throttle linkage and the ignition wire from it. The next steps are as follows:

  1. The carburetor device is attached to the saw structure using 4 screws. Unscrew them and remove the assembly from the chainsaw. Before removing the carburetor, be sure to wear gloves to avoid getting oil on your hands;
  2. Before cleaning the carburetor, you will need to apply a household degreaser to its walls. Wait 5 minutes and start wiping the walls of the knot;

After cleaning the carburetor, you need to re-adjust the ignition of the chainsaw. You can find out how to set the ignition in the saw's operating manual. If you have lost the instructions and do not know how to adjust the ignition, then proceed in this order:
  1. Remove the starter cover and remove the 4 screws;
  2. Inspect the parts responsible for spark formation. If they are clean, then make sure that the gap between the magnets and the flywheel is correctly set. A gap of 0.4 mm will be considered optimal.

In order not to resort to regular carburetor repairs, try to use high-quality fuel and oil from trusted manufacturers.

The chainsaw does not start well - we are looking for reasons

If your saw does not start when cold, then the first thing to do is inspect the pistons of the tool. The piston group of the Stihl MS 180 saw is highly reliable, however, due to a lack of engine oil or mechanical shock, immediate replacement of the piston may be required. Before changing the piston, we advise you to study the specified algorithm:

  1. Remove the top cover of the saw and unscrew the spark plug;
  2. Remove the shock absorber stoppers, drive sprocket and starter;
  3. Next, the flywheel, worm drive and winch chain are removed;
  4. Then remove the ignition coil and muffler;
  5. At the end, the piston group of the chainsaw is dismantled.

After this, carefully inspect the unit and the space underneath it. If necessary, clean contaminated surfaces and install a new piston group.

Oil is not supplied to the chainsaw chain

If you notice this malfunction, then the first thing you need to do is adjust the oil supply. Adjusting the oil supply to the chain is as follows:

  1. Locate the adjustment screw on the bottom of the chainsaw next to the sprocket;
  2. To increase the oil supply, the screw will need to be turned to the “+” side;

After this, place the saw on the paper and start it. If you did everything correctly, drops of oil will appear on the paper.

Replacing the starter cord

If you pull the cable too hard, sooner or later you will have to replace it. This is quite easy to do. To do this, proceed in this order:

  1. Unscrew the 4 screws holding the flywheel with the cord;
  2. Remove the cover and pull out the torn cable;
  3. Install the new flywheel with cable and screw the screws back in.

After this, gently pull the cable several times until you feel resistance.