Checking Golden Horseshoe lottery tickets, circulation 98. Golden Horseshoe lottery

IN New Year players hope for a miracle and large cash prizes, because this time is associated with the time of fulfillment of cherished desires. The Stoloto company decided to provide a chance to fulfill them and hold a special New Year's draw of the Gosloto lottery 6 out of 45, which will be held on New Year's on the evening of December 31st. 1 New Year's draw to win in one of five categories, you can on the All-Loto portal.

You can do it right now and until December 30 inclusive. The cost of tickets and the minimum bet is 100 rubles, although you can always make a detailed bet, but its cost will be higher.

IN New Year's edition"Six" will have a prize fund of at least 200 million rubles and a mandatory drawing for a first category prize. If none of the players manages to guess all 6 numbers out of 45, then 35.8% of the balance of the prize fund remaining after the payment of fixed prizes will be distributed among all lottery participants.

Determining the size of the winnings in the New Year's draw of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery

After defining six winning numbers, first the fixed prizes will be paid out (prizes of 100 rubles each), and then the prize funds of the remaining 4 categories will be formed.

  • The 4th category prize fund will be 23% and will be divided equally between all winners who match 3 numbers.
  • The Category 3 prize pool will be 14.4% and will be distributed evenly among players who find 4 matches on their tickets or receipts.
  • The Category 2 prize pool will be 26.8% and will be shared by all winners who make 5 matches on their tickets or receipts.
  • The first category prize fund will be 35.8% and will go to players who cross out all six numbers they previously marked.

Gosloto results 6 of 45 draw No. 1, 12/31/2016 at 20:00

Drawn combination: 01/17/45/02/33/38 .

Dear friends, on July 16, 2017, the Sunday TV show “ Happy morning"on the NTV channel, which means that in five lotteries conducted by the Stoloto company, tens of thousands of large and small winners were identified. In this article on our portal "LotoWorld" we invite you to find out the results and check the ticket for the 98th lottery draw golden horseshoe in different ways- by ticket number, by the numbers marked in its playing fields, by the official circulation table or by the video recording of the program.

Prizes and signs of the 98th edition of the Golden Horseshoe

Domovoi, the keeper of the Golden Horseshoe, believes that mid-summer is the time to relax, travel and gain new vivid impressions from exploring the world around us. On this occasion, the hosts of the Golden Horseshoe are playing in 98 draws at once 10 trips for the whole family to different corners of the globe (and which ones exactly – the winner will decide for himself). The cost of one trip is at least 100 thousand rubles. There will also be a variety of smaller cash prizes up for grabs. The game in the Golden Horseshoe always goes until move 87, so there are always many winners!

A useful advice from Domovoy, of course, associated with travel! Returning from trips abroad, each tourist brings with him several coins of different denominations of the country where he visited. It turns out that coins or banknotes of different countries should be kept separately from each other (or at least separately from our local money). This way you will avoid confusion in financial matters and put things in order, and this will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

How to check a ticket for the 98th Golden Horseshoe draw

Exactly at 08:20 hours local time on Sunday, July 16, the NTV channel will begin broadcasting the “Happy Morning” show, where you can personally watch the drawing of the 98th edition of the Golden Horseshoe. And if you missed the program, it doesn’t matter, you will find a recording of it on this page. The registration and official circulation table No. 98 are available to you after 2 a.m. Moscow time. If you are an experienced player, then checking your ticket using these data will not be difficult for you.

For less experienced participants or those new to the game, we offer two automatic verification methods: by ticket number or by numbers which are indicated therein. Check Golden Horseshoe ticket The number will be available after 10:00 Moscow time on Sunday. But checking by numbers will work as soon as the video and a completely filled out circulation table appear. Below on this page a verification form will be available; into it you need to rewrite the numbers from the playing fields of the ticket strictly in the order in which they are located there, not paying attention to the empty cells.

Also today, the winners of the 98th draw of the Football Lottery were announced. On our website you can get complete results (dropped combination of balls, draw table and video) and check ticket 98 of Football lottery draw 6 out of 36 already from the very early morning of Sunday.

Check ticket 98 of the Golden Horseshoe draw using the numbers on the ticket

If you see this text, checking your ticket by numbers is already WORKING! Now you will need to fill out all the fields in the form according to the game card on your ticket. Attention: if you fill out the data incorrectly (enter the wrong numbers, mix up the number lines or playing fields, and so on), the check will be inaccurate. Please be careful!

Please fill in all numbers exactly as they appear on the game fields on your ticket.

Circulation table No. 98 “Golden Horseshoe” dated 07/16/2017

Missed numbers:

40 78 84
TourThe order in which the numbers appearWinnersWinning
1 80, 61, 59, 68, 63, 20, 75, 11 5 20 000
2 25, 70, 52, 76, 21, 38, 41, 65, 13, 56, 24, 83, 18, 30, 04, 67, 74, 07, 47, 88, 44, 02, 45, 08, 72, 12, 36, 87, 14, 42, 73, 17 2 200,000 or Travel
3 79, 90, 10, 64, 77, 35, 48, 27, 29, 85, 62, 86, 19, 23, 46, 69, 53, 03, 26, 37, 34, 50 1 200,000 or Travel
4 09, 71, 60, 55 1 200,000 or Travel
5 22 3 200,000 or Travel
6 49 3 200,000 or Travel
7 05 9 15 001
8 43 10 5001
9 16 10 2001
10 39 36 1500
11 89 62 1000
12 31 114 701
13 06 179 500
14 15 233 400
15 28 371 300
16 51 913 256
17 01 994 222
18 57 1972 195
19 32 2821 176
20 33 3959 160
21 81 7945 148
22 58 11 513 140
23 54 15 711 135
24 82 27 045 131
25 66 37 237 129