Early flowering plants that are wind pollinated. Wind-pollinated plants. Video – Cross pollination by wind

There are many classifications of plants, but one of the main ones is the one based on the nature of pollination. From this point of view, crops are divided into several large groups: wind-pollinated, pollinated by animals (mainly insects, so we will call such plants insect-pollinated) and water (hydrophily, observed infrequently, so will not be considered). In representatives of all these groups, cross-pollination occurs, i.e., the transfer of pollen with outside help (the opposite of self-pollination).

To find out what wind-pollinated plants are, you must first understand the characteristics and differences of each group.

Plants, as we just found out, can be pollinated either by the wind or by insects.

Wind-pollinated crops, their characteristics

To begin with, the plants that belong to this group (they are also called anemophilous) can, under certain circumstances, be pollinated by insects, although this does not happen often. Such plants are distinguished by their numerous small branches, and also by the fact that they are capable of producing large amounts of pollen (each specimen produces several million pollen grains). In many crops (such as mulberry or hazel), the formation of flowers begins even before the leaves bloom.

The flowers themselves are often inconspicuous and collected in small inflorescences. A panicle, for example, has a complex spikelet. The inflorescence produces many light and small pollen grains.

Pay attention! As a rule, wind-pollinated crops grow in groups. Moreover, wind-pollinated plants include not only trees (birch, alder, etc.), but also grasses (sedge, timothy) and bushes.

Insect-pollinated crops

A distinctive feature of these plants (by the way, they are also called entomophilous) is that they bloom after the leaves appear. Temperature conditions play an important role here: when the temperature rises, insects appear and carry pollen. In addition, all insect-pollinated crops have nectaries.

The most common representative of the group is the willow. Willow flowering can be observed both before and after the formation of foliage. But early flowering has nothing to do with wind pollination - plants resort to this “technique” exclusively to fight competitors for pollinating insects.

Table. Comparative characteristics of wind- and insect-pollinated crops

Features of flowersAnemophilous plantsEntomophilous plants
whiskAbsent (or, alternatively, looks plain)Bright
SmellAbsentAvailable from most representatives
Location of stamensOpen (anthers are located on large filaments)Inside the flowers
PollenSmall, dry, in large quantitiesSticky and large, in small quantities
Stigmas of pistilsLargeSmall

The anthers of anemophilous crops are carried outside the flowers. The stigmas of the pistils are large and “shaggy”, which allows them to catch dust particles that fly in the air. Also, such plants have special adaptations, so to speak, thanks to which the pollen is not wasted, but ends up mainly on the stigmas of other representatives of its species.

Now let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of wind-pollinated crops.

Features of anemophilous plants

All representatives of this group are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • inconspicuous or inconspicuous flowers (explained by the fact that they should not attract insects);
  • small and dry pollen grains;
  • long length of threads on which the anthers hang.

Now more details. Main feature of all wind-pollinated crops is the unattractiveness of flowers, manifested in the absence of nectar, smell and bright colors. At the same time, pollen grains, which develop in large quantities, are extremely small in size: the weight of one grain of dust is on average 0.000001 mg. Let's give a small comparison: a speck of pumpkin dust - a plant pollinated by bees - weighs a thousand times more, i.e. about 0.001 mg. The horse chestnut inflorescence alone can form 42 million grains, while the rye inflorescence is ten times less (4 million 200 thousand). Another characteristic of the pollen of anemophilous plants is that, being completely devoid of adhesive substances, it often also has a smooth surface.

Pay attention! Wind-pollinated crops do not have nectar, but they are often visited by insects that feed on pollen. However, such insects play only a minor role as vectors.

What plants can be pollinated by wind?

Below are representatives of wind-pollinated crops.

  1. Birch family. The most common representative of the family in Europe and Asia is the warty birch, which blooms in early spring and is distinguished by complex inflorescences-catkins (the latter are used in medicine).

  2. Aspen and poplar. These are the only representatives of the willow family that do not have nectaries. All others are pollinated by insects.

  3. A monoecious plant with unisexual flowers. Flowering of catkins is observed even before foliage appears.

  4. All members of the family are pollinated by wind. The most common of them include walnut, gray and black walnut, as well as hazelnut.

  5. Alder. This tree also flowers before the leaves appear. But, characteristically, some types of alder bloom in the autumn, when the leaves fall. The earrings in this case are unisexual.

  6. Beech family. Monoecious wind-pollinated crops, the most famous of which is oak. By the way, in nature there are over 500 varieties of oak, and all of them begin to bloom at the same time as the leaves appear. The family also includes edible chestnut (not to be confused with horse chestnut) and, in fact, beech itself.

  7. In this monoecious crop, catkins also begin to bloom simultaneously with the appearance of foliage.

  8. A representative of the cereal family, which includes six species, of which only one is cultivated.

  9. Herbs. Wind-pollinated herbs include primarily cereals, plantain, sedge, nettle, hops and hemp.

Pay attention! The list shows only the most common representatives of anemophilous plants, and therefore cannot be considered complete.

Wind pollination process

The spread of pollen by wind can hardly be considered a controlled process. Therefore, the probability that the grains will fall on the stigmas of their own flowers is quite high. Self-pollination, as is known, is undesirable for such plants, and therefore flowers have widely developed various adaptations that prevent this. Thus, most often the stigmas and anthers do not ripen at the same time. For the same reason, some wind-pollinated crops have dioecious flowers.

Most of the trees pollinated in the described way bloom in early spring, that is, before the leaves bloom - this is also an adaptation that prevents self-pollination.

This is especially pronounced in hazel and birch. And it is not surprising, because thick leaves would be a serious obstacle to the moving pollen grains.

It is worth mentioning other devices. The stamens of most cereal plants begin to grow very quickly when the flowers open, and the growth rate can reach 1-1.5 mm/min. After a while, the length of the stamens is three to four times greater than the original, they extend beyond the boundaries of the flower and hang down. And only after the dust particles reach the bottom do they crack. At the same time, the anther itself bends slightly, forming a kind of cup into which the pollen is poured. As a result, the grains do not fall to the ground, but calmly wait for a gust of wind to leave the anther.

Pay attention! In some cereals, the pedicels spread out before flowering, forming an angle of up to 80° between themselves. Thanks to this, the pollen is blown away by the wind. At the end of the flowering period, the flowers return to their original position.

Also, the position of the inflorescence can change in hornbeam, poplar and birch. At first, the inflorescences “look” upward, but before the anthers open, the stem of the catkin extends, and they themselves (the inflorescences) hang down. The flowers move away from each other and at the same time become accessible to the wind. Pollen grains fall on the scales of the lower flowers, from where they are blown away.

Some anemophilous plants (by analogy with entomophilous plants) have “explosive” flowers. Thus, in one of the varieties of nettle, the stamens during the ripening period become so tense that after opening they sharply straighten and get rid of the grains of the burst anthers. At such moments, thick clouds of pollen are observed above the flowers.

We also note that pollen from wind-pollinated crops may not always be scattered, but only under favorable weather conditions. It should be relatively dry outside and the wind should be light to moderate. Morning hours are often best for pollination.


As a result, I would like to devote a few words to planting wind-pollinated crops. Let us immediately make a reservation that there is no need to mix such plants, since each species has its own adaptations and principles. All grasses, as noted above, are anepophilic and all of them bloom only after foliage appears on the trees. But cereals are not “loners”; they grow in groups - and large ones - in steppes, meadows, etc. (in other words, in open space).

But with bushes and trees, things are different: these crops, growing in forests, are at some distance from each other.

Video – Cross pollination by wind

early flowering plants wind pollinated

  1. Early flowering plants: buttercup anemone, oak anemone, spring chrysalis, dense corydalis, European hoofed grass, coltsfoot, yellow goose onion, Siberian scilla, silver birch, gray obha, aspen.
    Wind-pollinated: silver birch, gray obha, aspen.

    The significance of early flowering is that it requires a lot of light to produce seeds.
    therefore, they bloom before the leaves bloom on the trees.
    In addition, the absence of leaves facilitates pollination, especially with the help of wind.

    Wind-pollinated plants have flowers that are diametrically opposed to insect-pollinated flowers.
    Wind is a spontaneous factor and can carry pollen in different directions.
    To use it, plants need completely different flowers, just like when pollinated by insects.
    When pollinated by wind, there is no need to waste valuable materials on the bright color of flower covers, on the formation of sweet nectar and fragrant aroma.
    Here other devices were developed aimed at simplifying the structure of the flower.

    Therefore, the flowers of wind-pollinated (anemophilous) plants are inconspicuous, do not emit any odor, and do not produce nectar. Their perianth is very poorly developed or completely absent. He is not needed here. On the contrary, the anthers pushed far outward are freely blown by the wind (cereals, sedges), which blows pollen out of them and scatters it through the air. Even a light breeze shakes the earrings, panicles, and stamens.

    Our trees and shrubs (poplar, hazel, etc.) usually bloom in the spring, when strong winds blow and the foliage has not yet blossomed, so that the wind blows pollen onto the flowers without interference. Wind-pollinated plants do not grow alone, but form large clumps, which also increases the chances of their flowers being pollinated. The wind scatters a lot of pollen uselessly, so plants produce it in huge quantities. For example, in the catkin of a common hazel there are up to a million pollen cells. And when a pine tree blooms, whole clouds of yellow pollen rise in the air, which settles on the ground in the form of so-called sulfur rain. Pine dust particles also have special devices for flying in the form of two balloons. In general, all wind-pollinated plants have small, light, dry pollen. Thanks to this, the wind easily blows it out of the anthers.

    And the stigmas, in turn, are well adapted to trap pollen. Just like the anthers, during the flowering period they are exposed far out and look like thick feathers (cereals), long threads (corn, sedges) or tassels (hazel).

    About 19% of plants in Central Europe are pollinated by wind. Among them are such common trees and shrubs as spruce, pine, oak, alder, birch, aspen, elm, ash, hornbeam, and herbaceous plants, cereals, sedges and pondweed growing in water. Pollination by wind occurs in dry weather, but pollen does not fall out during rain.



Early in the spring, in a broad-leaved forest, lungwort with its purple flowers catches your eye from afar (unclear lungwort) Pulmonaria officinalis or P. obscura) (Fig. 136), borage family (Boraginaceae). Lungwort is a plant with pronounced snow-covered development. Flower buds die after the fruits ripen. Vegetative shoots do not develop under the snow; they assimilate in the summer in full shade, remaining green until late autumn.

The newly opened flowers are bright pink in color, later it turns purple, and finally blue. Here there is a change in the reaction of the cell sap from acidic (pink color) to alkaline (blue color). For this property of flowers to change their color, people call lungwort “Ivan da Marya”. This is the name given to plants with double-colored corollas. Lungwort flowers have another interesting feature. They have so-called heterostyly, or heterocolumnarity, a peculiar adaptation that provides plants with cross-pollination. If we compare lungwort flowers, the larger ones have a long style and short stems.

stamens reaching only to the middle of the corolla tube, while other, smaller flowers are equipped with long stamens reaching almost to the teeth of the corolla and a short pistil. There are only one type of flowers on one lungwort stem. Lungwort flowers with nectar secreted by a four-lobed gland under the ovary. During self-pollination, as well as when pollinated by pollen of other specimens of the same form, the fruits do not develop. If you artificially delay insects from visiting flowers, fruits will also not form. The selection of pollinating insects is carried out by placing the nectar at the very base of the corolla tube, as a result of which only insects with a proboscis no shorter than 8 mm can reach it. Cross pollination is carried out by bumblebees and butterflies.

In the background bright colors early spring stands out in early spring with its overwintered dark green leaves. Asarum europaeum) (Fig. 18) . The flowering of the hoofed plant begins very early, as soon as its dark red flowers appear from the buds located directly on the rhizomes lying on the ground. The flowers are inconspicuous and hardly noticeable under the leaves. They have a three-membered perianth, an inferior ovary and 12 stamens, which are initially bent downwards; in the center there is a column with a wide 6-lobed stigma. Simultaneous maturation of the genital organs is observed in the flower. The stigma of the ungulate is ready to receive pollen much earlier than the anthers open, even before the flower itself opens. Before the flower opens, when the tepals are still connected, various small flies penetrate into the cracks between them and, if they have previously visited another flower and become dirty with its pollen, pollinate the flower. Insects, apparently, are attracted to the coffin flower by the peculiar peppery smell inherent in all parts of the plant. Later, when the anthers ripen, the tepals separate, the insects become dirty in the pollen and, sprinkled with it, get out and fly to the neighboring flower.

At the beginning of flowering, the ungulates are bent downwards, but later, as they fade, they change their position and, straightening up, their anthers come into contact with the lobes of the stigma. As a result, self-pollination occurs, which is a backup here. Clefthoof flowers are highly fertile.

The seeds are spread by ants, which eat the fleshy appendage without touching the seed itself, and scatter them throughout the forest. People call it wild pepper for its light, pleasant aroma of freshly grated leaves, and the British call it wild ginger.

In deciduous forests, perennial woodgrass is also often found ( Mercurialis perrenis) (Fig. 25) from the Euphorbiaceae family, but without milky juice. Despite its early development, which begins in autumn and continues under the snow in winter, the forest grass retains green leaves until late autumn and dominates the grass cover of the forest in summer. Early spring on its still low stems, in the axils of the leaves, long, somewhat bent catkins, consisting of small, inconspicuous flowers, are noticeable. They are same-sex. Male flowers consist of tripartite perianths and 9-12 stamens, while female flowers have a bilocular ovary with two filiform styles and sticky stigmas. Woodwort is a dioecious plant, male and female flowers are found on different specimens, since the forest grass reproduces well using underground rhizomes, it always grows in large thickets-clones; some of them are male, while others are female. The woodleaf is pollinated by the wind, so its flowers are devoid of nectar and aroma, they are inconspicuous.

In the history of botany, the forest fly is known for the fact that it was one of the first objects of experiments by R. Camerarius in 1691 to prove the existence of sex in plants. Almost all parts of the woodweed are poisonous.

The most widespread early flowering plants of the broad-leaved forest are strings, corydalis, chistyak, and goosebows.

Anemone buttercup ( Anemone ranunculoides) (Fig. 139) is a rhizomatous plant with a low, thin stem bearing a whorl of three tripartite leaves, which differ from the leaves extending from the rhizome only in short petioles. Blooms in late April - early May; by the end of May, the above-ground parts of the plant die off and only the rhizomes, consisting of thickened short segments, remain underground.

The flowers are single or two (rarely more), on long pedicels, regular. The perianth is simple, corolla-shaped, consisting of 5 bright yellow petals, pubescent on the outside. Stamens and pistils are numerous.

When, after a snowfall, the geniculate-curved stem breaks through the soil and forest litter, the leaves protect the flower bud with a simple perianth, acting as a calyx. Anemones, like all early flowering plants, develop under snow. In autumn, at the top of the rhizome in the soil, you can see all the parts of the plant that will develop in the spring, but long-term exposure is required for the normal development of the plant low temperatures. Bud growth begins in January; in February, formed buds can be seen on the shoots; in March, the plant emerges from the soil and develops under the snow. In mid-April, the stems with rolled leaves and developed buds are 3 cm long.

Anemone buttercup blooms in the suburbs of Cheboksary in the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May; in June, the above-ground parts of the plant die off, and the established buds go into a dormant state. During this short period of time, nutrients are deposited in the rhizome, which makes early flowering possible. The anemone buttercup flower produces a large amount of pollen, which is followed by bees, bumblebees and other insects. At night and in bad weather, the flowers close and droop, this protects the pollen from dampness.

Similar biological features Characterized by oak anemone, the flowers of which are white in color and larger in size (larger). The oak anemone in Chuvashia is a protected plant, as its numbers decline annually in forests around large populated areas.

Yellow goose onions are widespread in our forests ( Gagea lutea) (Fig. 140) and small goose onions ( G. minima) lily family ( Liliaceae), the wintering organ of which is the bulb. Yellow goose onions have small shoots on their bulbs in autumn. Spring development begins in January; at the end of February, the leaves break through the fallen leaves and come into contact with the snow; By the time of snowfall, the leaves are green in color and reach up to 10 cm in length. Chlorophyll forms under snow at the end of winter. Before blooming, the inflorescence is protected by two stem leaves; the basal leaf has an awl-shaped tip that pierces the forest floor. Goosebump flowers are odorless and close at night and in cloudy weather. There are nectaries at the base of the tepals. Cross-pollination with the help of bees and beetles is possible only at the beginning of flowering, due to weak proterogony. By the time the fruits - triangular boxes - ripen, the stem droops to the ground. This makes it easier for ants to access the seeds, which take away the seeds that have oily appendages.

The small goose onion is distinguished by its smaller size, two bulbs and different living conditions, i.e. in low terrain areas.

Rice. 139. Anemone buttercup Fig. 140. Yellow goose onion

(Anemone ranunculoides) (Gagea lutea)

The goose onion's companion in deciduous forests is -

xia corydalis( Corydalis). In the forests of Chuvashia, 3 species are common: Haller's corydalis ( C. Halleri) (Fig. 141) , corydalis average ( C. intermedia)their. Marshall( C. Marschalliana) smoke family ( Fumariaceae). They are widely found wherever oak trees grow and, like other early flowering plants, are characterized by snow-covered development. Corms germinate in the fall, remain dormant during the first half of winter, and begin to grow in February. The first leaf of the Haller's corydalis and the middle one differ from the rest, which are strongly indented. It has a light and pointed tip. Initially, the entire inflorescence is protected by a leaf that pierces the soil. Zygomorphic flowers are collected in an inflorescence - a raceme and emit a scent. The nectary is hidden deep in the long spur of the upper petal, and pollination is carried out by long-proboscis bees; bumblebees and ants often gnaw through the spur to collect nectar. The seeds are spread by ants that eat the fleshy appendages.

Aboveground shoots die off completely at the end of May, leaving a corm in the soil, which is renewed annually. In Corydalis, the replacement of corms begins even before the plant blooms. If in early spring, when the corydalis is just beginning to develop,

If you try to make a cut through the tuber, then in the middle of the old tuber you can see a white ring of a growing new young tuber. This ring will gradually thicken and by the time the corydalis blooms, it will turn into a new tuber. In last year's tuber, nutrients are consumed for the development of the plant, and later they are completely replaced by a new tuber growing from within. The new corm is covered with last year's dead one.

Rice. 141. Haller's corydalis.

1 – peduncle and leaf blade, 2 – corm in section, 3 – flower,

4 – flower (enlarged)

The process of changing the corydalis corm, as well as the chrysalis, can be traced on one excursion, only for this you need to find both flowering and individuals that are just beginning to develop and, catching individual moments of the observed phenomenon on them.

Corydalis corms are of stem origin.

Clean tubers ( Ficaria verna) (Fig. 142) are thickened adventitious roots. During flowering, there are few insects, so the plant reproduces mainly vegetatively. Vegetative propagation occurs with the help of root tubers and brood buds formed in the axils of the leaves. Soon after flowering, single fruits are formed, and the entire plant turns yellow and dies in the first half of June. During the summer, the guillemot is dormant. Its development begins in September-October, when stem bulbs and root tubers sprout. However, even in a warm, long autumn, further development does not occur, i.e., for the normal development of the clear tuber, freezing of the tubers is required. From November to January there is a winter dormant period, and in January, under the snow cover, the buds begin to grow. Each shoot that develops from a tuber has the shape of a wedge that breaks through the ground thanks to a case of leathery, colorless leaves. At the end of January, shoots appear on the soil surface and the cover leaves stop growing. In March, the true leaves begin to unfold, and in mid-April the stems reach 5-6 cm in length and have slightly green leaves and buds.

The flowers are solitary on long pedicels, actinomorphic, with a double perianth. A calyx of three yellowish-green leaves that fall shortly after the flower opens. Corolla of 6-14 golden-yellow shiny petals. At the base of the petal there is a nectar pit, covered with a small, bilobed scale. Stamens and pistils are numerous. The chistyacha has many pollinators: its nectar is accessible to flies. Many spring insects feed on the yellow flowers of chistyaka: flies, bees, beetles, etc.

At night, the chistyaka flowers close. The petals close even in rainy weather. Pollen is protected from dampness. The reproductive organs of the flower do not suffer from night cold. Chistya seeds are carried by ants.

Early in the spring, the rudiments of new tubers can already be found at the chistyaka. At this time, they appear underground in the form of small outgrowths at the bottom of the stem. By the time the plant begins to bloom, they grow significantly. By the time the clearweed blooms, the white shoots turn into new tubers, which stand out sharply among last year’s tubers. Last year's tubers also change, nutrients are spent on the development of the plant and the hard tubers gradually become soft, and later they completely shrivel and rot. For next year, nutrients are deposited in new tubers.

Rice. 142. Spring cleanser ( Ficaria verna)

Dirty yellow buds, similar to tubers, form in the axils of the expanded petioles of the leaf. They are filled with a supply of nutrients. When the thyme fades and begins to wither, the buds fall out of the leaf axils. Streams of rainwater can carry them far from the mother plant; the clean people are settling. But many of the buds will remain in place, and due to them the thicket of the clear grass will expand.

The scales covering the shoots and rhizomes of Peter's Cross are modified leaves. They have cavities that open outward into narrow slits. It is assumed that these cavities serve for the evaporation of water: special adaptations to the conditions of underground life. The flowers of Peter's cross are incorrect. Pollination is carried out by insects - bumblebees, which provide cross-pollination. The stigma of a flower matures earlier than the stamens, whose anthers are still for a long time remain closed. At this time, flowers can be pollinated by pollen delivered by bumblebees from other more developed specimens. Then the stamens grow, and the style, previously hooked, straightens, due to which the stigma moves away from the anthers. At this stage, the arriving insect first encounters the stigma on its way, and leaving some of the brought pollen on it, reaches the anthers. These anthers are closed in the form of spines and, moving them apart, the insect gets dirty with pollen. If many flowers of Peter's cross remain unpollinated by insects, then by the time of flowering the style withers, the growing stamen filaments push the anthers beyond the edge of the corolla and the pollen can be transferred by the wind to neighboring younger flowers of the same raceme, with a pistil that has not yet withered. This is a kind of reserve in case the flowers remain unvisited by bumblebees and a sufficient amount of pollen is preserved in the anthers.

Peter's cross produces a large number of tiny seeds. The wind scatters them. Only a few of the seeds will give rise to new plants: and the roots of the seedling do not always reach the root of a living deciduous tree.

As noted above, in plants characterized by the ability to vegetate and bloom in early spring, there is a certain relationship between the speed of their development and the autumn preparation of wintering buds. Plants that have a fully formed flower in the wintering bud bloom earlier.

Early in the spring, even people who are not familiar with botany pay attention to the early flowers of coltsfoot (Fig. 143) ( Tusillago farfara), the Asteraceae family, blooming even before complete removal snow cover in early April, in southern, well-warmed, protected places. Coltsfoot is found everywhere. Inflorescences - baskets sit on thick pale green stems barely rising above the ground, covered with pinkish scaly leaves. The real leaves of the coltsfoot appear later. In the ground there are succulent, fleshy rhizomes with a supply of nutrients formed by last year's leaves. There are small scales on the rhizome.

As soon as the snow melts, rhizomes rise from several buds flower shoots. Usually coltsfoot blooms en masse immediately after snowfall. Coltsfoot inflorescences are fully formed at the end of summer and are located almost at the surface of the soil. Some botanists believe that the generative shoot formed last year ends its development in the spring. After flowering, new shoots grow from other buds of the rhizome, but without flowers, but with large green leaves. These leaves will synthesize organic substances during the summer, which will provide the plant with the opportunity to bloom next spring. In clear sunny weather, the inflorescences turn towards the sun; in the evening and in cloudy weather, the baskets droop, and the involucre leaves straighten, so that the entire inflorescence closes. This helps preserve pollen that has not yet had time to spill out of the cracked anthers. Flowers are pollinated by insects, nectar is released near the ovary, the pollen is sticky, and the stigmas ripen before the anthers. Coltsfoot is the first honey plant and medicinal plant. When the flower closes and opens, self-pollination is possible.

Thus, the coltsfoot rhizome performs two functions: 1) as a container for reserve nutrients; 2) an organ of vegetative reproduction, they are located in several tiers, at different depths.

1 b

Rice. 143. Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara)

1 – leaves (top side – right (b), bottom – left (a)), 2 – general view of a flowering plant, 3 – inflorescence basket, 4 – tubular flower, 5 – reed flower, 6 – fruiting basket, 7 - seed with a tuft

In early spring, in loosened areas of the forest and along cliffs, juicy reddish-brown spring spore-bearing shoots of horsetail appear ( Equisetum arvense) (Fig. 144). There is almost no chlorophyll in the spring shoot; it grows and forms spores due to the nutritional reserves of the underground shoot - rhizomes and nodules

cove on it. With the help simple experience, iodine reaction, you can make sure that horsetail nodules are rich in starch. Branches extend from the main underground rhizome and produce annual above-ground shoots. The roots emerge from the nodes of the underground axes and branch widely.

Rice. 144. Horsetail ( Equisetum arvense):

1 – summer shoot, 2 – spring spore-bearing shoots with rhizomes and nodules, 3 – sporophyll with sporangia, 4 – spores with deployed elaters, 5 – stem node with fused leaves

Underground and aboveground stems consist of hollow internodes, separated from one another by transverse partitions. Spore-bearing shoots develop in autumn and only grow in spring; they end in a spikelet of sporophylls, i.e., modified leaves bearing sporangia. Sporangia look like hexagonal scales, on stalks; they are arranged in close whorls and on the lower side bear 5 sac-like sporangia, a single-layer wall, which bursts with a longitudinal crack when ripe. Ripe spores are green, contain chlorophyll and are spherical or ovoid. The outer layer of their shell takes the form of two spirally curled ribbons around the body, which curl in humid air and straighten out in dry air; they are called springs or elaters and serve to adhere the spores to each other; Since spores produce unisexual germs during germination, the adhesion of spores ensures the close proximity of female and male germs, which is very important for ensuring fertilization. The prothalluses are leaf-shaped, green, branched or irregularly dissected, the male prothalluses are smaller than the female ones. Antheridia and archegonia, similar to those of ferns, develop on the prothallus.

Spore-bearing shoots of horsetail can be up to 30 cm in height, light reddish-brown in color with long internodes, whitish bell-shaped sheaths, with 8-12 lanceolate, sharp dark brown teeth; shoot thickness is from 3 to 5 mm. Sporiferous spikelets are 3.5 cm long with a clearly visible axis.

The barren shoots of horsetail are furrowed, rough, with cylindrical, loosely adjacent light green leaf sheaths bearing 12-18 triangular-lanceolate blackish teeth with a white border.

Tuberous swellings form on underground shoots. Dig up the horsetail rhizome, examine it and sketch it.

Tasks and work order

I. Spring phenomena in life woody plants.

1. Determine the start date of sap flow in Norway maple and birch. Sap flow in Norway maple and birch is marked by the date when 2-3 trees (adults) from a pre-made puncture or cut in the bark to wood (at a height of 1.5 m with south side) drops of juice appear for the first time. The puncture should be done in early March at the maple, in mid-March at the birch. To record the sap flow, you need to visit these trees every day. After registering the start of sap flow, the hole must be covered with garden pitch or clay.

2. Note the timing of bud swelling in different tree species.

3. Determine the date of the beginning and complete leafing of trees and shrubs. Foliation is marked by the date when 2-3 plants of a given species have the first leaves with an already unfolded leaf blade appearing on the shoots.

4. Select flowering trees and shrubs:

a) before the leaves bloom;

b) simultaneously with the leaves blooming;

c) after the leaves bloom.

How can we explain the flowering of wind-pollinated trees and shrubs before the leaves bloom?

d) beginning of flowering: mark the day when 2-3 specimens of a given species have flowers with a fully opened corolla in insect-pollinated species or the anthers begin to shed dust in wind-pollinated species;

e) mass flowering is observed when at least 50% of plants of a given species have bloomed;

f) the end of flowering is marked by the last 2-3 flowering specimens.

5. Identify ways of pollinating trees and shrubs.

6. Study the characteristics of flowering of wind-pollinated flowers:

The formation of numerous staminate inflorescences swaying in the wind;

Abundant formation of dry and small pollen with a smooth shell (examine under a microscope);

Formation of unisexual flowers and inflorescences in monoecious and dioecious trees and shrubs;

The structure of staminate and pistillate flowers, poor development of perianth or its replacement by bracts, dull color of flowers, lack of nectar;

The formation of large, branched or hair-equipped sticky stigmas that capture passing pollen;

Compare the flowers and inflorescences of alder and hazel, poplar and Norway maple, birch and oak, sketch them;

Collect a collection - a herbarium of flowering branches of trees and shrubs.

7. Study the structure of staminate and pistillate flowers and inflorescences various types willows and sketch:

Monitor and describe the behavior of bees and bumblebees on willow flowers;

Collect a herbarium of flowering willow branches.

8. Examine and sketch the structure of pistillate, staminate and bisexual flowers of Norway maple and note:

a) method of pollination;

b) what insects pollinate.

9. Examining the blossoming buds of Norway maple, lilac, linden, apple tree, and rose hip, determine the origin of the bud scales. Find out whether all plants have bud scales of the same origin (explanation in the text). Sketch the transition of bud scales in maple, linden, apple, and rose hips.

10. Consider the structure of the bud and trace the growth of the shoot in length. Mark 5 shoots with labels or colored thread at the beginning of its emergence from the bud and measure its growth in length with a centimeter ruler in the beginning of spring after 3 days, and then 5, when it is clear that the growth in length has almost stopped. It should be noted the duration (in days) of growth of an elementary shoot in the spring, as well as the end date of growth in length.

11. Observe how the leaf blade grows and how long it takes to grow. To do this, 5 leaves are taken under observation on the control shoots, immediately after emerging they are marked with colored threads, a grid is applied evenly on the plate with ink, after about 1 mm, and then an increase in the distances between the lines is observed daily.

You can use a centimeter ruler to measure the length of the petiole and leaf blade. The data is recorded in an observation diary and then the duration of leaf growth in days is calculated. It is not difficult to verify that the increase in leaf size occurs only over a short period of time, and the elongation of the petiole usually lasts longer than the increase in the size of the blade of the same leaf, which ensures the formation of a leaf mosaic.

12. Simultaneously with observing the growth of shoots and leaves, monitor the change in color of the leaves after emerging from the bud and other devices to protect against the unfavorable phenomena of spring. Make a phenoherbarium of leaves of oak, hazel, Norway maple, birch, where all changes in shape, size, color and other characteristics of leaves that occur with age will be visible.

13. Find seedlings of different woody plants on the soil. Compare the cotyledons of Norway maple, oak, rowan, and linden with the leaves of the adult generation. Sketch the seedlings of the discovered trees.

II. Spring phenomena in the life of perennials herbaceous plants

1. Find out due to what conditions the development of plants under snow occurs:

What is the condition of the soil in early spring (frozen, semi-frozen, thawed)?

What is the soil moisture supply?

What is the temperature of the soil surface under the snow?

2. Carefully, so as not to damage the plants and seedlings, clear an area of ​​50x50 cm from snow and find out how to germinate and shoots of early spring plants emerge to the surface:

Draw seedlings of all types of plants, showing in the drawing the shapes of the seedlings and all their organs, paying attention to the morphological features of the first leaves;

Describe the color of the seedlings;

Note the height of the seedlings, the number of leaves, pubescence, etc.

3. Determine what phase of flowering the plant is in at the moment. Disassemble the structure of flowers of herbaceous early flowering plants: anemone, Kashubian buttercup, corydalis, goose onion, lungwort, hoofed grass, coltsfoot, perennial woodland. Describe the structure of flowers and sketch their appearance; name the methods of pollination. Write flower formulas.

4. Observe insects visiting the flowers of early flowering herbaceous plants:

Change in color of the corolla of lungwort;

The phenomenon of heterostyly in lungwort and primrose;

Secretion of nectar at the base of the corolla of flowers;

Types of insects visiting early-blooming flowers;

Intensity of visits to pink and blue lungwort flowers. To do this, select 2 groups of observers, one is monitoring pink flowers, the other - behind the blue ones per unit of time. Then the results are summed up and a conclusion is drawn.

5. Identify the cause of early flowering in herbaceous plants of a broad-leaved forest.

6. Describe and sketch underground organs: rhizomes of coltsfoot, hoofweed, woodgrass; a bulb from a goose onion, root tubers from a chistyak; corm from the corydalis.

7. Determine the species composition of early flowering herbaceous plants in the broad-leaved forest.

III. Familiarize yourself with the structure and biology of horsetails.

IV. Identify early flowering sedges and grasses and study the features of their structure.

Note. During observation excursions seasonal changes you need to keep a diary. All field notes must be taken carefully at the work site. with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen no drafts. For convenience, tie a pen and a magnifying glass on a cord and put it around your neck.

Phenophases are marked with the following icons:

Vegetation before flowering.

ˆ budding.

) flowering.

O full bloom.


Unripe fruits.

Vegetation after flowering.

Approximate description of a flower: type and type of inflorescence. Pedicled or sessile, regular (actinomorphic) or irregular (zygomorphic); bisexual or unisexual. Perianth simple or double. Calyx (Ca) 6th number, arrangement of sepals, separate, fused-leaved, pubescent, glabrous.

Corolla (Co): number and arrangement of petals, separate- and fused-petalled. Corolla shape. Coloring.

Androecium (A): number of stamens, their shape, location, free, fused.

Gynoecium (G): number of pistils, location in the flower. Receptacle (convex, flat, concave), position of the ovary (upper, lower, middle, etc.).

Adaptations for cross-pollination: heterostyly - heterocolumnar, wind pollination, insect pollination, self-pollination.

Hybrid butterbur - Petasites hibridus (Retz.) Reichenb.

Oak anemone - Anemone nemorosa L.

Buttercup anemone - Anemone ranunculoides L.

Yellow goose onion - Gagea lutea (L.) Keg-Gawl.

Chickweed - Stellaria media (L.) Vill.

Marsh marigold - Caltha palustris L.

Common sorrel - Oxalis acetosella L.

European swimsuit - Trollius europaeus L.

May lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis L.

Acrid buttercup - Ranunculus acris L.

Common coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara L.

Lungwort - Pulmonaria obscura Dum.

European honeybee - Trientalis europaea L.

Alternate spleen - Chrysosplenium alternifolium

Meadow heart - Cardamine pratensis L. s. l.

Spring guillemot - Ficaria verna Huds.

Hybrid butterbur

Hybrid butterbur - Pitasites hubridus (L.), Gaertn., fam. Asteraceae. Grows in damp places, along the banks of rivers, ponds, etc. From a powerful branching underground rhizome, a flower stem with scaly leaves and numerous dirty purple flower heads, tightly collected in an erect raceme, emerges in early spring. The flowers are all tubular: the inner ones are bisexual, and the outer ones are pistillate. Later, very large basal leaves appear, rounded-heart-shaped, unevenly toothed, white-tomentose underneath: by protecting the stomata, located mainly on the underside of the leaf blade, from the wind, the hairs thereby reduce water evaporation. Formation continues in the leaves until autumn organic matter, deposited in the rhizomes, which makes the plant possible for early flowering next spring(See the chapter on spring vegetation on this subject). The fruits are achenes with a tuft. The rhizome is used in medicine. This plant resembles coltsfoot in its development cycle.

Oak anemone and buttercup

Anemone, or coppice, - Anemone L., fam. Ranunculaceae. The most common species of this genus and the most similar to each other are:

oak anemone, or c. white, - A. nemorosa L. and buttercup anemone, or c. yellow -- A. ranunculoides L. Both grow in forests, between bushes, and partly in meadows. They have an almost horizontal rhizome running at a shallow depth, which gradually grows and branches at one end, and dies off at the other. The rhizome breaks easily, revealing a white powdery material filling it - mainly starch stored for next year. From the buds embedded in the rhizomes in early spring, above-ground stems with leaves and flowers quickly form. In oak anemone, the flowers are usually solitary, on a more or less long peduncle, perianth white, most often six-leaved; a large number of stamens with yellow anthers, ovaries 10-20. Fruits in the form of achenes. Under the flower there are 3 leaves on the stem, arranged in a rosette, on long petioles, with a tripartite blade.

Buttercup anemone differs from white anemone in that its flowers are golden-yellow, and they are found not only singly, but, perhaps more often, 2 on one stem; the leaves are short-petioled. Both of these species have a lot of pollen in their flowers, which is consumed by many insects.

Along with cross-pollination, self-pollination is also possible. At night and in bad weather, the pedicels bend and the flowers droop and the perianths close. The oak anemone exhibits the phenomenon of thermotropism - its flower turns towards the sun. This effect is most likely not of light, but of thermal stimulation, which is proven by the fact that a similar movement occurs in the dark under the influence of a heat source. The growing season of both of these species is short, coinciding approximately with the time when the deciduous forest is still bare and allows a lot of light to reach the herbaceous plants.

Yellow goose onion

Goose onion, or goose grass, - Gagea Salisb., fam. Liliaceae It grows mainly in clearings, forests and between bushes. Our most common species is yellow gooseberry, an early spring plant that opens with golden-yellow stars of flowers. From a small underground bulb, consisting of one fleshy scale, comes one narrow long leaf and next to it a flower stalk. At the top, this stem bears several more leaves and branches into several branches, each bearing one flower, which together form an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. The flower has two circles of tepals - 3 petals in each, yellow inside, greenish outside; 6 stamens, also arranged in two circles; pistil with an upper three-lobed ovary, a style and a three-lobed stigma. Flowers of smell. There are nectaries at the base of the tepals. Nectar is also available to short-proboscis insects - flies, beetles. Flowers are weakly proterogynic, that is, only at the beginning of flowering is pollen present and cross-pollination occurs; but soon the stigmas open, the pollen still remains, and the plant self-pollinates. The flowers close at night and in damp weather. The seeds have appendages that are nutritious for the ants, which they use to spread them. Vegetative propagation predominates.

Chickweed average

Chickweed, or chickweed, - Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Weeds growing in gardens, fields, near houses, roads. The flowers are very small and the whole plant is small. The leaves are ovate, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. The stem is cylindrical, branched, often largely recumbent, bare, with the exception of one hairy strip running vertically from one node to another. Apparently, the cells of these hairs absorb water falling on them in the form of rain or dew. The parts of this plant torn during plowing take root, due to which the woodlice multiplies greatly. The taste resembles spinach and can be eaten both fresh and boiled.

Marsh marigold

Marigold - Caltha palustris L., fam. Ranunculaceae. It grows in damp places - swampy meadows, banks of ditches, streams, etc. A thick, succulent stem, branching upward, and many small roots emerge from the rhizome; they go shallow, as in top layer damp soil has enough moisture, but the stability of the plant is ensured by a large amount of it. The leaves have rounded-heart-shaped or kidney-shaped shiny juicy large plates, the lower ones are long-petiolate, and towards the top of the stem they gradually become sessile, due to which upper leaves do not darken the lower ones. The rather large golden-yellow perianth consists of 5 leaflets: on the outside, especially closer to the base, they are greenish. There are a lot of stamens with yellow anthers that produce a large amount of pollen, 5-8 pistils. On the sides of the latter there are nectaries. “Since the latter is not deep, marigold flowers are visited by short-proboscis insects - flies, hymenoptera, etc., using nectar and pollen. Marigold fruits - leaflets - have the appearance of folded leaves, which, when ripe, open on one side, and from them seeds are then gradually scattered, which have the ability to float on water. In a fresh state, marigold, like all buttercups, is poisonous, which serves as protection against animals, but when dried or boiled, the toxicity disappears, therefore, it is non-poisonous in hay.

Common oxalis

Common sorrel, or hare cabbage, -- Oxalis acetosella L., "family. oxalis It grows in shady forests (mainly spruce) and is one of the most shade-tolerant plants. On a creeping perennial rhizome sit small scaly fleshy leaves, overflowing with nutrients, and long-petiolate aboveground trifoliate green leaves with obverse-heart-shaped leaves. Their adaptability to existence in the dark is expressed in the fact that they have a relatively large surface for collecting light, and are thin and loose - permeable to scattered light. Moreover, they are located in such a way that they do not obscure each other, forming a so-called “leaf mosaic”: each sheet is in the space between the others, but not above or below them. If the sun's rays fall directly on the leaves, the leaves droop; due to this, heating is reduced, and therefore the evaporation of water by the leaves. Oxalis leaves take the same position at night for “sleep”, as well as before the onset of inclement weather. Oxalis leaves are sour due to the presence of oxalic acid salts in them, which protects them from being eaten by snails. Leaves formed in a given year overwinter. New leaves come out of the ground mainly during flowering, which occurs around mid-summer. Young leaves are fan-shaped - each leaf is folded in half, and in addition, all three are superimposed on each other and inclined due to the downward bend of the petiole - this reduces the evaporation surface of the tender young leaf. In this position, the unopened buds come out of the ground: by bending the petiole, like a wedge, a path is paved for the tender bud. Delicate flowers Oxalis have a calyx of 5 sepals, a corolla of 5 separate, mostly white with pink veins, sometimes pink petals, 10 stamens, 5 of which are longer than the rest, and a five-locular ovary. At the base of the petals are nectar glands. In this place the petals have yellow spot, which is thus a signpost for insects on the way to nectar. Pollinators - wasps, flies, bees. If cross-pollination does not occur, then self-pollination occurs: the anthers of the long stamens are applied to the stigma. In addition, the acid plant produces cleistogamous flowers underground, i.e., flowers that do not open and are self-pollinating. At night and in bad weather, ordinary oxalis flowers close, thereby protecting themselves from cooling the internal parts with water. By the end of summer, five-nest boxes with a large number of seeds ripen. A ripe capsule cracks and twists, turning inside out, causing the seeds to be thrown out through the opening of the capsule onto the moist soil.

The leaves are rich in vitamin C and are used to make salads, soups and sauces as a substitute for sorrel.

European swimsuit

European swimsuit -- Trollius curopaeus L., fam. Ranunculaceae. Grows in damp places, meadows, forest clearings, between shrubs. On long, slightly branched stems, with palmate leaves, there are single, large flowers. The calyx consists of many lemon-yellow sepals and gives the impression of a corolla. The calyx never fully reveals why the flower has the shape of a ball or bell. At its bottom there are many petals all around - narrow, flat, orange in color, turned into sunflowers; at the base of each of them there is a small hole that secretes nectar. Inside are numerous stamens arranged spirally around a complex pistil. The internal parts of the flower are well protected from rain and small insects that are useless for pollination. When the flower is ripe, the sepals are not so tightly closed, so large insects - bees and bumblebees - are able to push them apart to get to the pollen and nectar. First, the outer circle of anthers matures, bending at the same time so that the anthers are located near the nectaries; then the following circles gradually take its place.

May lily of the valley

May lily of the valley -- Convallaria majalis L., fam. Liliaceae, subfamily Asparagus (having fruit-berries). It also grows in forests, mostly deciduous. From a creeping rhizome in the spring, a leaf bud emerges in the form of a cone, piercing the ground with its tip. It is surrounded by elastic lilac leaf sheaths. Mostly 2 (or 3) leaves are formed from it - long-petiolate, with large elliptical, arcuate plates, covered with a waxy coating. The petiole of one leaf is grasped, like a vagina, by the petiole of another. The significant size of the plates, their looseness and tenderness correspond to the living conditions of lily of the valley in the shade. The flower arrow extending from the rhizome, triangular at the top, bears a cluster of small, white, bell-shaped flowers, strongly and pleasantly scented and beautiful to the cluster, which is why the lily of the valley is a person’s favorite flower. Flowers are on short stalks emerging from the axils of small leathery leaves. Although the pedicels extend from different sides of the stem, the flowers are still inclined more or less in one direction. The perianth of the flower is simple, hyestically toothed - formed by the fusion of 6 petals; 6 stamens with short filaments, a pistil with a three-locular ovary, a long style compared to the stamens and a triangular stigma. Lily of the valley is pollinated by insects that find nectar in it. Due to the drooping position of the bells different flowers Lily of the valley does not need special protection from rain. Flowering shoots of lily of the valley appear after 2-3 years, so most of its ground shoots do not have flowers. The fruits of the lily of the valley are red berries, eaten in the fall by forest birds, which spread the seeds of the lily of the valley, passing unharmed, thanks to the dense shell, through the intestines. Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, especially the flowers, which protects it from animals. It is one of the drugs that regulate cardiac activity. An alcohol tincture of herbs (leaves and flowers) or a water infusion of flowers is used. Flowers are also used in perfume production.

Buttercup caustic

Acrid buttercup - Ranunculus acris L. Very common in meadows, fields, etc. The lower leaves are deeply laminated with linear lobes, sessile. The stem and petioles are covered with soft hairs. Blooms from spring to autumn. The flowers are yellow, shiny (as if varnished or smeared with oil). First, the anthers of the outer circles of the stamens ripen and cross-pollination occurs with the help of insects. At the end, the inner stamens ripen. As they lengthen, they come into contact with the stigmas, and self-pollination occurs. At night and in bad weather, the flowers close and bend over. Herbivores do not touch this plant, as it contains poisonous juice. When dried, the toxic substance disappears, so the buttercup is harmless in the hay.

Common coltsfoot

Coltsfoot -- Tussilago farfara L., fam. Asteraceae. It grows mainly on clay soils - along ditches, river banks, cliffs, slopes, etc. In terms of flowering time, it is the earliest spring plant in the northern half of the Republic, but with a long growing season. Before the snow has even melted, yellow coltsfoot flower baskets appear in sun-warmed areas. They are located at the ends of the stems, pubescent and with small scaly brownish leaves. The marginal flowers in the baskets are reed-shaped, arranged in several rows, only female; the middle ones - funnel-tubular - function only as male ones (since the ovules in the ovary are underdeveloped). Proterogyny prevents self-pollination. Therefore, pollination is cross-pollination, but at the end of flowering, when the baskets close, pollination by flowers of the same basket is possible (geigonogamy). Closing of the baskets and drooping occurs in cloudy weather and at night. At the end of flowering, the baskets also close and droop, and now the fruits ripen and the stem lengthens. When the fruits are ripe, the fruit in the form of a fluffy head (like a dandelion) opens - on the elongated stem, the fruits can be more freely carried by the wind. The fruits are achenes with a vein of many silky hairs. As the fruits ripen and the flower stems wither, large angular, rounded, heart-shaped leaves develop, first pubescent on both sides, then only on the bottom. The pubescence on the upper side of young, tender leaves has the meaning of protection from excessive heating by the sun's rays when the sun shines brightly; in older and denser leaves, with more developed skin, this heating is not so dangerous. The pubescence on the underside, where the stomata are mainly located, protects them from air movement (wind), and, consequently, also from excessive evaporation of water. The upper side of the leaves, which does not have pubescence, when touched on the cheek, compared to the lower side, produces a feeling of colder, hence the name of the plant (the mother denotes the seemingly warmer lower side, and the stepmother the upper). Until autumn, organic substances are prepared in the leaves and deposited in a highly developed creeping, branched rhizome. Flower buds are also laid on it in the fall. The rhizome elongates at one end and dies at the other. Coltsfoot leaves have medicinal use, part of the so-called breast tea (for cough).

Lungwort obscure

Lungwort, or M. officinalis, - Palmonaria obscura Dum., family. borage An early spring plant growing in sparse, mostly deciduous forests and shrubs, in which a stem with leaves first grows from the rhizome, followed immediately by flowers. The plant is rough with short, hard hairs, to which soft, long glandular hairs are mixed in the upper part of the plant and on the upper surface of the leaves. The basal leaves are ovate, with a winged petiole, the higher ones are sessile, oblong. The early appearance of leaves in plants growing under the canopy of trees is important because it makes it possible to use the sun's rays penetrating through bare branches that are not yet covered with leaves. Lungwort flowers, collected at the end of the stem in inflorescences in the form of few-flowered curls, when the corolla opens, are red or pink, then become purple and finally blue; this color change occurs due to a change in the chemical properties of the cell sap in which the pigment is dissolved. Since individual flowers collected in inflorescences are at different stages of development, the simultaneous presence of differently colored flowers in the inflorescence is usually observed, which creates a color contrast that makes the flowers more noticeable. The flowers have a double-leaved perianth. The calyx is green, five-toothed; corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, five-lobed; stamens - 5; pistil 1 with lower ovary, style and two-lobed stigma. In the throat of the corolla there are 5 tufts of hair that protect the nectar from rain and from small insects that could not produce pollination. Since the corolla tube, at the bottom of which nectar is secreted, is long and narrow, it is accessible only to long-proboscis insects, primarily bees and bumblebees. Lungwort flowers are heterostylic (different columns): some plant specimens have flowers with a long column and short stamens (these flowers are larger), while others have the opposite. This separation of anthers from stigmas makes self-pollination difficult. Experiments have shown that self-pollination, if done in the same way as pollination with pollen from another flower, but of the same shape, does not lead to the formation of a fruit. In order for the fruit to form, it is necessary to cross flowers of different shapes, therefore, pollination of a high-standing stigma with pollen from a high-standing anther, and vice versa. The fruit is a spherical-ovoid nut. The root leaves can be used to make salads, soups, and purees.

European Weekend

European rosewort - Trientalis europaea L., fam. primroses. A small plant growing in forests, especially in peaty areas, blooming in the second half of spring. It has a simple erect stem with elliptical leaves, most of which are brought together at the top of the stem in the form of a rosette. Total number leaves - mostly 7. The flower is white or pinkish. Its structure also maintains the number 7: the calyx and corolla of the flower each have 7 sepals and petals fused at the base, and 7 stamens. A mature fruit capsule cracks into 7 parts. This plant clearly displays the characteristics of plants growing in shady, damp places (hydrophilic type): the leaf surface is relatively large, the leaf blades are loose, tender, without devices against evaporation and permeable even to weak (scattered) sunlight, the flowers are delicate.

Spleenwort alternate-leaved

Alternate-leaved spleen -- Chrysosplenium alternifoliam L., fam. Saxifraga. A small early spring succulent plant that grows in large groups in damp places, especially near streams. Small triangular stem; kidney-shaped leaves, lower (basal) leaves with long petioles; creeping rhizome - thin, with a small supply of organic substances, which is why this fast-growing plant is small. Flower - without corolla; four-part cup with inside yellow: 8 stamens, 4 of which are opposite to the sepals; 4 - in the spaces between them; 2 columns, surrounded by a disc-shaped nectary. In open flowers, droplets of nectar are often visible, accessible to short-proboscis insects - flies, mosquitoes, beetles. Despite the inconspicuousness of the individual small flowers of the spleen, they are noticeable from a distance, as they are collected in crowded semi-umbrellas on the upper - bracts - leaves, also painted in a violet color; Moreover, these plants, as said, grow in groups. Stigmas and anthers mature at the same time, but they are spaced apart, which favors cross-pollination. Later flowers droop and the pollen falls on the stigma, so that self-pollination is possible as a reserve means. In rainy weather, when rain prevents insects from pollinating this plant, their function is apparently performed by slugs. Young leaves are eaten (the taste resembles watercress).

Meadow heartwood

Meadow heart - Cardamine pratensis L. (photo 80). It has an erect, hollow stem; the leaves are pinnate, with round velcro on the basal leaves and linear on the stem leaves. The flowers are arranged like other cruciferous plants, with pale pinkish-lilac petals and yellow anthers, collected in a small raceme. At night and in bad weather, the flower cluster of the core bends downwards due to the bending of the top of the stem, due to which the flowers, which have taken an overturned position, are protected from moisture getting inside and from heat loss. This situation can be induced artificially by hitting or shaking the stem several times in a row. The same can be caused by gusts of wind, which often precede rain. The leaves of the basal rosette of this plant break off easily, and the broken leaf gives rise to an adventitious bud that develops into a new plant. Likewise, non-breakable lower leaves at the point of contact with moist soil or water, they form buds from which new plants develop, which usually occurs in the fall and is an additional way of propagating this plant.

Chistyak spring

Spring clearweed, or toadgrass, -- Ficaria verna Huds., fam. buttercup An early spring plant, with a short growing season, growing in damp places. The stems are low-growing, which in early spring does not matter, since there are no other shading herbaceous plants. The leaves are kidney-shaped, the lower ones are on long petioles, so they are not shaded by the upper ones. The leaf blades are juicy, tender, bare, that is, without devices against the evaporation of water, which are not needed in the spring on damp soil. The leaves are poisonous, which serves as protection against being eaten by animals. The main root does not develop; the accessory parts are overfilled with nutrients and turn into root tubers, which serve for vegetative propagation. Only thanks to this pre-prepared supply of nutrients is the rapid growth of the necnoii plant possible. In addition, brood buds or axillary nodules formed in the leaf axils are used for vegetative propagation. Both require a period of rest to germinate. Tubers begin to germinate in the fall, but then stop; Apparently they need winter cooling. The flowers are bright yellow, golden, have a three-leaf calyx, 6-0 petals, many stamens and many pistils. They are clearly visible against a dark green background, which attracts insects, which are treated to pollen and nectar secreted at the base of the petals. In bad weather and at night they close (without bending). The fruits are leaflets, but very few of them are formed, as a result of which vegetative propagation predominates. Young and flowering plants are poisonous, but after flowering they become edible. Starch-rich root tubers (boiled), leaves (in salads), and flower buds (pickled, like capers) are eaten.

To the question: early flowering wind-pollinated plants asked by the author Natalia Zubova the best answer is Early flowering plants: buttercup anemone, oak anemone, spring chrysalis, dense corydalis, European hoofed grass, coltsfoot, yellow goose onion, Siberian scilla, silver birch, gray obha, aspen.
Wind-pollinated: silver birch, gray obha, aspen.
The significance of early flowering is that it requires a lot of light to produce seeds.
therefore, they bloom before the leaves bloom on the trees.
In addition, the absence of leaves facilitates pollination, especially with the help of wind.

Wind-pollinated plants have flowers that are diametrically opposed to insect-pollinated flowers.
Wind is a spontaneous factor and can carry pollen in different directions.
To use it, plants need completely different flowers, just like when pollinated by insects.
When pollinated by wind, there is no need to waste valuable materials on the bright color of flower covers, on the formation of sweet nectar and fragrant aroma.
Here other devices were developed aimed at simplifying the structure of the flower.
Therefore, the flowers of wind-pollinated (anemophilous) plants are inconspicuous, do not emit any odor, and do not produce nectar. Their perianth is very poorly developed or completely absent. He is not needed here. On the contrary, the anthers pushed far outward are freely blown by the wind (cereals, sedges), which blows pollen out of them and scatters it through the air. Even a light breeze shakes the earrings, panicles, and stamens.
Our trees and shrubs (poplar, hazel, etc.) usually bloom in the spring, when strong winds blow and the foliage has not yet blossomed, so that the wind blows pollen onto the flowers without interference. Wind-pollinated plants do not grow alone, but form large clumps, which also increases the chances of their flowers being pollinated. The wind scatters a lot of pollen uselessly, so plants produce it in huge quantities. For example, in the catkin of a common hazel there are up to a million pollen cells. And when a pine tree blooms, whole clouds of yellow pollen rise in the air, which settles on the ground in the form of so-called sulfur rain. Pine dust particles also have special devices for flying in the form of two balloons. In general, all wind-pollinated plants have small, light, dry pollen. Thanks to this, the wind easily blows it out of the anthers.
And the stigmas, in turn, are well adapted to trap pollen. Just like the anthers, during the flowering period they are exposed far out and look like thick feathers (cereals), long threads (corn, sedges) or tassels (hazel).
About 19% of plants in Central Europe are pollinated by wind. Among them are such common trees and shrubs as spruce, pine, oak, alder, birch, aspen, elm, ash, hornbeam, and herbaceous plants - cereals, sedges and pondweed growing in water. Pollination by wind occurs in dry weather, but pollen does not fall out during rain.