Rosa Grand Gala reviews. Rose Grand Gala hybrid tea: a successful store for gardeners and summer residents in Togliatti! Red varieties of hybrid tea roses

The variety of these exquisite flowers is truly impressive. Despite the fact that these delicate creatures need constant careful care, roses are planted by both experienced and flower growers. We propose to study in detail all the cultivation of the Grand Gala rose.

Description and characteristics

The “Grand Gala” rose is an amazing rose that makes you fall in love with its beauty at first sight, and after learning about it in more detail and reading its description, you will want to acquire this plant and create a festive atmosphere in your own home. It is characterized by a classic dark red color and large cup-shaped buds up to 13 cm in diameter. Velvety, terry petals and a delicate aroma give the plant incredible charm. The height can reach more than 1 m, and the plant also grows strongly in breadth. The stems, relatively thorny, are distinguished by a small number of thorns. The leaves are deep green. This plant is characterized by abundant, long-lasting flowering.

Did you know? Of the more than 30 thousand varieties of roses known, no more than 25% of them have a pleasant scent, and the hybrid tea rose “Grand Gala” is not only included in this small list, but is also endowed with a classic fruity aroma.

Growing conditions

Like all hybrid tea representatives of this variety, they prefer warm, well-lit places where air circulates well. Loamy soil with low content is ideal for planting. If the soil characteristics on your site do not meet these requirements, it is necessary to make certain adjustments, namely, add garden soil sand and clay. should be light and fluffy. A good one is required to create the most comfortable conditions growth.


Rose "Grand Gala", like all beauties, needs regular and proper care. These procedures will not take up too much of your time, and the flower will be grateful to you.

The best option would be to water once every 7 days or once every 3 days if the weather is too dry.


Regular ones are extremely necessary for these vulnerable plants. Properly planned fertilization will help achieve good results and protect hybrid tea roses from and. Organics in combination with mineral fertilizers - best option, in order to saturate the flowers with useful substances and microelements. During the growing season they are applied 4-5 times. To do this, infuse in advance in a ratio of 1 to 3 with water and add there mineral fertilizers(15-20 g per 10 liters of water), after which the mixture is left to brew for 2 weeks. The consumption rate per bush is 4-5 liters. Apply after moistening the soil.

Rose "Grand Gala", like all representatives hybrid tea roses, needs constant maintenance, one of the elements of which is autumn and spring pruning. In autumn, the shoots are cut to the middle. And in the spring, only damaged areas are removed. When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to use well-sharpened, disinfected garden tools. The weather also matters: it should be dry and sunny outside. Shoots are cut from outside bush, obliquely above the buds. After the procedure, no more than 8 buds should remain on the shoots.


At the moment when the air temperature drops below zero, you should worry about. Roses are delicate and sensitive representatives of the flora, so they are in dire need of protection. First of all, you need to hill up the bushes. Then you can cover the plants with spruce branches and build a wooden or metal frame, and attach agrofibre on top. It is permissible to wrap the plant stems directly with dense material; it must be well secured, for example, with a rope or wire.

Features of reproduction

In order not to lose everything unique characteristics of this variety, it is propagated exclusively vegetatively. - best way in order to perform the procedure at home. Planting material taken from young, strong bushes on which the first wave of flowering has already completed. Cuttings take root well and quickly with proper care. It is also possible to propagate a rose bush using layering. But this method is considered more troublesome and less successful.

for people with fiery hearts! The deep, languid color of a seductive beauty is preferred by passionate and emotional people, which is why they surround themselves with such captivating tones of roses.
Tall full bud of Gran Galla rose classic shape. The flowers are dark burgundy, velvety, slightly charred at the base of the petals. The black and red edging beautifully frames the rose and serves business card of this variety. In this double rose there are about 60 petals, and the diameter when dissolved is up to 10 cm. Some gardeners note that the light aroma of the Grand Gala rose has notes of raspberry. Flowering is almost continuous.
The bushes are tall 100-120 cm, the shoots are straight and fairly low-thorned. This fact will appeal to most gardeners involved in cutting. Leaves and stems are dark green. Cutting and forcing variety. The winter-hardy rose Grand Gala can also safely boast of its high “immunity” to disease.

Classics never get old, and this statement applies to almost everything, including flowers and the fashion for growing them. In this understanding, the red rose justifies itself more than any other flower, always being a welcome guest on the site, at holidays and in the greenhouse. And the variety we are going to talk about is exactly one of these.

Rose Grand Gala

Despite the fact that the Grand Gala rose cannot boast of very deep and ancient roots, since it belongs to modern tea hybrids, it is able to attract the attention of even those who prefer natural semi-wild varieties and do not particularly favor hybrids created by human hands after many generations of selection. It was first introduced a little over two decades ago and since then it has confidently taken its rightful place among its relatives.

The ancestors of the Grand Gala rose were Chinese bushes with large flowers, and from them they took only the best. The only relative drawback this human-improved plant splendor has is its prickly shoots, which are strewn (albeit moderately frequently) with thin, sharp thorns. However, this is a feature of all roses, and not everyone will say that this is bad: it is the fighting nature of roses, which simply does not allow itself to be offended and knows how to fight back, only gives it strength and respect in the eyes of connoisseurs.

Rose Grand Gala photo

Representative, regal and simply ideal - these are exactly the associations that evoke rose grand gala in the photo. Live they are only confirmed and even intensified. The appearance of this variety is classic and at the same time special:

  • dark green leaves, shiny and full of strength, serve as a very bright background for the buds during the flowering period;
  • single buds of an ideal cup-shaped shape, very beautiful and refined both when partially and fully opened. About 10 cm in diameter;
  • a rich red tint, the petals are evenly colored over the main part and have very dark edges, which is in no way a defect.

Bush Grand Gala roses in the photo quite tall, can grow more than a meter. But if there are plants of such height in the flowerbed, it is better not to make it the central element; the composition will definitely be disrupted. Plant such bushes as a frame for a higher formation. The leaves remain decorative for a long time, and the rose bush itself is able to bloom again and remain elegant and festive for a very long time. They have no aroma, and if you want the garden to be filled with a pleasant smell, you can plant other, less representative, but very fragrant flowers nearby.

Rose Grand Gala description

Flower growers describe the Grand Gala rose not only as a very beautiful, but also a hardy plant:

  • average resistance to rain. The roots do not get wet if there is drainage in the soil, and the petals do not turn pale due to the abundance of moisture and do not fade later in the sun.
  • high ability to resist diseases. This is especially noticeable in the example powdery mildew and black spotting.
  • the ability to normally survive wintering in open space. She needs shelter, but shoots damaged by frost can simply be cut off, and they will continue to grow well.

From the bouquet makers description of rose grand gala more than unequivocal - this is a bright and unequivocal declaration of love. Whether it's just one rose or a whole luxurious bouquet, the message will definitely be understood correctly. And external perfection will only emphasize it.

Flower delivery "Florina" is an opportunity to express any wish, ask for forgiveness or simply make a compliment in the language of flowers. Feel free to openly express your feelings, and our flowers will serve as their guide and symbol of your sincere love!

“Grand Gala” is a hybrid tea rose of French selection. The variety, bred in 1995, immediately won positive reviews from amateur gardeners thanks to its spectacular appearance and not too much difficult care. The encyclopedia of roses notes resistance to pests, abundant long flowering, responsiveness to fertilizing and proper watering.

The plant is a tall plant; with proper care it reaches 1-1.2 m in height. A not too spreading bush with strong straight shoots and abundantly covered with dark green glossy leaves. There are few thorns, flowering is continuous, from May to the end of autumn. The rose is suitable for forcing and cutting; it can be grown in flower beds, greenhouses or greenhouses.

The main advantage of the variety is its large flowers of rich dark red color. Roses are double roses; a blooming flower has about 60 round petals, slightly curled towards the center. The bud is elongated, classic for hybrid tea varieties. The color is very rich, velvety, shimmering from blood red to crimson. The petals are charred at the base, a spectacular black and red edging distinguishes the blooming rose from representatives of other varieties. The aroma is very subtle, fruity and berry.

Planting and care

Experts recommend purchasing two-year-old seedlings; they are the most viable. Young plants go on sale together with a lump of earth on the roots, bottom part The plants are tightly wrapped in cellophane. In this form, the seedling is stored for up to 50 days and does not suffer after transplantation.

Hybrid rose prefers nutrient soil with a significant admixture of sand. The soil should be light; you should not plant bushes in close proximity to high lying groundwater. "Grand Gala" thrives in diffuse sun and partial shade, preferring a warm or temperate climate. In regions with harsh winters, the variety is grown only in greenhouses.

You don't need to water the rose too much cold water, preferably rain or settled. A ditch for water is dug around the bush; one plant requires at least 4-5 liters. In hot weather, water the flower once every 3 days; in the absence of sun and moderately cool weather, 1 watering per week is sufficient. The bushes are fertilized several times during the season, adding a mixture of organic matter and mineral complexes. This will help speed up the formation of buds and ensure long flowering. Frequent loosening of the soil and timely removal of weeds is mandatory.

At temperatures below zero, plants need to be covered. The bushes are first dug in, then covered with spruce branches and wrapped in agrofibre.

Pruning rules

All hybrid tea roses need pruning in spring and autumn, “Grand Gala” is no exception. The most important procedure is autumn pruning. Before leaving for the winter, the shoots are cut in half with sharp pruning shears or a knife. In spring, it is enough to remove dry or damaged areas. There is no need to form a bush; the variety is moderately spreading and always looks neat.

Before pruning, instruments are thoroughly sterilized. The cut is made from the outside above the kidneys, and the knife is held diagonally. After autumn pruning 8 buds remain on the shoots. The procedure is carried out in dry and sunny weather to avoid additional stress for the plants.