Fabric stretch ceilings: photos, pros and cons, types, design, color, lighting. Fabric stretch ceilings taking into account seasonal promotions

To choose the right fabric ceilings, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the material. Following the recommendations will help you avoid problems in further exploitation ceiling and forget about the next repair for a long time.

  • Great for rooms no more than 5 meters wide. Fabric sheets can have a maximum width of 5.1 m, which will allow you to create a seamless ceiling.
  • Fabric ceilings can be safely installed in rooms with temperature changes.
  • Matte or satin texture is better suited for spacious apartments.
  • The synthetic material of the stretch ceiling is absolutely environmentally friendly, so it can be used in a children's room and bedroom.

Pros and cons of textile ceilings

Advantages Flaws
No smell. Doesn't hold water. If a large amount of water gets in, the material deteriorates. Can only hold water for 12 hours.
Strength. Resistant to temperature changes, does not crack from frost. Resistant to mechanical stress.
Durability. They do not fade and retain their original appearance. If a small section is damaged, the entire tension structure will have to be replaced.
Easy installation. Preparatory work not required.
Possibility to change color. Can be repainted about four times.
Soundproofing. Seamless option only 5 meters. If the room is larger than this size, a seam will have to be applied.
Antiseptic. Does not absorb dust.
The tension covering is fire-resistant.
Completely safe for health. The cost is higher than that of PVC ceilings.
Possibility of applying any images using photo printing.
Breathing. Provides a normal level of air circulation.

In the photo fabric ceiling white in the interior of the living room.

Performance characteristics and composition of canvases


The base is polyester fabric. To give additional properties, the fabric fabric is impregnated with polyurethane.

Characteristics table

The photo shows a matte fabric ceiling in the decoration of a wooden house.

Classification according to the presence of a seam

Fabric stretch ceilings are distinguished by the ability to install a large canvas without seams. But this applies to rooms up to 5 meters.

Design of fabric ceilings

You can decorate the stretched fabric in any style. There are various types of design:

  • Colored. The composition that is applied to the base can be of any color. You can already paint it finished design. The color on the fabric does not fade over time.
  • With photo printing. Photo prints can be depicting landscapes, flowers, starry sky etc.
  • Two-level. Fabric stretch fabric can have several levels. The transition can be smooth or clear. The levels are made in different colors. Allows you to correct room defects.
  • With drawings. The image can be applied using a printer or manually. It is possible to apply textured patterns; they make the image three-dimensional.

The photo shows a stretch ceiling with photo printing.

The photo shows a stretched fabric with a pattern and a turquoise ceiling plinth.

The photo shows a combined ceiling with a “starry sky” print.

Color range

Main color solutions:

  • The white color of the stretch ceiling visually increases the height of the room and fills it with light. Suitable for dark rooms.
  • Beige color is suitable for interiors in classic style. Looks good in the living room and children's rooms. TO beige color Wallpaper in bright and pastel colors is suitable.
  • Black color is suitable for bedrooms or living rooms. Looks better with a light pattern or ornament.
  • Grey. Characteristic of styles: hi-tech, loft and minimalism.
  • Bright colors. Bold and original solution, will become the main accent in the interior.

Lighting and fixtures for fabric ceilings

With the help of lighting you can visually enlarge the space, divide the room into zones or create the necessary atmosphere.

Design with hidden LED strip. With this type of lighting, the effect is created as if the ceiling structure is floating in the air.

The photo shows a multi-level design with a “floating” effect.


Illumination can be done using LED strip, neon lighting or spotlights. Installation is carried out around the perimeter or in a certain area.

The photo shows a living room in a minimalist style with neon lighting along the perimeter.

The photo shows a ceiling with LED strip and built-in spotlights along the perimeter.


The chandelier is attached directly to the ceiling, and its decorative base is attached to the tension fabric. They can have any weight and any shape.

The photo shows a multi-level design with photo printing; a chandelier and rotating spots are used for lighting.

What do fabric ceilings look like in the interior of rooms?


The stretch fabric structure is suitable for both small and larger spacious kitchen. Fabric ceilings are not afraid of temperature changes, they do not absorb odors.

The photo shows a fabric ceiling with a pattern in the interior of a spacious kitchen.

Living room or hall

A light stretch ceiling is suitable for the living room; it will increase the space. Fits into any design, maintenance does not require much effort.

In the photo two-level ceiling white and brown.

The photo shows a matte white tension structure.


In the bedroom you want to feel a special atmosphere of comfort. Applying landscape drawings or the starry sky will help make the ceiling the basis of the interior. If the ceiling is brightly decorated, the wallpaper and flooring should be pastel colors.


Antiseptic coatings are suitable for decorating a children's room. They prevent the formation of bacteria. It is possible to apply a fabulous photo print. The coating does not harm the child's health.

The photo shows a fabric stretch fabric with photo printing.


The fabric covering does not change its properties at low and high temperatures. You can clean it with a regular vacuum cleaner.

Options in different styles

Stretch fabric ceiling is a universal finishing method. However, it is not suitable for every style. Manipulations with its color, pattern and other decorative elements come to the rescue.

  • Classic. A white or light fabric stretch ceiling is used. In the antique style there are drawings of paradise plants and animals, as well as images of angels. Baroque is characterized by openwork patterns.
  • Modern. Includes all the latest developments, fabric stretch fabric is no exception. Used in industrial, modern, hi-tech or techno style. The base colors are white, black and gray.

Photo gallery

Fabric tension fabric is more expensive than PVC, but has many advantages. If treated properly, it will last for many years, and the variety of designs and decor will impress any designer. Suitable for all types of premises.

A painful search ready-made solutions for the interior of a future house or apartment literally drives you crazy. Especially when it comes to preferring a certain type of tension ceiling structure. But in order to do right choice, it is enough to have only eyes: in the photo, stretch fabric ceilings look much more advantageous in comparison with their glossy or matte counterparts, although they have perfectly preserved all the main technical specifications(and by clicking on the following links you can see examples and characteristics of suspended ceilings). Attached below is an extensive collection of 50 photos with ready-made design solutions, will undoubtedly help you save your time and better imagine the variety of fabric stretch ceilings that are rapidly gaining popularity.

What's the difference?

Perhaps the most important thing is the nature of the source material. Regular glossy and matte suspended ceilings They are essentially vinyl film heated to a certain temperature. The resulting canvas is stretched along profiles that were successfully assembled in advance, and after some time it pleases the eye of the property owner who is tired of the protracted renovation.

Fabric ceilings, as can be seen from the photo, are made from a different kind of material - impregnated polymer composition special polyester fabric. Terrible synthetics - you say. But no more than any other type of suspended ceilings - you can parry back. But the advantages of such tensile structures become obvious even to not very well prepared people.

Advantages of stretch fabric ceilings

  • seamless structure- due to the roll width of 5 meters, you can achieve the remarkable effect of a solid and perfectly smooth canvas;
  • small indentation from concrete base ceiling (15mm)- that’s why such canvases are recommended for use in rooms with low ceilings, for comparison, a similar offset in the case of a glossy or matte surface is 40-50 millimeters;
  • opportunity original decoration - hand painting is easily applied to the surface of fabric ceilings, which turns each canvas into a real designer exclusive;
  • basic installation- installation does not require a heat gun, which greatly facilitates the work and helps to avoid unpleasant odors afterward;
  • breathability- it is no coincidence that such ceilings are often called “breathing”, because air circulates freely throughout the entire living space, helping to establish ideal air exchange.

Add here excellent sound insulation qualities, the ability to retain heat in a room, immunity to sharp objects, as well as very light weight - and you’ll get it in less than five minutes. best option for your living space!

True, fabric tension structures also have disadvantages. Of course, quantitatively they are seriously inferior to the advantages, but still:

  • limited choice of color options
  • Compared to glossy and matte stretch ceilings, poor water retention capacity in case of flooding
  • conflicting perceptions of conventional detergents


There is nothing complicated here - each step exactly repeats the algorithm familiar from working with other materials, with the only difference being that it is fairly noisy and leaves behind bad smell The heat gun is removed when no longer needed.

  • room marking
  • installation of wall and longitudinal profiles
  • web tension
  • design of decorative elements
  • installation of lamps

In terms of choosing the latter, you are given complete carte blanche: fabric ceilings have a significant reserve of fire resistance and work well even with high-mounted mortise spots. Therefore they are selected lighting fixtures solely to your own taste - clearly correlating the choice with the final vision of the result, of course.


By analogy with film options, they can be like glossy - possessing a remarkable ability to shimmer in the rays of the sun, and matte - most often in classic pastel colors.

It is also worth noting fabric options with embossing - these are more complex and expensive textured solutions that allow you to create a spectacular three-dimensional image.

Even more interesting design solutions

Stretch ceilings, photos of which are given below, are distinguished by their seamless nature. This becomes especially noticeable if you are dealing with classic white. Pay attention to how perfectly smooth the surface can be achieved using this type ceilings are simply a paradise for a perfectionist, and that’s all!

In general, single-color designs are the most affordable. It is no coincidence that most often they can be found in interiors. modern apartments and private houses. On the white color the light did not converge like a wedge - there are more cheerful colors.

You can touch the beautiful while watching a highly artistic film, reading a heartfelt book, or while listening to music that subtly conveys emotions. And also when contemplating stretch fabric ceilings with photos and hand paintings - some of the works evoke genuine admiration.

If your room has a large area and you still have to use a seam connection to install suspended fabric ceilings, then it is advisable to place the pattern on a separate sheet. This will help avoid errors and torn lines in image transmission.

Placing full-fledged large-format photographic images on canvases will give your room a bright personality, and, depending on the nature of the picture, also the necessary atmosphere.

Another positive aspect of using fabric canvases in the interior is the possibility of repainting the surface. As experts assure, any such canvas can withstand not one or two, but as many as five paintings. Want to check?

Of course, in large rooms such solutions look most impressive. Looking at the photos of stretched fabric ceilings in halls and living rooms, we can conclude that a special synergy is established between the stretched fabric and the overall interior, which directly affects the mood. Judging by the images below, it can be completely different, but the noble, so-called thoroughbred appearance of the formed ceiling surfaces remains unchanged.

And here is an example of the use of such structures in the kitchen - a place where some spend most of their home life.

Let's sum it up

Numerous photos of suspended fabric ceilings in modern interior, given above, eloquently convince us that the choice in their favor is not an instinctive pursuit of novelty, but a completely sound and balanced decision, due to the combination of the excellent performance qualities of the material with its decorative potential. We all want to avoid banal options in our interior, but without sacrificing operational convenience and reliability. According to this simple formula, canvases made of polyester fabric are in no way inferior to glossy and matte designs made of vinyl film, which are more common due to their remarkable marketing effect. Moreover, the wide decorative possibilities of post-processing of already stretched canvases make it possible to achieve a truly original visual effect from a particular room. Are fabric ceilings the future? We would not make such a categorical conclusion, but there is no doubt that you have definitely thought about what to use to update the interior of your home.

They appeared quite recently, but have already rapidly gained popularity, taking a leading position in their niche - fabric ones, reviews and photos speak for themselves, persuading many to choose this particular finishing option. Perfect flat surface The ceiling has always been the goal of everyone who is thinking about renovation, so the appearance of suspended ceilings has made life much easier for both ordinary citizens and specialists in the field of construction and design. They are valued for their ease of installation, virtually unlimited service life without loss of quality, and impeccable appearance. But fabric-based stretch ceilings, in contrast, have one significant advantage: with them, any room will look stylish, noble and elegant, because such a design can rightfully be considered a masterpiece of design.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings

The basis of fabric stretch ceilings is a synthetic material of special weaving, impregnated special composition, which increases the performance properties of the canvas. Visually, such a ceiling may look like a perfectly flat plastered and painted surface, but most often all kinds of design options are used, characterized by a variety of effects and patterns.

Like any finishing materials, have fabric ones: the photos attract with their spectacular appearance, but outside something more is hidden. Therefore, before making a choice in their favor, you should weigh the pros and cons in advance.


PVC stretch ceilings have been popular for a long time, but they are rapidly being replaced by fabric ones. It's all about the benefits they have suspended ceilings on a fabric basis, significantly increasing their competitiveness against the background of analogues. Such designs have a number of advantages:

  1. A perfectly flat surface is the main advantage of the material. Even with this, the canvas will not sag, since the base does not initially stretch.
  2. No seams. Depending on the manufacturer, the roll width ranges from 3-5 m, so even in spacious room the ceiling will be perfectly smooth and continuous. For a medium-sized office it is easy to choose the desired width of the canvas.
  3. Air permeability - despite the use of synthetic materials in the production of fabric ceilings, the canvas “breathes” perfectly due to the woven structure.
  4. Strength - this characteristic is at least 15 times greater than that of PVC film; such a ceiling is very difficult to pierce or cut, so it can be safely installed in children's rooms or public places with high traffic. In addition, you can safely hang curtain or install cornices without fear of damaging the ceiling.
  5. Sound and heat insulation - dense fabric perfectly retains heat in the room and dampens sound waves.
  6. Easy to care for - dust does not accumulate on the canvas, and any accidental dirt can be easily removed with a dry soft cloth.
  7. Safety - the canvas is made of environmentally friendly materials, absolutely harmless to health, does not accumulate dust and static electricity. In addition, it does not burn, since it is impregnated with a special composition, therefore it is completely fireproof; on such a ceiling you can safely install powerful ones that will not melt or change the color of the fabric next to it.
  8. Cold installation method - heat guns not used during installation, which is important if there are objects in the room that are harmful high temperatures(antique furniture, paintings etc.).

Today, anyone can create a unique atmosphere in their home. To do this, when ordering a stretch ceiling covering, you just need to select your favorite pattern, picture or photograph. They'll do the rest experienced craftsmen and the latest technology.

Drawing: high quality and safe

The image is applied using solvent or ultraviolet printing using large-format plotters with a resolution of 720 or 1440 dpi.

Modern technologies make it possible to create environmentally friendly products. The dyes used do not emit any harmful fumes in the room and are odorless. This is confirmed by relevant certificates and conclusions of sanitary services.

The paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the base material, so they do not crack when the canvas is exposed to temperature. Since the ink used for printing is waterproof, photo printing on the ceiling can be used in any room, including those with high humidity.

In the photo, fabric stretch ceilings look great. These beautiful canvases are ideal for the interior of an apartment or office. Let's figure out what distinctive features these ceiling structures have.

The photo shows fabric stretch ceilings

Distinctive properties of fabrics

Increasingly, when renovating an apartment, owners choose fabric stretch ceilings (see photo below). This is due to the fact that with the help of a fabric covering it is possible to solve many problems of the base ceiling and significantly embellish the interior of the room.

Fabric stretch ceilings appeared during the times of Ancient Egypt. True, since then the process of its manufacture has been significantly improved. And the fabric stretch ceiling itself has become much better and of higher quality.

Polyester fabric is used to produce fabric ceilings. This synthetic material is impregnated with a special polymer composition, thanks to which it is possible to apply images, photographs or drawings to the fabric. Moreover, the applied pattern does not fade over time, does not fade from moisture, and is not afraid of temperature changes and washing.

As you can see in the photo, fabric stretch ceilings can imitate various textures (suede, satin, velvet, silk or satin). For festive interior design, you can use ceilings embroidered with gold and silver.

Textured fabrics

Which canvases are better: fabric or film?

Quite often, buyers doubt which fabric to choose: fabric or film. Some have a higher price, but also best characteristics, others allow you to save money, but you have to settle for less attractive ones performance qualities. So that you no longer get lost and doubt, we have compiled a table that will help you make a choice in one direction or another:

Characteristic Fabric sheets Film sheets
Seams No seams If you look closely you can see the seams
Noise protection Excellent good
Moisture resistance The canvas will not let water through, but stains may remain on it Flawless
Distance from the main ceiling 15 mm 40-50 mm
Hand painted Yes No
Features of care Wet cleaning without the risk of damage from sharp objects Wet cleaning, but there is a risk of damaging the canvas with a sharp object
Ecological cleanliness Ecologically pure material, can be used in children's and honey. institutions Safe for human health
Installation features No heating Requires preheating of the film with a heat gun
Price from 750 rubles per sq.m. from 450 rub. per sq.m.

The photo shows stretch ceilings with images

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings (see photo below) have many advantages over other suspended ceilings:

  1. The canvases are installed without preheating using a heat gun. This greatly simplifies installation and makes it possible to do it yourself.
  2. The coating can easily withstand low temperatures and its changes. It does not deform, does not fade and does not become brittle. All this allows you to install fabric panels even in unheated rooms.
  3. Almost every manufacturer will give you a certificate stating that the material is non-toxic and harmless to humans. Therefore, the canvases can be used in children's and medical institutions.
  4. The classic fabric surface of a stretch ceiling does not transmit or accumulate electrical energy.
  5. The canvas does not support combustion.
  6. Light weight, light and quick to install.
  7. Fabric stretch ceilings allow air to pass through, but retain moisture, so condensation will not collect in the space behind the ceiling and the base ceilings will not become damp.
  8. The width of the fabric allows you to create large patterns without the risk of them mixing at the seams.
  9. As you can see in the photo, fabric stretch ceilings are suitable for any interior design of the room.
  10. The ceiling is not susceptible to fungi and mold.
  11. The fabric surface of the ceiling perfectly retains heat in the room and absorbs sounds.
  12. To install fabric stretch ceilings, the height of the room will need to be reduced by only 1.5 cm, while, for PVC installation films must be spaced at least 5 cm from the base ceiling.
  13. The high density of fabric sheets makes them more resistant to sharp objects than film ceilings.

The photo shows suspended ceilings in the bedroom interior

Although there are not many disadvantages to such paintings, they do exist:

  1. A more meager range of colors than film canvases.
  2. Fabric stretch ceilings (see photo) do not hold large volumes of water so well after flooding. It is possible that after a major flood they will need to be replaced.
  3. Fabrics cannot be washed with detergents.

Classification of fabrics

Fabric stretch ceilings compared to canvases pvc films not so different wide range models. Based on surface texture, they are divided into the following types:

  • smooth;
  • textured;
  • glossy;
  • matte.

On the surface of fabric stretch ceilings with texture there is a certain relief or convex decorative elements, while smooth ceilings are a perfectly flat surface without texture. The glossy surface of the fabric ceiling resembles a canvas with shimmer. They can be colored or white. Matte canvases, unlike glossy ceilings, are often white or pastel in color.

Fabric stretch ceilings are divided into suture and seamless. As can be seen in the photo, they are more often used seamless options canvases However, for very large premises you will need to create a fabric with a seam.

It is important to know: if you decide to decorate a stretch fabric ceiling with a seam with a pattern, then try to order a small pattern located on only one canvas. Otherwise, it is very difficult to accurately match a picture printed on different canvases.

The characteristics of the fabric ceiling material make it an ideal basis for large-format photo printing. You can apply any image, photo or painting to your ceiling. However, the cost of such ceilings will be slightly higher than that of conventional canvases.

Fabric stretch ceilings: installation procedure

You already understand how to choose fabric stretch ceilings. In addition, numerous photos design ideas will help you decide on the ceiling design. It remains to understand the features of installing the fabric. It doesn’t matter in what interior (kitchen or living room) you are going to install the ceiling, the installation procedure is the same. To avoid the formation of folds and creases, the fabric sheets are attached to a wedge-shaped joint after they are tensioned.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. A baguette is installed around the perimeter of the room at a short distance from the ceiling. It is attached to both the walls and the ceiling.
  2. The fabric fabric is inserted into the baguette so that there is a margin of 5-10 cm. This margin will give us the opportunity to re-stretch the fabric, achieving ideal smoothness.
  3. The canvas is fixed in a groove built into the baguette.
  4. Next, we fasten the opposite edge of the fabric, having previously stretched the fabric tightly. This work is best done in several hands.
  5. Now we stretch and secure the canvas in the transverse direction.
  6. After the ceiling is stretched and fixed, we cut off the remaining fabric along the baguette and install ceiling plinth, which will hide all the unevenness of the trim.

In the proposed video you can learn more about the installation of fabric panels:

Advice: it is better to install fabric stretch ceilings after everything has been renovation work indoors are finished. This way you will protect the coating from dust and cleaning.

The photo shows multi-level stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings: photos of design solutions

As you can see in the photo, fabric stretch ceilings provide unlimited possibilities in home design. With the help of such canvases you can realize any of your ideas, and against their background your sofa or kitchen will sparkle with new colors. Our photo gallery will give you more clues about your space design project.

Design possibilities with fabrics:

  1. If you want to decorate your interior in a classic style and get a white, flat ceiling, then white fabric is exactly what you need. In this case, your ceiling will be as environmentally friendly as a plastered surface.
  2. Fabric stretch ceilings with photos or drawings are a special feeling of touching beauty. Only a fabric surface is ideal for creating a masterpiece.
  3. Is your home being renovated? You don’t have to remove the suspended fabric ceiling, but simply repaint it in the desired color. The canvas can withstand up to 5 colors.
  4. If you need to illuminate the ceiling from the space behind it, you can use a translucent canvas.
  5. You no longer need to contemplate crooked old ceilings. Stretch fabrics will give you ideal evenness and smoothness.
  6. The absence of seams on the ceiling is another plus in favor of fabric panels.

The photo shows stretch ceilings with photo printing

Prices for fabric stretch ceilings

With or without photos, the main question remains - the price. Each manufacturer has its own. We will give you the prices of the most popular fabric manufacturers in our country stretch fabrics. Prices include installation.

Brand of fabric and its width Color scheme of the canvas and price in rubles.
white color brilliant
Descor, width 5.1 m 950 1050 1400
Clipso, width 5.1 m 1050 1200 1250
Cerutti, width 5 m 1500 1700

As you can see, fabric stretch ceilings have remarkable performance characteristics. And numerous photos of interiors with them confirm their attractiveness. Therefore, we can safely say that choosing fabric canvases is the right decision.