From what it is better to build a house - choose the material for the walls of the house. Things to consider when combining different building materials Style and choice of building materials

When it comes to renovations, everyone starts buying building materials. And it is from the choice building materials further comfort and coziness in the house will depend. And if these materials are needed for construction, then you should take the choice even more carefully. After all, as you know, the durability of the building, and its reliability, and safety can depend on the quality of the material.

How to choose good building materials?

The modern construction market offers a wide range of materials for different budgets. However, even if you have a small budget, you should not buy the lowest quality material. You can choose from all the options the most optimal, meeting both the quality requirements and the acceptable pricing policy.

So, how to choose building materials and what should you pay attention to? The main tips in this area can be considered:

  • Price quality. Do not forget that the cheapest materials will not work to create reliability. And vice versa, not always the material with the highest price can be the owner of high worthy quality.
  • Check the storage conditions of building materials. That is, if you see that the packaging has not retained its originality, then you need to be careful about the material inside.
  • The presence of guarantees from the seller allows us to talk about the material as reliable and safe.
  • Consider all compliance with your requirements for the material before you buy it (frost resistance, safety, moisture resistance, etc.).

Considering all your preferences and wishes, you yourself can choose for yourself the best option for building materials that will not only serve you as long as possible, but also save some money.

Where to quickly find the best building materials?

If you do not have time to search for building materials on the market or in stores, the services of GlavOrgStroy will help you make this difficult choice. Here are collected the best and most popular offers in the field of building materials that can meet absolutely all search criteria and customer requirements.

On the GlavOrgStroy portal, you can:

  • Place your ad with the requirements of what you are looking for, get offers from sellers, make your choice.
  • Negotiate with potential vendors and clients.
  • Offer your products or services for free.
  • Receive fresh and relevant news in the construction industry.

In order to fully use the services of GlavOrgStroy, you need to:

1.? Register on the site.

2.? Fill out the profile application, indicating the points of what you are looking for or suggesting.

3.? Place an ad requesting the opportunity to perform assigned tasks.

4.? Make your choice from all the options offered, concluding a deal with a reliable and responsible partner.

As you can see, in a fairly short period of time you will be able to make a choice of high-quality building materials, cooperating with reliable and trusted partners.

is a complex process consisting of several stages. It is necessary to draw up a plan, estimate, and purchase construction and finishing materials. Moreover, the last component has a direct impact on the timing of the repair work. In today's review of the editors of the online magazine site, we will look at how to organize the purchase of construction and so that workers do not stand idle.

Read in the article

Where to start first

Any repair begins with clear planning: development, selection and calculation of the necessary construction and finishing materials, budgeting and hiring specialists. Today we will take a closer look at the second item on this list.

In this matter, you cannot do without the help of professionals, since you need to choose not only the necessary, aesthetic, but also truly high-quality building and finishing materials. They should be taken into account quality characteristics, physical properties and cost. You also need to decide: what kind of materials you need, their quantity and safety, manufacturer and place of purchase.

When repairing without an estimate, you can not do

What materials are needed for repair

It can be cosmetic or capital and consists of several stages: draft and finishing. For each of them, as well as for different kind surfaces, their materials are used. Let's consider these nuances.

Finishing materials

Rough finishing is mainly used during primary finishing works And overhaul. It has a lot to do with quality and durability. finish coat. For rough finishes are used:

  • dry building mixtures for leveling and ceiling and walls;
  • for leveling and creating smooth surfaces for finishing;
  • reinforcing mesh to eliminate cracks;
  • (of necessity);
  • special metal or wood to create a frame for drywall coating or lining;
  • for sanitary facilities;
  • - And ;
  • finishing;
  • for painting;
  • solvent for varnishes and paints;
  • paint brushes and rollers, spatulas of various sizes.

For your information! Break the whole repair into several stages and describe each of them in detail. This will ensure that nothing is missed.


Finishing can be from natural (marble, granite, limestone, wood) and artificial materials. The latter in some characteristics are not inferior, and sometimes even superior to natural counterparts. TO artificial materials include: facing brick, mineral wool, etc.

For finishing work you need:

  • decorative (natural and artificial) stone;
  • linoleum, and;
  • finishing putty;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • adhesives;
  • lining;
  • friezes, i.

Where to buy building and finishing materials

So, we have decided on what building and finishing materials we need, now we need to decide where to buy them. Manufacturers are constantly expanding and offering a new range of their products, and sometimes it can be difficult to make right choice. When buying building materials in specialized markets and supermarkets, you need to focus on quality, price, manufacturer and supplier.

The high cost of the material is not always justified, but it is difficult to expect quality from a product sold at a low price. When choosing building materials, give preference to products famous brands or companies that have already established themselves in the market. On the goods of little-known companies, you can find real reviews on the Internet, and now let's look at places to buy finishing materials.

Construction Markets

When deciding to purchase building materials on the market, you need to be careful. The construction market is not the place where you should buy expensive finishing materials in large volumes. It is great for buying small things, and in this case, you can even save money if you need a large number of them.

Why is it not recommended to make a purchase in the market? Firstly, sellers work from a percentage, and therefore they will try to sell you illiquid assets, for the sale of which they will receive a premium. We do not claim that all implementers are like this, but most of them are. Secondly, there are no normal storage conditions for building and finishing materials in the markets and high humidity, temperature drops significantly worsen their quality.

Another disadvantage of buying building materials on the market is the abundance of fakes for products of well-known brands. It shakes both expensive materials and the most popular products in and on average. price segment. There are several ways to identify a fake, for example, dry plaster mixture. At the factory, when packing, the bags are marked with a timestamp. If there are different times on the bags, then this is the original, but if the same marks are stamped on the container, then you have a fake.

It’s good to buy small things at the construction market


This option is considered optimal and profitable in many respects. Firstly, the cost of materials is not very different from the market price, and sometimes it is even lower. Secondly, in the construction market you can not only buy everything you need, but also order free delivery of goods, and even with the rise to the apartment. In addition, in building supermarkets the range of materials is much larger than in the markets, and they often hold various promotions and discount days, which will save a lot. In addition, building markets provide discounts to wholesalers and regular customers and often have sales.

What to look for when buying building and finishing materials

We already know what materials we need and where we will get them, but this is not enough. Consider what else you need to consider when buying general building and finishing materials. Under no circumstances should these points be ignored.


Packaging, in fact, is the face of the product, and it can tell a lot about the contents and sometimes even determine whether it is a fake or an original. On the container of high-quality material, information about the manufacturer, production date, expiration date, instructions for use, composition and numbers of quality certificates must be indicated. If you see typos, spelling errors or a blurry image, then it is better to refuse the purchase, as this is most likely a fake.

The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised. Since if the container is damaged, exposure to humidity, light, air or temperature changes can affect the quality characteristics. In addition, this may indicate that the seller stored building and finishing materials with violations. Why would you pay for a poor quality product?

By packaging, you can judge the quality of the material and its originality.

Savings must be reasonable

One of the main tasks. So, for example, you can replace a wooden floorboard with a quality one, which, however, is not recommended for use in rooms with increased. it is better to lay it on the floor - it will be more expensive, but it will last much longer. And do not chase materials with too low prices, as most likely they will turn out to be either fake or of poor quality, and you will soon have to do repairs again. It is also not necessary to make a cult of expensive building and finishing materials, since they high price is made up of brand awareness and advertising costs. In addition, popular brands are most often counterfeited. If you can not afford expensive materials, then give preference to products in the middle price segment.


No one will intentionally harm their health, let alone save on it. Therefore, try to choose and buy only ecologically. clean materials, especially if they will be used for finishing , and . If you are going to purchase this or that finishing material, be sure to study its characteristics, safety certificates and integrity. protective coating(laminate, drywall, etc.). In addition, it is recommended to study the list in advance, and try to choose products with a high safety class.

When buying building and finishing materials, ask the seller for a safety certificate

Purchase of building and finishing materials

Having decided on what materials we need, where to buy them and what to look for, you need to familiarize yourself with a few more recommendations. This will help to avoid unnecessary expenses, save time and nerves and not slow down. repair work.

Calculation of the required amount of materials

Before you go shopping, you need to carefully calculate required amount building and finishing materials. This way you avoid unnecessary financial costs. You can consult with a specialist who will carry out repairs for you, or use a special one, although the calculations will be approximate. In any case, as practice shows and experts recommend, it is best to purchase materials with a small margin (about 10% of the total volume).

Who will purchase building materials

Before the final conclusion of an agreement with builders, it is necessary to decide who will buy materials for roughing and fine finish. Usually the first is the contractor, and the second is the customer. You can completely entrust the purchase of materials to builders, but there are several nuances here. First, due to the nature of the work construction companies and teams know the suppliers with the best prices, know the range and can ensure the delivery of materials to the site. Secondly, some contractors receive a certain percentage from suppliers, and therefore you can purchase even high-quality materials, but at an inflated price.

You can take on the purchase of materials yourself, but you will lose a lot of time visiting various stores and construction markets, as well as studying all kinds of offers, looking for sales and discounts.

Schedule your deliveries so you don't miss your repair schedule

It would be irrational to immediately bring all the materials for rough and finish finishing to the apartment being renovated, since they will interfere with the workers. It is best to bring them as needed. In order to properly organize the supply of materials to the site, ask the senior builder for the sequence of work and the approximate time for their completion. If everything is done correctly, then the terms of the repair will not be disrupted through your fault.

Not a single repair or construction project can do without the purchase of materials for construction and decoration. And here the question arises: "Where to buy all this?". It is clear that every consumer wants to purchase building materials High Quality and at the same time save cash. For those who do not have any experience in this area, this can be quite difficult.

Where to buy materials

Now you can buy everything you need in several ways.

  • On construction market.
  • In a specialized store.
  • Companies that sell their products online.
  • With ads from catalogs or magazines.

The latter option is very popular these days. Nowadays, it is quite possible to purchase high-quality goods through the Internet. affordable price. In addition, online stores always offer a fairly large assortment. If we talk about the price, then it is lower than in stores due to the fact that buyers do not pay for the rent of the premises. And if they do, they usually pay a very small amount.

Online stores in most cases purchase all goods from manufacturers. Therefore, they can easily pick up everything that the customer needs. Their warehouses, if they have any, hold a very small amount of the hottest commodity. In the same way as in large hardware stores, sellers can provide buyers with all the required certificates. Due to this, the risk that the purchased product will be of poor quality is minimized.

But still, most often, buyers turn to construction stores for help and visit the relevant markets. And all because in these cases they have the opportunity to see all the materials with their own eyes, to assess their quality. But here, too, there are drawbacks. For example, in the construction markets, you can often find low-quality goods. This can be due to a variety of reasons, from improper storage conditions to the most banal fakes. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you buy only the smallest materials and branded products that are expensive in the markets.

But in building stores, you are likely to be able to purchase goods of the appropriate quality. However, the cost of this will be quite high. Unless, of course, we are not talking about hypermarkets or supermarkets. In these stores, prices may be lower than in others.

But be that as it may, let's look at each of the above options in more detail in order to understand what the main differences are.

On the Internet

In online stores, you can easily pick up and purchase any type of building materials. In this case, you do not need to stand in line and even leave the house. You can safely view the entire range, choose the right product and order its delivery in any way convenient for you. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this method of shopping is that there is no opportunity to touch the product and see it with your own eyes, and not just in the photo. There is a risk that the selected color and shape will not match what you require. This can lead to delays and problems in the renovation and construction process.

On the construction market

As for the markets, they are able to offer customers a wide variety of products of various quality and cost. We have already written about this above. If you are not an expert in such matters, then it will be much more difficult for you to make the right choice. You must clearly understand what you can save on and what not.

So, going to the construction market, always remain extremely vigilant. The fact is that in such outlets no one is responsible for how the materials were stored. Therefore, there is always a risk that due to temperature changes and constantly changing air humidity, various mixtures and paints will become unusable. As a result, sellers try to sell what is no longer usable. They seek to earn money on this and quickly sell damaged products.

That is why, without any fear, you can purchase goods such as self-tapping screws, sockets, nails and the like on the market.

In supermarkets and shops

As we already wrote, this method of purchase is the most reliable. Naturally, prices in shops and supermarkets are always higher. But on the other hand, the likelihood of acquiring a fake or expired goods is reduced several times. Moreover, experienced sales consultants will be happy to help you with the choice and give valuable advice. After all, when buying building materials, you need to take into account many nuances. Of great importance is the room in which the materials will be used. For example, there are products that can easily withstand low temperatures air. And there are products that can be used in the improvement of premises with high humidity air.

But there is one caveat. Often, you may need time and patience to wait for the seller. But this is more than offset by the fact that various promotions and favorable conditions are held in stores. This is kind of a nice addition to the acquisition. Also, stores often have discounts on shipping if you purchase goods for a certain amount of money. Moreover, delivery under such conditions can generally be free.
As for the cost of products, their size is strongly influenced by the name. trademark. Manufacturers often inflate the price of their products just because their company is already very popular among consumers and has proven itself well. At the same time, one should not think that a high price is a clear sign of high quality products. On the shelves of stores, you can easily find goods of suitable quality at a lower price.

Printed publications, catalogs

This method of searching for building materials is not very popular. However, it is also worth mentioning. For example, you may stumble upon a suitable product in a catalog or magazine. As a rule, such announcements are always accompanied by contact information. Often companies offer building materials with the possibility of delivery at a time and place that suits you. Corresponding directories can also be found on the Internet.

In construction hypermarkets

visit similar outlets It is possible not only to find out how much this or that product costs. Buying in building hypermarkets is also very profitable. And there are several reasons for this.

1) Large retail chains quite often hold large-scale promotions. If you fall for such a promotion, you can easily save a decent amount of money thanks to the discount.

2) Surely everyone has a friend who is the happy owner of some special card in a network of some stores. Using it, you can also save a lot of money.

3) Another reason why it is better to shop in hypermarkets lies in the need to purchase non-tradable, relatively rare materials. For example, we can talk about high quality or a particular brand.

4) It is also better to visit construction hypermarkets in cases where a large number of various types of products are required.

When is the best time to buy building materials?

When the question of purchasing materials arises, another problem immediately arises - when is it better to buy raw materials for construction and repair? As a rule, construction and repair work is not carried out in winter, but it is at this time of the year that many retail outlets hold various promotions and offer substantial discounts.

So, let's see if it is really more profitable to buy reinforced concrete products, bricks, blocks in winter.

  1. In winter, all materials are much cheaper. This is due to the fact that selling prices are falling. Manufacturers provide their dealers with solid discounts if they purchase goods for a certain amount. In addition, delivery of products to winter time years will also be cheaper. Often dealers work at a loss in winter, counting on the fact that demand will increase significantly in summer. This is the reason why the price difference in winter and summer sometimes reaches 60 percent.
  2. In winter, it will also cost you less to unload materials. For example, the price of a truck crane can be reduced by 15 percent when compared with summer period when the demand for this technique increases significantly.
  3. Once you place your order, you won't have to wait too long. Everything you need will be delivered within three days. It should be noted that in summer the delivery of goods can last up to a month.

However, it would be dishonest not to say that there are also arguments for purchasing building materials in summer.

  1. When goods are purchased in the winter and stored until the summer at the construction site, the likelihood that they will be stolen increases significantly. No, if the site is quite large, then you should not worry. But for those who build, for example, own house it makes sense to reflect on this fact.
  2. It is also worth considering that some materials may be damaged under the influence of environment. For example, cement should be stored only in a dry and warm room. And expanded clay, sand and crushed stone tend to absorb moisture. It will be quite difficult for you to dry them in the summer. The same applies to aerated concrete blocks. But reinforced concrete products should not be covered. Of course, if these are not floor slabs.

But the choice is, of course, yours when to purchase building materials.

Product Requirements

All building materials differ in their composition and properties. So, paints require reliable adhesion and wear resistance. If we are talking about wallpaper, then they should "breathe", and ceramic tile should be pretty solid. And absolutely for all materials has great importance safety. They should not contain any harmful components. Therefore, before buying materials, carefully study their composition.

Remember that in places with a dubious reputation it is quite difficult to find products of acceptable quality. Often the data indicated on the packaging is very inaccurate. This is especially true of local spontaneous markets.

Particular attention should be paid to what is included in the composition of finishing materials. Among the main components should not be lead, zinc, and phenol formaldehyde. The latter can cause the development of such serious diseases as asthma and cancer. And this is not to mention the occurrence of allergic reactions. Walls treated with such materials require additional finishing and constant ventilation.
As for the insulation, it is better to buy it in those stores that purchase directly from the manufacturer. In this case, the conditions of delivery and storage are quite easy to check. Therefore, the chances that the acquisition will be successful increase.

Purchases made imprudently will not be able to make a person happier during the repair process or after it is completed. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to have “their own” sellers in the construction market, who will be able to conduct a detailed “tour” for you and, if necessary, will be able to inform you when the product you need is available.

Of course, those who live in big city, there will be no difficulties with the choice of shops and supermarkets selling materials for construction and repair. In small towns, the choice, unfortunately, is not so huge. But even in remote places there is Internet. It is with his help that you can order everything you need for construction and repair.

Video. Choice of laminate

Not a word about design! We're going to the construction site.

How to choose lumber, doors, skirting boards and wallpaper at a construction base so that you don’t have to return the goods. Whom to entrust the selection of building materials. Advise builder-practitioner.

Have you been planning to renovate or remodel your home for a long time? We got together even longer, met with private builders and company representatives, made estimates, assessed our capabilities, and finally decided ... Repair, and especially finishing and construction country house, is a serious matter, and requires at least a superficial understanding that not only specialists are needed who are able to implement design ideas, but also the materials from which, in fact, everything will be done. Today, since autumn is in the yard, many goods are sold at a discount, and we will talk about their purchase. And the builder-practitioner Igor Tikhonov will help us, with whom we will go to study the assortment of construction bases and construction goods stores.

Let's start with one of the most simple ways extraction of quality materials - rely on a foreman or other specialist from among those who will perform the work. But they are not always ready to take on our worries. Perhaps the best thing is to become a supplier at a construction site yourself. With the right approach to this exciting business you will not spend a lot of time, and the work will be completely under control. By contacting the workers or the foreman, you will delve into the essence of the process and protect yourself from most abuses. And this happens quite often when money is given out, as they say, “on parole”. We are ready to assure you that any foreman or supplier, upon request, will bring you any number of "papers" that justify the costs. But all checks, waybills and payment receipts must be collected and stored. So that it does not happen that you paid twice for the same product. For example, in a situation where a not too conscientious foreman suddenly “remembered” that he had put his lining on the finish, and offers you to pay for it. Therefore, even if you have neither the time nor the desire to work on your own, you still have to control the work of the invited team.

Let's start with employee relations. If you still decide to entrust the purchase of materials to specialists, give out money in small portions, check the compliance of what you brought with the ordered (at least in quantity) and demand a report at least once a week. Such scrupulousness usually discourages the desire to “let something go to the left”. And in no case should you be a master: give out exactly as much as they ask for the next purchase, and be sure to discuss what costs where, what is the quality, where they are going to buy what and why exactly there and not elsewhere. This, of course, will not insure yourself against abuse, but at least reduce costs.

What will you need to delve into?

Now let's move on to practice. The fact that you, not having the slightest idea about modern building materials and technological process, decided to become a supplier at their construction site, there is nothing to worry about. Since you have managed to earn money to repair or build a house, then you will figure it out.

So, you already have an estimate in your hands. For example, you need concrete mortar and reinforcement for the foundation. We start conversations with builders, where and, most importantly, how to buy it, that is, how to take advantage of the discounts that any construction organization, a team of decent workers or an intelligent foreman have.

And now, attention, the most important thing: never be lazy to compare prices at construction bases and in different stores. Sometimes builders earn more on your ignorance than on their own work.

When it comes to building wooden house and you are unable to assess the quality of timber, lining, boards, use the services of a person who will create your home out of all this, and take him to the store with you. Be sure that he will choose the best - after all, he will work with this material, and with quality material work is always more pleasant and faster. And then no one will tell you the catchphrase: “Well, you, the owner, brought a goofy crap, you have to add for the work ...”

So, consulting with builders, comparing the prices of sellers, you start to “enter the topic”, and the result is, perhaps, ideal: the work is going on, and everyone is happy. You have not spent extra money, builders - extra time; you have complete understanding. And with such good relations, you will receive best quality work, reduce the time, and most importantly - the control will be unobtrusive.

From foundation to roof

Now let's move from poetry to practice again. In what cases will we ask for help in the selection of materials, and in which not? There are positions that you can really figure out on your own, but there are also those that you can’t do without professionals. And I would not recommend doing the installation of stoves and fireplaces on your own, heating equipment, with a number of reservations - electrics. But sometimes they help. simple solutions. For example, if it is necessary to install complex engineering equipment, it makes sense to hold a hidden tender among different companies in order to choose best options and prices. Departure of a specialist is usually paid, but the money spent is likely to pay off.

When comparing prices, do not forget to ask what the cost of delivery with unloading is. Sometimes it happens that it crosses out the benefits of discounts.

Let's start from the bottom and simplified schemes. Suppose a house consists of foundation walls and a roof. For example, the foundation will require sand and gravel, concrete mortar and reinforcement, which in the estimate proposed to you are indicated by a certain brand and nomenclature. If none of the supplier organizations is currently announcing good discounts, we sit down on the phone, compare prices (and certainly including delivery), find out about discount programs ... Then the walls are aerated concrete blocks, brick, reinforcing mesh, cement, sand ... The technology is, in general, the same. There is one exception: if we are talking about “live” material (beam, log, lining), you can’t do without a qualified assistant. Important nuance: The declared quality may differ greatly from the quality of the shipped goods. Therefore, the supply of sawn timber must be controlled both at the exit from the construction base (selection and sorting) and at the entrance (recalculate, compare with the selection list, identify damage during loading and unloading).

If you are not a carpenter or cabinetmaker, then entrust the selection of lumber to a specialist who will work with them. You save money and he saves time.

As for roofing materials, it is advisable to visit any specialized company that supplies the necessary components (from roofing membranes to drainage systems).

And better than one - choose according to the ratio "price - quality of service."

From pipe to putty

Now for the interior work. It all starts with communications. Plumbing purchases should be entrusted to a specialist, but money can only be given to him after discussing the network project, installation scheme, place of purchase, and discounts provided. It is necessary to discuss each step, even if you do not understand anything about it. Ask, for example, why these items are so expensive, can you trust the quality, are there any warranties...

Purchases of electrical equipment can be taken over. Naturally, you should first agree with the builders on the quantity and range of products. Please note that electrical wiring is different: according to the cross section and material of the wires (copper, aluminum), operating conditions (for interior or exterior use). And problems are possible if, having decided to save money, you purchase a wire that does not correspond to the declared loads.

With communications done, let's move on to interior decoration. First of all, plasters, putties and drywall. Here you should contact specialized companies - there is a good turnover of all bulk building materials, as a rule, there are no expired ones, and the suitability of the mixture greatly affects the quality of work. It is almost impossible to estimate the total required amount of plaster and putty, so we make the purchase in several visits. Let's start small. We estimated the minimum layer thickness, total area and material consumption (how many square meters can be processed with a mixture from one bag) - and we make a purchase. Unfortunately, there is nothing to optimize here: you can’t save on delivery, you still have to buy more, and if there are surpluses, you can’t return them to the store, and the material is not eternal - after six months it loses its properties.

Parquet, window systems And roofing materials it is advisable to purchase through highly specialized dealers and suppliers - they have comprehensive information about the product and know what goes with what.

We also need materials for partitions. We will not analyze which is better: aerated concrete, tongue-and-groove plate or drywall. All this can be safely ordered in the right amount based on total area. True, drywall requires a slightly different approach. The number of sheets is calculated not so much by area as by perimeter ( standard sheet 1.2 m wide and 2.5 to 3 m high). Similarly, the volume of material for the frame is determined. On the issue of quality: undoubtedly, imported manufacturers are preferable. But if it is planned to build partitions from two or three layers of drywall, then it makes sense to buy cheaper material for the first layers, and put a good one on the outside.

Having built ceilings and partitions, having plastered and puttied everything that is possible, we choose paint coatings. It is extremely difficult - even professionals sometimes doubt. The choice is colossal, the nomenclature changes all the time, and the quality of products, it would seem, from manufacturers that have been proven over the years, sometimes falls. So again we turn to the methodology outlined above - we talk for a long time about all the problems of choosing coatings with a specialist who will paint, draw conclusions, and only after that we go to the store and begin to "torment" consultants. If in in general terms, then do not buy the cheapest paint (albeit a famous manufacturer), but also do not take the most expensive one (not every master knows how to work with it).

The walls of the house: a look from the inside

The next position is wallpaper. Not a word about design. Today we are talking only about quality, and here is what should be noted. The paintable wallpapers that are popular today (they are often chosen when they have not yet decided what color to paint the walls in) are approximately the same in quality, only the abrasion resistance is different and the ability to absorb expensive paint. Everything is simple here: the smaller the pattern and the calmer the relief, the more resistant this coating is and will eat less paint. Simple paper wallpaper is a very budget option, and we will not consider it. As soon as you have enough money to build walls, you should not save on wallpaper. Hit of all times and peoples - vinyl wallpapers. But how different they are ... The price is not the last argument, but not the main one. Take your time with the purchase, bring a person to the store who will glue them, listen to what he has to say, draw conclusions. Perhaps on the next shelf is about the same, but of higher quality and quite reasonable price.

Now the doors. Here the range of offers is extremely wide, the choice is yours, but preference should be given to those models that you not only like, but with wooden filling and door frames made not from cardboard, but from normal wood. A small nuance: do not take simple paneled doors if you are building a cottage - several freeze-thaw cycles are enough for them to dry out. We turn to the choice of accessories. Loops need to choose only good ones, and handles and mechanisms - even more so. By the way, pay attention to the Spanish and Taiwanese manufacturers - their products are of quite decent quality.

It is also worth focusing on delivery, or rather, on the acceptance of doors. Be sure to open the package and check for scratches and chips. Take a two-meter level, attach and check if the canvases are not bent (this, unfortunately, occurs), and it can be problematic to replace the goods after acceptance. In general, there is nothing to say about platbands and boxes: check only the quantity, quality and color matching of the doors (there are such “jambs” as well).

Do not be too lazy to check everything - it can save a lot of time.

When it comes to floors (laminate, linoleum, parquet board, block parquet), as well as windows (only double-glazed windows in wooden or plastic frames), then you will be perfectly informed on these issues in specialized firms and stores.

Skirting boards. If you chose plastic, then take it with cable channels: it’s easier to fix, and you can always forward the cable forgotten during wiring. The laminated MDF skirting board is also not bad - it can be matched to the color of the floor or trim and, importantly, purchased at a reasonable price. And if you do not have parquet flooring, but a pine tongue and groove floor, this is optimal solution. Skirting boards made of valuable species - oak, beech, ash - require sorting and careful inspection. But if you are not a parquet or cabinet maker, then do not even try to evaluate them. This is exactly the case when only professionals should be engaged in procurement.

Construction on