Brick house with a block house. Finishing the internal block house: rules for performing work. Necessary tools for installation and additional elements

The beautiful and recently quite fashionable word "Block House" is essentially the most ordinary classic eurolining, but it was made according to the latest science and technology. The interior decoration of houses with a blockhouse creates a unique effect, an atmosphere in the house.
Since it is almost comparable to the aroma of freshly planed wood. In addition, the interior decoration with a block house of a house made of conifers will help prevent almost all respiratory diseases in those who will live in this house.

This material simulates the walls of a log house for the finishing of expensive types of wood, thereby ennobling the interior.
Block house application:

  • Natural antiseptics that are in the needles are genuine natural healers. Consequently, logs (pines and larches) are often sheathed with clapboards of coniferous species such buildings as a bathhouse and a sauna (see Finishing a bath with clapboard: we do it right).
  • Forest beauty spruce is not used for interior cladding, because this breed is very plastic and loose. With its help, they form decorative elements in interior decoration, in the form of rails.
  • This source really models walls from natural wood. In addition, wood paneling is very stylish and elegant, highlighting a certain style of building design.

Advice. Most of all, the interior decoration of the house with a block house is carried out in guest rooms and libraries. The hall, hallway and even the kitchen, decorated with this material, look good in the same spirit.

But before you decide for sure that you will realize your idea and complete the block house finish, you need to answer the question of whether it is possible to do it yourself inner lining block house panels without the help of others?

The advantage of the material in interior decoration

Everyone has their own understanding and assessment of what is around. However, there is a type of interior decoration that is friendly accepted by the bulk of potential builders and repairers.

  • This, of course, is about the use of wood in the design of the interior space - and here the decoration of the block house inside the house provides great opportunities for the implementation of your own projects and thoughts.
  • The very first thing that comes to mind when remembering the advantages of a blockhouse is that it is absolutely no problem to mount this material. It's a board, after all. outer side having a tubular shape and grooves-fasteners in the ribs.
  • But, if the interior decoration of the house is planned with a block house, hired craftsmen, then without an approximate drawing or photo, it will be quite difficult for the workers to accurately imagine the design of the interior decoration that you need.

Finishing a block house inside the house

From the point of view of the quality of this finishing material, which allows its use inside the building, it is permissible to highlight further features.
Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Environmental friendliness, it's all safe material, which does not produce absolutely any negative impact on the human body.
  • Ease and reliability. The presence of a block house for the purpose of interior decoration of the house does not create an unnecessary impact on other systems (neither on the structure nor on the foundation).
  • Soundproofing. Block house, just like any other wood, provides a significant reduction in the various drones of external sounds.
  • Simplicity and convenience of installation.
  • Processing a blockhouse from the inside of the housing allows the materials from which it is built to breathe.

For reference.
Special attention given to such a component as indoor microclimate. The air here is saturated with oxygen, the intoxicating smell of wood, which allows us to talk about the medical properties of such material as a block house.

In addition, such a board allows you to simply combine or, on the contrary, favorably highlight different elements design of the building, for example, beams with a reddish-brown coating will be the most expressive elements. So with the help of a block house, you will be able to avoid unnecessary hassle regarding how to hide unnecessary, unnecessary interior elements at first glance.

Finishing inside the house with a block house

The first thing to consider in this case is right choice material. As previously mentioned, for these purposes it is best suited for interior decoration coniferous trees.
Each breed has its own, only characteristic features:

  • The spruce has a lot of knots, and they form a unique sketch in the plane.
  • Pine will show great structure, and their combination will create an unusually clean and Fresh air in room. However, a lot also depends on what kind of premises the block house is used for.

  • So, for example, if it is planned to process a block house from the inside of a steam room (see Finishing a steam room: key features) or a sauna, it would be more correct to beware of using the above coniferous trees for finishing.

In this situation, boards of such species as poplar, linden or some small shrubs are more suitable. The problem is that at too high temperatures and vapors are released from coniferous trees resins.

  • This material usually has a high density, therefore, affects its highest heat capacity. This is what creates favorable conditions for quick and relatively easy heating of the air in the steam room.

The block house made of coniferous trees heats up very quickly itself, therefore, it is permissible that during washing you can get burned if you touch the wall. Therefore, finishing the house with a blockhouse inside the sauna should be carried out in connection with individual requirements.

Blockhouse installation

After you have accurately selected the type of material that will be used in your case, you can proceed to their direct installation.
Things to consider before installation:

  • In order to ensure special expressiveness, wall decoration with a block house should be carried out with short and fairly neat planks, their maximum width should not be more than 10.50 cm.
  • This approach will make it possible to favorably decorate the wall with a convex plane and at the same time not affect the safety of the volumes of the room. The quality of the boards is also important.
  • Everyone has their own views on this, so many cope with the installation of a domestically produced block house, others consider exclusively European and American standards, others are guided by some special ideals of their own, often exceeding the requirements of generally recognized standards of building standards.

Advice. Despite such various requirements, the decoration of the house inside the block house should be carried out only with excellent quality material - it should not have cracks, prints, blue, rot or mold and, of course, scorched areas.


  • Regardless of the plane in which the block house is being installed, it is first necessary to resort to the wall sheathing.
  • For this purpose, you will need slats with a thickness of 3 to 4 cm. The bars are fixed to the wall at intervals of 500 - 600 mm.
    In this case, it is already necessary to consider in which direction you intend to install the block house.

  • If your “logs” stand vertically, then the crate is carried out horizontally and vice versa, with the horizontal position of the block house, you will need to position the crate vertically. There is also another advantage of using this particular material for interior decoration.

For reference. If the blockhouse is facing from the inside of the housing, you will not need to level the walls before finishing.

  • But at the same time, before installing the crate, you can perform thermal insulation of the room. This is especially true for the arrangement of houses located in areas of a rather harsh climate.
  • In frequent cases, the installation of a block house from the inside of the building, just like from the outside, is carried out lying down (horizontally) according to a sheer crate. But in some alternatives, vertical mounting boards.
  • This is especially important in rooms with increased dampness, for example, in a sauna. The vertical arrangement of the block house eliminates the accumulation of water in the grooves of the boards and prevents damage and destruction of wood.

Advice. A mandatory recommendation is the need to withstand the material before installation in the room for a certain amount of time. This is done in order to acquire the substance of the moisture in the room, since it is in such conditions that the planks will immediately be installed in their places.

  • Installation can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It is recommended to carry out the adhesion of the boards to the walls with nails or self-tapping screws.
    Mounting with special brackets is considered another way.

If you fix the block house in this way, the result is first-class and reliable, but its cost increases. Between themselves, all the details of the block house are fixed with the help of locks located on the edges of each plank.

Each person has his own perception and assessment of the environment, each prefers to be in his usual environment, and it is purely individual. But there is a type of interior decoration that is favorably perceived by most people. We are talking about the use of wood in interior design - and here the block house for interior decoration provides ample opportunities for the implementation of your own ideas and ideas.

The very first impression that a block house leaves is regular board, with the front side of a cylindrical shape and a ridge and a groove on the ribs. However, when the interior decoration is done with a block house, a photo as an example of such an interior design can be seen below, its perception will be completely different.

From the point of view of the characteristics of this material, making it possible to use it indoors, the following can be noted:

  • environmental friendliness. This is an absolutely harmless material that does not have a negative effect on the body;
  • lightness and strength. When using a block house for interior decoration, it does not create excessive impact on bearing structures houses and foundations;
  • soundproofing. Block house, like any wood, provides significant absorption and attenuation of noise;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • blockhouse decoration inside the house allows it to breathe;
  • indoor microclimate- the air, filled with the smell of wood and resin, acquires healing properties.

In addition, such a board makes it quite easy to combine a variety of elements of room design - such as beams, brickwork, forged elements. What a similar decoration with a block house looks like inside, the photo below shows in sufficient detail.

Do not forget about the original appearance, reminiscent of walls chopped from logs. And about the feeling of warmth that will always give a house finished with such material.

Choosing a block house for interior decoration

In this matter, everything is quite simple, and at the same time there are some features that must be taken into account. It is necessary to take into account for which premises the interior decoration of the house with a blockhouse will be carried out. It is worth just recalling that coniferous trees are most often used in the production of a block house. Each breed has its own, only its inherent features. Spruce has a lot of knots, and they form an original pattern on the surface, pine will demonstrate a great texture, and cedar will create a kind of microclimate in the room.

If you have to sheathe the walls of the living room, then you can use any material to your taste. If it is planned to finish the block house inside the bath or sauna, then it is best to avoid the use of coniferous wood, boards made of hardwood(linden, aspen, alder). The fact is that when heated, coniferous woods emit resin, in which you can get dirty.

In addition, such boards usually have a high density, which means their high heat capacity. This, accordingly, makes it hotter in the same steam room. As a result, it will be possible to earn burns if you touch it. Therefore, the interior decoration of such rooms as a bathhouse with a blockhouse should reduce the likelihood negative impacts. For this, it is best to use hardwoods, such as linden.

After the type of board that will be used is selected, you can begin to select the material itself. To ensure the greatest expressiveness, the interior walls of the blockhouse should be finished with narrow and fairly thin boards, their maximum width should not exceed 150 mm. This will allow you to get a relief surface and not “take away” the volume from the room.

The quality of the board is also important. Manufacturers have several approaches to this issue. Some are guided by the requirements of domestic GOST, others by European and American standards, and others by their own standards, often exceeding GOST standards in terms of rigidity. Despite such different requirements, finishing the house inside with a block house should be done with only excellent quality material - without cracks, tool marks, rot and blue.

In this case, the result will be as expected. What is obtained with this approach, the interior decoration of the blockhouse, the photo a little higher and to the left shows in all details.

Features of the internal installation of the block house

Regardless of the surface on which the blockhouse is mounted indoors (brick, wood, etc.), it is always carried out on the crate. For this, a bar of 30-40 mm thickness is used. The bars are attached to the wall at intervals of fifty to sixty centimeters and are aligned in height. This is another advantage of this interior design - when the block house is sheathed inside the house, it is not necessary to level the walls before finishing.

With all the details about the installation, the article will tell: block house, installation according to all the rules.

When finishing the facades, thermal insulation is mandatory, however, when the interior decoration of the house is carried out with a block house, this is not at all necessary, especially for brick and wooden structures. The decision on this (to do, not to do insulation) must be made in advance, before the installation of the crate. If the insulation will be carried out, then the thickness of the bars should be increased. By the way, the free air space between the wall and the sheathing will improve the soundproofing effect.

Usually, the installation of a block house indoors, as well as outside, is performed horizontally along a vertical crate. However, in some cases, vertical mounting of the board is also used. This is especially true in rooms with high humidity such as in a sauna or bath. This eliminates the accumulation of water in the grooves of the board and prevents the destruction of wood.

With this method of installation, the spike of the first and subsequent boards should be directed towards the light source, which will make the joint of the boards less noticeable, by analogy with gluing wallpaper with an overlap. However, such fastening can be considered as an exception, and the common practice is to install the block house horizontally with the position of the tenon on top and the groove on the bottom of the board.

Installation can be started both from above and from below. The most common method of fastening is with a nail or a self-tapping screw at an angle into a spike. With this method of fastening, it is better to start the installation from the bottom, so it is easier to work. Another way is to use special brackets, kleimers. If you fix the block house like this, internal installation It turns out high-quality and reliable, but its cost increases.

More details on the installation of the block house in the inner corners can be found on the video:

How to care for upholstery

After sheathing is done interior, it is desirable to protect it from moisture, dust, grease and dirt. For this, there are now a large number special means, primers, varnishes and stains. The best protection there will be varnish or wax. In this case, it is enough to periodically clean off the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp sponge. Do not use abrasive materials or aggressive detergents.

At the same time, stains allow you to paint the block house in the desired color or give it the desired shade. So, by impregnation on a regular pine board you can additionally highlight and emphasize its texture, make it a larch tone or enhance shine. Such coatings serve for at least five years and then need to be updated. Lacquer (wax) coating will significantly increase the service life of the block house.

The use of a block house for interior decoration allows you to give them a new, original look and create the atmosphere of an old log house. In addition, the perfect combination of wood trim with deliberately rough decor elements (beams, wrought iron and stone) will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of past times in the design of the house and enhance the original flavor of the whole environment.

A block house is a special type of house cladding that looks like a wagon board, on the one hand, which looks like a high-quality rounded log. Possessing high practical and aesthetic characteristics, the block house is the most demanded material today, and it is used both outside the house and inside. The main advantage of the material is the presence of a thorn-groove connecting system, so each owner can sheathe the house with a block house without much hassle.

When should this finish be used?

As a rule, if the building is made of bricks, sheets, slabs or blocks, there are no questions about why sheathe your house with clapboard. And here's how to deal with wooden frame? Definitely sheathe, here's why:

  1. In the case of building a log house "in the paw" inside the house, finishing will be required, the block house is ideal for this.
  2. If the log house was built from profiled timber, the finish will help to achieve the “Russian hut” style and additionally protect Wall panels from negative impact.
  3. For all buildings, a block house is an ideal finishing material that will last for many years, while it is easy to place additional heat-insulating material under the cladding.

Important! All cladding work can be carried out only after complete shrinkage of the structure.

When choosing a product on the market, you should be careful, many manufacturers offer a false log - an option that is not equipped with connecting grooves, which creates certain difficulties during installation. In the case of sheathing a house with a block house with your own hands, the procedure is simple, of course, if you do not have to create intricate designs.

Finishing: work in stages

How to sheathe a house with cladding, we will understand this in detail:

  1. First, the preparatory work, which consists in creating a preliminary crate. It will come in handy both inside the house and outside, depending on which areas get off.
  2. Square bars 30 * 30 mm are stuffed vertically in increments of 0.5-0.6 m, fastening can be done with nails, planks and do not forget about the processing of the bar.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the need additional insulation and be sure to align the installation of the crate with a level.
  4. Once the crate on the walls is ready, proceed with the installation of the block house. Regardless of the type and type of panels, fastening always starts from the bottom to the top.

As for fixing the slats, there are two ways:

  1. Using Galvanized Claymore, which is bent into a groove with one part, the other is attached to the crate bar using a screw. After that, the panel is linked to the next one and the process is repeated. Positive sides the type of fastening is the strength and reliability of the masonry. Sometimes it is acceptable to use liquid nails to enhance strength. At the same time, the panel itself does not require screws and nails, so the risk of panel deformation is reduced to zero. Watch videos from professionals to understand the whole process in detail.
  2. The second option involves fastening the panel to the lathing bar with self-tapping screws. To do this, you need to make a hole in the board equal to half its thickness. After that, a screw is heated into the hole, and then the hole is caulked flush with the board, as shown in the video. Now the block house is securely fixed, while the screw head is not visible. The method is laborious and there is a risk of damage to the lamella during installation.

Advice! If there great experience facing works, you can apply the option of driving nails into the groove of the board at an angle of 45 degrees. The method is complex, requires skill and a minimal shift of the nail immediately injures the lamella.

There are several difficulties that can be encountered home master who wants to finish the walls inside the house with a do-it-yourself block house:

  • Docking panels in the corners. It is better to use special corners of the plinth, fitting parts of the lamellas under them. To do this, both walls of the corner are driven out, then the joint is hidden with a semicircular or flat element and fastened with liquid nails.
  • Particularly sharp corners should be hidden behind a wooden rail; it can be decorative if it is an interior decoration and plain in color if an external facade is clad.
  • Laying a panel fitted to the ceiling can also complicate the process a bit. If the ceiling is not finished, then in the process of facing all the irregularities will hide later, and if the ceiling is finished, the decorative cornice will skillfully hide the cracks.
  • Window openings and doors require the use of special platbands. Thus, all cracks and backlashes are hidden, and the risk of snow, rain and wind entering the room is minimized. Platbands can be mounted on nails, glue, self-tapping screws.

Regardless of the choice of technology, there is no need to carefully prepare the walls for cladding with a block house. The crate can be stuffed on old paint, plaster, uneven panels, the main thing is that the frame holds well, and everything else will be covered with a block house.

After completing the installation, it is better to walk with varnish on the surface. In addition to additional protection, tint varnish will give the structure the desired color scheme and complement interior if the rooms in the house were tiled.

Features of facing with a wooden block house

Wooden cladding requires its own technological subtleties:

  1. Do not use ordinary nails, self-tapping screws - they will quickly rust. It is best to use galvanized metal fasteners.
  2. The construction of the frame is an obligatory step; under the cladding, you can lay a heater, a vapor-permeable and windproof membrane.
  3. As soon as the installation of the crate is completed, the panels are laid out according to one of the methods described earlier.
  4. To warn possible process decay, damage wooden block house, the panels should be treated with compositions at least once every 5-6 years.

As a rule, a block house goes well with the decoration of the basement with artificial stone, natural stone or slab finishing materials. The combination of siding and block house looks good.


There is a variant of cladding made of plastic, wood, metal:

  1. wooden blockhouse is made of coniferous wood and has class A or B. The latter is characterized by the presence of cracks and cannot be used for outer cladding- such material will spoil the first winter.

Important! To pick up good material, it is worth looking at the thermal regime and strength. If these are strips with a “winter” indicator, then the strength of the material meets all the requirements of the customer: the panels will not crack, deform or peel off from frost.

  1. Metal blockhousenew material, which is devoid of the disadvantages of wood, but does not at all differ in the warmth and naturalness of wood.
  2. Vinyl blockhouse- the most popular product on the market finishing materials. Low price and high quality indicators made the products in demand. In this case, the developer can always choose the right shade. And if it is a stable manufacturer and supplier, the vinyl block house will stand flawlessly for decades without losing its original qualities.

Knowing how to sheathe a house with clapboard, looking at the photo and choosing suitable option decor, it remains only to clarify how much the material costs and proceed with the cladding of the facade, the internal walls of the premises of your house. As you can see, the sheathing does not carry any difficulties, it is not required special tools and special knowledge: to give the house a perfect look and achieve this with minimum investment- this is the main task that can be solved with the help of the "American lining", as the block house is also called.

With the advent of the block house on the market, an ideal alternative to modern eurolining has appeared. This material is produced according to the latest technology and science, and this is not an exaggeration. Finishing with a block house inside the house creates a special atmosphere in the room, gives it a unique effect and fills it with the aroma of freshly planed wood. And if the block house is made of coniferous wood, this has a beneficial effect on the health of residents. If you are interested in technology and want to finish the interior with this material, then you will be interested in this article, which will talk about the advantages of this material and its installation technology.


The main and most significant plus of the block house is ease of installation. Even a layman can install it. From the outside, the product has a tubular shape, and on the ribs there are special grooves-fasteners for docking. Special attention deserves the environmental friendliness of the product. Wood does not have any harmful effect on the human body. The material itself is quite light, which has a beneficial effect on the entire structure of the house, since there will be no additional loads on the walls and foundation. Finishing the room with a block house improves the quality of the soundproofing of the room.

The use of this material makes it easy to combine or highlight different elements of the design of the room.

Material selection

In order for the interior lining of the house to please the eye as a result, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of material from which the block house is made. For example, coniferous products are very popular. Spruce has many knots, which creates an unusual sketch in the plane. Pine, in turn, shows a great structure. If you combine them, you get a wonderful ensemble of aromas of needles and an attractive appearance of pine.

If the block house will be mounted in a steam room, then it is better to choose linden or poplar. The needles are not suitable, because when high temperatures harmful resins are emitted from it. Moreover, these rocks are very hot, as a result of which you can get burns when in contact with the wall in the steam room.

Other good option is a hardwood product. This wood is quite hard. It perfectly resists mold, fungus and decay. Moreover, the material is resistant to cracking and warping. As a rule, wood is treated with an antibacterial composition. It is better to do this before installation, so the material is well saturated.

Before the beginning installation work make sure that you have purchased all the necessary additional items, namely external and internal corners and docking panels.

As for the dimensions of the panels, you should pay attention to their width. If you are holding a panel that is 23 cm wide, then it is usually used for exterior finish Houses. For interior decoration, a panel with a width of 8 cm is preferable. However, this is not a rule. The width of the panel can be any, depending on your preferences. Also pay attention to the length of the product. Usually the bar has from 2 to 6 m. Its price depends on the length of the panel, the longer the more expensive. This also applies to the thickness of the bar. Usually it ranges from 2–4.5 cm. For the interior lining of the room, a thickness of 2 cm will be enough.

The installation of long and thin block-house panels visually increases the area of ​​​​the interior space. This effect is further enhanced by the use of light wood species.

When you have decided on the size of the panels, you also need to take into account the class of the block house. Dearest construction material class "Extra" is considered. There are no defects on its surface. Approximately one knot is allowed per 1 m of the product.

The use of an "Extra" class block house is usually used in elite premises, since its price is quite high.

If you are not a consumer of such a high class, then consider panels, class "A" and "B". Such products will have minor mechanical damage and knots. Accordingly, the price is much lower. Moreover, the presence of chips and knots does not represent big problem. For example, obvious defects can be hidden in unsightly places in a corner or behind furniture.

On the market you can find a block house that imitates timber and logs. The effect of a log is in great demand, since after installation it is extremely difficult to find differences from natural log. One gets the impression that the house was built of logs!

Easy way to count the right material: multiply the height of the wall with its length. door area and window openings calculate. Add 10% to the received amount. This volume represents the amount of base material. Next, measure the inner and outer length of the corners, add the resulting amounts together. The number of crates is calculated according to the following scheme: multiply the number of rows by the height of the wall. If the height of the room is 5 m, then there will be 5–6 rows.

When you have decided on the choice and purchased the necessary material, you should prepare workplace. It is desirable that a day before the start of installation, the block house adapts to room temperature. To do this, it can be left indoors for a day. After that, it is important to treat the grooves and the back side with an antiseptic, for example, Tikkurila, Neomid or Aquatex. The walls are treated with waterproofing.

Among other things, prepare the tool. For work you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • level, plumb or mounting thread;
  • mounting screw 30 mm;
  • pump room for varnish and stain;
  • roller 250 mm wide;
  • brush 5 and 10 cm wide.

As for the material, you need to purchase:

  • block house;
  • beam 40 × 50 mm;
  • beam 25 × 50 mm;
  • external and internal decorative corners;
  • plinth;
  • stain;
  • antiseptic;
  • fire protection coating.

With all this, you can get to work.

All work consists of several sequential processes, the first of which is the manufacture of the crate. It is installed vertically, in increments of 600–700 mm. In each beam, drill holes for mounting dowels or self-tapping screws with a drill. The beam at the corner should be fixed with a level. If the wall is uneven, then it is placed under it additional element. It can be cut from a bar 45 × 50 mm. By the same principle, installation is carried out in the opposite corner.

For fastening, you can use drywall hangers. They will make it easier to adjust the distance from the wall.

To the crate, each board should be fastened with self-tapping screws at an angle of 30-45 °. But here it is important not to rush! Drill a hole in the panel with a thin drill and only then screw in the self-tapping screw. When laying the first plank, make a small indent from the floor, up to 1 cm. It is necessary for ventilation, which will prevent possible deformation of the material. This also applies to the top. For processing external and internal corners better use special elements. The panel is inserted into them and then fixed. At the end of the work above and below, install the ceiling and, accordingly, the floor plinth.

After the complete installation of the block house, take grinder and sand the surface. Do not rush when doing this work. One careless move can damage the surface of the board. Next, cover the surface with an antiseptic (if the panels have not been previously treated with it), fire impregnation and stain. In order for the stain to be evenly distributed over the plane, use a roller, and brushes in the corners. After complete drying, repeat the stain application procedure.

If burrs or chips are found at this stage, clean them sandpaper.

As you can see, there are no special technological difficulties in the installation of the block house. All work must be done slowly and carefully, according to the principle "measure 7 times - cut 1 time"! Also take into account the following useful advice, which are not included in the material already described:

  • The moisture content of the material should not exceed KD 8-12%. Otherwise, there is a risk of cracks and deformation.
  • If you don't want to use angular connecting elements, at the ends of the plank, cut 30 ° on the wrong side. So, the fit of the boards will be tight.
  • In order not to break the edge of the board, clean the end with sandpaper along the joint.
  • Before buying, inspect the surface of the product. Often there are falling knots and a green coating that spoils appearance wood.
  • It is desirable to apply varnish on the block house in damp rooms. The stain emphasizes the structure of the wood product.
  • To tighten the screws, use special "cue balls". They have a magnetized tip.
  • Do not use nails when attaching planks.
  • Lacquer and stain must be made on a natural basis.
  • Wash the roller and brush thoroughly after each coat of varnish and stain.

There are many tools that will help protect the surface of the skin. For example, wax or special primers can be used. Their presence will require occasional vacuuming to clean the dust. You can also use a slightly damp sponge. Do not use aggressive detergents and abrasive materials in surface treatment.

So, the use of a block house for wall cladding wooden house will give the room originality and create an old atmosphere of a log house. With all this, the installation work can be done by hand. It is enough to have a simple set of tools described in this article. We and our readers will be interested to hear about your own experience. Leave comments at the end of the article if you have already sheathed internal walls block house.


The provided videos describe how to work with the block house:

A block house (shaped like a rounded log) is relatively inexpensive compared to a log house and is quite in demand natural material, moreover, its use in conjunction with various heaters guarantees a modern and durable finish at home.

Sheathing the outside of the house with a block house conceals a similar technology for warming the facade of a bathhouse, a summer house or a cottage and facing with wood, vinyl or metal siding. Facade finishing block house - a valuable investment in home protection: increased weather resistance, strength, reliability of the building plus additional heat and sound insulation!

The cost of finishing the house with a block house

The price consists of the volume and level of complexity of the required work on the installation of the crate, the installation of an insulating layer, a steam / wind barrier and other processes. The superintendent supervising our facilities will make the necessary measurements free of charge, provide calculations and a proposed work plan. In the case of project coordination, the final amount is agreed individually, taking into account the % discount.

Name of outdoor workunits rev.Price, rub.)
Full facade cladding process
Finishing the facade with a turnkey block-house with painting m 2 800 rub.
Complete window finishing (slopes, ebbs, etc.) PC. 2000 rub.
Partial facade cladding
Assembly of block house panels m 2 350 rub.
Installation of the crate device m 2 150 rub.
Installation of the counter-lattice device m 2 100 rub.
Installing a vapor/wind barrier m 2 50 rub.
Installation of the insulation layer 100 rub.
Installation of internal/external fillets running meters from 80 rub.
Installation of ebbs running meters from 160 rub.
Framing windows and doors running meters from 250 rub.
Treatment with antiseptic impregnations m 2 50 rub.
Application of decorative impregnation, paintwork materials(1 layer) m 2 70 rub.
Installation of the drainage system (gutter, pipe, outlet) running meters from 300 rub.

Why is it worth finishing the house with a block house?

Block house is an environmentally friendly product, resistant to mechanical damage, not subject to deformation during temperature fluctuations. Processing with special antiseptic impregnations, applying protective paints and varnishes ensure the preservation of the texture and natural beauty of wood. Thanks to this coating, the finish acquires moisture resistance, without being subjected to rotting processes for many years.

Facade cladding with a block house is also famous for its good heat-insulating properties: air gaps, contained in the fibrous structure of the material, provide minimal thermal conductivity, which is why the house is warm and cozy in winter, and pleasantly cool in summer.

Calling our specialist will help you make an accurate calculation and selection necessary materials By the right size, determine the volume of work, solve technical nuances.

Volume discount

to 10%

The technology of facing a house, a summer residence, a bathhouse with a block house

Facing the facade with a block house is carried out on a lathing previously installed outside after the stage preparatory work. In the process of preparation, the craftsmen clean and level the surfaces, create the construction of the crate, lay an insulating layer with a vapor / wind barrier.

The installation of the counter-lattice will provide a ventilation layer between the insulation and the sheathing of the block house. The tongue/groove interlocking configuration allows the panels to be tightly mated when facing walls, preventing moisture ingress.


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