What heating radiators are best for an apartment? Review of heating radiators: which batteries are better to use? New heating batteries


One of the most important indoor equipment that creates warmth and comfort in any home.

The radiator selection process consists of two stages:

  1. Selecting the type of device itself.
  2. Calculation of thermal power and number of radiator sections.
Modern radiators There are different types of water heating depending on the material of manufacture and design.
When choosing a radiator, experts advise paying attention, first of all, to the material of the sections, since it is this that affects the heat transfer of the future battery, its weight and durability.

1 Types of radiators

  • high heat transfer
  • large flow area of ​​intercollector tubes
  • high working pressure 10-16 atmospheres
  • elegant design
  • light section weight
  • optimal price
  • Possible corrosion in heating systems where ethylene glycol-based media is used as a coolant.
  • There is a need to remove air from the upper manifold using a bleed valve.
  • The least durable part of aluminum radiators is the threaded connections of the sections (compared to steel ones).
Among others, aluminum radiators have proven themselves to be the most efficient heating devices that are used in private homes, offices and apartments of buildings of various storeys.


  • high heat transfer,
  • resistance to low quality coolant,
  • high working pressure (from 20 atmospheres),
  • durability (service life - up to 20 years),
  • small volume of coolant in the section,
  • elegant design.
  • Also, these radiators of the Monolith series can be used in steam heating systems.
  • high price (15–20% more expensive than aluminum radiators),
  • smaller flow area than aluminum radiators,
  • the hydraulic resistance of bimetallic radiators is greater than that of steel ones, therefore, in heating systems where this type of radiator is installed, more energy is required to pump the coolant
Bimetallic radiators have proven themselves well and cope with long-term loads high pressure, successfully withstand hydraulic and pneumatic shocks.
Experts advise their use where additional reliability is required - in apartment buildings and multi-story office buildings. In private houses and cottages, such radiators are used less frequently, due to the low pressure in closed systems heating (up to 2 atmospheres), their use may not be advisable.


  • high heat transfer
  • elegant design
  • relatively a budget option heating
  • low operating pressure (from 6 to 8.7 atmospheres)
  • rusts when draining coolant
  • does not withstand pressure during hydraulic tests
  • reacts poorly to oxygen entering through the pipe system
Steel radiator is the most the best option for heating a country or private house. The fact is that a steel radiator “cannot tolerate” a centralized heating system, which is most often found in apartment buildings. It is also not recommended to install steel heating radiators in damp rooms.

IMPORTANT! If the quality of the coolant is low, or its effect on aluminum is unknown, then it is better to use either bimetallic or steel radiators.
  • high thermal inertia (retains heat for a long time)
  • high wear resistance
  • durability (service life - about 50 years)
  • operating pressure (10 - 15 atmospheres)
  • ease of use
  • low cost
  • long heating
  • do not allow rapid changes in temperature and heating intensity
  • large radiator mass
  • low heat transfer
  • need for painting
  • They do not have convection, they give off heat only around themselves, due to this the room warms up more slowly and unevenly.
Cast iron radiators continue to be purchased and successfully used in central heating systems and systems with natural coolant circulation. It is not recommended to use cast iron radiators when autonomous heating.

IMPORTANT! The final decision in favor of one type of radiator or another should be made based on the main characteristics of the heating system for which the heating device is intended.
  • central or individual heating supply to the house;
  • working and test pressure in the heating system;
  • type of heat supply system - single-pipe or two-pipe;
  • maximum temperature and PH of the coolant.

2 Calculation of thermal power and number of radiators

Having decided on the type of radiator, you need to pay attention to the thermal power, the value of which depends on the specific room.
The amount of power consumed depends on a number of indicators:

  • room size;
  • number external walls rooms and windows;
  • type of house (brick, panel);
  • type of window (wooden, plastic).
Selection of heating radiators by thermal power

Calculation of heat transfer is given for a room with a standard ceiling height of up to 3 meters and window sizes of up to 1.5 by 1.8 m.
In general, for ease of calculation, if the room is well insulated, you can take one radiator section per 1.5-2 square meters. m. area of ​​the room.

Thermal power for all types of radiators is different:
cast iron radiator - 80–150 W (for one section);
steel radiator - 450-5700 W (for the entire radiator);
aluminum radiator - 190 W (for one section);
bimetallic radiator - 200 W (for one section).
The power of the radiator, sectional or solid, is indicated in the technical specifications provided by the manufacturer. The optimal temperature of the coolant, water, under such conditions should be 70°C.

IMPORTANT! Whatever the choice of radiator, according to experts, special attention should be paid to the two most important points: the features of the heating system and trusted manufacturers, the quality of whose equipment will not cast doubt.

3 Complex purchase

Consumables: ball valves, tees, jumpers (bypass), pipes for extension, brackets, plugs, fittings.
Sealants: silicone, linen or thread.
Paint and varnish materials: primer, paint for metal surfaces, patina.
Fastening tools: anchor bolts, dowels, union nuts.

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A radiator, a device also known as a battery, is an essential part of the heating system of any home or apartment. This device is present in every room and heats it. Everyone would like the chosen battery to work well for a long time and be pleasing to the eye. However, there are a huge number of models that differ in material, appearance, price, manufacturer, etc. To make it easier for you to navigate this diversity, below we will tell you which heating radiator is better to choose.

Which heating radiators to choose

First, you need to understand which material will be preferable. There are several main types of radiators on the market now:

Cast iron

Batteries made of cast iron are the cheapest. In addition, they last much longer than others and do not rust. But a number of disadvantages prevent us from definitely choosing this material: heavy weight, low heat transfer, and the need to regularly repaint the batteries.


If you are thinking about how to choose heating radiators for a private home, then take a closer look at this species. They fit well into the interior of the rooms, perform the heating function well and are slightly more expensive than cast iron ones. It is only worth remembering that such batteries are vulnerable to water hammer and oxygen.


The copper battery is a solid pipe large diameter(up to 3 cm), which does not include any other metals. The pipe is complemented by copper ribs and a wooden screen, providing visual appeal. Copper radiators conduct heat better than others, which is due to the natural properties of the metal. They heat up within a couple of minutes thanks to the small amount of water in the body and the low inertia rate. This is why many people prefer copper batteries, since a home heating system with them will not require such a huge amount of water as, say, with cast iron ones.

Copper is also one of the most resistant metals, because it is not afraid of low temperature water, corrosion, aggressive external influences, etc. Accordingly, when asked about which heating radiators to choose for an apartment located in a high-rise building, we can confidently say that copper ones are 100% suitable. A significant advantage is also that the copper device itself protects itself from damage to the coolant, because an oxide layer forms inside it after some time of operation.


Batteries made from a metal such as aluminum are among the most popular. Among the advantages of this type are light weight, sufficient strength, and excellent design. Due to the fact that the radiator consists of sections, it is possible to select the optimal number of sections necessary to heat a room of a given size. Such a device can be chosen for installation in an apartment, as well as in a house with an autonomous heating system. Manufacturers produce aluminum radiators designed specifically for each of the two main systems existing in our country. One type is able to withstand high atmospheric loads, while the other, on the contrary, operates at low pressure. But there are also disadvantages: it is aluminum radiators that require more care during operation. However, servicing these radiators is easily possible using a special valve (or Mayevsky tap).


This is the name given to radiators consisting of a steel pipe and coated with aluminum. The combination of the properties of these two metals provides greater resistance to pressure and water quality. Accordingly, this type is also possible to choose for both apartments and houses. The problem is the high complexity of such a design, which affects the manufacturing process and, as a consequence, the price of the device.

Which is the best heating radiator to choose: 5 criteria

Criterion No. 1. Type of heating system

This factor is paramount when choosing a battery, because different levels of water pressure in two heating systems lead to the need to choose different types of devices. In Russia there are centralized and autonomous heating systems. What is the difference?

In a centralized system, the water pressure is quite high and at the same time inconsistent. This is due to the fact that all batteries are connected to one pipe and are turned on one after another. When heating starts centrifugal pump turns on abruptly, which can lead to water hammer and damage to certain materials. In general, a centralized system does not spare the devices connected to it. The coolant in it is hard water, which damages metals. In addition, during periods of no heating, metals are subject to corrosion. To decide which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment, first of all you need to look at the pressure level at which this or that type of device will function. For heating apartment buildings you need a radiator operating at a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres. It must also be resistant to water hammer and the negative chemical effects of water.

The best choice for a central heating system would be:

    The battery is made of cast iron, since it can withstand pressure up to 15 bar, is resistant to pressure surges and does not rust.

  • How to choose a steel heating radiator

    Steel radiators are most often used for heating private houses. This is facilitated by the temperature and pressure indicators to which they are adapted. They can withstand pressures of up to 10 atmospheres and coolant temperatures of up to 110 degrees.

    Of course, over time the figures may increase slightly. You can find out about this in the passport of the specific heating device you want to choose.

    You can also install a steel panel-type radiator in an apartment building or other premises that are connected to a centralized heating system.

    The heating devices we are talking about are made from high-quality sheet steel, which ensures greater stability. Inside, the design provides a number of recesses and channels for proper water circulation. Steel plates are used to provide additional air movement.

    Also, to choose a heating radiator for a room, you need to know what types exist.

    According to the type of connection, steel batteries are divided into two groups:

      Batteries with bottom connection. They are called universal. In addition to such batteries, various thermal heads and valves are made that help adjust the radiator to specific room conditions.

      Radiators with side connections.

    Based on their power, they can also be divided into groups:

    10 – the first number indicates the number of panels (in this case – 1), and the second – the fins. This radiator consists only of a heating panel, that is, it has neither a convector nor a grille. Such batteries can be chosen for a nursery or other similar room. They are characterized by the absence of convection and dust accumulation.

    11 – has one panel, but in addition to it there is also ribbing on the back side. Thanks to this, this device heats up somewhat faster. At the same time, convection appears, and dust accumulates on the radiator faster.

    20 – a device with two rows of panels, without a convector. The air exits through the grille. Due to the presence of a second panel, the power of such a radiator is much superior to previous types.

    21 – a battery with two panels and fins between them. The top of such a device is usually covered with a casing.

    22 – the design of such a battery consists of two steel panels, each of which has a separate convector, as well as a casing on the outside. Is the most popular model.

    30 – radiator with three internal panels without convectors. There is a grill on top.

    33 – radiator with the highest power rating due to three steel panels. The fins are also triple. The top of the radiator is covered with a casing.

    All heating batteries discussed above are of the convector type. This means that they heat not only due to the temperature of the radiator itself, but also due to air circulation, which also distributes heat in the room. This greatly increases the efficiency of heating devices compared to those in which heating is not supported by convection.

    In addition, the design of these radiators provides for the presence of holes through which air is sucked from the room and released back already heated.

    It is better to choose a steel heating device for a private house with an autonomous system. When connected to a central system, it will receive a load for which it is not designed, which will lead to a reduction in the expected service life by almost half.

    It is also worth remembering that panel-type models are not intended for use in heating systems that do not have pumps and operate only by natural circulation coolant. There is a high probability that in this system the battery will not produce required quantity heat.

    What do you need to consider to choose a quality steel radiator?

    Firstly, check whether this model has certificates of quality and compliance. This will protect you from purchasing a fake, which in the future will show very low quality of heating the room.

    Secondly, inspect the device for damage to integrity, cracks, etc. The seams should be smooth and the valves should be easy to turn.

    How to choose cast iron radiators: pros and cons

    Most of us have been accustomed to cast iron heating radiators since childhood. They were installed in most Russian apartments back in the days Soviet Union. Then the decision to install cast iron batteries on a mass scale was the only correct one, since this material combines high power and affordable price with a sufficiently long service life. Cast iron heats apartments without failure for several decades. Also, many owners of private houses preferred to choose this material, proven over the years.

    To this day, cast iron heating appliances remain one of the most popular. Even on the Internet, the question “which heating radiator to choose?” forums often recommend this. It can be assembled from several sections using nipples with gaskets to obtain the required size. Cast iron batteries can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. More modern models with pressure testing they have an increased pressure threshold - up to 20 atmospheres. Also, cast iron heating radiators can withstand water temperatures of up to 130 degrees. Thus, they get along well with traditional central heating systems. The main advantage of cast iron is also its low price, especially compared to the most modern materials.

    Of course, cast iron batteries also have disadvantages. First of all, this is the heaviest weight among all types of radiators. Because of this, difficulties arise with the installation of devices. Externally, all cast iron radiators also do not look very aesthetically pleasing. However, this can be corrected by using gratings, but they will require additional space. Therefore, owners of small apartments prefer compact batteries with their own design. Another disadvantage is the possibility of defective cast radiator construction, which in the future will lead to coolant leaks. We can say that low cost cast iron battery is rarely a factor that can outweigh the significant advantages of devices made from other materials. After all, these advantages relate to the quality of heating, appearance and reliability of the design.

    How to choose a bimetallic heating radiator

    In general, any heating device that is made of two types of metal can be called bimetallic. For example, there are batteries made of copper coated with aluminum. Manufacturers are prompted to choose one or another combination of metals by the desire to combine their properties.

    Although this is true, it is still customary to call a certain group of devices bimetallic, which are made of steel and coated with aluminum on the outside. It is this combination that is considered the most successful for the manufacture of a heating device.

    What distinguishes these two metals?

    The combination of steel and aluminum in the manufacture of a heating battery gives a combination of two remarkable properties:

      Maximum internal strength;

      Good thermal conductivity and uniform heating of the entire radiator.

    Of course, this manufacturing method is more complicated and more expensive than if only one metal is used for the entire structure. Thus, one section of a bimetallic radiator can cost up to 700 rubles.

    How to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment?

    There are now several large manufacturers of such devices on the market. The variety often confronts buyers with the difficult task of choosing which bimetallic radiators to choose. As a rule, the percentage of defects among products from different manufacturers is equally small and is easily detected upon inspection.

    There are two main factors to consider:

      Center-to-center distance of the liner.

      Number of sections.

    The center-to-center distance for bimetallic heating radiators can vary from 2.5 to 5 cm. Which model should you give preference to?

    Let's think logically, based on the properties that distinguish models with less or more center distance eyeliner.

      If you need to decide which bimetallic heating radiators to choose to quickly replace an old cast-iron battery, then take a similar one with a distance of 5 cm.

      If you want to replace the battery with a more compact one and are willing to spend money on adapting your connection, then choose any model with a small center distance. But do not forget that similar heating requires a larger number of such sections.

    How to choose an aluminum radiator

    Aluminum batteries are produced by adding silicon to the base metal. This allows us to make them much more durable and resistant to external influences. In order to inner surface, in contact with water, does not rust, it is often coated with polymer. The thickness of such a coating reaches 50 microns.

    In general, models of heating batteries can differ radically from each other in size, design and other properties. The following classifications will help you decide which aluminum heating radiator to choose:

    In general:

      Panel, consisting of two plates welded together;

      Tubular, the body of which consists of tubes;

      Cast, manufactured by one-piece casting;

      Extrusion, the design of which includes three elements bolted together. When assembling such models, it is important to take care of the tightness of the joints, for which special silicone gaskets are used.

    By dimensions:

      Radiators standard size 40 by 58 cm.

      Low, the height of which can be up to 15 cm. Such heating devices will come in handy if there is no room in the room for standard ones. In this case, you can compensate for the level of heat transfer by increasing the width. The minimum height of a low radiator is 2 cm. Such models are also called plinth models.

      Tall. In this case, on the contrary, the small width is compensated by an increase in height to several meters. Such heating batteries are suitable for rooms with high ceilings. There they will not take up much living space and will warm the air well. Companies produce models of this type in various design solutions, including, for example, towel holders. This makes them a beautiful and useful addition to a room's design.

    If you want to choose such a radiator, then additional advantage may be the included thermostatic valve. A thermostat is attached to such a valve, which allows you to change the temperature in the apartment by adjusting the heating strength.

    To choose an aluminum device, you can focus on several objective criteria:

    Manufacturer. Which heating radiator manufacturer should you choose? It could be a European, Russian or Chinese company. Often, the choice of the latter is prompted by the low price (about 50% lower than European ones). European models prefer wealthy people, accustomed to focusing on quality. However, Russian manufacturers do not always lag behind foreign ones.

    Dimensions. As we have already said, aluminum radiators can be up to 5 cm high. Such (standard) radiators can be chosen for ordinary apartment. They fit easily into their dimensions and provide sufficient heat. Devices with a smaller height are made for apartments with non-standard windows, under which a regular radiator simply will not fit.

    Heat dissipation. Each radiator model may have a different heat transfer level than the standard. If we talk about devices standard height, then German radiators have the highest heat transfer. Next come Chinese and Russian manufacturers.

    Price. Depending on which company you choose for an apartment heating radiator, what its heat output and size will be, you can end up with a completely different cost.

    Here are some useful tips on how to determine the quality of a particular model based on appearance and other understandable factors:

    First- pay attention to how much the radiator weighs. Divide its weight by the number of sections. Each of them must weigh at least 1 kg. Lower weight (for Chinese companies it can drop to 650 g per section) a priori means low quality. Experts recommend avoiding such devices.

    Second– try to bend the radiator fins with your hands. If you choose a high-quality model, the shape will never change under such weak influence. Accordingly, the quality of the material, which bends easily, leaves much to be desired. Such batteries are also not worth taking if you do not want to face the problem of constant leakage.

    Why AQUALINK radiators are popular

    AQUALINK® radiators can operate both with autonomous and centralized heating systems. Aluminum batteries, like bimetallic ones, have a number of features that adapt them to the specifics of Russian heating systems. The undoubted advantages of this brand also include high heat transfer and low inertia. The combination of these qualities ensures that the AQUALINK® battery will quickly heat the room to the desired temperature. The number of sections can vary from 4 to 12, so that you can choose the size of the radiator for any room. If you are still not sure which company to choose a heating radiator for your apartment, then take a closer look at AQUALINK®, a brand that, among other things, has a quality certificate in the GOST R system.

    The last thing I would like to say is that now you can easily choose a radiator on the Internet. On the manufacturers' websites you can inspect the models, get acquainted with their characteristics and order delivery of the selected radiator directly to your home. A good online heating equipment store has online consultants who will help you make your choice and provide certificates of conformity. The SantekhStandard company will help you decide on the choice of equipment and place an order. You just need to contact us by phone:

From correct selection batteries completely depend on the long-term operation of the entire system and its efficiency. Increased demands are placed on such equipment, especially when used in an apartment. IN apartment buildings Heating is most often tied to a centralized circuit, which increases the risk of water hammer. An analysis of individual models and equipment characteristics will tell you which ones are best for an apartment.

Read in the article

Heating radiators: which ones are better for an apartment and choice of type

When deciding which heating radiators are best to install in an apartment, you need to learn more about the capabilities of the heating system in multi-apartment buildings. In this case, there is no need to set up and monitor the operation of the equipment, controlling the entire process. moves from one device to another, giving off heat through the surface of the radiator.

Such a system has various problems. The water in the batteries often changes temperature, and there are also pressure changes. Particularly dangerous is a water hammer with a battery breakthrough.

When selecting heating devices, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • material of manufacture;
  • the ability of the structure to withstand pressure of about 12-15 atmospheres;
  • the material must be safe and resistant to sudden pressure and pressure changes;
  • the product should not be subject to corrosion or any damage;
  • an important indicator of the product is the heat transfer of the equipment;
  • service life;
  • appearance products.

By deciding which heating radiators are best for an apartment and choosing this option, you can get certain advantages. This device warms up quickly, is characterized by increased heat transfer and has a presentable design.

Steel options come in tubular and panel versions. The latter have the following advantages:

  • excellent heat dissipation;
  • environmental safety;
  • low cost;
  • high level of efficiency.

The disadvantages include susceptibility to corrosion, the inability to use in multi-story buildings, and convection can cause drafts.

Tubular models have the following advantages:

  • increased heat transfer rate;
  • operating pressure from 8 to 15 bar;
  • protective properties against corrosion.

The main indicators of these two types of radiators differ little. Only tubular models due to more high values have a high cost.

Aluminum products

Many people are interested in how to choose a heating battery or radiator made of aluminum. There are two types of such instructions. Cast - produced by casting and have wide walls. Extrusion – characterized by the technology of extruding aluminum alloy through an extruder. Sections cannot be added to such a product.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages include susceptibility to corrosion, fragility and a tendency to leak. In addition, such structures do not provide protection against water hammer. Similar designs are produced by representatives of different countries. These are the Chinese companies Konner and Lammin. Russian company Rifar and equipment from Italy from Global and Royal Thermo companies.

Note! It is important that the device has polymer coating, which allows you to extend the service life of the product.

Which radiator is better, aluminum or bimetallic?

When deciding which heating radiator is better for an apartment - bimetallic or aluminum, it is worth knowing their features.

A special feature of the aluminum product is that it can only be purchased for private homes. Such equipment cannot be installed in production areas where pressure surges occur. An aluminum radiator can be used in conjunction with a temperature controller. Exceeding the permissible pressure may result in battery rupture and internal corrosion.

They can last for a long period of time, as they are resistant to pressure pressure up to 50 atmospheres. These structures consist of a steel core and aluminum ribs. They warm up quickly and are characterized by an aesthetic appearance. The disadvantages include the accumulation of slag deposits inside the sections. In addition, due to the use of several material options, the heat transfer rate may decrease.

Related article:

Want to know what to choose? Read our review. We invite you to consider the main varieties, study their characteristics, and also get acquainted with useful recommendations from experts on the best materials.

Heating radiators: prices and review of models

When considering which heating battery is best for an apartment, it is recommended to read about models from different manufacturers. When making a purchase, you need to read the certificate of conformity.

Image Model Characteristics Cost, rub.
Rifar Base 500Sectional model. Material aluminum. Area - 1.9-28 sq.m. The number of sections can be up to 20.4400
Many models can be installed independently

Models from the following manufacturers are popular among domestic consumers:

  • Italian companies Syrah And Global produce equipment that is well adapted to Russian heating systems;
  • models of the German company Kermi characterized by powerful convection and excellent quality;
  • steel tubular radiators are produced by a company from Sweden Zehnder . Such structures are coated with an anti-corrosion compound that protects the steel surface in any acidity;
  • Rifar - This is a domestic manufacturer. Its products can be used in central heating systems;
  • products of a Chinese company Smart has a low cost;
  • German manufacturer Arbonia sells high-quality devices that are distinguished by modern design and durability.

How to calculate the power of radiators and the number of sections?

The purchase of effective, high-quality equipment should be complemented by correct calculations of the number of sections.

SNiP consists of design rules and operating standards for heating systems. Radiators need to be installed taking this into account. For the calculations to be effective, the following rules should be used:

  • the maximum width of the structure should not exceed 70% of the size of the window opening;
  • the product must be mounted along the center line of the window;
  • the distance between the wall and the device is 3-5 cm;
  • the product should rise above the floor no more than 12 cm;
  • the distance from the battery to the window sill is 5 cm.

In some cases, for better heat transfer, the wall surface is covered with a special one. Such rules promote the free movement of air masses. For correct calculation you need to know the following parameters:

  • room sizes;
  • number of windows;
  • materials for building a house;
  • placement of rooms relative to cardinal directions;
  • technical parameters of the heating design.

The table shows a simple calculation of the number of sections.

Power of 1 heating radiator section according to the passport, W Room area, m²
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
140 8 9 10 12 13 15 16
150 7 8 10 11 12 14 15
160 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
180 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
190 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Some consider centralized heating in apartment buildings a relic of the Soviet era, while others consider it an undoubted blessing of civilization. But we all continue to use this heating method.

The main element of such a system are heating batteries for the apartment, which stand under the window in living rooms high-rise buildings. Their types and features will be discussed in our article. We will also briefly look at the main advantages and disadvantages of cast iron, aluminum, steel and bimetallic radiators.

As a coolant in centralized systems For heating, water heated to 95 °C is usually used. Moreover, it is not purified distilled, but technical grade with dissolved salts and additives.

As a result, the material from which the battery in the apartment is made must easily withstand the effects of temperature changes, moisture, and impurities contained in the coolant for a long time.

To last for many years, an apartment heating battery must:

  • withstand operating pressure up to 9 atm (ideally up to 12–15 atm);
  • made of metals resistant to chemical and electrochemical corrosion;
  • have high heat transfer.

The pressure in apartment radiators fluctuates around 4–7 atm. Much here depends on the number of floors of an apartment building, the temperature outside the window and the operating conditions of the heating network. But during pressure testing, the pressure can briefly rise to 15 atm and higher.

All heating radiators are made of metals (aluminum or iron) - only they are able to withstand the workloads generated in heating systems

Also, the heating device in question must be easy to install, have a presentable appearance and low cost. But, most importantly, it must have excellent heat transfer characteristics.

The main task of the radiator – give the room the heat that came through the water pipes. The more effectively he does this, the better it is for the owner of the apartment.

There are two main criteria for classifying heating batteries:

  1. Material of manufacture.
  2. Design.

All other parameters are technical characteristics of a specific radiator model.

Features of different designs

The functionality of heating radiators is influenced not only by the material from which they are made, but also by their design.

So, the batteries are structurally:

  • sectional(block);
  • columnar(tubular);
  • panel.

The first two options are a set of several elements assembled into a single heater, and the third is a monolithic block.

Sectional water heating devices include the now widely used aluminum radiators. A classic example of a columnar analogue is an old cast-iron battery.

Option #2 - practical steel

Steel batteries are practical and come in two types - tubular or panel. The first are a direct analogue of the cast iron appliances described above. They have similar heat output and weight, but a more presentable appearance.

The latter are made of two steel sheets welded together and forming a thin layer-cavity inside for water circulation.

This option has higher heat transfer rates, so they are often connected together in several pieces. As a result, the total heat transfer area increases sharply.

Option #3 - durable aluminum

Aluminum radiators are the most common in the household heating market today. This is due to their low cost, durability and light weight, as well as extreme ease of installation.

Among the advantages of aluminum radiators it is worth highlighting:

  • high heat transfer rates;
  • light weight of the heating device;
  • modern design;
  • affordable price;
  • possibility of completing with a thermostat;
  • service life of 30 years;
  • no predisposition to paint peeling.

The main disadvantage of an aluminum heater is its demands on the coolant characteristics. The slightest solid suspensions begin to scratch when water circulates protective covering inside. As a result, aluminum remains unprotected and gradually begins to corrode.

These batteries were originally created to replace old cast iron ones. They were immediately designed taking into account the features of the centralized heat supply existing in Russia.

It’s not for nothing that they are called universal radiators, which can be installed without problems in almost any apartment.

The advantages of a bimetal radiator are as follows:

  1. Reliability - operating pressure around 35 atm.
  2. Undemanding to chemical composition coolant.
  3. High corrosion resistance.
  4. Compact and modern appearance of the device.
  5. Light weight.

The main and only significant disadvantage of this device is its high price.. They are the most expensive among all analogues. However, these costs will certainly be covered by a long service life and the absence of leaks with floods.

Bimetallic radiators are especially relevant in homes where there are frequent changes in water pressure in the heating system.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To make it easier for you to figure out which radiator is better, we have made a selection of video materials with analysis different nuances these devices.

When choosing which battery to install in your apartment, you must first of all focus on the parameters of the central heating system.

In an old house, it is often possible to install only cast iron radiators. Aluminum options are ideal for new buildings and five-story panel buildings. And reliable bimetallic analogues are universal devices that are suitable in almost any situation, but cost a lot.

Which batteries do you personally consider the best and which ones are installed in the heating circuit of your house/apartment? Share your impressions of using them, add unique photos their radiators and useful recommendations for beginners.

Relevance: July 2019

Heating radiators are an integral part of the heating system for residential, office and production premises. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, batteries are responsible for heat distribution, so many well-known manufacturers are introducing their own innovative technologies and using modern materials to achieve increased heat transfer, increase the functionality and practicality of their products, and also reduce energy consumption, so that the user ultimately saves on heating . Many models of radiators from well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers are distinguished by their universal connection to mains from different materials, long service life and modern design.

We have compiled a list of the best heating radiators based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the global technology market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. Kermi
  2. Rifar
  3. Royal Thermo
  5. Conner
  6. Lammin
  7. Arbonia
  8. GuRaTec
  9. Exemet
  10. RETROstyle
For apartment Bimetallic Aluminum Cast Iron Steel Floor Wall

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Heating batteries: For apartments


Main advantages
  • Thanks to own technology Therm X2, heating time is reduced by 25%, heat output increases and 11% less energy is spent, which in monetary terms is approximately 200 euros saved per year per radiator
  • Universal connection to all types of pipes (copper, steel, polymer materials)
  • Two heating panels(rear and front) increase heat transfer
  • Thickness steel sheet 1.25 mm guarantees high mechanical strength and long radiator service life
  • After painting, the radiator undergoes a double varnishing process, after which the product retains its original color for its entire service life and does not require periodic touch-up

Show all products in the category “For apartments”

Heating radiators: Bimetallic

Bimetallic/ Wall / For apartments

Main advantages
  • Instead of nipple connection of sections, radiators of this series use contact welding, thanks to which potential leaks disappear and the service life of the product increases significantly
  • Improved heat transfer due to the special geometry of the sections
  • The radiator can withstand pressure up to 100 atmospheres and can work with coolant at temperatures up to +135 degrees, which allows it to be used in the harshest conditions
  • Possibility of using a radiator in heating systems with various types coolant (water, antifreeze liquids)
  • High corrosion resistance of internal steel channels ensures a radiator service life of at least 25 years

Bimetallic/ Wall / For apartments

Main advantages
  • Thanks to our own patented POWERSHIFT technology, the heat transfer of the radiator is increased by 5%. This was made possible due to additional ribs on the vertical collector
  • Each radiator goes through seven stages of NANO painting, which guarantees color preservation and enamel integrity when exposed to high temperatures throughout its entire service life
  • Unique anti-counterfeit system - serial numbers on each section and a branded aluminum embossed logo on the top of the case
  • The solid steel manifold allows the radiator to be used in heating systems with various coolants, including chemically aggressive antifreezes

Bimetallic/ Wall / For apartments

Main advantages
  • Thanks to its heavy-duty design, the radiator can withstand water hammer up to 40 atmospheres
  • Ergonomic design and the absence of sharp corners and edges allow these radiators to be used not only in home heating systems, but also in schools, kindergartens and hospitals
  • The universal design allows you to install radiators of this series in one or more two-pipe systems heating
  • Thanks to the complex geometric shape of each section with a large total working area, the radiator quickly warms up and increases heat transfer compared to traditional batteries
  • Only high-quality environmentally friendly materials are used in production clean materials, which guarantees radiators a long service life


Main advantages
  • The bimetallic design of the radiator (aluminum and steel) increases reliability, resistance to water hammer and corrosion, and allows it to withstand fairly high operating pressure
  • Possessing high heat transfer, the radiator helps to quickly warm up the room and reduces heating costs
  • The tightness of intersection connections has been improved using silicone gaskets, which ensures high reliability for several seasons
  • Due to the small thickness of the case, it does not require a deep seat and can be mounted in almost any part of the room
  • The manufacturer provides several installation options, which simplifies and facilitates the installation process

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • Bimetallic heating radiator with a unique safety design of all sections. There are no sharp edges or corners on all structural parts
  • Manufactured according to the European standard EN 442, and also meets all the characteristics of GOST 31311-2005, which indicates high quality manufacturing
  • All-steel manifold improves reliability and performance of the model
  • Sanding in three stages ensures absolutely smooth surface, and protection against corrosion is complemented by double painting with high-quality paints and varnishes
  • Using original technological solutions allows you to obtain high thermal conductivity, far superior to similar monometallic models

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • A bimetallic sectional radiator with a rounded top is designed for use in any heating system in a city apartment or private house, because it can withstand high operating pressure of about 35 atm
  • Thanks to the high-quality enamel coating RAL 9010, the outer side is perfectly protected from corrosion
  • A steel frame with an aluminum body significantly increases heat transfer, providing quick heating of the room
  • Steel interior isolates circulating fluid from heat transfer aluminum shell, increasing the reliability and strength of the model
  • Specially designed fins increase heat transfer, allowing you to reduce the number of sections and save heating costs

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • Thanks to the specially designed design of the sections, it is enough to use one silicone gasket for their hermetically sealed connection
  • The outer part of the sections is made of aluminum by casting, which provides a monolithic design for uniform heat transfer
  • One-piece enclosed rear housing allows for battery use in installation locations French windows without disturbing the interior of the room
  • The design is based on a durable steel pipe coated with aluminum on top, which provides the battery with resistance to electrochemical corrosion and a long service life
  • Thin fins and a large working area of ​​the radiator allow for high heat transfer

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • Patented PowerShift technology (additional vertical fins on the collector) made it possible to increase the heat transfer of the battery by 5%
  • The unique housing design with an asymmetrical arrangement of sections improves heat transfer due to natural convection
  • The collector is made of special steel, which is reliably protected from aggressive chemical environments, which allows the use of antifreeze as a coolant
  • Seven-stage painting of the body with special enamels allows you to achieve maximum resistance of the coating to chips, UV rays and other influences
  • A branded aluminum emblem with a logo and markings for each section allow you to distinguish the original radiator from a fake

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • The collector has additional fins, which increases the contact surface and improves heat transfer by up to 5%
  • The use of environmentally friendly paints and seven-layer enamel application ensures maximum durability outer covering to various influences, including chips, sun rays and chemically active substances
  • The special shape of the intersectional air pockets creates the effect of natural convection, allowing you to quickly and evenly warm the room
  • Usage high quality materials and components provides the radiator with a long service life, which is confirmed by a 15-year factory warranty
  • All-metal manifold with chemical protection active funds allows the use of antifreeze of different brands as a coolant

Bimetallic/ For apartments / Wall mounted

Main advantages
  • Internally, high alloy steel pipes and monolithic design housings provide the radiator with high mechanical strength and long service life
  • The absence of sharp edges allows protection from accidental injuries during battery operation
  • The well-thought-out shape of the housing without closed or hard-to-reach spaces makes it easier to remove accumulated dust
  • Water, oil and antifreeze can be used as a coolant, which makes the battery a universal solution for any type of heating system
  • The outer enamel is highly resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage and UV rays, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the radiator for a long time

Show all products in the category "Bimetallic"

Heating batteries: Aluminum

Main advantages
  • Thanks to three-stage surface grinding and two-layer painting, the radiator will retain its presentable appearance throughout its service life
  • The Optima series is designed for heating systems of private houses
  • Due to the application of a fluorine-zirconium composition to the external and internal surfaces, the radiator is reliably protected from chemical corrosion
  • The model was developed specifically for the Russian market, taking into account the characteristics of heating systems in different regions of the country
  • The rounded shape of the working elements of each section and the complex configuration of the radiator allow for efficient distribution warm air indoors due to natural convection

Aluminum / Wall / Apartment

Main advantages
  • Thanks to complex design upper elements of the radiator, natural reverse convection occurs, which results in a flow of hot air that effectively cuts off the cold from the window or wall
  • The presence of a special plug with a polymer nano-membrane in combination with a vertical collector guarantees reliable protection of the housing from leaks, which allows the radiator to be used in heating systems where coolant pressure drops (water hammer) often occur.
  • Thanks to a multi-stage process of applying environmentally friendly paints and varnishes produced in Germany and the Netherlands, the radiator housing is reliably protected from corrosion
  • The radiator copes with high temperature conditions and operating pressure up to 20 bar
Main advantages
  • Aluminum radiator with very high heat output, thanks to which it heats the room five times faster compared to similar cast iron models
  • The case material has high thermal conductivity and almost immediately after switching on it begins to give off heat. A quick response to changes in heating mode up or down ensures comfortable conditions in room
  • The ergonomic design of the battery allows you to maintain a normal temperature around, even if the radiator is installed in a niche under the window sill
  • It has a large cross-sectional area of ​​inter-collector pipes, which promotes free flow of fluid and prevents clogging and reduced heat transfer
  • To protect against penetrating corrosion when using low-quality coolants, the internal surface of the radiator is equipped with a special fluorine-zirconium coating

Aluminum / Apartment / Wall-mounted

Main advantages
  • The special shape of the central water channel and thick walls (2.8 mm) allow the radiator to withstand pressure up to 20 atmospheres
  • A technological hole in the lower part of the housing allows you to insert a heating element and use the battery as an oil-filled electric heater
  • Antifreeze can be used as a coolant, which makes the radiator a universal solution for any heating system
  • The use of high-quality materials ensures the battery has a long service life (at least 25 years)
  • The sections have a special design with an increased working area, which allows for maximum heat transfer to quickly warm up the room

Show all products in the category "Aluminum"

Heating radiators: Cast iron

Main advantages
  • A universal radiator designed to work in a centralized or autonomous private heating system
  • Fully cast iron body of each section
  • 100% corrosion protection allows the radiator to be used in water heating systems
  • Thanks to its thoughtful design, the radiator provides enhanced heat dissipation (34% more than traditional steel radiators) even with a small volume of coolant
  • Heat-resistant coating white based on polymer enamel provides the product with an attractive appearance and reliably protects the surface from damage, exposure to chemically active substances and household pollution

Cast iron / Wall / Apartment

Main advantages
  • Thanks to the use of high-quality cast iron, the service life of each radiator is at least 50 years
  • Absolute resistance to corrosion (including chemical), allows the use of batteries in private and centralized heating systems with any type of coolant
  • Thoughtful configuration of each section in combination with performance qualities cast iron, allows you to achieve increased heat transfer and long-term heat retention even when the heating system is turned off for a short period
  • The ability to disassemble the battery sectionally allows you to select a product of suitable sizes for heating rooms of any size
  • It has an optimal section volume (0.9 l), which allows for good efficiency with significant water savings

For apartment / Wall / Cast iron

Main advantages
  • The battery is made entirely of cast iron, which guarantees not only increased heat transfer, but also a long service life
  • The presence of four full-bore holes in the housing allows you to connect the radiator to any heating system, regardless of its configuration
  • Before shipment, each product is tested for leaks and resistance to water hammer, as well as technical inspection
  • Initially, the outer surface of cast iron is covered with a colorless primer, which allows the user to paint the radiator independently suitable color or order factory painting for an additional fee
  • The rounded geometry of the sections ensures increased heat transfer, as well as free circulation of the coolant