Exhaust fans at low prices. Dust fan - when reliable removal of contaminated air from the room is necessary. Prices, characteristics of modern models, recommendations for the right purchase

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High-quality equipment with equipment in this category will help organize admission fresh air and removal of contaminants from minimal costs. An additional bonus is the absence of uncomfortable sounds. In today's review we will look at household ducted silent fans for extractor hoods. It provides information to make your choice easier. optimal model and help you complete the installation yourself.

Because of wide range in the relevant market segment, natural difficulties arise when searching optimal option

Quick removal of fumes from the kitchen atmosphere prevents the formation of complex contaminants on furniture and other parts of the interior. We should not forget that some impurities can cause harm to the human body. Effectively working equipment will eliminate unpleasant odors and odors from the bathroom. Such equipment performs preventive functions, eliminating favorable conditions for the life of microorganisms.

An additional advantage of the application is the possibility of dosed supply of fresh air. It will be useful in winter period when too intense ventilation with a sharp drop in temperature will provoke colds.To choose the best option, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of modern designs.

Electrical installation work is performed with the power turned off. Conditions must be ensured in which accidental voltage supply is excluded. To check the phase, use a specialized indicator “screwdriver” or.

The photo shows an example of durable and quick fastening with “liquid nails”. However, it must be taken into account that dismantling the structure in this option will be difficult. For this reason, it seems preferable to use conventional self-tapping screws.

The external installation method allows you to move the noise source outside the residential area. In this case, it is permissible to use a high-performance fan for an industrial hood.At the final stage, a decorative and protective cover is installed. A test run checks functionality. Set the necessary settings for the timer and other electronic components.

How to extend the life of a duct fan

Careful sealing of cracks will prevent the accumulation of dirt, the formation of mold, and other colonies of harmful microorganisms. The cover should be removed regularly for cleaning. The frequency of the procedure is determined taking into account specific conditions. In the most difficult situations, complete dismantling will be required. The screw fastening noted above comes in handy here.

For your information! Some models require mandatory replacement of fine filters.

Is it possible to repair a duct fan yourself?

The possibility of restoring functionality depends on the nature of the breakdown and the qualifications of the performer. In a duct fan of 200 mm (and in general of any diameter), it is not difficult to replace a damaged mesh partition, individual fastening elements, standard electronic parts, switches, indicators. Not too hard to do with my own hands decorative panel in exact accordance with individual requirements.

Rewinding of electric motor coils is carried out using special equipment. It is better to entrust such a task to specialists from a specialized workshop. The second acceptable option is to install a new power unit with similar technical characteristics. Assembly is performed with precise alignment of the impeller.

Prices, characteristics of modern models, recommendations for the right purchase

Brand/ModelPower consumption, WProduction
duration, cubic meters/hour
price, rub.Peculiarities

Deletion problem unpleasant odors stands before many residents of megacities. It is especially relevant in old houses with natural channels. As part of today's review, we will look at silent duct fans for hoods, analyze their types and advantages/disadvantages. Along the way, we’ll look at those technical characteristics that are definitely worth paying attention to, and we’ll tell you how to properly install such a fan and, if necessary, repair it. And let's finish our story with a review best models duct fans.

In the phrase of the subsection title there are two terms that need to be parsed. These are “duct” and “exhaust”. With the second one everything is easier. That is, the device must be installed on the exhaust section of the ventilation system. To make it clear what we are talking about, we explain that ventilation works on the principle of removing air masses and the same amount of inflow. One does not exist without the other.

Fans can be installed on or on the exhaust. Exhaust models are most often used. By the way, such devices include roof fans or centrifugal “snails” installed on the street.

The duct unit is a completely different design from them. It is cylindrical in shape with a fan mounted inside it. That is, the device itself can become a continuation of the air duct of the ventilation system or can be installed in the body of the wall, or rather in through hole made in the wall. More often, such models are called air, but no matter what they call it, the essence remains the same - air extraction using a fan.

Why is a silent fan better for an exhaust hood?

Now let's figure out why such fans are called silent. Any equipment that has rotating parts produces certain sounds associated with the formation of vibration. Fans have another reason to make noise - this is the flow of air that passes through the internal space of the device.

Attention! According to SNiP 23-03-2003:SN 2.2.4/, the noise level inside residential premises should not exceed 35 dB. For comparison, we can give several options for noise levels.

It is to the value of 35 dB that the noise level of the operating device is adjusted. This is achieved in several ways:

  1. High-precision bearings are installed in the fan design, which are devoid of such properties as runout. No beating – no vibration of the electric motor shaft on which the fan impeller is mounted.
  2. Precise balancing of the blades on the impeller creates conditions for a complete absence of vibration in the air flow.
  3. Exact selection of the number of blades and their angle of inclination.
  4. The use of gaskets made of special rubber inside the housing. During operation, it does not burst or tear. Gaskets are installed between the fan housing and the legs (brackets) of the electric motor.

All this together creates conditions for silent operation of the devices. Their noise level does not exceed 25 dB. That's why they got their name.

Types of duct fans

Basically silent or bathroom are divided into two categories:

  • according to form,
  • by design.

In the first case, there are two groups: with a round cross-section of the body and with a rectangular one. In the second, these are axial fans, radial and centrifugal. Duct fans for round air ducts are most often used in private housing construction. But there is one point that determines the installation location.

For example, very often the exhaust section of a ventilation system is vertical pipe(usually plastic or concrete), which penetrates the structure from the roof to the roof. Such an air duct is hidden in the walls during the construction process or constructed in the form of a separate box. You cannot install a duct fan in it. Because if the device fails, it will be impossible to repair or replace it. A rooftop model can be installed on such an air duct. Ducted devices are installed in air ducts that remain outside the building structures. For example, collected in the attic.

As for rectangular units, they can be classified as industrial exhaust fans. But this does not mean that they are not used in residential construction. Rectangular shape Air ducts are also used in residential or office buildings. The photo below shows one of the models made of plastic. This is a wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted device with a rectangular body. Pay attention to its blades; this is a centrifugal fan. Its blades are located along the direction of air flow.

Axial fans

An axial model or axial is a device in which the direction of air movement corresponds to the location of the axis of the electric motor. An impeller is mounted on it. It was this design that received great application in everyday life because:

  • it has a low-power electric motor;
  • but this power is enough to provide the required air exchange in both residential and service areas;
  • simple tube design.

Attention! The axial fans themselves are the quietest among all models used.


The operating principle of these devices differs from previous ones in that the movement of air masses does not occur along the axis of the electric motor shaft, but with an inclination depending on the slope of the impeller blades. They can be tilted back or forward. Accordingly, with a forward tilt, fans are installed for air supply, with a reverse tilt for exhaust.

But slope affects more than just the direction of flow. There are other characteristics:

Impeller shape With forward-curved shoulder bladesWith curved back
Efficiency 0,7 0,8
Working with high pressure 0,9 0,8
Working with air containing mechanical impurities 0,2 0,5
Explosion safety 0,6 0,5
Silence 0,8 0,9
Controllability 0,2 0,1

Exhaust duct fans for the kitchen or bathroom are, in general, radial models.


Centrifugal exhaust fan channel type is a new product that appeared on the market relatively recently. But she took her place firmly. A distinctive feature of this type is an impeller with blades that are located longitudinally to the axis and do not have a slope in the longitudinal plane. They have a slope at the transverse plane.

The devices got their name only from the fact that during the rotation of the impeller, the blades throw air towards the body of the device, where a zone of increased pressure is formed. And in the center, on the contrary, there is a zone of low pressure. That is, there is a sharp movement of air from the center. It is the pressure difference inside the housing that creates the conditions under which outside air begins to be sucked into the unit.

And another one distinctive feature- This is a special collector that performs the functions of a diffuser. Its design helps facilitate air suction into the fan.

Design and details of a duct fan

As mentioned above, the design of duct fans is a housing with an electric motor installed inside. The impeller is attached to the shaft of the latter. The body has a cylindrical shape, but the length of the cylinder can be quite large relative to the diameter or not very large. The first include models that are mounted on walls. The second ones, which are installed in air duct systems.

The first are equipped with two decorative ones, which are installed on wall surfaces located on different sides. The latter are attached to the air ducts with special collectors on clamps, which are supplied complete with the fan. The latter are usually sold assembled.

Some models are equipped with check valves that prevent air from moving in unusual situations. reverse side, that is, into the premises of the building. We must pay tribute to the fact that although the exhaust fan with check valve costs more, but it protects interior spaces from improper operation of the ventilation system. For example, it’s summer, it’s hot, the fan goes out for some reason. If the temperature inside the house is lower than outside, the air will begin to move in the opposite direction. The check valve will prevent this from happening.

Technical characteristics of duct fans and selection rules

Like all devices of this type, channel ones have one main characteristic: power (performance). More precisely, the volume of air that passes through the device per unit of time. Usually used for measurement Cubic Meters, passing in one hour – m³/h.

This indicator depends on two parameters:

  • rotation speed of the electric motor (impeller), and the higher the speed, the higher the performance;
  • overall dimensions of the fan itself, the larger they are, the greater the power.

In addition, when choosing, you need to pay attention to other qualities of the device. Namely:

  1. Safety class. This means protection from dust and moisture. This is especially important if you choose.
  2. Functionality. This implies automatic operation device or standard. The second refers to the function when the device starts working when turned on. To the first, when it turns on at certain intervals programmed in the settings.

Fan performance

This option cannot be selected by eye. Because it will depend on the required air exchange in the room. If the conversation is about general ventilation at home, and not about a specific room, you will have to add up the air exchange values ​​of all rooms of the house. This will be the fan performance.

For example, a house in which there is a common living space equal to 100 m², ceiling height – 3 m. In them, the air exchange will be equal to the volume of the room, that is, 300 m³/h. Here you need to add the air exchange of the toilet and bathroom - 25 m3/h and the kitchen 60÷90 depending on the type and. It turns out:

300 + 25 + 25 + 70 = 420 m³/h.

This is the fan's performance.

Geometric dimensions

The marking of fans of this type is based on the diameter of the inlet and outlet openings. Standard sizes for this parameter: 100 mm, 125, 160, 200, 250 and 315. Duct fans for hoods 100 and 125 mm belong to the household category. Duct fans 160 and 200 mm are most often installed in restaurants, cafes, large shops and other establishments. The rest can be classified as industrial models, which are installed in the air exhaust system of production workshops. All of them operate from a 220 V electricity network.

For example, let’s look at VKK brand devices (duct fan round section), the photo and table below show its dimensional parameters.

How to install a duct fan correctly

From the photo shown above, we can conclude that the device itself is selected according to the diameter of the air duct. For example, if an exhaust fan with a diameter of 100 mm is installed in the system, then the air duct should be of this size.

  1. So, installation begins with disassembling the device itself. You need to unscrew the clamps and pull out the fan itself.
  2. After that, the supply with two pipes, which are rigidly connected to each other, and more often are a single part, is mounted into the air duct distribution. That is, the pipes are inserted into the two ends of the pipes, between which the fan is installed.
  3. The stand or brackets are attached to the wall or ceiling, or any other flat surface(columns, arches and others), near which the pipework runs. Fastening is done using dowels and self-tapping screws.
  4. The fan is inserted into place and secured to the pipes with clamps, under which rubber gaskets are placed.

Attention! The distance from the elbow to the inlet pipe should not be less than one diameter. In the case of silent duct fans 100 mm, this distance should not be less than 10 cm. The distance from the outlet pipe to the outlet or fitting should not be less than three diameters.

How to properly care

If we are talking about devices that are installed in the air duct system, then maintenance is rarely carried out, especially if the pumped air is dry and clean. Once every two to three years you can open it and clean it from dust. If possible, you can try lubricating the bearings. But, as practice shows, this is a matter for professionals.

As for fans that are installed in walls, it is recommended to remove them once a year. decorative grilles and clean the inside of the cylinder. Everything else is unavailable.

DIY duct fan repair

Here's what it's never recommended to do: do-it-yourself repairs. Usually the electric motor or capacitor in the fan fails. If the first one burns out, it will have to be replaced with a new one. And it’s not a fact that you will find a motor in the store that matches the brand of engine.

As for the capacitor, if you understand something about electrics, then you can handle the replacement. To do this, you will have to measure the capacitance of the part with a multimeter. If it corresponds to the passport (indicated on the case) or a little more, then the problem is not with him. But if the capacity is smaller, you will have to change it. By the way, you need to measure the parameter with the capacitor disconnected from the network and first discharging it (connecting the two ends with a wire).

But, as practice shows, high-quality models will serve faithfully for decades. And if at one point a failure occurs, it is better to install a new one instead.


In addition to solving the usual issues of air exchange in work areas, ventilation systems are capable of performing technological functions. An example of such use is the operation of dust fans that transport dust, waste from the technological cycle, grain crops, etc.

A distinctive feature of this application is independence - loading, transportation and unloading of material moved with the air flow is carried out automatically, practically without the help of people. At the same time, the equipment parameters must meet the requirements of the material and provide the necessary performance and pressure for maximum efficiency work.

Centrifugal dust fan VCP 7-40 is one of the most common modifications of medium-pressure dust fans. Purpose of the device– movement of dust-air mixtures (aspiration), transportation of fine materials and weight (pneumatic transport). The devices are not used to work with sticky or fibrous substances, as well as with chemically active suspensions that can destroy the material of the housing, impeller, or air ducts.

The fan design consists of a spiral casing - a volute, inside which there is an impeller of a certain diameter (it is indicated in the designation of the fan, for example it means the diameter of the impeller is 6.3 decimeters or 630 mm). The impeller has 6 blades curved forward. The small number of blades is due to the need to prevent transported particles from getting stuck between the casing and impeller elements and between the blades, although this reduces efficiency. The impeller can be mounted on the motor shaft (version 1) or have its own shaft driven through a V-belt drive, a pulley system from an electric motor (version 5).

Expert opinion

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Attention! Dust units in version 5 are more reliable and do not become unbalanced during operation.

In addition, it is manufactured in two versions:

  • Open. The blades are attached at one point - on the shaft. Used to lighten the weight of the unit.

  • Closed. The blades are mounted along their entire length on a disk mounted on the drive shaft (depending on the version). This option provides greater strength to the impeller to create the ability to increase loads.

The direction of the outlet bell can be changed by rotating the housing in 45° increments relative to the axis of rotation. This is done when it is necessary to reduce the resistance of air ducts or to prevent the accumulation of transported material in a pipeline bend.

In addition, for ease of placement, there are fans with left or right direction of movement of the impeller (when viewed from the suction pipe, the right ones rotate clockwise, and the left ones rotate counterclockwise).

The internal volume of the housing corresponds to the diameter of the impeller. For VCP 7-40 fans there is big choice standard sizes determined by the last digits of the marking (VTsP 7-40-12.5 or ). In addition, there are options with different power and rotation speed of the electric motor, which affects productivity, pressure, and changes the transportation capabilities of the system.

A special feature of dust fans is the simultaneous extraction, cleaning of the workplace and dust removal of the serviced area. The devices have a large body thickness, the shape of the impeller is blade-shaped, the diameter of the inlet pipe corresponds to the equivalent outlet diameter (does not coincide with the fan number).

Selection procedure

The selection of a dust fan is carried out by comparing the characteristics of finished devices with the conditions of a particular area, air volumes, mass of transported product - dust, shavings, fine particles, etc.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! The accuracy of the choice is determined by the careful calculation of losses, resistance of air ducts and other elements.

A wide range of ready-made device sizes (8 in total) allows you to choose the optimal option that satisfies all production requirements.

The main problem in selecting the optimal option is calculating losses on branched suction systems, since the load on them is unstable. In addition, there is an inconsistent flow density and different concentrations of suspended matter in the transported air. Such difficulties force one to make a choice based on the maximum load, otherwise there is the possibility of traffic jams.

When selecting, the actual volume, performance and operating pressure of the fan, taken in. By comparing the actual parameters with the calculated site data, the most suitable fan is selected.

They have some design differences from conventional centrifugal devices - a smaller number of blades, specialization for dense, heavy flows, and the inadmissibility of pressure losses due to leaks or suction. Otherwise, the operation of dust equipment is almost the same as normal operation exhaust systems, is subject to the same principles and requirements.

Fans VR 100-45 Electric motor Parameters in the work area Weight no more than, kg Vibration isolators
Standard size Power, kW * rpm Performance
10 3 x m 3 /hour
Total pressure, Pa Type Qty
Fan VR 100-45 No. 2.5 ex. 1 5A80MA2 1,5*2850 0,73-1,4 1130-1040 23 DO38 4
5A80MV2 2,2*2850 0,73-1,5 1130-860 24,5 DO38 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 3.15 version 1 5A80MV2 2,2*3000 1,53-2,8 1790-1650 36 DO38 4
AIR90L2 3,0*3000 1,53-3,3 1790-1150 37 DO38 4
AIR100S2 4,0*2850 1,53-3,3 1790-1150 38 DO38 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 4 used. 1 AIR100S2 4,0*2870 2,5-4,9 2790-2700 54 DO39 4
AIR112M4 5,5*2870 2,5-6,2 2790-1650 70,5 DO39 4
AIR112M4 7,5*2870 2,5-6,2 2790-1650 81 DO39 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 used. 1 AIR112MA6 3,0*1000 2,2-5,0 1020-780 120 DO40 4
AIR112M4 5,5*1450 2,2-5,0 1020-780 165 DO40 4
AIR132S4 7,5*1500 2,2-5,2 1020-780 182 DO40 4
AIR132M4 11*1500 2,2-5,2 1020-780 220 DO40 4
AIR160S4 15*1500 2,2-5,2 1020-780 280 DO40 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 used. 5 AIR112M4 5,5*1620 2,4-5,5 1280-970 351 DO42 6
AIR112M4 5,5*1810 2,7-6,2 1600-1220 360 DO42 6
AIR112M4 5,5*2030 3,0-5,2 2000-1840 362 DO42 6
AIR132S4 7,5*2030 3,0-7,3 2000-1600 387 DO42 6
AIR132S4 7,5*2285 3,4-5,8 2550-2350 389 DO42 6
AIR132M4 11*1819 3,7-7,2 3250-2700 395 DO42 6
AIR132M4 11*2285 3,4-8,0 2550-2000 411 DO42 6
AIR132M4 11*2575 3,7-7,2 3250-2700 422 DO42 6
AIR160S4 15*2575 3,7-9,0 3250-2450 476 DO42 6
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 version 1 AIR132S4 7,5*1450 5,7-9,4 1690-1450 200 DO41 4
AIR132M4 11*1450 5,7-9,4 1690-1450 245 DO41 4
AIR160S4 15*1500 5,7-9,4 1690-1450 285 DO41 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 version 5 AIR132S4 7,5*1450 6,3-10,5 1690-1450 460 DO42 6
AIR132M4 11*1615 6,3-10,5 2100-1800 492 DO42 6
AIR160S4 15*1810 7,0-11,0 2600-2300 541 DO42 6
AIR160M4 18,5*1810 7,0-13,5 2600-2100 554 DO42 6
AIR160M4 18,5*2040 8,0-10,4 3300-3100 582 DO42 6
AIR160S4 22*2271 8,0-13,2 3300-2900 570 DO42 6
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 used. 1 AIR160M4 18,5*1450 8,0-16,0 2600-2200 427 DO43 4
AIR180S4 22*1615 8,0-16,0 2600-2200 427 DO43 4
AIR180M4 30*1500 8,0-16,0 2600-2200 427 DO43 4
AIR200M4 37*1500 8,0-16,0 2600-2200 427 DO43 4
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 used. 5 AIR160M4 18,5*1450 8,0-16,0 2600-2200 715 DO43 6
AIR180S4 22*1323 8,7-14,0 3200-2900 720 DO43 6
AIR180S4 22*1450 8,0-19,0 2600-1950 733 DO43 6
AIR180S4 22*1615 8,7-14,0 3200-2900 729 DO43 6
AIR180M4 30*1615 8,7-22,0 3200-2450 744 DO43 6
AIR180M4 30*1810 10,0-15,5 4000-3600 758 DO43 6
AIR200M4 37*1470 10,0-20,0 4000-3400 786 DO43 6
AIR200M4 37*1615 8,7-22,5 3200-2350 837 DO43 6
AIR200M4 37*1810 10,0-20,0 4000-3400 844 DO43 6
Fan VR 100-45 No. 10 use. 1 AIR160M8 11,0*750 2,5-6,8 1080-770 680 DO43 6
AIR200M6 22*1000 3,4-9,0 1990-1400 680 DO43 6
AIR200L6 30*1000 3,4-9,2 2000-1420 720 DO43 6
Fan VR 100-45 No. 10 use. 5 AIR200L6 30*1080 2,5-8,0 1100-4400 1030 DO43 8
Fan VR 100-45 No. 12 used. 1 AIR225M8 30,0*750 5,3-13,5 1760-1250 985 DO43 6
AIR250M6 55*1000 6,7-12,0 3170-3000 1165 DO43 6
AIR180S4 75*1000 6,7-18,0 3170-2300 1415 DO43 6
Fan VR 100-45 No. 12 used. 5 AIR250M6 55*1000 5,0-12,0 1800-3000 1590 DO43 8

Dust snail fan VR 100-45 designed to work as part of supply and exhaust ventilation systems, and are also used in systems air heating and air conditioning of residential, public and industrial premises. Due to the special design of the impeller fan VR 100-45 - chip ejector can work with air and non-explosive gas mixtures, the specific dust content of which reaches one kilogram of dust and suspended solids per cubic meter (1 kg/m3). Due to this, they are successfully used in general and local exhaust ventilation systems in production areas where intensive air purification is required working area: in metal and woodworking shops, on grain transport lines, etc.

Overall dimensions of fans VR 100-45

Position of the fan housing VR 100-45, version 1

dimensions fans VR 100-45, version 1

Fan no. Dimensions, mm
Pr 135˚, L135˚ Pr 270˚, L270˚ Pr 315˚, L315˚
B b H B b H B b H
Fan VR 100-45 No. 2.5 535 210 241 409 225 194 535 210 179
Fan VR 100-45 No. 3.15 663 263 302 506 282 243 663 263 224
Fan VR 100-45 No. 4 840 332 382 641 357 307 840 332 282
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 896 350 386 700 367 330 896 350 310
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 1106 441 488 866 465 418 1106 441 393
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 1388 557 615 1090 590 530 1388 557 500
Fan no. Dimensions, mm
Pr 0˚, 0˚ Pr 45˚, L45˚ Pr 90˚, L90˚
B b H B b H B b H
Fan VR 100-45 No. 2.5 471 194 183 420 179 325 409 225 277
Fan VR 100-45 No. 3.15 585 243 224 525 224 400 506 282 342
Fan VR 100-45 No. 4 741 307 284 664 282 508 641 357 434
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 770 330 333 696 310 546 700 367 440
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 957 418 401 881 393 665 866 465 539
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 1205 530 500 1115 500 831 1090 590 675

Dimensions and connecting dimensions fans VR 100-45 No. 2.5, No. 3.15, No. 4, version 1

Overall dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 2.5, No. 3.15, No. 4, version 1

Overall and mounting dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 5, No. 6, 3, No. 8, version 1

Overall dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 5, No. 6, 3, No. 8, version 1

Position of the fan housing VR 100-45 version 5

Overall dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No.5, No.6,3, No.8 version 5

Overall and mounting dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 5, No. 6, 3, No. 8, version 5

Overall dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 5, No. 6, 3, No. 8, version 5

Fan no. Dimensions, mm
D D1 C d b h L L1 L2 L3
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 var-1 350 390 300 12 250 550 902 250 980/2 980/2
var-2 847
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 var-1 440 500 378 12 315 670 1050 303 635 635
var-2 1047
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 var-1 560 610 480 13 401 845 1480 388 785 785
var-2 1420
Fan no. Dimensions, mm N1 N2 N3 n
L4 L5 L6 L7 T T2
Fan VR 100-45 No. 5 var-1 410 170 726 526 200 336 8 12 5 2
var-2 671
Fan VR 100-45 No. 6.3 var-1 502 219 842 584 300 418 8 16 6 3
var-2 842
Fan VR 100-45 No. 8 var-1 690 287 1165 803 400 520 12 20 6 4
var-2 1100 792

Overall and mounting dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 10, version 1

Overall and mounting dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 12, version 1

Overall and mounting dimensions of fans VR 100-45 No. 10, version 5

Payment Methods:

Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • Transport company Business lines or PEC, others by agreement.
  • Items “in stock” can be picked up from the warehouse on the day of receipt Money to our bank account.
  • Delivery is carried out within 1-2 business days from the moment your order is ready.

Delivery across Russia:

  • Transport company (TC) Business lines or PEC, others by agreement. Delivery to the TK terminal is FREE. (3 times a week).
  • Delivery costs TK depend on the region. Our managers will calculate all options and offer the most convenient and profitable delivery method for you.
  • By our vehicles in the shortest possible time. Delivery costs are calculated based on the volume and weight of the cargo.


  • Our company sells exclusively new products, which are covered by a factory warranty from 12 months to 36 months.

Design features

The design of the dust fan VR 100-45 is monoblock. The product is delivered to the customer assembled in original packaging. Fan VR 100-45 consists of the following structural units.

Frame - a welded metal structure that supports the spiral fan housing and Electrical engine. During installation, the fan frame is attached to the foundation, ceiling or other load-bearing base using anchors. To reduce vibration loads and improve noise characteristics, it is recommended to install the frame on a supporting surface using spring or rubber vibration dampers.

The function of the housing is performed by a spiral volute body of the chip ejector, which during installation can be rotated at the desired angle to the horizontal at an angle from 0 to 315 degrees (in discrete increments of 45 degrees) for more convenient pairing of the outlet pipe with the air duct.

The radial impeller of the BP 100-45 fan, depending on the model, can be equipped with 6 or 8 blades and is placed coaxially with the round inlet pipe. The outlet pipe has a rectangular cross-section and is located perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the impeller. Both nozzles are equipped with flanges for mating with the air duct ( direct connection through a sealing element or through flexible inserts of the appropriate cross-section).

Manufacturing options

Dust fan VR 100-45 Produced by the manufacturer in 9 standard sizes. Selection of equipment based on performance is carried out based on the purpose and actual operating conditions.

VR 100-45 fans have two drive configuration options: - direct connection to the impeller hub; - via V-belt transmission.

Also radial fans BP 100-45 can be supplied in two versions of the impeller:

Execution 1 - the presence of fibrous substances in the working environment is not allowed;
- version 2 - a small amount of fibrous inclusions may be present in the working environment (it is possible to use the equipment in textile factories where viscose, cotton, wool, etc. fibers are present in the working environment).

Depending on the purpose, the manufacturer produces radial fans VR 100-45:

General industrial (basic version);
- corrosion-resistant;
- explosion-proof.

terms of Use

This class ventilation equipment designed for operation in temperate climates (t=-45...+40С), moderate and cold (t=-60...+40С) and tropical (t=-10...+50С).

Placement category - 2 and 3. It is allowed to operate radial fans VR 100-45 in placement category 1, provided that the electric motor is protected from direct solar radiation and atmospheric precipitation.

Household exhaust fans are devices whose main function is high-quality hood indoor air With high humidity eg toilet, bathroom, kitchen. the main task such devices is to remove excess humidity from the indoor air, thereby preventing the occurrence of mold and mildew. It is also important that the hood neutralizes unpleasant odors, filters harmful gases and dust that can harm the human body.

When purchasing a household exhaust fan, it is important to consider the main parameters:

  • main function of the hood;
  • room size;
  • the number of people who are constantly in the room.

The calculation of the volume of air required for exhaust depends on these characteristics.

If you want to purchase a fan for home use, pay attention to the wall domestic fans. They are equipped with a check valve that prevents exhaust air from entering the room. Using these fans at home, you will protect yourself from dust, gases, unpleasant odors and other negative factors. Their productivity is small, it is better not to use them in rooms with a huge area, but in a small room you can provide a comfortable climate for residents with the help of an exhaust fan. The price of this device is worth the purchase.

This device operates almost silently.

Buy from us: price, delivery and installation of exhaust fan

We offer our clients to buy an exhaust fan, the price of which will please you. In addition, we will deliver the goods you purchased to the city you specified without delay. If you require installation, our team of specialists will carry it out quickly and efficiently.