Compatibility in love relationships: Taurus and Cancer. Zodiac friends - what are they? Negative moments in marriage

  • 1 Characteristics of Cancers and Taurus as zodiac signs
  • 2 Compatibility of a Cancer man and a Taurus woman
  • 3 How are Cancer women and Taurus men compatible?
  • 4 Positive and negative sides union

The compatibility of Cancer and Taurus can be called almost ideal. These two signs understand each other perfectly and family life, both in the intimate sphere and in friendship. Lovers are comfortable together in almost any situation, especially if Cancer is a girl and Taurus is a man.

Characteristics of Cancers and Taurus as zodiac signs

Cancer of any gender can be called the most emotional representative of the entire zodiac.

  • Such people perfectly sense the mood and disposition of those around them. That is why it is easy for them to find suitable interlocutors and true friends, but at the same time it is difficult for them to establish communication with unpleasant people, for example, among colleagues or relatives.
  • Cancers need constant and long-term connections. They become strongly attached to people, especially to their mother and other family members. If everything is in order at home for representatives of this sign, then peace and harmony reign in the soul.
  • Cancers are rarely poor. They easily earn money and accumulate large capital, from which their heirs also manage to profit. At the same time, such people do not like to spend their money. They prefer to save money and lovingly sort through pieces of paper, each time writing down an increasing number in a notebook.

Cancers are easy to offend and hurt. They worry for a long time about their failures, grievances, betrayals of their lovers and for other similar reasons.

Taurus leads the list of the most hardworking zodiac signs. He is ready to work long and hard. Often agrees to the most painstaking complex work in order to obtain large profits.

  • It is easy for representatives of this sign to make a pleasant impression on the people around them. They are charming, often beautiful, have an excellent sense of humor and, which is very important for comfortable communication, strong nerves. It is almost impossible to offend a Taurus. He himself will be happy to make fun of his shortcomings.
  • Taurus is considered a somewhat passive sign. He often waits for a unique opportunity to get something or change something in his life, rather than actively hunting for luck. Sometimes this situation occurs in relationships. First, the representative of the sign in question waits for the first signs of attention from the person he likes to appear and only after that goes on an active offensive.
  • In relationships, representatives of this sign are quite calm. Especially men. To provoke them into a scandal, you will have to try.

If Taurus’s vulnerable spot has been touched, he will take a closer look for a long time and find out whether the boundaries of decency in relation to him have really been violated.

Compatibility of Cancer man and Taurus woman

Couples of a Cancer man and a Taurus woman are quite common. Representatives of these signs are literally drawn to each other by a strong magnet.

In a love relationship

IN love relationships such a couple is quite comfortable. They have common goals and plans for life. Both partners strive to understand themselves and the world around them.

The only one serious reason conflicts in such a couple - excessive slowness of the Cancer man. The Taurus woman will constantly push him in all areas of life. It will be unpleasant for her partner to hear frequent comments about her shortcomings, and sooner or later such minor skirmishes in a couple can result in a large-scale scandal.

If lovers learn to avoid such misunderstandings, then they can live together happily ever after.

Even when love in a couple leaves, a man and a woman often remain together because of habit and banal everyday comfort.


From the outside, a marriage between a Taurus woman and a Cancer man may seem like a marriage of convenience. This impression arises because both partners choose their soulmate with a cool head.

Both spouses in the couple under discussion will do everything to create comfort, harmony, warmth and tranquility in the family. They will actively earn money and make a lot of effort so that their family does not need anything.

Lovers will enjoy spending family evenings together. They don't need crowded restaurants, nightclubs and other noisy places. They would rather watch a funny TV series together or bake their favorite pizza.

Even if the love in a couple ends, the spouses will not think about divorce.

They will continue to live in the same comfortable conditions so as not to waste effort and energy on creating new ones.

In friendship

It can be difficult to be friends with a Taurus woman and a Cancer man. The young lady in such a relationship will be more hot-tempered, sometimes even slightly mocking. A representative of the stronger sex will demand more attention from her, and will also often be offended by inappropriate rude jokes.

At the same time, both of them are not capable of betrayal and know how to be friends for many years. If a girl learns to soften her jokes, and a man tries to be less touchy and closed, then their relationship will last a long time.

Sexual compatibility

Each partner in the couple being discussed values ​​sexual relationships highly and takes them seriously.

If there are sincere feelings between a man and a woman, then in bed they will be completely satisfied with each other.

The intimate life in such a couple is never put on display. But when alone with each other, the partners are very gentle, caring and sensitive. It is unlikely that Cancer and Taurus will have fiery passions raging in bed, but at the same time they will definitely be able to satisfy all their modest secret desires and refuse to seek pleasure in sex on the side.

How compatible are Cancer women and Taurus men?

Almost perfect compatibility is observed in a pair of Cancer woman and Taurus man. Such lovers complement each other in everything, making their own relationships surprisingly harmonious, warm, and comfortable.

In a love relationship

More often than not, it is the young lady born under the zodiac sign Cancer who is the first to take a step towards love. It is she who sees from afar that the man she likes is ideal for her in all respects. The guy first only gives a reaction to the attention shown to him and only after that takes reciprocal actions. If he also liked the girl, then soon the initiative completely passes into the hands of the persistent Taurus.

Such a man perfectly understands his gentle and vulnerable young lady and is ready to lend her a reliable shoulder at any time of the day or night. The beloved “pays” him for this with attention, admiration, counter psychological help. If lovers learn to peacefully resolve minor conflicts that arise in a couple, then they will be able to live together happily all their lives.

The main thing is that both the man and the woman do not pay attention to the advice and tips of others on how to properly build their relationship.


The Cancer girl will quickly receive a marriage proposal from her partner. Taurus men usually think for a long time before inviting their partner to connect their life with them. But it is precisely the representatives of the sign under discussion that turn out to be an exception for them. Such ladies know how to quickly charm a Taurus and tie him to themselves.

After just a few months of family life, lovers become so accustomed to each other that they do not want to be apart even for a minute. Important for both spouses home comfort, material well-being, peace and harmony. It is on these points that they will actively work together.

The Cancer woman in such a union happily becomes the keeper of the home. And the Taurus man takes care of the prosperity and peace of the family.

The spouse in this couple quickly becomes despondent even because of the slightest problem. And the representative of the stronger sex helps her cope with problems and become confident in her abilities again.

In friendship

Even a friendly union between the zodiac signs under discussion turns out to be long-lasting. Cancer and Taurus complement each other and are always on the same wavelength. They are endlessly interested in being together. Especially if friends are passionate about a common cause.

Such friendly unions often end in strong love relationships. After all, no other partner can give a Cancer girl such a feeling of calm and security. The Taurus man admires the tenderness, vulnerability, femininity and even some sacrifice of his chosen one.

Sexual compatibility

Such a couple has a good sexual compatibility. Both partners are modest and slightly tense in bed, but they manage to liberate each other.

True, they are able to achieve harmony in intimacy only a couple of years after the start of the relationship. At first, representatives of the zodiac signs under discussion are too closed and constrained. The main thing is that during the process, neither of them makes an offensive joke about intimacy to the other.

One can hardly call Cancer and Taurus passionate fiery lovers. Harmony also reigns in their marital bed, but without any zest. Partners do not need intimate experiments and will not visit a sex shop to arrange a sexual surprise for their other half.

Positive and negative sides of the union

To begin with, it is worth noting all the positive aspects of the union between Cancer and Taurus:

  1. In such a couple, regardless of the gender of the partners in the zodiac signs being discussed, harmony reigns. Common goals, similar views on life and interests cement the union.
  2. Both partners love to learn something new, often choose various exciting hobbies and support each other in similar endeavors.
  3. It is only in rare cases that any lover decides to cheat. If both partners are happy with everything in a couple, then they will remain faithful to each other for many years.
  4. The couple are happy to spend time in their cozy apartment or at home talking about the future and delicious pie. They do not need a crowd of guests, active entertainment, or a constant change of environment.

This pairing also has its downsides:

  1. Taurus (both men and women) are extremely jealous. If their significant other often communicates with representatives of the opposite sex, then violent conflicts cannot be avoided.
  2. The pair of Taurus and Cancer may seem boring to some. Lovers will prefer a joyful walk board game together in their apartment.
  3. Taurus can sometimes get tired of their partner’s excessive touchiness and emotionality. This feature of Cancers can become another cause of conflicts in a couple.

In general, the Cancer-Taurus union always turns out to be harmonious and happy. Representatives of these signs are able to build long-term, strong relationships. They become excellent caring parents and are ready to support their offspring in any endeavor.

Cancer and Taurus get along well, they have similar temperaments, do not like conflicts, and value stability. It is not difficult for representatives of these zodiac signs to understand each other, because they have the same life values, and their thoughts often converge. Superficial communication will give them the full feeling that each of them has met a like-minded person. Upon closer acquaintance, it turns out that Taurus is much calmer than cancer, has more specific plans and takes everything too literally. Cancer will no less surprise him with his tendency to sudden mood swings, constant omissions and an overly serious approach to all situations. After Cancer and Taurus are convinced that they do not have much in common, both will have to decide whether to continue this communication.

CANCER man and TAURUS woman

Cancer man and Taurus woman get along very well at work, together they can achieve great success. The responsibility and ability of both partners to manage finances plays a significant role here. Mutual respect for this couple is guaranteed, but spiritual intimacy is hardly possible. If a Taurus woman is interested in this union, she will do a lot to become a close person to a Cancer man, but the result is unlikely to satisfy her fully.

♋ + ♉: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Taurus girl is smart, honest, decent, she only needs a permanent love relationship. The Cancer guy will interest her in the seriousness of his intentions, she will sincerely decide that she has met her happiness.

Lovers will spend everything free time together, away from prying eyes. Long conversations promise to be confidential, but the girl will do most of the talking. Having decided that she has nothing to hide from her beloved, she will reveal herself completely to him. The Cancer guy listens attentively, talks a little about himself, and even then, he tells things that are no secret to anyone anyway. After some time, the girl learns a lot about him, but not because of his frankness. It will touch her to the quick that Interesting Facts from the life of her loved one are revealed to her under random circumstances and by random people.

The Taurus girl always has clear plans, to which, if she makes adjustments, it is due to necessity. A Cancer guy is often unstable in his mood, which is why he can cancel a meeting with his beloved, give up everything he’s doing, and, in general, surprise his chosen one. On this basis, the lovers will have many disagreements - Taurus will begin to urge Cancer to become more stable, and Cancer will want to make the chosen one more flexible to circumstances. While a young couple is not bound by a stamp in their passport and living together, serious problems Due to dissatisfaction with each other, their relationship is not expected.

♋ + ♉: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— From the outside, such families look ideal. There really are no loud quarrels, betrayals or disrespectful behavior on either side. Nevertheless, there are stumbling blocks, but the spouses never sort things out in public, considering such behavior unworthy.

A Taurus wife is a wonderful housewife, a caring mother, and in general, a very reliable person. She does not need the general public and flirting on the side; she does not give her husband any reason to be jealous. In addition, the Cancer man will be delighted with the way his wife manages money. She does not allow herself to spend extra money, is picky about the quality of purchases, and always soberly assesses the family’s financial capabilities.

The Cancer man sought stability, and got it. The problem is that he is characterized by bursts of activity and a thirst for adventure, while his wife leads a measured and predictable lifestyle. It is very good if the husband in this couple is older in age, or loves his wife so much that he is afraid of losing her with his rash actions. If Cancer is not too attached to the family, and at the same time is young and full of strength and energy, then he is quite capable of betrayal, which for his wife will be a bolt from the blue.

♋ + ♉: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— The communication between a Cancer guy and a Taurus girl is a little less than sincere, but it can well be called a friendly relationship. Shared leisure time can bring this couple together. They like to spend their free time in approximately the same way, without noisy campaigns, in a calm environment. Cancer will not be completely frank with his friend, but she will remind him of a book he has read several times. The guy respects the girl’s frankness very much, so he will never leave her alone with her problems and will not let her be offended.

TAURUS man and CANCER woman

A Taurus man and a Cancer woman easily find a common language, they are understandable and pleasant to each other. If they are united by common causes, together they will achieve success. The personal relationships of this couple are also going well; there are no contradictions or reasons for quarrels. Both are characterized by the manifestation of care and compassion, the desire for constancy, and love of home. A Cancer woman and a Taurus man are especially close if they are relatives or spouses.

♉ + ♋: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— A Cancer girl does nothing to please a Taurus. The guy also doesn’t puzzle over how to win her. Young people, in some mystical way, immediately see in each other the right person for a permanent relationship.

Together, Cancer and Taurus feel very comfortable; they do not have to pretend to be something, adapting to their loved one. Both do not see joy in superficial communication with unfamiliar people, so they prefer to spend their free time only together, or in the company of close friends.

Lovers trust each other and do not quarrel over trifles. From the outside it may seem that they have lived their lives together, despite the fact that they have been together only recently. Such unions rarely break up, but do not lead to marriage too quickly. Cancer and Taurus will prefer to first get to know each other well, and only then dare to take such a serious step.

♉ + ♋: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— The family life of Cancer and Taurus is calm and measured. In the everyday part of life there is complete mutual agreement. The Cancer woman is economical, and her husband really appreciates comfort and a delicious dinner. The Taurus man is caring, he will never allow his wife to do heavy work. physical work, therefore, with regard to household duties, he is her first assistant.

The financial situation of such families is stable. Spouses stock up in advance necessary products and seasonal clothing, they always have at least a small cash reserve. There are no mutual complaints regarding unnecessary expenses and unnecessary acquisitions.

Intimate life suits both. In sex, what is more important for spouses is not technique, but feelings, but the Cancer woman is still more emotional and passionate. She will not open up to her husband until the end, and he will not know about it. Taurus are not fans of experiments, and Cancers are afraid of criticism.

Such marriages very rarely break up. Even if one of the spouses has a hobby on the side, he is unlikely to jeopardize his Family status for the sake of dubious pleasure.

♉ + ♋: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- in this case it is quite possible. They will enjoy spending their free time together; they will always find something to talk about. The Cancer girl will surround her boyfriend with care, and the Taurus guy will take part in solving her problems and help with advice in making serious decisions. If they are not relatives, then they may well become interested in each other and become a happy couple.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

This couple has good chances create a strong family. The huge advantage is this: these two signs show extraordinary affection for their partner, value them and support them in any life situation.

Why do astrologers advise a Cancer woman to connect her life with a Taurus man? What do partners like most about sex? What will the guys' friendship be like? Should they start a business together? Answers to pressing questions are below. Read and draw conclusions.

Taurus man Cancer woman compatibility in love

Having met for the first time, Taurus and Cancer think about friendship. Newly made acquaintances assume: they won’t make a couple. After a while, the guys begin to look deeper and realize: they don’t want to separate even for a moment. A beautiful romance breaks out, filled with tenderness, love, and mutual understanding.

These signs are incredibly similar and have almost identical tastes. Guys are sensitive, they like simple things in life, they adore a calm, homely environment.

Cancer and Taurus like a measured lifestyle, they are not in a hurry, and know how to enjoy the moment. The guy will be the most for the girl reliable support. The lady always wanted to meet a strong, wise, correct person, someone she could rely on at any moment. The young lady will madly appreciate her Taurus and will try to envelop him with spiritual warmth. The lady will reward her chosen one with care and create an atmosphere of comfort.

The serene energy of Cancer relieves Taurus of tension, balances, and calms.
In this tandem, the weaknesses of one partner are compensated by the strength of the other.

Taurus loves to surround himself with quality material things and often enjoys the best luxuries life has to offer. Sometimes he makes too expensive purchases and loves to pamper himself and his loved ones.

The young man is unusually attentive, the Cancer woman is compassionate towards the problems of her loved ones. The Taurus man subtly senses changes in Cancer’s mood, and this helps to easily solve problems that arise.

The Cancer woman is thoughtful, affectionate, and faithful. The lady devotes herself to her family with great pleasure and great trepidation. She enjoys the process of arranging a comfortable home, radiates the energy of joy, and fills the soul of her chosen one with it.

Sexual compatibility Cancer woman and Taurus man

In bed, a Cancer girl, a Taurus man enjoys emotional warmth, which is especially important for a woman. The partners are perfectly compatible on a sexual level.
Cancer brings sensuality and fantasy to relationships. And Taurus creates the right atmosphere.

Good sex has magical property. It unites, especially at the beginning of communication. Cancer girl Taurus guy has no doubt: happiness needs silence. They do not discuss personal matters with strangers, do not publish hundreds of joint photos on Instagram, and do not tell friends about what is happening in the bedroom.

It must be said that the Taurus man is not attracted to one-night stands. Sex for him is ultimately a demonstration of the devotion he feels for the girl he loves. But, of course, pleasure plays an important role. This sign perceives Holy Night as a bright holiday. And he considers an orgasm the best gift.

What do Taurus men and Cancer women like in bed?

Lovers are unhurried and love prolonged foreplay. They like to smoothly plunge into a sea of ​​sensations. Guys appreciate tenderness, affection, and timely assertiveness.

The guy and the girl know on a subconscious level that they will give their chosen one the highest pleasure. The lady especially accurately guesses the desires of her lover. It's like she reads minds young man. The guy admires his lady and admires the beauty and sexuality of his chosen one.

With Taurus, the Cancer woman needs to be open and honest in matters of sex. It is important to talk about your preferences and improve your intimate life. Although she may already be flawless.

Taurus's romantic character and relationship orientation lead to total dissolution in his partner. The hero enjoys every second. The flame in a guy is ignited by simple details: gentle words, touches, passionate kisses. Taurus are quite traditional, they like to do “it” in bed. Among the preferred positions are ordinary and not too bold.

The best aphrodisiac for Taurus is a promise eternal love. He is a supporter of long-term relationships, loves honestly and forever.
It is important for Cancer to feel the energy of her partner; she likes it when a man takes the initiative. With a guy who shows assertiveness, a lady will unleash all her inner magic. Phrases “How beautiful you are”, “

You best person in the Universe” will ignite passion in a lady, help her relax and trust. Lady Cancer values ​​elegance and discretion in sex. She likes classic poses: familiar, proven. While having fun, the young lady will definitely not shout to the whole neighborhood. She expresses orgasm carefully, delicately. The Cancer young lady loves to be surprised and will be delighted when Taurus wants to take possession of her in an unusual location

The combination is good for marriage. Both need stability, care, love.

The home of a Taurus man and a Cancer woman is a quiet haven, a place where both can relax, reboot, and gain strength. Spouses like peace, they enjoy the happiness of being with their family.

The Cancer woman is an attentive, caring mother. She amazes with kindness and tenderness. The lady does not strive to become the best housewife in the world, and will not spend entire weekends cleaning the house. This woman is not fanatical about cleanliness, but she certainly tries to keep her home in order. The Cancer wife loves to pamper her loved ones, she cooks deliciously and from time to time arranges pleasant surprises for the Taurus man.

The young man is a good family man, he works hard and provides various benefits to his relatives.
Family values ​​are Taurus' priority. The husband takes care of his wife, loves his children madly, and tries to raise them as worthy people.

Taurus man Cancer woman: Possible relationship problems

Both partners tend to have big mood swings. This often causes disagreements and small disputes. Especially if the man and woman feel depressed and want to vent negative energy during the conflict.

The guys have a common desire to free themselves from emotional burden in this way. This similarity increases the level of mutual understanding and teaches you not to take your partner's anger too seriously. It's a fact: Taurus man and Cancer woman are sometimes in terrible moods, but this is part of their relationship. It is better for a guy to respect the personal space of his chosen one. And vice versa.

Among possible problems– next. Cancer women are incredibly jealous... Insane jealousy causes melancholy and sometimes seriously depresses Taurus.

Young people also know how to anger their significant other. Taurus people are incredibly capricious. Cancers try to accept this. When you can’t come to terms with this situation, you need to talk through the problem. Taurus is ready to meet halfway; he will probably understand his companion and try to improve.

This couple is predicted to have a good common future interspersed with difficulties and minor conflicts. It is normal for disputes to arise. When every day is smooth, lovers get used to it and stop caring about the relationship properly. This behavior leads to the destruction of the union; the connection weakens faster than that of less compatible partners.

To maintain the union, the children need to learn to discuss problems and together look for ways to solve complex issues. Horoscopes speak of the secretiveness of Taurus. Astrologers recommend that men of this sign meet the woman halfway, be loyal to the offer to talk through and eliminate a specific controversial issue.
The strength of a couple is, of course, influenced by the level of satisfaction in sex.

It is better for lovers to talk about their sexual fantasies and experiment in bed. In addition, it is necessary to remember: any crisis can be overcome if there is a sincere mutual desire.

Friendly compatibility: Cancer woman Taurus man

The Taurus man is not quick to make contact with new people. Usually his greatest friends are from childhood. But with a Cancer woman, a guy will be able to establish communication in adulthood. In this tandem there will be sincerity and a lot of joyful laughter.

Taurus is a loyal sign, responsible, caring. He keeps his promises and doesn't waste his words. The Cancer lady idolizes people belonging to the rare “said and done” category. You can count on Taurus's help around the clock. He is ready to put things aside, able to arrive late at night or early in the morning to console his girlfriend. The girl always supports the guy too. She charges him emotionally, helps him believe in own strength. It is to Cancer that Taurus goes for good advice and a good dose of motivation.

The guys have similar musical preferences, as well as tastes in films and TV series. Friends can spend hours discussing the latest episode of a quality TV drama or the new album from their favorite band. Their powerful connection will last for many years. This tandem is really strong.

Business compatibility of zodiac signs Cancer woman Taurus man

Cooperation will be productive. Great success awaits the guys who focus on banking, medicine, agriculture, education or construction.
Taurus is an excellent manager. He sets priorities wisely and multiplies capital with talent.

The Taurus man loves money and is not afraid to work hard to get it. The young man is reliable, patient and thorough, punctual and fast, efficient. He plunges headlong into the project and even, despite the difficulties, goes to the end. It is fundamentally important for a man to realize his plans; he is not afraid of failures. The guy deserves a decent reward for his efforts and complete dedication. Taurus leaves people who are unable to appreciate his work. Fortunately, the Cancer woman sincerely admires her partner's tactics. And she copes with her responsibilities perfectly. The lady thinks strategically, helps to avoid risks, and creates the emotional environment necessary for productive work.

Cancers and Taurus are an excellent team that can complete tasks of any level of complexity. But there may be problems with ideological content. If there is a shortage of fresh concepts, the guys should turn to other specialists for help. Surrounding yourself the right people, Cancer woman Taurus man organize a worthy, successful, profitable project.

Horoscope woman Cancer man Taurus: What are the forecasts?

The compatibility rate of this pair is incredibly high. 93 percent out of 100 speaks for itself. To lovers who are united real love, you will be able to create and maintain a wonderful family. According to astrologers, Cancers will be especially lucky with Taurus born between May 11 and May 21. These people can adapt to the variable emotional states of many Cancers and are ready to offer them financial security and peace of mind are two fundamental elements for Cancer. A demanding Taurus will find great happiness with a Cancer woman who celebrates her birthday between June 22 and July 3.

What to give a Taurus man and a Cancer woman?

Taurus loves expensive things, but will also be happy with trinkets. Gifts intended for this guy should be practical. This applies even to small things, such as souvenirs. Taurus should buy not just a magnet, but a magnet with a bottle opener or a thermometer.

The young man will be happy to receive interesting book. When choosing a publication, you should pay attention to the design, print quality, and sheet density. These indicators must be impeccable. The Taurus man doesn't care what his house looks like, he... Special attention pays attention to the interior, carefully selects every detail. Yes, you can buy him stylish element decor. A luxurious photo frame, an original sculpture, a carpet with a fashionable print. In addition, Taurus will gratefully accept a gift household appliance. Electric kettle, toaster, coffee maker, robot vacuum cleaner can be useful in the house.

The Cancer woman is also suitable for things that make everyday life easier and promote comfort. The lady treats the kitchen with great trepidation. You can safely give her beautiful cups, plates, tablecloths made of high-quality natural fabric, various smart pots and pans. For a holiday or no occasion, silver earrings or a bracelet are suitable. Don't forget about flowers. Cancers like lilies, tulips, peonies.

It is easy for representatives of the Zodiac signs Taurus and Cancer to create harmonious relationships, since these people have a lot in common. Taurus have inner peace, which allows them to confidently achieve their goals. Distinctive feature Representatives of this sign are considered to be attached to home and traditions. Cancer, like Taurus, carefully protects its personal territory from intrusion by outsiders and prefers to live in its own world. Both partners find each other attractive when they first meet. The percentage compatibility of this union is quite high - about 80. In marriage, this figure can reach 100%, which depends on the desire of both parties to make the relationship ideal and maintain it for many years.

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    • Compatibility in love

      Cancers love stability, emotional comfort and confidence in the future. This is a hardworking zodiac sign that is used to with my own hands create well-being around you. Economic and practical Taurus lacks a partner with such qualities in his life, so he immediately turns his attention to Cancer. At the same time, representatives of these zodiac signs have similar features character.

      There is little passion and emotion in the Taurus-Cancer pair, so others think that these people are just friends, but this is just the first impression. Alone with each other, they give free rein to their emotions and do not hide their feelings.

      In love relationships, these people are not immune from quarrels and conflicts that can provoke a break in the relationship. Both Taurus and Cancer are enthusiastic people who easily immerse themselves in work and hobbies. Due to being busy, one partner forgets about the relationship and working on it, which leads to a cooling of feelings in the couple.

      If a quarrel occurs between Cancer and Taurus, then neither party wants to initiate reconciliation. Taurus is too proud and touchy, and Cancer loves to revel in his negative emotions and fall into melancholy for a long time. While partners are angry, the conflict worsens, and initial stage relationships this can lead to separation.

      In bed, this couple experiences passion for each other, since Cancer is prone to eroticism, and Taurus is prone to sensuality. Misunderstandings in the intimate sphere often arise due to the fact that Taurus values ​​physical satisfaction above all else, while his partner needs the emotional component of sex.

      The characteristics of the relationship in a couple depend on the horoscope of the man and woman.

      • Taurus man and Cancer woman. A representative of the stronger sex belonging to this zodiac sign values ​​thriftiness and reliability in a woman. She strives to envelop her chosen one with care and love, which manifests itself not only emotionally, but also in everyday life. A partner’s ability to create comfort inspires a man to new achievements in his career, so he becomes successful and self-confident. Taurus always happily returns to the house, which is what the secretive Cancer, who values ​​family and home comfort, needs.
      • Cancer man and Taurus woman. Cancer easily builds relationships with a thrifty and devoted woman, since she has self-esteem and does not communicate too actively with the men around her. Taurus by nature are monogamous, and this appeals to a man who is possessive by nature.

      Married relationships

      In family life, partners try to spend all their time together as much as possible, because they are interested in being together. They do not like noisy companies and feasts with friends. If representatives of these signs start a family, all friends remain in the past. This approach to communication soon leads to the fact that Cancer and Taurus begin to be burdened with each other and become bored without entertainment and communication.


      Representatives of both signs easily agree to a contract, so friendship often arises between them, based on similar interests, mutual affection and respect. Friends can stay together for many years, but only if they promptly discuss controversial issues in the relationship. Otherwise, the burden of grievances, negative emotions and unexpressed claims will lead to the end of the friendship.