The smell of chipboard is harmful to drink. The ecology of your home is simple, and at the highest level. Chipboard children's furniture: correct cutting and edge gluing

Hello, in the past we talked about such an excellent material for furniture as chipboard, for those who missed it, the article was called,. Today we are faced with the question again "Is chipboard harmful?" Or is it just a myth harmful properties Chipboard as a building material. And so, let's figure it out.

The abbreviation itself, the abbreviation of the word chipboard, stands for chipboard. She gained her popularity in furniture production due to its low price, that is, availability and, of course, a variety of types. So today, she is a good competitor natural wood, but many people are increasingly wondering if chipboard is harmful.

To date, such furniture as desks in any school, most often laminated, sliding wardrobes, which are becoming increasingly popular due to their simplicity, as well as kitchen sets for hostesses are made only from chipboard. This is due to the fact that chipboard is very practical to assemble, but this does not go to the minus of the aesthetic appearance. But as usual, everything that becomes popular sooner or later begins to find fault, so there are rumors about chipboard about its harmful properties for humans, but if we look, we will find the truth, somewhere between rumors and not true.

Is chipboard harmful? – Harmful features of the manufacturing process.

Most often, the myth about whether chipboard is harmful to people arises after people recognize the so-called technology for the production of these chipboards. For those who do not know, chipboard is made from chips from other products, more often they are called “waste”, chips and sawdust are simply glued together and pressed, formaldehyde glue usually acts as glue.

This is where the answer to the question of whether chipboard is harmful, its harmfulness depends on how much formaldehyde is contained in the glue, but remember that there are many types of glue used when gluing chipboard. In the scientific language that manufacturers use, this level is called E1, E2 markings, which will determine the level of emission, that is, harmfulness.

Many domestic, that is Russian manufacturers listen to European standards, standards that say that if the emission of this chipboard does not exceed the E1 degree, then everything is fine, that is, such plates can be used even when assembling furniture for children and adolescents. The level of evaporation of formaldehyde vapors during operation will be so minimal that it will not bring harm to the human body.

Is chipboard harmful? – We check the safety of chipboard when buying.

Once upon a time, when chipboard, aka chipboard, was just conquering the market, it was bought in bulk, according to low prices for the manufacture of various furniture. The quality of chipboard of that time was very terrible, as furniture manufacturers used the most cheap materials, even though it is already waste. They chose the cheapest adhesive formulations, which, as we understand, contained more formaldehyde substances, which are dangerous in large quantities.

At the moment, the whole situation of this market has changed radically, fortunately for the better side for the consumer. Buyers have become much smarter, they began to be interested in the environmental friendliness of materials in chipboard, about its harmful qualities, and so on. Especially the manufacturer is baffled by the request for a quality certificate for particle board. In general, consumers themselves forced manufacturers to treat the production of chipboard more conscientiously. And in general, if domestic production does not comply with the high quality standards that have appeared in Europe, then they will not be able to compete in the world market.

In general, ladies and gentlemen, in the modern age, the answer to the question “Is chipboard harmful?” negative. But with rare furniture, be vigilant. Sincerely, the administration of the construction and repair portal

Shooting the production of furniture chipboard:

Children's furniture laminated chipboard - you can hear a lot of conflicting opinions about it. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is a synonym for the strongest poison.

Children's furniture chipboard: harmful or not?

Children's furniture LDSP- You can hear a lot of conflicting opinions about it. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is a synonym for the strongest poison. Modern manufacturing factories offer customers the widest range furniture made from this material. In addition, the price for it is very attractive due to its availability. Therefore, the issue of harm to children's furniture chipboard is worth attention.

Children's furniture laminated chipboard: what is the emission class

LDSP (laminated chipboard) - a material that is highly durable, beautiful shades and low cost. This combination of properties has made it incredibly popular. However, not all parents are aware of such a concept as an emission class. This is the percentage of formaldehyde resins that are released from the plate into the air. Why is this harmful substance there? The fact is that in the process of manufacturing plates, glue is used, which necessarily contains this substance. Formaldehyde itself is a carcinogen that can cause serious damage to health. In high doses, it causes oncological diseases and severe allergic reactions. Formaldehyde resins are contained in chipboard. But in quantities that can not harm health. Chipboard children's furniture has advantages over chipboard, since the laminate layer (provided that it is of high quality) does not allow harmful toxins to escape into the atmosphere of the room.

Determining the emission class can help the buyer with the purchase of a truly safe furniture for your beloved baby. Chipboard and chipboard marked "E0" are the most desirable material options. Percentage very little formaldehyde. Such material can still be called medical chipboard, since it is used in medical institutions. In medical institutions they use made and environmentally friendly safe materials. The material is produced mainly by foreign manufacturers. Domestic factories offer their customers E1 class materials. Here the content of harmful substances is quite small. Classes "E2" and "E3" are highly undesirable as raw materials for residential use. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are honest with their customers. Therefore, if when buying in a store or at a factory, they cannot provide you with quality certificates and documents confirming the environmental standards of materials, refuse such a purchase.

No matter how small the price is and no matter how attractive the laminated chipboard children's furniture looks, without documents confirming the quality, you get slow-acting poison for your beloved child. When buying inexpensive pieces of furniture for a child's bedroom, you should pay attention to the factories involved.

Children's furniture laminated chipboard: correct cutting and edge gluing

But what to do with the materials of class "E1"? After all, they contain formaldehyde resins, albeit in small quantities. Here conscientious manufacturers also found a way out. This is an edge banding. It should be well glued, because it has not only an aesthetic role. How to determine the quality of the edge and cuts? Take a close look ready product. All ends of the parts must be neatly cut, without chips or cracks. Such a marriage not only gives way to formaldehyde, but also worsens appearance furniture, shortening its lifespan. The edge must be processed all the details, even in places not visible to the eye. For example, removable shelves should be glued on all sides, including the one that is located end to the back wall of a cabinet or cabinet. The edge is a reliable barrier that does not allow harmful substances to penetrate into the air that the child breathes.

Frequent headaches, throat irritation, cough and runny nose that appear after a long stay in the room - the cause of this may not be an acute respiratory disease at all, but formaldehyde, which is released from the furniture. What are the symptoms of poisoning by toxic substances that furniture emits, and how to protect your health?

As we said earlier, in the production of chipboard and MDF materials for furniture, resins that contain formaldehyde are added to their composition. Standing out, this substance gradually poisons health and can lead to a number of serious diseases.

It is believed that most formaldehyde emissions occur within 6 months of buying new furniture. But even after that, hazardous substances from furniture continue to be released, and their evaporation increases significantly during the heating season in winter: under heating from batteries, formaldehyde evaporates even faster, and dry indoor air leads to an increase in its concentration in the air.

The main symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning are:

1. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract, skin.

2. Frequent headache, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion.

3. Unmotivated depression of mood.

How to recognize formaldehyde poisoning from furniture?

1. The symptoms listed above are manifested in several people who have been in this room for a sufficient time. When the environment changes, the ailments disappear.

2. On the offensive heating season the symptoms of poisoning intensify.

3. When airing the apartment, the symptoms decrease or temporarily disappear.

If you have a suspicion of poisoning with toxic substances that are released by furniture in your home, you can contact specialized organizations that will conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination for formaldehyde. The cost of such an examination is not cheap: on average, it can range from 3 to 5 thousand UAH for an average apartment.

According to experts who conduct such examinations, in ordinary apartment with furniture made of chipboard, the level of formaldehyde content is 0.07-0.09 ‰, at the norm - 0.06 ‰.

During the operation of furniture, other hazardous substances are also released into the air of residential premises: ammonia, acetates and phthalates, styrene, methanol, phenol, toluene, xylene, phthalic anhydride, ethylbenzene - this list depends on chemical composition applied materials.

How to protect yourself from furniture made of chipboard and MDF?

What to do with such furniture and how to reduce the evaporation of formaldehyde and other hazardous substances?

  1. Apply to all exposed furniture surfaces (including rear walls) several layers of glue, varnish or paint. Take a water-dispersion paint as a paint: it does not contain toxic substances and will create a protective film.
  2. PVC edging can also be used as a protective agent.
  3. Tables, cabinets, etc. interior items can be pasted over with a self-adhesive film or covered natural materials. This will significantly reduce the amount of fumes of toxic substances.
  4. All furniture damage (scratches, chips, etc.) should be covered immediately with a protective agent (see point 1).
  5. If possible, place furniture away from radiators and other heating devices.
  6. Ventilate the room as often as possible and control the humidity.

Replacement natural materials man-made analogue has become a common practice for humans. high cost natural wood and a clear shortage of it during the construction boom led engineers, chemists and technologists to create a similar material - chipboard.

Where and when did chipboard appear?

Few people know that the “birth” of chipboard might not have happened, since any sawdust in the first quarter of the 20th century in Europe they were used exclusively for the manufacture of briquettes for heating. Thus, these were wastes applicable only for heating the home.

But already in the 30s, the situation changed: work began on the manufacture of a composite building material from sawdust and an adhesive. At the same time, the first practical experiments appeared.

The new direction developed rapidly. During the Second World War, plywood was already used, but due to the shortage of building materials, its price increased sharply. The German Max Himmelheber from the beginning of the thirties actively experimented with wood-shaving composite, the experiments brought results. Inexpensive material was created, the technology was perfected, and in the 40s mass production of chipboard began in Germany.

There were no interruptions in raw materials: non-commercial wood and any waste from sawmills were suitable for production. Phenolic resins became the binder, Himmelheber came to the conclusion that they are ideal for forming a strong composite board. Inexpensive and excellent technical specifications material became popular all over the world. Temporary housing is built from it, used for decoration of residential buildings and offices, and high-quality furniture is produced.

The ability to improve the individual qualities of particle boards has further expanded the scope of their application: moisture-resistant material is suitable for kitchen and bathroom, fire-resistant boards are also in demand.

Phenol-formaldehyde resin and health hazards

The first reaction of our ancestors to the achievements of chemists was the joy of the opportunity to use advanced technologies, the desire to quickly bring them to life. Subsequently, it turned out that some of the technologies not only made life easier, but also significantly shortened it. Therefore, today every product made by people is tested for toxicity and environmental safety.

  • One of the substances, the attitude towards which is ambiguous, is phenol-formaldehyde resin. Having great importance for industry (high strength, corrosion resistance), it has toxic components - phenol and formaldehyde. Employees of enterprises that produce products containing phenols and formaldehydes can receive the greatest damage from their exposure, provided that they do not use personal protective equipment. During curing in adhesive resins, oligomeric fragments are crosslinked with the participation of free phenol. As a result, the phenol content is reduced to trace amounts that allow sanitary norms RF.

As chipboard became ubiquitous, filling niches traditionally occupied by others building materials (wooden board, more expensive plywood, etc.), manufacturers losing the market, attracting environmentalists, began to publish materials that harm the reputation of chipboard manufacturers.

As time goes by, standards change and technology improves.

At a time when the dangers of phenols were not thought about, the percentage of their content in the adhesive mixture was higher than today. As awareness grew, so did the standards.

Today, there is hardly a house or office where chipboard is not used. This is due to its advantages:

  • acceptable price;
  • flat, smooth surfaces;
  • strength, uniformity, the material does not delaminate, does not twist, does not dry out;
  • the widest range of applications.

So, is chipboard furniture harmful?

The human body is exposed to many harmful factors every day: emissions industrial enterprises, tar and nicotine from cigarettes, car exhaust gases, electronic background, components household chemicals and cosmetics, etc. The least damage to a person is caused by the release of volatile resin components from furniture. Moreover, some types of wood evaporate harmful substances in the same quantity as E1 class chipboard.

Rumors about the dangers of using high-quality chipboard are nothing more than speculation on consumer anxiety and the belief that everything created with the help of chemistry is harmful.

How to choose high-quality and safe material?

The key to maintaining health is the use of certified materials. Regardless of which type of chipboard is used, it is marked with which emission class for the release of free formaldehyde it belongs to:

  • E1 - 100 grams of the composite emits no more than 10 mg of a volatile substance (formaldehyde content in chipboard within allowable rate). In Russia and abroad, it is allowed to make furniture for children's rooms and rooms where people are constantly located from this material;
  • E2 - marking, which indicates the inadmissibility of the use of plates in children's and residential premises.

The basis for the production of both options is one component: most often it is a low-value softwood or hardwood species or residues in the form of chips, sawdust and rejected sections of logs of a higher class. But the manufacturing technology of plates differs significantly:

Both chipboard and MDF are made from waste products from the woodworking industry, but using different technologies.
  1. Chipboard. The raw material undergoes preliminary cleaning, after which it is crushed to small chips of an elongated shape and dried well. Next, the mixture enters a special drum, where formaldehyde resin is applied to it. The essence of the process is that the entire surface of the dry component must be covered with an adhesive. After that, molding and pressing is carried out.
  2. MDF. At the heart of such a product is a finer fraction, pre-prepared chips are crushed almost into powder. The resulting material is mixed with lignin and carbide resins, which are further modified with melamine. This technology can significantly reduce the level of harmful fumes. Next, the mass is shaped and sent for hot pressing.

The panels are then subjected to decorative processing or remain unchanged if intended for draft processes.

health hazard

The main harm is the binding components. There are opinions that often exaggerate the real impact of stoves on human health.

An increased concentration of such substances causes a disorder of the central nervous system which is expressed by dizziness and loss of appetite. There may also be irritation of the upper respiratory tract, a feeling of nasal congestion and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Attention! A large amount of conflicting information has given rise to the myth that the harm of MDF and chipboard is huge, so you should completely abandon their use for internal works or furniture making. In fact, the danger emanating from materials is somewhat exaggerated.

Nuances affecting environmental performance

To determine how toxic fumes are, the following factors must be considered:

Many of the parameters in the regulations seem very serious, but they indicate the permitted content of the component in the panel itself. When determining the maximum concentration in a room, it is necessary to take as a basis the area of ​​​​the room, as well as the dimensions of the sections of the plates through which evaporation occurs. This is the only way to understand how harmful it is to be indoors.

How to choose a safe material

To purchase safe finishing products or furniture, the following recommendations should be considered:

In general, any low quality facing materials may pose a danger.