Chlorophytum after transplant. How to feed chlorophytum at home. Transfer is a must

The main types and varieties of chlorophytum. Content Features. Methods of use in decorative floriculture. Problems and diseases of the plant. How to propagate chlorophytum. Why do the leaves dry. What is the use of chlorophytums when growing at home.

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the lily family (Liliaceae). The genus includes about 220 species. Deserved this a long time ago home flower a place of honor on the windows and in hanging planters, as an ampelous plant. It can be found in almost every home and office. The plant is valued for its ability to grow rapidly, produce offspring, purify the air, and with all the positive aspects, require a minimum of attention.

Features of growing a flower - a brief description. Complexity, whimsicality, accessibility

Chlorophytum is one of the most successful plants for beginners. And he has illnesses and problems, but extremely rarely. Rosette of leaves 2-3 cm long quickly turns into a lush green bush. Many varieties and varieties are easy to breed, "throwing out" arrows with "kids". Therefore, there are no problems with accessibility either. By purchasing one copy, in a year and a half you can get several.

Planting chlorophytum

Depending on whether you are going to plant a specimen rooted in a temporary container or a baby that has grown at the end of a flowering shoot after flowering and was kindly donated by a colleague, you can use the transshipment method or put a young plant for rooting in a glass of water (you need to deepen one third of the total length seedling).

Landing methods

In the first case, it is necessary to carefully remove the chlorophytum.

Important: it is generally recommended to water the plants before transshipment. Chlorophytum watering is not recommended. Its leaves are already juicy, and watering will contribute to high turgor, which means that the plants will be even more susceptible to mechanical damage.

A baby that has started roots 1-2 cm long can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm. At the bottom, a drainage device with a layer 1-1.5 cm thick is necessary.

Optimal landing time

The best time for planting is spring, when the plant is growing more actively. Rooting it happens just as quickly and easily.

Plants planted at other times will also be accepted, but they can “sit” longer. When planting, you can use a special powder (or its solution) for rooting. Two to three weeks after planting, feed young plants with a solution of humate.

Soil for the plant (Composition and soil selection)

Use a light, nutritious soil for planting, with the addition of peat or compost for better moisture retention.

If you buy a ready-made soil mixture, give preference to a universal substrate for indoor plants.

Chlorophytum is not demanding in care. This grateful plant will delight not very attentive owners, if not with flowers, then with year-round greenery.

Location and lighting for the plant

Optimal for chlorophytum is the location on the east and west windows. If the windows are oriented south, it is better to place the plant a little further from the window sills and direct sunlight, give preference to shelves, hanging planters.

The adult bush of chlorophytum looks decorative as a tapeworm (single plant) and planting in groups. It is better to plant young bushes. Over time, they will grow so as not to obscure each other. Such a composition will look more harmonious.

Florists and phytodesigners successfully use chlorophytum to create compositions. Due to the variety of species and varieties, with the help of chlorophytum, you can “play” on the contrast of colors or select other species in the group that harmonize in the shape of the foliage. More often, chlorophytum serves as a background or lower tier of the composition.

Air humidity

Humidity should be 40-90%. The plant tolerates dry air quite well. heating season. But its development during this period slows down. It is recommended to regularly spray the leaves and periodically wipe them from dust with a soft, damp sponge.

Temperature regime for a flower

Chlorophytum is a subtropical plant. In winter, it can be kept at a temperature lowered to + 10-15 C0. The plant tolerates heat well.

How to water a flower

Chlorophytum "loves" water. To understand how to water a plant in a particular temperature and humidity, watch your specimen. Pour settled water at room temperature so that the water completely soaks the clod of earth, and a small part seeps into the pan. The next watering will be necessary when the soil becomes slightly damp, closer to dry, on its surface. It is easy to determine by touch. Frequent surface watering will not meet the needs of the plant in watering, and overflow can lead to soaking and rotting of the roots and growing point of your chlorophytum. In this case, it is not possible to reanimate the plant. In the case of chlorophytum, it is better to underfill than overfill, especially in winter. Also, due to excessive watering, long leaves break from gravity.

Flower nutrition and fertilizer

During the first 3-4 months after planting chlorophytum in nutrient soil there is no need for supplements. Later, you can feed the plant 1-2 times a month with a complex fertilizer for indoor plants. It will respond well to top dressing with a lush growth of the rosette and the appearance of peduncles.

Chlorophytum needs periodic sanitary pruning as needed.

Trimming methods

Blackened or mechanically damaged tips should be cut with scissors or a sector, forming a pointed leaf so that the plant has a neat natural look. Leaves damaged by more than 50% should be removed completely by carefully breaking it off at the very base. It is better to do this on the eve of the next watering, when the plant is not so juicy, in order to avoid damage to neighboring leaves.

Drying flower stalks, on which children have already grown after flowering, after they are removed for the purpose of reproduction, can be removed. This can be done by pruning at the base or green internodes, which are sometimes formed on peduncles.

Chlorophytum transplant

Overgrown specimens need to be transplanted, about once every 2-3 years for adult specimens. Also, if you happened to pour chlorophytum in a flowerpot where the outflow of excess water is difficult, it is better to transplant than risk losing the plant.

Transplant methods

Newly transplanted plants should be watered and kept away from bright light for several days. Simultaneously with the transplant, it is advisable to trim the damaged leaves. Reducing the evaporative surface will promote better rooting in the new pot.

A flower pot should be selected taking into account the size of the root system, slightly larger than the existing earthen clod (2-3 cm larger than the actual diameter). If you transplant mature plant, which has been growing in the same flowerpot for more than one year, you can leave the same container, gently brushing off the depleted soil around the roots, along with some of the small roots (no more than one third of the total volume of the roots). This technique will contribute to the growth of the rosette of leaves and the development of fresh soil with a network of new young roots.

Reproduction of chlorophytum

As mentioned above, chlorophytum can be propagated vegetatively using young daughter rosettes that form at the ends of flowering shoots and in their internodes. Reproduction by layering - the simplest, makes it possible to obtain exact copy mother plant in a short period of time.

Reproduction methods

Another way of vegetative breeding is the division of the mother bush. Divide adult mother plants, strongly overgrown, at the time of transplantation. The root can be injured in this case. Carefully cut off all damaged roots and break out part of the "old" outer leaves at the base. Place each "new" plant in your pot with drainage from ceramic shards, expanded clay, or Styrofoam slices. Fill the space around the roots with fresh soil and compact it. You can not deepen the neck of the plant. It is necessary to pour the soil gradually after watering as it compacts.

There is another way of reproduction - generative (seeds). Seeds have a low germination rate depending on the variety. They should be sown superficially on a compacted moist substrate. Crops are placed in a greenhouse or covered with glass. It is necessary to periodically ventilate, keep in a warm room and monitor the moderate humidity of the substrate. Emerging shoots need bright natural or artificial light. Young plants dive at the stage of 3-4 leaflets into separate containers.

Does chlorophytum bloom?

Chlorophytum has inconspicuous white star-shaped flowers. However, it has a long flowering period - up to a month. With proper care, it blooms profusely and for a long time.

Chlorophytum can be susceptible to scab infestation. At the same time, its leaves turn yellow. Pest control is recommended with a systemic insecticide. Attention! Observe precautions when working with pesticides!

Another enemies of the plant are aphids and worms. They are easy to defeat by treating with a sponge dipped in soapy water, each leaf.

Mealybug can appear on the plant due to too much watering. An alarming symptom of infection is the dropping and dying of leaves. Possible root rot. Reduce watering and use special means in the fight. Do not violate the dosage of drugs, carefully read the instructions that are attached.

Overwatering can cause another problem. Due to the excessively increased turgor of the plant cells, the leaves break in the middle due to their heaviness. In places of fractures, the leaves turn black, the plant loses its elegant appearance.

Popular species (varieties)

Almost all chlorophytums have a common anatomical feature - a shortened stem. The leaves of almost all species are narrow-lanceolate, elongated.

  • Chlorophytum crested (Chlorophytum comosum). Type of chlorophytum with light green foliage growing in a bunch from a shortened stem. Shoots grow from it, on which reduced leaves develop, small star-shaped flowers, and later - daughter rosettes with root rudiments. The roots of Chlorophytum crested are thickened, tuberous.
  • Chlorophytum curly "Bonnie" (Chlorophytum comosum variegatum ‘Bonnie’)- a variety of chlorophytum with variegated, spirally curved leaves. The daughter rosettes of young plants, framing the mother plant, look especially decorative.
  • Winged Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum amaniense). View with broadly lanceolate, grooved leaves, dark green, tapering towards the base and apex. The petioles are long, coming out of the center of the outlet. Petioles are pink to red-orange in color. The most common varieties are chlorophytum orange (orange, "Green Orange") and "Fire Flash".
  • Little known Chlorophytum arundinaceum- a species that is mentioned in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac (a plant that improves potency). In alternative medicine, this plant is used as a tonic, improves libido. It also finds use in the treatment of oligospermia and premature ejaculation.
  • Chlorophytum borivilianum has similar properties. The tuberous roots of the plant are called "white gold" in India. In addition to the above, preparations containing root extract in the form of dietary supplements are used as anabolic agents; means of lowering the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood; as an antioxidant and diuretic.
  • Chlorophytum laxum (Chlorophytum laxum) distributed in India, where its leaves and roots are used in cooking and medicine. The leaves of the variety "Bochetti" ("Bichetii") are arcuately curved, 10-40 cm long, with white stripes along the edge or in the center of the leaf, and are widely used in decorative floriculture. It has a few shortened vertical shoots (practically does not shoot arrows), on which flowers rarely develop, so seed propagation is difficult. Young plants grow from a shortened rhizome.
  • Cape Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum capense), like the previous representative (Chlorophytum laxum), practically does not form shoots with daughter rosettes, has wider and larger leaves compared to the most common crested chlorophytum.
  • Uncommon, little-studied species include species: Chlorophytum hoffmannii, Chlorophytum inornatum, Chlorophytum heynei, Chlorophytum macrophyllum, Chlorophytum nepalense, Chlorophytum orchidastrum and Chlorophytum tuberosum.

The home flower Chlorophytum has earned its credibility as a houseplant a long time ago. Ease of care and reproduction has allowed it to take pride of place in apartments and public places, and a variety of varieties and varieties can satisfy the needs of sophisticated flower growers and collectors.

Answers to questions from readers

Interest in chlorophytum raises many questions among flower growers and specialists who often use it in their work. We have tried to answer some of them.

plant life span

IN room conditions chlorophytum can live up to 10-12 years. "Old" plants are easy to rejuvenate using one of the propagation methods described above.

Can this plant be kept at home?

Chlorophytum is considered (and this is a scientifically proven fact) a plant that can purify the air and benefit by absorbing from it harmful substances such as acetone, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde. A healthy plant actively humidifies the air around it - a person in a room where chlorophytums grow can breathe easily. Hence the conclusion: chlorophytum can and should be kept at home.

Is this flower poisonous?

Parts of the plant are not toxic. Feel free to grow chlorophytum plants in child care facilities and at home. Even an accidentally eaten leaf will not cause any toxic reactions. The only maintenance measure that should be observed is to keep the plant clean, wipe the leaves or arrange an occasional shower. This will make it easier for both you and the plant to breathe. In addition, in India, some species are used as food (Chlorophytum laxum).

Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

This may be a natural process. They ate, pines are also evergreen, but they gradually change their needles. So is chlorophytum: sheds old leaves with accumulated metabolic products, giving room for the growth of young greens.

Why do the tips of the leaves dry (the tips of the leaves turn black)?

The main reason for drying and darkening of the tips is low humidity. Spray the plant regularly, especially in autumn and winter. And carefully cut off the tips, giving the sheet a natural shape.

Flower care in winter

In winter, you can slightly reduce the abundance and frequency of watering. Do not be afraid to dry the plant - thick rhizomes will provide chlorophytum with moisture stored in them if you accidentally or deliberately forget to water. In winter, the air in the apartments is drier due to the use of heat radiators. Spray your plants, move a little further from the batteries.

Chlorophytum is often found in offices and homes. Confusing a handsome man with any other plant is problematic. The foliage of chlorophytum is green, with longitudinal stripes and long. Grows in the form of a rosette. The plant does not need regular care. Helps to remove environment harmful bacteria, dust and accumulated carbon dioxide. Thus, the microclimate in the room improves, which favorably affects the well-being of people. Chlorophytum is also found in hospitals, children's preschool institutions And educational institutions. For a flower to please its appearance, it is important to properly feed chlorophytum.

Winged chlorophytumThe petioles of the plant are orange or pinkish in color. The shape of the foliage is lanceolate, broadly oval. The color is dark green.
Cape ChlorophytumBelongs to the category of perennial plants. In size, it exceeds the crested comrade. The foliage is broad and linear. At the root they are assembled into a rosette, while they are narrowed towards the top and base. In the axils of the foliage, you can find white inflorescences, which are collected in fancy tassels.
crested chlorophytumThe stem of the plant is shortened. Decorated with curved light green leaves with yellow or white longitudinal patterns (stripes). At the base, the foliage is collected in a bunch. From the central part of the bunch, on long shoots, white flowers hang down, shaped like stars. After flowering, new rosettes form in place of the buds, which are children. After a while, the shoots should be rooted.

plant benefits

Chlorophytum is loved by many due to its ability to purify the surrounding air from accumulations and microorganisms harmful to humans. It has been experimentally proven that one small plant is able to clean the room in which it is located by almost 75%, which is considered an amazing result. It should also be noted that stoves, burners, microwave ovens and other modern equipment emit harmful metal vapors during use, including formaldehyde, which is neutralized by the plant by 84%. Nitrogen leaves by 75%, and carbon monoxide by 95%.

The plant copes with benzene and toluene on its own, but we are talking about clusters in the immediate vicinity of flower pot. A flower aged 4 years is able to independently clean a medium-sized room. Chlorophytum does not need regular care, which will appeal to beginner gardeners.

In a medium-sized kitchen that contains one small chlorophytum, carbon dioxide from the stove will have minimal impact on the human body.

You can read or watch a video about the features of planting and caring for chlorophytum:

Top dressing and fertilizer chlorophytum

It is recommended to fertilize from April to the end of August. Provided that the plant performs only decorative functions, it should be fertilized twice a month. Complex composition should be used. Watering with sweetened water is carried out once a month, at least. To do this, you need 1 liter of settled water at room temperature and a teaspoon of sugar. Provided that the leaves on chlorophytum began to dry, fertilizers are applied once a week (complex) in small portions. Properly selected fertilizer will not only help the flower grow faster, but also give more children, which are then used to propagate chlorophytum.

Fertilization Rules

  1. In the presence of underdeveloped or too sensitive roots in a plant living indoors, fertilizers should be applied with extreme caution. The dosage indicated by the fertilizer manufacturer is halved. It will not be superfluous to purchase a hydrogel.
  2. It is forbidden to apply top dressing of any type to dry soil. Thus, the roots of chlorophytum will burn. Before you make an additive, you should abundantly water the pot with the plant, and only after that proceed with the implementation of the planned manipulations. It is recommended to fertilize the next morning after heavy watering.
  3. Before you start using the selected fertilizer, you should familiarize yourself with the application rates indicated by the manufacturer. Exceeding the set value will cause the roots to burn. For garden plants, a slight upward deviation of the norm is not terrible, since there is a lot of soil, and excess fertilizer will go into the soil. Abundant watering will also help to get rid of excess substances near the root system.

wood ash

It is loved by many gardeners and flower gardens for its rich content of useful trace elements, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which houseplants so need. Before transplanting chlorophytum, 1.5 tablespoons will be needed for 1 liter of soil mixture. well dried ash. When implementing the root method of feeding, an infusion is made based on wood ash. This will require 1 liter hot water and 1 tbsp. ash, which should be infused for 7 days. Every day, the decoction should be thoroughly mixed. After brewing, the beneficial substances contained in the ash become more digestible for the chlorophytum root system. The infusion should be used in the process of subsequent watering.

Dusting with ash is carried out if slugs, fleas and other pests are wound up in the plant. It will take several days to eliminate insects. In this case, there is no need to use aggressive drugs, and negative impact on chlorophytum will not be provided. Proper care of the flower will help to grow a large and beautiful tree, which will favorably affect the microclimate in the house.

Nettle and infusion based on it

Nettle belongs to the category of weeds that are not so easy to remove from the site. In the presence of a garden, it is often used in the process of mulching the soil. Thus, a high-quality humus is obtained. IN traditional medicine used in herbal medicine. Nettle will also bring benefits to house plants. The composition includes substances such as carbon and nitrogen, the percentage of which exceeds bone meal and blood. Also contains iron. Many house plants respond well to nettle infusion. The collection of raw materials should be done before the nettles form seeds.

Such manipulations should be carried out in early summer. Stems and young shoots are placed in a dry and plastic container, after which they are filled with water to a level that does not reach the neck by 10 cm. The lid is tightly twisted and the infusion is left in dark place for the next 2 weeks. After a few days, the liquid in the container will darken and the bubbles will disappear. For root bait, the solution is diluted with settled water in a ratio of 1:10, and for leaf bait - 1:20.

Such bait is carried out not only for indoor chlorophytums, but also for many vegetable crops.

The infusion is also effective in controlling flower pests that appear during the dry and hot season. For this 250 gr. fresh foliage is cut and 1 liter of water is poured. The resulting mixture is infused for a day.


Chlorophytum responds well to the alternation of several types of dressings, such as mineral and organic. Humus belongs to the category of the most accessible and at the same time frequently used fertilizers in the world. In addition to indoor plants, trees and crops can be fertilized with the help of the substance. At home, it is used by experienced gardeners for regular feeding of ornamental plants. For each type of fertilizer, the basis for humus is used differently. Chlorophytum prefers chicken manure as a base. It is possible to use raw materials such as leaf, horse and cow dung, however maximum effect fail to achieve.

To prepare the mixture, you will need 3.5 g of raw materials and 1 liter of settled water. The result is a cloudy liquid, a rich green hue. Other organic fertilizers are used in the amount of 1 g per 1 liter of water. Before applying top dressing, water the plant abundantly. Chlorophytum should not have pests and diseases at the time of fertilization. Fresh manure will give a characteristic aroma that will fade after a few hours. Specialized stores offer concentrated organic fertilizers. The substance does not have foreign odors, and fertilization is carried out in accordance with the instructions attached by the manufacturer.

Succinic acid

The substance is colorless, crystalline and quickly dissolves in liquid. In addition to chlorophytum, it is used as a fertilizer for aglaonema, begonia and ficus. Promotes improved growth and development of the plant, root system. The soil microflora remains natural, which helps to strengthen the immunity of the flower. Root top dressing is used to improve the condition of the roots, while foliar top dressing should be carried out to form new shoots. For the manufacture of the substance, 1 g of a crystalline substance is used, which dissolves in a small amount of water. After the solution is diluted with water in a volume of 1 liter. The resulting solution is concentrated.

Experienced gardeners and lovers of home flowers prefer to add half the indicated amount. For spraying foliage, the amount of substance used is reduced by a factor of four. Ready mix used for three days, after which a new dressing is prepared. There are many advantages of this type of fertilizer, but it is recommended to use it no more than once a year. At observance of a dosage, crystals succinic acid pose no danger to animals and humans.


Chlorophytum belongs to the category of useful and at the same time unpretentious indoor plants, which do not require special care. It grows in any conditions, pests and diseases on the plant are rare. It grows in the form of a rosette, and from which long leaves appear. Subject to simple rules of care, white inflorescences will begin to appear over time. Unusual in shape and color, a houseplant is able to disinfect the air from bacteria and microbes that are dangerous to people. Several types of fertilizers are used as fertilizers, the use of which should be carried out on the basis of the attached instructions.

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People rooted in Soviet Union, will say:
- Oh, chlorophytum! Tired of since childhood.

Indeed, in the 70-80s, this plant was terribly popular. You could meet him in every apartment, not to mention schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and enterprises. This is due not only to the fact that more e were “found” only in the greenhouses of botanical gardens, but also to the fact that chlorophytum reproduces easily, takes root without problems and does not cause any trouble in care.

Over time, he was forced out of the premises by more modern residents and a true friend was almost forgotten. However, due to its exceptionally beneficial effect on humans, chlorophytum is becoming popular again. Especially people who lead a healthy lifestyle and people who simply have no time to take care of themselves, but want to have a green friend, pay special attention to it.

Description of chlorophytum

Chlorophytum gets its name from two Latin words, cloros meaning green and phyton meaning plant. And no more features, just a green plant. Maybe that's his secret. Although it is not only pure green, and with white, tangerine stripes, but the main thing is green, fast-growing lush greenery.

Its native habitat is the tropics, subtropics of Africa, Asia and America. It grows on volcanic and sedimentary soils in floodplains, along streams and reservoirs. , but, due to the special structure of the roots, it can withstand drought. The root is branched, fleshy with many thickenings, where the plant accumulates moisture, so to speak, forms reserves for a rainy day. Thanks to a strongly developing root system with favorable humidity, chlorophytum is used in its homeland to strengthen slopes, slopes, that is, to combat soil erosion, gullying and landslides.

  • Chlorophytum leaves are long, freely hanging, rich green in color, there are varieties with white, orange longitudinal stripes. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette. IN wild nature there are specimens up to 1 m in diameter. In an apartment, the plant can reach 50 cm in diameter.
  • The flowering period falls on May-June. Chlorophytum throws out a long peduncle, on which several small white flowers appear. These flowers have no decorative interest. Later, a small "baby" with aerial roots appears on the peduncles. A strong plant with good humidity can be all "hung" with children.

To which family to attribute chlorophytum, scientists have not yet decided. IN early version this plant belonged to the Liliaceae family, later, according to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, this is the Asparagus family, some refer chlorophytum to the Agave family.

In its native expanses, chlorophytum is very common due to rapid growth and reproduction by "whiskers". There is an African tribe that uses the plant as a charm for mother and child. Aborigines also consider it curative for pregnant women.

The Swedish botanist Carl Thunberg first described chlorophytum (after an expedition to Africa in the late 18th century) as a representative of perennial evergreen herbs.

Care for chlorophytum at home

In this article, from the very beginning, emphasis was placed on the fact that chlorophytum is a very unpretentious and hardy plant. He will live on any soil, in the sun and in the shade, with abundant watering and with interruptions in watering. However, this section is devoted to the conditions under which this tropical assimilant is comfortable, how it can reveal the maximum of its decorative qualities.

  • Paying attention to the natural habitat of chlorophytums, we note that temperature regime growth is quite wide: from +15 to +27 degrees.
  • It can endure a short drop to +10 degrees.
  • Feels great without direct sunlight or under a short sun.
  • IN summer time responds well to "walks" - you can put flowerpots on loggias, balconies.
  • Does not tolerate the absolute absence of natural light.

It should be noted that they are more sensitive to lighting: in its absence, the stripes become less pronounced.

As for watering, remember that chlorophytum settles in floodplains, which means it prefers moist soil. It is recommended to water the plants twice a week in summer and once in winter. As usual, for indoor plants, use settled water. Do not water in the center of the bush, but moisten the soil from the edge of the pot.

  • The advantage of this plant is those very thickenings in the roots where water accumulates, so that chlorophytum can withstand a break in watering up to 10 days. Yes, it will fade, its “ears” will drop, but it will survive.
  • Abundant watering provokes the growth of the root system, so that the roots stick out of the pot.
  • Of course, the plant should not be flooded - this can lead to the development of root rot.
  • There are no special complaints about the humidity of the air; in case of strong heat, if desired, spray the bush from the spray gun.

How to care for chlorophytum at home Chlorophytum winged or orange

Chlorophytum - a pet, so keep it tidy by removing dried or yellowing leaves. Remember that the "kids" on the layering draw out the juices of the mother plant, so you should remove them immediately if you do not plan to propagate chlorophytum.

  • For chlorophytum, any neutral soil: universal substrate, or substrate for begonias, palm trees, roses.
  • You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take two parts of the sheet and sod land, and one part of humus and sand. It will not be superfluous to add a little coal.
  • At the bottom of the flowerpot, drainage is mandatory - expanded clay, vermiculite, clay shards.
  • At the stage of growth of a young plant, you can feed it with mineral or organic fertilizers, and adult plants - once a year, in the spring.

Chlorophytum orange will require a little more care. To maintain the brightness of its petioles and leaves, it is necessary to regularly remove the lateral processes, hide from the direct sun (this is a critical parameter). It also needs weekly feeding. complex fertilizers in low doses. Once a month, add iron to the irrigation water (“Ferrovit”, “iron chelate”). During the flowering period, also remove the flowers, because they will weaken the plant, and this is a minus for decoration.

Vegetative propagation and transplantation of indoor chlorophytum Reproduction by seeds

One of the points of care for chlorophytum is its transplantation. The following signs will show you that the plant needs a transplant:

  • roots sprouted from a hole in the bottom of the pot;
  • no new shoots and flowering;
  • the growth of the plant stopped, it seemed to freeze.

Then pick up a pot a quarter larger and in early spring transplant the plant. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to do this annually. Since the rules for transplantation are identical with the rules for vegetative propagation, we will describe them later.
Chlorophytum can be propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • "kids" - small leaf rosettes at the end of the peduncle;
  • side layers;
  • dividing the bush.

Different types of chlorophytum suggest one or more methods of reproduction.

Reproduction of chlorophytum rosettes

Crested and curly chlorophytum mustaches are thrown out, so they are easiest to propagate with leaf rosettes.

  • From the mother plant, you need to separate the "baby" and put it to take root in water or a sand-peat mixture.
  • The roots form fairly quickly and when they reach a length of 3 cm, the young plant can be planted in a permanent place.
  • Let's be honest that this stage can be skipped by planting a leaf rosette directly into the ground, it's just that the grower is calmer when the plant still has a root.

Of course, this method is not suitable for the Cape and winged chlorophytum due to the lack of a "whisker".

Another way is to divide the bush

How to transplant chlorophytum at home and divide the bush

This procedure is performed not only for reproduction, but also for the rejuvenation of chlorophytum. Be sure to do it every three to four years.

  • It is first necessary to moisten the pot with chlorophytum well, after a couple of hours, remove the plant from the pot, divide it into parts with a sharp knife, leaving roots and shoots on each division.
  • Remove damaged, dried and rotted roots, being careful not to shake out the entire earthen ball.
  • Place the planting material in pots with ready-mixed soil and drainage at the bottom, carefully sprinkle the roots and water abundantly.
  • As a rule, chlorophytum tolerates transplantation easily. This method is suitable for all indoor chlorophytums.

Chlorophytum winged does not produce "whiskers", but forms lateral layering, which can also serve as planting material.

The most troublesome way is propagation by seeds.

It is more suitable for professional breeders. However, if you want - go for it.

  • Seed germination is quite low - about thirty percent, so pre-soak the gauze with seeds for a day in water, however, the water must be changed every 4 hours.
  • Then spread the seeds on the surface of the peat-sand mixture and moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Cover the seed container with foil or glass and place in a warm place.
  • Every day, the film or glass must be removed, removing condensate, airing the seedlings.
  • Germination will take 30-40 days.
  • After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves - you can transplant to a permanent place.
  • The last week before transplanting, open the greenhouse completely so that the seedlings get used to the ambient temperature and humidity.
  • It is better to place seedlings or young "kids" at once in several pieces in a pot, then the flowerpot will look more magnificent.

Diseases and pests, symptoms of improper care

Chlorophytum is surprisingly resistant to various diseases, the most common is root rot that occurs when the plant is overflowing. This plant will definitely signal you. And the rest of the mistakes in care will immediately affect chlorophytum.

Consider the main symptoms:

  • Leaves drooped, withered, although the soil is wet. Definitely - overflow and little light. Urgently transplant, while removing rotten roots, sprinkle the places of cuts with charcoal, change the place to a more lit one, reduce the frequency of watering;
  • Brown stripes appeared in the middle of the sheet. The reason is again root rot and overflow, maybe the pot is still too big for this plant. The methods of treatment are the same, only transplant the bush into a smaller container;
  • Chlorophytum leaves tips dry, then there may be two reasons - either too dry air, or overflow, or stagnation of water in the sump. You should moisten the air around the plant, pay attention to the pan, the frequency of watering. Place a container of water near the plant - this will increase the humidity of the air. Also, the cause may be an excess of sodium in the soil, you should simply transplant the flower into a light nutrient soil.
  • The leaf dries from the petiole- the reason is rare watering in the hot season and very dry air. Eliminating this is simple - add watering and spraying the plant;
  • Appearance brown spots on the leaves speaks of sunburn. There is only one way out - to remove from the sun, well, or to create an additional shadow;
  • Striped chlorophytums suddenly began to fade, lose their color brightness is a disadvantage nutrients and light. It's time to feed the plant, or maybe already transplant, change the place;
  • Chic, green foliage breaks easily, so move from place to place carefully, without causing mechanical damage. Also, such damage can be done by pets - then broken leaves cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, they are not recoverable.

If we talk about pests - insects, then rare guests can be aphids, nematodes, mealybug or thrips. You will have to use insecticides, but in no case exceed the recommended concentration, and if the pest colonies are small, then try using folk methods.

Types and varieties of chlorophytum with photos and descriptions

Chlorophytum crested or comosum Chlorophytum comosum

The most popular variety of chlorophytum, in the original has long lanceolate leaves of bright green color. On a long (80-100 cm) arrow, 5-7 inconspicuous light flowers bloom, later a “baby” appears.

Now some more decorative, striped Chlorophytum crested are popular:

  • "Variegatum" - chlorophytum, in which the leaves are outlined along the edges with light stripes;
  • "Vittatum" - in this variety, a narrow white strip occupies the central part of the leaf;
  • 'Mboyeti' is a plant with dark green leaves. The sheet is wider and has a wavy edge - an interesting shape;
  • “Atlantic - this chlorophytum has thin curly leaves;
  • "Ocean - sharp, less long leaves, edged with white stripes. The bush looks neat;
  • "Maculatum" - brings variety to color scheme, since the stripes on the sheet are yellow;
  • 'Curty Locks' is a cultivar with broad white-green striped leaves that curl into a loose spiral.

Chlorophytum curly Bonnie

Chlorophytum curly Bonnie Chlorophytum comosum ‘Bonnie’ photo

It is very similar to crested chlorophytum, but its leaves do not hang down. The short leaves are twisted into a spiral, which gives the bush a mischievous look. There is a strip in the middle of the sheet cream color. The whole bush looks compact.

Cape Chlorophytum

Herbaceous perennial with green broad leaves 3 cm wide and up to 60 in length. It throws out short peduncles with small white flowers, at the end of flowering it does not form “children” on the arrows. This is its main difference from crested chlorophytum.

Chlorophytum winged, aka orange or orchid star

It doesn't look at all like its counterparts. Very beautiful plant reaches a height of 40 cm. Dark green leaves on orange elongated petioles are alternately placed in the rosette. Throws out a short peduncle, resembling the shape of a corn cob.

In home floriculture there are such varieties:

  • "GreenOrange" - a wide leaf has a pronounced tangerine stripe and is placed on a bright petiole to match the stripe;
  • "FireFlash" - very similar to the previous variety, only reflections of the orange petiole remain on the sheet.

The benefits of chlorophytum for the home

1. Air purification

Chlorophytum is one of the most effective green air purifiers. Absorbs carbon monoxide, acetone, formaldehyde, nicotine and many other harmful substances. One of those flowers that just needs to be grown in the kitchen so that we breathe less carbon monoxide from the stove, in smoking rooms to minimize nicotine, almost everywhere where chipboard furniture is used, which can emit formaldehyde.

2. Air humidification

This criterion is important not only for people with lung diseases, but also for everyone who cares about youthful skin. Chlorophytum accumulates and, of course, evaporates moisture, thereby increasing the humidity in overdried city apartments.
There is statistics that one adult chlorophytum is able to destroy all pathogenic microflora in two square meters(very approximately), while also moistening the air (after all, you are watering it).

3. For lovers of Feng Shui

According to popular beliefs, chlorophytum brings peace and harmony to the house, because its second name is “Family Happiness”. Calm reigns next to the flower, disputes and conflicts subside. It successfully copes not only with the purification of the air, but also with the purification of the aura, eliminates distortions on the personal front, brings harmony to the life of a busy person.

4. For cat lovers

These owners of houses and apartments often eat chlorophytum leaves, as this helps to cleanse the stomach. It is not toxic, but it is better to buy green sprouted grass at the pet store.
As you can see, chlorophytum is a green corner of your home, as well as a filter and humidifier. Pleasure for the eyes, health benefits.

Chlorophytum grows in the form of perennial rosettes or bunches, similar to "fountains" of long and narrow leaves, just bright green, decorated with stripes, curly edges or bright petioles.

In total, there are about 220 species of Chlorophytum in nature, and about 1000 plant varieties have been bred. The most popular species is Chlorophytum crested or in Latin Chlorophytum comosum.

The homeland of the plant, from where it was brought to our country, is the jungle South America and Africa. Chlorophytum, which is a member of the Lily family, is also called the "flying Dutchman", "champagne splash", "green lily" or "fun family".


Features of home care

Chlorophytum home care does not require special care. The plant is famous for its unpretentiousness and ability to survive even with the most careless care. However, this plant will still look much better and cope with the task of purifying the air if regularly give him a piece of care and give him at least minimal attention.

Can you keep it at home?

Chlorophytum- this is one of those plants that can boast of absolute harmlessness and safety for people. Home Chlorophytum Can be placed in any room in your home, and in summer - also grow on the balcony or in the garden.


Removing or trimming the leaves of the green "flying Dutchman" is required only when the leaves of the plant are diseased or withered. You can also cut off the browned tips of the leaves - this will contribute to their recovery.


Secret proper care for Chlorophytum is different watering by seasons. In spring, summer and autumn, the plant needs abundant moisture, and in winter - moderate.

In order for the bush to be lush and healthy, and also not to lose the ability to purify the air, it is recommended to spray it regularly or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, cleaning them from dust.

Water for irrigation and spraying should be settled before use for several days and be at room temperature.

Important! Chlorophytum is a drought-resistant plant that stores moisture in fleshy roots, so abundant watering must be done after waiting for the top layer of the earth to dry. In no case should the earth be kept in constant moisture!


After buying Chlorophytum, it is necessary to keep it in isolation from other plants for two weeks, and immediately upon purchase, inspect for the presence of pests and diseases, bathe under a warm shower, shed the earth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or transplant it.

You can also get a new copy by dividing the old overgrown Chlorophytum bush. To do this, you need to carefully dig it out and divide it with a knife so that all the divisions get an equal number of roots.

Reference! Chlorophytum looks especially impressive in joint plantings with flowering plants.


It is recommended to replace the earth with fresh, and the pot with a container whose diameter is 1-2 cm larger. every spring, in March, or every 2 years. However, before transplanting, it is important to make sure that the plant is cramped in the old pot - its roots have filled the entire container or are visible in the drainage holes.

Otherwise, it is better to postpone the transplant for six months or a year.

Let's take a closer look at how to transplant Chlorophytum in the video below:


Exotic Chlorophytum at home feels great at an average room temperature - 12 to 20°C. He is not afraid of small temperature fluctuations, however, sheer cold or heat can lead to the appearance dark spots on foliage.

Attention! Chlorophytum is afraid of drafts, so it should be placed in a windproof place.


The crested green pet prefers diffused light and takes root well on an east, south or west window.

Chlorophytum may need shading from a tulle curtain or spreading plant in front.

However, the flower can grow in partial shade, on a bookshelf or on a cabinet.

However, variegated varieties in the shade change their bright color to a solid green.

Growing from seeds

After the flowering of Chlorophytum, you can get seeds by waiting until the formed fruit-box begins to change color from green to brown, and putting a plastic or paper bag on it.

Ripe seeds will be poured into a bag in a few steps, then you can tear off the box from the peduncle and sow the seeds in the ground.

After 1-2 months, you can wait for shoots. All this time it is necessary to regularly moisten the substrate. 3 weeks after germination, young bushes should be planted in cups.

Important! If you place 3 or 4 green bushes of Chlorophytum in a room of 10-12 square meters, they will best purify the air in it from harmful impurities.

Reproduction by rosettes

How to propagate Chlorophytum?

Propagation of Chlorophytum is easily done by daughter rosettes, which, with good care, are formed on a bush and hang from it on peduncles. You can root the outlet by placing it in water or immediately planting it in a small pot or cup with earth. Some varieties form basal daughter rosettes, they can be rooted in the same way.

You can find out more about the reproduction of Chlorophytum with rosettes in the video below:


living in comfortable conditions Chlorophytum at home blooms once a year, releasing a long peduncle.

Loose inflorescence consists of small, most often white flowers, very delicate and graceful.

When they fade fruits and daughter rosettes are formed - young plants.

Soil and pot selection

Suitable soil can be purchased at the store or made independently from:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part humus.

Required condition- drainage from expanded clay, polystyrene foam, brick chips or broken shards (without glaze) with a layer of 2-3 cm at the bottom. The pot is better to choose plastic, whose height is equal to the width. You can plant several outlets together.

Reference! Chlorophytum can be grown as ampelous plant in a hanging pot.


Chlorophytum can be fed once every 1-2 weeks, from March to August. It is best to use fertilizer for ornamental plants.

winter care

Care for Chlorophytum in winter requires careful attention. IN winter time it is very important not to overdo it with watering the flower.

How to water Chlorophytum in winter?

After the last humidification, 2-5 days should elapse, depending on the microclimate in the room. When upper layer the earth in the pot dries up, it's time to water the green friend again.

Useful video

You can learn more about the features of home care for Chlorophytum in the video below:

Benefit and harm

If the foliage of Chlorophytum slowly dries up and the leaves fall off, the cause may be an attack by a spider mite or scale insect.

To save the plant, you need to treat it with a soapy sponge laundry soap, and bathe under a warm shower, after covering the soil with polyethylene.

For complete confidence in getting rid of uninvited guests, Chlorophytum can be transplanted into a fresh, disinfected substrate. If this does not help, you should use an insecticide or acaricide.

Frequent problems and their causes

Leaf tips turn brown- poor and irregular watering, excessive fertilization, large temperature fluctuations or drafts.

Bright color fading- too cramped flowerpot, heat in the room or little light.

Brown spots on leaves- Abundant watering in winter.

Needless to say, room Chlorophytum deservedly enjoys national love and popularity - it cleans the air, pleases the eye, and decorates the interior. And unpretentiousness and vitality allow even a novice florist to tame this "green lily".

How to care for chlorophytum?
Choose light, fertile, breathable, slightly alkaline soil (pH=6)
Place the plant in bright room, or in light partial shade. In summer, chlorophytum can be planted in a flower bed or taken out to a balcony. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 8 degrees

Video: My indoor plants

Water Chlorophytum moderately in winter and abundantly in summer. Spray daily and warm shower weekly
Chlorophytum grows most actively in the spring-summer period. Feed the plant weekly: in the spring, mainly with nitrogen fertilizers, in the summer - increase phosphorus to stimulate flowering and the development of daughter rosettes.

Video: Poinsettia: watering, fertilizing, diseases and pests. Poinsettia care at home

Propagate chlorophytum by dividing the bush and children, it is better to do this in the spring
Even with the most minimal care, chlorophytums rarely get sick or are attacked by pests. More often they suffer from dry air - while the tips of the leaves turn brown and dry. If the variegated chlorophytums have lost their bright color, the plant does not have enough sun. Attention! Seeds of crested chlorophytum (the most common species) are poisonous!