Bull's heart like. Tomato Bull's heart: growing in open ground. Video: late blight and methods of combating it

Many people call Bull's Heart tomatoes a retro variety. Since several generations of summer residents have been growing it. He is originally from Italy, but has firmly established himself in our country. It was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2003. Let's take a closer look at this popular Ox Heart tomato, reviews of which leave no doubt about its reliability.

Characteristics of the variety

Tall determinate type bushes grow to a height of about 1.4-1.8 m. The strong stem of the plants allows it to withstand a fruit weight of more than 500 g. Fruiting of the bushes begins 120-140 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Most often, the variety is grown in summer cottages or private plots. IN industrial scale the variety is not widespread.

Some varieties of fruit resemble a human heart

A special feature of the Bull Heart variety is the size and shape of the fruit. They are usually pointed at the tip of the fruit and are heart-shaped. Tomatoes can weigh from 100 to 600 g.

Maximum recorded weight – about 1 kg. The largest fruits are formed on the lower part of the bushes. At the top of the stem, smaller tomatoes -100-150 g. One cluster can contain up to 5 fruits.

A spreading plant with a small number of leaves is suitable for growing both under cover and in open ground.


The usual color of tomato peel is scarlet (King London, Ox heart pink).

But there are other varieties of the variety with skin:

  • yellow (Brown's Yellow Giant)
  • red (Bull's heart red)
  • orange (Bull's heart orange F1)
  • Brad's black heart
  • white (White Oxheart)

The most famous varieties are those bred by Russian breeders: “Bull’s Heart Pink”, “Bull’s Heart Orange F1”, “Bull’s Heart Red”.

  • large-fruited
  • high yield
  • good gastronomic qualities of fruits
  • presence of subspecies.
  • the harvested crop must be used almost immediately
  • bushes require constant care
  • plants have a late harvest period of about 4 months.

I have been growing "Bull's heart pink" since 1987. I'm satisfied with the yield. The bush is strong and can support up to 9 kg of tomatoes.

A friend of mine has been planting Bull's Heart tomatoes for several years. Most of all, she appreciates them for their excellent taste and size of the fruit. The first time I tried them was at her place. Now I plan to plant this variety myself on my plot.


Plants grown under cover form more fruits. 8-12 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one greenhouse bush. In open ground, the variety can produce 3.5-5 kg ​​of gigantic tomatoes. Their skin is thin.

Easily separated from the pulp. The largest tomatoes form subspecies with dark skin.

They taste sweet, with a slight sourness. The inside is fleshy, dense, not juicy. They can be eaten fresh, added to salads, or used for canning and preparing various dishes.

Features of agricultural technology

To obtain the maximum number of fruits in the central part of Russia, it is recommended to plant plants in a greenhouse. In most cases, they are planted in open ground only in the southern regions.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Seeds are sown in early spring. The seeds of the plant can be prepared independently in the fall, so they retain their varietal qualities. The exception is the varieties - F1 hybrids.

The following activities should be carried out:

  1. Place the seed material for 12 hours in melt water. You can take clean snow and put it in a warm place, or take ice out of the freezer. Melt water should be at room temperature.
  2. Disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are poured into a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and kept for no more than 45 minutes. Then pour the liquid into a strainer. The remaining seeds are washed with clean water.

For me, “Bull’s Heart” matures very slowly. By the end of summer, pink specimens only appear. The main part ripens after harvest. I get no more than four tomatoes in my brush.

Sowing seedlings

Select soil from the store marked “for seedlings.” If the soil mixture is prepared independently, it should include:

  • leaf soil
  • river sand
  • humus

Traditionally chosen as a container for planting wooden boxes, or plastic containers. The soil is filled into the container so that the soil does not reach 3 cm to the edges.

Sowing is carried out in pre-treated, moist, warm ground. Sowing depth – 1-2 cm. Distance between adjacent seeds – 2-3 cm.

After planting, the boxes are covered with transparent glass, a bag and placed in a warm place. After the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed. The box is placed in a bright place in the house.

Picking is done after the formation of 2-3 true leaves. At the same time, weak plants are removed and strong ones are transplanted into separate cups or into a more spacious box.

The process of hardening seedlings

Before transplanting to a permanent place, it is recommended to harden off the grown seedlings. To do this, on warm, sunny days they are taken out to the balcony, loggia or garden. The time spent in the air is increased daily.

Transplanting seedlings

The soil on the plot for tomatoes should contain a sufficient amount nutrients, be air and water permeable. The pH of the soil should be between 6-6.5. You should choose a part of the garden with a lot of sunlight, but without drafts and close groundwater.

It is recommended to prepare the place for seedlings in the fall by adding organic fertilizers to the ground during digging. If the soil was not enriched with organic matter at the end of the season, in the spring you should add 8-10 kg of compost or humus per m2.

Also useful early spring sow green manure plants in the tomato plot:

If nutrients were not added either in the fall or in the spring, mineral fertilizers should be added to each hole during planting. For example, 1 tsp. nitrophoska.

The best predecessors for tomatoes: onions, root vegetables, legumes, cabbage, annual herbs.

Rules for landing in a permanent place

When growing Oxheart tomatoes in a greenhouse, be prepared for the tomatoes to take up most of the cover. This is due to the fact that they are planted in a greenhouse, leaving a distance of 1 m between the beds. The distance between two bushes is at least 40 cm.

Planting depth is 12-15 cm. Planting to a greater depth is possible, but about 4-5 cm should remain between the surface of the earth and the first true leaf. According to experienced vegetable growers, 1/3 of the stem can be buried - up to the cotyledon leaves, but not more.

If the seedlings are planted under cover, the air temperature in it should be 20-22 C during the day and 16-18 C at night. Until the seedlings take root, it is recommended to shade them during the hot sun.

We have many years of experience in growing the variety. In central Russia they do not ripen on bushes. Therefore, either they should initially be planted under cover, or already green tomatoes should be brought home and left to ripen in a warm place. But in a greenhouse they are more likely to suffer from late blight.


Plant care is no different from other nightshade varieties and includes:

  • watering
  • feeding
  • loosening
  • ventilation of greenhouses
  • stepsoning
  • mulching
  • tying


The variety is considered drought-resistant. After transplanting to a permanent place, during the rooting of newly planted young plants, there is no need to water them. As soon as the bushes begin to actively grow, watering can be resumed.

On average, for 1 m2 of beds 1-2 times a week you need 5-7 liters of liquid for young plants, 12 liters for adult bushes.

On hot days, during the ripening of tomatoes, the maximum amount of water is required - up to 15 l/m2.

For irrigation, you should use warm (20-22 C) settled water.. The soil should be moistened early in the morning or evening. Bull's heart tomatoes should be watered only at the root, avoiding water getting on the stem and leaves.

Ventilation of the greenhouse

On warm days, greenhouses need to be ventilated daily. In hot weather, shelter windows should be kept open. Overheating the room can hinder the pollination process.

Air humidity under the shelter should be 65-70%.

Planted in the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region. I couldn't ripen them outdoors in open ground. My mother-in-law planted it under cover, and it was ripe before it was removed.

A pathologically large heart is also called a bull's heart. In cardiology, the term cardiomegaly is used. In most cases, the disease develops after regular drinking of beer.

A strong increase in the heart muscle also occurs in some diseases. In any case, an organ weighing 1 kg cannot cope with the pumping function.

What causes a greatly enlarged heart?

For adequate functioning, the size of the heart must be within normal limits. Only under this condition does the organ fully pump blood. If its parts are hypertrophied, functional ability decreases. In cardiology, when the organ is greatly enlarged, the term cardiomegaly is used. Doctors call it bull's heart.


  • aortic valve insufficiency;
  • congenital defects;
  • hypertension.

Attention! Cardiomegaly develops slowly with frequent beer consumption. That's why doctors call it beer heart.

When drinking 3 liters of alcohol per day, the heart muscle is overloaded. The organ has to pump much more fluid. And then compensatory capabilities are activated - the heart is forced to double in size. His chambers are expanding.

Although the size of the organ increases during illness, the volume of working mass decreases sharply. Cardiocyte muscle cells are replaced by dense connective tissue.

Attention! With bovine heart, the muscle is unable to stretch. Therefore, it does not have enough power for a full contraction. As a result, the myocardium becomes flabby and wears out. There is a danger of developing heart failure.

At the beginning of the disease, the organ copes with the load, and its owner does not experience any difficulties. However, there comes a period when the weakened heart muscle is not able to push out a normal volume of blood with each contraction. This means that fluid stagnates in the legs, lungs, and liver. In medical terms, heart failure begins to develop. Signs include shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). The liver increases in size, and various heart rhythm disturbances occur.

Most beer drinkers get fat because the “drink” is very high in calories. Obesity further overloads the pumping function.

Who else's heart is getting bigger?

The causes of bovine heart can be physiological and pathological. The size of the organ changes under the influence of physical activity. Enlargement of the myocardium also occurs in heart disease. The heart muscle can become stretched for the following reasons:

  • Cardiomegaly is observed in athletes. Their myocardium is enlarged as a result of systematic training. During exercise, blood flow increases, so it increases muscle mass myocardium. As long as a person plays sports, enlargement of the heart muscle is not dangerous. But if the load stops, problems arise. The enlarged organ is forced to work as before, but without load its blood flow decreases. Hypoxia develops - oxygen starvation myocardium, which is expressed by angina pectoris.
  • The organ is also enlarged in size with systemic collagenosis and rheumatic carditis.
  • The causes of hypertrophy of individual chambers in an elderly person are hypertension, rheumatic disease, and pulmonary emphysema. A sign of hypertension is an enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart.
  • Foci of chronic infection, for example, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, sooner or later lead to the development of myocarditis. The disease is manifested by enlargement of the organ, but not to the same extent as with a bovine heart.
  • Muscle expansion occurs as a result of acute alcohol poisoning.
  • Cardiomegaly develops as a result of taking medications that are used to treat oncological diseases– Daunorubicin, Procainamide, Methyldopa.

Interesting! More often, bull's heart develops in cyclists, marathon runners, and skiers. Less common in wrestlers and boxers. In other athletes, only the left ventricle is enlarged to ensure cardiac output of blood. In professionals, the heart muscle increases by 20%, and this is considered normal.

Signs of cardiomegaly

The symptoms of bovine heart disease are no different from diseases accompanied by heart failure. Noteworthy changes in well-being:

  • shortness of breath during physical exertion – going up to the second floor;
  • palpitations;
  • difficulty breathing when lying down;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased sweating;
  • heaviness over the left hypochondrium;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • swelling of the veins of the neck and legs;
  • arterial hypertension.

A person with cardiomegaly changes as a person for the worse. Addiction to alcohol deprives him of his usual social circle. Next to him are the same dependent people. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, cognitive abilities gradually weaken and memory deteriorates.

How to recognize cardiomegaly

In young children, the disease is detected in utero or immediately after birth using ultrasound (ultrasound). In newborn children, ultrasound reveals defects of a genetic or acquired nature.

When adults come to the clinic, the doctor gives a referral for fluorography. This method often reveals cardiomegaly for the first time. If an x-ray shows that the heart is enlarged, there is no need to worry in advance. You should consult a cardiologist.

Typically, in adults, expanded borders of the organ to the left are detected, which is observed with hypertrophy of the left ventricle and/or atrium. The cause may be hypertension, coarctation of the aorta, mitral valve insufficiency, or idiopathic cardiomyopathy. In athletes, the left side is enlarged due to an enlargement of the left ventricle, which is not a pathology.

Provides reliable information ultrasound examination(ultrasound). Cardiologists widely use a safe and accurate research method during the diagnosis process. One type of ultrasound is used - transthoracic or transesophageal. The study shows the condition of the heart and pericardium with the level of fluid in the heart sac. Echocardiography shows the size of the chambers, wall thickness, and evaluates the condition of the valves.

In addition, a blood test is performed to determine the level of thyroid hormones. In the most difficult cases, they resort to computed tomography.

Treatment methods

It is difficult to treat an enlarged heart. Typically, cardiomegaly is a consequence of some disease, if it does not develop after drinking alcohol. The main therapy is to slow progression. Treatment regimen for cardiomegaly:

  • antihypertensive medications stabilize blood flow and help shrink the organ;
  • diuretics;
  • anticoagulants to prevent thrombosis;
  • beta blockers that regulate rhythm.

Surgical methods are used - installing a pacemaker or implanting valves. Coronary artery bypass grafting is widely used.

All efforts of doctors will be minimized if the patient does not stop drinking alcohol. In addition, a person should follow a low-fat diet. Complex treatment uses physical activity to improve blood circulation.

Prognosis for children and adults

Cardiomegaly is rare in children. As a rule, it is congenital with a disappointing prognosis:

  • 30% of children die before 3 months of age;
  • Only 25% survive with signs of heart failure;
  • 45% of children recover.

In children, the causes of a large heart are congenital heart abnormalities, infections or maternal intoxication with alcohol during pregnancy.

Attention! Alcoholic cardiomegaly is especially dangerous in adults. After diagnosis, only 40% of people live 3 years. Patients die from heart failure, or thromboembolism.

If fluorography reveals an enlarged heart, consult a doctor. Based on which section and how much it is enlarged, specialists determine the cause of the pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, additional laboratory or instrumental research will be needed.

There are extremely many varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. Therefore, now, in order to gain lasting popularity among gardeners, any variety must stand out as something extraordinary or have only solid advantages. Perfection, as we know, is unattainable, but the Bull's Heart variety completely coped with the first task. These tomatoes differ from their “relatives” unusual shape, large (sometimes simply huge) size and excellent taste. This is not to say that getting a harvest will be easy, because the variety is quite demanding in care. But the unique taste of the fruit will make all the trouble worth it.

Description of the tomato variety Bull's Heart and its varieties

The Bull's Heart tomato variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2003. There are no restrictions regarding the growing region. But in terms of ripening, it belongs to late or medium-late. Accordingly, cultivation in open ground is possible only in warm southern regions. When planting in a garden bed in a temperate climate, you simply won’t get a harvest. It takes 120–130 days for the fruits to ripen.

The Bull's Heart tomato is loved by gardeners for its productivity, large fruit size and excellent taste of tomatoes.

The bush is weakly leafy, determinate. This property means that its growth is spontaneously limited at the height “set” by the breeders, and a fruit cluster is formed at the site of the growth point. Nevertheless, the bush, unlike the vast majority of determinate tomatoes, is tall, powerful and spreading. In open ground it stretches up to 1.5–1.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 2 m. The plant will definitely need fairly strong support and regular formation.
Most often, determinate tomatoes are compact, low plants, but the Ox Heart variety is an exception

The first inflorescence forms above the 8–9th leaf. This is quite low, and the tomatoes are large. A trellis or other support is required, otherwise the bushes will bend under the weight of the crop or simply break. And fruits lying on the ground almost inevitably become infected with rot.

Fruits with smooth matte pink-scarlet skin, slightly ribbed. The shape is irregular, they resemble a heart in the anatomical sense of the word - the tomatoes are oval, noticeably flattened. The minimum weight of the fetus is 108–225 g. But the experience of gardeners shows that with proper care, tomatoes ripen much larger, up to 500–800 g. And not just individual specimens, but en masse. The largest tomatoes ripen on the lower clusters; the higher they are, the smaller they are. On each bush, 5–7 clusters are formed, almost simultaneously.
The weight of individual fruits of the Ox Heart tomato is approaching a kilogram

Productivity is 3–4 kg per bush when cultivated without shelter and 8–12 kg in greenhouses, but here, too, a lot depends on agricultural technology. If you follow all care recommendations, you can significantly exceed the stated figure.

Oxheart is not a hybrid. Accordingly, seeds from fruits grown by yourself are quite suitable for planting for the next season. But still periodically planting material needs updating. At least once every 4-5 years you need to purchase new seeds, otherwise the tomatoes become noticeably smaller and lose their unique taste.
Not only purchased, but also independently collected tomato seeds Bull's Heart are suitable for planting.

And the taste of the Ox Heart fruit is simply excellent - sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness emphasizing this. The pulp is without whitish streaks, homogeneous, dense, sugary, grainy when cut, reminiscent of a watermelon. The dry matter content is high, so the tomatoes are not juicy. The seed chambers are few (4–5 pieces), the seeds are small.

The pulp of the Bull's Heart tomato is very dense, almost without juice

The Bull's Heart variety cannot boast of having “innate” immunity. Nevertheless, its resistance to fungal diseases typical of the culture is quite good, and it gets sick relatively rarely. The exception is late blight, the prevention of which will require special attention.

The skin of the fruit is quite thin, but they are distinguished by good transportability. When transported over long distances, no more than 5% of tomatoes spoil. Keeping quality is also good. In the refrigerator or other place where a slight positive temperature is constantly maintained, they will last up to 12–15 days without losing their shape, pulp density or taste.
The experience of gardeners shows that the tomato variety Bull's Heart has significantly larger fruits on the lower clusters than on the upper ones.

The large size of tomatoes seriously limits their use. Ox heart is mainly consumed fresh. The variety is not suitable for pickling and pickling because of its sweetish taste and because the fruits simply will not fit into jars. But this is a suitable raw material for cooking tomato paste, ketchup, sauces.

Ox's heart tomatoes are not suitable for whole-fruit canning, but they make very delicious ketchup

Video: what a Bull's Heart tomato looks like

Many hybrids have been developed based on the Bull's Heart tomato. Most of them were included in the State Register quite recently, in 2017–2018. They, like the “parent”, are suitable for growing throughout Russia, wherever gardening is possible.

  • Golden. The bush is indeterminate. Fruits are more correct form, rounded-conical. Lemon peel. There are many seed chambers, more than six. The average weight of the fruit is 240–280 g. The yield when cultivated in a greenhouse is 13.6 kg/m².
  • Compact Early ripening hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. The fruits are round, pointed at the base, the ribs are almost invisible. The skins are deep scarlet. There are six or more seed chambers. Tomato weight - 160–200 g. Productivity when planted in closed ground- 6–6.7 kg/m².
  • Creamy. In terms of ripening, it is classified as mid-season. The bush is indeterminate. Inflorescence of intermediate type. The pulp is less dense than other varieties. The ribs are poorly defined. The skin is an unusual creamy beige color with a slight yellowish tint. The average weight of a flattened tomato is 350–400 g. Productivity is 10.6–12.8 kg/m² when planted in greenhouses. Fruits until the first frost.
  • Raspberry. Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate, densely leafy. The fruits are without ribs, round in shape. Average weight - 350–500 g. The skin is a rich crimson-scarlet color. There are 4–6 seed chambers, the seeds are very small. Up to 6 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m².
  • Orange. According to the ripening period, it is classified as mid-season or mid-late. The bush is indeterminate. The leaves are unusually long. The fruits have pronounced ribbing, the pulp is extremely dense, almost without juice. The skin is a very beautiful saffron shade. The fruits are one-dimensional, weighing 300–350 g. The characteristic taste is somewhat less pronounced than that of other varieties. Productivity in the greenhouse is up to 11 kg/m². Compared to its “relatives” it has better immunity and is more resistant to drought. Regular stepsoning is necessary.
  • Peach. Early ripening, the very first of the entire series to ripen. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. The pulp is noticeably watery. The skin is orange-pinkish. The fruits are noticeably ribbed. Average weight - 200–300 g. Productivity - 7.8–8.5 kg/m².
  • Pink. Medium ripening hybrid. The bush is densely leafy, determinate, rarely extends above one and a half meters. The fruits are pinkish, slightly ribbed. The pulp is not particularly dense. Tomato weight is 250–350 g. Productivity is 7.5–8 kg/m².
  • Black. Early ripening. The bush is indeterminate. Leaves are elongated. The fruits are slightly ribbed, almost one-dimensional (350–400 g). The skin is a very unusual brownish-purple color with a greenish undertone. But to get this shade, you need good lighting. The pulp is very tender, almost without seeds. The yield for the series is almost a record - 12.9–13 kg/m².
  • Chocolate. Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. The fruits are round in shape, practically without ribs. The skin is reddish-brown. The average weight of a tomato is 240–280 g. The yield is very high - 12.9–13.1 kg/m².
  • Amber. Medium ripening hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. The fruits are round, with almost imperceptible ribs. The skin is dark orange or terracotta. The average weight of a tomato is 350–400 g. 10–12 kg of fruit are harvested from 1 m² in greenhouses.

Photo gallery: hybrids bred from the Bull's Heart tomato

Of all the hybrids in the series, the Oxheart Golden variety has the highest yield. The fruits of the Oxheart Compact hybrid are not very large, this also affects the overall yield. The Oxheart Cream tomatoes, in addition to the unusual color of the skin, are distinguished by the length of the fruiting period. The seeds of the Oxheart Raspberry tomatoes are so small that are almost not felt when eating The taste of the tomato Oxheart orange is somewhat worse than that of other hybrids, but the variety has better immunity Tomato Oxheart peach brings the harvest the very first of all The tomato bush Oxheart is pink, like the “parent”, determinant Intended By breeders, the skin of tomatoes Oxheart black acquires a tint only if the fruits receive enough sunlight. And the hybrid Oxheart chocolate, on the contrary, needs partial shade to obtain a characteristic tone of the skin. Amber Oxheart is one of the newest hybrids, gardeners are still practically unfamiliar with it

Growing tomato seedlings

The seedling growing method is the only one possible for Oxheart tomatoes, this is due to the ripening time. When planting seeds in open ground, you may not get a harvest even in regions with a subtropical climate. Due to the late ripening of the varieties, they are sown early, already in early March.

Planting material passes preliminary preparation in several stages. First, the seeds are checked for germination using a solution of ordinary table salt(15–20 g/l). Those that contain an embryo are noticeably heavier than empty ones, so they sink to the bottom, while those unsuitable for planting float to the surface. 7–10 minutes are enough to discard seeds that definitely will not sprout.
Brine helps to immediately reject substandard tomato seeds

Then they are immersed in water for 12–14 hours. cold water, preferably melted. This is useful for activating development processes and stimulating growth. Water can be replaced with any biostimulant. Along with purchased drugs (Epin, Emistim-M, potassium humate, Immunocytophyte), folk remedies (baking soda, aloe juice, tablets) are widely used succinic acid, potato juice). In the latter case, the processing time is increased to a day.
Treatment with any biostimulant, including aloe juice, helps to “awaken” the seed embryo

The final stage of preparation is disinfection. The resistance to pathogenic fungi in Ox's Heart is not bad, but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. The most common remedy is a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. But they are quite suitable copper-containing preparations, preferably of biological origin. These are, for example, Tsineb, Strobi, Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M. Treatment time with fungicides is no more than 15–20 minutes. The seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate for 5–6 hours. After this, they need to be washed in clean water.
Potassium permanganate is one of the most common disinfectants

Next, the treated seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, gauze, napkin and kept warm for several days. You can, for example, put a saucer on the battery. After 2–4 days they hatch and can be planted.
Shoots from germinated tomato seeds appear 3–4 days faster

The soil and containers for seedlings are also prepared in advance. The Ox Heart variety is well suited for purchased Solanaceae substrate. If the soil is mixed independently, you need to take into account that at any stage of development, its nutritional value is important for these tomatoes. An obligatory component is humus, to which about half as much peat chips and sand are added for looseness. Plant Oxheart seeds in general containers or boxes, shallow and wide. Then the seedlings will still need picking, so you can save a little space on the windowsill. Both the soil and containers must be disinfected. The soil is fried in the oven or microwave, frozen, and steamed. Containers can be doused with boiling water.
Tomatoes Ox's heart will be quite suitable for store-bought soil for seedlings

Directly growing tomato seedlings Bull's Heart proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  1. The containers are filled with soil, creating a layer 4–5 cm thick. The substrate is watered a little warm water and level the surface.
    Both purchased and self-mixed substrate must be disinfected before planting tomatoes.
  2. Seeds are planted one at a time, with an interval between them of 4–5 cm, and between rows - 8–10 cm. Sprinkle on top thin layer humus (up to 1.5 cm), mixed with fine sand.
    Tomato seeds are planted, trying to maintain the recommended interval - this will make them easier to pick
  3. If possible, containers are hermetically sealed with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Ungerminated seeds do not need light, but warmth is important. The room temperature is maintained at a level of at least 25°C, and if possible, bottom heating is provided. The shelter is removed briefly every day to get rid of accumulated condensation.
    Polyethylene film creates a greenhouse effect, accelerating the germination process
  4. As soon as the tomatoes sprout, the “greenhouse” is removed for good. The temperature is reduced to 15–18°C. Now the seedlings need to be provided with at least 12–14 hours of daylight. In most of Russia, the sun cannot be used, so you will have to use artificial light sources - fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps.
    The phytolamp is placed 25–30 cm above containers with seedlings at a slight angle
  5. Picking of seedlings is carried out in the phase of the second true leaf, approximately 3 weeks after emergence. Unlike the absolute majority garden crops for whom the procedure is a lot of stress, for tomatoes it is even useful, since the root system of the plants is noticeably strengthened after it, which subsequently facilitates adaptation to new conditions environment. The seedlings are watered about half an hour before, then removed from a common container along with a lump of earth on the roots and planted one at a time in plastic or peat cups with a diameter of 8–10 cm, filled with the same substrate.
    For most garden crops grown by seedlings, picking is very stressful, but tomatoes tolerate the procedure calmly
  6. 7–10 days after picking, the tomatoes are fed with any complex fertilizer for seedlings. The procedure is repeated after another 2 weeks. Water them moderately, but often, as soon as they dry out. top layer substrate.
    Tomato seedlings are fed, strictly observing the dosage of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer.
  7. Hardening off of seedlings begins 12–15 days before planting in a permanent place. First stay on outdoors limited to 2-3 hours, then extended to the whole night. In the last 2-3 days before planting, you don’t need to bring the seedlings home at all. Optimal temperature for hardening - 10–14°C.
    Hardening has a positive effect on the immunity of plants, making it easier for them to adapt to a new place

Ox heart seedlings can be transferred to the ground 55–60 days after sowing the seeds. By this time, the seedlings should stretch to at least 25 cm and have 5–8 true leaves. IN middle lane In Russia, when grown under cover, they are transplanted in the first ten days of May, and transferred to open ground at the junction of spring and summer. If the climate in the region is milder, the dates are shifted back by 1.5–2 weeks. Accordingly, seeds for seedlings must be planted earlier.
There is no point in delaying planting tomato seedlings in the garden; overgrown specimens adapt worse and take longer

Video: planting tomato seeds for seedlings and further care for them

Planting seedlings and preparing for it

The Bull's Heart tomato variety is quite capricious. This also applies to the requirements for cultivation conditions. An open place is selected for the garden bed. The culture does not tolerate dense shade, but it does not like direct sunlight either. Therefore, it is advisable to grow these tomatoes under a canopy made of any white covering material.
Bull's heart tomatoes are planted so that each bush is provided with sufficient area for nutrition

Areas where groundwater located a meter or closer below the surface of the earth. If there is no alternative at all, it will be necessary to build raised beds(0.5 m or more).

Bushes near of this variety quite large, the root system is developed. Therefore, per 1 m² no more than two plants are placed in a greenhouse and three in open ground. The interval between neighboring bushes is about 1 m, the row spacing is 70–90 cm. You also need to provide space for a trellis or other support.

Obtaining a bountiful harvest is impossible in a substrate of poor quality. The soil must be highly nutritious, but at the same time quite light, allowing for normal aeration and not allowing moisture to stagnate at the roots. The most suitable substrate is gray soil or loam. If its composition is far from optimal, add sand (for heavy soil) or powder clay (for light soil).

The quality of the substrate is also affected by the crop previously grown in this place. Ox's heart is never planted after other tomatoes or any Solanaceae in general, if less than three years have passed. Good predecessors for the crop are green manure, herbs, onions, garlic, plants from the Pumpkin, Legume and Cruciferous families. And the Bull's heart also benefits greatly from being next to garden strawberries. In both crops, the fruits ripen larger, and accordingly, the yield increases.

Eggplants, like other plants from the Solanaceae family, are undesirable precursors for tomatoes

You need to take care of preparing the beds in advance, last fall. Find out right away acid-base balance soil. If it differs from neutral, in the process of digging together with necessary fertilizers add dolomite flour, wood ash or powder from eggshells(250–450 g). To increase fertility, manure (necessarily rotted) or compost is distributed over the bed, approximately 10 liters per linear meter. Of the fertilizers in the fall, potassium and phosphorus are needed - 25–30 g and 40–50 g, respectively. Nitrogen (10–15 g) is applied in the spring, simultaneously with loosening the beds, which is carried out approximately two weeks before planting the Ox Heart.
Humus is a natural remedy for increasing soil fertility

Video: preparing soil for tomatoes

The greenhouse for tomatoes is also prepared in the fall. If possible, it is advisable to completely change the soil. Or at least add 8–10 cm of fresh humus. The soil is dug up, simultaneously getting rid of all plant debris, and spilled with boiling water or a rich raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Glass and all surfaces in general are wiped with a solution of slaked lime for the same purpose. Or you can burn it tightly behind closed doors and the windows a small piece of sulfur bomb.
Ideally, before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to replace all the soil; if this is not possible, the substrate should at least be disinfected

To enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality, any green manure (leaf mustard, vetch, phacelia) can be planted in the greenhouse in early autumn. After about two months, the greens are mowed and embedded in the soil.

It is advisable to plant tomatoes in cloudy, not too hot weather. The soil should have warmed up sufficiently by this time. It is enough if during the previous week the daytime temperature does not fall below 17°C.

First, both the seedlings and the holes are well shed with warm water. A handful of humus and a little ash are placed at the bottom. The seedlings are planted so that at least 3–4 cm remains from the ground to the bottom pair of leaves. The bushes are well watered again, and it is advisable to mulch the bed. The next watering is carried out only when the seedlings have taken root in the new place and begin to grow. This usually takes about 10 days. Around this time they will need to be tied to a support. After another 1.5 weeks, it is advisable to hill up the bushes to stimulate the development of adventitious roots. Tomatoes in open ground are protected from direct sunlight for at least the first two weeks using covering material on the arches.
Planting tomato seedlings in the ground is practically no different from a similar procedure for other garden crops.

Video: planting tomato seedlings in a garden bed

Caring for tomatoes in the open ground and in the greenhouse

The need for regular and careful care is considered one of the main disadvantages of the Bull's Heart variety. But for the sake of large and wonderfully tasty fruits, gardeners are ready to endure even more.


Tomatoes Ox's heart, if the weather is not too hot outside, water at intervals of 4-5 days. As the bush grows, the norm is gradually increased from 5–7 liters per plant to 10–12 liters by the time of flowering. In hot weather, water more abundantly, up to 15 liters. The most suitable time for the procedure is early morning or late evening. Only warm, settled water is used. The leaves of bushes that lack water darken and droop, curling along the central vein.

The most preferred method for Bull's Heart is drip irrigation. It allows you to deliver water directly to the roots without eroding the soil. If it is not technically possible to organize such a system, water in circular grooves around the base of the stem or along longitudinal grooves between rows. Sprinkling for crops is a completely unsuitable option. Drops of water falling on the plant provoke massive shedding of buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. They also spread pathogens of many fungal diseases; in a greenhouse they can cause sunburn. And if you pour water under the roots from a watering can or hose, the substrate is quickly washed off from them, they become bare and dry out.
Ideal option for any variety of tomatoes - drip irrigation

In a greenhouse, in addition to sufficient soil moisture, you will also have to monitor the level of air humidity. The Bull's Heart variety is moisture-loving, but this applies only to the soil, not the atmosphere. For the last one optimal indicator- 65–70%. Therefore, every time after watering, the greenhouse must be ventilated. Cover the container with water in it with a lid. The room temperature is maintained at 22–25°C during the day and 16–20°C at night.
When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, in addition to the level of soil moisture, you will also have to monitor air humidity

Particularly important proper watering during the formation of fruit ovaries. A lack of moisture provokes their massive fall. And about a month before harvest, it is recommended to reduce it to the required minimum. Otherwise, the fruits of the Ox Heart will turn out watery, and the pulp will not acquire the characteristic taste of the variety.

Irrigation from a watering can, hose, or any other method of watering in which drops of water fall on the bush is absolutely not suitable for tomatoes.

This tomato demonstrates good drought resistance, but it’s still not worth experimenting with. If you are unable to reside permanently garden plot, mulch the soil. It is also extremely harmful to alternate periods of prolonged drought with rare but abundant watering. This provokes massive cracking of the fruit.

Fertilizer application

The Oxheart tomato requires increased doses of nutrients throughout the growing season. The type of fertilizer does not matter; bushes respond equally well to both organic matter and mineral supplements. They are applied every 12–15 days.

The bushes are fertilized for the first time 2–2.5 weeks after planting in a permanent place. During the first month, Oxheart tomatoes need nitrogen. This macronutrient helps the bushes actively grow green mass. In the future, it should be abandoned completely. Excess nitrogen in the soil increases the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi, inhibits the process of formation and ripening of fruits, and negatively affects their taste.
Like other nitrogen fertilizers, urea in the required doses is needed by the tomato bush only in the early stages of development

During the first month after planting, they mainly use mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate), diluting 10–12 g per 10 liters of water. Use 2–3 liters of solution per bush.

Next, you can alternate complex fertilizers for tomatoes with any organic fertilizers. These are, for example, infusions of nettle and dandelion leaves, banana peel, yeast, black bread, fresh cow manure, bird droppings.
Nettle infusion is prepared within 3-4 days, before use it is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8

In the last month before fruit ripening, wood ash is very useful. This natural spring potassium and phosphorus. Experienced gardeners recommend spraying the developing fruit ovaries with a solution boric acid(2–3 g/l) to make them stronger.

In a greenhouse, the interval between fertilizing increases to 15–20 days. There is no rain to wash away nutrients from the soil. And its oversaturation with micro- and macroelements is harmful for tomatoes.

Video: nuances of caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Bush formation

The variety Bull's Heart belongs to the category of determinant, however, it needs to be formed. Lead the bush into one, maximum two stems. In the first case, all stepchildren are removed ( side shoots, growing from the leaf axils) and foliage up to the first fruit cluster. 2-3 leaves are left above the last ovary, no more. In the second, the role of another stem is assigned to the first stepson. The main one is pinched after 2–3 fruit clusters have formed on it.
In order for the tomato fruits of the Bull's Heart variety to ripen large, you need to remove all the “extra” from the bush.

The stepsons are carefully broken out or cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the main stem. The bushes of the Bull's Heart are not distinguished by their dense foliage, so there is no need for additional removal of leaves. Tomato stepson - a side shoot that forms in the leaf axil

As the bush grows, it is tied to a trellis or other support. Most likely, there will be a need to fix the fruit clusters, because they are massive in the Ox Heart. Also, tying them will help to avoid their contact with the ground. The simplest trellis is several supports along the bed and a wire or rope stretched between them in 3-4 rows. In a greenhouse, you can tie bushes to the ceiling. Its height must be at least 2.5 m for the Ox Heart tomatoes to feel comfortable.
When growing an Oxheart tomato, you will have to tie not only the stems, but also the fruit clusters to the support.

Fight against late blight

The first symptom of late blight is grayish-brown, rapidly enlarging spots on the leaves and stems. In conditions high humidity the underside of the leaf is covered with a whitish cotton-like coating. Then brownish spots appear on the fruits. The tissues underneath soften and rot. Crop losses can be up to 70%.
Late blight is a real scourge of all plants from the Solanaceae family.

To prevent the development of late blight, seeds must be disinfected before planting. 2-3 days after planting, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur, soda ash or kefir diluted with water with the addition of iodine. Further, it is advisable to carry out such treatments weekly, alternating products. One more thing folk remedy prevention - a piece of copper wire tied around the base of the stem. The soil in the garden bed is periodically sprinkled with sifted wood ash, and several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water for irrigation.
If nothing is done, late blight will deprive the gardener of a significant part or even the entire tomato harvest

Fungicides are used to combat the disease. Most gardeners prefer modern means of biological origin (Ecosil, Bayleton, Baikal-EM), but there are also those who prefer time-tested chemicals (copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate).

If the moment for control is missed and almost all the leaves are already affected, the tomatoes are immediately treated with a salt solution (1 kg per 10 l). This will destroy all the foliage, both infected and healthy, but will not allow the fungus to spread to the fruits; they will have time to ripen.

Video: late blight and methods of combating it

Growing Oxheart tomatoes at home

The Ox Heart tomato variety and any of the varieties bred on its basis are not very suitable for growing at home. The main reason is the size of the plant. There is not enough space for such bushes even on the balcony, let alone on the windowsill. Root system They have a powerful, well-developed plant; in a cramped pot it will not feel very good.

In addition, for landing at home, they most often choose early ripening varieties with a ripening period of no more than 90–100 days. The bull's heart does not satisfy this criterion either.
For planting on the windowsill and on the balcony, tomato varieties are chosen whose appearance is radically different from the exterior of the Bull's Heart

It is difficult to provide plants of this variety with nutrients in the required volume. If they are deficient, the fruits simply will not ripen. But raising the dose or shortening the intervals between feedings is also not an option.

Ideal for the windowsill are super-determinate varieties of tomatoes from the category of ampelous or standard tomatoes, the bush of which does not extend more than 0.5 m in height. It is also desirable that they be small-fruited - such tomatoes ripen faster. As you can easily see, Bull's Heart is a completely different story.

Tomato Oxheart for a long time served as the standard among large-fruited varieties, and today it has already become a classic. It is distinguished by very tasty and beautiful fruits. Beginning gardeners should sow a few seeds so that in the future they will be able to compare and find best options or stop there. Bull's heart cannot be called an unpretentious tomato. He needs special care, otherwise big harvest large fruits will not be obtained.

History of growing tomatoes Bull's heart

Just as folk tales have no authors or age, so does this tomato: it appeared from nowhere, no one knows the name of the breeder, but many love it, grow it and pass this tradition on from generation to generation. On packets of seeds they often write: a variety of folk selection.

On bags of seeds you can often find the phrase “folk selection variety”

On Wikipedia you can read that the variety was bred by the Poisk agricultural company. Meanwhile, Bull's Heart was grown by my grandmother, whose youth fell on the Great Patriotic War. That is, the variety was known and popular already in the 40s of the last century, and the Poisk company was founded in 1990. The Bull's Heart is also attributed to Italian origin and is called a hybrid. However, this version can also be refuted; the variety grows beautifully from its own seeds. I also found other information that this is an old family variety from Novopavlovsk, Stavropol Territory. Different versions of origin only confirm the popularity of this tomato. Perhaps they are trying to make it more attractive to a new generation of gardeners.

And you can also find such seeds, here Oxheart is presented as a Dutch hybrid

An application for registration of Bull's Heart tomatoes in the State Plant Register was submitted by the Moscow agricultural company Poisk. This happened in 2001. In 2003, the variety, known to more than one generation, received the status of an officially recognized breeding achievement and was approved for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation. The copyright holder was Agrofirm Poisk LLC.

Video: review of Bull's Heart tomatoes

Today, many varieties of Bull's heart with fruits have been created and registered different colors. So, there is a Bull's Heart in pink, gold, cream, raspberry, orange, peach, black, chocolate, amber and compact. The fruit shape and size are similar to their prototype.

Description of the variety

Bull's heart is a medium-late ripening variety. It can take 120–130 days from the emergence of seedlings to the harvest of the first harvest. The bush grows tall - 130–180 cm, the stem is powerful, the leaves are large. The first flower cluster is tied above the 8th–9th leaf. The tomato needs pinching, shaping and rationing of fruits. When grown, 8–10 clusters are planted in one stem.

The average weight of the fruit is 108–225 g, in the first cluster it is 400–800 g, in subsequent clusters it becomes smaller up to 100 g. Their shape is heart-shaped, with a pointed tip. According to the description from the State Register, the surface is smooth, but gardeners call those bushes that produce ribbed fruits a real Bull's Heart.

It has gained a foothold among the people characteristic feature tomatoes Bull's heart - ribbed fruit

Unripe tomatoes are light green in color, and the stalk has a dark green spot characteristic of the variety. The ripe fruit is red, there are very few seeds inside. The pulp is fleshy, aromatic, with an excellent taste: sweet with a slight sourness. The main purpose is salad. Ox heart is not suitable for whole-fruit canning due to its large size and thin skin.

Tomato Oxheart is fleshy inside, few seeds

The yield declared in the State Register is 3–4 kg/m², and the planting scheme is 5 plants per square meter. Indeed, many gardeners complain about low yields, however, there are also those who harvest 3–5 kg per bush in the open ground, and even more in a greenhouse. As with any other variety, the productivity of Ox Heart directly depends on climatic conditions and care.

In a greenhouse, the Bull's Heart will be more productive than in open ground

Positive and negative characteristics of the variety (table)

Growing tomatoes Bull's heart

A variety with a long growing season will have to be grown through seedlings. The optimal age of tomatoes for planting in a permanent place is 50–70 days. It's worth choosing for the Bull's heart maximum term. To find out your planting date, count down 70 days plus a week for emergence from the day you plan to plant your tomatoes.

We definitely don’t have frosts in Southwestern Siberia after June 7–10. This means that I can sow Bull’s Heart tomatoes on March 23, and if I build a greenhouse, then 2 weeks earlier - after March 8. It is at this time that I sow all the tomatoes. I grow them with 2-3 picks. The same can be done for any region. After all, in different parts and areas the heat comes at different times. In the south, sowing is done in greenhouses or greenhouses; in the rest of Russia, seedlings are kept on window sills.

Ox heart in almost all regions is grown through seedlings

Like any variety, Bull's Heart suffers from late blight. Fungi can live on the surface of seeds and in the soil, so disinfect before sowing: scald the seeds and pour boiling water over the soil. Those who are afraid of drastic measures can use a purple solution of potassium permanganate. During the seedling period, transplant tomatoes 2-3 into larger containers. Water as the soil dries out. Feed once every two weeks with a special fertilizer for seedlings, for example, Fertika Lux.

Video: all the intricacies of picking tomato seedlings

A week before planting in open ground, begin to harden the tomatoes, that is, place them under open sky first for 1–2 hours, gradually increase this time to the whole day. While hardening is taking place, prepare the bed.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Select a sunny area for the Bull's Heart, taking into account the planting pattern - 50x50 cm. Dig up the soil, adding a bucket of humus or compost and 2 cups of ash to each square meter of the bed. During planting, you can additionally add a spoonful of a complex mixture for tomatoes, for example, Gumi-Omi, into each hole. The variety has great growth vigor, so it needs more nutrition than compact tomatoes. Make the holes of such a size that the seedlings can be buried down to the first true leaf, and heavily overgrown ones - up to 2–3 leaves. Fill the holes with water. When it is absorbed, you can start planting.

Tomato seedlings can be buried

The best predecessors for tomatoes are cabbage and cucumbers; they cannot be planted after potatoes and physalis.

Prevention of late blight

The Oxheart harvest ripens in late summer, when the likelihood of late blight increases. Signs of infection also appear on green fruits - brown depressed spots. However, it will be too late to treat with chemicals. That is why the disease must be prevented, that is, prophylaxis must be carried out. A week after planting the seedlings, as soon as they take root, spray them with a fungicide solution (HOM, Skor, Ridomil, etc.). Moisten the soil around the bushes with the preparation. After 2 weeks, repeat the treatment. In this way, you will at least delay the onset of the disease by 4-6 weeks, but, most likely, you will destroy possible foci of infection.

Late blight on already grown tomatoes cannot be cured, but its occurrence can be prevented

In the future, keep an eye on the bushes, pick off any spotted, yellowing leaves and burn or throw them away. Such plant residues cannot be added to compost. Late blight fungi can live in the ground for several years. By fertilizing your plot, you will spread them throughout all the beds.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering in the cultivation of Ox heart has great value. Fruits are prone to cracking, and this happens due to sudden changes in humidity and fluctuations in daily temperatures. For example, during the day the temperature may be above +30 ⁰C, at night the temperature drops to +15... +18 ⁰C, and it becomes damp. The fruits either wither in the sun, or become filled with moisture, and cracking occurs.

Cracking of tomatoes occurs due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity

To prevent this from happening, you need regular watering and mulching with a layer of at least 6–7 cm. Mulch will not only retain moisture, but also maintain a constant temperature in the root zone.

Video: why tomatoes crack

The rates and frequency of watering depend on the age of the bush and weather conditions. However, even if it rains, check whether the soil is wet to the depth of the roots - at least 30 cm. If not, watering is needed. In dry and hot weather, water the Ox's heart twice a week at the following rate:

  • for a recently planted bush that is still growing - 2–3 l;
  • for those grown to 1.5 meters and above - 3–5 liters.

Water the tomatoes at the root, water consumption depends on the size of the bush

The bull's heart needs feeding complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. The easiest option is to buy ready-made mixtures marked “for tomatoes”. Infusions of mullein, bird droppings, urea solution and other fertilizers containing mainly nitrogen are suitable only until the formation of the first inflorescence. Nitrogen provokes rapid growth of leaves and shoots to the detriment of the crop.

For fertilizing, use special fertilizers; they contain all the nutrients tomatoes need.

On the poor clay soils tall tomatoes need to be fed every 10–14 days, on cultivated loams and chernozems - once every 3–4 weeks. If, nevertheless, you use organic matter, then after 3-4 days be sure to add wood ash - 1-2 tbsp. l. under a bush It will enrich the earth with potassium, phosphorus and microelements. You cannot apply ash at the same time as nitrogen fertilizer: together they form a volatile compound - ammonia. Most of the nutrients will evaporate rather than end up in the soil.

Pruning, bush formation and crop rationing

The ox's heart must be pinched, that is, the shoots growing in the axils of the leaves below the first flower cluster must be plucked out. The stepsons located above and the one closest below are used for shaping. Typically, tomatoes are grown in 1–3 stems:

  • in regions of risky farming - in some;
  • in greenhouses - 2–3 stems;
  • in the south, in conditions of long and warm summer, the fruits can ripen on three stems even in open ground.

In this regard, Bull's Heart invites you to experiment: plant several bushes and grow them in different formations.

Scheme for the formation of bushes with one, two and three stems; stepsons are used, growing directly above or below the first flower raceme

Once upon a time I grew a tomato called Ox's Heart. She formed it like everyone else - into two stems. However, in the conditions of our Siberian climate, the bushes grew low - less than a meter, each bore only one large fruit, the rest were small, did not grow until the fall, and went into compost. Since then I have not grown this variety. But now I want to try different types of formation, perhaps planting it in a greenhouse. It’s interesting to prove to myself that I can find an approach to this variety.

Gardeners, trying to get good harvest Ox heart, they even ration the fruits in clusters (2-3 are left), and also limit the number of clusters on one plant. There is experience in growing it into one stem with 7–8 tassels on it. Then the fruits have time to grow and ripen. Again, in regions with short summers, tomatoes do not have time to ripen on the bushes. They are collected at technical ripeness, still green, followed by ripening. As a result, the plant has the strength to grow the remaining fruits. For the same purpose, at the end of July - beginning of August, the tops of all stems are pinched and the still flowering brushes are cut off.

Video: why remove leaves from tomatoes

Collection, ripening, purpose of harvest

Bull's heart tomatoes can be picked at any stage of maturity: from technical (green) to biological (red). But while the tomatoes are green, it is difficult to determine whether they have reached their size or will still grow. Therefore, if you collect them unripe, then focus on the change in color; as soon as a yellowish or reddish tint appears, pick them. You can ripen by laying them out on window sills or in boxes or baskets in 1–2 layers. Place 2-3 ripe tomatoes in each box; the rest will ripen faster.

If tomatoes in your region do not have time to ripen on the bushes, pick them green and ripen them at home

The purpose of the Ox's Heart tomatoes is for table use, they are very tasty fresh, and are mainly used for making salads. Juice is made from the fruits of this variety. You can cut the tomatoes into slices and freeze. This preparation will be an excellent addition to pizza, soups, side dishes, and sauces in winter.

The appearance of bovine heart disease in humans, the causes and consequences for each person can be individual. It depends personal characteristics body. Change normal operation heart disease may be caused for various reasons, one of which may be bovine heart disease in humans. Ox heart refers to cases associated with an increase in the organ by 2-3 times. Such changes provoke stretching of the muscle tissue of the heart, they become thinner. The heart walls lose the ability to fully pump blood throughout the human body.

The main causes of bovine heart disease are as follows:

  1. Excessive passion for sports. With intense training, many athletes increase the volume of blood that the heart pumps. The muscle mass of this organ gradually increases. When you refuse such training, disruptions may occur in the circulatory system and, along with this, the heart also suffers. Bovine heart disease, or cardiomegaly, the medical name for the condition, may appear.
  2. Frequent and copious consumption of beer. Drinking 3 liters of this drink a day, a person puts a lot of stress on the heart. It manifests itself in the need to pump an additional volume of blood, into which beer is very quickly absorbed through blood vessels. Excessive beer load on the organ leads to its enlargement and wear. This also affects the condition of the entire body, since the heart rhythm is disturbed, the liver enlarges, shortness of breath and swelling of the extremities appear.

There are also diseases whose occurrence can provoke cardiomegaly. These include:

  • hypertension;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • pathological development of the heart valve;
  • obesity;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypertension;
  • viral diseases.

Manifestation of the disease

Ox heart - the disease has no obvious signs, noticing which makes it possible to instantly make a diagnosis.

This disease manifests itself like many heart diseases. However, you should contact a cardiologist if problems such as:

  • swelling;
  • heartbeat disturbance;
  • dyspnea;
  • frequent pain in the thoracic region;
  • increased body sweating.

The listed symptoms appear when the functioning of the human cardiovascular system is disrupted. If you identify such symptoms, it is very important to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and procedures, the results of which will help establish the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment and prevention

If bovine heart disease is diagnosed, it is necessary to begin its treatment, which will be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor must determine whether the treatment will be medication only or surgery. It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease, namely, get rid of habits or give up your previous lifestyle. In cases where the cause is the influence of other diseases, it is necessary to treat them simultaneously.

To reduce the risk of developing cardiomegaly, you need to remember several preventive principles:

  1. 1. Sports. Helps keep the body in good shape. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in physical education, but not to overdo it. This way you will take care of the body's cardiovascular system.
  2. 2. Sobriety. Quitting drinking alcohol entails only a positive effect on all organs. Especially giving up beer or drinking it in moderation helps reduce the load on the heart.
  3. 3. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet is necessary for every person, as it normalizes the balance of vitamins and microelements that take part in the functioning of the heart muscles.

Bovine heart disease is very dangerous. By following preventive measures, it is easier to avoid such a disease. Having noticed the main symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor without wasting time. Exercising, dieting and giving up bad habits will reduce the risk of disease and possible complications in the work of your heart.