Drawings of corner sofas with dimensions in detail. How to make a sofa with your own hands? Homemade sofa. Features of wood products

The sofa is the heart of the home. It serves as an element of interior decor and helps to relax after a hard day at work. A sofa is not just a piece of furniture. He will certainly become business card home and the center of attention for your guests.

In this article you will learn how to make a sofa with your own hands no worse, and perhaps better, than those sold in furniture stores. You will see what elements the sofa consists of and what materials are most often used in the process of its manufacture.

Don't forget that homemade furniture saves the lion's share of the family budget. If you decide, for example, to make a sofa yourself, its cost will be two or even five times lower than the market price!

However, this depends on the materials chosen and the specific design taken. Sofa bed will cost more, but if this is your first product, opt for the project described in this article - it is perfect for those who set out to learn how to make upholstered furniture.

Make a sofa with your own hands, and you will see from your own example that there is nothing complicated about it!

So let's get started.

To work you will need following materials and tools:

1. Tools:
- jigsaw. If you don’t have a jigsaw, it doesn’t matter: use a hacksaw, especially since it will also be useful to you in the process of sawing bars;
- pneumatic furniture stapler. If you intend to make only one product, use a mechanical stapler - it will be cheaper;
- screwdriver;
- a grinder or plane for grinding down sharp corners of the frame;
- staple remover or sharp screwdriver;
- a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber;
- scissors;
- sewing machine for sewing sofa upholstery elements;
- roulette.

2. Materials:
- bars with a cross section of 40-50 mm;
- plywood or any other affordable, durable and, if possible, lightweight sheet material;
- furniture foam rubber, 50 mm thick. You can purchase foam rubber, like many other materials, in a specialized online store “everything for furniture”;
- padding polyester or batting for additional softness of the frame and the product as a whole;
- furniture fabric;
- wood glue;
- strong thread for sewing upholstery parts;
- self-tapping screws or furniture screws (if using the latter, you will need an electric drill);
- marker or pencil.

Let's get to work.

1. Frame
The basis of our sofa is the frame. It can be of any shape and size, but this article describes the simplest project, which can be made by a person inexperienced in production upholstered furniture.

The basis of the frame is wooden blocks and slats with a cross section of 40-50 mm or any other size that ensures the strength of the finished product.

Gives additional rigidity to the frame sheet materials with which it is sheathed - plywood, OSB, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. The inside of the frame is hollow, which makes it relatively light.

At home, the sofa frame is assembled using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. The holes for the screws can be pre-drilled with a drill, and the screws themselves can be lubricated with wood glue when drilling.

Glue is also often used at the joint wooden parts, before they are connected using self-tapping screws. In this case, they are pressed against each other with clamps for a while.

In addition, when assembling the frame, it is convenient to use all kinds of angular and curved metal fasteners.

The length of our sofa will be 3 meters. It is quite roomy and consists of two equal parts - 1.5 m each. In the photo below you see one of them - the left side of the sofa.

2. Frame and mattress
The frame of the future mattress - the base of our sofa - is made of boards. For more comfort The binding is made from furniture straps.

It is not difficult to do: first, the belts are fixed horizontally with a stapler, then the binding should be done and the belts are fixed perpendicularly - vertically.

The photo shows what we should get in the end. These are the two components of the mattress.

3. Back
The photo below shows the frame of the back of our sofa, covered with plywood. Please note that the frame itself is made of wooden blocks, and metal connectors are used to fasten the parts.

The back is hollow and light, making it easy to work with. The shape in this case is as simple as possible - rectangular in profile. Without special effort you can make it sloping by increasing the width at the base and decreasing the width of the frame at the top.

4. Side parts
By analogy with the back, we also make the side parts of the frame. It should be noted that the protruding bars that are visible in the photo will serve as a base for foam rubber in the future. But more on that later.

5. Pasting with foam mats
After assembling the frame, we proceed to installing the foam rubber.

We paste over the top and front part of the backrest with pieces of foam rubber of the required size and shape, as well as internal surfaces side elements. We lay the foam rubber on the mattress on top of the binding.

The glue can be applied with a wide brush or used in aerosol form. Immediately after applying the layer of glue, press the foam rubber to the surface and leave for some time (usually no more than half an hour) until it sets.

6. Sintepon (batting)
In order to hide unevenness, smooth out sharp transitions and add volume, the back, sides and, if desired, the mattress are wrapped with padding polyester or batting.

Before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to sand all the sharp corners of the frame so that the upholstery does not wear out and lasts as long as possible. This operation is carried out using a grinder, plane or simply coarse sandpaper.

7. Fabric upholstery.
Covers are usually sewn using ready-made patterns and templates. If there are none, you can make them yourself by applying and trying on the fabric to each of the elements of the sofa, be it the back or the pillow. Some of them can have zippers sewn into them for easy cleaning and washing.

The covers can be cut strictly according to the shape or gathered together and secured with a stapler in those places where the design allows.

As a last resort, sewing covers can be entrusted to specialists from the studio. Their design is very simple and inexpensive.

The sofa is considered the most comfortable and functional furniture. It can simultaneously serve as a place for daytime rest in a sitting or lying position, and turn into a full-fledged sleeping place for 2 adults. In addition, spacious drawers under the seats allow you to store a large number of different things. Models placed in the corner save usable area indoors. Many people try to make a corner sofa with their own hands, providing them with the functions that are necessary in each individual case.

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Corner sofas in the interior

The corner sofa is gaining increasing popularity due to the possibility rational use useful space of the apartment, especially such rarely used space as the corner and window sill wall. They look beautiful in any interior and are often equipped with spacious linen drawers and transformation mechanisms that allow you to turn them into a comfortable bed at the right time.

Corner sofas have been deservedly used in kitchens for a long time. With their help, it is convenient and effective to divide the space of combined rooms, such as a kitchen, dining room, living room or bedroom.

For owners of small apartments, such pieces of furniture will allow you to get in one piece a comfortable and roomy sofa for 5 seats or more, an extra bed and a drawer for storing linen or rarely used items.

Many craftsmen make corner sofas with their own hands. After all, for those who want to acquire such a product, purchasing a factory-made product may require large financial costs. In addition, often the room does not accommodate standard models.

Step-by-step instructions for making a sofa

You can independently assemble a sofa with a corner design, either the simplest model or a rather complex one. It all depends on the skills of the performer, the location of the future product, and the aesthetic function it will perform.

Let's look at how to make a corner sofa with your own hands with linen cavities under the rising seats and wide covered armrests.

Required Tools

To assemble a corner sofa at home, you need to purchase:

  1. 4x4 cm bars for strengthening some parts of the frame, making backrests and seat supports;
  2. boards 2-2.5 cm thick and a width that will correspond to the height of the frame;
  3. sheets of plywood, if finances allow and it is necessary to ensure high strength, or chipboard with a thickness of at least 16 mm, which costs much less, but is more susceptible to mechanical damage and moisture;
  4. foam rubber 10-20 cm thick and upholstery material;
  5. metal corners (if you plan to strengthen the structure).

You will need the following tools:

  • jigsaw or hacksaw for cutting wood blanks;
  • a screwdriver or drill with drills for screwing in fasteners and drilling holes;
  • any suitable measuring instrument;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts with nuts and washers;
  • pencil or marker.

Drawings and diagrams

The ease of the installation process and the quality of the finished product will depend on how accurately the drawings and assembly diagrams are made.

The dimensions and dimensions that will be displayed in the drawing of the corner model directly depend on the space available for its installation. Therefore, creating your own original piece of furniture should begin by removing the length of the free adjacent walls. These data will become fundamental, and the height of the backrest can be arbitrary.

First, a drawing is drawn, which indicates the length of both halves of the sofa, the depth of the product and the height of the back. Then it is necessary to calculate the width of the facade, for which the depth is subtracted from the total length of both halves, schematically indicating the square in the corner.

The next step is to create detailed diagram, which includes component parts, locations of fasteners, reinforcing elements and partitions of internal storage boxes.

Frame making

Making a corner sofa begins with assembling the base frame, which in our case is represented by deep linen drawers under the seats and a blind corner part. Before starting work, blanks from timber and boards are cut and polished, and chipboard sheets are also cut out.

Fold a rectangle out of 2 long and 2 short blanks from boards. It is fastened with self-tapping screws and reinforced with vertically installed bars or metal corners. Transverse bars are installed in the center in the lower and upper planes. If you want to divide the space of the box, use a board instead of bars.

Then the bottom of the box is sewn with fiberboard, using small furniture nails or a stapler with extended staples for attachment. The second half of the product and the square corner insert are made in a similar way.

Now you need to fold all 3 elements and fasten them with bolts and nuts, not forgetting to install washers to protect the wood from damage.

To make the back you will need 6 identical blanks with a cut under small angle from seat level. Their location should be mirror-like relative to the transverse boards of the frame. They are fastened together with timber.

We fasten the bars close to the floor and in the middle. 2 backs are placed behind the box and firmly screwed from its inside with self-tapping screws along the top and bottom lines. Then the facade of the back is covered with parts made of chipboard or plywood, and a solid blank, cut in the corner part at an angle of 45°, is attached to the upper end.

To install the seats, you need to screw 3 hinges on each to the blanks and secure them in the places of the side boards and cross beams. On final stage The frame of the corner sofa is sewn up at the back with a sheet of fiberboard and a blank blank is installed on the central square.

Foam padding

To create the soft part of the corner sofa, foam rubber at least 10 cm thick is used. The ends are softened with padding polyester or thin foam rubber.

First, glue the blanks onto the seats and backs so that it extends a few centimeters beyond the edges. Then the side plane and the upper end are glued, joining all the pieces to form smooth transitions.

To protect the foam rubber from abrasion on upholstery fabric during operation, it is recommended to cover it with padding polyester or batting.

What do you do with old furniture?

The aesthetics of the furniture in the house determines the impression one gets of the entire room, so it is very important to keep it in good condition. refers to that functional part of it that is very often in use. In this regard, it quickly wears out and loses not only its attractiveness, but also performs its intended functions worse. However, in the conditions of financial instability, which each of us faces from time to time, replacing it is not so easy.

But there is a way out! If you know how to work with certain tools, you can make anything yourself. This will not only save you money cash, and will give you a truly unique and unrepeatable experience!


Creating a sofa yourself is quite easy. But first of all, it’s worth deciding on its appearance and functionality. Depending on this, the design is selected. They are divided into non-folding and non-folding, but they are distinguished as follows:

  • book;
  • ;
  • ;
  • withdrawable;
  • and others.

We offer you the most common and popular schemes. Also decide on the availability of storage space. Depending on how your structure will be laid out, it is worth purchasing special mechanisms.

Tools and materials

To make a sofa by hand, you will need certain tools. For work, it is best to use those devices that you have encountered not for the first time, or to practice. Before you start creating furniture, make sure you have the following tools with you:

  • jigsaw;
  • a hacksaw or grinder with a disk for wood;
  • drill;
  • ;
  • construction stapler;
  • and others.

The materials you will need to make such an important and large item depend on its type and functionality. But in any case, you need to purchase:

  • ;
  • cutting board;
  • plywood of different thicknesses;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • three-stage drill;
  • staples for stapler;
  • and more.

The parameters and quantity depend directly on the model being manufactured. It is important that they are of high quality and environmentally friendly. When working with wood, pay attention to the quality of sanding. It's best to do it yourself. When choosing glue and varnish, do not buy materials containing toxic substances.


The classic canapé is beautiful upholstered furniture that cannot be transformed. You can easily come up with its design yourself. The drawing and assembly diagram of the model can be viewed below. They consist of:

  • legs;
  • seats:
  • soft back;
  • armrests.

The legs are made of timber or purchased ready-made in the store - plastic, iron or other material. It is necessary to knock down a rectangle with a lid made of boards or chipboard, and then screw the legs as indicated in the diagram. At the back, attach a beam or board covered with fiberboard, or a sheet of chipboard.

To make the product soft, we attach the foam rubber with PVA glue. Next, which is secured with a stapler to back side designs.

For the past, chipboard is best suited. In this case, it is enough to simply cut out a piece the right size, which will be placed on the short sides. It is covered with foam rubber. It is important that the top of the sheet overlaps the bend of the sheet. The next layer is the upholstery fabric. It is fixed at the junction of the frame with the base.

If you want to do more functional model, it is worth using a different scheme. A U-shaped fragment is assembled from boards or chipboard. Halves of moving mechanisms are attached inside, parts of which are attached to the separately assembled box, which allows it to function easily and correctly. The seating area is installed on top of the base. The rear part of the structure is also attached to it. Cover it all with foam rubber and fabric, as in the first case, or lay it down.

You decide for yourself whether to attach the armrest. True, it is worth noting that its presence can add functionality if it rectangular shape with a wide top and, unlike the side and end sides, will not be covered with upholstery. In this case, the armrest can play the role of conveniently placing a book or a cup of tea on it.

Decoration methods

It is important that the furniture is not only functional, but also attractive. appearance. Main role choice matters when decorating upholstery fabric. Today there is a wide variety of products on the market, among which the most common are.

Do you have a small apartment? Then try making a corner sofa with your own hands. Step by step instructions and drawings will help you in making simple and compact furniture. Corner sofas will succinctly fit into the design of the kitchen, nursery or living room.

How to make a corner sofa with your own hands

To produce a sofa, a drawing is made calculating the number of parts and their sizes. Materials must be taken without frills. Materials with complex connections are quite difficult to install yourself. For fastening the best option self-tapping screws are considered. Also, when connecting some elements, special glue is required. Before gluing the surfaces, level them well.

The wooden surface is covered with stain or varnished in several layers. Small sawn parts are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. sandpaper. This surface becomes stronger and more durable.

Materials for making a corner sofa

  1. Pine timber with a section of 3 by 5 centimeters;
  2. Chipboard 1.6 centimeters thick;
  3. Fiberboard 0.3 centimeters thick;
  4. Plywood having a thickness of 1.5 centimeters and 0.5 centimeters;
  5. Foam rubber 2 and 4 centimeters thick;
  6. Batting, fabric (thick) for upholstery;
  7. Holofiber or padding polyester;
  8. Furniture legs in the amount of 9 pieces. You will also need a microlift (lifting mechanism).

To make a sofa you need:

  • Jigsaw
  • Hacksaw and miter box,
  • Furniture stapler with staples
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Self-tapping screws and bolts
  • Wood glue
  • Sewing machine

Step-by-step instructions for making a sofa

Step 1. If you are planning to make a sofa for yourself, then when you buy chipboard, provide drawings and ask them to cut the boards according to the specified dimensions..

Step 2. Then all the parts need to be marked and laid out in accordance with the markings.

Step 3. The frame, seats, armrests, backrest must be in the order of assembly. The parts are twisted, starting with large ones and ending with small ones.

Step 4. Two identical sidewalls are prepared and horizontal bars and vertical racks. They are secured with ties. This turned out to be the frame of the left side.

Step 5.For the left side, the base is assembled, that is, the frame for the seat. It is inserted into the frame, and a plywood sheet is fixed on top. A sheet of fiberboard is attached to the back.

Step 6. Then the assembly of the other (right) side of the sofa begins; this part includes a drawer for linen. Longitudinal and transverse bars are attached to the sides.

Step 7 The bottom of the frame is sewn up plywood sheet. The backrest is attached and the chipboard sheet is screwed on. The sides are sheathed with blanks. The back is sewn up chipboard sheet. Holes for the microlift are made with a puncher. Bolts are taken for fastening grade 6 by 30 with special heads for furniture.

Step 8. The frame parts are filled with foam rubber. The foam rubber must match the size of the part being filled. To do this, a measurement and a template are made, and blanks are made from it. The part is glued to the surface. The seat has foam rubber 10 centimeters thick.

Step 9. To cover a sofa, first make patterns and cut out blanks from the fabric. To make work easier, you can lay the fabric on the seat and use a bar of soap or chalk to mark the edges. The material is cut using outside. Allowances are 1-2 centimeters on all sides. Recesses in the upholstery, that is, drawstrings with or without sewn buttons, make the sofa more impressive.

Step 10. Places for pulling loops are pre-drilled in the slabs. For tightening, a loop is made, which is sewn to the upholstery. The loops are made from strong nylon cord.

For less abrasion, agrotextiles are laid under the upholstery on foam rubber. The upholstery material is secured with staples using a stapler. When everything is upholstered, the elements are combined into one structure.

We invite you to look at the drawings of the corner sofa:

At correct cutting materials and putting everything together, you get a comfortable, beautiful and inexpensive corner sofa. It can serve for many years and the quality will be no worse than the factory one. Now you can make not only repairs with your own hands, but also high-quality and beautiful furniture.

The sofa is one of the most important elements interior of any apartment or house. It should be comfortable and beautiful, durable and resistant to stains, especially if there are small children in the family. What to do if the products presented in the store cannot satisfy all your wishes, and buying a sofa created according to your order does not fit into family budget? For a real man knowledgeable in carpentry, the answer is obvious, create a sofa with your own hands. Drawings and diagrams of a homemade piece of furniture can be very diverse, as well as its shape, texture and color of the upholstery. We'll tell you how to make your dream come true and make a sofa yourself without spending any money.

Several arguments for motivation in favor of making a sofa with your own hands:

  1. Not a bad cost savings. However, we urge you not to put savings at the expense of quality. In cases where you are not sure of the result, use the services of professionals.
  2. The design of such a piece of furniture will be created specifically for your interior. According to your sizes and dimensions.
  3. A sofa made by yourself will always be made with high quality, because... it is you who are responsible for this aspect.
  4. For production, you can use high-quality wood, environmentally friendly and reliable upholstery materials. Modern fittings will give the sofa a “professional” look.
  5. Repair of such furniture is carried out at a time, because... it is much easier to do if you know where and how everything works. ​
  6. By assembling a sofa yourself, you will enjoy the creative process, satisfaction from the result and, of course, increased self-esteem.
  7. This is enough to get started.

If in thoughts suitable project ready, feel free to get to work. The first thing that will come in handy is a drawing of the sofa with all the necessary dimensions, as well as assembly diagrams. Drawings and diagrams can be found on the Internet or, if you have certain skills, you can create them yourself. Unfortunately, there are no ready-made programs for designing upholstered furniture, and this would greatly simplify the life of modern DIYers. We offer a number of common ideas and popular sofa shapes that can be slightly modified to suit your needs.