Which is better, a treadmill or an exercise bike? Review of pros and cons. Treadmill and exercise bike for weight loss

Exercising at home does not allow you to use the entire arsenal of cardio equipment in the gym. The area of ​​the apartment and the price of exercise equipment force you to make a choice and limit yourself to one or two sports equipment. Most often you have to choose between an exercise bike and a treadmill.

Features of the exercise bike

It is not necessary to wait for a sunny bottom and calm weather for a bike ride. If you wish, you can ride it at home if you purchase an exercise bike.

The stationary device allows you to accurately reproduce the movements of the cyclist. Training at home allows you not to depend on the vagaries of the weather.

refers to, used to strengthen the respiratory system, skeletal muscles, smooth muscles of the heart muscle and blood vessel muscles.

You can practice at any age and at any level of fitness.

People who are prohibited from running and fast walking for health reasons can exercise without harm to their health.

Such a common disease as varicose veins of the lower extremities does not allow every third woman and every tenth man in the world to stand up. In this case, a stationary bicycle is a great way out.

Chronic joint diseases are often caused by a single accidental fall. Such an insidious disease as Hoffa's disease, for example. If it is not treated on time, the knee may lose mobility. An exercise bike is less dangerous than treadmill or a regular bike. It is impossible to fall and hit yourself from it.

  • A large number of models, horizontal and vertical devices have been developed.
  • Exercise bikes can be purchased at affordable prices.
  • You can exercise on the machine at different intensities. The built-in computer allows you to select a program, change the profile during training, and change the load.
  • People with joint problems, spine problems, and foot diseases can exercise on an exercise bike.
  • Horizontal models relieve stress from the lumbar region.


It is difficult to connect the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle to work. This is especially true for office workers, who sit all day in a forced position at their desks, hairdressers and salespeople, car drivers. The muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and neck of these people are tense. Exercise on an exercise bike additionally loads these muscle groups.

During training, the position of the back on the exercise bike is the same as when working for desk, the muscles are in static tension.

A long stay in a sitting position has a bad effect on the condition of the neck muscles. The muscles become numb, and blood circulation in the head becomes difficult.

As a result, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which, in turn, leads to frequent headaches and vascular changes.

For a number of diseases Exercise bikes are prohibited. Heart failure, asthma attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, heart defects of varying severity, dizziness, infectious diseases— all these diseases serve as a limitation for exercising on an exercise bike.

Advantages of an exercise bike over a treadmill

Exercise bikes are more compact, take up little space. Wide model range allows you to select a device with the required characteristics. There are folding models that are easy to assemble and disassemble. When disassembled, they do not require much space, which is convenient in a small apartment.

Stationary bicycles appeared more than a hundred years ago and since then so many models have been developed that almost any manufacturer can offer a wide range of prices. Buyers have the opportunity to choose a model according to affordable price.

The devices are stable and mobile. They are easy to carry, move, and can be installed on the balcony and practiced without leaving the apartment. At the same time, oxygen availability will increase, which will increase the effectiveness of exercise. The device operates silently. The seat angle in many models can be adjusted to select the optimal seating position.

Bodybuilders prefer to increase the aerobic potential of their muscles on exercise bikes. For strength athletes, an accidental knee or ankle injury while running will ruin your entire training plan. The joints of the lower extremities are especially at risk when running over rough terrain, descending or ascending a mountain.

After a workout on an exercise bike the body recovers faster. Even a beginner can practice effectively within one to two weeks after starting training.

What muscles work?

During training on an exercise bike, the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, calf, and gluteal muscles are used, and the abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles are partially involved in the work.

Treadmill Features

- consisting of a moving running belt and handrails. In many cases, a trainer is preferable to running outside. Bad weather, rain, plenty of transport and the lack of special paths for running serve as compelling arguments for many people to go jogging on a simulator in comfortable conditions Houses.

Just like a bicycle trains the heart and blood vessels, strengthens muscles and bones, develops lungs.

Pros of a treadmill

Walking is the most natural movement for humans. Slow walking is recommended by doctors to restore health after heart attacks and illnesses. nervous system, reduced immunity. Therapeutic walking is prescribed to weakened patients to restore health, strengthen immunity, and increase vitality.

The treadmill has helped many people return to a full active life. Mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic treadmills for sale.

Popular electrical tracks, equipped with computers, offering several programs for classes.

  • On the track you can work with minimal load, or you can train intensively. Both professional athletes and inexperienced amateurs can train on the same model.
  • All muscle groups are involved in the work, stabilizer muscles are involved, allowing you to maintain body position.
  • Running develops endurance, improves lung condition, and saturates the blood with oxygen.
  • Coordination of movements and coordination of muscle work improves.


Popular electric treadmills have a powerful motor, consume a large amount of electricity, and are noisy during operation. If a person with a lot of weight exercises, vibration may occur.

If you have some illnesses, you cannot exercise on a treadmill. Besides serious illnesses heart, vascular system, lungs, you should not run if you have varicose veins, problems with the knee joint, flat feet, or foot diseases. Problems with my spine prevent me from using the treadmill. The shock load of running at each step creates a load on the spine that is 5-6 times the weight of a person. Intense exercise can damage the spine and hip, knee, and ankle joints.

Incorrect running technique can lead to serious leg problems.

The result of intense exercise may not be the improvement of health, but the destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs and joints. To exercise on a treadmill, you need to choose sports shoes especially carefully. It is not enough to buy the most expensive and sophisticated model of sneakers. You need to know everything about your running biomechanics: whether your foot is flat or high, how flexible your ankle is, how your knee is directed when planting your foot, and much more.

Advantages of a treadmill over an exercise bike

When running, all muscle groups receive dynamic load. If, when working on an exercise bike, the muscles of the back and neck experience static tension and are stiff, then when running, the back and shoulders work.

You can burn more calories while running than on an exercise bike. Almost all muscle groups are involved, which allows you to burn 700 kcal in an hour.

What muscles work while running?

When running on a treadmill, the muscles of the legs and back are mainly used. The work partially involves the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs, and oblique abdominal muscles.

Author's opinion

You can practice brisk walking on a treadmill. Walking is a natural set of movements for a person, but running in shoes is not. It is natural to run barefoot without your foot resting on your heel. Landing occurs on the forefoot, which absorbs the impact and eliminates stress on the spine. You can’t run barefoot on hard surfaces, and the sole distorts normal work feet.

When running in sneakers, the foot is placed on the heel. A powerful blow falls on the spine and joints. You can compensate for the impact with the help of properly selected shoes and the shock-absorbing system of the running belt. To choose sneakers you need to know your biomechanics of the foot and lower extremities. All this is possible only for professional athletes. That's why I prefer to exercise on an exercise bike.

This is exactly what we will do now!

Exercise bike training

An exercise bike can easily be called one of the most popular devices for sports. This is simply an ideal choice for beginner athletes!

Regular exercise on an exercise bike significantly increases the level of endurance, strengthens the heart, muscles and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, helps fight stress, relieves nervous tension, and stimulates the production of necessary enzymes.

Working out on an exercise bike for weight loss is deservedly popular.

Who is the exercise bike suitable for?

    You can buy an exercise bike if:
  • You need to strengthen your muscles and primarily burn fat on your hips;
  • If there is a risk of varicose veins or joint problems. You can exercise without fear for your health thanks to the gentle load on the veins and joints.

Contraindications to exercise on an exercise bike

  • Spine problems:
  • Cardiac asthma;
  • Acute heart failure.

Benefits of an exercise bike for losing weight and staying fit

  • This simulator is different small in size, it can even be placed on the balcony.
  • You can easily move the exercise bike from room to room or from corner to corner.
  • This mechanism fits perfectly into the interior of the apartment.
  • The design of exercise bikes is convenient and safe, because only the pedals move. In addition, such simulators do not have parts protruding outward or sharp nodes.
  • While pedaling, the entire upper body, including the arms, is completely free. You can calmly watch TV, talk on the phone or read a book.
  • Exercise bikes are lighter than treadmills, in every sense of the word.
  • Exercising on an elliptical exercise bike will help strengthen your heart muscle;
  • To get the effect from classes, 20-30 minutes of training (daily!) is enough, and anyone can do this.
  • Exercising on an exercise bike for weight loss is safe, since you do not need to take chemical pills;
  • It is also worth noting that the price of exercise bikes is not too high.

Disadvantages of exercise bikes

  • A home exercise bike only trains the legs and lower abdominals, leaving the upper torso and arms unused. These activities alone will not be enough to get a slim figure.
  • The monotonous actions that an exercise bike involves can get boring very quickly. To prevent this from happening, alternate pedaling with other sports.

To obtain optimal results, exercises must be alternated correctly.

Wide grip pull-ups. Read our tips on how to learn how to do pull-ups correctly.

Treadmill workouts

The treadmill is an equally common type of exercise machine. Exercising on a treadmill burns extra calories much more efficiently, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

In addition, you can adjust the load and speed of the treadmill, allowing you to trot or just walk quickly.

Who is a treadmill suitable for?

Consider purchasing a treadmill if you:

  • Do you want to develop all the muscles in your body?
  • Do you dream of getting rid of fat not only on your hips, but also on your stomach or waist. It is running that ensures uniform and proportional weight loss;
  • Very lazy. The thing is, you can program a track to do a specific workout, and it will simply make you complete the entire program from start to finish.

Contraindications for exercising on a treadmill

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Angina;
  • Pulmonary heart failure;
  • Severe form of hypertension;
  • Mitral stenosis;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Acute and chronic diseases;
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
  • Insufficient blood circulation;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.

Benefits of Treadmills

  • They will use large groups muscles and distribute the load evenly.
  • Losing weight on a treadmill is natural and harmonious.
  • By running on a treadmill, you can monitor your heart rate.
  • Walking and running are familiar to humans, so such loads do not lead to excessive tension in the muscular system.
  • A treadmill for weight loss will allow you to run daily in any weather conditions.

Disadvantages of Treadmills

  • Regular running can worsen joint problems.
  • Treadmills make a lot of noise, which gets on the nerves of many people.
  • Here, too, there is a certain monotony.
  • The treadmill is in constant motion, which poses an increased danger. Be very careful during class!
  • A treadmill requires a lot of space to install. In addition, it is quite heavy, which does not allow you to move the device at will.

As you can see, both machines help you get into shape and train your muscles and heart.

When deciding which one to give preference to, be sure to take into account contraindications, convenience of placement and your personal preferences.

When a person has a desire to engage in fitness and decides to purchase a cardio machine in order to exercise with greater effect, the question arises:

Which exercise machine is better to buy for home - an exercise bike or a treadmill? What is more effective for losing weight?

First of all, you need to understand one simple thing- there is no universal answer. For some people better path, for others it is more useful to pedal, and for others it is even worth purchasing or.

Who should buy an exercise bike?

It is appropriate to choose a bicycle simulator:

1. If you potentially have problems with the joints or veins of your legs (we mean varicose veins). In this regard, the velo-exercise machine also has its own, but they are much less rigid than in the case of a treadmill. While pedaling, the mechanical stress on the knees and veins is much less than when running. Imagine for yourself: you have to lower your foot onto the canvas abruptly, but your feet don’t hit the pedals. On a bicycle simulator you move smoothly and evenly.

2. If you need to burn fat or strengthen muscles specifically on your thighs.

3. If you are poorly prepared for intense fitness - you are starting to exercise after a long break, you cannot overload yourself with force mature age, significant weight or a history of serious illness.

For whom is a treadmill the best solution?

1. For a person whose goal is the harmonious development of the whole body: while running, more muscles work than when riding an exercise bike (but - please note! - not a real bicycle; not only the legs, but also the arms and back are actively working on the bicycle ).

2. For the user who wants to, it is necessary to tighten the entire body at once in a short time. It is believed that an exercise bike burns extra pounds precisely on the legs and only then - in other places, and thanks to running, a uniform, proportional weight loss occurs. However, this is a controversial point: after all, the body is a single whole.

Now let’s talk about the circumstances of the choice that are not directly related to fitness. The fact is that the two simulators differ in a whole range of parameters - size, mobility (the ability to be moved from place to place), level of injury risk, etc.

Exercise bike:

  1. More compact, fits relatively easily into the decor of a small apartment. Some models can even be used on a narrow balcony.
  2. It is safer - in fact, only the pedals move, and not by themselves, but under pressure.
  3. When exercising on a home bicycle, your arms (and the upper body in general) are free, therefore, you can easily combine training with reading and watching TV.


  1. Occupies a significant area.
  2. It usually makes quite a lot of noise, which is not very pleasant (however, the sounds are largely drowned out by the sound insulation that it creates).
  3. Some people find running in place quite monotonous.
  4. Involves increased danger associated with constant movement of the belt - the user must be careful.

Let's summarize. You must answer the question “which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike” yourself. You need to choose a simulator, first of all, based on the needs and characteristics of the body. If there are no restrictions, just consider whether the exercise machine will fit into your environment and whether it will disturb other family members.

And you can achieve good results even on an exercise bike or on a treadmill. Success depends not so much on the design of the device, but on the willpower of the user.

Treadmill or exercise bike - which is better for losing weight? This question arises for many novice athletes. We present to your attention comparative analysis these simulators.

Without trying both simulators in practice, it will be difficult for you to evaluate their convenience and effectiveness. In order not to invest quite a lot of money in purchasing an “inappropriate” unit, you can simply rent the model you like.

Which exercise machine is best for weight loss?

1. Advantages and disadvantages of exercise bikes

Depending on the location of the pedals, such units can be either vertical or horizontal.

The most modern exercise bikes allow for so-called threshold training (the computer reduces or increases the load, taking into account the heart rate). Cheaper models are less functional (which, however, does not make them less effective).

Training on an exercise bike increases the endurance of the cardiovascular system (almost one and a half times compared to the initial indicators), improves muscle tone, and promotes the burning of adipose tissue.

By improving the condition of blood vessels, exercises normalize blood pressure. Regular exercise helps produce the necessary enzymes. Exercising on an exercise bike relieves nervous tension and improves immunity. An hour-long workout takes about 400-500 kcal.

Unfortunately, the exercise bike is not without some disadvantages and is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications include thrombophlebitis and serious problems with the spine. You should not exercise without the consent of your doctor if you have problems such as cardiac asthma and acute forms of heart failure.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of treadmills

Treadmills allow you to adjust the load: you can walk along the track at a fast pace, or you can run at a good pace. The tilt of the canvas will increase the load. There are different modifications of exercise machines on the market: from simple (mechanical) tracks to more complex (electric) ones.

A treadmill is preferable to an exercise bike in that it helps distribute the load evenly. If on an exercise bike the leg muscles work most actively (the abdominal and back muscles are involved indirectly), then on a treadmill all muscle groups are included in the work.

Running and walking help burn extra calories. Regular exercise trains the cardiovascular system, improves lung function, and strengthens the immune system. An hour of training on a treadmill takes on average 600-700 kcal.

Disadvantages include the possible risk of worsening existing joint problems.

3. Comparative analysis

Be that as it may, our living quarters are noticeably inferior in area to gyms. So which exercise machine is easier to place in a small apartment?

In terms of compactness, an exercise bike is noticeably superior to a treadmill. If necessary, it can be moved from place to place without disassembling or folding. Exercise bikes have a relatively low noise level.

Treadmills take up more space and make more noise than exercise bikes. If a person with a large weight is exercising, the machine may vibrate. A moving belt can sometimes cause injuries.

For those who want to keep their figure in good shape, sports activities are necessary. Doctors recommend running or cycling. However, this option is not suitable for city residents; exercise equipment remains, which take up little space in the apartment. You just need to choose which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike.

What are the benefits of an exercise bike?

Even before it became one of the most popular exercise equipment in fitness centers, this sports equipment was used for therapeutic exercises in medical health centers. The benefit of an exercise bike is that it strengthens:

  • heart;
  • lungs and bronchi;
  • abs, legs and buttocks.

With proper distribution of the load during intense exercise, a person receives effective cardio training, which is necessary to restore health. In this case, you need to choose a mode that allows you to exercise at a slow pace. In addition, the projectile helps develop endurance, burn excess calories and lose weight.

There are several types of devices that simulate cycling - mechanical and electrical. According to the position of the body on the exercise bike, they are divided into:

  1. Horizontal. Their seat is low. The person stretches his legs forward to set the device in motion.
  2. Vertical. The pedals are under the seat. It is more difficult to twist them and the load on the spine is greater.
  3. Combined. They combine the functions of the two previous types and can be transformed.

Benefits of a treadmill

An alternative to running in the park is a treadmill. The same muscle groups are involved, but less time and preparation is spent on training. The benefit of a treadmill is that you can start exercising at any time when you have a free minute. If you need a device that does not put stress on the pelvic bones, then a treadmill or elliptical trainer is suitable.

Sports equipment for running there are electric and mechanical. The first type of model has many modes, but in order for it to work, electricity is needed. The second one works without being connected to an outlet; you need to stand on the path, grab the handrails and start moving. The speed increases simultaneously with the increase in running tempo. On a mechanical surface, it is difficult to control the number of kilometers traveled and the load on the muscles.

What muscles work on a treadmill?

At the gym, the fitness trainer will tell you who is suitable this type workouts, which muscles work on the treadmill. At home, you will have to study this information yourself. The main load falls on the muscles:

  • calf;
  • gluteal;
  • dorsal;
  • femoral

If you need to quickly get rid of extra calories, lose weight, or work out your abs, then you will have to use other parts of the body. Modern electric exercise machines with the ability to lift the belt at an angle are well suited for this purpose. Instructors advise moving your arms when running, rather than holding them on the handrails, then the muscles of your forearms are also trained.

Muscles working on an exercise bike

The main group of muscles working on an exercise bike is located in the legs. A large load falls on the calves and ankle joints, which take part in rotation. If you exercise fully for 40-50 minutes a day, your calf muscles will become elastic and pumped up. In order to engage the press, top part hips, it is recommended to pedal while standing, as if climbing steep slope.

Pros and cons of an exercise bike

A consultation with a fitness trainer will help you decide which muscle groups need to be strengthened and which organs should not be stressed. A specialist in the store will tell you where the pros and cons of an exercise bike come from and help you choose one of its types. When a device is selected for home use, you need to take into account all the disadvantages and advantages over other projectiles. In contrast, an exercise bike:

  • relieves the spine from stress;
  • suitable for people of different ages;
  • works the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • takes up little space;
  • It's inexpensive.

The main disadvantages of the device:

  • you need to study at least 1 hour a day;
  • only works bottom part bodies;
  • calorie consumption is less than when using exercise machines such as an elliptical or treadmill.

For some, this type of fitness is contraindicated because it is associated with increased physical activity. Doctors prohibit cycling or using exercise equipment for patients with:

  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the knee and ankle joints;
  • tachycardia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure.

Pros and cons of a treadmill

Before classes, you should undergo a consultation with medical institution, only then start training. You need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of a treadmill. Among its advantages are:

  • a large number of programs with varying degrees of load;
  • strengthening the muscle corset of the whole body;
  • improvement of movement coordination;
  • optimal calorie consumption.

Disadvantages include:

  • large dimensions of the structure;
  • high cost.
  • It is contraindicated to perform exercises on a treadmill for people with the same diseases as on an exercise bike. Added to this list:

    • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
    • coordination problems;
    • problems with the spine.

    Which is more effective: a treadmill or an exercise bike?

    People who want to lose weight often wonder what is more effective: a treadmill or an exercise bike? After testing in fitness centers, it turned out that exercising on a treadmill burns 600-900 calories per hour. In a week of classes you can become slimmer and lose one size. The exercise bike also showed good results, but in order to get the desired effect, more effort is required. Only 400-600 calories will be spent in an hour.

    Which is healthier?

    It is difficult to say which is more useful, an exercise bike or a treadmill. According to the observations of people who regularly use exercise equipment, they are both comfortable and train the respiratory system and muscles. However, for patients with health problems and weighing over 110 kg, it is more difficult to maintain a running pace than to pedal an exercise bike. This projectile is less traumatic and promotes weight loss.

    What to choose: an exercise bike or a treadmill

    Often recommendations to start exercising come from a doctor. Before choosing an exercise bike or treadmill, you need to analyze diseases of the musculoskeletal system and, taking into account the weight and age of the patient, decide on the device. If there are no health restrictions, then running or an exercise bike is suitable for training. When you have a few extra pounds to lose on your thighs and calves, a folding bike trainer will optimal solution. It costs less and takes less space.
