Dragons of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Worlds: Worlds. Pern. Dragons by Anne McCaffrey. Dilogy of ancient Pern

Dragons. Dragons? Dragons! In many fantasy worlds, there is not the most flattering opinion about these fairy-tale creatures. They guard treasures, eat for breakfast the best girls and knights, drive cattle into the mountains and burn villages, hamlets and entire cities. Somewhere they are guardians of magic, and somewhere else they are ruthless and cruel tyrants. But in the world of Pern, dragons are the main helpers of people in a difficult and noble task: protecting all life on the planet from threats from space. And, unlike their traditional counterparts, who often pose a similar threat, Pern dragons succeed in this.

Anne McCaffrey was born April 1, 1926 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1947 she received a bachelor's degree with honors in the specialty “ Slavic languages and literature." Since 1954 - professional writer.

Among McCaffrey's early works, his debut novel Restoree (1967) stands out, in which the heroine returns to life after suspended animation, as well as a series of stories about a cyborg woman whose brain controls a starship, collected in the collection The Singing Ship. Who Sang, 1969). The first work of the Pern cycle was the story “Search,” and the entire series was created over three decades.

Anne McCaffrey's books are usually published by publishers in a variety of fantasy series, although they cannot be classified as pure fantasy. Of the images characteristic of this genre, only dragons are present on Pern (and even those are a product genetic engineering, and not the fire-breathing brainchild of Mother Nature). As for noble knights with two-handed swords, enchanted beauties, as well as sorcerers and magicians of all kinds, you won’t find them in McCaffrey. And, in my opinion, this is a big plus, because it gets pretty boring to read similar descriptions of spells and tables of ranks of the next magical world. There are no gods, at least in their traditional understanding: if the inhabitants of the planet worship anyone, it is the dragons themselves. This is confirmed by frequently used expressions like “In the name of the First Egg”, “I swear by the First Egg”, etc. The main enemy on Pern has nothing in common with goblinoids or necromancers who have stuck in their teeth. These are the so-called Threads - fungal spores that rain down on the planet once every two hundred years. In the face of this threat, the Perinites unite under the leadership of the dragons and their riders. However, as in any good science fiction, “there is no beast worse than man” - and Pern is no exception.

Astrography and planetology.

The location of the Pern cycle is the Rakbet system, located in the constellation Sagittarius. The system includes five planets and one more, wandering, captured by the gravitational bonds of the star in recent millennia. Pern is the third planet of the system. The atmosphere of Pern is breathable, there is enough water, and the gravity is similar to that of Earth and allows you to move without additional assistance. Several thousand years ago, humanity colonized Pern with far-reaching plans, but communication with the Center was lost, and the settlers were left to their own devices.

During reconnaissance and initial stage people did not pay attention to colonization special attention to a wandering planet moving around a star along an elongated and unstable trajectory. As usually happens, neglect became fatal. The path of the Scarlet Star (as the colonists later dubbed it) ran very close to Pern once every two hundred years. Such periods of rapprochement were subsequently called Passages - behind this neutral word was hidden a real Armageddon on a planetary scale.

The Scarlet Star turned out to be inhabited by a special form of life - thread microorganisms. These fungal spores (as defined by the author himself) are capable of reaching the atmosphere and surface of Pern during Passages. This is a downpour that destroys all living things in its path: in the best case, when it hits a person’s skin, the threads leave scars on it, as if burned with a hot iron. However, humanity has not survived in such alterations, especially when there is no way back. The first settlers found a way to fight this infection - with fire. And after meeting with fires, small creatures that look like small flying reptiles, the colonists created dragons. Dragons could burn threads right in the air, preventing them from falling to the ground.
Geographically, Pern consists of two continents - North and South. The colonization of the planet began with the latter: its warm climate and fertile soils attracted the first settlers. But after the volcanic eruption, the colonists were forced to move north, completely losing communication with the south of the planet. And although the weather conditions here were much worse than the blessed sun of the Southern Continent, the mountain ranges served as a reliable refuge for people during the Passage.
Time passed, and people developed more and more territories. By the time the first written novel in the “Flight of the Dragon” series begins, there were a dozen and a half independent regions with centers in the so-called Great Holds. The most famous are Fort Hold, the oldest on the planet, Ruath Hold, the only producer of breeding horses, and Benden Hold, one of the oldest holds, which is famous for its vineyards and wine. In addition to the Great Ones, there are also simply holds - small settlements scattered throughout each of the territories.


IN socially the world of Pern, admittedly, is quite close to fantasy, or more precisely, to the historical Middle Ages. The main occupation of the colonists was agriculture, and fishing plays a significant role in coastal holds. Craftsmen are united in professional workshops: blacksmiths, weavers, cattle breeders, sailors, miners and many others. Science interests the inhabitants of Pern only from an applied point of view, and they do it in the appropriate workshops. For example, in blacksmithing - optics, mechanics and electricity. The Walking Workshop is responsible for delivering messages. These people deliver mail on foot from one area of ​​the mainland to another at any time of the year. The story “The Swift Walkers of Pern” is dedicated to the activities of these brave people. There is also a Healers' Workshop, whose masters are engaged exclusively in medical practice.

The Harper Workshop stands somewhat apart. Initially, it united bards who wrote and performed songs, but later its functions expanded significantly. Harpers teach children in the holds, and preserve ancient knowledge and books. They register births, marriages and deaths, and act as mediators in disputes. Harpers are responsible for the communication system, developing and deciphering the sound codes used to transmit messages using drums. They explore new lands and make maps of them. The head of the workshop, through his wards, receives all the information about the events taking place in the holdings. He analyzes it and calculates the consequences of certain actions, and then makes decisions that are most consistent with the benefit of the inhabitants of the planet. Because of their position, harpers enjoy a number of privileges, including immunity. They control the work of the rulers of individual holds, ensuring peace, order and tranquility in Pern.

Another privileged and isolated social group- horsemen. Together with their dragons, they live separately from the rest of the planet's population, in the craters of extinct volcanoes. The choice of this habitat is explained by the abundance of caves suitable for the needs of both dragons and people. Volcano settlements of horsemen are called weyrs. The weyrs do not support any farming; their needs are entirely provided by tithes paid by the holds. During the Passages, riders and dragons defend Pern from the invasion of threads, and between them they increase the dragon population and prepare for a new Passage.

Horsemen and dragons.

It consisted of breeding a new type of creature, similar to the noble dragons from fairy tales. Firefly DNA served as the starting material. The first dragons turned out to be “not very” large - about 25 meters in length. But during the colonization of the planet, the “kids” grew up and began to reach up to fifty meters. Problems with food arise relatively infrequently - once every four days - but these are problems in the literal sense of the word, because every time the dragon eats about one and a half tons of meat. However, one cannot say that these one and a half tons go in vain: in addition to their indispensability during Passages, dragons do an excellent job of transporting cargo (they can lift the weight of 4-5 people), have excellent eyesight and can spit fire. True, dragons need a special stone containing phosphine to breathe fire.

In addition to these "classic" draconic abilities, Pern's flying reptiles have three "tele-" abilities: telepathy, teleportation, and telekinesis. These abilities, which existed in rudimentary form among the fires, were subsequently developed by human geneticists. Dragons, unlike their ancestors, can not only transmit pictures and emotions to people, but also fully communicate with them - on a telepathic level, of course. True, for this a person must have extrasensory perception.

Thanks to teleport, dragons can move almost instantly (in about five seconds) from one point in space to another. Riders call this process moving through the Gap. The gap is a kind of parallel reality, accessible only to dragons, where eternal cold and darkness reign. When moving through the Gap, you need to know exactly what point in physical reality you are going to get to, otherwise you can get stuck in parallel space for a long time. And this threatens with loss of orientation and sense of time, and ultimately with madness and even death. In the novel “Dragon's Wanderings,” young Lessa, the Benden weyrmistress, discovers a new facet of the gift of teleportation—the ability to travel through time as well.
For a long time the dragons had no idea that they also had telekinesis. IN last novel series - “The Skies of Pern” - they master this skill too. It consists of the ability to move objects, people and animals using sheer willpower.

Like other animals, dragons are divided into females and males. They differ from each other in color and capabilities. Females are gold and green dragons. Goldens are the only ones that can lay eggs and produce offspring, which is why they become queens. Greens, on the other hand, are sterile. Males come in bronze, brown and blue. The largest of them are bronze, only they can take the mating flight with the queen.

Riders and dragons share a powerful telepathic bond. It is established at the birth of a small dragon and lasts throughout life, and dragons live for about fifty years. When a new clutch appears to replenish their ranks, the riders go on a Search. They select boys and girls 12-18 years old with pronounced telepathic abilities (dragons have already determined this). Then, during birth, the newly hatched dragonets choose a life partner from the crowd of children, saying their name. Males choose boys and young men, females choose girls and girls. Riders are so closely associated with dragons that if misfortune happens and a rider dies, the dragon goes into the Between and remains there forever.


Anne McCaffrey's Dragons of Pern series includes 16 novels and a novella.

The reading order officially approved by the writer is as follows:

“Flight of the Dragon”;

“Wanderings of the Dragon”;

“Song of Pern”;

“Singer Perna”;

“Drums of Pern”;

“White Dragon”;

“Morita - Lady of the Dragons”;

“The Story of Nerilka”;

“Dawn of Dragons”;

“Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall”;

“Eye of the Dragon”;

“Renegades of Pern”;

“Master Harper”;

“Fleet Walkers of Pern”

“All the weyrs of Pern”;

“Dolphins of Pern”;

"The Skies of Pern"

In addition, stories about Pern are included in McCaffrey's collection “Get off the Unicorn” and “Girl Who Heard Dragons.”

McCaffrey's books are not only an interesting and detailed world, but also exciting plots. They tell about strong and courageous people who face all the vicissitudes of fate with open eyes, and emerge from seemingly hopeless situations with their heads raised. Novels are addictive: while reading them, you involuntarily become imbued with the experiences of the main characters, and when the next book is swallowed in one breath, your hand involuntarily reaches for the continuation.

Briefly about the article: Dragons. Dragons? Dragons! In many fantasy worlds, there is not the most flattering opinion about these fairy-tale creatures. They guard treasures, eat the best girls and knights for breakfast, drive cattle into the mountains and burn villages, hamlets and entire cities. Somewhere they are guardians of magic, and somewhere they are ruthless and cruel tyrants. But in the world of Pern, dragons are the main helpers of people in a difficult and noble task: protecting all life on the planet from threats from space.

Dragons and riders

World of Pern

The wind carries black dust,

Throwing onto snow and ice

Dead dust of cold voids

From the barren Scarlet Star.

Dragons. Dragons? Dragons! In many fantasy worlds, there is not the most flattering opinion about these fairy-tale creatures. They guard treasures, eat the best girls and knights for breakfast, drive cattle into the mountains and burn villages, hamlets and entire cities. Somewhere they are guardians of magic, and somewhere they are ruthless and cruel tyrants. But in the world of Pern, dragons are the main helpers of people in a difficult and noble task: protecting all life on the planet from threats from space. And, unlike their traditional counterparts, who often pose a similar threat, Pern dragons succeed in this.

Anne McCaffrey's books are usually published by publishers in a variety of fantasy series, although they cannot be classified as pure fantasy. Of the images characteristic of this genre, only dragons are present on Pern (and even those are a product of genetic engineering, and not the fire-breathing brainchild of Mother Nature). As for noble knights with two-handed swords, enchanted beauties, as well as sorcerers and magicians of all kinds, you won’t find them in McCaffrey. And, in my opinion, this is a big plus, because it gets pretty boring to read similar descriptions of spells and tables of ranks of the next magical world. There are no gods, at least in their traditional understanding: if the inhabitants of the planet worship anyone, it is the dragons themselves. This is confirmed by frequently used expressions like “In the name of the First Egg”, “I swear by the First Egg”, etc. The main enemy on Pern has nothing in common with goblinoids or necromancers who have stuck in their teeth. These are the so-called Threads - fungal spores that rain down on the planet once every two hundred years. In the face of this threat, the Perinites unite under the leadership of the dragons and their riders. However, as in any good science fiction, “there is no beast worse than man” - and Pern is no exception.

Astrography and planetology

The location of the Pern cycle is the Rakbet system, located in the constellation Sagittarius. The system includes five planets and one more, wandering, captured by the gravitational bonds of the star in recent millennia. Pern is the third planet of the system. The atmosphere of Pern is breathable, there is enough water, and the gravity is similar to that of Earth and allows you to move without additional assistance. Several centuries ago, humanity colonized Pern with far-reaching plans, but communication with the Center was lost, and the settlers were left to their own devices.

During exploration and at the initial stage of colonization, people did not pay much attention to the wandering planet moving around the star along an elongated and unstable trajectory. As usually happens, neglect became fatal. The path of the Scarlet Star (as the colonists later dubbed it) ran very close to Pern once every two hundred years. Such periods of rapprochement were subsequently called Passages - behind this neutral word was hidden a real Armageddon on a planetary scale.

The Scarlet Star turned out to be inhabited by a special form of life - thread microorganisms. These fungal spores (as defined by the author himself) are capable of reaching the atmosphere and surface of Pern during Passages. This is a downpour that destroys all living things in its path: in the best case, when it hits a person’s skin, the threads leave scars on it, as if burned with a hot iron. However, humanity has not survived in such alterations, especially when there is no way back. The first settlers found a way to fight this infection - with the help of fire. And after meeting with fires, small creatures that look like small flying reptiles, the colonists created dragons. Dragons could burn threads right in the air, preventing them from falling to the ground.

Geographically, Pern consists of two continents - North and South. The colonization of the planet began with the latter: its warm climate and fertile soils attracted the first settlers. But after the volcanic eruption, the colonists were forced to move north, completely losing communication with the south of the planet. And although the weather conditions here were much worse than the blessed sun of the Southern Continent, the mountain ranges served as a reliable refuge for people during the Passage.

Time passed, and people developed more and more territories. By the time the first written novel in the “Flight of the Dragon” series begins, there were a dozen independent regions on Pern with centers in the so-called Great Holds. The most famous are Fort Hold, the oldest on the planet, Ruath Hold, the only producer of breeding horses, and Benden Hold, one of the oldest holds, which is famous for its vineyards and wine. In addition to the Great Ones, there are also simply holds - small settlements scattered throughout each of the territories.


In social terms, the world of Pern, it must be admitted, is quite close to fantasy, or more precisely, to the historical Middle Ages. The main occupation of the colonists is agriculture, and fishing plays a significant role in coastal holds. Craftsmen are united in professional workshops: blacksmiths, weavers, cattle breeders, sailors, miners and many others. Science interests the inhabitants of Pern only from an applied point of view, and they do it in the appropriate workshops. For example, in blacksmithing - optics, mechanics and electricity. The Walking Workshop is responsible for delivering messages. These people deliver mail on foot from one area of ​​the mainland to another at any time of the year. The story “The Swift Walkers of Pern” is dedicated to the activities of these brave people. There is also a Healers' Workshop, whose masters are engaged exclusively in medical practice.

The Harper Workshop stands somewhat apart. Initially, it united bards who wrote and performed songs, but later its functions expanded significantly. Harpers teach children in the holds, and preserve ancient knowledge and books. They register births, marriages and deaths, and act as mediators in disputes. Harpers are responsible for the communication system, developing and deciphering the sound codes used to transmit messages using drums. They explore new lands and make maps of them. The head of the workshop, through his wards, receives all the information about the events taking place in the holdings. He analyzes it and calculates the consequences of certain actions, and then makes decisions that are most consistent with the benefit of the inhabitants of the planet. Because of their position, harpers enjoy a number of privileges, including immunity. They control the work of the rulers of individual holds, ensuring peace, order and tranquility in Pern.

Another privileged and isolated social group are horsemen. Together with their dragons, they live separately from the rest of the planet's population, in the craters of extinct volcanoes. The choice of this habitat is explained by the abundance of caves suitable for the needs of both dragons and people. Volcano settlements of horsemen are called weyrs. The weyrs do not support any farming; their needs are entirely met by tithes paid by the holds. During the Passages, riders and dragons defend Pern from the invasion of threads, and between them they work on increasing the dragon population and prepare for a new Passage.

Dragons and riders

Fortunately for people, the world of Pern was fraught with not only a mortal threat, but also deliverance from it. Some time after the start of colonization, the first Perinites encountered a local intelligent race - small flying creatures, fires. The kids had noticeable telepathic abilities and quickly learned to feel people’s moods, capture images, snippets of thoughts and desires, rejoice and mourn together with their older comrades. The communication, of course, was two-way.

Michael Whelan, cover to The Girl Who Heard Dragons.

It consisted of breeding a new type of creature, similar to the noble dragons from fairy tales. Firefly DNA served as the starting material. The first dragons turned out to be “not very” large - about 25 meters in length. But during the colonization of the planet, the “kids” grew up and began to reach up to fifty meters. Problems with food arise relatively infrequently - once every four days - but these are problems in the literal sense of the word, because each time the dragon eats about one and a half tons of meat. However, one cannot say that these one and a half tons go in vain: in addition to their indispensability during Passages, dragons do an excellent job of transporting cargo (they can lift the weight of 4-5 people), have excellent eyesight and can spit fire. True, dragons need a special stone containing phosphine to breathe fire.

In addition to these "classic" draconic abilities, Pern's flying reptiles have three "tele-" abilities: telepathy, teleportation, and telekinesis. These abilities, which existed in rudimentary form among the fires, were subsequently developed by human geneticists. Dragons, unlike their ancestors, can not only transmit pictures and emotions to people, but also fully communicate with them - on a telepathic level, of course. True, for this a person must have extrasensory perception.

Thanks to teleport, dragons can move almost instantly (in about five seconds) from one point in space to another. Riders call this process moving through the Gap. The gap is a kind of parallel reality, accessible only to dragons, where eternal cold and darkness reign. When moving through the Gap, you need to know exactly what point in physical reality you are going to get to, otherwise you can get stuck in parallel space for a long time. And this threatens with loss of orientation and sense of time, and ultimately with madness and even death. In the novel “Dragon's Wanderings,” young Lessa, the Benden weyrmistress, discovers a new facet of the gift of teleportation—the ability to travel through time as well.

For a long time, dragons did not suspect that they also possessed telekinesis. In the last novel of the series - “The Skies of Pern” - they master this skill too. It consists of the ability to move objects, people and animals using sheer willpower.

Like other animals, dragons are divided into females and males. They differ from each other in color and capabilities. Females are gold and green dragons. Goldens are the only ones who can lay eggs and produce offspring, which is why they become queens. Greens, on the other hand, are sterile. Males come in bronze, brown and blue. The largest of them are bronze, only they can take off on a mating flight with the queen.

Riders and dragons share a powerful telepathic bond. It is established at the birth of a little dragon and lasts throughout life, and dragons live for about fifty years. When a new clutch appears to replenish their ranks, the riders go on a Search. They select boys and girls 12-18 years old with pronounced telepathic abilities (dragons have already determined this). Then, during birth, the newly hatched dragonets choose a life partner from the crowd of children, saying their name. Males choose boys and young men, females - girls and girls. Riders are so closely associated with dragons that if misfortune happens and a rider dies, the dragon goes into the Between and remains there forever.

Anne McCaffrey's Dragons of Pern series includes 16 novels and a novella. The reading order officially approved by the writer is as follows:

“Flight of the Dragon”;

“Wanderings of the Dragon”;

“Song of Pern”;

“Singer Perna”;

“Drums of Pern”;

“White Dragon”;

“Morita - Lady of the Dragons”;

“The Story of Nerilka”;

“Dawn of Dragons”;

“Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall”;

“Eye of the Dragon”;

“Renegades of Pern”;

“Master Harper”;

“Fleet Walkers of Pern”

“All the weyrs of Pern”;

“Dolphins of Pern”;

"The Skies of Pern"

In addition, stories about Pern are included in McCaffrey's collection “Get off the Unicorn” and “Girl Who Heard Dragons.”

* * *

McCaffrey's books are not only an interesting and detailed world, but also exciting plots. They tell about strong and courageous people who face all the vicissitudes of fate with open eyes, and emerge from seemingly hopeless situations with their heads raised. Novels are addictive: while reading them, you involuntarily become imbued with the experiences of the main characters, and when the next book is swallowed in one breath, your hand involuntarily reaches for the continuation.

On this page I will not post descriptions of dragons, weyrs, book characters, maps and everything else. This is all on other sites, but I don’t want to mirror someone’s sites. It’s better that I give some links to resources where all this is available (see below). This page will contain a general chronology of the events described in the books, and it will also be possible to download any of the books in the “Riders of Pern” series published under the authorship of Anne McCaffrey or her son Todd McCaffrey. I have been searching for this collection of books for a long time. It was difficult to find some recent books in Russian, as well as some short stories. Today, here is the most complete selection of books from what can be found on the Internet or anywhere else. Use it :)

If you have any wishes, suggestions for the content of the site or books that I don’t have on my page yet, contact me at e-mail
The last update of books on the site was November 2018.

Table with the chronology of all books. Compiled from different sources and supplemented by me in the most full version for today. In some books, chronology is indicated not from the date of landing on Pern, but from the date of the first fall. Therefore, there may be a discrepancy in revolutions of 8 years, depending on which reference point is adopted.

Passage (Interval) Turnover (after disembarkation) Book (Story)
0th int. -190 P.E.R.N Research Team
0 Dawn of Dragons
1st pass 8
9 Dolphin Bell
19 Red Hanrahan's Broad
28 Second Weir
50 Blood of Dragons*
1st int. 58 Rescue expedition
257 Dragon Eye
2nd pass 258
2nd int. 360 Inseparable couple
492 Dragon Kin
507 Blood of Dragons*
3rd pass 508
6th pass.. 1550 Morita, Lord of the Dragons History of Nerilka
6th int. 1558
8th int. 2452 Harper Master of Pern
2505 Dragon flight Renegades of Pern Swiftmen of Pern
9th pass 2508
2514 Dragon's Wanderings Song of Pern
2515 Singer Perna
2518 Imprint Drums of Pern
Little dragon
2519 White dragon The Girl Who Heard Dragons

2524 All the weyrs of Pern

Dolphins of Pern

2838 Heaven of Pern

Chronology of Pern. (On the Internet you can find several options for the chronology of passages and intervals of the fall of threads on Pern. This option is correct.)

Turnover (after landing) Passage / Interval Period8 - 57 1st playthrough 50 turns58 - 257 1st interval 200 rpm258 - 307 2nd passage 50 turns308 - 507 2nd interval 200 rpm508 - 557 3rd playthrough 50 turns558 - 757 3rd interval 200 rpm758 - 807 4th playthrough 50 turns808 - 1257 4th interval (long) 450 rpm1258 - 1307 5th playthrough 50 turns1308 - 1507 5th interval 200 revolutions1508 - 1557 6th playthrough 50 turns1558 - 1757 6th interval 200 revolutions1758 - 1807 7th playthrough 50 turns1808 - 2007 7th interval 200 rpm2008 - 2057 8th playthrough 50 rpm2058 - 2507 8th interval (long) 450 rpm2508 - 2557 9th passage 50 revolutions

You can download all (well, almost all) books by Anne McCaffrey and her successor and son Todd McCaffrey from the Riders of Pern series here. Both books in Russian and in English. Just click on the title of the book you need to open it, or right-click on the title, select “Save target as..” from the menu and save it for yourself. All books are posted in *.txt format, as the most common format, which is easy to convert to any other, if someone wants, or put it on a mobile phone. The books are arranged in recommended reading order.

Recommended reading order Release year Title of the book/story (rus) Title of the book/story (eng) Collection (rus) Collection (eng) Author
1 1968 Dragon flight Dragonflight Horsemen of Pern The Dragonriders of Pern Ann
2 1970 Dragon's Wanderings Dragonquest Horsemen of Pern The Dragonriders of Pern Ann
3 1973 Little Dragon The Smallest Dragonboy Stories Stories Ann
4 1976 Song of Pern Dragonsong Song of Pern The Harper Hall Ann
5 1977 Singer Perna Dragonsinger Song of Pern The Harper Hall Ann
6 1979 Drums of Pern Dragondrums Song of Pern The Harper Hall Ann
7 1978 White dragon The White Dragon Horsemen of Pern The Dragonriders of Pern Ann
8 1983 Morita - Lady of the Dragons Moreta - Dragonlady of Pern Ancient Pern Ancient Pern Ann
9 1986 History of Nerilka Nerilka's Story - A Pern adventure Ancient Pern Ancient Pern Ann
10 1986 The Girl Who Hears Dragons The Girl Who Heard Dragons Stories Stories Ann
11 1988 Dawn of Dragons Dragonsdawn On dragon wings On Dragonwings Ann
12 1989 Imprint The Impression Stories Stories Ann
13 1989 Renegades of Pern The renegades of Pern Other stories Other stories Ann
14 1991 All Weyrs of Pern All the Weyrs of Pern Other stories Other stories Ann
15 1991 Research team P.E.R.N. Survey P.E.R.N. Ann
16 1993 Dolphin Bells The Dolphins" Bell Chronicles of Pern - The First Fall Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall Ann
17 1991 Red Hanrahan's Broad The Ford of Red Hanrahan Chronicles of Pern - The First Fall Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall Ann
18 1991 Second Weir The Second Weyr Chronicles of Pern - The First Fall Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall Ann
19 1991 Rescue work Rescue Run Chronicles of Pern - The First Fall Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall Ann
20 1994 Dolphins of Pern Dolphins of Pern Other stories Other stories Ann
21 1997 Dragon's Eye (Crimson Star Rising) Dragon's Eye (Red Star Rising) On dragon wings On Dragonwings Ann
22 1998 Harper Master of Pern Masterharper of Pern Other stories Other stories Ann
23 1998 Swiftmen of Pern The runners of Pern Stories Legends Ann
24 1999 On the other side of the gap Beyond Between
Legends II Ann
25 2000 Skies of Pern The Skies of Pern Other stories Other stories Ann
26 2002 Inseparable Ever the Twain Stories Stories Ann
27 2003 Dragon Kin Dragon's Kin

Ann +
28 2005 Blood of Dragons Dragonsblood Horsemen of Pern Dragonriders of Pern Todd
29 2006 Dragon flame Dragon's Fire Horsemen of Pern Dragonriders of Pern Ann +
30 2007 Dragon Harper Dragon Harper Horsemen of Pern Dragonriders of Pern Todd
31 2008 Dragon Heart Dragonheart Horsemen of Pern Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern Ann +
32 2010 Rider Dragongirl Horsemen of Pern Sequel to Dragonheart Todd
33 2011 Time of Dragons Dragon's Time _at work_ Sequel to Dragonrider Todd
34 2012 Heavenly dragons. Sky Weyr Sky Dragons Horsemen of Pern Sequel to Dragonheart Todd
? - After the fall After the Fall ???
? - * Dragonrider ??? Sequel to Dragongirl Todd
? 2010 * Dragon's Night ???
Ann +


Books update (November 2018)

I haven't updated the site or posted new books for a long time. But today I finally did it.
I am adding the missing books published in Russian translation. Since the last update of the site, several new books have been released: Dragonheart, Dragongirl, Dragon's Time and Sky Dragons. They are in .fb format and are now available for download in Russian and English using the links in the table above.

Maybe later I’ll re-upload the rest of the books in .fb format, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Huge, detailed map of Pern (clickable):

LINKS to resources on Pern (books, descriptions, useful information and so on)

(click on the icon to open the link)