How to learn how to properly persuade people to achieve their goals? How to persuade people: psychological techniques

Many of us are good at persuading other people. We possess persuasion skills sometimes even unconsciously, since we need them every day. We don’t think twice when, intuitively knowing what exactly to offer in return, we persuade, for example, our husband to buy himself a new dress.

  1. Be intelligent. Before you start asking for something and persuading, politely ask if the interlocutor has time to listen to your appeal. You will show him that you respect him and consider him a busy business person.
  2. Speak beautifully. Your conversation can bewitch anyone if your statements are beautiful, unusual and interesting. Our psychology works in such a way that it is more difficult for an eloquent and even a little impudent speaker to refuse his request. Add more words like “Please”, “Sorry to bother you”, “Thank you” to your vocabulary. If you have already achieved your goal, do not forget to express gratitude, otherwise next time you will be refused assistance.
  3. Smile more often. Show your charisma, smile, maintain a cheerful mood among others and yourself. When people are in a good mood, you will be able to get anything out of them, because they will listen to you with pleasure and, without thinking about the true meaning of your words, will accept your point of view.
  4. Do a favor. Before you persuade people, do something for them. They will feel like they owe you and simply cannot refuse the request. Make it a rule to do good deeds, because good always comes back.
  5. Infect with an idea. Convince your interlocutor that your idea is unique, interesting and fully consistent with his personal interests. This way you will attract the immediate attention of your opponent.
  6. Surprise. You cannot be completely obvious and predictable in your persuasion. Try to make sure that people don’t even realize that you are leading them to fulfill their desires.
  7. Don't expect a positive answer. Be prepared to be rejected. For some reason, when we internally expect to hear a refusal, we are answered “yes.”
  8. Don't be afraid to tell the truth. Nowadays, sincerity surprises and amazes. If you understand that you cannot persuade a person, admit to him that you want to satisfy exclusively your interests. Most likely, he will simply be taken aback by such a surprise and do what you ask.
  9. Know how to stop. If you see that you are tired of your interlocutor and he will become bored, stop persuading, otherwise your importunity will lead to nothing.

Successful company

Any success commercial organization based on financial stability, the existence of which is impossible without customer demand for products. How to persuade a person to buy a product?

  1. Bright sides. Talk only about the positive qualities of the product, keeping silent about the negative ones.
  2. Only yes. Never use the particle "not". For example: “Would you like sauce for your potatoes?”, or “You probably aren’t planning on buying a TV today?” The buyer listens to you and answers, of course not. You yourself suggested this answer to him.
  3. No negativity. Do not remember bad moments in front of the buyer, so as not to ruin his mood. Do not talk about a defective case, even if it was an isolated incident, or that the supplier is unscrupulous.
  4. Saving money. Talk more about the fact that by purchasing a product, the client saves a lot of time and money. It is better to remain silent about its costs.
  5. Don't be intrusive. Nobody likes annoying salespeople who try to sell their goods quickly. Be a little more reserved and clients will come to you!

Every person periodically faces the need to convince someone to do what is needed. This happens at work, in government institutions, in friendships, love and family relationships. At the same time, people do not fully understand how exactly to persuade their interlocutor to commit required action, and therefore often fail and do not get what they want. To avoid such problems, you need to master special psychological techniques for convincing people, and also be able to find an approach to different personality types, since what is suitable in a conversation with one person is absolutely not suitable for another.

10 Simple Techniques for Convincing People to Do What You Want

When it comes to persuading people, one must be delicate in order to be sure of the final positive result. In this.

  1. Franklin effect - Return of kindness. Good deeds always endear people to each other, even if initially one of them has a negative attitude towards the other. Accordingly, a person who receives a favor is more likely to return the favor. This effect works flawlessly, you just need to be patient and continue to stick to your line.
  2. Ask for more. If you need money, for example, you can ask a friend for an initially inflated amount. The friend will most likely refuse, but the thought will settle in his head, after some time the friend will feel guilty and offer an amount that is less than what was originally asked of him, but close to the one that is really needed. This is how this effect works. However, this technique can be used not only in matters of money. You need to understand the essence - overestimate your needs.
  3. The magic of the interlocutor's name. Almost everyone knows about this trick from Carnegie. But it always works. People love the sound of their own name spoken in dialogue with them. The more often you call a person by name, the more friendly he becomes towards you. If you combine this with a smile, the effect will become stronger and success will be closer.
  4. Flattery. We are talking about justified flattery, otherwise it looks rude and tactless, the person will immediately decide that you need something from him. Understand who you are dealing with and emphasize exactly positive aspects and human qualities. It is also better to understand a person's self-esteem. If it is high enough, then the interlocutor will simply see that you also discerned his essence, and this attracts people to each other. If self-esteem is low, then flattery will not be perceived as intended, and you will lose trust and favor.
  5. Become a “mirror” of your interlocutor. If you want to gain the favor of your interlocutor, then study it, and then carefully repeat them when communicating with the person. Don't overdo it, otherwise it will look like mimicry. If you use this technique unobtrusively, then a person will be pleased to see his manners from the outside. He will decide that you like them, and therefore himself, and will also become sympathetic.
  6. Become an “echo”. In essence, this technique continues the previous one. The interlocutor will be pleased to hear words and phrases he often mentions from another person.
  7. Make requests to tired people. A tired person is more likely to agree to fulfill your request simply because he does not have the extra energy to argue and explain why he does not want to fulfill it. Of course, we are talking about a request, the fulfillment of which will not entail large energy costs. This effect is best used to obtain permission for something.
  8. Don't point out people's mistakes. The interlocutor, under any circumstances, will not like it if he is pointed out that he has made a mistake. From a psychological point of view, you cannot do this if you do not want to become an enemy for a person, even if he is fundamentally wrong, and you know this for sure. First, agree, and then carefully try to change your opponent’s point of view so that he sees and admits the mistake.
  9. Nod. Nodding is perceived by a person as approval of his words, point of view, he will consider that he likes you, he will be pleased to communicate with you and provide a service.
  10. Learn to listen. It is very important to listen and not pretend to be interested. The artificiality is visible and causes nothing but irritation, mistrust and reluctance to tell anything. And sincere interest will make you, in the eyes of your interlocutor, a person who can be trusted. The ability to empathize is rare, but those who have mastered it are highly valued. Therefore, if you do not have this skill, try to learn it. At first you will have to make an effort to understand someone else's situation, to put yourself in the other person's place, but later, this will happen automatically. If they need something, it is difficult to refuse such people; their opinion is always taken into account.

How to convince different types of interlocutors?

It sounds corny, but all people are different, and they all behave differently in conversations. Therefore, it is important to understand that you should behave differently with each type of interlocutor. We are talking specifically about types, because from the point of view of psychology, people are divided into groups. You can try to study, focusing on the type of temperament (melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric or sanguine). To do this you need to have professional psychological abilities and education. Therefore, it is better for a person who is not deeply immersed in psychology to look at a different classification of types of interlocutors. They are divided into aggressive (attacking), indifferent (inactive), self-confident (inflexible), indecisive (running away). This typology is simpler and clearer for ordinary people, because almost anyone can easily identify an interlocutor to one of these groups.

Aggressive interlocutors speak as if they are conducting military operations - loudly and harshly, with pressure. You can defeat such people with their own weapons and exert even more pressure, but not everyone can do this. But there are a couple of tips that everyone can use. Imagine yourself in a fortress that cannot be destroyed. This technique is called "detachment". After some time, the aggressor will realize that his attacks are pointless and will be forced to retreat. The second method is to look, without looking away, at a point located above the bridge of the interlocutor’s nose, as if at a target. At first you will have to withstand an increased attack, but then the person will feel discomfort and fear, he will have to give up.

To convince and force indifferent interlocutors to do something you need, you need to constantly pester them with your request. They will understand that it is easier to do what you want than to endure further persuasion, because they don’t care. You can try to interest a person by finding personal interests for him in performing the desired action. Also, indifferent people will make a concession if you build a strong chain of evidence for them that this business will bring useful results in the future.

It is very difficult to convince an interlocutor of something who is completely confident in himself. It is impossible to convince him, persuade him, etc. One of the options that you can resort to is to take it weakly, that is, show the person that you doubt him, in such a situation he can give in and do what you need, proving your wealth.

An indecisive person always doubts and hesitates, and cannot give an exact answer. It will not be possible to persuade and argue with him, because he will initially be against a clear decision. There is an option to pretend to be indecisive and ask for advice, gradually leading you to the right decision and the right action for you.

Indecision, self-doubt, constant fears... All these points require careful study with a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist

Logic doesn't help prove you're right.

It is impossible to convince most people based on logical constructions. A typical conversation is like this:

Interlocutor 1: Agree that AAA.

Interlocutor 2: Agree.

Interlocutor 1: Agree that BBB follows from AAA.

Interlocutor 2: Agree.

Interlocutor 1: Agree that BBB.

Interlocutor 2: Agree.

Interlocutor 1: Agree that from BBB and BBB follows YYY.

Interlocutor 2: Agree.

Interlocutor 1: You see, we have proven YGG.

Interlocutor 2: No, you deceived me somewhere.

In many cases, people’s conviction of something is not based on logical chains. But certain beliefs are associated with a whole network of actions already taken and words spoken. Changing a belief means admitting that a considerable number of your previous steps were wrong. People generally don’t like to admit their mistakes, and they especially don’t like to do it publicly. It's easier to question the laws of logic.

It is impossible to argue in a dispute

If you want to convince someone, never argue with him. A dispute involves both sides expressing their positions. This is very bad. If a person has formulated and expressed his position, especially publicly, in front of other people, it will be very difficult to move him.

The public dispute stands apart. It could be a TV debate, or it could be an argument between two guys in the company of a lovely girl. The purpose of such a dispute is not at all to convince the opponent, but to make an impression. Then it is also necessary to choose arguments that are understandable and pleasant not to the opponent, but to the audience.

A person must convince himself, and you must help him

Most effective way persuasion - to bring a person to the desired conclusion, so that he himself decides, and preferably publicly declares, the position you need. Then he will become the most ardent supporter of the idea, he will defend it and justify it more than you.

How to do this? There are two ways. One is honest, the other is not very, but effective.

The honest way is to ask questions, studying the views and dogmas of the interlocutor and gradually approaching the goal. A person must come to the right conclusion himself. This process can be very long. It is not immediately possible to find the basis on which the conviction will be built. Some ideas that seem obvious to you are simply unacceptable to other people. Often you have to make quite a few attempts, at first unsuccessful. If you see that the chosen tactics do not lead where you planned, stop the conversation, think about your questions at your leisure, and find a new path. By conducting such conversations, you will study your interlocutor well, and gradually you will definitely find the right words. This belief is a typical example of a project that requires thinking, planning, execution with periodic monitoring of the result and adjustment of the plan.

The most important thing is not to put pressure on the person. As soon as you see that the conversation is not working out, stop it, go into the shadows and prepare a new conversation. Under no circumstances should you start an argument. It is very important to keep an eye on this. Having lost control, you can very easily provoke your interlocutor to express an opinion opposite to yours, then the whole matter will fail.

Now about the not very honest method. It also requires studying your opponent. He works well with people who like to argue. First of all, you need to find a person in front of whom your opponent wants to show off. Next, drag the opponent into a dispute on an abstract topic in the presence of the found person. When the dispute reaches the desired intensity, express an opinion exactly opposite to the one you want to convince your opponent of. He will instinctively take and express the opposite position. After some time has passed, you need to return to the topic several times so that he again voices his supposed point of view to consolidate his conviction. He is yours, now he is the bearer of the desired idea.

Do I need to convince you?

Do we really want to convince a person? Why do we convince?

We want the person to do something. It is not always the case that in order for a person to do something useful to us, he must be convinced. He may have other motives than the belief that this must be done. There will be an article about this soon. If you are interested, Subscribe to the news so you don't miss out. In addition, a person will never do something that is not typical for him, no matter what steps you take. If he spent Saturdays all his life on the sofa, then you can take him out into the forest for a walk once or twice, but it is very unlikely that he goes there every week. Set realistic goals.

We want to help a person make decisions correctly or we want to bring positions closer together in order to develop joint decisions. This is where you really need to work with beliefs. But if you really want to help a person, then be prepared to approach the problem with an open mind, consider it from different angles, and discuss it. As a result, perhaps you yourself will be convinced and understand that your interlocutor is right. If you are not ready for this from the very beginning, then you do not want to help the person at all, but are asserting yourself. I already wrote about this above.

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How can you persuade a person? This question is asked by many people who want to learn how to defend their point of view. Convincing your interlocutor of something can sometimes seem like an extremely difficult task that is incomparable with other efforts. The fact is that each individual has his own opinion on this or that issue. To be able to convey the necessary information to him, it is necessary to update it as much as possible. internal forces. How to do it right? What work should be done? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Reflection technique

It is about instilling the maximum degree of trust in your opponent. This best way gently and painlessly influence the situation. The reflection technique works in all cases when there is a desire to influence the situation. How to persuade a person?

You just need to try to speak his language. This is the best way to build trust in yourself. If you contrast your beliefs with your opponent, it is unlikely to lead to a satisfactory result. You must act carefully, trying not to go too far. All hypocrisy should be avoided, since it never leads to the desired goal.

Speak quickly

The pace of speech also matters. This is not surprising, since people subconsciously take this point into account in conversations. If you speak quickly, without stretching out your sentences, the person will begin to listen more carefully to your words. Short, abrupt speech helps to increase concentration and has a positive effect on the individual.

If the subject of the conversation concerns some important things, then it becomes much easier to convince a person of something. Rapid speech forces a person to drop his thoughts and seriously concentrate on what is being said.

Soft questions

Having thought about how to properly persuade a person, decide to act unobtrusively. You can ask your interlocutor soft questions that will prepare your opponent for a certain decision. It is best to try not to get into your soul right away, but to learn about everything gradually. Questions that require an affirmative answer work very well.


How to persuade a person to do something? You need to praise him personal qualities. It is recommended to say pleasant words. This puts people at ease and allows the conversation to be directed in the right direction. In this case, there is no need to be embarrassed to pronounce words of praise: there are never too many of them. Compliments are necessary in order to get closer to the very essence of a person. If an individual lets you get so close, it means that, most likely, he will be able to be persuaded to take certain actions.

Any praise almost always works flawlessly. The main thing is that the words are spoken with the necessary sincerity. Falsity is felt immediately, and a wise person is unlikely to respond to it. Deception destroys any relationship and contributes to the formation of spiritual coldness and rejection. Everyone wants to feel important and self-sufficient. For this reason, you need to try to act gently and be patient.

Good mood

It is known that a smile disarms like nothing else. When we share part of our energy with people, we receive visible benefits in return. This is why it is so important to be able to save good mood and be positive.

Try to control your own emotions, do not allow them to arise conflict situations against the backdrop of rejection of some aspects. How to persuade a person? It is necessary to sincerely smile at him, strive to demonstrate a kind disposition towards him. Only in this case will your opponent begin to trust you.

Useful stuff

When we do something good for our interlocutor, he begins to feel gratitude. A useful deed gives a person the grounds to start listening to your words. Feelings of gratitude help bring people closer together. And only then you can use this feeling to try to lead it to a certain decision. But first you always need to try to give something important to your interlocutor. Only in this case will he listen to your words and, perhaps, change his mind.

Advantages of the offer

If there is an intention to lead an individual to some kind of decision, then it is necessary to show the positive aspects of cooperation. It is necessary to demonstrate all the benefits of the offer, so much so that it is impossible to refuse it. A person may agree only because he becomes interested in seeing the visible benefits. If a person does not find anything beneficial for himself, then he is unlikely to delve into the details at all.

Nice appearance

People always pay attention to this, although sometimes they try to pretend that they are not interested in appearance. Having thought about how to persuade a person, you need to take care of your appearance. No one likes to communicate with a slob in a greasy jacket. Attractive appearance It is very attractive and helps build trust. Once the desired impression has been created, you can submit any information. Charm is of great importance; it literally attracts people to you.

Elderly people

How to persuade an elderly person? It is important to follow several rules here. Firstly, you should not try to force your position on them too actively. This will only cause rejection and further rejection. Secondly, you need to be prepared for failure.

Older people are quite suspicious and will not want to waste time on something that will not be useful to them in the long run. It is necessary to present the proposal in such a way that it seems not only correct, but also sounds quite noble. A person who has lived many years in the world is very sensitive to such concepts as honor and dignity. If you deceive him and do not keep his promise, he will completely stop trusting you.

Thus, in the question of how to persuade a person, you need to be careful and use common sense. It is necessary to act confidently and at the same time unobtrusively. Great value has the mood of the interlocutor and his willingness to accept proposals from you.

Sometimes the success of our endeavors largely depends on our ability to convince people to accept our point of view.

But, unfortunately, this is not so easy to do, even if we have the truth on our side and common sense. The ability to persuade is a rare but very useful gift. How to convince a person? Persuasion is a way of influencing people's consciousness, directed towards their own critical perception.

The essence of persuasion is to first achieve internal agreement with certain conclusions from the interlocutor using logical argumentation, and then, on this basis, create and consolidate new ones or transform old ones that correspond to a worthwhile goal.

Persuasive communication skills can be learned both at various trainings and on your own. The principles and techniques of persuasive speech given below will teach you the ability to persuade, and they are equally effective in persuading one person or an entire audience.

A clear understanding of your own intentions

In order to change or shape the opinions of people, or in order to induce them to take any action, you must clearly understand your intentions and be deeply confident in the truth of your ideas, concepts and ideas.

Confidence helps to make unambiguous decisions and implement them without hesitation, taking an unshakable position in assessing certain phenomena and facts.

Structured speech

The persuasiveness of speech depends on its structure - thoughtfulness, consistency and logic. The structured nature of the speech allows you to explain the main points more easily and clearly, helps you clearly follow the intended plan, such a speech is better perceived and remembered by the listener.


An effective introduction will help to interest and attract a person’s attention, establish trust and create an atmosphere of goodwill. The introduction should be brief and consist of three or four sentences indicating the subject of speech and telling the reason why you should know what will be discussed.

The introduction sets the mood and tone of the speech. A serious beginning gives the speech a restrained and thoughtful tone. The humorous beginning is laid positive mood, but here you should understand that starting with a joke, setting the audience in a playful mood, it will be difficult to talk about serious things.

It must be understandable, clear and meaningful - persuasive speech cannot be incomprehensible and chaotic. Break down your main points, thoughts and ideas into several parts. Consider smooth transitions that show the connection between one part of the speech and another.

  • statement of facts that can be verified;
  • expert opinions, judgments of people with authority in this field;
  • , revitalizing and explaining the material;
  • specific cases and examples that can explain and illustrate facts;
  • description of your own experience and your theory;
  • statistics that can be verified;
  • reflections and forecasts about future events;
  • funny stories and anecdotes (in a small dose), meaningfully reinforcing or revealing the points in question;
  • literal or figurative comparisons and contrasts that illustrate statements by showing differences and similarities.


The conclusion is the most difficult and important point persuasive speech. It should repeat what was said and enhance the effect of the entire speech. What is said in conclusion, a person will remember longer. As a rule, it is at the end, along with a summary of what has been said, that a call to action sounds, which describes the actions and behavior of people necessary for the speaker.

Evidence-based arguments to support your idea

For the most part, people are rational and rarely do anything that is not beneficial to them. Therefore, in order to convince a person, you need to find good arguments explaining the justification and expediency of the proposal.

Arguments are thoughts, statements and arguments used to support a particular point of view. They answer the question of why we should believe something or act in a certain way. The persuasiveness of a speech largely depends on the correctness of the selected arguments and evidence.

What should be the criteria for evaluating and selecting arguments:

  1. The best arguments are those that are supported by solid evidence. It happens that a speech sounds convincing, but is not supported by facts. When preparing your speech, make sure your arguments are sound.
  2. Good arguments must be intelligently and concisely built into the proposal. They shouldn't sound out of place.
  3. Even if your argument is well supported and justified, it may not be accepted by a person. People react differently. For some, your facts and arguments will sound convincing, while others will not consider the arguments you used to be the main ones for assessing the situation. Of course, you cannot know for sure what impact your argument will have on the person being persuaded, but you can at least approximately guess and estimate what the result will be based on the analysis of the personality (audience).

To ensure that you present a truly compelling case, you should ask yourself at least three questions:

  1. Where did the information come from, from what source? If evidence comes from a biased or unreliable source, it is best to either exclude the evidence from your speech or seek confirmation from other sources. Just as one person's words are more trustworthy than another's, so some printed sources are more reliable than others.
  2. Is the information current? Ideas and statistics should not be outdated. What was true three years ago may not be true today. Your generally persuasive speech may be questioned due to one inaccuracy. This should not be allowed!
  3. What relevance does this information have to the case? Make sure the evidence clearly supports the arguments you are making.

Presenting information and formulating goals with a focus on attitudes and audiences

Attitude is a stable or predominant feeling, negative or positive character associated with a specific issue, object or person. Usually people verbally express such attitudes in the form of opinions.

For example, the phrase: “I think that memory development is very important both for everyday life, and for professional activity“This is an opinion that expresses a person’s positive attitude towards developing and maintaining a good memory.

To convince a person to believe, you first need to find out what positions he occupies. The more information you gather about it, the better your chances of making a correct assessment. The more experienced you are in the field of audience analysis, the easier it will be to make your speech persuasive.

The attitudes of a person or group of people (audience) can be distributed on a scale, from openly hostile to extremely supportive.

Describe your audience as: having a negative attitude (people have a completely opposite point of view); does not have a clear opinion on this matter (listeners are neutral, they have no information); positive attitude (listeners share this point of view).

The difference of opinion can be represented in this way: hostility, disagreement, restrained disagreement, neither for nor against, restrained favor, favor, exceptional favor.

1. If the listeners completely and completely share your opinion, understand what you are talking about and agree with you in everything, then you need to adjust your goal and concentrate on in concrete terms actions.

2. If you think that your listeners do not have a definite opinion on your topic, set the goal of convincing them to act by forming an opinion:

  • If you believe that your audience doesn't have a point of view because it's uninformed, then your first priority is to give them enough information to help them understand the point, and only then make compelling calls to action.
  • If the audience is neutral in relation to the subject, it means that it is capable of objective reasoning and can perceive reasonable arguments. Then your strategy is to present the best arguments available and back them up with the best information.
  • If you believe that those listening to you do not have a clear position because the subject is deeply indifferent to them, you must direct all efforts to move them from this indifferent position. When speaking to such an audience, you should not focus their attention on the information and use material that confirms the logical chain of your evidence, it is better to focus on motivation and address the needs of the listeners.

3. If you assume that people disagree with you, then the strategy should depend on whether the attitude is completely hostile or moderately negative:

  • If you assume that a person is aggressive towards your goal, it is definitely better to go from afar or set a less global goal. It makes no sense to count on the persuasiveness of the speech and a complete revolution in attitude and behavior after the first conversation. First, you need to change your attitude a little, “plant a seed”, make you think that your words have some importance. And later, when the idea settles in a person’s head and “takes root,” you can move forward.
  • If a person has a position of moderate disagreement, simply give him your reasons, hoping that their weight will force him to take your side. When talking with negative people, try to present the material clearly and objectively, so that those who slightly disagree will want to think about your proposal, and those who completely disagree will at least understand your point of view.

The power of motivation

Motivation, which initiates and guides behavior, often arises as a result of the use of incentives that have certain value and significance.

The impact of an incentive is greatest when it is part of a meaningful goal and indicates a favorable reward-cost ratio. Imagine asking people to donate a few hours to participate in a charity program.

Most likely, the time you convince them to spend will not be perceived as an incentive reward, but as a cost. How to convince people? you can present this charitable work as a significant incentive that provides rewards.

Let's say, you can make the public feel the importance of the cause, feel socially responsible, people with a sense of civic duty, feel like noble helpers. Always show that the incentives and rewards outweigh the costs.

Use incentives that match people's basic needs, they work better. According to one popular theory of needs, people express a greater propensity to act when a stimulus offered by the speaker can satisfy an important unmet need of the listeners.

Correct manner and intonation of speech

Persuasiveness of speech and the ability to persuade presupposes the rhythmic and melodic structure of speech. Speech intonation consists of: sound strength, pitch, tempo, pauses and stress.

Disadvantages of intonation:

  • Monotony has a depressing effect even on a person who has the ability to listen and does not allow him to perceive even very interesting and useful information.
  • Too high a tone is annoying and unpleasant to the ear.
  • Too low a tone can cast doubt on what you are saying and convey your disinterest.

Try to use your voice to make your speech beautiful, expressive and emotionally rich. Fill your voice with optimistic notes. In this case, a slightly slower, measured and calm pace of speech is preferable. Between semantic segments and at the end of the sentence, clearly pause. And pronounce the words inside the segment and small sentences as one long word, together.

It’s never too late to start developing your voice and diction, but if you want to convince someone who knows you well, sometimes it’s better to speak in a tone that’s familiar to you, without experimenting. Otherwise, those around you may think that you are not telling the truth if you speak in a tone that is uncharacteristic for you.