How to turn your least favorite activity of calling clients into pleasure. Dissatisfied customers or how to deal with negativity

Technology of Achievement [Turbo Coaching by Brian Tracy] Tracy Brian

Delight your customers

Have you ever experienced a service that not only exceeded your expectations, but also made you smile? A client served at this level experiences real delight, since in this case he not only satisfies his needs, including beyond expectations, but also receives a positive emotional charge. Having experienced such a pleasant feeling from your service, he is unlikely to ever switch to competitors. By bringing joy to your customers, you take a big step towards creating a stable and highly profitable business.

There are a huge number of inexpensive ways to please your customers. Let's think about whether there is a big difference between service in the business class and economy class cabins on most airlines. Some passengers are willing to pay double or triple that amount to get extra legroom and free cocktails. One airline has found a surprising way to make all its passengers happy: flight attendants use humor to make the usual safety announcements on the plane.

At one law firm whose main clients are major drug manufacturers, all employees are required to subscribe to and read industry journals. The client is delighted to receive from his lawyer a suitable article related to the topic of his current developments.

To please the client, you need to show that you are not indifferent to him, far from indifferent. And don’t be surprised to see a happy smile on his face! The more you learn to delight your customers, the more successful your business will be.

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V. JOB PLEASURE? HERE? Somewhere in the depths of our ancestral memory there lurks the idea that work should be a burden. If you enjoy doing something, it is no longer work. If you like it very much, then it must be a sinful activity. You shouldn't do this

From this article you will learn:

  • How to “put the squeeze” on a client using aggressive sales techniques
  • What approaches are there to “press” a client to a deal?
  • How to “press” a client over the phone

It is at the last stage of the sale - the closing stage - that you can find out whether time was wasted working with the client or the deal will still take place. The problem is that not all sales specialists pay enough attention to the completion stage of the transaction and do not try to “press” a doubting buyer before making a purchase. This big mistake, which can derail the deal, even if other stages (establishing contact, identifying needs, presentation, working with objections) are completed successfully. This article will be devoted specifically to how to “put the squeeze” on a client and competently complete the transaction.

How to “pressure” a client in aggressive sales

Aggressive sales are the following: a sales manager does not waste time studying the needs of a specific buyer, but immediately begins to offer a product, focusing on its most advantageous characteristics that will help solve any problems of any potential client. Here big role It is a matter of chance, because the transaction will take place only when the customer actually faces the problems that the proposed product will help him solve. It is easy to “press” such a buyer until the transaction is completed.

  • Pros of aggressive selling.

One of the most important advantages of using aggressive sales is saving time - some stages of interaction with the buyer are eliminated. The seller immediately voices his offer immediately after establishing contact with the client. After this, he only needs to work with objections and “pressure” the consumer until the transaction is completed.

The second advantage is the way sellers are rewarded. Their payment most often consists largely of a percentage of sales. Thus, the amount of a manager’s earnings depends on how well he will work with the buyer and how hard he will try to “press” him to the sale. But such financial benefits may be illusory.

3 simple steps you will learn at the training how to select an ideal client

  • Disadvantages of aggressive selling.

One of the significant disadvantages of aggressive sales is low conversion - not all clients will make a purchase as a result of working with them. This means that a certain amount of time is spent working with the customer, and the result may be zero, because the seller could not find a way to “put the squeeze” on the client at the end of the negotiations. The manager feels that he is investing much more than he receives, and this negatively affects motivation.

Another disadvantage is that most often when using the aggressive sales method, the seller is obliged to strictly adhere to the established procedure. Special scripts are being developed to communicate with the buyer. Thus, creative possibilities and the manager's creative potential does not manifest itself, and he does not feel emotional satisfaction from the work process.

How to “pressure” a client in short and long transactions

What a disappointment awaits the seller if he has not found a way to “press” the client and complete the transaction. Time was spent working with the buyer, all the advantages of the product were told to him. And the consumer, it would seem, was one step away from purchasing, but did not complete the transaction, citing the fact that he still needed to think about it. Some managers do not lose hope of seeing this acquirer again and “pressing” him at the next meeting. However, practice shows that out of 10 customers only one returns. Therefore, it is important to know how to “press” the client during the first meeting.

How to find out the client’s hidden needs and “get the squeeze” on him as quickly as possible? Find out in the training program

There are two reasons why a client does not make a purchase: he does not want to or he cannot. It's more difficult to work with someone who doesn't want to. When a buyer does not have the opportunity to purchase a product here and now, there are many tools to “press” it to purchase, for example, loans and installment plans.

The question of how to “press” a client into a transaction is faced by those managers who have poorly worked through the previous stages of the sale. The more thoroughly the buyer is probed and his needs are determined, the more interesting the presentation, the less doubts we will end up with.

It is necessary to separate all transactions by importance. There are items that are characterized by impulsive purchases, and there are those for which impulsiveness is 100% excluded. While a person can buy a blender right away, it’s unlikely that they’ll buy an apartment. In this regard, there are two ways to “press” a client - for long transactions and for short ones.

1. Short sales convenient in that the seller can skip the stage of identifying the buyer’s needs if he can conduct a high-quality presentation of the product and knows how to “put the squeeze” on the client. Long-term sales require serious preparation, during which it is necessary to carefully identify the client’s desires and preferences, as well as build a trusting relationship with him.

  • Use a critical method to “press” the client. Tell us about a limited quantity of a product or about a promotion that is coming to an end.
  • If the client wants to consult with someone close to him, give him this opportunity now - offer to use your phone.
  • Use motivational speeches: you have nothing to lose, it won’t take much of your time, it’s best offer on the market for such a price, etc. Sometimes one phrase can “press” a client into making a purchase.
  • Share reviews from other customers with real examples use of the product.
  • There is no need to give up in case of refusal - complete the deal again, carefully work through objections.
  • Summarize the presentation. Summarize all the information and give the client the essence.
  • Tell us about all possible guarantees so that the client feels that the transaction is safe and does not carry risks.

And remember that the most important secret How to “put the squeeze” on a client is the emotional component in communicating with him. Your delivery should be interesting, positive, assertive and confident. The buyer must believe you and say: “Wow, this is what I need!”

2. Long sales imply the buyer carefully considering his decision, weighing all the pros and cons, and thinking about the transaction for a long time. When working with such sales, the manager must pay attention to all stages of the operation special attention– enter into a trusting relationship with the consumer, formulate a proposal clearly and correctly, make a presentation and work through all objections. But there is a high probability that the client will still have doubts, even if everything was done correctly by the seller. Therefore, it is important to note several methods of how to “press” a client into a transaction:

  • creating a unique offer that has a limited validity period is one of the most effective ways“pressure” the client if other arguments have no effect;
  • work out not only the advantages of the product, but also its disadvantages, turning them into advantages (if it is a high price, it means that they are used in production quality materials, which cannot be cheap; if an unknown company, the company is just conquering the market, so it is trying to make the product of the highest quality);
  • focus on all the beneficial details and little things that competitors miss. Your offer should be different and memorable. Thus, sellers of German cars during presentations focus on the comfort of the car in comparison with Japanese or American ones;
  • when working with two or more people (for example, a married couple wants to buy an apartment), you need to find out who exactly makes the decision and work mostly with him.

Different approaches to how to “pressure” a client to buy

How to “press” a client into a transaction using a trust agreement

In cases where all the work with the buyer has been completed, but he is not ready to move on to the stage of completing the transaction, there is one effective technique on how to “put the pressure on” the client. You need to conclude a “contract of trust” with him. This is your insurance that the client will still complete the transaction. The essence of the method is that you sign an agreement, despite the lack of payment. Thus, a certain responsibility falls on the client - it seems that everything has already been done, all that remains is to pay.

Of course, with this technique you will not be able to squeeze out every buyer, but only from the one who has already made a decision to buy and says: “Yes, I’m ready to buy, I’ll come over tomorrow.” For many people, signing an agreement is a serious step. If such a person has concluded a deal on paper, we can assume that the purchase is almost completed.

How to “press” a client into a transaction using guarantees

An excellent way to “press” a client into a transaction is to provide him with a guarantee. The buyer's main fear is that he will waste his money and will not be able to return it. When you give a guarantee (service guarantee in service center, money back guarantee, etc.), the client relaxes and feels that the transaction is safe. According to the law, the seller is obliged to accept back most goods if for some reason they are not suitable for the buyer. This needs to be emphasized to the client.

How to squeeze a client into a deal with a gift

All people, without exception, love to receive gifts. Therefore, when looking for a way to “put the squeeze” on a client, you should not neglect this tool. The phrase: “If you buy now, you will receive an additional gift” acts like a spell on the client. If before this he hesitated, now he is ready to go to the checkout and pay for the purchase.

How to “press” a client at the end of negotiations

There are indecisive types of people by nature. Such a client may be interested in a product, but he is not able to make a decision immediately; he needs time to think. There are a number of ways to squeeze out such a client. At the end of the negotiations, when the buyer has replied that he needs to think more, offer him to reserve the product. Tell him that if he makes an advance payment (even if it is the smallest symbolic amount), then the goods are guaranteed to arrive. This is practically the same “agreement of trust”, but with a greater degree of influence on the client, since prepayment is already a monetary relationship, and not just signed papers.

This method is an almost win-win option for “putting the squeeze” on a doubting client. It will allow you to immediately determine whether a person intends to make a purchase. If the buyer leaves money, then with almost 100% probability we can say that he will come for the goods.

“Press down” the client using event projection

The manager says: “Let me tell you how our purchasing process goes.” A story about what actions will be performed will allow the client to project the situation onto himself and mentally experience this stage, that is, imagine that he has already made a purchase decision. Then the thought that he will give money for the product and make a purchase will not seem so scary. Such a buyer will easily make contact. Using this method, you will be able to gently and unobtrusively “press” the client, who will come to you halfway.

It is important that the seller not only assists customers by advising them on certain products, but also encourages them to make a purchase. To do this, you need to know how to “put the squeeze” on the client. You need to tell all the advantages of the product, work out all its objections, and then “press on” with the phrase: “Shall we formalize it?” After you have asked a question, you need to shut up and wait for an answer from the client. And only if the answer is negative, it is necessary to identify and work out additional objections that have arisen.

It is important to “press” the buyer so that he voices his decision here and now. If he says: “I’ll think about it,” it means he has doubts, so you need to find out what exactly is preventing him from making a decision and dispel all doubts. Thus, the work with the client will be completed - it will be a sale (even if it doesn’t take place), and not just a consultation.

The need to call potential clients is perceived as bad dream those who want to join the ranks of salespeople.

I didn't really like calling clients either. When I started working in sales, meetings were scheduled for me by the telemarketing department, and my responsibilities included making follow-up calls after the meeting and putting pressure on them. There were many fewer such calls than calls made to a cold base by telemarketing employees. And even despite this, picking up the phone and deciding to call the client was not easy. When sales managers were sent to the telemarketing department for an internship on making cold calls, it was perceived as torture and a serious test.

This is probably why in the future, when I launched my business project, I expected to attract clients by answering incoming calls, working with applications that would arrive by mail, through an order form on the website, after sending letters, or from social networks.

In 2016, it became obvious that sales growth was limited by my reluctance to make outgoing calls and actively attract clients. Moreover, these clients, as it turned out, were waiting for my call.

When it turned out that I had missed several serious orders, only because I relied on incoming requests, on the fact that the client himself would contact me, I began to change my strategy for attracting clients. And change quickly.