How to propagate hydrangea from cuttings at home. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Cuttings of hydrangea before winter

Many gardeners prefer to decorate their plots flowering plants. Hydrangea is very attractive in this regard. Hydrangea is a bush-like plant that grows up to three meters. Some varieties of these flowers are vines. The extraordinary beauty of this plant is given by its amazingly beautiful flowers, which come in all kinds of colors and shapes of inflorescences.

How does hydrangea propagate?

Hydrangea seedlings purchased from a nursery turn out to be an expensive pleasure for many gardeners. In addition, many gardeners prefer to exchange varietal plants among themselves. Therefore, many novice gardeners are interested in the question: “How to propagate hydrangea from cuttings?”

Reproduction can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Dividing the bush.
  • Growing seedlings from seeds.
  • Growing layerings.
  • Planting offspring.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings

But the most acceptable and popular method among gardeners remains the method of propagating hydrangea by cuttings. The most common way is green cuttings.

Propagation by green cuttings begins around mid-July. The green shoot is the leafy part of the stem, with several buds located on it, but you can take one.

For reproduction take only young cuttings. If the plant is old, then rejuvenating pruning is done before cuttings. For good rooting, it is better to take shoots from the side branches located in the lower part of the crown. Bushes should grow in places with good lighting so that the branches have highly developed buds and do not suffer from various diseases.

For successful rooting of cuttings, the timing of cutting is also important. It is better to take cuttings early in the morning so that their tissues are full of moisture. After cutting, the shoots should be immediately placed in a container of water and placed in the shade. The green tip with the bud must be immediately removed from the shoot. The rest of the shoot must be divided into several parts so that they contain 2-3 pairs of leaves.

Lower leaves on cuttings should be removed and the top ones shortened by half. Cuttings can be placed either in plain water, and adding a growth stimulator to it for faster formation of the root system. The solution should not get on the leaves.

When diluting the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions. The cuttings are kept in the solution for no more than two hours, placing the container with the cuttings in a dark place.

After this procedure, they begin planting the cuttings in specially prepared soil from sand and peat (1:2). The soil is moistened before planting. You can cover the cuttings with glass jars for better rooting and water them twice a week over the top of the jars.

In dry and hot weather, cuttings require daily watering. If the cuttings are not covered with jars, then they should be sprayed twice a day. Complete rooting of cuttings usually occurs within a month from the date of planting. You can see rooting by the formation of new leaves on the cuttings.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in spring

In spring, hydrangea propagation is carried out by taking cuttings during spring pruning plants. For this purpose, lignified young branches of the plant are selected and cuttings are cut from them.

Before cuttings, branches cut in spring are placed in a container with water for five days. Only after this they begin cutting cuttings. The lower cut should be made closer to the kidney at an angle of 45 degrees. Just as when planting in summer, cuttings can be kept in a stimulant solution for better rooting.

To root cuttings in spring, it is better to take washed large river sand . Moistened sand must be filled halfway into a deep container or pot for planting. indoor flowers and place the hydrangea cuttings there at an angle of 45 degrees.

If hydrangea cuttings are carried out correctly, then the cuttings will not touch each other after planting. With proper cuttings, the leaves of the seedlings after planting will also not touch the soil.

Cuttings are carried out so that bottom part sank 3 centimeters into the ground. When cuttings are carried out in the spring, after planting the cuttings are sprayed with water and covered with film for better rooting. With this method of propagating hydrangea, the seedlings must be regularly ventilated and the sand must be moistened as it dries.

In the spring, during the propagation process, hydrangeas should be maintained optimal temperature for cuttings. The temperature in the room with cuttings should not be lower than 15 degrees and higher than 25 degrees.

After rooting, seedlings planted in separate containers up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Place the seedlings in places inaccessible to direct sunlight. In spring, young plants are kept at room temperature. Disembarkation at open ground produced with the onset of warm weather.

Propagation by seeds

This method takes longer than the previous one, but also does not cause any particular difficulties. Pre-sowing preparation for the seeds of this plant is not required and they can be immediately sown in a container for seedlings.

Seeds are sown on top of the soil, moistened and covered with film. After twenty days you can see the first shoots. Such seedlings must be grown as a potted crop for about two years and only in the third year when proper care seedlings can be transferred to open ground. Their readiness for transplanting into open ground can be calculated by the growth of the plant, the height of which must be at least 40 centimeters.

Only natural hydrangea can be propagated by seeds. If you take seeds of selected hydrangeas for this, they may lose their properties with this method of breeding. decorative qualities.

How to propagate hydrangea by layering

Another way to propagate hydrangea in the spring is propagation by layering. Gardeners use this method early spring until buds appear on the bushes.

The plant is propagated using this method in the following sequence:

Around the end of summer, several young shoots appear on the branches. When these branches reach a height of 20 centimeters, they should be hilled. Hilling is carried out every 10 days. Hilling is carried out until the height of the mound reaches 20 centimeters in height.

They dig up branches in October and separate the resulting shoots from each other. By this time, the height of the shoots usually reaches fifty centimeters in height. The seedlings are dug in in the fall and transplanted into the garden bed in the spring. Transplant them to permanent place possible only in a year.

To grow high-quality hydrangea seedlings, you should consider some tips:

Using this method, you can get about ten new seedlings from one buried branch.

In mid-July, the luxurious paniculata hydrangea blooms. And when the annual growths become lignified and the leaves grow to natural sizes, you can start rooting its cuttings.

It is better to take them from an adult bush (at least 4 years old), since cutting cuttings weakens it and slows down its development. The day before harvesting, water the plant generously so that it is saturated with moisture. Cut the shoots early in the morning with a sharp knife from the bottom of the bush (without flower buds!).

Procedure for working and caring for hydrangea paniculata seedlings

Cut the shoots into cuttings with 2-3 internodes. But if necessary, you can root with one. Under the base of the lower pair of leaves, make a lower cut obliquely, and an upper one above the upper pair of leaves.

Remove the lower leaves and shorten the rest by half. Immediately place the cuttings in a container with a solution of a root formation stimulator (for a day) or with plain water. w Rooting substrate can be prepared from leaf soil, coarse sand and peat (1:1:1). Pour it into a container, carefully level the surface, lightly compact and moisten.

Immediately plant cuttings into it, deepening it to the top buds. To prevent moisture from evaporating, it would be good to cover the container with plastic wrap and place it in a semi-shaded place, shaded from direct sunlight.

Keep the soil moist. As soon as young leaves appear, gradually lift the film, accustoming the plants to open air, and then remove it completely.

After 20-30 days, roots appear. Now it is important, without destroying the root ball, to transplant the seedlings into a container larger size or immediately - to a permanent place. f Hydrangea is not averse to eating, especially since the seedlings develop quickly.

Therefore, in landing hole or in the container you need to put compost, peat, turf soil, coarse sand (1: 0.5: 1: 0.5) and a small handful of mineral fertilizers.

To better strengthen the root system, place the containers with seedlings for two weeks in a greenhouse or in a shady corner of the garden (close to each other) and cover with spunbond or mulch the top with peat. This will protect them from drying out.

In the first year, feed with mullein or bird droppings infusion, diluted with water (1:20; 1:30, respectively)

Preparing hydrangea cuttings for wintering

The first winter is a very difficult time for cuttings.

If the seedlings are in containers, you can bring them into a cold greenhouse and dig them in. Or put it in the basement and monitor the humidity.

You can bury the container in the ground in the garden or cover it with spunbond.

Seedlings planted in open ground should be mulched for the winter and covered tightly.

And in the second year, you should cover the plants with dry leaves before wintering. But thirdly, these are fully mature plants, and they can be left to overwinter in the garden without fear.

Propagation of paniculata hydrangea by cuttings - video

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  • Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings

    Of all the methods of propagating hydrangea, cuttings are the most popular method among gardeners. It is not always possible to buy a seedling or seeds that fully meet your desires - the wrong color, the wrong variety, or even a pig in a poke, since the seller has only one desire - to sell. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in the summer is the most reliable option get exactly the plant that you really want to have in your garden, because all its decorative qualities are visible to the naked eye.

    Moreover, this is the easiest method of propagation, unlike the others - division, layering, seeds, grafting. Bushes are not divided every year, and the procedure is carried out at certain times of the year, depending on the species or variety. Getting a new plant using layering is a rather lengthy process; not all branches of the mother bush are suitable for it, and their number is not unlimited.

    Growing hydrangea from seeds is generally only possible for professionals involved in plant breeding. It is also troublesome to obtain the desired variety by grafting, which also requires special knowledge. There is also a way to propagate hydrangea by layering. See the photo to see how the process works.

    Propagation of garden hydrangea by green cuttings in summer

    Important! Hydrangea bushes younger than one year old are not used for cutting cuttings.

    The best cuttings are cut into summer time when buds begin to form on the mother bush. For cutting cuttings, young green shoots are selected that have retained flexibility, growing on the most sunlit side and located in the lower part of the main bush. Also suitable for cuttings side shoots first year

    Important! The best results are obtained when the upper parts of the shoot are taken as cuttings, but not too thin. Thin cuttings are more likely to rot.

    When preparing cuttings important point is to retain a sufficient amount of moisture in them so as not to cause irreversible changes in them. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend a time-tested algorithm of actions:

    • shoots intended for cuttings are cut off in the early sunny morning or in cloudy weather and immediately divided into cuttings;
    • the tops of branches with buds are removed;
    • the remaining part of the shoot is divided into parts with two or three pairs of leaves on each;
    • the lower leaves must be removed, the remaining leaves are cut by half or a third;
    • the cuttings are placed for two hours in a solution that stimulates root formation - standard, or prepared independently from honey (a teaspoon per glass of water);
    • before planting, the upper cut of the cutting is disinfected with brilliant green, charcoal or garden varnish.

    To plant cuttings in the garden, you need to prepare a light soil consisting of peat or leaf humus and washed sand (2:1). The cuttings are planted obliquely in the prepared moistened substrate, and they are buried two to three centimeters. Optimal distance between cuttings 5-7 cm. Then the substrate is covered with a 2-centimeter layer of sand.

    Important! When planting cuttings, you need to ensure that the remaining leaves do not touch the ground.

    Often, instead of a composite substrate, only coarse river sand is used for rooting cuttings. The cuttings are sprayed with water at room temperature and covered with jars, or plastic glasses, or cut plastic bottles– a mini-greenhouse is created for everyone.

    Further care care for cuttings consists of daily ventilation and regular watering. Daily watering is required only when very hot weather, otherwise it will be enough to do this once every three days. If necessary, you need to remove weeds and unrooted cuttings.

    The first leaves on the cuttings - a sign of good rooting - appear within three to four, sometimes a little more, weeks. Young hydrangeas can be freed from greenhouse cover.

    Planting of rooted cuttings is carried out together with a lump of earth in pre-prepared soil; it is advisable to add a small amount of mineral fertilizers to each hole.

    Important! Summer hydrangea cuttings produce very little growth in their first year. Green leaves only confirm good rooting and health of the plant.

    Young hydrangea bushes do not tolerate the first two winters well, since they have not yet acquired the required degree of frost resistance. Therefore, as cold weather approaches, they are covered.

    The most reliable option for a winter “coat” for young hydrangeas is multilayer structure. First, they are covered with dry fallen leaves, then a low mesh frame is installed. Next, everything is covered with film, on top of which spruce branches are laid.

    A young hydrangea will need such a “coat” for two winters. Usually, by the end of the third season, it gains frost resistance, the main sign of which is the beginning of flowering. But these are approximate dates, mostly depending on both the growing region and the variety.

    In areas with harsh winters, it is preferable to plant cuttings in containers or flowerpots, which are kept in cool rooms during the winter cold. In this case, you need to monitor the soil moisture. With the arrival of warm days, containers need to be “walked” outside every day in order to gradually adapt to life in the open ground.

    Propagation by cuttings of paniculata hydrangea

    Due to its excellent frost resistance, it is very widespread in Russia. Since she does not like transplants at all, propagation by summer cuttings is the most suitable way.

    Hydrangea paniculata cuttings are usually cut at the end of June. Unlike garden leaves, the leaves do not need to be shortened, and the soil for rooting consists only of sand, which must be constantly moist. As winter approaches, peat is added to the sand. Cuttings usually take root by the end of the 3rd week. Seedlings need to be covered for the winter only in regions with cold winters.

    In all other respects, rooting and further growing paniculate hydrangea from cuttings does not differ from the rules for garden hydrangea.

    Important! If buds appear on Hydrangea paniculata in the first year after planting the cuttings, they should be removed to allow the plant to develop a strong root system.

    Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water

    Quite often, gardeners keep cuttings in water at the first stage of root formation. The water should be soft, that is, contain a minimum amount of calcium salts. You can add a few drops of rooting composition to it. Cuttings must be at least 10 cm long and have 2-3 internodes.

    Important! All leaves are removed from the cuttings to speed up the process of root formation.

    The container in which the cuttings are rooted must be transparent, since at this stage light is a good stimulator of root formation and growth. In most cases, in 2-3 weeks the roots of the cuttings grow up to 3 centimeters, after which they can already be planted in the ground. Further care of the seedlings occurs according to the usual scheme.

    The method is quite simple, however, it has its drawbacks. If the cuttings remain in water for a long time, they may begin to rot, so you need to regularly - every other day - change the water, avoiding the appearance of a musty smell, and monitor the cuttings so as not to lose them. To protect against rotting, you can dip a tablet of activated carbon into the water.

    Propagation of tree hydrangea by cuttings in autumn

    Cuttings can be rooted not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn. However, the entire process of rooting and growing seedlings will need to be carried out at home. It will happen as follows:

    1. Shortly before covering the hydrangeas for the winter, cuttings are taken from strong, developed shoots. Each cutting should have two leaf nodes. The upper and lower cuts should be oblique and extend no less than a centimeter from the kidney. The upper leaves are cut in half, leaving only the petioles of the lower ones.
    2. To disinfect, the cuttings are kept for an hour in a solution of foundationazole - 10 g. drug for 10 l. water. Before planting, the upper cut is lubricated with brilliant green, the lower cut with a root growth stimulator.
    3. The growing containers are filled with loose fertile soil, holes are made into which you need to add a drug that prevents the formation of rot. The cutting is inserted into the hole, compacted a little and covered with soil.
    4. The pot with the cutting must be packed in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse with a humid microclimate. It is placed in a bright place; on short winter days you will need to take care of additional lighting.
    5. Every other day, the cuttings need to be ventilated and the soil moistened with them if necessary. The ventilation time gradually increases as the cuttings take root and the young leaves grow.

    Important! Sick or pest-infested plants are absolutely not suitable for cutting cuttings.

    Cuttings of hydrangea before winter

    Large-leaved hydrangea also propagates well by cuttings, but, unlike many other varieties and species, it is better to take cuttings in winter.

    In October, the mother plant is dug up and transplanted into a pot with soil consisting of humus, turf soil, peat and sand 2: 4: 1: 1. The pot with the plant is removed to the basement.

    In January the pot is taken out to bright room, where the temperature is maintained at about +10 degrees, and after a couple of weeks young shoots appear.

    Cuttings are cut in February. They should have two internodes, the upper cut is straight, the lower cut oblique, both at a distance of at least 1 centimeter from the bud.

    The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut by a third or half. The upper sections of the cuttings are treated with brilliant green, the lower ones are immersed in a solution of a growth stimulator for several minutes.

    The cuttings are planted in pots with a nutritious soil mixture, they are buried to the top leaves, and the soil is sprinkled with clean sand.

    Important! It is preferable to cut cuttings of equal length and thickness. In this case, they will take root at the same speed.

    When warm weather sets in, the pots with rooted cuttings need to be gradually hardened: they are taken out to open air in the first weeks only in cloudy weather, gradually increasing the time spent outside and accustoming them to sunlight.

    Cuttings of large-leaved hydrangea are completely ready for transplanting into open ground when their leaves stop curling under the influence of air and sun.

    In the literature, the main topic of which is the cultivation and propagation of hydrangeas, one can often find rather contradictory reviews about cuttings - it is difficult, ineffective, etc. However, not only experienced gardeners, but also beginning hydrangea lovers achieve excellent results without much difficulty.

    The timing of cuttings often causes controversy. Only in spring, only in autumn, only in summer - every gardener has his own opinion. However, the general experience of gardeners suggests that in summer it gives the most best results for almost all types of hydrangeas, with the possible exception of indoor ones.

    Hydrangea - beautiful ornamental plant, during the flowering period, saturating the air with the wonderful aroma of honey. With her help landscape designers decorate the walls of buildings, arches, front entrances. She is also beautiful in the summer, when she throws out baskets of white, lilac or pink flowers, and in the fall, when its leaves turn bright yellow, so many gardeners have a natural question: how to propagate hydrangea? What ways are there, what is the optimal time frame for this?

    Hydrangea can be propagated:

    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • making a bush;
    • seeds.

    In practice, they most often resort to cuttings, since this is the simplest and available method. Moreover, it can be propagated in this way at almost any time of the year! Green cuttings produce roots in sand, water, or light substrate. Lignified shoots also take root well.

    Important! The method is applicable to all types and varieties of hydrangeas.

    There are some differences in propagation by cuttings in different types bush. Although the standard method is applicable to each of them with varying degrees of effectiveness.

    Standard breeding technology

    • Green cuttings 7-12 cm long are cut during the summer. For this purpose, choose the fastest growing shoots located on the illuminated side of the bush or tree.
    • The lower leaves are removed from them and planted either in sand or in light soil.
    • Water and cover plastic film. If there are a lot of cuttings, then they can be planted at an angle of 30-45 degrees.
    • Subsequently, the seedlings are ventilated 1-3 times a week, increasing the frequency of this procedure every week, and sprayed with a spray bottle. The substrate usually does not need to be watered, since after spraying the drops falling from the leaves naturally it is moisturized. After 3-4 weeks, roots appear, after which the greenhouse is removed.

    Paniculata hydrangea

    The optimal period for cutting cuttings is mid-June. Attempts to root this species later or earlier than this period are less effective. To do this, cut off the lower shoots that do not contain buds. If possible, the cutting is torn off with the heel, that is, with a piece of the bark of the branch from which it grew. The length of the cutting can be any: it does not have to be short, as when propagating other species. The cuts are processed by Kornevin, after which the cuttings are planted in pots with light soil, and sometimes (if the weather is not excessively hot) - directly on the beds.

    Hydrangea paniculata can bloom in the first year of life. In this case, be sure to cut off all the buds!

    Garden hydrangea

    This species has a lower percentage of rooting, so its cuttings must be treated with preparations that accelerate root formation. The most popular of them is Kornevin. You can either place the cuttings in the solution or cover them thin layer powder lower sections. Green shoots cut in summer produce slightly better roots.

    The rest of the technology is standard.

    Tree hydrangea

    Cuttings tree hydrangea, unlike the others, take root well in the fall. To do this, shortly before the onset of winter cold, the tops of mature shoots with 2-3 pairs of leaves are cut off. The lower ones are removed completely, the upper ones are cut in half, and only the petioles are left from the middle ones.

    The cuttings are washed in a solution of foundationazole for disinfection purposes, after which they are planted in pots with loose, breathable soil and watered with a weak solution of phytosporin (to prevent rot). Finally, the plantings are covered with a mini-greenhouse or plastic bags and placed on a bright windowsill at room temperature. They are ventilated 2-4 times a week.

    They are kept in this form until spring, periodically ventilating and moderately watering. Roots appear within a month. The seedlings grow slowly until they are planted in open ground. On the darkest winter days they will need to be illuminated.

    Large leaf hydrangea

    This species differs from others in being more capricious when cutting cuttings. Only green cuttings, which are cut between June and September, are suitable for this. It is preferable to do this on cloudy days. Take only the tops of shoots with 3-5 pairs of leaves, which are greatly shortened during planting. All other actions are standard.

    How to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in water?

    Green cuttings of hydrangea, except for the large-leaved variety, produce roots even in water. To do this, it is taken from the escape upper part with 2-4 pairs of leaves. The lower leaves are completely cut off, and the rest are shortened. The lower cut of the cutting is immersed in water by 1 cm, covered with a mini-greenhouse or a plastic bag.

    It is preferable to select a transparent container for this procedure. It is also important to change the water periodically (every 5-7 days), since when it stagnates, pathogenic bacteria multiply, causing decay processes.

    After 3-3.5 weeks, the first roots will appear. When they reach a length of 2-3 cm, the plant can be transplanted into a pot or, in cloudy and cool weather, into open ground.

    Cuttings before winter

    Hydrangea can even be propagated by winter cuttings.

    Stages of winter cuttings:

    • In the second half of October or shortly before the winter cold snap, the mother plant is dug up, planted in a pot and placed in the basement. It is advisable to use light soil consisting of 4 parts turf soil, 2 parts humus, 1 part peat and 1 part sand. There the bush should stand at temperatures close to street temperatures. As necessary, the earthen ball is watered moderately, but when low temperatures due to slow evaporation, this may not be necessary.
    • In mid-January, the plant is brought into a room with a temperature of about +10 degrees. Soon the buds will begin to bloom on the bush. By the end of February, young shoots reach sufficient length for cuttings: they have 3-4 pairs of leaves.
    • The cuttings are cut, kept in a root formation stimulator for a day and planted in light, nutritious soil, covered with a mini-greenhouse. They are buried down to the first leaves. Coarse sand can be used instead of soil.
    • After a month, the shelter is gradually removed, and young seedlings grow on the windowsill until the start of the warm season. Hydrangea is planted in mid-May in a shaded place.

    Preparation of cuttings: technology

    If the reproduction path is chosen green cuttings, then cut them only from the top of the shoot.

    Less common methods of reproduction:

    • By layering. May and September are the optimal time to propagate the plant in this way. The shoot is bent to the ground, fixed with wire and sprinkled with soil at the point of contact. IN next year the branch can be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place of growth.
    • Root growth. Most varieties give root shoots, which can be separated from the main rhizome in the fall with a shovel. It is recommended to grow the young shoot in the garden for the first year, paying special attention to it, and then it can be planted in a permanent place.
    • Dividing the bush in early spring before buds open. The plant is watered abundantly, dug up, and its root system is cleared of soil. The bush is carefully divided into 2-3 parts and planted.
    • Seed propagation Hydrangeas are used very rarely and only for breeding purposes, since the resulting plants do not always inherit the decorative characteristics of the mother bush. In addition, seedlings from seeds can be planted in open ground only in the third year! The procedure is standard: seeds are sown in shallow containers on the surface of moist soil, sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with glass or a mini-greenhouse. Shoots appear in a month. The glass is being removed step by step. After another month, they are put into larger containers and grown in greenhouse conditions for 2 years.

    Anyone can propagate hydrangea from cuttings. Cuttings – best option for amateur gardeners. Thanks to this simple and reliable method everyone can have this wonderful queen of gardens.

    Beautiful bright flowers evoke universal admiration for their lush inflorescences. different colors. Many gardeners want to grow this wonderful plant on their site.

    Hydrangea propagation is carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering, seeds and grafting. The last two methods are very labor-intensive and difficult for amateur gardeners. Reproduction by dividing the bush is unproductive, and the disadvantage of propagation by layering is the limited number of branches that can be bent. Therefore, the most effective and in an accessible way propagation of garden hydrangea is propagation by cuttings.

    Propagation of hydrangea from cuttings can be done in spring, summer or autumn. Autumn propagation involves conservation young plant at home. The pot with the plant is placed on the windowsill in a bright and cool room. In spring, it is best to plant hydrangeas from cuttings in early March. But still, the most favorable time for cutting hydrangea is the beginning of summer.

    How to propagate hydrangea from cuttings?

    In order for the plant to take root well, you need to know how to properly cut hydrangea. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to cut cuttings from a bush in the early morning or in cloudy, cool weather. Green cuttings approximately 10 cm long are cut from annual shoots and removed. lower leaves, leaving a pair shortened by a third upper leaves with several buds. The cuttings tied in a bunch from below are treated with a growth stimulator, the upper cut is disinfected with brilliant green and planted obliquely in pots with good soil containing a mixture of turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:3:4. The cutting is placed in a dug hole approximately 5 cm deep. The soil is pre-treated in a “steam bath” to destroy mold and bacterial spores. You can use ready-made soil mixture, intended for azaleas.

    For better rooting of hydrangea cuttings, they are sprayed several times a day with very fine sprays through a spray bottle, creating the effect of artificial fog. The sprouts are placed under glass jars, but they must be ventilated every week. The ventilation process should be short to prevent the hydrangea leaves from drying out.

    How to grow hydrangea from cuttings?

    Within a month, the cuttings take root and the cover is removed. In areas with a milder climate, rooted cuttings are planted in moist loamy soil in the same summer, where they begin to grow quickly, acquiring a well-developed root system. For the winter, the sprouts are carefully covered. If winters are harsh, then the developing plant must be left in a pot, placed in a cool room until next spring, as the delicate hydrangea may die.

    It is necessary to protect a plant planted in open ground from frost for at least two winters until the hydrangea blooms. Flowering is a sign that the hydrangea has adapted and acquired a certain frost resistance. A more delicate variety of the plant - large leaf hydrangea, needs annual shelter for the winter.

    Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water

    Some gardeners practice initial stage growing hydrangea (when cuttings undergo intensive root formation) produce in water. In order for the process of root system formation to occur painlessly, the water must contain a minimum amount of calcium salts. Typically, the rooting process takes 3–4 weeks. After the young roots reach a length of 2.5–3 cm, the sprouts are transplanted into pots with soil. The further process of growing hydrangea takes place in accordance with the already indicated algorithm.

    Propagation by cuttings of hydrangea is a rather long and labor-intensive process, but as a result you can get many new beautiful plants!