How to choose a cauldron for pilaf - criteria for ideal utensils for oriental dishes. Which cauldron is better to choose - aluminum or cast iron? How to choose a cauldron for a gas stove

Today we will tell you how to choose a cast iron cauldron, what they are like and what are their differences.

What a bowler would be better suited for pilaf, and what to pay attention to when choosing.

Many people love pilaf and other dishes cooked in a cauldron; they have a special, specific taste. But modern market offers huge selection such dishes and each of them has its own characteristics.

So which cauldron is better to choose? And what are their differences? How to buy a cast iron cauldron that will meet all your requirements?

Which cauldron is better to choose?

How to choose the right cauldron? This is one of the main issues to be resolved when purchasing.

Of course, the best one is cast iron, but we will talk about it later, and now we will look at models made from other materials and with different coatings.

  • Models with non-stick coating. Such dishes quickly deteriorate from high temperatures; over time, the coating begins to peel off into small pieces that end up in the food.
  • Enameled. Such dishes will not allow you to cook good pilaf like in a cast iron cauldron. In addition, when stirring with a slotted spoon, the coating deteriorates.
  • Copper. Some prefer copper to cast iron models, but it must be remembered that they cannot be treated like cast iron.
  • Cast iron cauldrons. Most best option for preparing pilaf, the material ideally meets the requirements for preparing a delicious dish.
  • Aluminum. Such options are only suitable for camping, since they are light in weight, the food in them heats up quickly and at the same time can burn, but more importantly, the aluminum pot does not create a steaming effect, which is so important when preparing pilaf.

Which cauldron should you choose for pilaf?

The disadvantages of a cast iron cauldron include its weight and not very attractive appearance, but on the other hand, with proper calcination and operation, such a cauldron will serve you for dozens of years and will allow you to prepare hundreds of wonderful dishes.

Cast iron has high thermal conductivity, due to which it is evenly heated on all sides, food in such a cauldron is cooked evenly.

If we take an aluminum cauldron as an example, it heats up most where it comes into most contact with the fire and, as a result, the food in such a container burns.

Now all that remains is to decide how to choose a cast iron cauldron? When purchasing a cast iron cauldron, you need to pay attention to the volume, shape and wall thickness. Let's start with the form.

To prepare classic pilaf over an open fire, the cast iron must have a hemispherical shape so that the fire can embrace it from all sides and heat it evenly.

To cook on the stove, the pot must have a flat bottom, otherwise the cookware will not stand up properly.

When deciding which cauldron to choose, pay attention to the thickness of the walls, it should be at least 3-4 mm, and if it is even thicker, it will be good, although this will add weight to it.

And one more important aspect - the volume, according to experts and famous chefs, of the cauldron should be large so that the food can be stirred without problems, and at the same time it is fried on all sides.

For example, for 7-8 people, you will need a cauldron with a volume of 18 to 20 liters.

If the food is burnt, under no circumstances should you rub the cast iron cauldron with a hard sponge; you need to fill it with water, add a little soda and put it on low heat to boil for a while.

In order for a cast iron cauldron to serve for a long time, the food in it not to burn and rust not to form, it must be processed and calcined, but more on that in the next article.

Based on materials from

Kazan is an integral part of Eastern culture. It’s impossible to imagine cooking without it. proper pilaf, shurpa, lagman and many other dishes of Central Asian cuisine. How to choose a cauldron for home use? Is there a difference between cookware made from different types metal?

To find answers to all these questions, it is worth studying in more detail the features of this type of cooking container. In addition to the classic models, there are camping pots with a rounded bottom, models with a duckling function, or woks used in Southeast Asia. They all have advantages and disadvantages.

To obtain during the cooking process good result, you should approach the choice of a cauldron as responsibly as possible.

How to decide on the shape and size?

When choosing a cauldron for preparing oriental dishes, you should pay attention to the size and shape of the product. It is these factors that determine how many servings can be prepared at a time and what cooking methods can be used. How do you know which cauldron is better: with a round bottom or a flat one? Does a family need a 10-liter option or will a five-liter one suffice?

It's worth starting with size and capacity. The following proportions will help you choose a cauldron: 1 liter of volume per person. That is, for a big holiday it is better to stock up on the most spacious 12-liter option. But for family dinner A container of 3–5 liters is enough. In an ordinary home kitchen, using dishes larger than 8 liters is inconvenient, and it is difficult to achieve the desired temperature.

For the dacha, country house, where there is open hearth, you can purchase models with a volume of 18–20 liters. They are most convenient for preparing pilaf for a large company, they are massive, and are complemented by heavy cast lids.

The shape of the cauldron depends on the method of cooking. The classic version, used in Asian countries, is hemispherical in shape and resembles a giant pot. It can only be used on coal or wood stoves with special recesses or complete with a tripod on which the container is located.

It is the hemisphere that ensures uniform heating of the ingredients located inside and facilitates easy mixing of the dish.

In a normal kitchen, cookware with a rounded bottom cannot be used. Here they use specialized cauldrons with flat bottom- it can be combined with the classic version and look like an adapter stand. This is exactly what woks are supplied for home use.

In addition, so-called cauldrons-pans with a flat bottom, round or oval shape, ducklings that allow you to provide proper preparation dishes on an electric or gas stove. For induction cookers are issued special product lines with a ferromagnetic disk at the bottom.

Which material should I choose?

Choosing the right cauldron begins with determining suitable material. Today, utensils for preparing pilaf and other oriental dishes are produced in factories using casting or stamping methods. The second method is used primarily when creating budget or camping utensils, for which low weight is an advantage. Cast aluminum and cast iron cauldrons are thick-walled, durable, and have no connecting seams.

Cast iron cauldrons

The most popular type of cookware for pilaf is cast iron. This alloy is distinguished by its ability to retain heat for a long time, has a porous surface, which, as the cookware is used, becomes saturated with oil and undergoes additional hardening.

How to choose the right cast iron cauldron? First of all, it must be massive and heavy - metal weighs a lot, and the thicker the walls, the higher the mass of the product will be.

A good cast iron cauldron has a hemispherical shape and allows you to cook dishes with a multi-layer composition, providing optimal heat treatment for all ingredients. Food does not burn in it, it simmers for a long time, gradually becoming saturated with bright, rich tastes and aromas. The wall thickness of a good cast iron cauldron should be more than 0.5 cm; for electric and induction cookers, it is better to purchase models with a flat bottom.

But do not forget that durable metal turns out to be fragile under shock loads - if you drop a pilaf container, it can break.

Aluminum cauldrons

Aluminum-based alloys are also very popular in the manufacture of cauldrons. Cast metal containers have thick walls, are durable, and weigh less than their cast iron counterparts. Camping aluminum cauldrons are more reminiscent of cauldrons and are most often produced by stamping. Aluminum cauldrons are characterized by higher selection requirements temperature regime, in the absence special coating food may burn.

Inside such a container, as it is used, a special film is formed that prevents the oxidation process. But you should not store food in such a container for a long time. Aluminum cauldrons are not suitable for use with induction cookers.

The applied non-stick coating helps improve their properties and reduce the risk of food burning.

Copper cauldrons

The copper cauldron, a classic for Eastern countries, can today be found in China and India. Its production is most often done by hand - in industrial scale They don't make dishes like that. A copper fryer has thinner walls and heats up faster. This factor is not very good for pilaf and other dishes. But it is suitable for use as a container for preparing many meat dishes and poultry.

Steel cauldrons

European manufacturers do not value cast iron too highly as a material for making cookware. Most often, cauldrons here are made of stainless steel, coated with enamel or a special non-stick composition.

Premium products are coated with ceramic coating. This type of cauldron is similar to cast iron only in shape - in fact, it is a saucepan or roasting pan used for stewing in the oven. Often this solution is used as a duckling.

How to choose the type of slab?

For wood burning and coal furnace with burners located at the top, a classic cauldron or WOK with a rounded bottom is still the most preferred option. Here the heating intensity can be adjusted by varying the number of rings placed. In addition, there are special adapters for woks used on conventional slabs with open fire.

But most often, in order to properly prepare pilaf or other types of dishes of Central Asian cuisine, it is enough to simply purchase a special version of the cauldron. For gas and electric stoves, the most common option with a flat bottom is suitable. But for induction hobs We choose special models with a bottom made of ferromagnetic alloy.

Cast iron and steel options are suitable; woks adapted for this heating method are also available.

Manufacturers rating

Russia has its own manufacturers that produce high-quality and durable cauldrons. But still, products made in Central Asia, where this type of tableware is traditionally popular, are considered canonical. When choosing and purchasing, you should pay attention to the name of the company - the most famous brands increasingly being counterfeited. Production located in China is a good reason to refuse to purchase a cauldron; it is unlikely to be of high quality and durable.

Among the companies worthy of attention are the following.

  • Kukmara. Russian nonsense from Tatarstan, producing woks and cauldrons made of cast iron or aluminum casting. The products are distinguished by a variety of sizes, average volumes - from 4 to 12 liters, thick walls and excellent workmanship. The plant is well known in the CIS countries; product prices are average in the market. Available in assortment modern models with non-stick coating.

  • VARI - Russian brand, producing the LITTA series: cast cookware with a non-stick coating, which is applied by spraying. The company has a modern line of equipment for creating a reliable and safe protective layer.

The products have many advantages, including modern design, at an affordable price.

  • Mayer&Boch- a German manufacturer producing cauldrons with glass lid, as well as enameled cast iron models. There are also modern series of aluminum cauldrons with glass-ceramic coating. The product range includes cauldrons, cauldrons, duckling cauldrons, and versions with a grate for steaming. The price range of the products can be classified as budget category.

  • Forester- products of Upeco from Russia. Distinctive feature brand are branded cauldrons with frying pan lids and wok cauldrons made of cast iron. The models are adapted for use on electric and gas stoves, open fires, are durable, and the price is slightly above average.

Kazan is the basis of Central Asian cuisine, its heart and main instrument. Pilaf and shurpa are unthinkable without a cauldron. The cauldron is very convenient, unpretentious and allows you to get unique, incomparable dishes. Its convenience is so great that over hundreds of years of the cauldron’s existence in Central Asian cuisine, many recipes have been invented specifically for it.

We will touch on the mystery of cooking meat, vegetables and grains in a cauldron, analyze the basic principles of processing and preparation for work, and even give away a few secrets from famous chefs, but first you need to choose a cauldron.


There are now 5 types of cauldrons or similar vessels sold in markets and stores. The first type is saucepan-shaped or quite traditionally shaped cauldrons with a non-stick coating. Unfortunately, this option is far from ideal - the coating does not withstand strong intense heat, quickly deteriorates, peels off and can get into food, which can lead to poisoning.

The second type is round or oblong-shaped containers with food-grade enamel inside. This is not considered a cauldron; enamel does not like intensive stirring with a slotted spoon - a key technique in cooking in a cauldron.

The third type is cauldrons made from aluminum alloy. Closest to the truth. After the first applications on the surface food grade aluminum a stable film is formed that prevents the metal from oxidizing and getting into food. It is important not to scrape off this film, but to let it grow a little. By the way, an aluminum cauldron is better suited to electric stoves, because heats up faster.

The fourth type is the Chinese wok. Definitely not suitable for Central Asian cuisine, because... involves a completely different cooking mode - rapid heating over a high flame and frying highly crushed pieces of food for several minutes.

The fifth and best option is a cast iron cauldron. Yes, it is heavy, scary, it needs to be calcined, but then it serves for a long time and faithfully, and food in cast iron cookware has an attractive aroma and taste.


Choose a cauldron with a small margin. Let's say, if a family of 4-6 people, then a 7-8 liter will be enough, but if you like to gather friends at the dacha or you have the opportunity to install a cauldron in summer kitchen, then it’s worth taking a closer look at cauldrons of 18-20 liters. The shape also depends on the place of preparation. For home use, you need to choose a cauldron with a flat bottom so that it stands quite stable on the stove. This does not mean that you need to look for a pan with rounded sides - there are cauldrons with a small flat bottom, like a Chinese wok - this is what you need.


The cast iron cauldron should be carefully checked for casting defects, distortions and severe unevenness. inner surface. Cast iron allows slight roughness, small (1mm) shells, traces of rust (this is normal) and machine oil (necessary during production).

The oil needs to be removed. First, wash the cauldron warm water from all sides. Then put it on the flame and let it heat up. At this time, the cauldron will begin to smoke heavily, and it is more logical to carry out the entire operation on outdoors or with open windows (convince your neighbors not to call the fire department, but rather invite them to a future pilaf). The flame should be slightly above average, in the case of aluminum - below average, otherwise it may melt. Non-stick cookware, enameled cookware and woks should not be heated this way!

After the smoke has stopped coming, pour 400-700 ml of vegetable oil into the cauldron and reduce the heat to “below medium”. Wait until the surface of the cauldron acquires a reddish tint (but does not become red hot) and turn the cauldron so that the oil gets on the walls and is evenly distributed over the entire inner surface. You can let the oil “hang” in certain areas so that it heats the metal as completely as possible. After this, let the cauldron cool and drain the oil. Make sure that the cauldron is not hot, rinse with warm water without soap or special products and wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth inside and out. The cauldron is ready for use.

Don't forget about the other tools: cutting boards, sharp knives, a metal slotted spoon with long handle and wooden tongs. Tools must be clean, without drops of water. You will also need a lid for the cauldron. It should be smaller than the diameter of the widest part and fit fairly tightly to the edges. You can use an enamel basin or pick up a lid from another dish. Another lid will be required: a flat one (for example, from a saucepan) of even smaller diameter. Such that it gets “stuck” somewhere in the middle or a little higher.

Now you can cook the first course in the cauldron. Don’t rush to do something complicated and require serious effort and expense right away. To begin with, you can cook the most ordinary potatoes with already prepared meat. It can be boiled chicken or lamb baked in ceramics - it doesn’t matter for this dish. Take approximately 200-250 grams of fat tail fat, 1 kg of potatoes, 2 onions, 1-2 bell peppers, greens, cumin (cumin) and salt.

Melt lard in a cauldron (can be replaced with vegetable oil), add coarsely chopped and dried potatoes to the cauldron, fry them over high heat until the crust sets. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon. Let the oil cool a little and add onion rings to the cauldron, place the cooked meat into medium-sized pieces on top, then return the potatoes, add salt, place strips of pepper on top, sprinkle with cumin and chopped herbs. Add some more salt. Cover with a lid. Cook over medium heat for 10-12 minutes, then reduce the flame to low and cook for another 10-12 minutes. Everything is ready!

If everything went well, you can try cooking the meat. Here we should talk about the mentioned fat tail fat. In Central Asia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, where kazan is common, they eat exclusively lamb. This is based not only on cultural or religious beliefs, but also on the properties of lamb meat to withstand long-term storage, its special culinary dietary properties and excellent taste. Lamb fat, unlike, say, pork fat, is less harmful, contains almost no “bad” cholesterol and does not harm the figure if done correctly. And believe me - he has absolutely no unpleasant odor. The smell has the fat from the meat of an old sheep. Kurdyuk smells nice, but it needs to be properly heated. Cut the fat into pieces, put them on the bottom of a hot cauldron and leave to simmer over fairly high heat. Do not touch or stir the pieces until they are half cooked. Then turn the entire “layer” over to the other side and finish the job. The result should be aromatic, light, crispy and very tasty roasts, and melted fat will appear at the bottom of the cauldron. Most Central Asian dishes are prepared with this fat - from frying vegetables - potatoes, carrots, onions and others - to cooking meat and pilaf.

Once you understand the basic principles, you can prepare any dish without even knowing the exact recipe (and Central Asian dishes very often do not have an exact recipe in their homeland). There are few secrets:

1. First, fat is melted in a cauldron and thoroughly calcined. Usually this is fat tail fat, but sometimes it is replaced with refined vegetable oil or even fatty pork (in Russian conditions), which is cheaper and easier to find. Turn the cubed lard over in one layer. Remove any leftovers.

2. Throw an onion into the rendered fat during the calcination process, and as soon as it acquires a bronze tint, remove it. The onion “pulls out” the bad smell, and our oil is calcined and becomes suitable for a long cooking process.

3. In most meat dishes, the bones are fried first in fat. These can be lamb ribs or bones with meat remaining on them. In boiling oil this happens very quickly, and each side is fried to a crisp in 3-4 minutes.

4. After frying the seeds, you need to add some spices to the oil. Just a little - they should not burn, but give a noticeable aromatic accent to the future dish. In traditional pilaf it will be cumin; in other meat dishes it can be coriander or black pepper. Then you can fry the onions, and then the carrots. The onion should acquire a brownish tint, but not burn - this is important.

5. If the first manipulations are done on maximum flame and very quickly, then the actual cooking in the cauldron occurs due to steaming under the lid and with a low flame. There are two options: a spherical lid, under which steam accumulates, and part of the food is cooked with steam; and the lid is flat, which literally presses down the food, coming into contact with its top layer. In this case, steam circulates freely in the layers of ingredients, mixing their flavors.

6. Almost all dishes in a cauldron take quite a long time to become ready under the influence of steam. Even soups and stews.

And some recommendations for caring for a cast iron cauldron. After each cooking, remove leftover food, do not leave the cauldron overnight, do not fill it with water to “soak”, and especially do not fill it with water. chemicals“so that all the fat breaks down.” Just remove all food, rinse with warm water, wipe with a rag or sponge to remove small particles of food. Then pour warm water and boil it. Drain the water, wipe dry inside and outside with a clean rag, and then carefully, without skipping, wipe the inside of the cauldron with a napkin soaked in vegetable oil. There should be very little oil - just so that the surface is slightly shiny. After this, put the cauldron in the closet.

If, by carelessness or accident, the cauldron was neglected, the remains of food burned in it, and all this was left and forgotten for several days, then such a cauldron should really be soaked, then heated, add 1 kg of salt and thoroughly calcine. After one hour of smoke and burning, the salt will darken. Let it cool, remove the salt and repeat the oil calcination procedure, as when buying a new cauldron. The same method can be used to prepare a purchased used cast-iron cauldron (there is nothing reprehensible in such a purchase - the old cauldron will serve no worse than the new one). The calcination procedure with both salt and oil is best carried out on fresh air or with the kitchen window wide open, closed doors and the hood turned on at full power.

Cook with all your heart and don’t be afraid of anything!

Alexey Borodin

In Central Asia, food has been prepared in hemispherical vessels since ancient times. The pilaf and shurpa turned out to be extremely tasty. Now such dishes are extremely popular in both Europe and America. Not only traditional oriental dishes are prepared there, but also soups, roasts, and porridges. Which cauldron is better to choose and where can I see their reviews and company ratings? This will be discussed in our article.

Where are you going to cook?

The question is not an idle one, because the shape of your cauldron depends on it. Prepare in the following container:

  • at the stake;
  • on a gas stove;
  • in the oven;
  • in a Russian stove.

Important! In ancient times, Asian nomads cooked, of course, over fires. Therefore, their cauldrons were in the shape of a hemisphere, without a flat bottom. If you're going to follow suit, you'll need a vessel that's exactly the same shape.

In all other cases, the bottom should be flat. You can’t put another one on the stove or in the oven.

Cast iron cauldron - which manufacturer is better?

Semicircular vessels with thick walls are now produced by many manufacturers of kitchen utensils. Among them there are also very famous ones, whose products cost quite a lot. In many cases, it is the brand that plays a decisive role in the choice, but buying a cauldron is an exception.

Which cauldron is better to choose:

  • The best hemispherical dishes are made where they have been used since ancient times, that is, in Central Asia. And the most reasonable option is to buy a cauldron, on the stamp of which it is written that it was made in Tajikistan or Turkmenistan.
  • Such dishes are also produced in Russia. You can buy fairly cheap products from little-known Tatar or North Caucasian manufacturers.
  • But Chinese cauldrons are inexpensive, but they are not of acceptable quality. Therefore, if you are counting on long-term use of such cookware, it is better to choose a cauldron from the first two producing countries.

Which cauldron is better?

The answer to this question is simple - the best cauldron is the one in which the most delicious pilaf is prepared. Yes, but how to find it? A round cauldron can be bought in almost any dishware store, as well as where they sell goods for summer residents and tourists.

The choice is quite large, but there are characteristics that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • material;
  • wall thickness;
  • volume;
  • presence of a cover.

Let's look at all this in more detail to understand which cauldron is better to choose.


The choice of material is the most important point! The fact is that different metals have different thermal conductivities. They differ in other qualities:

  • strength;
  • ability to deform;
  • ability to oxidize.

Important! Since ancient times, eastern peoples have made dishes from cast iron. And now these are the best cauldrons, possessing all the necessary qualities for preparing pilaf or roast.

But on sale you can find products made from other materials:

  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • enameled steel;
  • non-stick coated materials.

Cast iron

This metal heats up easily and retains heat for a long time. If the walls are thick enough, the food cools very slowly. In cast iron cookware, the contents heat up evenly. In addition, if there is a reliable lid, steam is intensively used during cooking, which is usually not possible to achieve in another container.

Cast iron has only a few flaws:

  • fragility;
  • heavy weight;
  • ability to rust;
  • not very elegant appearance.

There are many nuances that can be dealt with:

  1. If treated well, cast iron utensils will last not even for years, but for centuries. To this day, archaeologists find sites of ancient nomads where there is such utensils, and they can be used. But keep cast iron boilers It is necessary to be careful so that massive objects do not fall from above or are squeezed from the sides.
  2. Regarding appearance, then it is not at all necessary to put such a boiler in the sideboard. It can easily be stored in a closet, showing up to guests at just the right moment. But if the kitchen is decorated in oriental ethnic style, such dishes will become a very worthy interior decoration.

Important! Cast iron, unfortunately, rusts. But this can be avoided if you properly prepare it for the first use and then process it regularly in a special way on fire.


Copper utensils are now used relatively rarely. This material is susceptible to corrosion, and all copper compounds are toxic. Therefore, copper utensils must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly.

As for the advantages of a copper cauldron compared to a cast iron one, there are almost none. This material, of course, heats up faster, but holds the temperature worse. So you won’t be able to squish the contents well.


Light and very cheap material. For this reason, it is mainly appreciated by those who often go hiking. Aluminum cauldrons have no other advantages.

Important! This metal, like copper, conducts heat remarkably well, that is, it heats up very quickly and cools just as quickly. This is contraindicated for oriental dishes.

In addition, aluminum holds its shape very poorly. The slightest pressure - and now the cauldron has no hemispherical shape, but is something like a crumpled bucket.

Enameled steel

Steel is similar in properties to cast iron. True, the dishes are made of enameled steel, and enamel does not withstand excessive heat very well. It begins to crack and peel, which does not contribute at all to the quality of cooking.

This material has other disadvantages:

  • quite heavy weight;
  • where the enamel is damaged, rust appears;
  • the use of steam is difficult due to too good thermal conductivity.

Non-stick coatings

It would seem that this miracle of technology can make any boiler ideal. But everything turned out to be completely different. In such dishes, of course, food does not burn. But the impact high temperatures over a long period of time leads to damage to the coating itself. It begins to flake off and pieces end up in the food, which does not improve the taste in the slightest.

In general, there is currently no alternative to cast iron in the manufacture of hemispherical boilers. Therefore, the question is not “how to choose a cauldron,” but “how to choose a cast-iron cauldron.”


How to choose a good cauldron for a large or, on the contrary, a very small company? On sale you can find boilers of various sizes:

  • miniature;
  • average;
  • large;
  • giants.

We choose a suitable cauldron based on our goals:

  • The smallest models are designed for 3-7 liters. In them you can cook, for example, porridge, sweet pilaf, or make a roast for a couple of people.
  • Medium-sized dishes - from 8 to 15 liters. This is already enough to cook pilaf for, say, three or four.
  • Large vessel - from 15 to 20 l, giant - 25 l.

There are more, but they are used not at home, but in cafes or restaurants of oriental cuisine.

Important! How to calculate the size? If you need to choose best cauldron To cook pilaf for a group, multiply the approximate number of people by two and add a couple more liters so that the contents of the boiler can be freely mixed. Thus, a group of eight people will need a cauldron with a volume of at least 18 liters, but preferably 20 liters.

Wall thickness

How well the dish will simmer depends on this characteristic. There is only one criterion: the thicker the walls, the better.

Important! On sale you will find not very high-quality Chinese models with a thickness of 3 mm, or even less. This option will definitely not suit you; the cauldron is almost made of foil.

Real Central Asian dishes have a wall thickness of no less than 4-5 mm. This - ideal option: It’s convenient to cook, and the cauldron is not too heavy. Thicker walls improve the quality of the dish, but the cauldron may simply become too heavy to lift.

Be careful!

And so you have chosen the best cauldron, which seems to completely suit you - its shape is suitable, its size is ideal, and it is made of the highest quality cast iron that exists in the world. But don't rush to get money. Don’t be lazy and inspect the surface, and carefully.

Cast iron is an uneven material. There are always roughnesses, small bulges, etc. on the surface. But there are some things that shouldn’t be there:

  • large dents;
  • cracks;
  • scratches

Important! If you notice them, it means that the dishes were stored or transported incorrectly, and during calcination or even the first cooking, extremely unpleasant surprises may await you.

Cover and other accessories

The lid is an absolutely necessary thing. It would be better if it was included. However, if in all other respects the cauldron suits you, but there is no lid for it, do not be upset. You can also buy it separately - for example, transparent. They may be:

  • glass;
  • silicone.

Important! Actually, these lids are intended for frying pans, but if necessary, they can also be used for cauldrons.

It's better to buy it in the same store, because you'll have to try this thing on:

  1. The lid should tightly cover the boiler.
  2. It can be either a little larger in diameter or a little smaller.

Important! Fashionable option– silicone lids, which are designed for 2-3 sizes. It is important for you to ensure that no steam escapes from the boiler during cooking, and silicone is simply ideal for this.

It is better if the cauldron is equipped with two lids. One is placed at the top, the other, if necessary, is placed somewhere in the middle.

Other “components”

You probably have the kitchen utensils necessary for preparing oriental dishes. If for some reason you haven’t acquired it yet, it’s time to take care of it. In addition to the cauldron itself, you need:

  • cutting boards;
  • sharp knives;
  • metal slotted spoon;
  • wooden tongs.

There should be several cutting boards. This is required by basic hygiene rules.

Important! Raw meat cannot be cut on the same board as cooked meat or vegetables. It is better to mark identical boards.

There should also be several knives in the house. Of course, a chef's knife is suitable for everything, but it is more convenient if you have a knife with both a long thin blade and a short one.

Preparing a cast iron cauldron

And so the desired vessel was purchased. Can I immediately start preparing the long-awaited pilaf or do I need to do something else? First of all, be patient. You won't need much of it.

The cauldron must be heated in this way:

  1. Wash the boiler with warm water.
  2. Remove the plaque - it will come off on its own, and in extreme cases, it can be removed with a soft sponge.
  3. Place the cauldron on low heat.
  4. Wait until the smoke clears and the hissing stops.
  5. Pour in sunflower oil - about 0.5 liters if the vessel is large.
  6. Heat until the cast iron begins to turn red.
  7. Tilt the boiler so that the oil is evenly distributed over all walls.
  8. Remove the vessel from the heat and let cool.
  9. Pour out the oil and remove the remaining residue with a napkin.

Important! This procedure must be repeated periodically. They don’t do anything like this with cauldrons made from other materials:

  • copper – cleaned periodically:
  • enameled, aluminum and non-stick - wash with mild detergents.

Caring for a cast iron cauldron

Such dishes do not require any special care. Of course, after each cooking, the cauldron needs to be washed. In this case, you cannot use:

  • hard washcloths;
  • abrasive pastes;
  • knives and other sharp objects.

There is absolutely no need to remove burnt food. Firstly, in such a cauldron, food burns only if you leave it on high heat for a very long time. for a long time. And secondly, even burnt crusts are removed in a completely different - very simple way:

  1. Fill the cauldron with water.
  2. Wait a couple of hours if there is a lot of residue stuck.
  3. Pour out the water and wash the boiler with a soft sponge.

That's all the wisdom on how to choose the best cauldron and then properly care for it in order to enjoy aromatic food. Use these tips in practice, and then it will be very easy for you to become a real chef of oriental cuisine.