Which sealant is better: overview of types, scope. Sealants. Types and areas of application Which materials are not sealing materials


(sealing compounds), paste-like or viscous compositions based on polymers or oligomers, which are applied to bolted, rivet and other connections in order to prevent leakage of the working medium through the gaps of the structure. The sealing layer is formed directly on the connecting seam as a result of curing (vulcanization) polymer base or evaporation of the solvent; There are also g., which, after application to the sealed surface, do not undergo any changes (non-drying).

Basic requirements for hydrocarbons: high elasticity, adhesion to materials of construction, heat and resistance to working environments, moisture, light, ozone, corrosive inertness with respect to surfaces in contact with hydrocarbons, and in some cases, In addition, they are good electrical insulators. properties, resistance to ionizing radiation, etc. It is also desirable that G. be able to vulcanize at room temperature and do not require a long time. drying and did not contain toxic components.

G. is applied to previously cleaned and degreased surfaces using a syringe, spatula, brush or spray (depending on the consistency of G.). If it is necessary to increase G.'s adhesion to the surface of the part, m. applied special sublayer. For intra-seam sealing (see figure), sealing tape (fabric covered with a layer of non-drying putty) or self-vulcanizing paste is usually used. The first is laid between the parts to be joined (the joint is additionally sealed with putty or self-vulcanizing paste), the paste is applied to the sealed surfaces before assembling the structure. Surface sealing is carried out after assembly using low-viscosity sealants, which may contain solvents. The choice of method is determined by the type of structure and its operating conditions. Thus, for containers with aggressive liquids under excess pressure, combines are used. sealing, for rigid structures with small gaps - surface. Small-sized products (for example, instruments) are sealed by immersing them in G. ("enveloping"), or by pouring.

Schemes for sealing joints of structures (the sealant layer is blackened): I-intra-suture; II-superficial; III - combined.

The basis of rubber is polysulfide and organic silicon rubber, as well as butadiene, urethane, nitrile butadiene rubber, butyl rubber, and synthetic rubber. resins, e.g. phenol-formaldehyde, epoxy.

The areas of application of G. are varied. Putties are widely used in construction for sealing joints of panels, double-glazed windows, seams of concrete coatings, etc. Self-vulcanizing pastes are used to seal riveted, bolted and other joints in cabins, fuel tanks, instrument compartments of aircraft and missiles, bodies and gas tanks of cars and tractors, waterproof bulkheads and compartments of ships. In chem. G. industry is used for sealing pipelines and other equipment, sealing oil storage facilities, in the radio-electronic industry and electrical engineering - to protect parts of devices and units from moisture and fur. influences. Due to the ease of use, gypsum, especially organosilicon, serves as a material for the production of heat-protective, anti-corrosion, erosion-resistant, damping and waterproofing coatings. They are used as elastic adhesives, as well as in the production of elastic molds to create castings and impressions in medicine, for example. dentistry and criminology.

Most polysulfide sealants are self-vulcanizing pastes based on liquid linear polysulfide oligomers (mol. wt. 1500-4000) with end SH groups. The composition of these gels includes (chalk, TiO 2, lithopon, technical), components that improve adhesion (phenol-formal or), vulcanizing agents (PbO 2, MnO 2, Na 2 Cr 2 O 7, i-quinone dioxime and etc.), . G. is supplied in at least two packages, one of which contains a sealing paste, the other a vulcanizing system. The components of the composition are mixed immediately before use. The viability of ready-to-use G., depending on the ratio of components, temperature and humidity of the environment, is from 0.5 to 12 hours. Vulcanization of G. (24-72 hours at room temperature) occurs as a result of oxidation of the end and side SH -groups, accompanied by the growth of molecular chains and their cross-linking. Vulcanized polysulfide G. are quite strong and elastic materials with good adhesion to metal. and non-metallic. surfaces (see table), having high atmospheric and moisture resistance, as well as resistance to the action of many. aggressive environments, e.g. kerosene, gasoline, mineral. oils, diluted to-t and grounds. These G. do not corrode metal (except Ag), the temperature range of their operation is from H 60 to 150

Chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. I. L. Knunyants. 1988 .

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Sealants are substances used to seal joints in building or any other structures. They protect surfaces from moisture, steam, gas, and contamination. Sealants are used for construction and repair, as well as in everyday life for various needs. They are the easiest way to seal any holes and cracks. To pick up required type sealants, you need to understand their varieties and the scope of each.

What are they?

All sealants are divided into classes according to distinctive features, among which are the chemical component, purpose and degree of elasticity. They allow you to indicate the need to use a particular type of sealant in different situations. Construction sealants are divided into:






Thiokol sealants

These are polysulfide sealants containing thiokol as a base. This type considered the most durable, elastic and durable. Their validity period is approximately 30 years. Widely used in mechanical engineering, light industry, shipbuilding, and radio engineering. Due to its strength and reliability, this material is considered an ideal sealant for log houses. Therefore, they are increasingly used in the construction of houses. Thiokol sealants are divided into two- and three-component ones based on their composition. The composition is mixed immediately before use and completely vulcanized within 10 days.

These types of sealants are excellent for sealing a variety of shapes, have little shrinkage and do not release solvent. Construction sealants , containing thiokol can be used freely in all weather conditions. They have an increased level of elasticity, are oil-resistant, and can withstand aggressive substances and ultraviolet radiation. Available mainly in black and gray.

Polyurethane sealants

They are used in the construction of large-panel buildings, as well as as facade sealants during the construction large structures. The most popular sealant is TechnoNIKOL. It is used for gluing and sealing various surfaces from:


Varnished tin;


Technonikol polyurethane sealant is a sealing, adhesive and elastic substance that retains its original consistency for a long time. The main area of ​​application of polyurethane sealants is sealing interpanel seams under conditions of increased deformation load. The sealant is suitable for log houses, as well as for all joints subject to vibration or deformation. Thanks to its strong adhesion ability, it can even withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 5.

TechnoNIKOL polyurethane sealants are also known for their resistance to frost, acids, corrosion, ultraviolet radiation, weak alkaline and saline solutions. They can be applied to a damp surface and painted.

Acrylic sealants

They are very popular due to their low cost. Acrylic sealant is used exclusively for interior and household work, as it is more plastic than elastic. He is completely unable to recreate his shape after suffering mechanical stress.

Acrylic sealants are used to seal holes and openings that are not subject to vibration. For example, this could be a small space between the window sill and the window, floor boards, door jamb and part of the wall. Acrylic is easily diluted with water, so it is convenient to apply it into narrow holes. Also, unlike other construction sealants, acrylic can be easily washed off, the main thing is to have time to do this before it hardens.

They contain no dangerous or toxic substances; they can be easily painted and plastered. The sealant is applied using a special gun or from a tube. Final hardening of the material occurs after 24 hours. Disadvantages include fragility and inability to withstand too high and low temperatures.

Silicone sealants

Known for the leading percentage of distribution in the field of repair and construction. Suitable for industrial and domestic use. Silicone sealants are used for external work (sealing the seams of a house, chimneys, sewer and drain pipes), as well as internal ones (installation of mirrors, ceramics, double-glazed windows).

This group of substances has the following advantages:

  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • ability to withstand temperature changes;
  • high level of adhesion;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

Although silicone sealants are not painted, they have their own varied palette. According to their structure, they are divided into one- and two-component. The latter are used in the field of industrial production. One-component sealants are divided into neutral and acidic sealants. Acid ones are much stronger, but during vulcanization they release acetic acid which leaves bad smell and causes inconvenience during work. Due to the presence of acid, they should not be used on materials containing metal and cement. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of corrosion. But in acidic silicone sealants There is a significant advantage - their reasonable price.

Butyl sealants

They are a thermoplastic mass based on synthetic rubber (polyisobutylene). It is extremely resistant to bleach, alkalis, acids and many other chemicals. The structure of vulcanized sealant is very similar to rubber.

Among the advantages of construction sealants made from polyisobutylene are its absolute safety for human health, a high level of adhesion to glass, as well as aluminum and steel, galvanized structures. Important factors are the elasticity, plasticity, durability and low price of the sealant. Its main area of ​​use is the production of double-glazed windows.

In the domestic sphere, it is often used to seal cracks, gaps and joints between structures. It is used to glue heat-insulating panels, seal air ducts and air conditioning systems. The shelf life of these sealants is about 20 years. The only disadvantages that can be highlighted are the black color of the substance and a narrow scope of application.

Selection of materials for sealing

Repair panel house, and especially his finishing work, will not pass properly without sealing bathrooms, windows, doors and various seams. Therefore, it is very important to choose quality building materials with a long service life, paying attention to the country of manufacture, company, type of polymerization (acidic or neutral), as well as the area of ​​application. One should not lose sight of the time it takes for the film to form on the sealant, the period during which it must dry, and the permissible temperature changes, not only when applying the substance, but throughout the entire service life.

Almost all types construction work a stage comes when the joints that have arisen between structures need to be sealed, giving them a final, complete look, and also increasing the impermeability of the surfaces used. At such times, you will need a sealant. On modern market There are a great variety of building materials. We will try to help you avoid a dead-end situation with choosing the right sealant and understand it within the framework of this article, what types of sealant are suitable in solving one or another problem in construction and repair.

Various types of sealants

Among the variety of offers on the market, you can purchase sealants that contain one main component, and they are immediately ready for use - one-component sealants. There are also options for compositions of two components - a base and a polemizing component - two-component sealants. And there is a third option - multi-component sealants, which contain additives and must be mixed before application.

According to its consistency Sealants come in the form of a solution, paste or putty.

Perhaps, you can also be confused in choosing the necessary sealant by the fact that, depending on the work being performed, there are sealants made of acrylic, bitumen, and silicone. The newest formulations include acrylic latex and siliconized polyurethane sealants.

Characteristics of sealants

To choose the right sealant for you, keep in mind that in its composition it must be durable and resistant to any influences of chemicals, salts and acids, have good elasticity, must not be subject to corrosion, and be sufficiently sticky to the surface of materials. Besides, good sealant withstands any atmospheric influences for a long time. Its composition must be such that, when used in work, it can compensate for any movement of the seams (if necessary). When filling such seams with sealant, under no circumstances should it form voids or crack.

How to choose the right sealant?

First, you need to decide on the type of work you are going to do. If you have to work indoors, then a sealant will suit you interior work, if on the street - for outdoor ones. The manufacturer always indicates this information on the label.

Secondly, assess the condition of the surfaces you will be working with and determine their composition (what they are made of). Some compounds have additional properties that allow you to work on wet surfaces that are dilapidated or damaged by rust.

Next, look on the label or ask the seller for information about what type of work a particular composition is suitable for (roofing, window work, or the sealant is universal). Information should also be about its composition (silicone, acrylic), about changes in joints under the influence of heat (take into account the mobility and elasticity of the composition). Also pay attention to the properties that the sealant has. If in the future, after completing the work, you need to paint it, then this aspect must also be foreseen in advance, since there are types that are not suitable for painting. For example, silicone one-component sealant cannot be painted.

You've probably already seen that choosing the right sealant is a multi-step process. Everything needs to be provided for. Let's look at one example in practice, and it will immediately become clear to you how to take into account all aspects when choosing a suitable sealant.

Let's say in a room it is necessary to seal the seams between the slabs with sealant while assembling the laminate. To do this, we need a product for interior work that has the properties of quick drying, water resistance, it must be applied thinly to the surface and have an average degree of adhesion (otherwise it will be impossible to repair the floor if necessary). The work is carried out indoors, so the sealant should not emit a strong odor. In this case, a sealant containing solvents will not work either, since it can ruin the laminate and corrode the substrate underneath it to the very base. When performing these works, we must choose a highly elastic sealant based on its composition; this will help avoid cracks and voids between the panels and protect against moisture.

In this case, we can recommend such sealants as: water-repellent sealant for floor coverings Click Guard or Clic Protect, liquid cork sealant from the same Bostik or vinyl latex sealant RALY-ON.

Acrylic sealants

This type of sealant is mainly used for interior work. Once completed, these compounds, which are made from acrylate resins, are usually treated acrylic paints. For this purpose, you can also use varnish to match the color of the surface. Among acrylic sealants there are waterproof and non-waterproof.

Acrylic sealants do not tolerate deformation well, so they are not recommended for use on surfaces subject to thermal expansion

Regarding non-waterproof acrylic sealants you need to be careful. On the one hand, they are made on water based, gives them an advantage regarding environmental safety of use. It is odorless and can be diluted with water if necessary. But on the other hand, such a sealant has some unpleasant aspects. This composition is not suitable for use in damp rooms with low temperatures and will not cope with seams if they are severely deformed. As a result, you can only use it for minor furniture repairs, when working with drywall, baseboards and dry surfaces of brick and concrete walls. If you do not take into account all these features, then you will be faced with the fact that literally within a day the seams will begin to crack and possibly crumble.

Waterproof acrylic sealant doesn't have as many disadvantages. It is used when working with various surfaces- these can be rough, painted, or even varnished options. Ideal for work with low temperatures. But it should be noted that its principle of water resistance is quite relative. If water gets on it, nothing bad will happen, but you won’t be able to use it on wet seams and on surfaces that are constantly in contact with moisture (for example, in a swimming pool). In addition, it also cannot withstand strong deformation loads.

But when repairing and sealing seams in a bathroom or toilet, acrylic sealants are widely used. They withstand temperature fluctuations well. Best option, if they contain antifungal additives (TITAN sealant). Transparent compounds in this category, having a number of additional properties, are more expensive sealants (KLEO Pro - sealing). Drying time (24 hours) is average.

Silicone sealants

This type of sealant is in greatest demand on the product market, unlike acrylic ones. The thing is that if we consider silicone compounds according to the same parameters as acrylic ones were considered above, then the former have clear advantages in use. Namely:

  • suitable for use on all surfaces, including plastic and metal (“Moment” universal, “Makroflex SX 101 sanitary”);
  • They withstand temperature changes and precipitation well, so they are great for outdoor work;
  • due to the addition of silicone to the composition, these sealants are the most elastic (up to 25%) and durable;
  • due to the fact that silicone sealants cannot be painted after the work has been completed, companies produce them in various color scheme– transparent, “GERMENT” for glass and windows, Den Braven SPECTRUM SANITARY.

Sanitary silicone sealants contain special fungicidal additives to prevent the growth of fungi, mold and bacteria. Due to the fact that this composition is acidic, it cannot be used when working with metal. But this sealant is excellent for working with plastic. If it is also heat-resistant, you can safely use it when working with hot surfaces (furnaces, radiators). Penosil +1500 °C Heat-resistant Sealant is one example of this type.

Acrylic latex sealants

Compared to others, these sealants have greater deformability. When using them, the base of the seam is more dense and elastic. They find their application in working on glass, dry plaster, wood, painted surfaces and chipboard. The most common use of this composition can be seen in the work of sealing ventilation joints, siding, doorways and windows. After complete drying, you can paint these areas with oil or possibly latex paints.

Polyurethane sealants

This type of sealant has a huge advantage compared to others - high elasticity - the ability to withstand severe deformation. Among its advantages are high sealing and adhesive characteristics. As an example, we give the following: Makroflex, “EMFI Emphymastic PU40”, “TYTAN Polyurethane”. This sealant will last about 25 years! This means that it is not afraid of precipitation or chemical exposure. You can safely use it when working with complex surfaces: aluminum, reinforced concrete, ceramics, stone and others.

Perhaps the only one disadvantage of such a polyurethane sealant is that it is very dangerous and caustic in its composition, so you will have to be careful when working with it. It is better to use it when working outdoors and minimize its use indoors.

Among the latest developments, it is necessary to highlight sealants that contain both silicone and polyurethane (MS-polymer). They are quite expensive, but it's worth it. According to their characteristics, they are durable, strong, elastic, and can be painted. That is, practically ideal option for all types of work.

They are based on bitumen and rubber. They belong to the category of old and long-used sealants. They are not whimsical in their work, high humidity and bad weather is not a hindrance to them, since this sealant is insoluble in water. From this series “GERMENT” bitumen and Penosil Bitum Sealant.

Among disadvantages of bitumen sealants– impossibility of use at subzero temperatures, and after completion of work it cannot be repainted.

Devices for applying sealant. Caulking gun

You probably noticed that in almost all the drawings and photographs, the sealant is not poured out of a jar (although it also comes in jars, only it’s called mastic), but is carefully squeezed out of a plastic tube in which the sealant is located using a special gun. So, I would like to say a few words about this sealant gun, otherwise the article would not be entirely complete if we did not mention this device, without which it would not be possible to use the sealant normally.

The main purpose of such a gun is to accurately squeeze the sealant out of the tube and, while maintaining a fixed pressure pressure, apply the sealant accurately and evenly. Using such a gun is not at all difficult and you can figure out its mechanism of action on your own, but for those who cannot, here is a short description of working with household sealant guns (skeletal, semi-body).

How to use a caulk gun

First, you need to press the locking lever (at the back) of the gun to the handle and completely pull the piston out of the gun, then insert the tube with sealant into the “body” of the gun (the nose of the tube is inserted first) and press the piston to the bottom of the tube with sealant, pressing the “trigger”. That's all, the gun is “loaded” and ready for use. Just remember to cut off the spout of the sealant tube before applying.

To quickly stop squeezing the sealant out of the tube (if you need to temporarily interrupt work or move a little), you need to release the piston pressure to the bottom of the tube by pressing the locking lever, which was already mentioned earlier. During a long break in work, do not forget to screw the protective cap onto the tube spout.

Types of sealant guns

Now there are several types of such pistols on sale:

  • skeleton pistol- the most common and affordable option(20-50 rubles), intended for short-term home use;
  • half-body pistol with a smooth or serrated rod - a fairly popular version of the gun, the cost is slightly higher, and the only difference is the possibility of more accurate dosing of the sealant due to the design of the rod and the ability to protect the tube from damage with a semicircular reinforced body wall;
  • tubular metal sealant gun closed type – an even more expensive option, designed for more professional use when a significant amount of work is expected, the main difference of which is the ability to work with bulk sealants (not in standard tubes, but in film packaging);
  • air gun for sealants- the most expensive option of the listed pistols (from 3,000 rubles), intended for professional and industrial applications when the expected volume of work is constantly very large, it can be used to work with bulk sealants (not in standard tubes, but in film packaging), has a pressure regulator and must be connected to the air supply line, the operating pressure can reach up to 7 bar;
  • electric (battery) sealant gun— has a high adjustable flow level, allows you to work with different types of sealants and quickly switch between them, provides high accuracy application of sealant, has easy feeding, the ability to work with film packaging or cartridges. Due to the automatic return of the piston, there is no formation of drops or leakage of sealant.

How to remove, wash or wipe off the sealant?

Quite a common question. Let's try to figure it out.

Most affordable way, which can be used to remove sealant without leaving home to purchase special equipment - mechanical impact, i.e. Simply put, try to carefully cut off the old sealant by scraping, using a knife, scraper or spatula. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the work surface.

If it is not possible to completely wipe off the sealant mechanically, then use special means to remove traces of old sealant (chemical exposure), they can also be used to soften rather thick or well-adhesive sealants that need to be washed.

We can recommend such well-known silicone sealant remover such as: Silicon-Entferner, Sili-Kill and Soudal Sealant Remove, they allow you to soften and remove old silicone applied to ceramic, enamel or plastic. But acrylic and polyurethane sealants can only be removed mechanically.

Many people have to deal with such materials as construction sealants. We will look at what they are and what they are used for in more detail. Sealants are composite substances based on polymers or similar oligomers - high molecular weight compounds. These are mainly polysulfide or liquid silicone rubbers. The area in which sealants are applied is quite large.

Sealants are used in various installation and construction works, for sealing various holes and cracks, including for imparting tightness to various connections. Sealants provide elasticity, which is necessary to absorb shrinkage deformations of joints and joints, as well as temperatures. This sealing layer is formed by curing the polymer base or evaporating the solvent. There are also sealants that do not change after they are applied to the surface, such sealants are called “Non-drying sealants”. Sealants have the form of a viscous or paste-like mass.

Polyurethane foam is not a sealant, since it tends to increase in volume when squeezed onto the surface.

To the very important characteristics sealants include: resistance to deformation, elasticity, strength, shrinkage during curing, durability, adhesion to various materials.

All sealants are usually classified:

    • one-component (suitable for direct use);
    • two-component or more (before using this sealant, you must mix the components);
  1. according to their readiness for use:
    • acrylic;
    • polyurethane;
    • silicone;
    • bitumen;
    • butyl;
    • polysulfide (thiokol);
    • MS-polymer.

  2. Also, sealants are divided in their own way functional purpose, that is: sealants for external and internal work.
    The most common sealants are silicone and acrylic.

    Acrylic sealants

    These are acrylic based sealants. You can also find acrylate sealants - based on polyacrylate.

    Sealants of this type are used to seal low-moving and immovable joints, for example: cracks and seams between stone and concrete surfaces, gaps between the wall and the window sill, between the wall and the door frame, cracks in wooden panels, dried out boards. Vulcanization of these sealants occurs due to the evaporation of water.

    The advantages of acrylic sealants are that they are quite low cost, no toxicity, does not irritate the skin, easy to use, fireproof, does not have strict requirements for room ventilation, easy to paint, and has good adhesion to almost all materials.

    The disadvantages of acrylic sealants are: the impossibility of their use in the temperature range -0 degrees Celsius - +5 degrees Celsius at a relative humidity of 90%, low deformability (up to 15-20%).

    Acrylic sealants also come in waterproof and non-waterproof varieties. Distinctive feature Non-waterproof sealants are characterized by low frost resistance, and if used incorrectly, they can crack and fall off, and do not tolerate any exposure to moisture. As for waterproof sealants, they are more durable, they are endowed with high frost resistance, and they are more preferable in construction.

    Silicone sealants

    Sealants of this type are a complex composition of the following general composition:
  • the base is rubber (organosilicon polymer);
  • amplifier (necessary to increase strength indicators);
  • filler - performs secondary functions;
  • vulcanizing component (necessary for converting the pasty initial consistency of the sealant into rubber material under the influence of air moisture);
  • adhesion promoters (provides strong, constant contact of the sealant with the surface);
Silicone plasticizer (due to it, the elastic properties of the sealant are increased).

Additionally, silicone sealants are divided into two more types:

  • neutral (alcohol, oxime, amide), this type of sealant has good contact with metal surfaces, convenient and flexible to use;
  • acidic (acetic - acetic acid is formed during vulcanization), such sealants have an unpleasant odor that disappears only when it dries completely. They are aggressive towards metals and quite easily turn metal into rust. At the same time, they have excellent contact with wood, ceramics and plastic.

  • Silicone sealants have a wide range of applications. Their advantages are that they have high elasticity, chemical inertness, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, a wide range of operating temperatures, increased resistance to water and other agents, good adhesion to building materials, and a large color palette.

    The disadvantages of silicone sealants include their high price and the fact that they cannot be painted.

    Polyurethane sealants

    These sealants are made from polyurethane, a synthetic elastomer with programmable properties.

    Polyurethane sealants are used mainly for exterior work. Their use is indispensable when sealing joints of building structures, foundations, roofs, for facade works. They are endowed with excellent elasticity and tolerate deformation well.

    Polyurethane sealants are also used for gluing various materials, for example: lacquered tin, metal, stone, wood, plastic, brick, ceramics, concrete. This type sealants provide elastic and durable bonding that does not collapse even under strong vibrations. Polyurethane sealant is resistant to corrosion and hardens when reacting with moisture, and in a short period of time.

    The disadvantage of polyurethane sealants is the presence in their composition harmful substances. When working with them, do not allow them to come into contact with exposed skin, and good ventilation is also necessary. As for the price, it is quite high.

    Butyl sealants

    Butyl sealants are based on bitumen, which in turn is a mixture of hydrocarbons and their oxygen, sulfur, metal and nitrogen derivatives. As for dissolution, bitumen sealants do not dissolve in it. They dissolve completely or partially in benzene, chloroform and other organic solvents.

    Bitumen sealants are used mainly for sealing, sealing, filling cracks in roofs, chimneys, drainage systems, including during similar work on plinths and foundations. This type of sealant has good adhesion to various types of building materials, for example: wood, bitumen surfaces, plastic, metal, insulating boards, concrete, etc. It withstands low temperatures well.

    The advantage of bitumen sealants is the ability to apply them to a wet surface and the fact that their cost is not high. As for the disadvantages, they are that bitumen sealants have low resistance to high temperatures And there is only one black color available.

    Polysulfide (thiokol) sealants

    These sealants are made on the basis of liquid polysulfide rubbers.

    Such sealants have high elastic and deformable characteristics, which in turn allows them to be used for sealing thermal expansion joints and interpanel joints in construction. Polysulfide sealants are also used for sealing window block structures, as well as in the manufacture of double-glazed windows.

    The main advantage of polysulfide sealants is their short polymerization time. As for the disadvantages, these include: it is available in only two colors - black and gray, the difficulty of applying a two-component system.

    MS polymer sealants

    MS-polymer sealants are made on the basis of modified silicone. This type of sealant combines everything best quality polyurethane and silicone, such as high resistance to heat (silicone) and temperature changes, as well as excellent adhesion to almost all building materials (polyurethane).

    MS-polymer sealants are quite easy to paint immediately after application and do not leave stains on porous materials.

    When carrying out repair and construction work, we often come across various types of sealants, but we do not always know which one is better suited for a particular job. Therefore, when purchasing a sealant, it is better to know in advance what it is used for, in what temperature conditions, how it reacts to precipitation or ultraviolet radiation, and whether it can be used for interior and exterior work. This article will, in a sense, help you figure out which sealant is needed specifically for your scope of work.

What is a sealant, why does it have such a name, where and how can it be used? We have made a small summary material that will help you understand the main issues, and specific points of interest can be found using the links in the text.

What is sealant

Any building, structure or structure has many seams between parts, and often the gap, even a small one, turns out to be critical for operation. Let's explain using the example of a residential building: here there are seams between the crowns (if the house is log), at the junction of the ceilings and walls, between frames and frames, between the attic ceiling and chimney, as well as many others. Quite a lot of heat will escape through these seams: for example, up to 25% of thermal energy is lost through poorly insulated windows; simple insulation without sealing will, of course, reduce heat loss, but will not eliminate it. Approximately the same indicators for walls, doors and floors; at the junctions of structures with chimneys and ventilation pipes - a little less. In addition, moisture can penetrate through the gaps and have a detrimental effect on the materials.

To avoid such undesirable effects, the seams are sealed, that is, sealed tightly using special paste-like viscous compounds that differ in their properties - some are elastic, others have better adhesion to certain materials, others are well painted, others are especially resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature influences, and so on.

What is the difference between sealants and mastics? For the most part, these two concepts are now used as synonyms, but it would be more accurate to say that sealants are sealing mastics. The very concept of mastic is already somewhat outdated; mostly such compositions are now represented by sealants.

Now let's move on to a brief consideration of the types of sealants.

Types of sealants

According to the type of preparation for work, sealants can be single-component (those that can be applied immediately after unpacking the pack) and multi-component (those that need to be mixed before use). Due to convenience, most manufacturers focus on the first type.

Based on the type of base, there are six types:

  • acrylic – elastic, holds paint well;
  • silicone – durable and resistant to external influences;
  • rubber – durable and moisture resistant;
  • butyl rubber – moisture- and air-tight;
  • urethane – resistant to acids and alkalis;
  • thiokol - the most reliable and durable, but expensive and difficult to prepare.

Scope of application of sealants

Now about where and how you can use sealants.

Places where sealants can be applied

  • Sealing cracks in surfaces.
  • Sealing joints when installing tiles or other materials.
  • Repair of plastered surfaces.
  • Fastening skirting boards (instead of regular or liquid nails).
  • Sealing for glazing of balconies and loggias.
  • Filling voids around plumbing, heating, ventilation pipes and other life support systems of the building.

Conditions under which sealants can be used

  • Fixed and low-moving parts of structures, including those subject to strong vibrations.
  • Works indoors and outdoors.
  • Places with high level humidity.
  • Places that need to be protected from mold and mildew.
  • Wide range of temperature differences, including sudden changes.
  • Use on materials (concrete, plasters, porous surfaces) with which other substances have low adhesion.
  • Premises that are difficult to ventilate during and after work.
  • Premises where people live, including children, as well as animals.
  • Surfaces requiring subsequent painting and tinting.

Briefly about the use of sealants

  1. The surface to which any sealant is applied is thoroughly cleaned from any dirt, grease, fungi, mold, dust and other things that may affect the adhesion of the composition to the material.
  2. Porous surfaces are pre-primed.
  3. Using a special gun, sealant is applied to the surface.
  4. The composition is leveled with a spatula.
  5. Excess sealant is removed (usually before it hardens, this is done quite easily).

Do you have questions about the types of sealant or its use? Contact us in any convenient way and we will definitely answer. Do you have anything to add to the article? Write in the comments and we will add a new one useful information into our material.