When is Mary's angel day? Mary's name day according to the Orthodox calendar: what to give and how to congratulate

Maria is a very ancient and very common name in the world. In Russia it is associated primarily with Orthodoxy, which brought it Slavic tribes. In this article we will talk about the holy women who bear this name, in whose honor their modern namesakes celebrate their name days.

October 11. Venerable Mary of Radonezh

The Russian saint - St. Mary of Radonezh - lived in the 13th-14th centuries in the Rostov principality. By origin she was boyar family and owned an impressive fortune. During their lifetime, Mary and her husband were distinguished by their special piety and religious zeal. Among other things, they were destined to become the parents of one of the greatest Russian saints - St. Sergius Radonezh. Towards the end of their lives, the righteous spouses took monastic vows, and then the great schema in the monastery. They died in 1337.

Mary, who was named in her honor, celebrates October 11; she can also celebrate at other times. For example, this saint is honored on September 28 and January 18. On these days, Maria, who bears the name in memory of the Russian ascetic, can also celebrate her birthday.

February 8. Martyr Mary (Tephanie)

Martyr Maria was born in 1878 in Odessa. She was not a nun, but was a simple parishioner all her life Orthodox churches. In 1937, she was arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities and shot. Mary was canonized in the year 200. The date of her memory is February 8. Also Angel Mary's Day church calendar may celebrate on the Feast of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, January 26. The same applies to the saint, who will be discussed below.

February 8. Confessor Maria (Korepova)

This woman was born in 1877. After the revolution, in 1919, she entered one of the monasteries in the Yaroslavl province. The monastery was closed in 1927. Then Maria settled in the city of Poshekhonye-Volodarsk. Nine years later she was arrested for participating in anti-Soviet activities. church organization and was sentenced to five years in correctional camps. In 1942, the nun was released. Further fate her is unknown. She was canonized as a saint in 2000. Mary, baptized in her honor, celebrates Angel Day on the date of her memory - February 8.

On this same day, it is necessary to remember another Mary - the venerable martyr from the Moscow province, born into the world in 1888. In 1916, she entered one of the monasteries, which was subsequently closed. For participation in anti-Soviet activities, she was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931, where she remained to live after the expiration of her exile. For participation in church activities and financial assistance to exiles, she was arrested again in 1937 and sentenced to death. In the year 200, she was canonized, establishing a day of church remembrance on February 8. Like all other new martyrs, she is also remembered on January 26th. Angel Day Mary, who bears her name in memory of this saint, can celebrate on one of the specified dates.

Venerable Mary of Constantinople

This saint came from Constantinople and was a noble city dweller. She was married and had two sons. When the children grew up, their parents sent them to study in Beirut, but the ship was shipwrecked, and the brothers were washed up on different shores. In grief over separation, they took monasticism, and the parents thought that their children had died. A few years later, the couple went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where, visiting various monasteries, they met first one and then their second son among the monks.

Out of gratitude to the Lord, they devoted the rest of their lives to service and even became famous for their miracles. Angel Day Mary, named in honor of this saint, like many of her namesakes, celebrates February 8th.

The name Mary, without a shadow of guile, can be called not only one of the most ancient and revered, but also one of the most widespread in many cultures of the world. When giving such a name to their baby, parents subconsciously want its significance to have the most beneficial impact on the child’s fate. After all, this is the name that many outstanding women have had throughout time. I immediately remember Mary - the mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, to whom all women pray, asking for help and intercession. And how many queens, queens and empresses bore this proud name! And also outstanding figures of science, art, politics, and public figures. What meaning did the ancients put into this name?

Meaning of the name Maria

This proud name has Hebrew origins and is interpreted by the science of names (onomastics) as “bitter”, “stubborn”. But also in the same way as “desired”, “beloved”, “mistress”. The name Maria, controlling the fate of its mistress, endows her with such traits as kindness and decency, reliability and humanity. The owners of this sonorous name an inexhaustible supply of tenderness and love, they are always ready to help the weak and those in trouble. At the same time with such “tender” qualities, Marys have a strong character, sometimes even tough, and can stand up for themselves.

Maria's name day

And now about the name day. Name day is a celebration of a name. By choosing this biblical name for your baby and turning to the calendar, you can see that Mary’s name day is celebrated several times a year (January 31; February 8, 19 and 25; March 2; April 14, 21 and 25; May 17 and 19; 5 , 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24 June; 4, 22, 24 and 28 September; But, there are “big” name days or main and “small” name days. So, the “big” name days of Mary (their date) according to the church calendar are defined as the day of veneration of any Saint Mary, closest to the physical date of birth of the child. For example, a girl was born on September 20, then the main name day is celebrated on September 21. Sometimes this day is also called the day of the angel's name, in this case Mary. But this should not be confused with Guardian Angel Day! On this day you can arrange a family celebration, go to church, especially since Christmas is also celebrated on this day Holy Mother of God. And the remaining days of veneration of saints with the name Maria are “small” name days.

Angel Day

But the day of the Angel for Mary is the day of acceptance. It is this date that is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above Mary. Nobody knows his name, but he will protect Mashenka from hardships and adversity all his life. Do not forget to go to the temple on this day and thank your heavenly guardian.

Mary is a common name borne by several biblical saints and later became quite common in the Christian world.

Mary's name day can be celebrated on one of many days, depending on which saint we are talking about.

What does the name Maria mean according to the church calendar?

The name "Mary" is of Hebrew origin. In the original, this word has several meanings, including bitter, as well as serene and desirable.

Angel Mary's Day (name day) according to the church calendar

Angel's Day or Mary's Name Day may fall on different dates, depending on which saint the child was dedicated to at birth. By checking the day on which a girl or woman was born, you can determine which saint is her patroness.

Rev. Maria Hidanskaya

Maria Khidanskaya was the niece of Abraham, an ascetic who led a reclusive life. She was with him in the desert, but one day she left her cell, to which she was prompted by an unclean spirit. She came to the city and began to lead a sinful life there.

After this, Abraham put on military armor to change his appearance and went to the city, they found his niece there and convinced her, after which she repented. She returned with him and again began to live in her cell. Later she gained the ability to cure diseases. She died five years after her uncle Abraham.

Maria of Constantinople

Mary of Constantinople lived with her husband Xenophon in this capital city. Their family was rich, they had two sons, Arkady and John. One day the ship they were traveling on died. The parents tried not to succumb to grief and believed that God had not abandoned their children.

Some time later, as old men, they went to Palestine on pilgrimage and met their two sons in various Jerusalem monasteries. They joyfully greeted them, after which they themselves accepted monasticism. Arkady and John themselves then went to serve God in the desert.

Mary of Caesarea

Mary of Caesarea is a holy martyr who came from the city of Caesarea in Palestine. She lived in the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. This ruler began a brutal persecution of Christians, who were threatened with death for practicing their faith.

Maria, together with two like-minded women, Kaleria and Kyriacia, left her native Caesarea, which had become dangerous, and retired to a deserted place. However, they were found there and tried to force them to worship idols. The martyrs refused and were brutally killed.

Maria Vifanskaya

Mary of Bethany is the sister of the Gospel Lazarus, who died and was subsequently resurrected by Christ. In gratitude for this good deed, this saint anointed the hands of the Son of God with myrrh and then wiped her feet with her own hair.

Subsequently, Mary was among the myrrh-bearing women. These were women who, after the crucifixion of Christ, came to his tomb to anoint his body with ointment, but found the tomb empty because Jesus had risen.

Name day of Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is a very famous evangelical saint. She led a sinful life, but Christ called her along, expelling seven of himself from her, after which she accompanied him everywhere.

She was unfailingly faithful to him and became one of the myrrh-bearing women. After his resurrection, she preached the good news in Italy.

Maria Ustyuzhskaya

Maria Ustyugskaya lived in Rus' in the 13th century. She was forced into marriage with the Tatar tribute collector Baga. The people in Ustyug were outraged by this and wanted to kill him. Mary persuaded him to accept Orthodoxy, which he did, not having faith, but only to avoid death by becoming John. Subsequently, his wife Maria instilled faith in Bagh, and they became a truly Christian couple. He even built the Church of John the Baptist.

Subsequently, the family lived peacefully and righteously, invariably arousing the admiration of their fellow citizens. They died at a ripe old age. Now Maria, together with John, is one of the famous residents of Ustyug.

Maria of Radonezh name day

Mary of Radonezh was the mother of Sergius of Radonezh, the great Russian saint. Her family was rich and noble. Together with her husband Kirill, they had three sons, the eldest two of whom got married, and the youngest, Bartholomew (the future Sergius of Radonezh) dreamed of joining a monastery.

However, the mother and father asked their son to be patient a little while caring for them, because they were old and weak. He did this and followed Maria and Cyril until they decided to become monks. Having done this, both parents commemorated Blessed Bartholomew in their prayers every day until their death. He, for his part, saw them off on their final journey.

Women named Maria are calm and balanced people. They love children very much and are good housewives. This name will give the girl a good character and the ability to stand up for herself. In critical situations, she most often acts impulsively. She is tender and vulnerable, her true purpose is to be a mother and wife.

Mary's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar in 2015

  • January 31 and October 11 - nun Maria of Radonezh. She was the mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
  • February 8 – Venerable Mary of Palestine.
  • February 19 and 25 - St. Mary of Bithynia and Mary of Asia.
  • April 14 – Venerable Mary of Egypt.
  • April 18 - sister of Lazarus the Four-dayed Mary of Bethany and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.
  • July 2 – Mother of St. Joseph Mary.
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary Holy Virgin Maria.
  • September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

Origin and meaning of the female name Maria

The name is believed to have Hebrew roots. Translated, it sounds like “bitter”, “stubborn” and “beloved”. The meaning of the name fully corresponds to the temperament and character of Mary. These women do not tolerate stress well and cannot control themselves in critical situations. But, despite this, they always achieve their goals and are determined. IN school years the girl will not cause her parents any problems. She is easy and interesting to learn. Typically, women with this name choose professions related to medicine and pedagogy. They can also do business successfully.

Family relationships and marriage

Family for her is the most important thing in life. In love, this woman becomes the most tender and affectionate. For her husband, she will be a passionate lover and at the same time a caring wife, but she will never forgive betrayal and would prefer to immediately break off the relationship. Women with this name do not tolerate betrayal. She will love her husband all her life, but she will also demand the same from him.

Maria loves to cook and takes care of the house; she knows how to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in it. She doesn't have many friends. It is difficult for her to get close to people around her, but if she gives you her trust and friendship, then this will be for life. Maria is sincere in everything, she does not know how to lie and always tries to tell the truth. He approaches raising children quite conservatively. She will make a strict, but caring and fair mother. It is very important for her to have a child and a full-fledged family. She easily finds mutual understanding with children.

Masha, Mashenka, Maria,
Accept congratulations,
With a kind, gentle smile
Greet every new day.

Let the angel protect you from troubles
I take care of you with my wing,
Holy Mother of God
May your home always be protected.

May faith give you strength,
Let the light of hope shine
And all your life, Maria,
Let love not leave.

Today seems like the day was created
For gifts and flowers.
Congratulations to you, Maria,
The whole world is already ready.

I wish you now
To make your dreams come true,
So that with luck and success
You always walked through life.

Let love give affection,
Faith, tenderness and warmth.
So that you live as if in a fairy tale,
To bring goodness to the world.

Dear Mashenka, I congratulate you with all my heart. I want to wish you joyful surprises and pleasant surprises in life, great mood and excellent health, self-confidence and blooming beauty, eternal love and sincere happiness.

Masha, Mashenka, Maria,
You are as beautiful as the elements!
So decisive, brave,
She's good even in anger.
You always decide everything yourself
You don't allow weakness.
We respect you for your activity,
We all adore you.
Know that we miss you
If we don't meet for a long time!

The name of the fairy princess
Clever beauties,
Our Masha wears it proudly,
Everyone in the world likes it.

Let him guide you through life
Just the right route
And adversity and misfortune
They will bypass you.

Let the sun shine brightly
Over your head
And the forecast expects
Only smiles and love!

Today, dear Masha,
Capture pleasant moments!
There is no one more beautiful in the world
All compliments are only for you!
Let your eyes shine
A smile blooms on your lips!
Let the world give colorful paints,
And everything that was only in dreams,
It's easy to turn into reality!
Let the soul sing with happiness,
And the heart will beat loudly,
After all, life is incredibly good!

Mashenka, I want to tell you,
That you should always be happy
Make your dreams come true!
I wish you to be loved and to love!

Let there be many colorful moments
And let joy cover your head!
I wish you new achievements,
May luck always be with you!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Maria,
As much kindness as possible in life,
And always be euphoric with happiness,
It's easy to make your dreams come true!

Let there be a lot of smiles,
Fun, sun, joy, warmth,
I wish you only a colorful mood,
May you bloom like a flower!

Mashenka, Maria,
Gently congratulations
And I wish you love
Clean and big.
To love life
So as not to be discouraged,
For the world to admire
Only you alone.
Sweet and kind
Affectionate, gentle,
You are generous to everyone around
You give away good things.
You have happiness in life
And boundless warmth,
So that you go through life
Simple and easy.

Maria, always be bright,
Be young and cheerful
Be the best on the planet
Always be the kindest.

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Good luck, money and love.
I wish you to always be beautiful,
I wish you a lot of kindness.

Let them come true soon
All your wildest dreams
Let any difficulties boldly
You'll just overcome it.

Masha, Manechka, Maria,
Sensitive, kind person,
Are you happy with any weather?
It’s raining or snowing outside.

Our Masha knows for sure
That you shouldn't be discouraged.
The mood is like this
Impossible to lose.

We wish you, Masha,
Only loyal friends.
Be beautiful and happy.
And don't you dare change!