The most unusual deaths of famous people. The strangest deaths in the world

All of them life path shrouded in mysteries, many of which have not been solved to this day. But their death is no less mysterious... WuzzUp presents to your attention 15 stars who died under mysterious circumstances.

15. Michael Jackson

The death of Michael Jackson was discussed very widely, and the striking details of what happened did not escape the attention of the public. Jackson was found dead on June 25, 2009 by his attending physician, Conrad Murray, who stated that the singer was not breathing and was unresponsive to attempts at resuscitation. An ambulance was called and Jackson was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead. There are many strange circumstances in the case: it was discovered in the singer’s blood lethal dose propofol and a sedative - benzodiazepine. This caused widespread outrage, since Jackson's medications were provided by Murray, the same attending physician. It is still unclear why the singer took these medications in such large doses; Conspiracy theories speak of both murder and suicide by third party. Be that as it may, although the death was most likely accidental, Murray spent two years in prison for manslaughter.

14. Jim Morrison

Doors frontman Jim Morrison was found dead in the bathtub of his Paris apartment on the morning of July 3, 1971; he was 27 years old. The mysterious rumors surrounding Morrison's death are fueled by the fact that, strangely, no one performed an autopsy. Morrison's girlfriend Pamela Courson claimed that Morrison died of a fatal heroin overdose; she believed it was a fatal accident and that Jim had confused heroin with cocaine. However, although the official cause of death was a heart attack, we do not know the exact cause, because... There was no autopsy and the body remained in the apartment with Courson until he was buried three days later in the Père Lachaise cemetery. There is also something strangely unpleasant about the fact that Courson lied to the US Embassy, ​​claiming that Morrison had no close relatives, in order to speed up the burial. They say there wasn't even a priest at the funeral. Well, the last fact is like icing on the cake: no one knows the name of the doctor who examined Morrison's death, because... Kurson claims he can't remember his name.

13. Bruce Lee

Brice Lee first felt seriously ill on May 10, 1973, while filming Enter the Dragon. He was rushed to hospital as he was suffering from severe headaches and seizures. Doctors diagnosed cerebral edema, treatment was successful and Bruce was able to return to work. Unfortunately, a little over a month later, on July 20, Lee developed another headache. He complained about this to his co-star, Betty Ting Pei, and she gave him a headache pill called Equajestic; the tablet contained aspirin and the tranquilizer meprobamate. Later, Lee lay down to rest, but no matter how much they woke him up, he never woke up. When Bruce Lee died, all the media discussed this tragic event, there was no end to rumors and speculation. One theory is that this was revenge against a secret criminal organization called the Triad. They supposedly cursed Bruce Lee. Officially, it was a “death due to negligence”: the drug included in the pill was not compatible with Lee’s disease, and caused a fatal reaction.

12. Brittany Murphy

The investigation into the tragic death of Brittany Murphy has certainly left more questions than answers. Murphy passed out in the bathroom of her Los Angeles home on the morning of December 20, 2009. She was immediately taken to the nearest hospital, but doctors could only declare her death after suffering a heart attack. Murphy was only 32 years old. At first, her death was explained only by an unfortunate combination of circumstances - pneumonia and taking medications against the background of anemia, which in this combination led to death. However, conspiracy theories later emerged, largely centered on the fact that her husband, Simon Monjack, died just five months after Brittany, and with very similar symptoms. In 2013, Brittany Murphy's father initiated independent testing on Murphy's hair, blood and tissue samples, and the study revealed high levels of 10 heavy metals. Perhaps there is something fishy here and it was poisoning.

11. Jimi Hendrix

Rock icon Jimi Hendrix died on September 18, 1970; he was only 27 years old. They say he died in his sleep in the apartment of his friend Monica Danneman, choking on vomit after taking 18 times the recommended dose of barbiturates and washing it all down with red wine. And although there is evidence that Hendrix looked and felt ill in his last days, many still believe that something in this whole story does not add up. For example, there is a discrepancy: Danneman claimed that when she found Jimi choking, she called an ambulance and accompanied her boyfriend to the hospital, but he died on the way there. However, ambulance workers told a different version of what happened: when they arrived at the apartment, there was no one there except a dead body on the bed. They say that Danneman, while giving official testimony, was constantly confused and changed her version.

10. Bob Marley

Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 from malignant melanoma. The strange circumstances of Marley's death are sometimes linked to how the reggae legend's illness was discovered. And it was like this: Marley was damaged thumb legs while playing football and a doctor was called to him, who, according to rumors, gave the artist an injection of an unknown drug. Many people, even today, still hold the view that this may have been an attempt on the singer's life and caused his illness. Doctors recommended amputating the finger, but Marley refused the operation due to his religious beliefs; The melanoma progressed, metastasizing to the lungs and brain, which led to the death of Bob Marley at 36 years old.

9. Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was found dead on January 22, 2008; he was only 28 years old. A mystery shrouded in darkness: was it suicide after all or not? The actor lay on the floor of his Manhattan apartment, surrounded by a pile of pills, some of which were prescribed to him, some of which were not. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Heath Ledger became so immersed in the role of the Joker (in the film " Dark Knight"), that he was no longer able to separate himself from his character, which drove him crazy. However, this is just speculation, because... There was no farewell note, and he had bought large quantities of medicine for everything before. And yet, his death remains mysterious and frightening, and no one knows what was on his mind. last days before his tragic death.

8. Natalie Wood

Actress Natalie Wood died on November 29, 1981, death was ruled accidental and was the result of hypothermia and drowning. Wood is believed to have fallen into the water while traveling on a yacht with her husband Robert Wagner, Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken and the ship's captain. Moreover, all three men claim that they did not see Natalie Wood fall overboard. Wood's blood alcohol content at the time of death was determined to be 0.14 percent; Painkillers were also found in the blood. And although these reasons are quite sufficient to explain the fall overboard, there are still details that do not fit into a coherent picture. For example, the death of the actress occurred around 12 noon, and emergency signals were not given for another hour and a half. In addition, they say that Wood untied the boat - where did she intend to go with it? Or rather, why? Well, another suspicious touch: the actress’s body was found a mile from the yacht and she was wearing only a nightgown.

7. Marilyn Monroe

The death of Marilyn Monroe on August 5, 1962 is one of the most talked about, if not the most talked about, celebrity deaths. Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose; she was only 36 years old. Although the Hollywood icon suffered from substance abuse and mental health issues in her final years, many still believe there is something strange about her death. Monroe was found dead in the bedroom of her home at 3 am, she was discovered by the housekeeper and psychiatrist, the death was ruled a suicide because... she took a huge amount of barbiturates. However, in subsequent years, numerous theories emerged - that it was not a suicide, but an accidental overdose, and that the Kennedy brothers were to blame for everything, and that it happened because of the mafia boss Sam Jayankana .

6. John Lennon

John Lennon was assassinated on December 8, 1980 by "born-again Christian" Mark David Chapman at the entrance to apartment building"Dakota" in New York, where Lennon lived. The murder of Lennon remains a mystery to many now, since people cannot understand what exactly made Chapman point a gun at the legendary musician and shoot five times. Many believe that facts do not explain everything and that Lennon's death must be part of something larger; there is even a theory about a CIA conspiracy to “take out” Lennon; According to this theory, Chapman was recruited by the Secret Service. Another strange circumstance is the fact that when Chapman was arrested, he had the book “The Catcher in the Rye” with him, and he stated that he acted in the image and likeness of the main character of this novel.

5. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1964 by James Earl Ray at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. The civil rights activist received many threats throughout his career, but he took the risk and did not believe that because of it he should stop fighting for equal rights. King was shot by a sniper while standing on the balcony of his hotel room. Over the past 50 years, King's death has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories; Was Ray just a racist or was there someone behind him? There are theories that the government is involved, as well as a theory that revolves around scraps of paper with the words "Raoul" found in Ray's car.

4. Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion on August 16, 1977 at the age of 42. It was stated that the King of Rock and Roll died of a heart attack, but it was later discovered that Presley had a number of levels in his blood at the time of his death. medicines and among them - codeine, the level of which was 10 times higher than the recommended level. This information shocked the world media, and they vied with each other to shout that Presley had been killed. At the time of Elvis's death, his health was in terrible condition: he weighed almost 160 kg and was practically bedridden. And yet there are still people wondering whether it was suicide, murder or a tragic accident.

3. Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain's body was discovered by electrician Gary Smith on April 8, 1994; Smith arrived to install the security system, climbed the stairs to the conservatory above the garage and saw through glass door a mannequin lying on the floor (as he first thought). It is believed that Cobain barricaded himself in a greenhouse on April 5, wrote a suicide note addressed to an imaginary friend named Boddah, injected himself with a mixture of Valium and heroin, then lay down on the floor, put the barrel of a gun in his mouth, rested his feet on the other end of the gun, and pressed the trigger. The main reason for the many conspiracy theories about this death is the mass of inconsistencies and contradictions revealed during the examination of the case: for example, the examination of the gun was carried out by Seattle police only a month later, and the prints on the weapon were blurred, which allowed experts to claim that someone wiped. Many have also claimed that the note written by Cobain is not actually a farewell letter from a suicide, but rather a statement that he is retiring from the music business. Private investigator Tom Grant, hired by Courtney Love in an attempt to track down her husband in the days before his death, is a leading proponent of the theory that Cobain's death was a homicide rather than a suicide. Grant has several strong arguments in favor of his theory and continues to defend it tenaciously.

2. Black Dahlia

The brutal death of aspiring actress Elizabeth Short is one of the most famous and odious murders in history. Although Short was not as famous as the other people on this list, her death is perhaps the most mysterious of all. On January 15, 1947, the mutilated body of Elizabeth Short was found in an abandoned plot of land on South Norton Avenue in Leimert Park, near the Los Angeles city limits. The body was cut into two parts at the waist and dismembered. The killer was never found. There is a theory that this murder is connected to the Cleveland Butcher - an unidentified serial killer, but the theory does not go further than the theory.

1. Princess Diana

There are endless conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana's death in a car accident on August 31, 1997. Mohammed Al-Fayed, the father of Diana's friend Dodi, who also died in that accident, believes that his son and Diana were killed; Fayed conducted a police investigation in 2004, which resulted in no less than 175 different versions. One of them is based, of course, on the fact that Diana was pregnant with Dodi's child and, according to rumors, they were engaged, so their deaths could not be an accident: the future king of England is unlikely to need a half-brother with such an unsuitable pedigree. Another version claims that the paparazzi chasing the car should be blamed for Diana’s death. There is also information that two unidentified black cars were driving behind Diana’s car, which then disappeared into the ground.

Finding a dead body is one of the most shocking things a person can ever experience. And yet, depending on the job, a person may examine corpses on a daily basis. Some people feel uneasy about this, but imagine working in a morgue, or experts. These people quickly get used to death.

It is this adaptation to the job that can make a forensic scientist talk about a gruesome murder scene without blinking his eyes or showing any emotion.

However, even when you think that you have seen everything in life, there is something that can still surprise you. In this article, relatives of the “heroes” told us about the strange deaths of their loved ones.

Here are the 12 strangest deaths.

The man who died of uterine cancer

When 37-year-old Vincent Liv received a kidney transplant in February 2002, doctors did not know the donor had cancer. The donor's cancer was in her uterus, so the doctor told him the disease could not affect it.

But when Liv died in September 2002, cancer specialist Robert Gelfand concluded that he had uterine cancer, even though he had no uterus at all.

20-year-old "football" hernia

While Manic Moxie was working at a funeral home, he encountered a man who had developed a serious inguinal hernia over the course of 20 years.

As a result, at the time the man died, a swelling the size of a soccer ball appeared on his scrotum. The case was so serious that the medical examiner turned to a colleague and simply said, "Hey man, look at this."

3. Light bulb

When the man in this story bled in the emergency room, it appeared to be from a puncture wound. But as doctors treated his wounds, they noticed he was still bleeding from behind.

When they turned him over, they discovered that the attacker had inserted a light bulb into his anus before stabbing him. Removing such an object is especially difficult, and after the procedure, the person died of septic shock.

4. Wine enema

There have been cases in the past where people have died from wine enema, but this was usually the result of acute alcohol poisoning. This deceased did not show signs of alcoholism; he was killed by a red wine enema.

Instead, he bled to death when the enema device punctured his colon.

A person with too much iron.

At first glance, it seems quite simple. A man in his late 50s, after several days of illness, died on his couch. Heart attack, right?

But no one knew that this man actually suffered from hemochromatosis, a rare disease that causes your body to absorb too much iron when you eat. In this man's case, the excess iron destroyed his liver and caused varicose veins in his esophagus. When these veins burst, he began bleeding internally and eventually died.

And all this time, this man probably thought he had a simple stomach upset.

6. Horrible hanging.

It's hard to describe the feeling when you see someone who has died by suicide. However, on rare occasions, the scene can be even more disturbing when you see a severed head.

This phenomenon usually occurs as a result of a long fall with a hard cord. This is exactly what happened in the case of one man who hanged himself from the balcony of his apartment. His body hit the ground. However, the forensic scientist should have asked the man's neighbors if the victim's head was on their balcony?

7. Voltage hazards.

When you have a healthy cardiovascular system and you sit hard on the toilet, it may have some adverse effects, but it won't kill you. However, if you have heart problems, straining can put your heart at risk.

That's what happened to one nursing home resident. A Reddit user describes it clearly: "he pushed too hard, his blood pressure dropped, and that's it..."

8. Welder urine

Even when things go as they should, welding can be an unhealthy job, as some metals can easily enter the welder's body. But metals in the bladder are a recipe for disaster, as when mixed with urine, the hot metal becomes harmful.

While working under these particular conditions, one welder died when droplets of metal entered his bladder.

9. Toxic Lady

When Gloria Ramirez was dying at Riverside General Hospital, the staff trying to revive her noticed that after they used a defibrillator, her body had taken on a strange garlicky odor and an oily sheen. Then, one by one, medical staff fell ill, many of them fainted. Their illness was apparently caused by exposure to Ramirez's body and blood, hence the name "toxic lady."

There is still some debate as to what caused Ramirez to become so toxic, but the most plausible theory seems to be the use of dimethyl sulfoxide. In the presence of sufficient oxygen, dimethyl sulfoxide becomes dimethyl sulfate, a dangerous nerve gas.

The theory is that attempts to resuscitate Ramirez caused chemical reaction and changed some of the dimethyl sulfoxides in her body into dimethyl sulfate, which caused the staff to become ill.

Consequences of death near your pet. According to Dr. Caroline Rando, cats and dogs will try to eat their owners 45 minutes after their death if they are alone with them. But in one particularly terrible case, elderly woman became disabled.

Before she was found, her beloved dog ate everything open areas her skin.

11. 30-year-old rifle shot

Alarming outbreak of mass shootings in recent years show that pistols are lethal, but they do not always kill immediately. In fact, sometimes a gunshot wound can wait for decades.

In one such case, a man was treated for a gunshot wound, but a small piece of shrapnel remained in his body. For 30 years he was able to live a normal life, but eventually the shrapnel reached the bloodstream, then the heart, and caused a heart attack.

12. Cobra head

While chef Peng Fan was preparing a rare delicacy, he was bitten by a poisonous Indosinian spitting cobra. This would not be so unusual if Pan had not decapitated the cobra 20 minutes before the bite.

Peng did not know that cobras, like any snake, can continue to move and bite for up to 1 hour, after losing part of the body, including the head. Unfortunately, he was unable to obtain antidotes in time and died.

Aeschylus - ancient Greek poet, founder of classical tragedy; 525-456 BC He lived and worked, as we see, for a very long time. It is not for nothing that Aeschylus is called the first of the three great Greek tragedians; he, in fact, laid the foundations of modern tragedy.

But he died in a very strange way. Several sources have survived to this day that describe his death. And everywhere it is said that the cause of Aeschylus’ death was his own bald head. An eagle flying past, with a turtle in its paws, was about to throw it onto the rocks and then eat the contents from the broken shell.

But the eagle saw the tragic man’s bald head and dropped his heavy burden straight onto the great man’s head. Of course, Aeschylus died without regaining consciousness. Nothing is known about the fate of the turtle.

Pietro Aretino

This figure was not a tragedian; on the contrary, Aretino was a satirist, both in words and with a brush in his hands. He lived in the Middle Ages, but was by no means afraid to ridicule everything and everyone, including the church. Judging by the data that has survived to this day, Pietro Aretino was very cheerful person. And not only in his work was he cheerful, Pietro often held parties for friends.

During one such party, Pietro laughed so much that he simply choked. Whether it’s true or not is unknown, but it sounds very plausible if you consider that at parties they eat and drink a lot, so it’s easy to choke from laughter, you just need to choke.

Dragon, Dragon

Dragon - Athenian statesman who composed in the 7th century. BC a set of cruel laws. The rules were indeed very strict, it is not for nothing that the saying “draconian measures” still exists. Nevertheless, his contemporaries were grateful to their legislator and received him everywhere with honor.

And since previously it was customary to throw hats and capes at a respected person, Draco was always covered with a pile of clothes in his public places.

And so, during one of their speeches, the grateful Athenians were so delighted with their legislator that they simply threw clothes at him. Well, there were so many clothes that he suffocated.

The story is strange, of course, but it is hardly possible to come up with something so implausible, so we will trust the historians.

Li Bei

Another creative person, this time - Chinese. He is a very important figure in the history of Chinese poetry, Li Bei composed many poems and poems. Among other things, he was also a very romantic person.

so romantic that one day, on a full moon, he climbed into a boat and swam to the middle of the river to... kiss the reflection of the Moon. A dangerous undertaking for a person who cannot swim. Leaning overboard, he lost his balance, fell into the water, and drowned.

Not very romantic =(


According to many historical accounts, Pyrrhus was a great military leader. He was probably surpassed only by Alexander the Great.

Modern historians agree that modern history It could have been completely different if Pyrrhus had lived longer.

But he died early, and not of his own free will. One day, walking through the ancient city, along the narrow streets, Pyrrhus became the object of attention of an old woman standing on the roof. She took the tile, and throwing it accurately, hit Pyrrhus in the head. The hit was so “successful” that he died on the spot.

It didn't sound like that. But it’s one thing to leave for another world in old age, in own home on a soft bed, and it’s completely different to die in the prime of life the most terrible death.

To begin with, we will tell you several stories telling about the most terrible and mystical cases of death in the world.

Two brothers

It’s not for nothing that they say that twins are connected by an invisible thread; they not only feel each other at a distance, but even experience the same feelings at the same moment in time.

Two seventeen-year-old twin brothers from Finland tragically died two hours apart under identical circumstances. They were both motorcyclists, and both were hit by trucks while crossing the same road, but at different kilometers.

Burnt out like a match

In the 90s, information began to appear about spontaneous fires in people. Several hundred cases were confirmation that this phenomenon actually exists.

For unknown reasons, people’s bodies ignited and continued to burn until the fire “ate” them completely.

One of the oldest deaths in the world chose, among others, the American Henry Thomas. He was watching TV, sitting in a chair, when the flames suddenly engulfed him. No things in the house, and, in fact, the house itself were damaged. But all that was left of Henry’s body was a skull and part of a leg in a shoe.

Killer animals

No, no, these animals are not predators at all. The point here is completely different.

  • An Italian farmer lay down to rest on the grass while hunting rabbits. The man put the gun next to him. One small rabbit running by touched the trigger. The gun fired straight at the farmer. He died on the spot.
  • Fisherman from South Korea gutted the caught fish to put it up for sale. He raised the knife over the large fish, but it turned out to be alive and unexpectedly swung its tail, touching the knife. It fell out of the fisherman’s hands and hit him directly in the chest, leaving not even the slightest chance of salvation.

The reasons for these absurd and some of the most terrible cases of death are the banal carelessness of people.

Death in the Shadows

Two elderly Italians argued for a long time about which of them would take a place in the shade of a palm tree. The old man who won the argument did not even have time to properly enjoy his victory; the tree fell on him and crushed him to death.


  • In the Vietnamese city of Hischim, 50 onlookers gathered on a small bridge to watch a young girl attempt suicide. The bridge could not bear the load and fell. 9 people died. A girl who tried to commit suicide was saved.
  • An equally tragic incident occurred in Prague. A woman who believed rumors about her husband’s infidelity decided to take her own life. She stepped from the balcony of her apartment on the 3rd floor and fell directly on the head of her husband, who was returning home. The man died, and his wife regained consciousness in the hospital.


  • A New York man, who was hit by a car but did not receive any injuries, decided to take advantage of the situation and lie under the car, pretending to be injured. As soon as he was under the car again, it moved and ran over the crook, crushing him to death.
  • A resident of Bonn wanted to rob the local Art Museum. Having caught the eye of the guards, he started to run. Turning the corner, I came across one of the exhibits called “Instrument of Justice.” The meter-long sword pierced through the failed thief.

The worst celebrity deaths

No one is safe from sudden departure to another world. Very often you hear about the death of your favorite star, especially if there are a lot of idols.

Maybe you've already heard about these very terrible deaths people famous throughout the world.

Bruce and Brandon Lee

The famous actor died right on the set. The official version is an allergy to the painkiller that Bruce was injected so that he could continue filming. However, some argue that Bruce Lee was dealt a fatal blow by a delayed action, which was owned by some representatives of the Chinese mafia (there was evidence that in his youth the actor had enemies from that environment). It is also surprising that the film on the set of which the actor died was called “Games of Death.”

Brandon Lee repeated the fate of his famous father and also died on the set, but under different circumstances. The actor starred in the film "The Raven". In the final scene, his character is killed. The take was filmed, but even after the director reported that the scene had been successfully filmed, Brandon continued to lie dead. The assistants who came to the rescue saw that the actor was actually bleeding. He died in hospital 12 hours later.

Isadora Duncan and her children

The famous American dancer died in a very strange and absurd way. Shortly before her death, a strange woman came into her room in Vienna, where the dancer was on tour, and said that she had been sent by God to strangle Isadora. It later turned out that this woman was mentally ill. However, God's plans were destined to come true. Isadora actually died from suffocation and a broken neck when her favorite long red scarf got caught on the axle of the car she was getting into. The car moved, the scarf got wrapped around the wheel, and Isadora died tragically.

14 years before own death Isadora lost two children. She went to Paris on business, and sent the children with a driver to Versailles, where she then lived with her family. On the way, the car stalled, the driver came out to see what was wrong, and the car rolled straight into the river. The babies could not be saved. The worst deaths in the world are the deaths of your own children. Isadora could not find peace until the end of her life.

Jack Daniel

American Jack Daniel, the creator of the famous Jack Daniel’s whiskey, died for a long time and painfully from sepsis. He received blood poisoning as a result of numerous kicks against a safe, the code for which he could not remember. By the way, it was his famous whiskey that was kept in the safe. If Jack did manage to open it, he could treat his finger with his own product and prevent it from getting infected. Alas and ah.

The worst deaths: top 8

A person does not always die under mystical or mysterious circumstances. We present to your attention the 8 most terrible causes of death, which, according to doctors, are the most painful:

  1. Hunger. A person can live without food for about two months. However, after 10 days of fasting there is no strength left at all. The body begins to suck nutrients and energy from fat. The liver begins to function incorrectly, releasing toxic substances that eventually kill the person.
  2. Shipwreck. During a shipwreck, a person faces not only the danger of drowning, starvation or hypothermia. Even if you manage to survive, loneliness in the middle of the ocean can drive you crazy. And the threat of shark attacks doesn’t leave you alone for a minute. Dehydration leads to painful death. Some, in the hope of salvation, start drinking sea ​​water, but it only increases the water deficit in the body, because salt draws out all the remaining fluid from organs and tissues.
  3. Falling into a volcano. It is, of course, very difficult to get into the mouth of a volcano, however, if there are such daredevils, a painful and most terrible death awaits them. Top layer lava is not so hot, but as you dive deeper into it human body will burn out within a few minutes.
  4. Sacrifice. One of the most terrible deaths for people is death in the process of sacrifice. If several centuries ago this was the norm in some societies, then in today’s civilized countries this crime is committed only within the framework of sects, the very act of falling into which is already like death, because a person “falls out” of life and renounces everyone, including myself.
  5. Plane crash. The worst deaths in the world are deaths in confined spaces. When the plane begins to fall, all passengers are overcome not only by a feeling of panic. The rapid approach of the aircraft to the ground leads to loss of consciousness for a couple of minutes due to lack of oxygen. When a person wakes up, the speed of the falling plane will be prohibitively high, and he will have no more than a few minutes to live...
  6. Predator attack. Tigers and lions kill their prey immediately, so it does not have to suffer for long. But hyenas and jaguars eat prey while it is still alive, starting from the legs.
  7. Frostbite. Low temperature has a very insidious effect on the human body. First, the muscles begin to tremble from lack of heat. Then, as a result of too active trembling, they rupture and the ability to move is lost. Attempts to crawl on the ground lead to nothing. Body temperature continues to fall, and faster than freezing internal organs. The functioning of the brain is disrupted, the person is no longer able to understand whether he is alive or dead.
  8. Shame.“Burn with shame,” everyone has heard this expression, but no one thought that one could actually “burn” from this feeling. High level anxiety and stress due to some action or event can lead to cardiac arrest. Prolonged soul-searching slowly develops into self-destruction and possible suicide.

I would like to think that the most terrible deaths in human history occurred only in times when the death penalty was not only the only method of justice, but was also carried out publicly. In fact, the insidious “old woman with a scythe” is lurking today at literally every step, and it is not yet a fact that life today is safer than several centuries ago. The worst thing about death is the unknown: no one knows at what moment it will creep up and what will happen after.

Does death have its own plan?..

Death from exhaustion at the screen. All its unusualness lies in its surprise.

2005 A 28-year-old Korean video game fan collapsed to the floor and died in an Internet bar after playing for 50 hours non-stop.

From the claw of a lioness

2007 45-year-old Oktay Makhmudov from Azerbaijan climbed down a rope into a lion's cage at the Kiev Zoo and shouted to the numb visitors:

God will save me if he exists!

A few seconds later the lioness jumped on him and severed his artery, killing him. uninvited guest instantly.

The unusual death of a little girl

2008 Seven-year-old Abigail Taylor died after her internal organs were partially sucked into the powerful swimming pool pump she was careless to sit on. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. The baby died from cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

In 207 BC e. Greek philosopher Grisippus died laughing watching his drunken donkey try to eat figs.

121 BC, Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, was killed for a reward of gold equal to the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder beheaded Guy, cleared his skull of brains and filled its cavity with molten lead. When the lead hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderer was rewarded with seventeen pounds of gold.

And you will die from the eagle and the turtle

458 BC Aeschylus was killed... by an eagle! He dropped a turtle on Aeschylus's head, confusing the playwright's bald head with a stone.

Hotter coals!

42 BC Portia Cato, wife of Marcus Brutus, died after swallowing hot coals after learning of her husband's death.

1927 Isadora Duncan died of suffocation and a broken neck when her long scarf got caught in the wheel of the car she was riding in with the driver. He immediately noticed that Isadora’s body was dragging behind the car (the driving was terribly noisy then). The screams of the crowd helped the driver wake up, but it was too late. Duncan's heart stopped.

The Unusual and Unsightly Death of Herod

4 BC King Herod fell ill with a fever, became covered in a rash, and suffered from inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Herod's genitals rotted. Before his death, convulsions became more frequent and Herod found it difficult to breathe. During his death throes, many worms swarmed in Herod’s body, as evidenced by the court doctors.

The death of his grandson Herod Agrippa in 44 was surprisingly similar: abdominal pain, worms. This happened shortly after he put the Apostle Peter in prison.

Crucified upside down

64 - 67 years. The Apostle Peter was crucified on an inverted cross, upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ.

Brutal death by shells

415 The world has too often been cruel to extraordinary women. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Hepatia was killed by a mob who skinned her alive with sharp shells. All that was left of the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake.

The king who drank himself to death

771 The King of Sweden, Adolf Fredrik, died of indigestion. He ate for lunch: crayfish, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, drank a lot of champagne. He ate all this with his usual dessert of 14 servings of sweet pie with hot milk. In Sweden they still call him “the king who drank himself to death.”

Death of an Explorer

1928 Doctor Alexander Bogdanov died after one of his experiments in which the blood of students suffering from malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1911 Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey company, died of blood poisoning, six years after he injured his leg when he kicked it in anger over forgetting the combination to a safe.

Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after being poisoned with prussic acid, beaten, mutilated, and suffering several gunshot wounds to the head, lungs, and liver. Strange, but he died precisely because he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas, an English racing driver, was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record from last year. Even though he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record of 171 miles per hour!

1943 Critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.