Sexual horoscope for Capricorn - Snake. Capricorn-Snake woman: characteristics, relationships with men. Recommendations for Capricorn women born in the year of the Snake Capricorn woman year of the fiery red snake

The Snake is a calculating mind and resourcefulness in Chinese astrology. Such women are also known for their quickness, charm and decisive methods of thinking and planning. When the astrological influence of this creature is combined with the sign of Capricorn, the person is considered to be very intelligent and driven.

Personality characteristics

The Capricorn Snake personality is usually determined in everything it does, without being too considerate of others. If the Capricorn Snake ever appears indecisive, it is a sign of weakness. Ladies are extremely bold under normal circumstances, so when they start to hesitate, it is an indication that all is not well. This happens after great disappointment.

The Capricorn Snake has the persistence of a typical Capricorn, but is also completely charming. This combination signifies a brave and passionate personality. Women are intellectual, they are innovators, but they rarely brag about their achievements, as they are devoid of egoism.

Capricorns born under the sign of the Snake differ significantly from their counterparts in their approach to achieving success. Instead of climbing to the top at a slow and steady pace, easy and fast work is preferred.

Like their animal namesake, representatives of this sign like to wait patiently for an opportunity to open up. Just as a deadly swamp beast sits in motionless silence, waiting for its prey to make a mistake in the calm waters around them, those born under this sign are an example of patience, cunning and tenacity. Success comes to them not because they scrupulously move forward, but because they are accustomed to hiding, waiting for the moment to prove themselves.

While others may interpret this approach as lazy or lucky, since Capricorn-Snakes usually end up getting what they want, it only works for natives of this sign.

Women born in the year of the Snake have very specific tastes and like to get exactly what they want. This often leads to unattractive behavior among representatives of this sign. They can be downright snobbish and vain when they disapprove of other people's tastes. No, women are not trying to be rude, they just don’t understand, they don’t hide their true feelings and what they think. Sometimes they show themselves to be overly detached and indifferent.

The most important life lesson for them is to find a balance between all aspects of life. With a tendency to become overly focused on one thought or belief, representatives of this sign must learn to combine their intellect and activity with their instincts and passions to get the most out of life. There is also a tendency among Capricorn-Snake people to over-value the wealth and success of others. Trying to impress with your success and wealth will most likely lead to personality imbalance.

Negative traits

The Capricorn-Snake woman is very stubborn, distant, apathetic, and indifferent. She doesn't like to listen to the advice of others. She is quite passive, wanting to be seen as cold and callous. Very worried about what others say about her. When she becomes suspicious, fearing that she is losing control, signs of genuine aggression appear.


Girls choose professions where they can apply intelligence and endurance. Capricorn Snakes are precise in their thoughts and actions, and believe that everything should have a purpose. In work situations, this focus and precision can be very useful as a motivator for others.

Such a woman is very hardworking and will work steadily on her way to the top. She tends to choose familiar professions that can give her power, status, and security.

She loves to work hard and get results, and her endurance and ingenuity help where others give up.

Most suitable professions:

  • medicine;
  • policy;
  • sport;
  • business;
  • banking;
  • military craft.


These people generally do not like company and often spend time alone. They are more likely to prefer the sounds of silence, especially when they want to concentrate or completely relax.

Life is quite easy for Capricorn Snakes if they are given enough space to be alone. They prefer comfortable living spaces, but are not too fussy.

This is a woman who has no reason to lie unless fear overwhelms her common sense. The only thing that can make her act instinctively is panic.

In general, she lives by the principle of “an eye for an eye,” and although she knows that all debts are repaid, in case of strong anger she can take justice into her own hands.

Anger and the need to repay debts to unfaithful partners are the few situations in which a representative of the sign is inclined to lie. However, this will soon make her feel guilty. Therefore, women try their best to avoid such situations.


In a relationship, women will look for a partner who matches their intellectual level, but does not exceed it. They have a special attitude towards what surrounds them. They need soul mates who can challenge and stimulate intellectually. These people are loyal and tend to show their flirtatious nature exclusively to their partner.

In the field of love, she is very enthusiastic and courageous. The Capricorn woman does not fall in love easily and does not waste time flirting. Love is a very serious matter for her and should not be trifled with. She is very confident in her abilities, but it may take a while before she gets going.

The girl is discriminatory and observant, she waits for some time to get information about her partner and will never allow herself to fall in love completely. She can be very romantic and emotional, like any other person, but can be quite shy in expressing emotions.

She wants to know a person in detail, she needs to show her emotions. The partner must be open-minded and have a great sense of humor. She likes a guy who is successful, honest and traditional. She deeply respects a man who puts his family first.

The representative of the sign has extremely strong sexual power, enjoys being in bed and emphasizes sex as a tool of communication. Compatibility is only possible with a person who will always give in; a Virgo man would be an excellent option. The horoscope states that the character combines well with Sagittarius and Capricorn.


In everyday life, the Snake-Capricorn prefers to take the reins of power into its own hands, leads the household and instructs them. Many people don’t like this, so as they grow up, children often begin to conflict and leave their father’s house early. She wants to know everything about everyone, control every moment and master the thoughts of her loved ones. Sometimes this behavior becomes the reason that a woman is left alone.

To understand this woman, you need to find a way to respect her, but not take her seriously. This is a very difficult task because the girl will try to convince you that she is tough, strong, and that there is nothing she cannot handle in life.

In fact, the Snake woman is extremely sensitive, always takes everything as a personal problem, and sacrifices her own benefit for the sake of other people. If she does not end up in the role of a victim, there is a chance that she will take responsibility for the lives of others, and this is something that cannot be allowed.

What does it look like?

The Capricorn woman has a good physique and stamina to always look attractive. Her eyes are deep, her lips are sensual, her nose is long, and her cheekbones are well defined.

She also has a captivating and charming smile that is often praised. The woman has slender ankles and small legs, which give her a light and quick gait. She is very picky about how she looks, so she always takes care of herself. Her earthy beauty is vibrant and invigorating.

In the video below you will find interesting facts about the Capricorn woman.

In order to know your character, understand your best qualities and discover your individuality, you need to not only superficially familiarize yourself with one of the interpretations of your personal horoscope, but also try to consider it from the perspective of various astrological systems and teachings. Astropsychological characteristics can complement each other, and their joint use when analyzing a horoscope will give a deeper and more meaningful look at a person’s personality, his aspirations and development potential. Let us explain this using the example of a combination of such horoscopic data as the Snake woman. The characteristics of such a person are given below.

General characteristics of Capricorn women born in the year of the Snake

If a woman was born in the year of the Snake, according to the Chinese horoscope (and these are the years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002), then this is a good sign for her, since the qualities of the Snake are very favorable for the female sex. The snake in the East is considered an energetically very strong sign, possessing mystical powers. At the same time, she personifies not rough and punchy, but soft power. In addition, such women are characterized by dexterity, wisdom and mobility. They are very mysterious and know how to keep secrets.

The snake will not waste its precious resources and strength in vain. She waits for an opportune moment and begins to act only when the situation seems most successful and profitable to her. It should not be surprising that it is often the Snake who reaches the finish line first, without spilling its internal energy and retaining the potential for many new things.

If we turn to Western astrology and consider the characteristics of solar Capricorns, then we should note, first of all, their perseverance, tenacity and serious attitude to life. Women born under this earth sign love to make plans and pursue their goals for a long time, systematically and persistently. The disadvantage of such a life position may be the movement to heights that no longer need to be conquered. Circumstances and conditions of the outside world often change, and clumsy Capricorns can continue to move by inertia in the direction they set many years ago.

The combination of the characteristics of the Snake and Capricorn in the horoscope allows one to overcome this disadvantage. Snake qualities make Capricorns more diplomatic, agile, flexible in life, and therefore contribute to achieving success in life.

The Sun in Capricorn in a woman’s horoscope will tell not only about her materialistic worldview, but also about the image of an ideal man. Outwardly, Capricorn women seem very cold and reserved in relationships, but their needs for interaction with the opposite sex are great. What type of men attracts a woman born under the sign of Capricorn? These qualities can be found below.

A woman who combines the qualities of Capricorn and Snake knows how to adapt to a man, work with him on joint projects and deftly avoid troubles and pitfalls in a partnership. Capricorn's integrity and intransigence are softened here by such serpentine qualities as loyalty, diplomacy, the ability to find compromises and resolve conflict situations to the benefit of both parties. The Snake woman thinks not only about her goals and personal well-being, but also about her partner, preferring joint progress forward to individual achievement of the goal.

Thus, the astrological combination of the Capricorn-Snake woman can be considered very favorable. The characteristics of these horoscopic influences are complementary and do not cause any contradictions in the personality structure. That is why women born in the year of the Snake have a greater chance of success in all areas of life: be it career, personal life, material wealth or spiritual self-development.

Capricorn-Snake does not like noisy society, has high analytical skills and developed intuition.

The combination of signs forms a closed character, such people like to observe but not participate. Intuitive abilities make their forecasts truthful, they are able to describe events and situations occurring in the world and environment

They have few friends; Capricorn-Snake does not allow everyone into his complex inner world. Those who know him more closely appreciate him developed mind and innovative thinking.

In love

It takes a long time to build love relationships. His tendency to analyze interferes with communication; it is difficult for him to take the first step. But if the object attracts him greatly, then Capricorn-Snake ready for exploits and extraordinary deeds. Conquers a loved one with persistence and unusual courtship. Among this combination there are many bachelors.

In the family

He does not crave close family communication; he needs a quiet corner for reflection and relaxation. Relations with close people are smooth, the man is not known for conflict, but does not tolerate interference in the inner world.

The Capricorn-Snake man always tries to remain in the shadows, to be invisible, even when he is in the center of events. Usually he retires for internal work, analyzes something, thinks through it and places certain emphasis on a particular event or person. It should be noted that his entire life is built on observations. With their help, he can make the right choice in favor of one person or another and assess reality.

They are people with bright, extraordinary abilities to see the future. What is unique is that they see their future and can avoid many mistakes. Excellent intuition and passion for the occult sciences help them reveal their talents in this area. They know how to captivate other people, so they are often brilliant organizers and leaders. They have many abilities, but the brightest is a literary streak that is worth developing.

By nature, these are quite complex individuals. They are devoted, but at the same time they can leave loved ones for the sake of some ideals. They are very emotional and even unbalanced. They receive all their achievements through a lot of work on themselves. They are noble and intelligent, and can become an excellent support, but only to certain limits. These men understand their responsibilities very well and approach them with increased seriousness.

Characteristics of a Capricorn-Snake man in Love

He always makes the right choice of partner, which is again based on analysis. It is difficult for him to get along with a woman at first, as his complex character and unsociability take their toll. As a result, he cannot find his other half for a long time. But, having decided on a partner, he is unlikely to let her go. He can use any means of conquest to achieve his goal.

In love, first of all, he values ​​community of interests. He never chooses a girl who does not share at least one of his interests. At the same time, he will always look for a girl who would also meet his wishes. As a result, he will be able to correctly place emphasis in relationships and be happy. It should be noted that in other respects it changes even under the influence of feelings.

Capricorn Man, born in the year of the Snake, in the Bed

He is too calculating, so in rare cases he only looks for bed in a relationship. Some goals are important to him, and the intimate sphere can become a way to achieve it. It should be noted that he also tries to win his partner in this way. It should be noted that he has a rather cool attitude towards this area of ​​life and only uses it for certain purposes, although in principle he is not against this relationship.

In the intimate sphere, he can use everything that is most traditional, but if desired, this can be experiments. In fact, these relationships are not an end in themselves, but only a method. That is why he does not focus on details. If his partner is interested in this relationship, he can also adjust. At the same time, there will be no unnaturalness, strain or unpleasant emotions in this case.

Horoscope of Capricorn-Snake man in Family and Marriage

Once married, he can become an inspired owner and will make a career. He always combines both activities, although this requires considerable effort, he does not try to choose one of the areas. His relations with his relatives are smooth and simple; he does not crave communication, so he rarely meets with them. As for his wife, he shares some interests with her. Relations with children are smooth, without quarrels.

He is always successful if he moves towards a certain goal. Marriage may also become his goal, but not at an early age. The fact is that he is looking for a reliable life partner who will support him in all his endeavors. And this search is not easy, which delays the process. It should be noted that he is not emotional, so he rarely gives in to feelings and emotions in this matter, as in other areas of life.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Capricorn Snake man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Snake man are of interest to those born under these signs. This guy is used to being more in the shadows, trying to remain unnoticed even when he is in the center of events. Most often, he retires for internal work, thinks through something, analyzes and places emphasis on certain events with people.

It should also be noted that his whole life is built on observations, since on this basis he makes a choice in favor of a certain person and evaluates reality. Such inclinations create considerable mental stress and a self-sufficient character that he does not need outside motivation. It’s nice that at the same time he doesn’t become isolated and doesn’t become too harsh.

Such character traits make this man completely averse to collective work. The Capricorn-Snake man, as a rule, chooses individual activities, and ideally, this activity can be carried out while in his own home and a cozy home chair.


A guy born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Snake has deduction, he is observant and intuitive. Taken together, all these skills provide extraordinary abilities. He can best realize them in art, a detective agency, in the political arena, as a philosopher. Intellectual power can be used in theoretical activities, in work as an analyst or consultant.

The Capricorn-Snake man carefully chooses his friends, because he is only interested in those people who are close to him in spirit. Thus, a fairly narrow circle of loyal friends is formed, with whom deep mutual understanding and intellectual kinship are achieved. This person is calm and reliable, his fantasies are not so far from reality, so he actively makes his dreams come true. He has enough wisdom and is able to choose the only correct solution from a large number of options.

Compatibility in love

The ability to make the right choice also applies to personal relationships, and in this area it is also based on analysis. It is difficult for him to get along with a woman, because some unsociability and complex character are a clear obstacle to this. Although he has been looking for his soul mate for a long time, having decided on a partner, he will not allow her to slip out of his hands. He will use any means of conquest in order to ultimately achieve his goal.

In a love relationship, this man primarily strives for a commonality of interests and values. Therefore, he is unlikely to choose as a life partner a girl who does not share any of his interests. The search for a soulmate is based on certain wishes. As a result, he manages to set his priorities correctly and find happiness in his relationship. All other changes occur even under the influence of feelings.

When the relationship develops into marriage, he becomes an inspired owner and at the same time builds his career. He tries to combine both activities, despite the fact that it requires quite a lot of effort. In relations with relatives, he behaves calmly and evenly; he rarely needs to communicate with them. The Capricorn-Snake man will try to build a strong relationship with his wife so that there are as few quarrels as possible.

Often this guy is successful if he chooses his goal and moves towards it. So, one of his goals may be marriage, but not at an early age. He strives to find a reliable life partner who can support him in any endeavor. Of course, finding your soul mate is not easy, so the matter is delayed. It should be noted that he is not very emotional, therefore he is rarely based only on emotions and feelings in this area of ​​​​life.

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Capricorn Snake - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Determined Capricorn and ambitious Snake create a very materialistic and status-conscious personality. Capricorn-Snake is a good breadwinner and breadwinner for the family. More reserved than other Snakes. Must learn to relax. In Chinese astrology, the symbol of the Snake is considered an intellectual, a calculating and resourceful person. These people are also known for their charm. In combination, when a Capricorn-Snake man or woman, these people are decisive in all their intentions. They have amazing manners and always think before they say anything.

Snake-Capricorn has determination and perseverance, they strive to please other people. They are intelligent and innovative, rarely boast about their achievements, and are not selfish. They need a job in which they can reveal their intelligence and determination. These people are precise in their actions and thoughts. They know how to motivate other people to work. Their thinking abilities allow them to learn and gain knowledge easily. They have a love for knowledge and they themselves strongly believe in the importance of education. Their homes, as a rule, are filled with books; they are avid readers and appreciate good science fiction. These people usually have their own company. At times they love silence in order to concentrate or completely relax.

In personal relationships, these people are easy to get along with, especially if they are given a place where they can spend time alone. They prefer an organized environment. As a partner, they are looking for a person who will match their intellectual level, but not exceed it. They need a person who would not be in charge, but who could stimulate them intellectually. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can be indecisive. Even in completely normal situations, they can begin to hesitate.

The snake of the zodiac sign Capricorn prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. She is very observant, has a penchant for analysis and synthesis, is good at the method of deduction and can become a genius of private investigation like Sherlock Holmes if she is seriously interested in this activity. Capricorn the snake does not like collective work, creativity and relaxation, preferring peace and quiet. Her favorite pastime is creating various theories based on observing people and events. And thanks not only to a good memory, but also to developed intuition, she often manages to make a construction that is stunning in its harmony and logic based on a small amount of data.

The Capricorn snake man can succeed in politics - he has no equal in the art of creating elegant political platforms. A Capricorn snake woman can immerse herself in art - but certainly elitist and highly intellectual. These people can become analytical scientists or consultants on any issue - the main thing is that what they do intrigues and interests them and that their associates and colleagues are close to them in some categories. And they choose only those who are able to understand the complex and abstract world in which Capricorn the snake lives as friends.

The sexual energy of both men and women of Capricorn snakes is very high, but they allow few people to approach them. As a result, this sign is extremely picky in choosing partners and does not accept casual relationships. Capricorn snakes are capable of deep feelings and sincere love.

Snake Combination

Capricorn-Snake Man

Whether to believe in horoscopes or not, each person must decide for himself. However, the characteristics and compatibility in love that are given for each individual zodiac sign more than once prove the true truth of the influence of stars and date of birth on a person’s personality. Some people are astronomically destined for each other. The rest should not even try to have an intimate relationship.

Characteristics of a Capricorn-Snake man

The Capricorn-Snake man has the abilities of a soothsayer. Its extraordinary capabilities always help to predict what is about to happen in the near future. This allows them to take a worthy position in society. If a person sees the future, then he knows what he can do wrong. This will prevent him from making mistakes.

The Capricorn-Snake man has excellent intuition. This is a sign to have great faith in horoscopes. They are often even more interested in them than representatives of the fair half of humanity. Some men of this sign are also interested in occult sciences. There are always fans and followers around them. They enable them to better realize their potential. They always have a desire for leadership. Sometimes they become informal team leaders.

The Capricorn-Snake man has different abilities. But their speech is best developed. The hidden talent of a writer flows through them. They need to take this talent more seriously and devote more of their time to developing it.

The Capricorn-Snake man has a complex character. These are very stubborn people, full of their own ideas. It is difficult to convince them of anything. They never give up their ideals.

The representative of this zodiac sign is an emotional man. He often shows intemperance. He knows about these shortcomings of his and always works on them.

The Capricorn-Snake man is a very noble and wise person. He is always a reliable support for his friends. If such a guy has his own responsibilities, then he will never give up on them. He always does everything exactly and on time.

The Capricorn-Snake man is rarely interested in money. But at the same time, they never give up the comfort that they can create with the money they have earned.

A representative of this sign never strives for enrichment. A higher power sees all this and often gives them unexpected gifts. They can receive funds from the most unusual sources. This kind of money allows them to always stay afloat.

A Capricorn-Snake man can begin to climb up the career ladder only if he has found something he likes. Realizing his talents, he boldly and simply rises from one position to another.

Compatibility in love between Capricorn and Snake men

A Capricorn-Snake man can only build a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex if she fully shares his ideological views. They will not be able to communicate for a long time with a girl who does not understand them at all. Only by this principle do they choose their beloved. Nothing changes in adulthood. In their youth, they simply often make the wrong choice, which leads to difficult relationships and a quick breakup.

The Capricorn-Snake man is full of his own extraordinary ideas. However, he does not try to understand other people's views on life. Such guys will only be happy with a girl who does not reject their ideas. If this does not happen, then the Capricorn-Snake man will constantly sacrifice communication with his family.

The Capricorn-Snake man is a very kind person. He does everything to enhance the effect of his act of kindness. He scatters his own energy on people who need understanding, but forgets that his family also needs it.

The Capricorn-Snake man is quite self-critical. This prevents him from looking positively at current affairs. He always starts soul-searching, and this already interferes with a peaceful existence and fulfillment.

Representatives of the opposite sex under the sign of the Rooster, Bull and Snake are especially suitable for this man. A strong and reliable union is always formed between them. Women who were born in the year of the Rabbit, Pig and Goat are completely incompatible with them according to the horoscope.

Characteristics of Capricorn-Snake Man

Endurance, composure, restraint and determination are the hallmarks of representatives of this type. Capricorn-Snakes are practitioners, not theorists. They focus all their energy on business, without spending extra time on long discussions.

Personality Traits of Capricorn in the Year of the Snake

Such people are executive, organized, and can work in various fields. They have logical thinking and can calculate scenarios several steps ahead. Material values ​​are of interest to them, but most of all they are attracted by the opportunity for self-realization. They can be alone in a team and not feel any discomfort about it.

Character of the Snake-Men of the Capricorn sign

Capricorn-Snakes carefully choose their friends and communicate in a narrow circle. They are reliable, loyal and altruistic towards loved ones. Such people have a hard time withstanding disappointments in life and can withdraw into themselves. They tend to crave solitude and do not like noise and fuss. Capricorn-Snakes take everything seriously, adhere to formality and rigor.

Personal life of Capricorn-Snake Men

Representatives of this type may experience difficulties in their personal lives and spend a long time searching for their soul mate. Easy relationships do not suit them; they strive for marriage and stability. They pay attention to responsible women who behave predictably. Capricorn-Snakes are practical, they skillfully combine career and family matters. Sometimes they can act aloof, but mostly they show warmth and care towards relatives. Family values ​​are of particular importance to Capricorn-Snake people and they value them very much.

Snake - Capricorn

Soviet and Russian actor Sergei Shakurov. German entrepreneur and archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. Russian actor Igor Lifanov. British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. British football coach Sir Alex Ferguson. Chinese politician Mao Zedong.

K lake, born in the year of the Snake, is distinguished by isolation, lack of friends and stubbornness. If this person is friends with someone, it is a friendship for life, his affection and loyalty knows no bounds, you can rely on such a friend without looking back.


The Snake-Capricorn man has a highly developed intellect, he is calculating and cold-blooded. It seems that this person is “unbreakable”; his every step is weighed and analyzed dozens of times. He is excellent at his job and is an excellent professional in the field that he has chosen. He spares no effort in work and self-improvement. It is the Snake-Capricorn man who is able to give the world something unique and very useful. In personal relationships, he finds it difficult to make contact, opens up for a long time, but once he trusts, he gives himself over to the family completely and without reserve, demonstrating to his household his big and kind heart.

Snake Capricorn Woman

The Snake-Capricorn woman is smart, taciturn, and affectionate with people. She, like a man of the same combination, is a very responsible and professional worker who values ​​time and strives for perfection in everything. In relationships with men, she is characterized by prudence, like all Capricorn women, but the Snake adds some cunning and deceit to everything else. Next to this woman there should be a serious and respectable man who will allow her to do her own thing, calmly respond to the desire to be alone, and at the same time take her to a new social level. The Snake-Sagittarius woman is a very faithful wife; divorce is like death for her, even when the relationship with her husband has reached a dead end.

On the outside, the Capricorn Snake appears to be a cold and sullen person in his own right. But upon closer examination, you will notice that this is a man of a broad soul, honest and calm, striving to make this world a better place.

Capricorn-Snake man – horoscope and characteristics of the Zodiac sign

A man born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Capricorn has high intuition and soothsaying abilities. He can help you realize your potential. Often such men become informal team leaders. They have good deduction.

Character Traits

Capricorn the snake is distinguished by a certain duality. These are powerful, purposeful, self-confident individuals with a strong position in life. At the same time, they are particularly sociable and friendly. This is a fairly noble and intelligent person. He always has loyal friends nearby, for whom he himself is a reliable support.

Characterized by a rather complex character, stubbornness and increased emotionality.

A positive aspect is the ability to analyze his behavior, which he constantly works on, minimizing all shortcomings. Financial well-being for the Capricorn-Snake man is not of great importance. Representatives of this sign never strive for enrichment. They can achieve career growth if they like this type of activity.

What are Capricorn-Snakes like in love?

When choosing his soulmate, the Capricorn-Snake man is looking for a girl with common interests. He is very calculating, which even manifests itself in the choice of a sexual partner. His excessive penchant for analysis complicates the search for a companion, sometimes taking years. If he makes his choice, he will not miss his chance and will seek reciprocity by any means.

Capricorn-Snake lives more with the mind than with the heart.

The Capricorn-Snake girl should completely share his interests. When meeting women, he immediately expresses his wishes and sets the emphasis for future relationships. He will be happy only if his partner willingly meets him halfway and is able to sacrifice her opinion to please the man.

Marriage and family of a Capricorn-Snake man

Such men manage to combine building a career and family life, never neglecting either one. Relatives will not be frequent guests in the Capricorn-Snake house, so relationships with them do not strain anyone. He is an excellent father to children, without pressuring with his opinion, he tries to show by his own example what a man should be.

He tries to pay maximum attention to his wife and values ​​family harmony very much.

The combination of Capricorn and Snake is considered one of the most successful for a man who sets himself far-reaching goals. Marriage is one of them, here you give it your all. In creating a family, one is rarely guided by feelings, as in other things, so calculation in this case justifies the overall well-being.

Capricorn men born in other years

Compatibility with other signs

Given his own coldness, Capricorn-Snake chooses emotional partners. If a woman can direct her feelings in the right direction and finds common ground with a man, she will be happy in such a union. This sign has high compatibility with women of the Capricorn-Pig sign; here the commonality of interests reaches its apogee. The female sign Gemini-Rooster will decorate a man’s life with vivid impressions and strong feelings.

Capricorn-Snake Man

Capricorn-Snake does not like noisy society, has high analytical skills and developed intuition.

The combination of signs forms a closed character, such people like to observe but not participate. Intuitive abilities make their forecasts truthful, they are able to describe events and situations occurring in the world and environment

They have few friends; Capricorn-Snake does not allow everyone into his complex inner world. Those who know him more closely appreciate him developed mind and innovative thinking.

It takes a long time to build love relationships. His tendency to analyze interferes with communication; it is difficult for him to take the first step. But if the object attracts him greatly, then Capricorn-Snake ready for exploits and extraordinary deeds. Conquers a loved one with persistence and unusual courtship. Among this combination there are many bachelors.

He does not crave close family communication; he needs a quiet corner for reflection and relaxation. Relations with close people are smooth, the man is not known for conflict, but does not tolerate interference in the inner world.

Capricorn born in the year of the Snake

Thanks to the determination of Capricorn and the ambition of the Snake, very mercantile, materialistic and concerned about the social status of individuals are born. Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is an excellent breadwinner, hunter, and breadwinner. Such a Snake is a little more restrained than its relatives; it does not know how to relax at all.

In Chinese astrology, the Snake is considered a symbol of intelligence, calculation and resourcefulness. People born under this combination are famous for their charm. They are very determined and persistent. The obvious advantage of this personality is impeccable manners and the habit of thinking twice before speaking.

Capricorn-Snake is determined and persistent, but also strives to please others. This combination gives birth to intellectuals and innovators who do not like to brag about their own merits and are not self-centered. They strive to get work in the process, which can reveal their intelligence and determination. All the actions and thoughts of these people are as accurate as a Swiss watch. They are great at motivating people to work.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is easy to learn; for him there are simply no topics that he cannot understand. He is confident in the importance of acquiring knowledge; people of this combination study with great pleasure. At home, as a rule, they have an extensive home library, which contains a wide variety of books. Capricorn-Snake loves to read, he prefers science fiction. He has his own company of like-minded people, however, he often strives to be alone in order to feel the peace and quiet that relaxes him.

In family life, it is quite easy to get along with a Capricorn-Snake, especially if he has a place where he can spend time in silence and solitude. Everything around him should be in order; he does not like disorganization and chaos. In the role of his partner, he sees only an intellectual to match himself, but it is important that the intellectual abilities of the other half do not exceed him. They are not looking for a master or a helper around the house; the main thing for them in a partner is the ability to stimulate intellectually.

The main negative feature of this personality is that sometimes they become indecisive and even in the simplest and most unambiguous situations are capable of hesitating.

Capricorn-Snake is more prone to a solitary lifestyle. He is observant, has analytical skills, well-developed deduction and intuition.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is not a fan of teamwork, creativity, relaxation, and so on; he is more comfortable in peace and quiet, alone with himself. One of his favorite activities is observing the people and events around him, analyzing what is happening and searching for explanations. Thanks to their innate intuition, observation, and good memory, they often manage to build accurate and excellent explanations and theories based on even a small amount of data.

Men born under a combination of these signs often succeed in the political sphere. He is a master at building political platforms. While the Capricorn-Snake woman often immerses herself in creativity and art.

Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake can become a scientist, analyst or consultant; in principle, they can succeed in any field, the main thing is that the matter interests and intrigues them. People of this combination keep as friends only those who are truly able to understand them.

Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake has high sexual attractiveness and energy, however, he allows few people into his bed. This person is very attentive and picky when choosing partners; casual relationships are not for him. People of this combination are capable of pure and sincere love.

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