Do blue and blue roses exist, where do they grow and how much do they cost? Rose - "language of flowers" What does blue roses mean?

The question of why blue roses are given concerns many people. These amazing flowers excite the imagination, make you amazed and enchant with their unusualness and unearthly beauty. To understand the answer, you first need to understand how these beauties were born, because the blue color is unconventional for this plant, and in nature there is not even a rosehip with petals of a similar color.

History and facts about the blue rose

Since ancient times, breeders around the world have tried to breed roses of unusual colors. They were especially interested in the question of how to find a way that could radically change the color of the petals of this royal flower. However, so far it has been possible to derive only a distant reminder of the color blue. There are only a few varieties of roses whose petals, under certain growing conditions, are slightly closer to blue in color.

In fact, such a color is obtained by conventional dyeing. Scientists have invented a certain dye that, at varying degrees of saturation of the solution, can give the desired color to a given flower. As a rule, white roses are used for coloring, this allows you to get the shade as close as possible to the desired one.

What does a blue rose mean?

Blue roses were often sung by poets and prose writers in their works as a symbol of something unattainable and beautiful. They meant the pursuit of an ideal, the achievement of a set goal, a dream and delight. Purple genetically modified roses are often used in a wide variety of compositions. They have an amazing shade and are extremely popular among lovers of exotic and unusual flowers.

Recently, quite often, brides have begun to choose bouquets of blue roses instead of white ones. This composition looks especially good for themed weddings in blue. Such bouquets go perfectly with white, yellow or cream flowers. Competent florists will definitely select the right shades for the bride’s bouquet that match color scheme holiday, her outfit, hair color and hairstyle.

In some cultures around the world, the blue rose is considered a symbol of royal blood. It has long been believed that people of royal descent have blue blood. That's why magic flower associated with the powers that be.

There is no clear answer to the age-old question about why blue roses are given to a girl or woman. These flowers will be appropriate for any celebration or just like that, as a present for no reason. It is believed that by presenting such a composition to a lady, a man wishes her all her deepest desires. If you want to make a real surprise for a lady, choose a bouquet of blue roses; it will definitely capture the woman’s imagination and will be remembered by her for the rest of her life.

Who do they give blue roses to?

The main purpose of these flowers is to surprise and delight the recipient of the gift. They symbolize mystery, mystery, inviolability and inaccessibility. You can make a similar gift:

  • beloved as a recognition of her originality and elegance;
  • a person for whom you have deep feelings of respect and gratitude;
  • to a loved one to highlight the special significance it has in your life.

Our women are not yet accustomed to such exotic and amazing flowers. The most popular are red, pink, white, cream or even yellow roses. They are usually given as a gift for any occasion - for a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, or no less. important event. However, blue roses are no exception. They are also suitable as a floral gift for any celebration.

The mystical meaning of the blue rose: does it exist?

If a man thinks about why blue roses are given as a gift, and as a result chooses a floral gift of exactly that color, then he has good reasons for this. So he wants to please dear person something unusual and surprisingly attractive. When receiving such a bouquet, remember that blue roses are given for special occasions and just to make someone happy. There is no need to look for mystical meaning in this flower, it alone is to bring joy and wish fulfillment of hopes and aspirations.

If a girl receives such a bouquet from her lover, she must be sure that boundless love for her reigns in his heart. Thus, he admits his sincere feelings and admiration for his passion.

Give your loved ones flowers! Let it be one small rose in a simple transparent package, but this is attention that a woman enjoys not only on special days, but just like that, for no reason. A blue rose is exactly the sign of love that is so needed in the relationship of any couple. By giving such a bouquet, you can ask for forgiveness after a quarrel, make your woman look at you with different eyes, appreciate her beauty and confess her most sincere feelings.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Rose flowers have been brightening up celebrations for centuries. To date, selectors have bred over 10,000 varieties of this plant! They differ in the length of the stem, the splendor of the bud, the shape of the leaves and petals, the presence or absence of thorns, and color. When seeing a bouquet of blue roses, people often wonder whether they exist in nature? If not, how do they get this shade?

What are blue roses

Until recently, a rose of this shade was considered a fantastic flower that could only be found in fairy tales and legends. There is practically no blue color in nature; green and all kinds of shades of red dominate. Through selection, scientists bred a blue rose, and it became a symbol of dreams. It is given to mysterious but optimistic people who do not lose faith in a bright future.

Do they exist in nature?

Blue rose flowers do not exist in nature. They were first released in Japan in 2008. This phenomenon was preceded by the discovery of an American scientist. In 2004, he managed to isolate a special enzyme that, when interacting with bacteria, turned them blue. As a result of the opening genetic engineering became interested in the find, expecting great success and originality of the blue flowers.

Until 1930, there was no scarlet rose; this is also the creation of human hands. Varieties have been developed using genetic modifications bright colors red. The experiments did not end there. Now on the market for these products you can find green and even black roses, and the Internet is replete with pictures with rainbow pink buds or flowers of acidic shades.

How to grow

Through much research and experimentation, geneticists managed to obtain a stable gene that gives the rose its color. To do this, a gene from pansies called delphinidin. The result was strengthened by hybridization with a gene from iris. The first flowers of this original shade were named Suntory Blue Rose in honor of the Japanese company that sponsored the project.

They went on sale 3 years later, in 2011. The initial price started at $20 for 1 flower. Many attempts have been made to grow blue roses at home. In pursuit of profit, people sold ordinary roses painted with blue pigment as original ones. They poured a blue solution, etc. However, this method of staining is temporary and does not guarantee sufficient color depth. It is impossible to grow such a rose at home today.

Where to buy blue roses

You are unlikely to find this variety in a regular flower shop. You can only buy a blue rose at specialized stores or order in the online store. You need to understand that growing this variety takes a lot of resources, so its cost will be an order of magnitude higher than usual. You can order blue roses online at a cheap price by taking advantage of discounts and promotions. Delivery is carried out mainly by mail.


You can also buy a bouquet of blue roses in special flower shops or order online. Some services provide the opportunity to arrange a bouquet at your own discretion. In the store you will be able to personally attend the arrangement of the bouquet. The composition is often diluted with other varieties of blue roses or, conversely, added bright accents. You can experiment with greenery, wrapping paper and other types of flowers.


Seedlings of blue roses for growing under open air. The Rhapsody variety is especially popular. It is resistant to adverse weather conditions and frost. Height – 120 cm, flower diameter – 6 cm, bright color. The Blue Moon variety is very popular. The flowers of this modified species are a shade of lilac. Such purple flowers are not inferior in originality to blue colors. When purchasing seedlings, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no visible defects on the bark and roots of the plant.

There is a certain language of flowers, according to which the color of a rose speaks of certain feelings. These flowers are usually chosen by self-confident people. They stand firmly on their feet and value comfort and stability. The color of this amazing flower has its own associations.

Not a single flower has been endowed with such different meanings and symbols as the rose. The Greeks saw the rosebud as a symbol of infinity, because the rose is round, and the circle has no beginning or end and therefore symbolizes infinity; Moreover, in the bud the leaves are tightly twisted, so that it cannot be unfolded. But as soon as the rose opens, its life is short-lived. Its petals fall off or wither after being torn off.

“Rose Virgin” was the name given to beautiful young girls, reminding them that their age of beauty was short-lived. The short-lived captivating beauty of the rose reminded us of the short duration of beauty, the transience of human life.

From the Greeks the rose was transferred to Rome. Here, during the republic, the rose was considered a symbol of strict morality. Roman warriors, when going on a campaign, took off their helmets and put on wreaths of roses - it was believed that these wreaths infused courage into the hearts of warriors. The rose served as an emblem of courage: the famous Roman commander Scipio Africanus allowed his soldiers to carry bouquets of roses in their hands on the day of their triumphal entry into Rome, and to perpetuate the memory of their courage - to emboss images of roses on their shields.

But the rose had another, completely unexpected meaning: it became a symbol of silence. Rose saved the life of more than one chatterbox. During feasts, an artificial rose hung from the ceiling of the hall - it was dedicated to the god of silence, Harpocrates. In Rome during the time of Nero, this was a useful reminder - what a drunken person will not blurt out! And Nero's spies are right there.

In the 19th century the language of flowers attributed to the rose exclusively the meaning of a love confession. But at the same time, roses were distinguished by variety: the Austrian rose meant “with great love,” the Damask rose meant “shy love,” the white rose meant quiet love, and the yellow rose meant infidelity. However, it is also important what flowers the rose is combined with in the bouquet...

Rose without thorns- love at first sight; according to Christian legends, this is a virtue, and it grew in paradise, but this was before the fall of man. After Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, thorns appeared on the rose as a reminder of mortal sin.

Tea roses are a traditional symbol of separation. Their symbolic: “I will never forget you” reminds the giver and recipient of warm and memorable moments of meetings. The tea rose symbolizes constancy. In perfumery, the retro scent of tea rose has always been considered a symbol of beauty, femininity and romance.

White rose , just like the white violet, became a symbol of the innocence, purity and chastity of the Mother of God. The Virgin Mary was called the Magic Rose, the Rose of Heaven, the Rose Without Thorns. Legend says that the Archangel Gabriel took white, yellow and red roses and made three wreaths from them for Holy Mother of God. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, red roses meant her suffering, and yellow roses meant her glory.

The white rose symbolizes love, harmony, purity, innocence, and fidelity. Presenting snow-white rosebuds as a gift, the giver seems to want to say: “You are heavenly and pure”; “I admire your unearthly and pristine beauty”; "You are as perfect as these white roses." The white rose is a symbol eternal love, purer, stronger and stronger than all earthly feelings, including passion. That's why a bouquet of white roses is given at a wedding.

Red roses- a symbol of passion and desire; true love. Many people know that it is the red and pink buds that exude an amazing aroma that express deep love and passion. In addition, red roses have always been given as a sign of respect and admiration for the object for whom these flowers are intended.

White and red roses combined in one bouquet symbolize harmonious love and unity of views, unanimity, union, long and lasting friendship. Moreover, if you choose roses, the white petals of which will be framed by a red edging, such a bouquet will have a similar meaning. In any case, the combination of white and red colors in a bouquet of roses symbolizes loyalty and unanimity, as if confessing to the recipient - “You and I are one.”

Pink roses often symbolize a new beginning of a relationship, a certain hint of a feeling that, perhaps in the near future, will flare up in full force and strike two lovers in the very heart. Pink color of rose buds and bouquets of these beautiful and noble flowers expresses gratitude and pride, sympathy and sweet thoughts, tender emotions and a feeling of admiration.

Pink has the richest range of shades, the combination of which is used to create complex, promising and often eloquent messages. Pink flowers symbolize politeness, courtesy, courtesy. They are a symbol of elegance and sophistication. You can express your gratitude by presenting roses of bright pink or cherry color as a gift. At the same time, you can express your feelings of sympathy by giving soft pink flowers of unopened roses.

Burgundy rose, like scarlet, means an ardent feeling of love, frantic passion and admiration. A bouquet of burgundy roses seems to be trying to confess: “You are so beautiful that you don’t realize it.” It is noteworthy that this particular color of buds is considered a traditional gift and the most popular means of expressing feelings on Valentine's Day. Burgundy petals with purple or lavender hues speak of charm, splendor and magnetism, but do not at all mean a strong and lasting feeling. If we consider in more detail the symbolic meaning of burgundy roses, we can say that these flowers express charm to the owner of the bouquet and love at first sight. Burgundy roses also have different shades of color, meaning various options symbolic meaning.

A dark burgundy bouquet is somewhat gloomy; it is best to dilute it with other shades close to burgundy, such as scarlet, pink or peach. A dark burgundy rose is a rose that is customary to give to representatives of the older generation. This color is of “unconscious” but unfading beauty. It can mean passing passion and aging; symbolizes grief or condolences.

Yellow rose- friendship, happiness, joy; a flower that expresses the most positive emotions; According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with betrayal and jealousy (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

For some reason, the meaning is more common among people yellow roses is considered separation. However, this meaning does not at all correspond to the real symbol of yellow roses. Quite the contrary, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and recognition, admiration and admiration, as well as respect. When yellow flowers are given by people who have been married for a long time, they mean regularity and sweetness. family relations, but in some situations these flowers can also symbolize infidelity.

At all times, the color yellow has meant an active and freedom-loving beginning. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow roses is a frequent guest of various celebrations as an expression of congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Yellow roses are a way to emphasize pride in what has been achieved and open, and to celebrate this event with the recipient.

Few people know about the conciliatory feature of yellow roses. When you see a yellow bouquet of fresh and wonderfully smelling roses in the hands of your significant other, with whom you recently quarreled, know that this means only one thing: “Let’s leave everything behind and start a new page in our relationship.”

Orange roses express the most better wishes, warm feelings and enthusiasm. If you are overcome by an intoxicating feeling of love, orange roses will help you tell your beloved about it. Orange roses are able to convey not only charm, but also pride in the object of your feelings.

Peach roses- This is a manifestation of modesty. They are often presented in honor of successful completion of affairs. With the help of peach roses you can express a warm attitude, feelings of joy when meeting and gratitude. These natural flowers serve the best decoration festive table, covered for any reason.

Roses of blue (blue) tones is a symbol of mystery, achieving the impossible. Pink petals acquired such an unusual color through selection and artificial breeding of varieties. They are extraordinary and mysterious, therefore blue roses given to people who are just as mysterious and inaccessible. However, the blue color of rose buds has different shades. For example, lilac shades of petals can express charm, admiration and first love.

Green roses, which recently became guests of florists, mean abundance and generosity. It is the unusual green rose buds that are a symbol of fertility. These flowers will be appreciated by prosperous and successful individuals. As psychologists say, green- this is balance and stability. You can't express love with green roses, but they can talk about jealousy.

All light roses They can give each other to friends without any special subtext, because they are a symbol of friendship. However, not only the color of rose buds can express feelings and convey words. The shape of the flower itself is also noteworthy. For example, unopened rosebuds that are part of a bouquet speak of the first innocent feeling of falling in love. So, red and pink buds emphasize admiration for beauty and youth, and white rose petals seem to hint at youth and the impossibility of love and affection. If you want to confess your love for the first time, the best option There will be a bouquet of light green roses for you. If a bouquet of an open rose and two buds is presented as a gift, this means some kind of secret and riddle. Two beautiful flower, which are inextricably linked into one, are an invitation to a date, or may mean anticipation of marriage.

It so happened in history that black roses are an emblem of sadness and a symbol of death. But it’s not only grief and experience that these majestic flowers can express. Often they symbolize new beginnings, trips or new things to do. Giving a bouquet of black roses means expressing your admiration for the strength and rebellious spirit of the person to whom they are addressed, but it is extremely wrong to express affection with the help of these aesthetic flowers.

Scarlet Rose- symbol of romantic love and passion
Rose red (bud)- confusion
Pale pink- tenderness
Dark pink- Gratitude
Coral- desire, passion
Hollyhock- ambitions
Rose-eglantheria- poetry

Each flower has a specific meaning. Roses are no exception. People present roses to each other in different situations, showing your sincere attitude. The main principle of a bouquet of roses is their number, color, shape and type of buds.

One rose presented means love. And 12 red roses are a symbol of strong love. On the day of the funeral, roses express grief.

What does the color of roses mean?

The color of this versatile flower has its own associations, meaning and symbols.

White roses signify brightness and purity. They are presented to express their passion. Emphasize that the feelings are sincere. Traditionally, roses of this color are presented to newlyweds. This compliments the youth and purity of the bride and emphasizes the solemnity of the event.

A lonely rose presented by a young man will tell a girl about sublime feelings white.

A lush bouquet can emphasize a man’s strong feelings and confidence in a serious relationship. The same bouquet can be given to an old friend or female boss as a sign of sincere respect and admiration.

Red edge on white petals- a signal for the start of peaceful negotiations after a quarrel with the woman you love.

Light shades symbolize friendship. Tea roses speak of the memory of past relationships.

A red bouquet expresses passion and absolute love. Flowers suggest romantic relationship, violent desires. They are considered a symbol of respect, admiration, and courage.

Rose buds - elegance, sophistication, sophistication. They talk about the beginning of attachment and awakening feelings. The different shades of colors are meaningful. Gratitude and sincere gratitude means pink with a dark tint around the edges. A pink bouquet emphasizes pleasant memories, joy, and tender emotions.

Orange color is ardent feelings, inspiration, good wishes, passion. An orange bouquet symbolizes the highest degree of pride. An orange bouquet can be given to anyone.

Blue (light blue) roses are a symbol of achieving the impossible, of mystery. They are presented to mysterious, inaccessible people. The lilac shade of the petals expresses charm, admiration and the beginning of first love.

How to give flowers?

According to the norms of flower etiquette, a bouquet should:

What does the number of buds in a bouquet indicate?

Number of buds in a bouquet- Very important point. This is the language of flowers. You can communicate your intentions and feelings without words. The number of flowers in the bouquet is determined by great value girls. Therefore, a composition calculated incorrectly can lead her astray.

You only need to give an odd number of flowers. Even number Flowers are required to be brought to the funeral.

On the first date they usually give a bouquet of 5 buds. This bouquet is considered neutral. Suitable for unfamiliar friends or girlfriends.

Three flowers presented only to a loved one. Wives in a happy and long-lasting marriage are usually given a bouquet of 11 red flowers. Without words, you can confess your feelings to your loved one. Presenting 25 red roses.

29 buds symbolize eternal love. And if you really want to emphasize your lady’s adoration and admiration for her, then you should buy a basket with 101 roses.

For anniversaries and birthdays, bouquets are presented, the number of roses in which corresponds to the age of the hero of the occasion.

Is it possible to give one rose?

Can. In the language of flowers, a single rose means indecisive, shy and timid love. It is quite appropriate to give one flower on the first date. This will be a sign of the girl's charm and interest.

What color flowers should I give to girls and women?

Young girls are usually given flowers of light, pastel shades with half-opened buds. Elderly women are presented with blooming rosebuds bright color. The older the woman, the darker the color of the roses should be.

There will be no mistake if, when choosing a bouquet focus on the lady's hair color:

  1. Brunettes love large flowers and bright colors.
  2. Blondes prefer to receive white roses or light cream shades. But the buds should not be too large.
  3. Dark buds in blue and purple shades suit the face of red-haired ladies.

It is traditional to give flowers at a wedding. When choosing a bouquet, you should definitely take into account certain nuances.

Dark shades are not the best good choice. This also applies to yellow bouquets. Popularly, yellow is the color of betrayal. But if the newlyweds are fans of Feng Shui, then the bouquet should only be yellow, because according to teaching, this color is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.

Ideal for weddings all flowers are light in color. It is these shades that symbolize both tenderness and purity of relationships.

For weddings, white bouquets are brought without additional decorative elements.

The size of the bouquet also matters. It shouldn't be bulky. 5-7 rose buds with long stems are enough. A composition from light colors With additional elements wedding symbols.

The rose has always been a symbol of love, but with the help of this flower you can express a whole range of emotions: depending on the color of the petals, roses can mean passion, respect, gratitude, friendship and even deep repentance. Moreover, there are shades with negative connotations, which is why it is not recommended to give bouquets of certain colors to people who are inclined to believe various kinds of superstitions. To avoid misunderstandings, it would be a good idea to study the symbolism of flowers.

What colors are roses

The color palette of roses is extremely rich. Petals in buds can have a wide variety of colors: pink, red, white, orange, burgundy, purple. In addition, there are species with quite exotic colors: flowers with blue, light blue and even greenish petals have been bred. Such diversity inevitably raises the question: what flower buds are appropriate in a given situation?

The color palette of roses is extremely rich

What do certain colors mean?

Each shade has its own meaning, which you can use as a guide when choosing a bouquet. Depending on what the color of the petals means, some bouquets are more appropriate to give to young girls, while other shades are more suitable mature women. There are also universal colors that are suitable in almost all situations.


Pink roses, due to their variety of shades, have a wide range of meanings. So, for example, gently pink roses express hope for a future relationship and symbolize youth, lightness, fragility, as well as the emergence of feelings, so bouquets with such shades are best suited as a gift for a young girl. Unopened buds can give a special airiness to the bouquet.

On the other hand, bouquets of pale shades can be given to friends as a sign of devotion without much subtext. White and pink roses mean gratitude with notes of sincere admiration.

Pay attention! Roses in bright shades symbolize ardor and admiration, but without the excessive pretentiousness that is sometimes attributed to reds.

Pink roses


The peach hue traditionally signifies modesty, but this is not its only meaning. Peach roses also express the joy of communication and deep appreciation, being a wonderful way to demonstrate not only the warmth of a relationship, but also to express deep gratitude.

Most often roses peach color given as a sign of successful completion of affairs. In addition, it is a symbol of admiration and warm feelings.

Important! Peach-colored rose flowers are appropriate to give not only to women, but also to men.


It's no secret that red roses primarily mean passion. This is a symbol of ardent, unexpectedly flared up feelings and strong desire. At the same time, red is a fairly universal shade. A bouquet of red flowers can be given as a sign of respect and admiration, as well as friendly affection.

Bouquet of red roses


White roses - the meaning of these flowers from time immemorial speaks of tenderness, deep affection and trembling feelings. In addition, it is a symbol of chastity, purity and innocence. They are the complete opposite of “noisy” red roses and do not convey passion, but emphasize sublime, eternal love. This is a reflection of feelings that are higher than earthly passions.

White roses also have a number of additional meanings: they are a symbol of deep respect, harmony, fidelity, the promise of eternal love and the beginning of a new life. Therefore, the bride’s bouquet at a wedding ceremony is most often made from white roses.


Roses with blue petals without impurities do not exist in nature. Breeding work on breeding blue varieties were not successful - scientists were never able to achieve the purity of the color of the buds, however, artificial coloring technologies have been known since time immemorial. Even so, blue roses are still quite an exotic and extraordinary gift, along with flowers of blue and greenish shades.

The main purpose of such a bouquet is to surprise. A rare color allows you not only to express your admiration, but also to emphasize the special significance of a person in the life of the donor. This best gift for creative people, extraordinary people. Besides, blue flowers act as a symbol of impossible desires, so they are given to wish for the fulfillment of your most cherished dream. Another meaning of the buds of this unusual shade is the awareness of the inaccessibility of love on the part of the recipient, as a result of which blue roses are sometimes presented without implying the hope of reciprocity.

Important! Bouquets of rich dark shades are usually given to old friends. Light blue flowers will be an excellent gift on a first date, acting as a veiled declaration of love.

Light blue flowers make an excellent first date gift.


Women today are somewhat wary of yellow compositions due to the fact that it is considered a symbol of impending separation, infidelity and betrayal, but this is nothing more than a common misconception. Yellow roses do not necessarily mean that the giver is hinting at a desire to separate; on the contrary, it is a call for reconciliation. Yellow bouquets are often given to ask for forgiveness, but the symbolism of color is not limited to this.

It is the color of activity, success, happiness and determination. Giving a bouquet of yellow flowers to work colleagues or superiors is appropriate for special occasions. In addition, it is associated with warm, close relationships and care, so a bouquet with yellow petals can be presented as a gift good friends to congratulate them on something important achievement. Yellow flowers also convey wishes for a speedy recovery.

Spouses can give yellow roses to their other halves after many years of marriage, thereby expressing gratitude to their partner and emphasizing their own happiness from this union.


The symbolism of burgundy roses is in many ways similar to red flowers, but has greater depth. While scarlet shades have a hint of some aggressiveness and pressure, burgundy conveys passion with a hint of deep devotion. A burgundy bouquet will help emphasize the seriousness of your intentions. Also, the burgundy color conveys a high degree of respect, which is why burgundy flowers are usually given to mature women in high positions.

A burgundy bouquet will help emphasize the seriousness of intentions

Important! A dark burgundy composition can have a somewhat gloomy appearance, so it is often diluted with buds of other shades: scarlet, peach or cherry.


Orange roses, just like red and burgundy, convey passion, but with a touch of harmony and happiness. In addition, orange means not only charm and ardor of feelings, but also pride in the object of passion.

The bright buds of an orange bouquet symbolize freshness and youth. In addition, the orange color of the petals is a symbol of creativity and enthusiasm.

Important! Buds are often combined in bouquets different colors, however experiment with orange tint should be done carefully.


Purple roses are a symbol of perfection and wealth. This color is also a symbol of love at first sight, while reds usually signify feelings experienced over time.

Burgundy color is a symbol of love at first sight

The purple hue of the buds will help to express fascination with the object of adoration, but at the same time it is considered a symbol of the impermanence and fleetingness of desires.


Roses of a blue hue, as well as blue ones, contain certain notes of mystery and unattainability. There are no roses with pure blue petals; all bred specimens are painted in shades close to blue: bluish-lilac, lavender, etc.

They are considered a symbol of unattainability and charm, and also express first love.

There are no strict rules for gifting depending on color, however, some well-established norms can be identified, according to which this or that shade would be better suited in a certain situation.

There are no strict rules for gifting

  • for the first declaration of love, light-colored roses are best suited;
  • It is not customary to give bouquets of dark colors, for example, burgundy, to young girls. Most often they are given to mature women;
  • women's bouquets usually have a round shape, so it is better to choose plants with short stems as a gift;
  • young girls are recommended to give compositions with blossoming buds;
  • Flowers in pots can only be given to close people or old acquaintances. In other cases, such a gift will be inappropriate;
  • bouquets intended for funeral ceremonies should not be too bright. In this case, buds of discreet shades are best suited.

The number of flowers when donating is no less important:

  • It is not customary to give an even number of roses, at least in Russia;
  • A single rose is a well-known way to declare love. It is also a symbol of modesty;
  • 5 buds represent wishes for good luck, prosperity and happiness;
  • 9 pieces are a symbol of repentance. Such a bouquet can be presented either to a loved one or to a close friend with whom you want to improve relations after a major quarrel;
  • a composition of 15 pieces would be appropriate as a gift for an anniversary or in honor of a first meeting;
  • 19 pieces are traditionally given to newlyweds, because this number is considered a symbol of happiness and a long life in harmony and love;
  • a composition of 36 buds is given in order to wish the recipient happiness and long life.

Important! It is not customary to give a bouquet of eleven flowers - this is considered a bad omen.

Of course, gifts are not always chosen with an eye to the language of flowers and symbolism. Most often, when choosing a bouquet, a person is guided only by subjective aesthetic preferences, without bothering to search for the possible hidden meaning that this or that shade may conceal. And yet, knowing the alphabet of colors helps not only to most accurately express your feelings, but also to emphasize the significance of the person to whom the gift is intended.