Dasha is a full female name. Name meaning: Daria

Choosing a name for a child is a responsible step. It is important not only how euphonious the name will sound: each name has its own history, characteristics and meaning. Daria (Dasha) is popular in Russia female name. It has been actively used in Christian and Catholic countries since the beginning of the 18th century, and its roots go back to the times of Ancient Persia. If you are thinking about naming your daughter Daria, or are simply interested in the origin of your own name, this article will help you learn more about the secret of the name Daria.

The popularity of the name Daria is now only growing. Phonetically, this name, with the emphasis on the first syllable, sounds bright and positive. For some, the sound seems a little rude - then the abbreviated form Dasha or multiple diminutive forms can be used. Let's consider where this name came to us, what it means, and what personality traits it is associated with.

Origin and meaning of the name Daria

The origin of the name Daryan cannot be determined precisely. There are at least two versions of the origin of this name.

  • According to one version, it came to us from the ancient Persian language, in which there was a male name Darius. This name, in turn, is a variant Greek name Dareios. In this case, the name Daria means “possessing good.” There is no exact information here whether material or spiritual good was meant. Therefore, the name Daria can mean “rich” or “good, kind.” This name is also sometimes translated as “victor.”
  • The second version is that the name Daria is a modification of the Old Slavic name. Our ancestors had common names Daryon and Darina, so Daria can only appear modern version these names. What does it mean modern name Daria? In this case, the name Daria will mean “gifted, gift.”

  • By church calendar, the name Daria correlates with the name of the holy martyr Daria of Rome. Daria's Angel Day is celebrated on April 1st.

Character of the name Daria for a girl

IN modern language The name Daria is given a broader interpretation. The main character traits that may be characteristic of Daria are identified. Perhaps these observations will help you decide on a name for a girl.

  • What is the character of the name Daria? Daria is sociable, flexible and non-conflict, usually has good communication skills. Thanks to these qualities, she easily wins over people and is often the life of the party. This name is also associated with leadership qualities. People named Daria like to be the center of attention. Daria gets along well with people, knows how to convince and organize them. These talents are evident in childhood, and over time, Daria often chooses a profession directly related to communication.

  • The name for a girl, Daria, according to reviews, is suitable for children who are curious and love to learn. Daria easily absorbs information, learns quickly and has a keen interest in everything that surrounds her. She has a good memory and developed logical thinking. This first helps you do well in school, and then build a good career. At the same time, Daria cannot be called diligent and hardworking - during her childhood, her parents will have to spend a lot of effort to convince Dasha to methodically do boring work. However, the owners of this name are considered purposeful: if Daria is really passionate about something, the result will not be long in coming.
  • Daria is distinguished by her courage and responsibility. She is not afraid to stand out from the crowd and does not depend on the opinions of others. At the same time, Daria never remains lonely, since her strong and interesting personality always attracts people. However, sometimes Daria can be too harsh and self-confident, which is why, having a wide circle of friends, it can be difficult for her to build strong close relationships.
  • Daria is a creative person. She often has many hobbies and finds it difficult to focus on one area. Daria is often interested in applied arts - she decorates the interior, knits, and sews her own clothes. She likes to always look individual and express herself even in small things.

  • In relationships, Daria is energetic and unpredictable. Despite the need for emotional intimacy, she values ​​independence and personal space. Often it is Daria who becomes the leader in the family. At the same time, she tries to create a harmonious, warm and comfortable atmosphere for husband and children. Daria herself becomes very domestic in her family, preferring a quiet and measured life.
  • The name Daria is most suitable for girls born under the sign of Libra, Aries or Taurus.

Talismans named Daria

The name Daria has many talismans. Many of them can be carried with you to attract good luck:

  • Diamond is considered Daria's talisman stone. Its strength will protect Daria from any misfortunes and give her self-confidence. Also, bloodstone or hematite is often associated with the name Daria. This mineral is considered a symbol of courage and determination. In addition to these stones, opal, malachite, agate and citrine are suitable for Daria.

  • Daria's plant is rowan. It symbolizes perseverance, the ability to adapt to any conditions and bravely survive frosts.
  • The animal that is associated with the name Daria is the giraffe. The giraffe is considered a phlegmatic and proud animal, but it is also associated with childhood. The same can be said about Daria - despite her cold prudence and leadership qualities, at heart Daria often remains a child, capable of strong and pure emotions.
  • Daria's day is Wednesday.
  • Daria's planet is Mars.
  • Daria's color is scarlet, burgundy or red-brown. It symbolizes impulsiveness and brightness.

Compatibility of the name Daria

Daria easily falls in love, and there are usually many romances in her life. In relationships, Daria is unpredictable: she is often the unconditional leader, but at the same time, she can look fragile, weak and feminine. Daria values ​​independence, but is not prone to betrayal. She takes her choice of a man for life responsibly and spends a long time checking her feelings. Often Daria prefers to live in a civil marriage before officially registering the relationship. In the family, Daria becomes a good housewife, a caring mother and supports her husband in everything.

Daria needs a man who will respect her freedom, but at the same time will allow her to feel like a fragile woman and relax. He must be flexible enough and be able to give in, have calmness and patience. Daria is suitable for a man who values ​​spontaneity and bright emotions, however, in general, prefers home comfort rich social life.

Daria's stormy romance can happen with:

  • Igor
  • Nikolai
  • Nikita
  • Sergei
  • Alexander

For family life Daria is best suited for:

  • Dmitry
  • Valery
  • Paul

The fate of the name Daria

It is believed that a person’s name and his fate are always interconnected. What fate awaits Daria?

  • Having matured, Daria is in no hurry to live separately; she is generally not inclined to move frequently. Usually in Daria’s life one can single out one move to new city or even in new country, which will be associated with the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Daria is amorous and tends to have many affairs. However, this period quickly ends for her, and Daria soon enough finds herself a man with whom she is ready to live her whole life. Daria approaches marriage thoroughly: she chooses her partner carefully and spends a lot of time testing her feelings. Daria often chooses men younger than her. She often also takes the leading position in relationships, but always tries to surround her partner with care and support. In family life, Daria is also faithful and quite jealous.

  • Daria often builds a successful career. Her strengths are developed in creative professions and business. At the same time, Daria tends to often change her place of work or even her field of activity. Despite possible career successes, family and children always come first for Daria.

Many famous personalities bear the name Daria or its derivatives:

  • Daria Domracheva is a native of Belarus, a famous athlete, world champion in biathlon.
  • Daria Leonova is an opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters.
  • Daria Dontsova is a Russian writer, author of women's detective novels.
  • Darina Griboyedova is a famous Russian model and actress.
  • Tarja Turunen is a Finnish singer, ex-soloist of the popular group Nightwish.

The name Daria combines such qualities as confidence and determination - along with flexibility, gentleness and thrift. Daria tends to form strong relationships, have many friends and build a successful career. Despite her determination and prudence, it is usually comfortable for everyone around her to be around Daria.

Video: “The meaning of the name Daria”

Phonosemantically, this strong female name creates associations with firmness, and even rudeness, even despite the affectionate form of Dashenka. The meaning of the name Daria, translated from ancient Persian, is “bringer of good,” and the girl fully corresponds to this meaning.

From a very young age, Dashenka shows her strong character, and habits of the leader. Her tenacity can be envied; she will always be able to stand up for her opinion even in front of a serious adult. The meaning of the name Daria for a girl is such that she is ready to fight for the truth, and there are often cases when kindergarten The little girl will seriously fight with her peers, proving that she is right.

Parents who choose the meaning of the name Daria for a child should remember that a girl can grow up capricious and lazy without proper upbringing. She is perfectly aware of her intellectual abilities, and does not even try to strain in order to receive praise. The upbringing of the baby should take place under the auspices of organization, and then her natural laziness will be defeated at least partially.

IN school years the girl is increasingly strengthening her leading position in the class, and during the transition period the interpretation of the name becomes such that it will be absolutely impossible to force her to do anything without her desire. At heart, Dasha remains a capricious child, selfish and proud.


Dasha's love preferences are primarily driven by passion. She doesn’t like dull gatherings on a bench under the moon, she needs extreme sports, spontaneous sex, complete uninhibited feelings. This means that she is looking for a partner in accordance with her needs.

Of no small importance to her is the well-being of a man, his ability to provide his woman with everything she needs. Even great love and violent passion will not force Dasha to throw in her lot with a penniless man.

The girl thinks through everything in advance, but this does not mean that she will only date a man’s wallet. Feelings are also important, she knows how to love passionately, and becomes very attached to the object of her adoration.


Having tied the knot in her life, Dasha’s natural laziness comes out. If a man fully provides for her and is not greedy, the newly-made wife will prefer to stay at home and build a family nest.

But even if she is completely dependent on her husband financially, this does not mean complete passivity. She prefers to manage, to command, and will never turn into a pet bird, if only because of the ability to carefully take care of herself.

She can be both affectionate and harsh, both with her husband and with children. She attaches great importance to her authority, and if someone dares to violate it, all her external calm will turn into a storm of indignation.

Dasha treats her man very respectfully. Even if he was stupid or committed a rash act, she would never say anything bad about him among friends and relatives. All relationships will be sorted out only in private, so as not to wash dirty linen in public.

Business and career

If Dasha has found something she likes, it means that it becomes almost the main thing in her life. She knows how to build successful business, copes well with setting goals and successfully achieves them. She completes all tasks, even if one unfinished action prevents her from sleeping at night.

Working in a team, Daria will not be the main leader, but she will earn respect and even some fear from her colleagues. She always tries to show herself above her superiors and circumstances; she attaches great importance to her leadership status.

Dasha's field of activity includes activities that do not require analysis and perseverance. Also great value has a creative process for her, so the positions of a journalist, massage therapist, trainer, as well as all areas of activity related to beauty and style may suit her.

Origin of the name Daria

The origin of the name Daria is attributed to ancient Persia, but the country from which the modern sound of the name originated is Ancient Greece, and linguists attribute the etymology of this word to the ancient Greek Darios - “bringer of good.”

Most famous is the story of Saint Daria, a Roman martyr, whose name is remembered as a stronghold of the great faith in Christ. Her, with her husband Chrysanthus, for refusing to make a sacrifice pagan gods, tortured, and then executed, buried alive under a pile of stones and earth.

Despite severe suffering, Daria remained unshakable in her Faith to the end; the secret of the name to this day lies in persistent principles, observance of moral rules, despite any life circumstances.

Characteristics of the name Daria

The main characteristic of the name Daria is the ability to experience violent, sharp emotions, but at the same time a colossal ability to restrain bursts of one’s energy. Dasha has a good intellect, she quickly grasps information, remembers everything, but learns with reluctance. She is simply the embodiment of heroic qualities - generous, kind, constantly fighting for the truth.

Dasha's character has both pros and cons. Main negative trait- a complete lack of intuition, and because of this she is often deceived, and is very worried about being left in the cold. However, the inability to intuition is often compensated by phenomenal luck, but the girl does not attach much importance to it.

Daria is very self-confident, she believes that she is no more “beautiful and sweeter” than she is. Perhaps that is why she is so incurious, she does not need to know the details of the events taking place; a superficial glance is enough to draw a conclusion - often incorrect.

She can show remarkable activity, but her temperament is quite phlegmatic. She is unpredictable, spontaneous, and this simultaneously contains extraordinary lightness and criminal unscrupulousness of the individual.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Hematite, Bloodstone.
  • Name days - April 1, April 4, August 17.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aries.

Famous people

  • Daria Domracheva is a popular biathlete from Belarus.
  • Daria Sagalova is a choreographer and famous Russian artist.
  • Daria Melnikova is a Russian actress who made her debut in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters.”

In different languages

The translation of the name Daria is found in many European languages, but it cannot be called very popular. The way this name is translated into other languages ​​often differs slightly from the Russian pronunciation: Daria, Darina, Tarya.

In Chinese, this name, when transcribed, will sound like Dalia, and will be written in the characters 达莉娅. In Japanese, when translated directly meaning “great fire”, the name will sound like Ohiko, and written in Japanese traditional characters - 大火子. Using the Japanese alphabet katakana it is written as ダリア, which is read almost the same as in Russian - Daria.

Name forms

  • Full name: Daria.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Dasha, Daryushka, Dashenka, Dashunya, Dashka, Dashutka, Danya, Darya.
  • Declension of the name - Daria, Daria.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Daria.

The strong, sonorous and beautiful name Daria was at the peak of its popularity in the early 2000s. And today, parents are happy to name their daughters Dashenka, Daria and Daria. At one time, the name Daria was considered bourgeois and was undeservedly forgotten.

Before the revolution, children were called Darya both in peasant families and in noble families. After all, this name has strong energy, and the meaning of the name plays an important role in the character and fate of the child. Where did the name Daria come from, what does it mean and what is its character? We will reveal the secret of the name Daria: the history of origin and its meaning.

The history of the name Daria is quite ancient. Maybe this is why there are several interpretations of the name. Moreover, each of them is associated with translation from specific language or origin.

Most often, the female name Daria is associated with the Persian male name Darius.

This name was popular in ancient Persia back in the 6th-4th centuries. BC e - that was the name of the three kings of the Achaemenid dynasty.

In short translation it sounds like “great fire.”

To figure out what the name Daria means, you will have to find out the etymology male name Darius. It comes from the name Dareios, which in transcription sounds like Darius, Darios, Dareus.

How is the name Daria or Darius translated from ancient Greek? In Greek it has 2 meanings, as it comes from the Persian Dārayava(h)uš, consisting of two parts.

The first part of the name Daria - “dara” means “one who owns or owns.” The second part “vau(sh)” is translated from Greek as good or good, which means wealth, value or property.

Therefore, the name Daria can be literally translated as owner of wealth or rich.

But you can meet short meaning named after Daria and Daria is the winner.

In addition, there is another description of what the name Daria means - the meaning of the name is associated with the moral aspects of the interpretation of the second half of the name.

In this case, the meaning of the name Dasha or Daria is translated as positive, kind or good.

IN modern interpretation The male name is found Dariush or Doriush. The name Darius appears in the Catholic calendar. Women's full name Daria can be pronounced as Daria.

The second derivative from the male name Darius, the female name Dara, is independent and not a diminutive.

What is the meaning of the Slavic name Daria

There is also a Slavic version of the origin of the name Daria. The roots of Slavic etymology lead to the names Darina or Daren, Daryan.

Related to them are the names Daromila or Daroluba.

In this case, the characteristics of the name Daria and the meaning are associated with the concept of “gift”.

Therefore, the female name Daria among the ancient Slavs means bestowed or gift.

It is also important church name Daria.

It occurs more than once in Orthodox Christmastide and has its own patrons.

Read more about Daria’s name days and patrons in the material: Daria’s name days: dates and patrons.

Daria: rare meanings and character of the name

However, linguist Max Vasmer interpreted in his own way what the name Dasha or Daria means.

In his work “Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language,” the description of the name Daria is associated with the short form of the common Russian name Dorofey.

There is also an Irish explanation for the meaning of the name Daria. It comes from Darina, as a form of the name Darren. Translated, it means low or rocky mountain.

Dara, as a derivative of the name Daria, is also associated with the male Darius.

But you can find an explanation related to geographical names.

It is found in Mesopotamia, as the name of a fortress, and also in Syria, as the province of Darra.

By the way, the word Daria itself is often found in geographical names.

Rivers in the Stavropol Territory, Moscow and Sverdlovsk region. It is part of the name of other rivers:

  • Aksu-Darya;
  • Fayuk-Darya;
  • Amu Darya;
  • Syrdarya;
  • Vavkent-Daria;
  • Maimanak-Darya (Kashkadarya);
  • Vahandarya;
  • Karshi-Darya;
  • Dzhany-Daria;
  • Kara-Daria;
  • Dushanbe-Daria.

In this capacity, Daria means the word Daryo - “stormy, big river.” Found in the north and among eastern peoples.

Brief description of the name Daria

The meaning of the name Daria is also manifested in the character of its owners. One of the meanings – strong, victorious – well characterizes her traits.

The name is cheerful and sonorous, but at the same time impulsive and firm, energetically strong.

The origin and meaning of the name Daria for a girl lays down the traits of a leader since childhood.

She has emotional strength and self-confidence. He never does anything half-heartedly.

If he screams, then so that all the neighbors can hear; if he plays with children, then only in the role of leader.

But how striking the changes are when Daria decides to think intently. You will never know what she is mumbling about or why the child suddenly became quiet.

But you won’t have to find out about Daria’s attitude towards others. After all, she is able to show her hostility even without words through movements and gestures.

Therefore, peers are often afraid of the owners of this name for their harsh statements and originality.

Although Daria herself is little concerned about this.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents are guided by different principles: some look at the calendar, others select something that is consonant with the surname and patronymic beautiful name, others follow fashion. The name Daria is at the peak of popularity today.

In the ranking of the most common names given to girls in Russia, it ranks 3rd - out of 10,000 newborns, almost 520 receive certificates with the name Daria (up to 85-90%) or its derivatives - Darina (10-12%) or Daria (1-2%).

But in any case, parents are interested in what fate awaits a girl named Daria, how the chosen name will affect her character, upbringing, and habits. The resource Zatusim has collected all the information about the name Daria and will tell you what the name Daria means for a girl, what difficulties she will have to face, and how they can be avoided.

Daria - winner, fiery, great fire, bestowed, gift, gift, sea, mountain river, rocky mountain - this is how the name is translated from various languages.

And, oddly enough, it was precisely this meaning of the name Daria that was reflected in the character of its owners. Moreover, character traits practically do not change with age. But first things first.

What does the name Daria mean for a little girl?

Little Dashenkas are mothers’ favorites, because they are not just a child, but a real gift of fate. This is exactly how parents treat their Darias, pampering them and allowing them various pranks. The older ones are especially touched by the ability of the little ones to find something to do under any circumstances and not bother the adults.

Even in infancy, Dasha is not capricious, and if she cries, there is a real reason for it. It's hard to find a more prosperous child. She begins to talk and walk early and quickly learns new skills.

Little Dasha is not too inquisitive, she does not show interest in everything that surrounds her, she does not require new clothes or toys.

Daria is purposeful, but she cannot be called constant.

Her hobbies and interests may change during childhood. The main hobbies are music and handicrafts.

The immediate environment tries to pamper the child, so problems often arise with establishing order and maintaining a routine.

By nature, Daria is clean and hardworking, painstaking and obligatory. If you don’t miss the moment, the girl will be happy to help her mother.

Moreover, she tries to do everything efficiently, bring everything to the end, and not abandon what she started halfway.

Daria loves to be the center of attention in the family; she will carry out all orders for the sake of praise. However, he will never express his gratitude or affection, while all the child’s emotions are literally written on his face.

But among her peers, Daria tries to be a leader, a winner. She will persistently defend her position, even using fists is possible.

Frequent colds are the main childhood health problem.

Some people have weak lungs for life, so Daria is strictly forbidden to smoke or work in harmful conditions in the future.

Daria in her youth

IN school age her ardor fades a little. You shouldn't expect great success from your studies. She will have excellent knowledge of subjects that are interesting to her and will learn “for show” subjects that are boring.

And she gives preference to music, humanities, those areas where you can show your creative nature.

There will be no bad grades - she will not allow this because of her natural responsibility.

She rarely uses her excellent memory and analytical mind to its full potential.

She moves forward only out of a sense of duty.

Dasha is critical of her shortcomings and admits her mistakes, and accurately sets her life priorities.

Social life is not about Daria.

Here she not only does not strive for leadership, but even tries to avoid any participation.

She is sensitive to criticism and is embarrassed by her appearance, which is the reason for ignoring any public appearances.

Problems also arise with communication skills - Daria has difficulty finding a common language with her peers.

Therefore, her circle of friends is often limited. Dasha surrounds herself only with those people who fully meet her established criteria.

But if anyone is lucky enough to win her trust, he will know what true friendship is.

Friends and teachers are even afraid of her sharp tongue, but they love her for her even character and original sense of humor.

Any signs of attention either make Daria nervous or overly worry her. She prefers smooth relationships. And this applies both to relationships in the family and with young people.

Daria is incredibly amorous. It may even seem that she is not picky in her relationships.

This impression is deceptive - her natural decency will not allow her to descend into promiscuous sexual relations.

However, it would not hurt for parents to pay attention to this issue - preventive conversations will yield results if a trusting and respectful relationship has developed between the daughter and parents.

At the same time, excessive falling in love will cause great disappointments and mental anguish, which the girl will experience very painfully.

At all, nervous system– this is Daria’s weak point. Nervous breakdowns, headaches, symptoms of VSD, depression are the main problems in adolescence.

Fatigue and depression are common. Daria is reserved and slow, but very emotional and can break down.

Daria is a pragmatist who soberly assesses any situation and is guided by exceptionally solid calculations.

However, the impression of Daria's strong and independent character, who always goes through life with her head held high, is deceptive.

The girl is very vulnerable and needs love, although she tries not to show it outwardly. Any criticism can provoke a wave of doubts, and even the development of complexes.

Dasha attributes all her failures to external factors. Constant self-analysis can develop into narcissism.

Then Daria will not spare any money or effort to improve and satisfy her desires and hobbies.

And although Daria does not like to put on makeup or dress up, her natural taste cannot be taken away from her.

By the way, improving a girl’s appearance may well become a hobby for her.

She doesn't like it too much homework, but fixated on orders.

She will never have clutter in her workplace or room: everything is not just arranged on shelves, but has its place.

Moreover, Dasha is sensitive to outside interference in her personal space.

Name Daria: the meaning of the name and the fate of an adult woman

Adult Daria remains a small child at heart. She is touchy, vulnerable, capricious, and sometimes even rude and hot-tempered.

Nevertheless, Dasha remains kind and non-conflict - in principle, she does not like scandals, so she tries to avoid them by any means.

Everyone also perceives any problems as a coincidence or someone’s evil machinations.

She is pleasant and easy to communicate with. Until old age, something childish remains in her, which appeals to many.

She is charming, charismatic, with excellent taste and great imagination. Sensitive and slow, Dasha expects love and warmth from life.

Without love, Daria fades and loses the meaning of life.

Therefore, Dashenka often gets married quite early if she lacks love in the family, but she is also quickly disappointed, not finding high feelings.

Daria, surrounded by love, will search for her ideal for a long time, relying on her intuition, which women with that name completely lack.

In the family, her husband and children come first for her - she simply idolizes the comfort of home and gives all of herself to her family.

Many are surprised by how the often lazy and amorous Daria turns into a wonderful wife and mother.

If things don’t work out with her family, Daria will not devote herself to work. Career is not about Dasha; she has little interest in professional growth and positions.

The exception is when work becomes a passion for Daria, and here she will give all of herself.

In most cases, she can often change not only her place of work, but also her profession.

She is able to adapt to circumstances, but her narcissism does not allow her to do something she doesn’t like.

However, even if necessary, he carries out unloved duties and finishes what he starts.

In general, the fate of women with this name is successful, life proceeds without any special shocks.

Daria's character according to the horoscope

Despite common features, Daria’s character largely depends on her horoscope.


The girl Dasha is principled and straightforward. She is incredibly amorous and capable of rash actions, but is firmly convinced that this time it is for life. Egocentrism is her main feature character.


Dashenkas are charming and sexy coquettes. It is easy to communicate with them, they charm the interlocutor. Despite the crowd of fans, she will remain faithful to her loved one. The pitfall is incredible stubbornness, which Dasha perceives as integrity.


Daria, energetic and inquisitive. Routine and its monotony wear them out. She is always ready for change, even if it comes to work or profession, a man or place of residence, which ultimately leads to unsettled life, both professionally and personally.


And women named Daria are apathetic and melancholic. They go with the flow, not resisting any circumstances. Initiative is not about them. They need to be reminded, and sometimes asked, even about small responsibilities. Women in marriage do not find an outlet, as they recklessly marry the first person they meet. They also cannot decide on divorce. And they don’t even command respect from children.


Daria, who are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything on their own. They are sincere and cannot stand empty coquetry, promises, or flirting. But they give themselves completely to their loved one.


September Darias are scrupulous and pedantic. They are excellent performers, as they approach any work responsibly. They approach the choice of a spouse with the same responsibility, which is why they get married late, but successfully. However, she does not waste warmth and tenderness on her children and husband.


Women born in late September - October are incredibly hardworking. A hundred things to do at once - this is about them. They are passionate and open, not greedy at all. Therefore, there will always be many friends, employees, fans, and acquaintances in the house. But her husband should not worry, since Daria is devoted only to him and the children.


Daria's November girls are unpredictable and impulsive. Even as adults, they love to change everything, often without logical reasons. You can expect surprises both in her appearance and in relation to a change in profession. Only a pragmatic husband can restrain her impulsiveness. However, there will be many fans, as they literally flock to the sensuality and attractive appearance of Dasha the Scorpio.


The only sign with the name Daria for whom work becomes the center of life. They are born businesswomen with the gift of suggestion and a commanding character. But in their personal lives they remain lonely, because men are simply afraid of them. For a daredevil who decides to marry Daria, she will become the best wife.


Cold and reserved Darias are very emotional. They react painfully to any remark, listen to the opinions of strangers, worry about it or not. And they see themselves as to blame for everything. Achieve peace of mind and confidence, even in family relationships, only kind words and praise will help.


And women named Daria are great dreamers. They dream and idealize everything around them, which often becomes the cause of huge disappointments. Unfortunately, they do not understand people and look at the world “through rose-colored glasses.”


Intellectual and feminine. They absolutely cannot tolerate any kind of aggression and arrogance. However, their innate delicacy does not allow them to express a sharp opinion, which is perceived by others as lightness of character, cheerfulness and arouses respect. They will not have to face any special difficulties in life. Most achievements will come naturally and easily.

Fate with the name Daria

How will the fate of the girl named Daria turn out, what surprises should we expect? Perhaps our characteristics will allow us to prevent possible incidents and pay attention to character flaws, weaknesses, and maybe even get to know your Dasha better, find an approach to her, and choose a good gift.

Business, money and career

For Daria, money, as such, is not the goal, although wealth is important. Therefore, she tolerates a change of job or activity painlessly and even often initiates such changes herself.

Her career is not important to her either. leadership positions– this is a great responsibility and publicity.

In principle, work for Daria is a series of duties that she tries to perform efficiently, because it is her duty.

She copes well with routine and paper work. Therefore, he often becomes an accountant, merchandiser, or bank employee.

Daria often chooses teaching and working with children. Suitable for Dasha and creative work art critic, designer, literary critic, translator or journalist.
Among Daria’s interesting areas, she chooses social work and volunteer activities.

Modern trends in remote work are an ideal choice for some women with this name, for whom it is important not to tear themselves away from home and children.
They are respected in the team, since Daria is ambitious and does not participate in intrigue. By the way, they can get by on an average income.

Therefore, conflicts or complexes due to lack of money never arise.

Love and sex

Regarding sex, Daria may experience a number of complexes, as she does not feel confident and liberated.

First of all, this is due to her complexes associated with appearance and feminine charm. Only next to a spiritually close and trusted person will she be able to relax.

But her impulsiveness can also play a cruel joke.

A logically developing relationship may simply reach a dead end, since Daria herself does not know what she wants in this regard.

On the other hand, a chance meeting can end in a wedding.

Despite her natural calm and prudence, volcanoes of passion can explode in Daria, frightening her partner.

Daria's family

Daria's slowness and laziness do not prevent her from being an excellent housewife and a caring wife and mother.

It is difficult for her to find a suitable life partner, since this should be an ideal. They never forgive betrayals and remain faithful.

If she is comfortable with a man, she becomes a passionate and ideal lover, completely opening her soul to her beloved.

Daria will be able to live only with that person whom she will trust, love and respect.

Therefore, he never shows his leadership in the family, although, in fact, he is its head.

But he breaks up with a deceiver without hesitation. She goes for divorce without regrets, obeying her impulsiveness. Although later he may regret and even become depressed.


Daria's weakest points are her nervous system, lungs and stomach.

She begins to suffer from colds since childhood.

In adulthood, it is difficult to tolerate any inflammatory and viral diseases.

She will have to watch her diet, since indigestion, poisoning, gastritis, colitis and other gastrointestinal problems will haunt her all her life.

In more mature age Daria faces allergic diseases and problems with her back and joints.

Nervous diseases are one of Daria’s main problems.

Hobbies and interests

Daria's slightly melancholic character also affected her hobbies. She likes to knit, embroider, and do needlework.

She also likes cooking. She bakes well, loves to experiment with seasonings, recipes, and come up with new dishes.

Dasha gives herself completely to any hobby.

She is not satisfied with the result - she must always bring what she started to its logical conclusion, and not just do it, but do it perfectly.

But active recreation, sports and extreme sports are not about Daria. The most she can agree to is walking, visiting the pool, relaxing trips, excursions.

Names: origin and forms

Daria- (from Persian) great fire.

Old: Daria.
Derivatives: Daryushka, Darya, Daryukha, Daryusha, Darena, Darina, Darunya, Daryokha, Daryosha, Dasha, Dashulya, Dashunya, Dashura, Dashuta, Dashukha, Danya.

Directory of Russian names

Great fire(from Persian).

With a choleric temperament, with strong, quickly arising feelings, but not rash. They can go far in work and creativity. Arouse interest. Artistic. Burning, it’s a pleasure to burn in their “flame”. And yet, homebodies are sometimes quiet.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Daria, Darina- strong, victorious (ancient Persian), female version of the name of the Persian king Darius.
In the 19th - early 20th centuries the name was common, after some lull, now the name is popular again.
Zodiac name: Aries.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: bright red.
Talisman stone: bloody
Auspicious plant: rowan, anemone.
Patron name: mosquito
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Diminutive forms: Daryushka, Daryukha, Darena, Darinka, Daresha, Dasha, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya.
Main features: calmness, accuracy.


Daria of Rome, martyr, April 1 (March 19). The beautiful Daria was a pagan, a priestess of the temple of Pallas Athena. Having married the Christian Chrysanthos, she turned to the true God. Following a denunciation, the young couple were captured and given over to be tortured. Daria was sent to a brothel, but there she was guarded by a lion sent by God. He threw everyone who tried to desecrate the saint to the ground, but left him alive. Chrysanthus was thrown into a stinking pit where the city's sewage flowed. But the Heavenly Light shone upon him - and the pit was filled with a fragrance. Then, after torture, they were buried in the ground in 283.


April 1 - Daria-mud hole, dirty ice holes. Near the ice holes it begins to melt, the water turns yellow. Early spring is a big flood.


Dasha is, as they say, a prosperous child. Pretty, moderately capable, calm, always friendly, she good friend, towards which rarely anyone experiences envy or any unkind feelings at all. Studying at school or college is not very difficult for her, because she is diligent, responsible, hardworking, very careful, although somewhat slow.

Dasha is obedient, stubborn, unsure of herself and uncommunicative. She loves noisy children's games, but she herself will not approach a flock of children. She can manage children she has known for a long time and will confidently put the offender in his place. Respects adults, obeys older friends.

Dasha is quick-witted and can express herself accurately and wittily. The teachers see her as their assistant, but Dasha doesn’t really like social work and tries to avoid it.

Dasha is not much of a helper for her mother at home, but she knits, studies music, and studies foreign languages.

Daria has an analytical mind and an excellent memory. She chooses a profession, soberly assessing her abilities and capabilities. Sometimes he makes mistakes, but then he is not afraid to suddenly change his specialty. In her heart she thinks highly of herself. If there was a failure, it is because Daria believes that she was given unfavorable conditions. Daria most often works as an engineer, translator, teacher, investigator, secretary, and assistant. She calmly and accurately carries out her duties, you can rely on her, but her work does not excite her much, she acts out of a sense of duty, out of nature’s ability to complete any task she begins.

Daria is a homebody, a little lazy, which is why she has few young people in her youth. Daria doesn't get married for a long time. She is unsure of herself, her feminine power. She needs greater affection for a man, complete trust in him, then her sexual behavior will be more open.

Daria doesn’t cheat on her husband, she trusts him, it doesn’t even occur to her that he might be insincere. She heads the family. Her place is always clean, she is a jack of all trades - she sews, knits, cooks, loves to make jam, canning, baking pies, and makes repairs herself. Her husband does auxiliary work. It happens to him and to children. But the family is friendly and hospitable. Daria is happily married to Alexander, Anton, Ivan, Evgeny, Sergey, Yuri.


Daria Alekseevna Derzhavina (1767-1842) - Russian woman, wife of the famous 18th century poet Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Daria Alekseevna was one of the five daughters of the Chief Prosecutor of the Senate Alexei Afanasyevich Dyakov, received a secular education and upbringing at home, loved music and played the harp herself. Derzhavin proposed to her in 1794, having been widowed six months before. The wedding took place, and the groom was 58 and the bride was 28 years old. They were not in love with each other, and this marriage, as Derzhavin himself admitted, was based more on a feeling of long-standing friendship and on prudence than on passion.

According to the biographer, Daria Alekseevna “was a beauty of tall stature and large forms, stately, but cold; her regular features lacked animation and liveliness.” In character, she was strikingly different from the poet’s first wife, as much as Ekaterina Yakovlevna was cheerful, sociable, loved social life, so Daria Alekseevna “was focused on herself, restrained and dry in her dealings, even with close people, often not kind to her friends husband." It seemed to her that their presence could have a detrimental effect on his health, about which she was very concerned, but she was “kind, charitable, fair, generous and therefore ... was loved and respected by those who lived with her, she did not tolerate slander and never she allowed herself to speak ill of those who were absent. There were inexplicable contradictions in her: despite her apparent coldness, sometimes in the middle of a conversation she would suddenly become moved and step aside so that no one would see her tears.”

Daria Alekseevna tried to free her husband, a poet, from household chores, without having children of her own, she transferred all her worries to him and the household, which she managed herself. She managed to significantly improve it, although she took care of her peasants and did not burden them with quitrents.

The death of her husband was a very heavy blow for Daria Alekseevna; she recovered from it with difficulty, and lived alone and modestly in the Zvanka estate, bequeathed to her by her husband. There she died, buried next to her husband in the Novgorod Khutyn Monastery. In her spiritual will, she left 30 thousand rubles for the establishment of an orphanage. Wanting to perpetuate the existence of “Zvanka” and the memory of G.R. Derzhavin, she bequeathed 50 thousand rubles for the establishment of the Znamensky Convent on this estate, for the maintenance of which she ordered to contribute 100 thousand rubles to the Guardian Council. This monastery with a women's school attached to it was opened in 1869.

The poet husband dedicated several poems to his “Milena” - “Dream”, “To the Muse”, “Desire”, “To the Portrait”, “Dasha’s Offering”:

Get closer to the gods of the earth
I'm not looking for anything
And rise more
I don't want to.
Peace to my soul
I only wish:
Just be always with me
You, my Dashenka!

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.