Children's "summoners": Tooth Fairy, Queen of Spades, gnomes and others. Who can be summoned during the day - calls of harmless good entities

Many people who are interested in esotericism want to know how to communicate with otherworldly entities. Calling spirits - how to properly perform the ritual and what consequences it can have. You can summon spirits at night and during the day, at home and on the street, you can contact good and evil entities, you can perform the ritual alone, alone with a friend or in the company of friends. In this article you will learn what spirits can be summoned, where it should be done, how and under what conditions.

How the ritual of summoning spirits occurs and who can be summoned by a novice magician.

Not all spirits can be disturbed. Before deciding who should be summoned, it is important to understand the reasons why a person is going to perform a spirit summoning ritual. Motives different people there are different ones. Basically, people call spirits in order to:

  • Order fulfillment of your wishes from them;
  • Get answers to important questions;
  • Solve problems in love;
  • Ask for help in a difficult situation;
  • Find out about the future;
  • Just for fun.

But the most popular ritual, of course, is summoning the spirits of desire.

What can spirits do?

Almost all spirits can answer questions and implement simple desires due to its extraordinary capabilities. Entities from the other world are capable of:

  • predict a person's future;
  • fulfill simple wishes.

Otherworldly entities

For complex issues, you will need an entity with stronger capabilities. If you have an impossible desire or a question that is difficult to deal with, then in addition to spirits, you can turn to:

  • vampires;
  • to demons;
  • fairies;
  • mermaids

Calling the spirit of man

If you want to evoke the spirit of a deceased person, it is recommended to disturb only a friend or relative. In this case, you need to take into account the relationships that existed between you during your lifetime. The spirit of a relative you had with good relationship, will definitely help and answer your questions. If you contact a relative with whom you had problems and difficult relationships, then most likely he will not only not fulfill your request, but may also cause harm.

You can summon the spirit of any other person you do not know. In this case, be careful, as spirits usually do not like being disturbed without consent. You're better off staying in a protective circle, which you can create with salt and chalk.

This must be taken seriously; the consequences may be irreversible if the spirit becomes angry and aggressive. In order not to become a victim of an unequal fight, protect yourself from the very beginning and study the sequence by which spirits are called at home.

It is absolutely not recommended to deal with the spirits of maniacs or suicides. Such creatures are usually located between two worlds, there is a high probability that you will not be able to send the spirit back to the underworld. This will mean that they will not stop accompanying you everywhere. This is especially true for suicides. It is believed that they do not leave this world and constantly hover above us.

How to summon spirits and other creatures in the cemetery?

In order to call spirits on the street in the most best place is a cemetery. It is here that there is a huge accumulation negative energy, which means the ideal atmosphere is created for summoning creatures from another world. Many magicians and sorcerers perform their rituals in the cemetery.

Preparing for the ritual

However, before you begin the ritual of calling spirits to the cemetery, you need to determine the purpose and reason for the ritual. Each ritual requires the presence of certain objects for the most simple ritual at the cemetery you will need:

  • candles (five);
  • black matter;
  • amulet (this can be a cross, a figure of a personal guardian, for Muslims - a month, etc.);
  • knife for ritual.

Please note that: This ritual cannot be performed on Monday.

On any other day, collect all the amulets and go to the cemetery. It is not necessary or recommended to choose a specific grave for the ritual, as in this case you risk disturbing a certain person. Choose a neutral place in the cemetery and tune in to the ritual.

Why is it important to have the right mindset? Yours internal state will play a decisive role, you should not feel a sense of fear before the ritual. It is your energy and behavior in front of the spirit that will be the key to success. The main thing is to believe, to be in a protected circle and it is advisable to have a personal amulet with you.

Carrying out the ceremony

When you are sure that everything is ready, you can begin the ceremony itself. It is advisable to write down all questions in advance on a piece of paper or memorize them clearly. Under no circumstances should you hesitate or mumble before the spirit. The spirit may either get angry and not take you seriously, or simply refuse to fulfill the desire, because it simply does not understand what you want from it.

So, the questions are ready. The next step is to stick a knife into the ground and say the phrase:

Spirits (you can name any other evil spirits), I call on you! I want to see you now!

For those who have already been initiated into magicians or sorcerers before this ritual, it will be much easier, since they can turn directly to their protectors. Usually these patrons are chosen at the initial stage of the magical journey. If there is no such patron, then communication will be a little difficult, maybe even dangerous.

The presence of another creature is easy to notice. If you summoned a good spirit or an acquaintance with whom you had a good relationship during his life, then when he appears you will have a surge of positive energy. The evil spirit of the deceased will bring with it coolness, fear and negativity. Most likely, you will be very scared when he appears, but this is a normal feeling when performing such a ritual.

Get straight to the point: clearly and distinctly ask the spirit to fulfill your desires or answers to your questions. Be prepared for the fact that the spirit will want to stay with you as long as possible, but you will have to send it back immediately after receiving answers to the topics that interest you.


Entities from another world are quite cunning, sometimes they take drastic measures in order to stay in our world. It comes to the point that they are trying to take over the human body. Most often this happens when the magician is a beginner or does not wear personal amulets. If you perform the ritual correctly, being in a protective circle, having a talisman with you, then you are safe.

To send the spirit back, repeat the following phrase:

Thank you spirit, but now, go back to where you came from. Go to another world as if you never existed.

When the spirit disappears, stay in the circle for a while and remain there until you are completely restored.

Summoning an Evil Spirit

Summoning evil spirits is used not only by professional magicians, but also ordinary people. Why do they need this?

  • Connect evil spirits with people whose lives they will constantly ruin and can lead to death;
  • They ask evil spirits to endow them with black powers;
  • They use evil spirits to inflict damage and curses;
  • Some even ask personal protection, offering them something in return.

Ritual for bringing a curse

There are many types of curses, but this article shows the simplest one that anyone can use. The ritual will require several attributes. First, prepare a photo of the person being cursed and a piece of biological material (for example, hair or a cut nail). You will also need two black candles (not from the church) and a wreath, which must be woven from dry twigs.

With all the above attributes, go to the crossroads on a full moon. Place the wreath with branches in the center and light both candles. The wax that appears should be gradually added to the wreath, saying the following words:

Come to me, spirit. Come to me, the one whom they fear, whom they turn to for help! An evil spirit capable of destruction, I ask you for help. Hear me, do not reject me, for I am not disturbing your peace just for the sake of curiosity.

As soon as you feel the appearance of a creature from the other world, show him the photo, then place a wreath and a piece of biological material on the photo. After this, the wreath must be buried in the cemetery. To do this, you need to find the grave of a person who will have the same name as the victim of the curse. A wreath is buried on the grave of this person and the following words are said:

Evil spirit, from now on this is your victim. Do whatever you want with her. Torment, torment, don’t let me live in peace.

There are a few more steps left to do. Take a little earth into your palm and sprinkle it on the place where you buried the wreath. Gotta stomp right foot and turn over your left shoulder, and then leave the cemetery. Don't turn around or talk to anyone. After such a ritual, the person who is cursed will begin to succumb to the influence of the evil spirit. He will suffer both physically and psychologically.

Summoning spirits using a saucer

This is probably one of the most traditional methods, which are used to call spirits at home during the day. Our distant ancestors used calling spirits through a saucer, which is still considered one of the simplest and safest.

Naturally, for this ritual you will need a saucer that will serve to connect the two worlds. The essence of the saucer method is that as long as you maintain a connection with the object, you have communication with the spirit. As soon as you stop touching the object, the connection is interrupted and the spirit automatically returns to its world.

Preparing for the ritual

  • To begin the ritual of calling spirits using a saucer, gather a group of several people. It is advisable to have both male and female people in the group. This is done more for protection, since performing this ritual one-on-one with the spirit is not recommended.
  • One of the people in the group should act as a medium. Only he will be able to communicate with the spirit and ask him questions. Other participants cannot butt into the conversation, and communication with each other is also prohibited. All jewelry (rings, chains, earrings) must be removed before the ritual begins.
  • To perform this ritual, it is not necessary to have a full moon; you can perform the ritual any day before dawn or after the sun sets below the horizon. It is also important to turn off all household electrical appliances in the house, and also make sure that, apart from the group participating in the ritual, there are no strangers at home. The lights should be turned off, candles should only be used in the place where the spirit is being invoked. Number of candles to choose from.
  • An additional attribute is a board or whatman paper on which you can write letters and numbers, as well as positive and negative answers. This attribute must be prepared in advance along with the saucer. On back side draw an arrow on the saucers, use a felt-tip pen or paint for this. The saucer must be heated over the candle on both sides, the medium must place the fingers of both hands on it, and the other participants must touch the saucer with at least one hand.

Carrying out the ceremony

Calling spirits at home at night starts with the phrase:

Spirit, we call on you! Show up! Come, we beg you.

Usually the spirit comes right after this. With his arrival, the temperature in the room changes. You may feel a cool breeze or the movement of a saucer. If the spirit does not appear at the first call, then it is better to postpone the session until another time. There is no point in continuing to bother them. To confirm the presence of a spirit, ask it:

Spirit, are you there?

The spirit responds by moving the saucer in such a way that the arrow points to the numbers and letters. If the spirit answered yes to the first question, the medium can continue communication. Hands must always be kept on the saucer, as this is a means of contact. If you abruptly break contact, the spirit may become angry or offended.

Do not forget that the spirit is a little uncomfortable around people, be polite to it until the end of the ritual. It is advisable to ask him during the ritual how he feels. To completely interrupt contact with the spirit, the saucer must be turned over and knocked on the table three times in a row. It is not recommended to discuss the spirit after the ritual, especially talking about it in a negative tone.


Take seriously such a ritual as calling on spirits, good or evil, scary or not. We must not forget that they are from another world and are endowed with powerful forces that can cause harm to a person.

Since ancient times, people have tried to establish contact with deceased relatives and other representatives of the other world. As a rule, to successfully summon spirits, a ritual is required; this is done in order to awaken the deceased.

In nature there are dangerous ghosts and harmless spirits that are incapable of causing harm.

Almost every person, at least once in his life, has thought about the existence of life after the end of his earthly journey.

Extrasensory perception teaches people that it is possible to summon any spirit that resides in the other world, but at the same time they call for caution, because wrong actions can have a detrimental effect.

Today, people provide thousands of evidence that the other world is actively manifesting itself in reality, and these statements are proven by photo and video evidence, but despite this, the scientific world refutes even the very possibility of such incidents.

Types of perfumes

Many people (especially teenagers) wonder: who can be summoned from the spirits? It should be remembered that people who are not knowledgeable in the field of summoning spirits can become victims of lower spiritual entities whose main goal is to mislead.

And the souls of famous people in the past very rarely and with great reluctance make contact with strangers, so the safest way out would be to call on deceased relatives.

But if the summoner is eager to summon a spirit that is harmless and represents the magical level of the other world, then it should be:

  • Forest, tooth and other fairies;
  • Gnomes;
  • Mermaids;
  • Leshy, water and brownies

Most often, depending on what spirits are called, people want to get answers to questions or achieve the fulfillment of desires. Harmless creatures from the other side of existence are summoned mainly during the day, at which time their strength is much stronger.

Summoning the Tooth Fairy

There are several ways by performing which you can summon the well-known, kind charmer - the tooth fairy. Her magic is good and she is not capable of causing harm. By following the described instructions, you can summon other magical entities that bring only light and warmth.

The first method of performing the ceremony

In the first case, it is necessary to place the fallen baby tooth under the pillow; many believe that the tooth should be placed in a glass of water.

In any case, the tooth should be located at the head of the bed and then the caller loudly and clearly pronounces the words of the spell:

"Tooth Fairy, Appear!"- 3 times

As soon as a person has a dream, the tooth fairy will appear and take away the lost tooth, leaving a small gift or coin in return.

In the event that the call was carried out with the purpose of asking a question, then the person conducting the ritual should close his eyes tightly, pretending to fall asleep.

You can open your eyes after you feel the presence of otherworldly energy. Taken by surprise, the entity will be forced to answer any question.

The second method of performing the ritual

Another popular method (used by people living in predominantly forested areas).

A person who wants a wish to be fulfilled must go to the “house” of the forest fairy (most often this is a hollow in an old tree) and leave a milk tooth in it. At the same time say:

"Tooth Fairy, come see me today".

The tooth fairy will definitely come to thank the donor at night, the main thing is not to fall asleep, but to pretend to be asleep.

Good spirits summoned on the street

In the magical world, there are many entities that are not capable of causing significant harm to a person. Summoning these spirits is very simple, they include:

It is not difficult to summon these spirits, but it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the ritual.

It is better to carry out the ritual in daytime on the street, if all parts of the ritual are correct, then the person will receive the most faithful of assistants.

To do this, you need to go outside and, closing your eyes, imagine the image of a bright being who treats a person with love. And then three times, clearly (you can quietly) say:

“Spirit, dear, bright, kind, appear. Become a helper and friend".

After pronouncing the last word, the person conducting the ceremony will feel warmth flowing into his body and this will mean that the spirit has come to the call and is ready to provide any possible help.

Then, you should tell him exactly what desire you need from him, then let him go. If the spirit agreed to cooperate, then every time it will appear nearby, ready to provide help and support.

Calling spirits at home

At a time when the sun's rays illuminate the rooms in the house, you can call a gnome with a sweet tooth. The ceremony must be carried out at home.

This creature has the power to fulfill absolutely any desire and brings happiness and joy to the house, as well as a lot of sweets.

There are two magical rituals designed to evoke this entity.

First way

In order to invite a sweet tooth gnome into your home, you need to spoil your own property (it does not have to be significant).

Then, on the floor in the kitchen, draw a house with multi-colored crayons and place candy in its center (preferably in a rustling wrapper).

Before leaving the kitchen, open the window wide and go away. As soon as you hear the rustle of opening candy in the house, you can mentally make a wish.

Second way

Just as in the first case, the ritual must be carried out in the daytime, but the location of the ceremony is moved to a dark room.

In any darkened room, sweets (in rustling packaging) are hung by a thread, after which the door must be closed tightly. You can make a wish as soon as you hear the rustling of candy wrappers.

The advantages of these rituals are that they can be performed without candles and mirrors. The main thing is to believe and good beings will definitely fulfill any desire.

More serious creatures

Despite the fear of the other world, people at all times tried to get in touch with representatives of the ghostly side of reality. But in order to avoid various complications, it is better to carry out rituals to summon spirits that cannot bring that destructive revenge that should be expected from demonic creatures.

These include:

Sunny bunny - the spirit of wish fulfillment

Most harmless spirit, which can fulfill any wish - a sunny bunny.

To call it, you need to draw a bunny on a piece of paper, but be sure to not lift the pencil from the surface of the sheet.

This drawing should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall directly on it. And the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my wishes!”

These words must be repeated 5 times, pronouncing each word very clearly. Then, you need to close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms.

Without removing your hands, you need to make a wish, turning to the sunbeam. As soon as the wish is made, you need to tear your palms off the surface of the paper and release the cheerful and kind ghost into the wild.

After a few days, the wish will definitely come true.

Ritual to call a fairy, with a candle

To conduct a ritual for beginners, you need to buy in advance:

The ritual should be carried out during the full moon, at 12 noon. You need to sit down at a completely clean table and place a small bowl of water in the center, and around (at an even distance from each other) candles, nearby you need to put a delicious sweet (a reward for the fairy for her work).

Then the window to the room is opened slightly (so that the creature can enter the room), after which, lowering your head into a container of water, you need to exclaim three times:

“Fairy of desires, I conjure, hear my call! Come and make your wish come true!”

As soon as the person performing the ceremony hears a distant bell ringing and ripples appear on the surface of the water, it means the fairy agrees to fulfill the person’s wish.

If after the ceremony there is silence around, it means the magical creature does not want to make contact.

But if the fairy still decides to fulfill a wish, it is worth remembering that she can only fulfill 1 wish at a time. And the caller should not abuse her kindness and call her more than once a month.

It is necessary to clearly formulate your wish and not try to make something that no one can fulfill (magic power, elixir of eternal life, etc.).

In conclusion

Magicians and sorceresses all over the world are warning about the dangers hidden in unsuccessful seances.

Sometimes people want to show their skills and call dangerous spirits, or hostile otherworldly forces, posing as good creatures, trying to harm a person. In order to avoid consequences, you must:

  • Before conducting sessions, the head must be cleared of negativity or extraneous thoughts;
  • The appeal to the spirit should be personal, but it is better to ask an angel for help;
  • The treatment of spirits must be respectful; one must not mock them or question them. tricky questions. You should also ask their permission before each question;
  • After completing the session, it is important to express words of gratitude and say goodbye to the spirit

By fulfilling all the conditions, you can not only fulfill your desire with the help of spiritual power, but also find a faithful ally in the person of wayward spirits.

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Among the inhabitants magical world There are enough harmless and kind creatures - thanks to us, you will definitely find someone you can call at home during the day with a friend or on the street! Usually these are various fairies, gnomes and other spirits and entities open to children.

In the article:

Who can you call at home during the day with a friend?

Is it easy to make a magical creature appear in front of you? Of course not when it comes to complex rituals. It is necessary to develop the talent of the young sorceress. But if you feel that you are ready to touch the magical world, you can try to summon various good entities using simple and accessible rituals. It could be:

  • flower fairy;

The tooth fairy is no exception. How to call it at home? Very simple!

There are two rituals that will allow you, which can bring you gifts in exchange for lost teeth. Therefore, in the first case, in order to summon such a fairy, you will need to wait until your baby tooth falls out, tell your parents about it and put the fallen tooth under your pillow at night. Some people believe that in order for the ritual to work, you can put the tooth not under the pillow, but put it in a container filled with water. It must be placed at the head of the bed. After this you need to say three times:

Tooth fairy come!

As soon as you fall asleep, the entity will fly in and exchange your tooth for sweets or a small gift. But if you want to see a fairy, then just close your eyes tightly and pretend to be asleep. When you feel the presence of a magical creature (your heart begins to beat faster, it becomes a little scary), open one eye and see a real tooth fairy.

Method No. 2

There is another simple way to meet this creature. To do this you need to find his house. Most often this is a hollow in a large tree, which is located quite low. It is in it that a child can leave his tooth with the words:

Tooth fairy, come to me today.

At night, a magical creature will come to you, and you can ask her to grant 1 wish. To do this, you will have to pretend to be asleep so as not to miss his appearance. If you fall asleep, the fairy will not wake you up, but she will leave a gift for you in the hollow. You can come get it in the morning.

Who can you call on the street during the day - good spirits

There are ones that are quite harmless and which can be summoned even if you do not have sufficient magical abilities:

  • spirits of elements of the lowest rank
  • spirits of the area - caves, forests, etc.
  • bereginii

Calling one of these good spirits is not difficult; it is much more important to immediately decide what you want to receive from this entity. During the day, you can summon a good spirit on the street. You can do this yourself. If the ritual is successful and the spirit answers you, then you will acquire faithful assistant. Such assistants can be entities that belong to various elements. But if calling a mermaid (for example) can be classified as difficult rituals, then calling a water spirit of the lowest rank is within the power of everyone.

Remember that such kind entities can feel, worry, be afraid, and joke with people. Therefore, do not offend them or make them angry. In order to perform a ritual on the street during the day, you do not need to look for a secluded place. You can even perform a simple ritual together with a friend. It will be enough to simply agree on who exactly you want to call, hold hands and say:

Spirit, dear, bright, kind, come to us. Become our assistant and friend.

The words must be said 3 times, after which you should close your eyes and imagine an image in front of you good friend, whom you and your friend were going to call on the street during the day. After a few seconds, you will feel the warmth spreading throughout your entire body. This will indicate that the spirit has come and is ready to contact you. The main thing is not to be afraid of him. After he is next to you, it is necessary for one of you to say what you want from the summoned good spirit. Explain your wishes to him. Then thank him for coming and let him go. If an invisible friend agrees to help you, then every time you need it, he will appear next to you and protect you or suggest the right decisions.

How to call someone harmless at home?

There are many simple and reliable ways that allow novice wizards to get in touch with the world of magic.

For example, you can summon a sunny bunny - the spirit of the sun's rays that fulfills wishes. He will become a harmless and faithful assistant to every young wizard. In order to call a harmless sunbeam at home during the day, you need a piece of paper and a yellow pencil or felt-tip pen.

You can perform the ritual yourself or with friends. It is important to draw a bunny on the prepared piece of paper without lifting your hand from the paper. After this, place the drawing on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall on it. Now say:

Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my wishes!

This text is repeated 5 times, after which you need to close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Count to 10 to yourself and open your eyes. A sunbeam will sit in your palms. Still covering the drawing with your palms, ask the sunbeam to make your wish come true. When you voice your request, take your hands off the drawing and release the good bunny into the wild. Very soon a new magical friend will fulfill your wish. Perhaps the bunny will be afraid to come to you or he simply won’t be visible. But usually he likes to come to people and makes contact easily.

If you can’t decide who you can call at home during the day with a friend, then opt for the good spirit, the tooth fairy and the sunbeam. These kind spirits will help you touch the world of magic and fulfill your wishes.

In this article:

Throughout the entire existence of man, he tried to look behind the veil of death, to find out what is on the other side, what will happen to him after some time. To realize such desires, our ancestors used various means, allowing not only to be convinced of the existence of the afterlife, but also to talk with the souls of the dead.

Many peoples believed that spirits were able to provide a still living person with their patronage and protection, bring good luck to life, good health, family well-being. Stories about this still excite the hearts and minds of people, so the question of how to summon a spirit is still relevant today.

In fact, there are a huge number of different rituals, the purpose of which is to summon the spirit, and some of these rituals are completely safe and can be used even by beginners.

How to summon spirits correctly

Summoning a spirit is a difficult task, but almost anyone can cope with it, following certain rules. First you need to learn as much as possible about perfumes in general. For example, you should not take on the task of summoning the soul of a deceased person until you understand that the mood of the spirit can be changeable.

In addition, not every entity should be believed unconditionally; remember that you do not have any power over the spirit, and nothing prevents an evil entity from deceiving you, misleading you in order to obtain some benefit unknown to you.

When working with different spirits you need to remember various features. For example, if you are going to summon the soul of your deceased loved one so that he can reveal the future to you, then you may not wait for the truth either. If very serious troubles await you in the future, illnesses of loved ones or death, then the spirit can simply hide this information from you so that you do not get upset ahead of time.

If you communicate competently with the summoned entity and do not offend it in any way, then you can count on receiving a wide variety of information, help in difficult life situations and even protection. There are cases where spirits helped find lost items.

Conduct the session in a state of calm and confidence

Often lower entities come to the call of novice mediums. They may even pretend to be the spirit you want to talk to, but their main goal is to scare you and take away some of your life energy.

Don't try to summon souls famous people, writers, musicians, poets, especially on initial stages. Such souls are constantly tormented by the world of the living, therefore they either do not come to calls to newcomers at all, or they come, but nothing good should be expected from such visits. The easiest way is to summon the soul of one of your deceased relatives or friends with whom you had a strong energetic connection. However, before summoning the spirit of your old friend, try to remember if you offended him with something during his lifetime? The fact is that souls often remember all the grievances and can be very vindictive.

Spiritualistic seances are often conducted by entire groups of people. Such rituals are especially difficult to carry out due to the fact that they impose certain requirements on all those present, in particular, each of the participants must certainly believe in the success of the ritual. At the same time, with the right approach, group spiritualistic sessions can be much more successful than single ones, since each participant provides the energy necessary for the ceremony.

How to summon spirits alone

To summon a spirit yourself, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • the session must be held in dark time days, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead occurs from 12 o’clock at night to 4 o’clock in the morning;
  • The ritual should be carried out in the light of natural wax candles; there should be no electric lighting;
  • all questions that you want to ask the spirit must be written down in advance on a piece of paper, from which they are subsequently read;
  • to make it easier for the spirit to enter the room, you can open a window or window;
  • there should be no jewelry or any other metal objects on your body;
  • before the session, the room is fumigated with incense, which has excellent properties that repel lower entities;
  • after completing the session, you need to thank the spirit and order it to leave the room and not return;
  • to protect yourself, you should not try to summon three or more spirits at the same time;
  • do not drink alcohol before the ritual.

Summoning a spirit using scissors at home

In addition to the already standard methods of conducting a spiritualistic session, there are other rituals that allow you to establish a connection with the spirit of a deceased person. One of these methods is the ceremony with scissors. To carry out this magical ritual two people are required. In the ritual, in addition to scissors, you will also need: a red ribbon and some kind of spiritual book.

This ritual is suitable for those who have already practiced calling spirits

Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings remain on the outside. After this, the book must be tightly tied with the prepared tape. When these preparations are made, grab the rings of the scissors with your little fingers and call the desired spirit. Once the entity answers your call, you will notice the book swaying slightly from side to side. After this, you can safely ask the spirit questions that interest you. If the spirit answers the question positively, the book will noticeably turn to the right; if the answer is negative, it will turn to the left.

How to summon spirits during the day using a witch board

In this magical rite Several people must participate. Draw an even circle on whatman paper using a compass. WITH outside circle write all the letters of the alphabet, and with inside– numbers from 0 to 9. You can draw a vertical line in the center and write the words “yes” and “no” above and below it.
When the witchcraft circle is ready, you can proceed directly to the ritual of summoning the spirit. Although a spiritualistic session can be carried out during daylight hours, it is advisable that the room be in twilight; to do this, you need to cover the windows with curtains made of thick fabric and light several church or other candles made of natural wax.

In addition to whatman paper with letters and numbers, for the ceremony you will also need a new saucer, on the underside of which you will need to draw an arrow with dark paint.
When all preparations are completed, all participants should sit side by side, around the witchcraft board. After this, the medium takes the saucer in his hands, warms it up a little over the candle fire and places it in the very center of the drawn circle. After this, the words of calling the spirit are read and its appearance is expected.


Summoning ritual with a needle

The ritual of calling spirits with a needle is practically no different from the spiritualistic session described above. To carry out this ritual you also need to prepare or buy a witch’s board, only instead of a saucer you need to use a pendulum, which will be a needle.

When the Ouija board is ready, take a needle with black thread, hold the pendulum in your right hand and say the words of calling the spirit: “Spirit (such and such), come to my call.” These words must be repeated three times. After this, wait a while and try to concentrate on your feelings. As soon as you feel something strange, someone’s presence nearby, ask the first question: “Spirit (so-and-so), are you here?” Usually the spirit, if it comes, answers immediately.

As soon as the spirit comes and speaks about this, you can proceed to uttering the questions that interest you. To get the answer, you need to move your hand with a pendulum along the drawn circle and write down the letters on which the needle stops briefly. The first spiritualistic sessions can be difficult, since it is not so easy to get used to the behavior of the needle, however, after some time of practice, you will learn to notice in a split second the response of the spirit coming at the tip of the needle.

Etc.). But good spirits are unfairly ignored by lovers of magic and spiritualistic seances.

Let's try to correct the current situation and prove that summoning a good spirit is no less interesting, exciting and educational.

In general, good spirits are very friendly and would be happy to respond to any challenge. But no one is calling. Good spirits can contact us both in the waking state, and while in a spiritualistic trance, and during sleep.

A conversation with them can be called a dialogue: a person asks questions of interest, and the spirit answers them. Especially good spirits love when they are asked about the future, giving answers to this in a prophetic form.

Here, by the way, it is important to understand the difference between the concepts of prediction and prophecy. The first is a “fortune teller” like “either it will rain or snow, it will happen or it won’t.” The second is what is really prescribed by karma and will certainly, inevitably happen to you or to the person about whom you asked questions.

What does it take to summon a good spirit?

Before summoning a good spirit, all participants in the ritual need to prepare. First, choose which spirit you will summon, that is, which of the four elements it will relate to. Depending on this, now water, earth magic, air magic or fire magic. As a rule, all good spirits belong to one of the known elements.

After the ritual participants are ready, choose a day to summon the good spirit.

Most lucky days– all days of the week except Friday and Sunday.

Any time for the call is also suitable, but it is advisable to act before midnight, so that, along with a good spirit from the subtle world, some evil spirit does not penetrate into reality (by the way, incubi and succubi are very fond of doing this).

Making a call

Place sticks of incense in the corners of the room chosen for the ritual and set them on fire. In addition, it is good to call good spirits on outdoors(in a forest, in a clearing, in a cave, in a garden, on the bank of a river or lake, etc.). In the center of the room we set up a kind of altar - on a certain elevation it is necessary to install an attribute inherent in a particular element (light a candle, place a vessel with water, pour in a handful of earth).

It is advisable that all participants wear white or at least light-colored clothes. Black and bright colors should be avoided. Ideally, outfits made of linen or cotton are suitable, which can be complemented with painted pantacles.

Draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper, the number of angles in which should coincide with the number of participants (for four people it is a square, for three it is a triangle, etc.). If you are going to perform the summoning ritual alone, draw a circle with a dot in the center.

Sit in front of the altar, creating a semicircle and place a sheet of paper with a figure in front of you. Each participant must attach their index finger right hand to each of the corners of the geometric figure, or to the center of the circle. Then everyone closes their eyes and the leader (he is chosen according to the same principle as with) begins to call on the good spirit to come.

As a rule, spirits come almost immediately, and their arrival will be indicated by symbolic sounds that you hear (the sound of the wind, the splashing of water, the crackling of a fire, etc.). Once you realize that the good spirit has arrived, you can open your eyes. You will not see the spirit itself, since seeing entities from the subtle world is rarely given to anyone, especially without special and very lengthy preparation. But you will definitely feel his presence in the room.

Now you can ask the spirit your questions about the future, to which you will receive prophecy answers. You shouldn’t ask questions that are too complex for the first time - you still don’t have enough practice in communicating with spirits, so you may misinterpret the spirit’s answers, or even not understand how they can be interpreted.

Therefore, ask in such a way that the spirit can answer in monosyllables - “yes”, “no”, “soon”, “never”, etc. The spirit will transmit the answers to you with the help of a leader, to whom they will be dictated into the subconscious and which he will immediately write out in pencil on a piece of paper. After communicating with a good spirit, be sure to thank him for his visit and complete the ritual.