Instructions for using chalk “Mashenka” against ants and cockroaches. Pros and cons of using Mashenka chalk in an apartment

Chalk Mashenka against cockroaches has been used for quite a long time and during this time it has proven itself well. Uninvited aliens actually disappear from apartments after using it.

What is there in it that insects are afraid of? To understand this, let's consider its composition and principle of operation.

Appearance and composition of chalk

The remedy for cockroaches Mashenka looks like an oblong gray-white block, weighing 20 g. The chalk is sold in a non-permeable plastic wrapper. blue with information printed on it on the consumption of the product and the method of application. This is a drug Russian production, developed based on the well-known Chinese insecticidal pencil. It consists of the following components:

  • zeta-cypermethrin
  • deltamethrin
  • gypsum.

Only two components exhibit insecticidal properties - zeta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin. These substances belong to the pyrethroid group of contact poisons. Toxic to warm-blooded animals and humans, therefore the chalk is assigned a 4th degree of danger.

Chalk and gypsum act as a binding component and create the form of the drug and occupy about 95% of its composition. With their help, the toxic substance is securely attached to the surface and does not lose its activity for a long time.

Interesting fact! Chalk Mashenka was originally developed to preserve military supplies by order of the Ministry of Defense in the early 80s. Later, having proven its effectiveness, it went on sale for civilian use.

Operating principle

Cockroach chalk Mashenka exerts its insecticidal effect through direct contact with insects. Its toxic components penetrate the outer shell of arthropods and destroy impulses coming from the nerve nodes to the muscles, thereby causing their paralysis and death.

Compared to aerosol preparations, which begin to act already at the moment of spraying, a pencil against cockroaches manifests itself only after some time. The insect must touch the product for the poison to enter it. And this is only possible after crossing the chalk line drawn with an insecticidal pencil. Accordingly, the more cockroaches run through it, the higher the effect will be. Insects also bring the drug into their nests on their legs, thus infecting their fellows.

The effect of the drug, as a rule, becomes noticeable after 4-5 days. At this time, the number of insects decreases sharply, and their twisted corpses begin to appear on the floor. In most cases, the entire colony can be destroyed in 2-4 weeks. During this period, several treatments are carried out with an interval of 7 days.

Advice! To achieve maximum impact on insects, it is recommended to apply chalk strips at least 1-2 cm thick. In this case, the cockroach will get so dirty when crossing the fatal line that the poison will begin to act after a few minutes.

Directions for use

Mashenka against cockroaches can be used as follows:

  • applied to the surface in the form of a chalk line;
  • spray into places where insects accumulate after preliminary grinding;
  • used as a solution.

The first option is most convenient, since in this case you won’t have to remove the apartment’s residents during the treatment, and you won’t need any special protective measures either. It is only necessary to ensure the continuity of the drawn line so that the insects are sure to cross it. It is best to apply a strip along the entire perimeter of the apartment, circling the baseboards and doorways with chalk. It would also be good to outline all the strategically important places for insects where they can gain access to food and water:

  • trash cans;
  • kitchen sink;
  • cabinets with food supplies;
  • fridge;
  • dining table;
  • stove.

Its effectiveness will depend on the correct location for application of the drug. Therefore, before processing, it makes sense to inspect the apartment to detect nests of cockroaches and places of their greatest concentration.

If it is not possible to apply the product in a continuous line, for example, on an uneven surface, then it makes sense to grind it and scatter it in powder form. In this case they accept necessary measures protection. Rubber gloves are put on your hands, and your mouth and nose are covered with a gauze bandage so as not to accidentally inhale particles of the drug. This method is less preferable, since the risk of poisoning increases, and the adhesion strength to the treated surface is significantly reduced. However, how additional measure processing under baseboards and in hard-to-reach places, it is completely justified.

Mashenka chalk against cockroaches can be used in the form of a solution. To do this, the product, previously crushed to a powdery state, is diluted in 5-6 liters warm water. The resulting solution is used to wipe the floor and all surfaces in the apartment. The advantage of this method is that the area of ​​the treated surface increases, however, the concentration of the toxic substance decreases, and the effectiveness of the drug decreases accordingly.

One package of the product is enough for approximately 30 m of the treated area if you plan to use it in the form of a chalk line. You will need two or even three times more powder. A solution prepared from one piece of chalk can be used to treat average area two-room apartment.

The effect of the pencil decreases after a week, so the treatment is repeated 7 days after the first, having previously been removed with damp cloth remnants of the drug that has lost its activity. Repeat the entire procedure as necessary until the insects are completely eliminated.

Interesting fact! It is unlikely that insecticidal chalk can be used as school chalk, since it has a softer structure and crumbles easily.

Pros and cons of the product

Like all drugs, the Mashenka pencil for cockroaches has its pros and cons compared to other insecticides. Due to its advantages, it is popular among the population; its disadvantages do not allow it to take its rightful place among other means of protection against domestic insects.

Pros for chalk

Chalk Mashenka gets rid of cockroaches quite effectively, which is confirmed by its long-term presence on the market of insecticidal preparations. It also has other advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • no odor;
  • low toxicity.

Ease of use is due to the form of release of the drug. It is convenient to draw lines with chalk, quickly and with minimal waste of effort, applying the product in the required places. Compared to powdered, aerosol preparations that require additional special equipment, preliminary preparation room, long preparation, the pencil is easy to use and does not require special knowledge and skills.

Low price is another factor in the popularity of this product. It ranges from 10-30 rubles, which makes chalk accessible to all segments of the population. It is unlikely that there is another insecticidal drug that has such a low cost and such an effective effect on insects.

The chalk has no smell, which makes it possible to treat the apartment in the presence of residents and pets. Thanks to this, its toxicity is reduced to almost zero, since there are no particles of toxic substances in the air.

Disadvantages of the drug

Despite all its advantages, chalk has the following disadvantages:

  • short period of validity;
  • low efficiency in case of heavily contaminated premises;
  • danger of poisoning for young children.

Despite the fact that the drug has a residual effect for 4-6 weeks, it begins to lose its activity after just a week of application to the surface. Heat and sunlight have a destructive effect on it. Accordingly, the higher the temperature in the house, and the more sunlight penetrates it, the faster the chalk from cockroaches will “wear out.” Therefore, processing alone is not enough. The chalk lines will have to be updated at least 2-5 times before the insects leave the room.

If there are a large number of cockroaches in the house, chalk is also unlikely to help. In this case, you will have to splurge on a more potent remedy. It is also not recommended to use a cockroach pencil in a home where there are small children, as there is a risk of them being poisoned by this pesticide. Here, the property of reliable adhesion to the surface does more harm than good, since the likelihood of poison accumulating on the child’s palms increases, from where it then gets into his mouth.

And yet, despite its shortcomings, the Mashenka chalk against cockroaches does not lose its popularity. Its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, and when the question arises about choosing an insect repellent, you should not neglect it.

Winning the fight against cockroaches is not easy, since these insects are very tenacious and easily adapt to various unfavorable conditions. But nowadays it has become easier to solve the problem, since there are many different drugs on sale to kill these harmful insects. A popular remedy is cockroach chalk, called affectionately by its manufacturers. female name"Mashenka."

Cockroaches are the scourge of many homes; picky insects can also settle in country house, both in an ordinary city apartment and in luxury apartments. Insecticides, which come in a variety of forms, are successfully used to control insects.

One of the easiest to use and cheapest medications for cockroaches is the “Mashenka” chalk (pencil). At the same time, the product allows you to get a good result, especially if there are few insects in the house.

Description of the product

Chalk “Mashenka” is an insecticidal agent that has a contact effect, that is, in order for the insect to receive a dose of poison, it needs to come into contact with the surface treated with chalk.

The drug contains an effective insecticide - chlorpyrifos, but the main substance of the product is a cementing composition. When particles of the drug enter the insect’s digestive system, the cement blocks its functioning, resulting in the death of the insect.

Advice! You can buy Mashenka chalk in almost all hardware stores. The product is inexpensive, one pack is enough to treat 20-30 meters of area.

Packaging and appearance

Externally, the product looks like ordinary school white chalk, which does not have a distinct odor. Packaged in paper or polymer packs, decorated in blue tones. Instructions for use must be printed on the package. The weight of one package is 20 grams.

Storage conditions

So that the chalk does not lose its insecticides, it is important to store it correctly. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature;
  • lack of high humidity;
  • no direct sunlight.

Advice! Chlorpyrifos is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so Mashenka’s pencil should not be stored in places exposed to direct sunlight.


The product belongs to the IV (highest) safety class, that is, chalk is of low toxicity for humans, of course, unless you start using it internally in large quantities. However, you should not neglect basic security methods:

  • The chalk should be stored in its original packaging away from food products;
  • When using, it is not recommended to hold the pencil with bare hands; it is better to use gloves. You can apply the product by holding it through the packaging.


Let's look at how you can use Mashenka's pencil to carry out pest control in your apartment.

Three ways

There are three different ways carrying out disinfestation using chalk:

  • Drawing lines. This is the most popular and convenient way applications. The chalk is used for its intended purpose, that is, simply draw lines with it in those places where the paths of cockroaches pass, as well as near insect habitats.
  • Use in crushed form. If you crush the pencil to a powder, the product can be used as a dust, that is, scatter it near places where cockroaches accumulate.
  • Solution. Dilute one powdered chalk in five liters of water, use the prepared solution to wash surfaces - furniture, floors, plumbing items, pipes, etc.

Carrying out processing using the classical method

Since, most often, a pencil is used to draw lines in the habitats of cockroaches, let’s consider how to use this tool correctly so that the effect is maximum.

  • Holding the chalk by the free edge, you need to draw continuous (not dotted!) lines. It should be remembered that this is a contact insecticide, so you should not give insects a chance to pass through the line without getting dirty.
  • The following places need to be treated: thresholds, window sills, baseboards, ventilation grilles, places near sockets and switches located on walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. It is imperative to treat the places where public building pipelines pass (sewage risers, heating system, water supply).
  • It is useful to treat furniture from the inside. It’s worth treating the shelves and drawers in cabinets and cabinets. It would not be superfluous to outline large furniture - sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
  • It is imperative to carry out the treatment in the bathroom, draw lines near the places where the pipes pass, treat the space under the bathtub, make a line around the toilet.

The completed lines retain their properties for about a week, then the treatment can be repeated.

Is this remedy effective?

If the infection is severe, you should not use the product; you will need to select a more concentrated and effective insecticide and carry out a total treatment. As a preventative measure, Mashenka's pencil is very convenient. For example, if neighbors start poisoning cockroaches, then the insects will begin to actively crawl into adjacent apartments.

To protect yourself, it is worth drawing and regularly updating lines at places of general building communications - ventilation, pipelines, electrical wiring. You can use a pencil after a total treatment to prevent re-infection.

So, a pencil against cockroaches with the romantic name “Mashenka” is enough effective remedy to prevent cockroaches from entering the house. You can also use chalk for weak degree contamination of premises. But if there are a lot of insects in the house, you should choose more “killer” products.

A wide range of anti-bedbug products allows you to choose a drug with an optimal balance of effectiveness and safety. Chemicals released in the form of aerosols or emulsions do an excellent job of killing crawling insects. But, despite numerous advantages, they have a significant drawback. Preparations should not be sprayed in the presence of residents and pets. Chalk Mashenka against bedbugs is an effective and easy-to-use remedy. It does not require leaving the apartment during processing. The effectiveness of the pencil against synanthropic insects has been proven over decades of use.

Chalk Mashenka is a product that is used to kill insects and prevent their appearance. The product has low toxicity and does not have a specific odor. By appearance the preparation is similar to an ordinary block of chalk. It contains active and auxiliary substances:

  • Zeta-cypermethrin – 0.1%, a pyrethroid compound used to control harmful insects. It has a neuroparalytic effect on bedbugs. Not addictive.
  • Deltamethrin – 0.05%, highly effective insecticide. Its action is designed for sucking and gnawing insects. When bedbugs enter the body through contact or intestinal routes, their coordination is disrupted. Causes paralysis and death. The toxic compound enhances the effect of zeta-cypermethrin.
  • Chalk and gypsum are auxiliary components that allow you to apply active substance onto the surface to be treated.

The pencil is packaged in a plastic film bag. The weight of the chalk is 20 g. It can be stored in a wide temperature range from -30 to +40 0 C.

The principle of the effect of chalk on insects

Attention. Insects are capable of infecting each other with insecticide. Bedbugs that do not reach the chalk line receive poison contact from their relatives. The viral spread of the drug allows it to infect larvae of any age.

Pros and cons of insecticidal chalk

The Mashenka pencil for bedbugs appeared more than 20 years ago. It's inexpensive and effective remedy from synanthropic insects was sold in the Soviet Union.


Among the advantages of this tool:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • the dense consistency of the chalk does not allow it to wear off or crumble for a long time;
  • After applying the drug, no ventilation or wet cleaning is required;
  • the product is effective against several types of insects: bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, flies;
  • convenient release form allows application in those places where it is necessary without applying excessive force;
  • affordable price 35-40 rub. and economical consumption of chalk;
  • the insecticide does not have a negative effect on people and animals.

Attention. If it gets into the stomach, chalk can cause poisoning. It is recommended to drink about 1 liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting.


Disadvantages of chalk:

  • the effect of the drug does not appear immediately; some insects will remain alive for 7-10 days;
  • chalk will not cope with a large colony of bedbugs;
  • The product loses its insecticidal properties when exposed to sunlight.

Attention. It is necessary to explain to young children that the drawn lines are dangerous and should not be touched with hands.

How to use Mashenka pencil

You can use chalk in three different ways:

  1. Draw stripes. The simplest method is to draw lines in Mashenka’s chalk in the habitats of bedbugs. Their width should be 3 cm.
  2. Grind the pencil to dust and pour into hard to reach places– plinth cracks, inner part upholstered furniture etc. This option is considered unsafe due to the likelihood of inhaling toxic dust.
  3. Preparation of the solution. The chalk must first be crushed, and then water must be added until a liquid slurry forms. The resulting substance is applied with a brush.

The effectiveness of the drug does not change depending on the method of treating the room. One package of pencil is enough for 30 square meters. m of surface. You can buy it at a hardware store or at a point specializing in preparations for gardeners and gardeners. The cost depends on the manufacturer.

Attention. If there are a large number of insects in the apartment, then one chalk will not be enough. You should invite exterminators or spray them yourself with organophosphorus insecticides.

Algorithm for applying insecticide

  • backside of carpets;
  • dresser drawers and bottom part furniture;
  • peeling wallpaper;
  • the back of mirrors, paintings and other decorative items on the walls;
  • bed frame;
  • back side of the mattress.

The insecticidal pencil is applied in stripes to all of the listed surfaces. Mashenka chalk against bedbugs should not be held with bare hands. After opening, the packaging is not thrown away, but is folded over, releasing the edge of the bar. You need to hold it by the part remaining in the film.

Attention. To store crayons, choose dark places that exclude exposure to sunlight for the drug. Ultraviolet destroys it active ingredients. The insecticide should be kept separate from food products, in places where children cannot reach.

Security measures

To protect yourself from exposure chemical agent, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves before treating the room. If you plan to crush chalk and dust crevices, you must wear a respirator. Protective agent will protect against insecticidal substances entering the respiratory organs. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and face with soap and water. If the product gets into the eye, it must be rinsed with water or a solution of baking soda.

Preventive measures

  • window frames;
  • front door;
  • cracks in sewer and water pipes;
  • sockets between apartments;
  • vestibule door;
  • ventilation grilles in the kitchen and toilet.

The listed places are outlined with chalk around the perimeter. The insecticide will not allow the spread of parasites that are colonizing a new territory. For prevention, it is not necessary to draw wide stripes; 1 cm is enough. Protective lines remain effective for up to four weeks. Then they are washed off. If necessary, draw new stripes.

Cockroaches in the house force us to look for new ways to destroy them. It happens that some new product appears on the market. Effective. Earns bonuses over time excellent results disinfestation. And, as soon as the demand for it increases, companies immediately appear and begin to flood the same market with counterfeit goods. A consumer who does not understand the intricacies of packaging, the presence of watermarks and other intricacies, having bought into the advertising of the original drug, gets a “dummy”: often much cheaper, but absolutely ineffective. As a result, completely opposite reviews appear. Today it is difficult to understand the list of domestic and foreign drugs.

Mashenka is a crayon that many people choose because of its recognition.

The insecticide is characterized by a contact method of action. Active elements: deltamethrin, zeta-cypermethrin, gypsum and chalk. The insecticides included in the composition account for about 5% of the weight. They belong to the fourth (highest) degree of danger. They are characterized by increased toxicity towards domestic animals, birds and humans. The lion's share (almost 95%) of the composition of chalk is occupied by chalk and gypsum. The duration of activity of drugs decreases when they are exposed to the sun and high temperatures.

How does chalk kill cockroaches?

Trying to get to food or water, the insect overcomes the line drawn in chalk, getting dirty in the composition.

Attention! When outlining the necessary places, you need to ensure that the line is not interrupted. This eliminates loopholes through which a cockroach can get through unstained.

Processing method

  • Prepare the surfaces to be treated: wash and wipe.
  • You should not pick up the chalk with your bare hands. The face also needs to be protected with a mask or respirator.
  • After tearing the packaging at one end, release the crayon halfway. You need to take it by the other, packaged end.
  • Pencil Mashenka for cockroaches is usually applied with a solid thick line 2-4 mm wide in insect habitats: garbage chutes, trash cans, garbage cans, sinks (from the bottom side), shelves with cereals, flour, etc.

Refrigerator, stove, countertop (with reverse side), thresholds, back walls cabinets, cabinets Don’t forget to outline the pipe entry into the riser, ventilation holes, baseboards, thresholds, walls under the windows.

  • There will be no effect from the pencil behind heating radiators or close to them during the heating season, because high temperature“kills” all insecticidal qualities.
  • If the application surface is uneven and it is difficult to draw a continuous line, you need to proceed as follows: crush the chalk and sprinkle the powder on the surface.

Attention! Another way to use chalk is to dissolve it in water. Wipe all surfaces with this solution. But aqueous solution use is not recommended, because the effectiveness of insecticides decreases sharply.

If cockroaches are found only in the kitchen, you should not limit yourself to this room. You should also treat other rooms in the apartment where insects can move when escaping from the same kitchen. After disinfection, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If the pencil accidentally touches the skin, rinse the area with water or wipe with alcohol tincture. In case of contact with the body or mucous membranes of the eyes, contact a medical facility immediately.

Objective characteristics of the chalk “Mashenka”

  • Availability. You can always buy it without any problems through the online market, in special departments of hardware stores, and at markets.
  • Quite an effective result at a low price, but the duration of action is limited.
  • Odorless substance, does not necessarily remove animals and people. However, in an apartment with small people it is better not to use chalk.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Low toxicity.
  • Multifunctionality: ants, fleas, bedbugs, woodlice, and flakes are affected.
  • Manifestation of local effects: the cockroach becomes infected only through direct contact in the area where the fine line is drawn.
  • Requires special storage conditions: dark place, room temperature and low air humidity.

Attention! In cases of severe infestation of an apartment with colonies of cockroaches, the use of chalk alone will not be sufficient. It is necessary to use gels, traps or repellers at the same time.

To sum it up, we can summarize: the remedy for cockroaches Mashenka is most useful in the initial stage of infestation of an apartment or as a preventive measure. It can be an addition to the main method with a more powerful insecticide.

Mashenka can be dissolved in water and used like this

Many consumers consider Mashenka to be time-tested. It appeared in the nineties and immediately fell in love with the people because it destroyed domestic Prussians quickly and mercilessly. What is the effect of this crayon and how harmless is it to people?


“Mashenka” is a crayon pencil white. It is placed in blue packaging. “Mashenka” is produced in Russia, there are also Chinese analogues of the product. The pencil weighs 20 grams.

Composition of the product

The product contains an organophosphorus compound of the toxic type chloropyphos. It contains 0.5% of chalk. The rest of the weight comes from the cementing substance, which also has a negative effect on cockroaches. Chloropyphos is a pesticide and is widely used for pest control in agriculture.

Effect of the drug

The effect of “Mashenka” on its first use always makes an indelible impression on people - cockroaches literally begin to crawl out of all the cracks, fall from the ceilings, and soon the apartment is covered with their lifeless bodies. The process itself, judging by the reviews, is also impressive - the body of the cockroaches bends and seems to be torn from the inside.

This powerful effect is produced by chloropyphos, a strong nerve poison of intestinal and contact action. When it enters the body, it blocks nerve impulses by acting on acetylcholineserase, a substance responsible in the body for the transmission of nerve impulses.

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

As a result, all muscles begin to contract convulsively, causing tremors and paralysis of all systems to quickly develop. Chlorpyphos enters the body of cockroaches when they eat chalk or come into contact with it. It is important that chlorpyphos is very resistant to environment and is not afraid of temperature changes. Therefore, it is able to act for a very long time - according to some data, the product works for 40-70 days without losing its toxic properties. Therefore, newly arrived insects will face the same unenviable fate.

The cementing composition also has a bad effect on cockroaches, although it is not poisonous. When he gets inside he scores blood vessels, causing death to occur even faster.

Ways to fight cockroaches (video)

Pros and cons of the drug

The pencil has a lot of advantages, which explains its popularity.. He:

  • acts quickly and effectively on cockroaches, getting rid of them in one application;
  • acts for a long time, maintaining activity for several weeks;
  • easy to use;
  • it's very cheap.

Like any drug, it also has its drawbacks. Chlorpyphos is a fairly potent poison. The instructions for the drug say that the substance belongs to hazard class 4. But if you read about chlorpyphos separately, you will find out that drugs based on it are considered to belong to hazard class 2-3. Accordingly, they can already be dangerous for humans, and therefore it is necessary to work with the drug carefully, observing all safety rules.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • the product should not be applied in a house where there are small children and animals, as they may accidentally touch the poison;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the drug is applied correctly;
  • safety rules must be strictly observed.

Processing rules

When working with Mashenka, you need to wear gloves and a mask. Applying the product is very simple: you need to draw lines for them in the room:

  • along all baseboards;
  • around the vent;
  • behind all cabinets;
  • under the window sills;
  • along the doors;
  • in the area of ​​sewer and water pipes, as well as through pipes;
  • around the trash container;
  • along the rapids;
  • around furniture;
  • on the back of cabinets and drawers.

It is extremely important that the line the pencil draws is continuous. Otherwise, cockroaches may not step on it and will not be poisoned.

While working, you must not smoke, drink water, eat, or touch your face. Processing should be carried out as quickly as possible.

Validity period

The manufacturer of the pencil claims that the product is effective for one week. And the manufacturers of chlorpyphos claim that it is effective for up to two months. Of course, there is only half a percent of chlorpyphos in chalk and therefore it has much less effect, but still some residual effect persists for several weeks.

Many consumers advise not to skimp on the pencil and apply more products than the manufacturer recommends, but it is better not to exceed the indicated doses. Experiments are not very appropriate, especially if there are animals and children in the house.

If the substance gets inside

  • If the rules for working with the drug are not followed, poisoning is possible. This may manifest itself as abdominal pain, vision problems, seizures, insomnia and weakness.
  • If the product is ingested, then before contacting a doctor you should drink a glass or two of a two percent soda solution. You should try to induce vomiting and empty your stomach before the poison is absorbed.
  • If the product gets into the eyes, then atropine is instilled into them.
  • If the pencil just gets on your skin, you need to wipe it with an alcohol solution and rinse with water.
  • After ingestion of the drug and especially when symptoms of poisoning appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Substances of this class are quite dangerous, despite their minimal doses.

Remedies for cockroaches (video)

Pencil "Mashenka" is a highly effective means of fighting cockroaches. It is easy to use, works quickly and is quite reliable. Combined with the low price, this makes the product very attractive and popular.