How to open your own advertising company. Advertising agency: how to open from scratch

Where to start?

Osman Seit-Valiyev

Osman Seit-Valiyev

Investment volume

If you immediately intend to open a large agency, then you will need at least 3 million rubles to purchase all the equipment. If you start from scratch, from home, then at first do not expect profit, everything will have to be invested in equipment. We drew a layout, sent it to print, received money and bought...figuratively speaking, a hammer.

Osman Seit-Valiyev

Experts do not advise taking out loans right away or asking for help from funds. It is better to start with a minimum capital. If you want a lot at once, it’s better to sit down, think and come to your senses: even if you have good equipment and workshops, where will you find many specialists ready to work on it, coordinatedly and quickly, and such a number of orders to recoup the costs? It's better to grow gradually, buying equipment as needed.

If possible, you can first invest 200 thousand rubles. Buy a good printer for printing large format paper, good computer, "drill-grinder". This is the required minimum. You can ask friends for money. Although they are unlikely to give it to you if you have no experience.

Where does the money go? Firstly, for salaries, because as you grow you will have to hire people. It is most convenient to introduce a percentage payment system - for each completed object. This motivates you to work faster. The second point is the purchase of equipment. You can find a non-standard way out of the situation, for example, making friends with employees wholesale warehouse and offer them barter. As a result, you will be able to receive equipment at the purchase price, even cheaper than in wholesale warehouses.

At first, we purchased equipment worth about 100 thousand rubles. If we bought the same thing in stores, we would need half a million.

Step by step instructions

I saw a moral demand in the client's eyes.​​​​​​​

You have to look the part, because you are the image maker. Clients look at the car you arrived in. Therefore, if you don’t have a good car, it’s better to walk.

But first of all, you must understand who we came to and why, analyze the person’s problem and help solve it. Then he won’t care what you’re wearing or what you drove. The human approach always plays an important role. But the more serious and larger the customer, the greater the responsibility. Because such people are simple, they have clear, concise tasks, they know what they need and in what time frame. And you, too, must be able to quickly and clearly answer whether you are able to cope with the task. If you are confused, it will reveal your lack of professionalism. However, communication with customers of this level should not frighten startupers; they need to grow up to this level, work with retail stores, small operators.

As for personnel, if there are funds, you need to recruit experienced employees. But without personal experience, you risk hiring the wrong people. Therefore, it is better to hire a smart manager who will help you. If there is no money, focus on your talents.

Osman Seit-Valiyev

We started together and worked like that for the first three months. Sometimes we had to work until 4 in the morning, and then we decided to hire people, although we were afraid that we would not be able to pay salaries, because all the money was going towards equipment. They hired people and began to earn clearly more. Now we have two people in the workshop, plus my partner and I alternately help them. And now we need more people.

Our work schedule is unstable. At first we worked seven days a week from 9 a.m. sometimes until two in the morning. At the same time, people received 500 rubles a day, which caused dissatisfaction among them and their loved ones. Moreover, the guys are already about 30 years old. We motivated them by saying that the enterprise would soon grow, and then the salary of the core workers would be higher than that of those who would come later. This is how it happens. Now we have a six-day period. We try to leave no later than eight in the evening, although sometimes we stay until ten. A percentage salary was introduced. You have to come to all this. If you want to rise quickly, you have to work.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

How soon can you reach point zero? This question is appropriate if you have invested initial funds. However, if you start from scratch and invest all the funds received, with the exception of those needed for food and housing, in development, then you can develop endlessly. You can buy more and more equipment and open branches. If you work immersively and effectively, then you need at least a year and a half for the enterprise to bring a stable profit.

You can increase your profit by processing more orders and increasing the average bill. For example, a person orders a sign, and you also sell him flyers, business cards, gift certificates, and discount cards.

Opening an advertising agency is a difficult task, since there is high competition in this field. How to create a company and not burn out in the early stages? What algorithm should you follow when opening advertising agency?

Before opening an advertising agency, you should think about the type and size of the company being created. Statistics show that companies with a small number of employees and providing intermediary services: printing orders, advertising in magazines and newspapers, the so-called Media agencies, as a rule, “don’t last long.” Larger “sharks” consume such “plankton”.

From this we can conclude that it is better to create a creative agency With total number workers from 5 people for the purpose of producing an intellectual product(event marketing, branding and BTL). Only then will there be a chance to survive and, moreover, recoup the invested money in a few months, as well as acquire a good client base. So, what does it take to open an advertising agency?

Types of advertising agencies

Listed above are two main types of agencies, one of which is low-profit (media) and highly competitive, and the other (creative) deserves attention. In addition, such businesses are divided according to the types of advertising provided:

  1. Outdoor, placed in open areas on any structures (example: banners, posters, signs).
  2. Presentations, exhibitions. Such The tool allows the client to personally manage the advertised product. It includes graphics, sound and video accompaniment.
  3. TV advertising.
  4. Creation and promotion of websites.
  5. Mailings.
  6. Promotions and PR.
  7. Souvenir products.

At first, it is almost impossible to provide services for all types of advertising, only if you increase the initial investment to several million rubles, and sometimes even dollars. But, accordingly, the risk of going bankrupt will increase significantly.

Procedure for creating an agency

  1. Selecting the type of activity - individual entrepreneur or LLC with registration of the selected option.
  2. Market analysis.
  3. Personnel selection and premises rental.
  4. Concluding agreements with printing houses, workshops, etc.

Premises and staff

Place, appearance are not very important, since most often employees go to clients, but it’s not worth the embarrassment of a customer’s sudden arrival. Therefore it is recommended Having rented a room, make decent repairs to it. An office is needed only for storing documentation, receiving calls and discussing any work nuances.

It must have the following equipment:

  • computers. You can't skimp on design software. Therefore, for these employees required professional equipment and programs. Research data must also be present on the PC;
  • MFP – printer, copier, scanner;
  • multi-channel telephone communication, Internet.

To minimize risks, you should hire people who already have experience in this field, and as a result, a client base. Naturally, managers are required to be sociable, and designers are required to be creative and talented.

So, the staff should include:

  • creative director involved in developing ideas. If you keep one person on staff, he can quickly run out of steam, so it is recommended to have several freelancers in reserve;
  • two managers who will have to pay interest on transactions concluded in addition to the official salary;
  • two designers, one of whom creates the product, the other deals with layout;
  • director.

It is better to entrust accounting to an outsourcing company, and as orders grow, sometimes hire freelancers for part-time work.

Conclusion of contracts and investments

The second most important step after recruiting employees. The speed of order fulfillment, as well as the cost of services, will depend on the partners. Therefore, you should not take on the first offer that comes your way, especially at first: carefully study all aspects of a possible contract.

Below are approximate minimum prices for opening your own advertising agency. The total amount combined is over 200,000 rubles:

  1. Rent of premises 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of telephone numbers 12-15 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of office furniture 22 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of professional office equipment 125 thousand rubles.
  5. Repair of premises 25 thousand rubles.
  6. Internet installation 5 thousand rubles.

This is the initial investment. A month later, employee salaries will be added to them:

  1. Director: 30-35 thousand rubles.
  2. Manager: 8-12 thousand rubles + interest on orders.
  3. Accounting: from 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Designer: 15-25 thousand rubles.
  5. Employee bonuses: 10-15 thousand rubles.


  1. Development and creation of a logo: 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Shield layout: 9 thousand rubles.
  3. Issue of a magazine layout: 13 thousand rubles.
  4. Scenario: 13 thousand rubles.
  5. Corporate identity: 70-75 thousand rubles.

Solving possible problems

Statistics show that over 60% of newly opened companies “burn out” and close in the first year. How to open your own advertising agency, survive and not drown among the fierce competition of agencies? Start by advertising yourself.

Come up with an original, easy-to-remember company name. Remember that once heard, it should remain in the client’s head for a long time.

Do not work with large enterprises at first, since there is no portfolio (it requires at least a year). Look for clients among medium or small businesses.

Advertise your "brainchild" in city directories. It is even possible that this procedure could be done for free on barter terms with media agencies. This method of advertising is often used small companies, needing a business partner.

Before calling people in order to attract clients, think through and create a unique product that will set you apart from competing companies. Otherwise this step is useless.

And, finally, I would like to note that a myth has been created in society that in order to get extraordinary profits from advertising, you just need to register an enterprise, recruit staff and start working as usual. This is wrong. Initially, the creator of such a business is required to be active: staff should be motivated to create new ideas and products, analyze consumer market, conclude contracts.

The idea was presented by the magazine “I want my own business” - For those who want to gain more knowledge about small and medium-sized businesses, I recommend subscribing to the magazine. Entrepreneurial stories, stories ordinary people, business plans and unusual points of view. All this is completed in a very high quality, beautiful gloss.

First, let's look at what an advertising agency is and what it comes with. In fact, by advertising agency, people often mean different enterprises with completely different activities. If we divide them into main areas, then an advertising agency is a company that:
1. Owns advertising space and rents it out
2. Produces advertising structures (signs, stands, etc.)
3. Sells advertising on the Internet (website creation, promotion, etc.)
4. Engaged exclusively in sales of advertising opportunities, outsourcing production and placement to the above companies
5. Deals with solving the client’s problems in promoting his goods and services

These are the main types of advertising agencies that exist in Russia. There are also various mixed types, but this does not change the picture. You can start from scratch, or you can start by investing capital. More difficult and longer from scratch. With capital, everything is the same, only you can immediately rent an office, hire people and buy some production capacity. Therefore, below I will give a small plan for creating an advertising agency from scratch.

Briefly, the agency's plan looks like this:
1. Start of sales, first profit
2. Studying the supply and demand market from the inside
3. Increasing the range
4. Increasing material assets
5. Enterprise development, first employees
6. Business stabilization, cutting off unnecessary
7. Transition from work to management and beyond...

It is advisable to brew porridge from sales. It is personal sales and negotiations that will allow us to understand the psychology of clients, and these, after all, are either entrepreneurs, or management, or marketers. This experience will allow you to effectively train your advertising agents later, which will contribute to the development of the enterprise. Well, and, among other things, starting with sales will allow you to get your first profit without the first costs, and this is good! It's not very fast - but good. It all depends on your desires and ambitions, but it is wiser to go slowly and go further than to take a sharp start and land in the first puddle you encounter. When sales experience is gradually combined with negotiation experience and business experience, the result is a thick mixture for a strong foundation.

You can start selling advertising without registering a business, without expenses, and even combining it with other work (if your schedule allows). And everything is absolutely legal. In general, the advertising range is extremely wide, and it is almost impossible to master it all alone. Therefore, it is better to choose the most promising areas and focus on them. It is very difficult to describe the entire possible range, but this is not necessary; soon after starting a business you will find out everything yourself.

So where to start? There are two ways here. If you have good sales skills or poor sales skills, but are confident in yourself, then you can choose the most profitable assortment. Otherwise, it is better to choose the easiest to sell range.

An easily sold assortment includes those advertisements that are in demand, inexpensive and in mass demand. This includes printing (printing banners, business cards, booklets, etc.), advertising in newspapers and small options for a profitable assortment. By small options we mean low-budget promotions on television, etc., as well as making signs for offices, etc.

The main difference between a profitable and light assortment is the customer. Big profits come from large clients, but it is much easier to sell to small ones. Therefore, you first need to decide which path you will take. Sales begin with a call, and based on the initial plan, you will select businesses to call.

How to start selling what you don't own? Very simple! The point is that you can never have too many sales. Therefore, all companies selling advertising are always happy good sellers. As a rule, many people look for freelancers themselves, i.e. people who will work on a flexible schedule and receive only a percentage of sales - this is profitable. All you need to do is call advertising companies and ask if you can work with them as a freelancer. From all the companies you have called, you need to choose a combination of good services and the lowest price. Then you can offer your clients a really, really good service or product.

But in order to avoid any discrepancies, you need to find out how the advertising company works with the client. This will all be clarified during the interview. For example, in outdoor advertising, after payment, the work of the designer begins, to whom someone delivers the customer’s wishes. When the graphic layout is ready, it is shown to the advertiser, who can make corrections, the layout is again finalized by the designer - and again to the customer. And so on until the advertiser is satisfied with the layout. Then the banner is printed. Then the banner is mounted on a billboard, house or somewhere else. This all entails a lot of work. The advertiser pays for everything, but some of the work may fall on you. And, most likely, this will be the work of conveying the advertiser’s wishes to the designer (at least the primary ones). All these points need to be clarified when you start working as a freelancer - what exactly you will need to do in order for the payment to go through quickly and accurately.

Web studios have their own standards of work, printing houses have their own, etc. All this is completely uncomplicated, but it is better to do everything gradually so as not to make any mistakes. To begin with, it is enough to work in one area, master everything, then add an assortment. This will be written about later – both about the beginning and about development.

After the start, you will begin to receive the first... refusals)) Or maybe immediate profit - that doesn’t matter. After all, the goal is not to work as a freelancer – but to own your own business! Therefore, all conversations with clients-advertisers and directors of employing agencies will lead to an understanding of the market from the inside. Supply and demand! That's the whole business - knowing what you need and where to get it (this is the essence of any business). These things vary in different cities and regions (especially countries). Moreover, they can differ in exactly the opposite way. That’s why I wrote about the best way to get reliable information about a business and make money from it along the way. These skills will be VERY useful in the future when hiring and training staff.

You may not sell very well at first, but we can train this skill. At first, I didn’t know how to sell at all, and the only thing that made me nervous was the sight of a telephone and the thought of meeting a client. But advertising services and a huge amount of products are sold every day - the demand is huge. You need to be able to sell and you need to be able to learn. And everything will fall into place. There is no need to worry too much about failures in the beginning. For some people this is inevitable.

The next plan is to expand the range. In general, the whole plan and business is simple and logical. And all the cumbersomeness of this text is needed to describe as many details as possible. These details are important and sometimes take months to understand, so as much detail as possible is essential to the speed of your business and plan.

So, the range! The assortments are different in different cities, but the main ones are similar: advertising in the media, outdoor advertising, production of outdoor advertising (signs, illuminated letters and boxes, etc.), production of websites, printing services (business cards, calendars, booklets , forms, etc.), placement of online advertising, postal (to homes and offices, not e-mail) mailings, addressed and unaddressed, promotions, holding and design of exhibitions, design services, PR and promotion of enterprises. It seems that I briefly listed the main points. At least that's what most people work with.

By starting with selling a small assortment, you can figure out for yourself what else you can offer. Moreover, for this it is not even necessary to enter into cooperation agreements with advertising firms. Some are needed to get started, but later... I'll give you an example. You know that web studios will be happy with the new order and will not spare 20% to the one who delivers the client. You come to a client and offer, for example, to place outdoor advertising. The customer is not very interested, and you begin to find out what he doesn’t like and what he would like. If it turns out that the client wants to get a website, then you can safely say that you provide such services and can show a portfolio (list of works). From memory, of course, you don’t remember either the price or the address of the work, because... Another person is engaged in this direction. You find out the customer’s wishes and leave. Then you call web studios, find one that will do everything well (i.e. it has been around for a long time, they have a lot of work on the Internet and good reviews from clients) and offer them a client for 15-20%. Having received consent (few will refuse), you reset to email client's addresses of THEIR work and their prices. This way, you always have a much larger assortment than you think!

But this is not possible everywhere. For example, television may refuse such a quick agreement to cooperate, but it may also agree. Here everything depends on the ability to offer, that is, again sales and negotiations. But in short, the larger the advertising firm, the more important it is to sign a contract for freelance work in advance.

It is also reasonable to increase material assets gradually and based on demand. For example, you have several clients who need urgent short-run printing, and need it regularly. You can buy colored laser printer and print this type of product yourself, but first you need demand. The same is true in other areas. You can find your own private designer who, having permanent job, will do to you professional design cheaper than what they do in a printing house. You can find a private webmaster, buy equipment for making signs, and much more.

The point is that flows of orders and cash (more precisely, cashlessness in the bank) will begin to flow through you. It is simply unreasonable not to take advantage of such wealth! Seeing where the demand is quite regular, you can acquire your own production facilities. This way you can significantly increase the flow of money into your pocket. At this point, official registration of the enterprise may already be required.

It is not possible to list the entire set of tangible and intangible assets that will allow us to produce services and products on our own. Here you need to think. Of course, you won’t be able to quickly acquire your own TV channel or radio wave, but instead of business cards, print sheets of A3 format in a printing house on thick paper quite possible. Then cut these sheets (by purchasing an inexpensive printing cutter) and sell them at the price of business cards. Thus, you can take an order for business cards, and, after printing a thick poster, cut the business cards yourself. This will reduce the cost of business cards and increase your profits. This is called feinting your ears. We have to think! Where can you save big with the same quality and speed? There are a lot of such options. But I wouldn’t advise you to waste too much time on trifles. Since the business is not planned to be small. Business cards are just an example (although it is quite real).

In addition to all of the above, you can start acquiring your own advertising space: designs for banners, your own newspaper or brochure, new types of advertising. You can also conduct promotions, send out leaflets and much more. And selling your own advertising is already MUCH more profitable than cutting business cards. These are real advertising tangible assets! Later, your designer for your office, your advertising agent for your advertising, your webmaster for your web studio and who knows what else?! Who will stop you when you know how to sell, know the market from the inside and personally know the work of almost all competitors and clients???

Thus, the build-up of material assets smoothly and logically transitions into the development of your enterprise. Yours! This, one might say, is the beginning of the transition to serious business. I don’t know how long it will take you to get there this way, it could take six months, or it could be faster.

But your own enterprise is not the same as working for yourself. It is advisable to take your time here. The thing is, you have no idea how lazy people are. Until you hired them, you could not notice this. There is no point in writing a lot - I still won’t be able to explain it in a way that will protect you from mistakes with the staff. You will find out everything yourself. Just find out gradually. First, hire one employee, teach, show, watch how he works. Then the second (or again the first, since mercenaries like to change jobs), etc. Once you understand how THEY work, you can easily hire many people and deal with turnover. But, in order to avoid big problems, it is better not to hire many people at once.

After the employees are working, and you have moved away from sales and are engaged in “ paperwork” and motivating employees, the moment comes when it’s time to bring everything to stability. Rapid growth is behind us, the range is wide, material assets bring good profits and are gradually multiplying - everything is good. This is where you need to think about efficiency. There will almost certainly be a situation where too much assortment will hinder profits. It is difficult to support many different directions; it is more profitable to focus on the MOST profitable one. What will be the most beneficial in your hometown, will show your personal experience. Then it is better to cut off everything that brings little profit and takes a lot of effort. This will increase the profitability of the main areas and the profitability of the entire enterprise (if done correctly).

This kind of cutting will make the transition to stability very (very, very) easier. Is it easier to maintain contact with ten clients than with a hundred? Employees will less work, it’s easier for you to manage and train newcomers.

At this point, you can (if you want) switch to remote control. You can appoint a boss from among your employees or hire an executive director. This will reduce your income (for his salary and taxes on it), but will allow you to retire. More precisely, almost retire. It is better not to leave the enterprise to the mercy of fate, but to keep an eye on it, at least looking at reports once or twice a week and communicating with employees. At the same time, it is better for you to decide in which direction to develop and what material assets to add to your small empire. The hired person is not as interested in success and development as you are. Plus, you will have SO MUCH free time that you will be looking 2 steps ahead of your competitors and 10 steps ahead of your employees (including the director). This short business plan. In principle, I think that everything is already clear, and we can start.

Don't forget to buy the magazine - He doesn't impose templates, he destroys them! It shows the different paths that lead to places many want to go, but not many go. I wish you success on behalf of all the people who worked on the magazine. Buy it - you won't regret it!

Various companies almost daily resort to the help of advertising companies. The reason for this is that advertising increases profits and the popularity of products. All this leads to the fact that the advertising business is one of the most profitable. In some cases, its profitability can reach 100% or more. The main thing is to successfully choose the direction of the company and select the right personnel.

Main areas of work

  • Branding – involves the development of elements of a corporate identity and slogan.
  • Event Marketing – organization of events: presentations, seminars, summits, exhibitions, fairs.
  • BTL – promotions during which consumers can get acquainted with the quality of the product.
  • Advertising placement and creation – signs, stands, leaflets, posting information on the Internet.
  • Carrying out organizational work – search for performers, placement or distribution of ready-made advertising materials.
  • Contents of advertising platforms – Internet platforms, billboards, advertising screens.

Agency registration

Before starting work, any enterprise must be registered. But this is only relevant if you actually open your own company with a staff. At first, you can engage in advertising business as an advertising agent. Registration is not required for this.

So, before opening a company you must:

  1. Contact tax office and select the form of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is worth considering that if you register as an individual entrepreneur, you will not be able to provide services large companies, that is legal entities.
  2. Before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with the federal law “On Advertising” and all amendments made to it.
  3. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with legislative acts at the local level. Some cities have certain restrictions on outdoor advertising.

In addition, it is necessary, together with a lawyer, to draw up a standard agreement that will provide for the rights and obligations of the parties, payment (preferably in stages), cases in which termination of the agreement is possible, and compensation.

Premises and equipment

At the beginning of work you will not need a room. Basically, clients do not come to the company’s office; often it is advertising managers who come to them. Basic issues are resolved over the telephone.

The need for an office appears if the company has 5 or more people. This is a place where you can schedule a meeting with a client, discuss all issues with him, and also gather the entire team to distribute responsibilities. In addition, all necessary documentation and equipment are stored in the office.

On initial stage you will need a minimum of equipment. This includes:

  • computer for designer;
  • printer;
  • scanner;
  • copy machine;
  • telephone;
  • Internet;

If a novice entrepreneur has firmly decided to open an advertising agency from scratch, he needs to know about all the advantages and disadvantages of this business. First of all, it is worth highlighting the quick return on the initial investment, since when proper organization After 3-5 months of operation of the enterprise, you can return the investment and gain profit.

This is easily explained by the very high demand for the services of advertising companies. Even in difficult economic conditions, small businesses and large organizations continue to operate, and increasing consumer demand for their products and services is possible only with the help of professional promotion. The advantages of this business also include:

  • high cost of advertising services;
  • the possibility of opening an agency with minimal financial investment;
  • stable income with regular customers;
  • lack of strict geographical boundaries for the enterprise’s activities.

An advertising business is ideal for creative individuals who know how to generate creative ideas, because it is this feature that will allow the entrepreneur to create a unique, sought-after product and find a large number of regular customers.

Owners commercial organizations understand the importance of conducting effective advertising campaigns, so they allocate substantial budgets for this. For this reason, it is extremely important to find a large number of regular customers who will ensure a comfortable existence for the agency for a long time. Large investments are not required to start, so entrepreneurs can open their enterprise with minimal investment without much difficulty.

But, despite the prospects of the advertising business, this type activity has a serious drawback - high level competition. To work successfully in this direction, you need to carefully consider what services the advertising agency will provide and how it can interest the target audience.

Types of advertising agencies

Entrepreneurs should know that an advertising business from scratch should be started by choosing the format of the future enterprise and determining the direction of its activities. Conventionally, all agencies can be divided into production companies and distribution companies. Large organizations successfully combine the production of a specific product (signs, booklets, banners, billboards, etc.) and the conduct of advertising campaigns. Small businesses tend to specialize in just one thing.

  • Advertising agencies full cycle. Organizations of this type provide their customers with a full range of services in the field of promoting specific products. They conduct market analysis in a certain area and develop strategies for implementing an advertising campaign. Clients are offered all kinds of media services, such as product promotion in the media or via the Internet. Also, such enterprises have their own production facilities for the production of outdoor advertising and other products with their subsequent placement. To implement complex projects, third-party organizations may be involved (under a subcontract agreement).
  • Specialized RA. Such firms specialize in working with certain audiences or performing certain functions. For example, they can purchase and deliver various promotional materials to customers. There are also agencies that operate in various fields: design, promotion of various public events, etc. In essence, such companies perform certain stages full cycle of an advertising campaign and generally work closely with other organizations (for example, it could be an agency for organizing holidays).
  • BTL companies. BTL agencies specialize in organizing and conducting promotions and various events.
  • Media selling companies. They are companies that purchase/sell advertising space.

How to open an advertising agency from scratch?

Let's look at the main stages.

Business registration

To start doing business, you will need to register the enterprise. If you plan to open a small agency, an individual entrepreneur will do. To obtain it, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service office and submit the appropriate application.

You should also indicate the OKVED code 74.40 – “Advertising activities”, pay the state fee and open a bank account. You can register your agency as an LLC, which will allow you to cooperate with large organizations. The cost of obtaining permits varies within 1 thousand rubles (for individual entrepreneurs).

Search for premises

To open your own agency, you will need to rent office space. Its size depends on the number of personnel who will work in the company. Meetings with customers will mainly take place on neutral territory, but they can also be organized at home, so an appropriate environment should be provided for these purposes. The cost of renting a room of 30 m2? fluctuates around 15 thousand rubles per month. It also wouldn't hurt to do cosmetic repairs office, which will cost 30 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

To equip an office, an entrepreneur will need to buy upholstered and cabinet furniture, computers and office equipment (printer, scanner, copier). Depending on the number of designers, it is necessary to purchase several powerful PCs. Computer equipment for the advertising business must have professional software, which will allow you to carry out projects of any complexity. It is also worth taking care of the serviceability of communications, high-speed Internet and multi-channel telephone communications. The cost of equipment for a small agency varies between 130 thousand rubles.

Recruiting staff

IN advertising business It is extremely important to successfully select personnel, because not only the quality of services, but also the success of the agency will depend on their professionalism. It is advisable to hire experienced people. Such specialists have their own client base.

As for designers, they must have talent and the ability to think outside the box. In general, the staff of a small enterprise includes:

  • creative director – 20 thousand rubles;
  • manager – 15 thousand rubles;
  • designer - 20 thousand rubles.

The accounting of an enterprise can be entrusted to remote employees, for which you will have to allocate about 5 thousand monthly. Total - staff salary costs amount to 60 thousand rubles monthly.

Advertising agency advertising

To popularize his own agency, a businessman will need to use various effective advertising channels. These include:

  • cold calls;
  • advertising in the media;
  • promoting your own website on the Internet;
  • creating a thematic community on social networks;
  • outdoor areas.

The account manager should be tasked with searching for potential customers. One of effective ways collecting your own database is making cold calls. The advertising proposal must be correctly composed, and the information must be presented to people in a concise form. It is recommended to focus on the uniqueness of services and the advantages of cooperation with your company.

Ads placed in the media and city print publications will give good results. It wouldn’t hurt to register the agency in electronic directories such as 4GEO, Double GIS and others. It is also necessary to create a business card website for the advertising agency. This will attract a large number of customers, since the lion's share of information is distributed through Global network. It is recommended to create a price list, which will indicate the services and prices for them, and place it on the main page of the site, where, in addition, you should publish information about promotions, discounts and other activities of the company.

Excellent results are shown by promotion in social networks, so creating a thematic public is simply necessary. It needs to notify subscribers about the agency’s work and services in order to interest clients in ordering advertising from you. Don’t forget about the large number of websites and blogs on the Internet that are in one way or another related to the topic of advertising. You need to advertise for them.

Advertising agency - business plan

Entrepreneurs can independently sketch out a business plan, which will allow them to determine the amount of initial investment, the amount of mandatory monthly expenses and estimated profit. The initial investment will be:

  • registration of an enterprise – 1 thousand rubles;
  • office rent – ​​15 thousand rubles;
  • redecoration of the premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture – 40 thousand rubles;
  • Internet and telephony connection – 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase computer equipment– 130 thousand rubles.

Total - the volume of initial investments will be 226 thousand rubles. Mandatory monthly expenses:

  • rent – ​​15 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary – 60 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 20 thousand rubles.

The total amount of expenses is 95 thousand rubles. As for the monthly profit of an advertising agency, its size depends on the area of ​​activity, trade margins and the list of services provided. On average, the income of an advertising organization is about 35-40% of the cost of orders. As practice shows, a small enterprise is capable of fulfilling several orders weekly, which bring in about 250-300 thousand rubles monthly. Over time, profits can be significantly higher.

How to withstand competition in the advertising business?

Statistics on the activities of advertising agencies indicate that most of them close in the first year of operation, unable to withstand the competition. To stay afloat and develop successfully, entrepreneurs need to properly organize a development strategy for their company.

The first thing you need to do is come up with a catchy name for your advertising agency. The client must remember the company with which he would like to work the first time. If you have no ideas, you can contact a company specializing in naming. The cost of such services varies between 25-40 thousand rubles.

At the initial stage of the agency's work, every client is important, including small organizations. For this reason, it is extremely important to create an appropriate impression of yourself. There are business directories in every city; you need to register in them. This will enable many organizations to seek your services themselves. To stand out from competitors, the agency must have its own unique products that will allow it to gain a strong foothold in this niche and meet the needs of customers.