Lipetsk Medical College admissions committee correspondence form. Gapou "LMK" (Lipetsk Medical College): address, specialties, passing grade. Educational organization building

The Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC) presented new rating influence of heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the end of January, many regional leaders managed to maintain their positions. The top five, headed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, remains unchanged. The new rating differs from the previous one by the presence of new personalities who have already managed to take their rightful place in it. Which of the governors was written off as an outsider and thanks to which the resigned Perm governor Viktor Basargin managed to score points - in the FederalPress material.

The rating was compiled on the basis of a survey, in which this time 26 experts took part: political scientists, political strategists, media experts, and journalists. When preparing the next report, the situation in all 85 regions of the country was taken into account. According to analysts, the key January trend was the strengthening of the political influence of a number of regional heads included in the Supreme Council of United Russia at the party congress. It is accompanied by the weakening of the heads expelled from the party’s governing body. Another characteristic feature last month, a number of leaders of economically significant constituent entities of the Russian Federation became more active, criticizing the policies of the federal center.

"Dominance of the Center"

There were no significant changes in the top five compared to the previous ranking. The rating is headed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The second line of the rating table was taken by the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, the third, as a month ago, by the head of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, whose positions were not affected by the increase in political turbulence in the city caused by the decision to transfer St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church. Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov moved up to fourth position (plus one point) - the negative effect of his series of critical statements towards the federal center regarding the distribution of taxes is beginning to weaken.

According to general director APEC Dmitry Orlov, in Russia there are no regions that would have “indulgence for claims against the federal center.” Minikhanov is no exception in this sense. “After he came out [with criticism of state policy in the field of interbudgetary relations] back in Tatarstan, his relations with the center, his Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, deteriorated greatly. I am convinced that now Minnikhanov will gradually restore influence and the situation will certainly stabilize. However, Tatarstan will no longer be a priority region, for example, for obtaining loans or getting into federal target programs,” Dmitry Orlov said in an interview with FederalPress, clarifying that “dominance in this game” will still remain with the federal government. center.

New faces

The new figure in the rating is acting. Head of the Republic of Adygea Murat Kumpilov (61st place). Before his appointment, Kumpilov headed the regional legislative assembly - the State Council of the Republic. As head of the republic, he replaced Aslan Tkhakushinov, whose resignation President Vladimir Putin accepted in January and whose term in office was coming to an end. New chapter of the republic must subsequently be elected by a vote of deputies of the State Council from among the candidates proposed by the president. This appointment preserves the continuity of power, which is important for the republics North Caucasus: The former and current heads of Adygea are united by family ties and origin from the same village.

At the last XVI Congress of the United Russia party, a number of important personnel decisions affected the gubernatorial corps. In particular, a number of heads of subjects were elected to the Supreme Council of the party, in the regions of which United Russia demonstrated high result in the last elections to the State Duma. This is the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov (14th place, plus 1 point), governor Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev (19th place, plus 2 points), head of the Tambov region Alexander Nikitin (54th place, plus 11 points), governor Rostov region Vasily Golubev (30th place, minus 6 points). In the situation with V. Golubev, his position in the rating, which deteriorated slightly, was influenced by the worsening situation in the region due to the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass.

At the same time, the heads of a number of regions were removed from the Supreme Council. The exclusion of Murmansk governor Marina Kovtun (76th place, minus 13 points) and Astrakhan governor Alexander Zhilkin (65th place, minus 17 positions) from the party’s governing body was due to the fact that the results of United Russia in the State Duma elections were not very favorable in their regions and did not give these governors any reason for special recognition of their services to the party.

Positive result

Of the governors in whose regions direct elections are expected this year, the head of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev (25th place, plus 7 points) - the meeting with Vladimir Putin was interpreted by the regional elite as a sign of the governor’s strong position on the eve of the elections, although the Center has not yet given him direct assurances of support. The governor of the Perm Territory, Viktor Basargin, did not receive direct support from the Kremlin, but, having carried out personnel changes in the regional government, he situationally strengthens his position in the rating table by seven positions at once (72nd place). IN public consciousness Basargin's strengthening of rating positions does not correlate very well with today's reports that the Perm governor has resigned. However, according to Dmitry Orlov, there are at least three reasons for this. “First of all, he left on his own. This is not a resignation due to mistrust, it is not connected with any criminal stories and so on. In addition, he was given [the opportunity] to organize a regional government. And the third reason is that he was replaced by Maxim Reshetnikov. He, like Basargin himself, is part of Sobyanin’s influence group, and in a sense (not directly) Reshetnikov is Viktor Basargin’s successor. Therefore, it cannot be said that Basargin was ousted and a person was appointed in his place who would have an unfavorable attitude towards his legacy. At least for now,” explains the expert. In his opinion, the consolidation of power that Basargin carried out was a long game: if the head of the Perm Territory assumed that a person from Sobyanin’s team would become the new governor, then by reorganizing the local government, he “sought to leave a good legacy.”

The head of the Novgorod region demonstrates the opposite trend. Against the backdrop of emerging speculation about returning to the government, Sergei Mitin is losing ground (62nd place, minus 7 points). The political influence of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory, Vladimir Miklushevsky, is also weakening - 77th place (minus 18 points). A series of corruption scandals in the Primorsky Territory that occurred last month gave rise to a powerful information attack against Miklushevsky. A petition for the governor's resignation has appeared on the Internet. In addition, the trip abroad of the head of the region for the New Year holidays has received wide negative resonance.


Discussion of current regional problems on the “direct line” of the president and step-by-step preparation for the September elections constituted a group of key events in the information field of June, determining the configuration of the regional political elite in the rating.

The top five of the rating does not undergo changes. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin remains the leader. The State Duma after numerous adjustments, it adopted the most important law for the city on the renovation of the housing stock, the implementation of which is now becoming the main project of the capital’s authorities. The second line of the rating table, as a month earlier, is occupied by the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. The governor of the Tyumen region, Vladimir Yakushev, is in third position. The fourth line belongs to the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, who in June carried out a number of personnel changes in Smolny. On the fifth line of the rating is the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov: his positions remain significant, but the fate of the agreement on the division of powers with the Center, which expires in July, is still unclear, and this creates significant uncertainty in the future.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov shows negative dynamics - 9th place and minus 2 positions, which can be associated with criticism of the situation in the region during the president’s “direct line”. The resonant story with the landfill in Balashikha and the subsequent demand of the president to immediately close it could not but affect Vorobyov’s positions. The head of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev, also continues to weaken (12th position, previously 9th).

To the group "Very" strong influence“two regional leaders are included: Acting Governor of the Saratov Region Valery Radaev (19th place, plus 5 points) and Governor of the Sakhalin Region Oleg Kozhemyako (20th place, plus 1 point). In both regions, preparations for the elections are relatively successful: in the Saratov region a governor and a regional Duma are being elected, in Sakhalin only the regional parliament is being elected.

During the “direct line”, complaints were made against several heads of regions at once. The sharpest decline in the ranking is demonstrated by the governor of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Vladimirov (38th place, minus 18 points), who drops out of the top 20 of our ranking. During the “direct line”, a resident of the Stavropol Territory complained to the Russian President that they were demanding money from her for restoration work after the flood, after which there were even speculations in the media about the resignation of V. Vladimirov.

The position in the ranking of the head of the Samara region, Nikolai Merkushkin, also seriously weakened (75th place, minus 9 points): during the “direct line” with the president, the topic of benefit recipients in the region he heads was mentioned. Another region that “distinguished itself” during the “direct line” was Irkutsk region, mentioned in the context of low teacher salaries and in connection with socio-economic problems, which also undermines the position of the head of the region Sergei Levchenko, who moves to the bottom of the rating table (80th place, minus 5 points). In addition to socio-economic problems, Levchenko traditionally experiences difficulties in resolving internal political conflicts that have arisen in the territory. In particular, the head of the region has problems building relationships with the regional legislative assembly - as a result, he was defeated in promoting a referendum on direct elections of the mayor of Irkutsk.

The head of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev (39th place, minus 8 points), is reducing his political influence due to the dissemination of information about his possible resignation. The reason for the assumptions was the illness of the head of the region and the prolonged vacation due to this.

The governor of the Bryansk region, Alexander Bogomaz, demonstrates a sharp decline in the rating. This is happening against the backdrop of widespread public outcry due to the death of 11 babies and the suspension of the perinatal center, which was opened with the participation of the president as recently as March 2017. Bogomaz immediately loses 18 positions in the ranking and falls to 73rd place.

Corruption scandals that periodically occur in regional administrations become an important indicator influencing the decline in the position of the head of the region. The situation with the vice-governor of the Vladimir region Elena Mazanko, who was arrested on suspicion of bribery, was no exception. This negatively affects the position of the head of the Vladimir region, Svetlana Orlova (43rd place, minus 11 points).

Acting regional heads continue to prepare for elections, usually occupying high places in our rankings. Several acting bureaus at once demonstrate significant growth, increasing their political influence. These are mainly heads that are expected to have a moderate level of competition in the September elections, with the main candidate dominating. Acting Governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov, having no strong rivals in the upcoming elections, strengthens his position in our rating table - plus 10 points and 24th place. Acting Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Anton Alikhanov also demonstrates growth (34th place, plus 13 points). Acting head of the Novgorod region Andrei Nikitin, adding 5 points, rises to 35th place. A similar situation is with the acting head of the Republic of Mari El Alexander Evstifeev (51st place, plus 5 points), the acting head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov, who, adding 2 points, takes 27th place, the acting head of the Tomsk region Sergei Zhvachkin (30th place, plus 5 points) and the acting head of the Udmurt Republic, Alexander Brechalov (28th place, plus 8 points).

In June, the president held meetings with Brechalov and the acting head of Sevastopol, Dmitry Ovsyannikov (59). The meeting with Ovsyannikov took place with the participation of the head of Crimea S. Aksenov (15th place), which was perceived by regional elites as a positive signal indicating relative strength positions of these leaders, despite the political and elite problems in Sevastopol.

Some leaders of regions where a significant level of competition is expected in the upcoming elections also show positive dynamics in the ratings. In particular, the acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, is consolidated in the top 20 rankings, taking 16th place (plus 3 points) - the nomination of Evgeny Roizman from the Yabloko party has increased the level of competition in the region, but at the same time, the regional authorities are reacting quite adequately to this challenge. Despite the significant level of competition, the situation with the acting governor is somewhat calmer Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov (46th place, plus 6 points) - in this region, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation abandoned the scandalous decision to nominate the namesake and son of ex-governor V. Lyubimov in the elections. Acting Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Dmitry Mironov has a consistently strong position (37th place, plus 8 points). The acting head of the Republic of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov (47th place, plus 2 points) and the acting head of the Republic of Buryatia, Alexey Tsydenov (62nd place, plus 5 points), who are preparing for the elections, are also improving their results.

It traces its history back to 1930. It all started with the formation of a small school, in which only 3 student groups were formed in the first year of work. Today Lipetsk Medical College is a significant educational institution in the city and the entire Lipetsk region. The college pays attention not only to the training of mid-level specialists, but also to the formation of personalities.

Educational organization building

Lipetsk Medical College operates on 9 May Street, 18. It is a four-story building consisting of educational, cultural and social premises. The college building is equipped with classrooms for theoretical training, laboratories, a library, a canteen, a sports and assembly halls, leisure center.

For several years now, a practical skills center has been operating at the basic medical college in the city of Lipetsk. It was opened on the basis of the phantom class. The center has a variety of simulators, dummies, and phantoms that allow students to learn how to examine and care for patients, and develop practical skills in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Lipetsk Medical College carries out educational activities in a wide range of specialties. One of them is “healing”. It trains paramedics capable of providing first emergency medical, therapeutic and sanitary care.

This specialty provides quality education. College students study all the necessary disciplines, and at clinical practice sites they acquire their first skills. At City Emergency Hospital No. 1, students work with:

  • auscultation simulator;
  • helic device;
  • a simulator for measuring blood pressure and pulse;
  • automatic external defibrillator;
  • simulator for practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills, etc.


A popular specialty at Lipetsk Medical College is “nursing.” The training is aimed at developing in students knowledge and skills in providing qualified nursing care, caring for patients during illness and rehabilitation. Simulators, mannequins, and phantoms are also involved in the educational process in this area of ​​training.

Nursing education is provided both free and paid. There are more budget places allocated for this program compared to other specialties of the medical college. This is what attracts applicants who choose medicine for their future professional activity. The profession of a nurse (nursing brother) is also notable for the fact that it is extremely relevant. In many public and private medical institutions There are corresponding vacancies for which graduates of Lipetsk Medical College are ready to be hired.


This is one of the most significant and spiritual specialties in medicine. very responsible, because the health and life of pregnant women, women in labor, and newborn children depends on the actions of a specialist. Working in the field of obstetrics and gynecology requires modern professional knowledge. All of them are provided at Lipetsk Medical College.

The principles of training in obstetrics and other specialties of the secondary school are similar. Students also learn theory when studying general and professional disciplines, practice skills on mannequins, using kits for examining the birth canal, primary and secondary treatment of the umbilical cord, etc. To undergo practical training and get acquainted with the profession, students go to the antenatal clinic, maternity hospital .


An interesting, but at the same time complex specialty of the basic medical college of the city of Lipetsk is “pharmacy”. Over the course of several years of study, students learn the basics of pharmaceutical sciences - they study analytical chemistry, drug science, drug quality control, etc. Students become familiar with existing drugs, their indications and contraindications. This knowledge will make it possible in the future not only to sell goods in pharmacies, but also to provide advice to clients regarding the use of certain medications.

On at a certain stage In college, the business game “Pharmacy” begins to be offered. Here students learn to dispense medications, work with cash register, decorate shop windows. No less interesting activities when studying pharmacy - definition medicinal plants by external signs, preparation and drying of raw materials, production of dosage forms.

"Laboratory diagnostics"

Future laboratory technicians are trained in the specialty “laboratory diagnostics”. Students who choose this direction at the Lipetsk Medical College are offered the most modern training. In practical classes and lectures in college, teachers use computer technology. Presentations, videos, visuals educational materials are demonstrated to students using a computer and a multimedia projector.

For hematology classes, a special microscope with a built-in digital camera was purchased. The material and technical base of the college, formed for the training of laboratory technicians, also includes:

  • set of equipment for enzyme immunoassay;
  • coagulometer to determine blood clotting;
  • to perform any biochemical tests, etc.

Other specialties of the educational institution

Lipetsk Medical College offers 2 more specialties besides those listed above - these are “medical and preventive care” and “orthopedic dentistry”. The first of them trains medical paramedics. The training is aimed at providing knowledge on organizing sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, as well as on carrying out sanitary educational work among the population and medical staff.

“Orthopedic dentistry” is a specialty in which training is implemented at a high-quality level. For a complete educational process a special laboratory has been created with modern equipment. It is equipped with dental tables with all necessary tools. This is where students learn how to make dentures.

Competition and passing scores

Many applications are submitted to college majors for budget places. The competition (number of people vying for 1st place) in 2017, according to applicants’ applications, was:

  • based on 9 grades - 4.08 in “obstetrics”, 3.50 in “nursing”, 4.12 in “laboratory diagnostics”;
  • based on 11 classes - 3.12 in “nursing”, 2.82 in “medicine”.

Another interesting indicator for applicants is the passing grade at Lipetsk Medical College. In 2017 it was:

  • 4,364 in “midwifery”;
  • 4,412 in “nursing” (based on 9 classes);
  • 4,250 for “laboratory diagnostics”;
  • 4,188 in “nursing” (based on 11 classes);
  • 4,167 in “medical practice”.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that admission of applicants is carried out through a competition of certificates. You need to try to study at school in order to eventually receive a document with good grades and increase your chances of entering the specialty of the Lipetsk Medical College. The results of entrance tests are also taken into account during admission. They are not complicated. Graduates of 9th grade undergo psychological testing, and graduates of 11th grade undergo an interview. In "orthopedic dentistry" entrance test Another, but also simple, is drawing.

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:
Providing qualified nursing care to the population to preserve and maintain health at different age periods of life.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
1. the patient and his environment;
2. healthy population;
3. means of providing diagnostic, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation care;
4. primary labor collectives.

The nurse/nurse brother prepares for the following activities (basic training):

4. Carrying out work in one or more occupations of workers, positions of employees (appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard).

The nurse/nurse brother prepares for the following types of activities (in-depth training):
1. Carrying out preventive measures;
2. Participation in diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation processes;
3. Providing first-aid medical care in emergency and extreme conditions;
4. Implementation of organizational and research nursing activities;
5. Organization and implementation of diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and preventive measures for patients of all age categories in the primary health care system in specialized and high-tech medical care institutions;
6. Carrying out work in one or more occupations of workers, positions of employees (appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard).

Lipetsk Medical College traces its history back to October 30, 1930, when the Lipetsk Medical Polytechnic was created by the decision of the Lipetsk City Council. For 85 years of its existence, the educational institution was called the Lipetsk Medical Assistant and Midwifery School, and since 1955 - Lipetsk medical school, and in 1995 it received the status of a basic medical college, since April 2009 it has become an autonomous educational institution, and in 2014 it acquired the status of a “State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution”.

Continuously improving, Lipetsk Medical College serves its main mission - to train in-demand specialists for healthcare in the Lipetsk region and other regions of Russia.
The educational institution is accredited and licensed to carry out educational activities in 6 specialties and programs additional education for retraining and advanced training of the medical profile at the vocational training level.
The college prepares unique specialists who are necessary for every person from the first minute of life to the last breath. The outcome of treatment and the patient’s condition, and often salvation, largely depend on the kindness, sensitivity, mercy and professionalism of the medical assistant, medical laboratory assistant, and midwife. human life. Only skillful and kind hands, only support and compassion, high moral qualities of our specialists can help a patient.
More than 22 thousand graduates of our college work in medical institutions in the Lipetsk region and other regions Russian Federation. Among the graduates are Heroes Soviet Union, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, winners of regional medical professional competitions, heads of medical institutions. Their high professionalism, their loyalty to the profession is the pride and highest reward of our educational institution. Sincere gratitude We express our gratitude to veterans for their invaluable contribution to the formation of traditions of training and education of specialists.
Currently, the college has about one and a half thousand students with an annual graduation rate of 350-400 people. The educational process is led by a creative team of talented teachers who are deeply devoted to their profession.
An important feature of the team is the leadership position of many teachers and a common desire for success. Students, parents, social partners note the amazing atmosphere that reigns in the college; they want to cooperate and interact with us.
Effective innovations introduced into the educational process ensure the competitiveness of an educational institution in its niche of the educational space.

The college has carried out repeated external certification of the quality management system of the educational process according to international standards ISO 9001-2011 with a certificate.

The college was awarded a memorial badge "For services to the city of Lipetsk."

The college is included in the national register of leading healthcare educational institutions.

The laureate diploma of the regional competition "Best Electronic Educational Resource" among secondary professional educational organizations of the Lipetsk region was received by Maria Aleksandrovna Osipova for the development of an electronic teaching aid in the academic discipline "Psychology".

Every year, students of our college, together with the leaders of their circles, take part in the All-Russian Burdenkov Student Scientific Conference and traditionally take prizes.

As part of the implementation of the action plan for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Lipetsk region, on the basis of the college together with the Health Department, a museum-exhibition “History of Health Care of the Lipetsk Region” was opened. The exhibition museum has 5 stands, 11 stained glass windows, which display more than 500 exhibits. Work to fill the museum continues.

Today, tradition and innovation are fused together in the work of the college. medical education. But remains unchanged Special attention to education, formation of a specialist’s personality, creativity, pedagogical skills, professional culture and high dedication of the teaching staff. The college took part in the interregional competition "Best in Profession" in the specialty "Pharmacy" in Kursk in March 2013. Graduate Nelly Frolova took 3rd place.

On the basis of the college in 2014, for the first time, the Interregional Complex Olympiad was held in the disciplines "Human Anatomy and Physiology", "Fundamentals Latin language with medical terminology", "Pharmacology" among medical educational institutions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. College student Tatyana Kasatkina took 2nd place.

Today, the work of the college combines traditions and innovations of medical education. But the special attention to education, the formation of a specialist’s personality, creativity, pedagogical skills, professional culture and high dedication of the teaching staff remains unchanged.


Markhasina L. Triple injection of the 40s: // Lipetsk newspaper. – 2014. – April 8. – P. 3.

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