A small country with a large population. Population of countries of the world

About one third of the population is concentrated there. They contain many attractions, and the features of culture, history and art are studied even at school. However, there are microstates that few people know anything about, although they have no less interesting life, natural and historical features. So, which countries are the smallest in terms of population, what are their characteristics?

About a hundred states do not have a population of even a million people. These include such well-known countries as Cyprus, Montenegro, Luxembourg, Iceland and many other territories. Despite the fact that their area is small, and people can be accommodated on a large football stadium, not all of them are representatives of microstates. Here is a list of the smallest countries by population.

Pitcairn Island

This island state is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Pitcairn is the only British territory that is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is the smallest country in terms of population, with only 49 people living here. There is even a capital on the island - Adamstown, but, however, this is just one locality Pitcairn.


Many people think that the Vatican is the smallest country in terms of population, but this state is home to 842 people, and Pitcairn Island has almost 800 fewer people. The Vatican, or, as it is otherwise called, the city-state, is located on the territory of Rome. The country of the Vatican is the center of leadership of the Roman- catholic church. Both before and now the territory of the state is considered a holy place, but in ancient times no one lived here. Basically, the entire population living in the Vatican are representatives of the clergy. It is noteworthy that citizenship here cannot be obtained by inheritance.


This territory is administered by New Zealand. The state consists of three islands in the Pacific Ocean, and people live on each of them. The population of Tokelau is 1,383 people. The inhabitants of the islands live from fishing. Also, some income comes from the production of souvenirs, stamps and coins. Some agricultural crops are also grown here and cattle are raised.


This state is located on an island in the Pacific Ocean, and the capital is the village of Alofi. The population of Niue is 1612 people. This island was discovered at the beginning of the 18th century by Europeans, at which time Niue was inhabited by savages, so it was called “the island of savages,” but was later renamed. The territory has a rich geological basis, so a fairly large number of tourists, as well as scientists, come here. Niue has 14 villages and is divided into two regions, Motu and Tafiti.

Falkland Islands

The archipelago is located in Atlantic Ocean and is an important point, one might say, a transit point from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Basically, all residents of the territory speak English, and the population is 2912 people. The main activities of the Falkland Islanders are sheep farming, fishing and tourism.

Saint Helena

A more complete name looks like this: Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. This area is of volcanic origin, and many scientists visit it, which has a positive effect on the country's economy. The total population is 3956 people.


Another British overseas territory with a population of 5,154. At the end of the 20th century, there were almost ten thousand more people in Montserrat. The decline in numbers is due to volcanic activity in the area, and the southern part of Montserrat is now closed to the public. The island was discovered in the 15th century by the great traveler and explorer Columbus, and in the 17th century it began to be populated.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

The island community of France is located in the Atlantic Ocean. The population lives on two islands, but the larger one is Miquelon, and, accordingly, lives there more people. The population is 6301 people. Fishing is mainly developed in the area.

Saint Barthelemy

Another overseas province of France, with a population of only 9,417 people. This island was again discovered by Columbus. This area is popular among tourists, and this is where the residents of this community live.


The state of Tuvalu is located in the vast Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia. The island of Tuvalu was inhabited back in 300-500 by immigrants from the island of Samoa. The population is 9943 people, basically the entire economy of the country rests on agriculture and fishing. Tourism could develop in Tuvalu, there are all the factors for this, but due to poor transport connections with this state, the tourist flow is quite small.


The Republic of Nauru is an island state located in the Pacific Ocean; it gained independence in 1968. The country's population is 10,263 people. Agriculture, fishing and, to some extent, tourism are most developed here, but its expansion is hampered by the pollution of the territory, which, of course, scares off many travelers.

The smallest countries in the world by population change frequently; in general, on average, the list is reformatted every 4 years. Only the position of the Vatican remains unchanged: it has always been included in the list of the smallest countries, both in terms of number of inhabitants and area. It is noteworthy that basically all the smallest countries in terms of population are located on islands or archipelagos. Their economy is mainly based on fishing and agriculture, but tourism is also developed in some.

No less important indicator is the population density. This value represents the number of inhabitants per 1 square. km. The calculation of the population density of each country in the world is carried out excluding uninhabited territories, as well as minus vast expanses of water. In addition to the general population density, individual indicators can be used for both rural and urban residents.

Considering the above facts, it should be borne in mind that the population on the globe is unevenly distributed. The average density of each country differs quite significantly. In addition, within the states themselves there are many uninhabited territories, or densely populated cities, in which per square meter. km there may be several hundred people.

The most densely populated areas are the Southern and East Asia, as well as countries Western Europe, while in the Arctic, in deserts, tropics and highlands it is not at all dense. absolutely independent of their population density. When examining the uneven distribution of the population, it is advisable to highlight the following statistics: 7% of the globe’s territory occupies 70% of the total number of people on the planet.

At the same time, the eastern part of the globe occupies 80% of the planet's population.

The main criterion that serves as an indicator of the placement of people is population density. Average value this indicator currently equal to 40 million people per square meter. km. This indicator may vary and is directly dependent on the location of the area. In some territories, its value may be 2 thousand people per square meter. km, and on others - 1 person per sq. km.

It is advisable to highlight the countries with the lowest population density:

  • Australia;
  • Namibia;
  • Libya;
  • Mongolia;

Greenland is one of the countries with the lowest population density

And also countries with low density:

  • Belgium;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Korea;
  • Lebanon;
  • Netherlands;
  • El Salvador and a number of other countries.

There are countries with medium density population, among them are:

  • Iraq;
  • Malaysia;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mexico;
  • Morocco;
  • Ireland.

In addition, there are areas on the globe that are classified as unsuitable for life.

As a rule, they represent areas with extreme conditions. Such lands account for approximately 15% of all land.

As for Russia, it belongs to the category of low-populated states, despite the fact that its territory is quite large. The average population density in Russia is 1 person per 1 sq. km.

It is worth noting that the world is constantly undergoing changes, during which there is a decrease in either the birth rate or the death rate. This state of affairs indicates that population density and size will soon remain at approximately the same level.

The largest and smallest countries by area and population

The largest country in the world by population is China.

The number of people currently in the state is 1.349 billion people.

Next in terms of population is India with a population of 1.22 billion people, then the United States of America: the country is home to 316.6 million people. The next largest country in terms of population belongs to Indonesia: today there are 251.1 million citizens living in the country.

Next comes Brazil with a population of 201 million people, then Pakistan, the number of citizens of which is 193.2 million, Nigeria - 174.5 million, Bangladesh - 163.6 million citizens. Then Russia, with a population of 146 million people and, finally, Japan, whose population is 127.2 million.

For a more detailed understanding of the issue, it is advisable to study statistics regarding the smallest countries in the world by population. In this situation, it will be enough to consider the gradation of several independent states, which also include associated countries. The number of people in countries, in descending order, is as follows:
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis with a population of 49 thousand 898 people;
  • Liechtenstein, with a population of 35 thousand 870 people;
  • San Marino, the number of citizens of the country is 35 thousand 75 people;
  • Palau, a state in the Association of the United States of America, whose population is 20 thousand 842 people;
  • with a population of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • The Order of Malta, which consists of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • Tuvalu with a population of 10 thousand 544 people;
  • Nauru – the population of the country is 9 thousand 322 people;
  • Niue is an island with a population of 1 thousand 398 people.

The Vatican is considered to be the smallest state in terms of population.

At the moment, only 836 people live in the country.

Table of population of all countries of the world

The table of the population of the countries of the world looks like this.

1. 1 343 238 909
2. India1 205 073 400
3. USA313 847 420
4. Indonesia248 700 000
5. Brazil199 322 300
6. Pakistan189 300 000
7. Nigeria170 124 640
8. Bangladesh161 079 600
9. Russia142 500 770
10. Japan127 122 000
11. 115 075 406
12. Philippines102 999 802
13. Vietnam91 189 778
14. Ethiopia91 400 558
15. Egypt83 700 000
16. Germany81 299 001
17. Türkiye79 698 090
18. Iran78 980 090
19. Congo74 000 000
18. Thailand66 987 101
19. France65 805 000
20. United Kingdom63 097 789
21. Italy61 250 001
22. Myanmar61 215 988
23. Korea48 859 895
24. South Africa48 859 877
25. Spain47 037 898
26. Tanzania46 911 998
27. Colombia45 240 000
28. Ukraine44 849 987
29. Kenya43 009 875
30. Argentina42 149 898
31. Poland38 414 897
32. Algeria37 369 189
33. Canada34 298 188
34. Sudan34 198 987
35. Uganda33 639 974
36. Morocco32 299 279
37. Iraq31 130 115
38. Afghanistan30 420 899
39. Nepal29 889 898
40. Peru29 548 849
41. Malaysia29 178 878
42. Uzbekistan28 393 997
43. Venezuela28 048 000
44. Saudi Arabia26 529 957
45. Yemen24 771 797
46. Ghana24 651 978
47. DPRK24 590 000
48. Mozambique23 509 989
49. Taiwan23 234 897
50. Syria22 530 578
51. Australia22 015 497
52. Madagascar22 004 989
53. Ivory Coast21 952 188
54. Romania21 850 000
55. Sri Lanka21 479 987
56. Cameroon20 128 987
57. Angola18 056 069
58. Kazakhstan17 519 897
59. Burkina Faso17 274 987
60. Chile17 068 100
61. Netherlands16 729 987
62. Niger16 339 898
63. Malawi16 319 887
64. Mali15 495 021
65. Ecuador15 219 899
66. Cambodia14 961 000
67. Guatemala14 100 000
68. Zambia13 815 898
69. Senegal12 970 100
70. Zimbabwe12 618 979
71. Rwanda11 688 988
72. Cuba11 075 199
73. Chad10 974 850
74. Guinea10 884 898
75. Portugal10 782 399
76. Greece10 759 978
77. Tunisia10 732 890
78. South Sudan10 630 100
79. Burundi10 548 879
80. Belgium10 438 400
81. Bolivia10 289 007
82. Czech Republic10 178 100
83. Dominican Republic10 087 997
84. Somalia10 084 949
85. Hungary9 949 879
86. Haiti9 801 597
87. Belarus9 642 987
88. Benin9 597 998
87. Azerbaijan9 494 100
88. Sweden9 101 988
89. Honduras8 295 689
90. Austria8 220 011
91. Switzerland7 920 998
92. Tajikistan7 768 378
93. Israel7 590 749
94. Serbia7 275 985
95. Hong Kong7 152 819
96. Bulgaria7 036 899
97. Togo6 961 050
98. Laos6 585 987
99. Paraguay6 541 589
100. Jordan6 508 890
101. Papua New Guinea6 310 090
102. 6 090 599
103. Eritrea6 085 999
104. Nicaragua5 730 000
105. Libya5 613 379
106. Denmark5 543 399
107. Kyrgyzstan5 496 699
108. Sierra Leone5 485 988
109. Slovakia5 480 998
110. Singapore5 354 397
111. UAE5 314 400
112. Finland5 259 998
113. Central African Republic5 056 998
114. Turkmenistan5 054 819
115. Ireland4 722 019
116. Norway4 707 300
117. Costa Rica4 634 899
118. Georgia456999
119. Croatia4 480 039
120. Congo4 365 987
121. New Zealand4 328 000
122. Lebanon4 140 279
123. Liberia3 887 890
124. Bosnia and Herzegovina3 879 289
125. Puerto Rico3 690 919
126. Moldova3 656 900
127. Lithuania3 525 699
128. Panama3 510 100
129. Mauritania3 359 099
130. Uruguay3 316 330
131. Mongolia3 179 917
132. Oman3 090 050
133. Albania3 002 497
134. Armenia2 957 500
135. Jamaica2 888 997
136. Kuwait2 650 002
137. West Bank2 619 987
138. Latvia2 200 580
139. Namibia2 159 928
140. Botswana2 100 020
141. Macedonia2 079 898
142. Slovenia1 997 000
143. Qatar1 950 987
144. Lesotho1 929 500
145. Gambia1 841 000
146. Kosovo1 838 320
147. Gaza Strip1 700 989
148. Guinea-Bissau1 630 001
149. Gabon1 607 979
150. Swaziland1 387 001
151. Mauritius1 312 100
152. Estonia1 274 020
153. Bahrain1 250 010
154. East Timor1 226 400
155. Cyprus1 130 010
156. Fiji889 557
157. Djibouti774 400
158. Guyana740 998
159. Comoros737 300
160. Butane716 879
161. Equatorial Guinea685 988
162. Montenegro657 410
163. Solomon Islands583 699
164. Macau577 997
165. Suriname560 129
166. Cape Verde523 570
167. Western Sahara522 989
168. Luxembourg509 100
169. Malta409 798
170. Brunei408 775
171. Maldives394 398
172. Belize327 720
173. Bahamas316 179
174. Iceland313 201
175. Barbados287 729
176. French Polynesia274 498
177. New Caledonia260 159
178. Vanuatu256 166
179. Samoa194 319
180. Sao Tome and Principe183 169
181. Saint Lucia162 200
182. Guam159 897
183. Netherlands Antilles145 828
184. Grenada109 001
185. Aruba107 624
186. Micronesia106 500
187. Tonga106 200
188. US Virgin Islands105 269
189. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines103 499
190. Kiribati101 988
191. Jersey94 950
192. Seychelles90 018
193. Antigua and Barbuda89 020
194. Isle of Man85 419
195. Andorra85 100
196. Dominica73 130
197. Bermuda69 079
198. Marshall Islands68 500
199. Guernsey65 338
200. 57 700
201. American Samoa54 950
202. Cayman Islands52 558
203. Northern Mariana Islands51 400
204. Saint Kitts and Nevis50 690
205. Faroe Islands49 590
206. Turks and Caicos46 320
207. Sint Maarten (Netherlands)39 100
208. Liechtenstein36 690
209. San Marino32 200
210. British Virgin Islands31 100
211. France30 910
212. Monaco30 498
213. Gibraltar29 048
214. Palau21 041
215. Dhekelia and Akroiti15 699
216. Wallis and Futuna15 420
217. England15 390
218. Cook Islands10 800
219. Tuvalu10 598
220. Nauru9 400
221. Saint Helena7 730
222. Saint Barthelemy7 329
223. Montserrat5 158
224. Falkland Islands (Malvinas)3 139
225. Norfolk Island2 200
226. Spitsbergen1 969
227. Christmas Island1 487
228. Tokelau1 370
229. Niue1 271
230. 840
231. Cocos Islands589
232. Pitcairn Islands47
The smallest countries in the world (by area and population)

This article will present the smallest countries in the world, both by area and population.

Smallest countries by area

Only independent states recognized by other states are included. Also included are associated states (a form of confederation of unequal states united on a bilateral basis, in which the smaller state, while formally maintaining sovereignty and independence, entrusts a significant part of its power to the larger state).

10th place: - a state in the eastern Caribbean, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 49,898 people. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in Latin America in terms of area and population.

The southeastern peninsula of St. Kitts, with the island of Nevis in the background

9th place: Cook Islands- archipelago and self-governing municipality of the same name public education in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific. Area - 236 km², population - 19,569 people.

8th place: - Pacific state associated with the United States. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, with a total area of ​​181 km² and a population of 68,000 people.

7th place: Liechtenstein- state in Central Europe, associated with Switzerland. Area - 160.4 km², population - 35,870 people.

6th place: - a state surrounded on all sides by Italy. Area - 61 km², population - 32,075 people.

5th place: - Pacific state, located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Population - 10,544 people. Tuvalu is one of the poorest countries in the world and this country would have been even poorer if the country’s leadership had not thought of putting up the national domain zone .tv for auction and a buyer was quickly found, because zone.tv is a tasty morsel for television companies and video sites. Now Tuvalu receives $1 million every quarter in exchange for the right to use the domain zone.tv

4th place: - a state on the coral island of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21 km². Population - 9,322 people. Nauru is the world's smallest independent republic, the smallest island state, the smallest state in Oceania, the smallest state outside Europe, and the world's only republic without an official capital.

3rd place: - principality associated with France. Monaco is located in southern Europe on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Area - 2.02 km², population - 35,986 people.

2nd place: located inside the territory of Rome. The Vatican is a state associated with Italy. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

The smallest state in Europe and the whole world - Order of Malta(not to be confused with the state of Malta), the full name is "Sovereign Military Hospitable Order of St. John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta." Like the Vatican, the Order of Malta is located within the territory of Rome. Since 1998, the Order has also owned Fort Sant'Angelo on the island of Malta. The area of ​​the territories controlled by the Order of Malta is 0.012 km². The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who can be considered citizens of this state. Not everyone recognizes the Order of Malta as a state, but the order has diplomatic relations with 104 states and is a permanent observer at the UN. The Order of Malta issues its own passports and license plates, prints its own currency and stamps, i.e. has almost all the signs of a full-fledged state.

Palace of Malta in Rome - the actual capital of the Order of Malta

The smallest states by area by continent and part of the world

The smallest country in Asia is the Maldives (area - 298 km²).

The smallest country in Oceania is Nauru (area - 21 km²).

The smallest country in Europe is the Order of Malta (area - 0.012 km²).

The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (area - 455 km²).

Smallest country North America- Saint Kitts and Nevis (area - 261 km²).

Smallest country South America- Suriname (area 163,270 km²).

The smallest countries in the world by population

Only independent (including associated) states recognized by other states are included.

10th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 49,898 people.

9th place: Liechtenstein(about this country, see above). Population - 35,870 people.

8th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 32,075 people.

7th place: Palau- an island state in the Pacific Ocean. Is in association with the USA. Consists of 328 islands, with a total area of ​​458 km². Population - 20,842 people.

6th place: Cook Islands(about this country, see above). Population - 19,569 people.

5th place: Order of Malta(see above for more details). The order consists of 12.5 thousand people.

4th place: (about this country, see above). Population - 10,544 people.

3rd place: (about this country, see above). Population - 9,322 people.

2nd place: Niue- an island and self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 261.46 km², population - 1,398 people.

The smallest state in the world by population (about this country, see above). Population - 836 people.

The smallest states by population by continent and part of the world

The smallest country in Asia - South Ossetia (population - 72,000 people) - is a partially recognized state: it was recognized by Russia and four other UN member states (Nicaragua, Nauru, Venezuela and Tuvalu).

The smallest country in Oceania is Niue (population - 1,398 people)

The smallest country in Europe is Vatican City (population - 836 people)

The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (population - 87,476 people)

The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (population - 49,898 people)

The smallest country in South America is Suriname (population - 472,000 people)

All of the above countries and dependent territories are recognized by the international community or at least by several states, but there is a state not recognized by any country, which is smaller in area than the Order of Malta and smaller in population than the Vatican.
The Principality of Sealand, located on an offshore platform in the North Sea 10 kilometers off the coast of Great Britain, has an area of ​​only 0.00055 km² (550 m²). Regarding the population, in 2002 the Sealand authorities stated that the population of the state was 27 people. However, only a guard permanently lives on the territory of Sealand.

The physical territory of Sealand emerged during the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built several platforms on the approaches to the coast. One of them was Rafs Tower. During the war, the platforms housed anti-aircraft guns and were garrisoned by 200 people. After the end of hostilities, most of the towers were destroyed, but the Rafs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, remained untouched. In 1967, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand on the territory of the Rafs Tower platform and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. In 1972, Sealand began minting coins. In 1975, Sealand's first constitution came into force. A flag and coat of arms appeared.
In 1997, it became clear that without the knowledge of the leadership of Sealand, passports of this state were being distributed illegally. In total, more than 150 thousand passports were sold, after which Sealand was forced to cancel the passports. In January 2007, the country's owners announced their intention to sell it. Immediately after this, the torrent site The Pirate Bay began collecting funds for the acquisition of Sealand in order to achieve independence from the authorities of other states, but the deal did not take place.

Historically, humanity strives to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. Over the course of thousands of years of conquest, each nation secured its own territories - some more, some less.

We learned the names of most large countries in school, but few people remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This collection contains the 10 smallest countries in the whole world!

10 Maldives

This ranking of countries is headed in descending order. Among the top tiny countries, they have the largest area - 298 km². But in terms of population density, this state can compete with any large country - more than 400 thousand people live here in such an area.

The Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which in turn are a chain of 1,192 coral islets. The only city in the Maldives is Male, which is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, various types fish and marine organisms.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and has the title of the most small state Western Hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and income from this destination accounts for more than 70% of the country's GDP per year. Also processed here sugar cane and shellfish. The largest city in this country, and also the capital, is populated by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 people.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries they were transferred as a colony from one country to another.

These days, these 34 atoll islands are a real paradise. The territory of the republic has a unique odds and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. The Americans conducted tests here in the mid-20th century hydrogen bomb. The explosion was so powerful that it was 1000 times larger than Hiroshima. However, local residents managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European Principality of Liechtenstein is tiny in size and very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government so that people lived very well here.

Liechtenstein is located in the Alps and borders Switzerland and Austria. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty, which has ruled together with the Landtag for many years. Population of this European country small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

In sixth place in our ranking is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders on Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to ancient legend - the stonecutter Marin.

At modern borders San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The population of the country is 33 thousand people with such small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendaña de Neira, named them Lagoon Islands, but they received their name Tuvalu only in 1975.

This beautiful place, however, was ranked among the poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. The country's population according to the latest data is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the mid-20th century. Such popularity was ensured by phosphates, which filled the territory of this piece of land. But these days, all that remains of the phosphates are dilapidated mines, and the ecology of the country has been irrevocably damaged, even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and lies 42 km south of the equator. This country has no official capital and a population of only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has again begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate.

3 Monaco

The third place in our ranking is occupied by the well-known European principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix race is held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is very famous among gambling enthusiasts.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but such popularity has its own explanation. For a long time there was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and founded large companies. Monaco is governed by Prince Albert II, assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The Vatican State, with its tiny area of ​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has ruled the destinies of many countries for many centuries. The country's population is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican has no economy, and the country’s budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But, despite the proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been independent country. It rightfully holds the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that deserves attention.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. We are talking about the Order of Malta with a territory of 0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who have national passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. Largest city The Order is Fort Sant'Angelo, which the country leases from Malta. Apart from the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.

There are more than 200 countries in the world, and we are sure that you have heard about each of them at least once. But there are states on our planet that we have never known about. They occupy a very small area and some of them are inhabited by only a few families.

Fullpicture decided to compile a list of the ten smallest countries with a population smaller than that of an average city or even a small village.


1. Palau. Population: 21,291.

The Republic of Palau is an island country that consists of more than 300 islands different sizes. Palau is one of the most amazing places on Earth: him tropical forests full of unique plants and birds, and in its territorial waters There are 130 endangered species of animals. But the most remarkable thing in the country is the lake, where 2 million jellyfish live.

2. Niue. Population: 1,612.

Niue is a tiny island state in Oceania. Despite the truly amazing nature, tourism is not popular there. The country is therefore heavily dependent on foreign aid, especially from New Zealand. The capital is a small village with a population of less than 600 people. But the island has its own airport and a real supermarket - the only one.

3. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Population: 55,572.

The state consists of two islands: Saint Kitts and Nevis. One of the main sources of income is the economic citizenship program, which allows anyone with at least US$250,000 to invest in the local sugar industry and thus become a citizen of St. Kitts. Another way to obtain citizenship is to purchase real estate worth at least US$400,000 on either of the two islands.

4. Principality of Hutt River. Population: 30.

Hutt River Principality is a country located in the province of the same name in Australia. It was founded by Leonard Castley, who declared his farm a new and independent state. Although the country is not recognized by any state, it still has its own currency, stamps and passports. IN different parts In the principality, tourists can see busts of His Royal Highness Prince Leonard I of Hutt.

5. Tuvalu. Population: 9,916.

Tuvalu is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world.

6. Nauru. Population: 10,084.

Nauru is the smallest independent republic and the smallest island state on our planet. Nauru has neither an official capital nor a system public transport, and 40 km of its roads are in use local residents, managing their private vehicles. Environmental issues make the republic very unpopular among tourists. Another Nauru record is the number of obese people: the country's obesity rate is more than 70%.

7. Principality of Seborga. Population: 312.

This virtual state on Italian territory is ruled by His Excellency Marcello I. The Principality of Seborga is a village of the same name near the French border. The unrecognized state has an army consisting of 3 people: the Minister of Defense and two border guards.

8. Molossia. Population: 7.

The self-proclaimed Republic of Molossia is a virtual state founded by Kevin Baugh, located in Nevada, USA. Its population consists of Mr. Baugh himself, his family, 3 dogs, 1 cat and 1 rabbit. Molossia has its own national anthem, national coat of arms and national flag. They even have the death penalty for particularly serious crimes. The republic issues its own passports and even has a space program. In May 2017, the Republic turned 40 years old.

9. Order of Malta. Population: 113,500.

In addition to the Vatican, there is another tiny state on the territory of Rome called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Its area is 0.012 square meters. km. It occupies three buildings, two of which are located in Rome, and the third on the island of Malta. The country has its own currency, stamps, website, car license plates and passports. Its citizens are entitled to visa-free entry into several countries around the world. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the only country in the world where Latin is the official language.

10. Principality of Sealand. Population: 27.

Unrecognized state Sealand is an offshore platform located 9 km off the coast of Great Britain. Sealand is governed by a self-proclaimed prince regent, and anyone can become an earl, baron or even duke: a noble title can be purchased on the government website for a few hundred British pounds.