Aubrieta hybrid growing from seeds. Aubrieta: what kind of plant is this. Aubriet flower: choosing a place to plant

Aubrieta is an evergreen herbaceous plant. It blooms very profusely and can decorate any garden plot. One of its advantages is frost resistance, which is important for the Russian climate. With the onset of cold weather, they do not lose their color and do not shed their leaves. So, while other plants are waking up from winter sleep to delight you with their flowering, aubrieta, the cultivation of which from seeds requires certain skills, is already blooming its lush bushes.

Later, beautiful crimson and purple, violet, blue and pink flowers begin to bloom on the trailing stems.

Features of the plant

This plant was first grown in Central Asia and Southern Europe. But in those places it received a rather disparaging name - windbag. But gardeners from all over the world love the beautiful aubrieta. For vertical gardening, creating alpine slides, to decorate large flower beds, aubriet is used, photos of which can be found on landscape design websites. Aubrieta forms a lush carpet that can transform any area. Aubrieta is distinguished by beautiful flowering. Many small flowers with four petals, which are collected in small brushes, hide the leaves of the plant. The foliage has a bluish tint in summer, and becomes bright green in winter. Aubrieta begins to bloom in May. The flowering period lasts 4-7 weeks. Thanks to her unpretentiousness, she feels great even on the fertile soils where are the others ornamental plants may die.

Aubrieta can be grown in two ways:

  • cuttings
  • seeds

But growing this plant by dividing the bush is not allowed. Such attempts to propagate aubrieta do not end well, even if you separate the bush along with the rhizome. You should resort to this method only in extreme cases, for example, when you did not have time to cut the cuttings. It is problematic to grow aubrieta purchased as seedlings. Seedlings are sensitive to picking. But it is still possible to grow aubrieta in this way, if you take into account some features. The seeds of the plant need to be sown in separate containers, namely peat pots. Then there will be no negative consequences when transplanting into the soil.

Beautiful waterfall of Aubrieta

Types and varieties

There are a variety of species of this plant, the most common of which include:

Deltoid shaving - hybrid variety. The most common variety of plant. It has diamond-shaped or spatulate leaves of gray-green color. The flowers of deltoid aubrieta are pink or purple. All hybrid and varietal varieties of the plant originate from the deltoid aubrieta. These include varieties:
Novalis-Bla - blue flowers,
Doctor-Mules - dark blue-violet flowers,
Borshees-White - large white flowers,
Terjdike - dark purple flowers,
Trinkort Perple - purple-blue flowers,
Barker's Double - double pink flowers,
Triumphant - blue flowers,
Argenteovariegata - bright red flowers,
Crimson Bedder - crimson flowers,
Vanda - red double flowers,
Royal Cascade is a soft pink shade of flowers.

Aubrieta graceful is a beautiful variety of plant. Reaches 10 cm. It has weak stems, narrow-lanceolate leaves and small flowers.
Croatian aubrieta - has rhombic-maple or obovate leaves. Peduncles are no larger than leaves.
Aubrieta Columna - has a height of 12 cm, scattered pubescent leaves, large flowers up to 4-5 cm in diameter, pale purple.

Blue cascade

Purple Cascade

Red cascade

Growing from seeds

The best way to grow the beautiful aubrieta is by planting seeds. This way you can get a lot of lush shrubs. Seeds are sold in stores and garden centers. Today you can find a diverse number of varieties of this plant. Seeds are usually planted immediately open ground in May or September-October.

First you need to choose a place where the plant will be planted in the future. As mentioned above, the aubrieta will look best in the first rows of flower beds or on an alpine hill. At the same time, the place should be in the sun, and the soil should be alkaline and nutritious. Aubrieta should not be planted on heavy clay soils. It is best if it is sandy or rocky soil. Before planting seeds, you need to clear the soil of weeds and dig to a depth of 15 cm. You can add a little calcium to the soil in the form of chalk, eggshells or lime.

Plant seeds brown, flat and small. You should not sow them too thickly so that after germination they cannot interfere with neighboring seedlings. Growing aubrieta from seeds must be done in the following order.

The soil should be moistened.
Sprinkle the seeds on the desired area of ​​soil.
A few centimeters of soil should be mulched with sand.
Carefully water from a watering can.
To achieve a decorative effect, seeds can be sown between the crevices of stones. The flowering of the plant will be very spectacular, and the cascade going down from the wall will look impressive.

If aubrieta is planted in the spring, then seedlings can be expected in about 20 days. If the seeds were sown in the fall, they will sprout only in the spring. The place where the aubrieta seeds are sown must be cleared of weeds, watered frequently and loosened regularly.

You can plant aubrieta at home. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in vermiculite a couple of months before the last frost. The seedlings are placed under a polyethylene film. After germination, the film is removed and the seedlings are planted in the soil, where they will constantly grow. This is done after the night frosts have ended.
Aubrieta will begin to bloom only after next year after you plant it. It will become an original decoration of your site for several years. In winter, it also does not shed its leaves. Thus, it will retain its decorative appearance all year round. A couple of years after growing aubrieta with seeds, you can switch to growing using cuttings. This way it will be possible to renew the bushes every two to three years. Another advantage of aubrieta is that it can bloom a second time, closer to autumn. To do this, you need to trim the shoots, shortening them by half. With quality care, the aubrieta will please the eye for a long time and will not let you regret the time spent growing it.

Plant care

Aubrieta, which requires a lot of free time to plant and care for, does not require intensive watering. It is required exclusively during dry seasons. Young seedlings are more demanding than adult plants. It should be borne in mind that excess moisture affects shaving more painfully than its lack.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Not a single representative of the flora can do without sunlight. For aubrieta, the sun's rays play a decisive role. Any partial shade can deprive it of flowering. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that it receives as much sunlight as possible. It is advisable to plant the aubrieta on slightly raised horizontal planes. It will look great on borders, walls and steps.

In winter, frosts are not scary for shaving, but it is still worth covering the plants during this period with a cover of fallen leaves; this will definitely not make things worse. After winter, you need to carefully inspect the bush, remove damaged areas and give it the desired design. In autumn you should not prune the shoots; it is better to do this immediately after the first flowering.
Boiled and raw aubrieta leaves turn out to be quite edible. Some gardeners add them to food. But this needs to be done in reasonable quantities.

As for the diseases that affect this plant, powdery mildew occurs most often. It is very important to start fighting it in a timely manner. To do this, you can use a solution of colloidal sulfur. If the plant is affected too much, it will need to be removed completely.

Rich color of aubrieta

If you want your aubrieta to bloom especially luxuriantly, watering should not be excessive. It is best to water the plant only in dry times, and the rest of the time to use the so-called rain watering method.
Excessive fertilization of the soil where aubrieta is grown leads to negative consequences.
You should avoid excessive watering, otherwise flowering will be sparse and the foliage will be too dense.
In order for the aubrieta to feel comfortable and delight you with its flowering, you need to choose the right place for planting it. This place should not be shaded by anything. Weeds must be removed.

Aubrieta - very popular in modern gardening perennial. It is used to decorate flower beds and create a living flowering carpet. Planting aubrieta, propagating and caring for it in the open ground is a pleasant and interesting activity, and the variety of varieties will allow you to emphasize the individuality of your garden.

Aubrieta: varieties and varieties

The second name for aubrieta is aubretia. Plants are perennial, grown primarily for use in landscape design. The crop is classified as a ground cover because of its growth pattern: the bushes grow, covering the ground, forming a very beautiful living carpet.

Aubrieta will help you create a unique landscape design for your site

The flowers of aubretia are not large, but their number is impressive. The color varies from white to purple and blue. Flowering occurs in two stages - from the end of May (about 45 days) and in September (30-35 days). In the photo you can see that the plant is not tall (10-13 cm), and forms beautiful flowering pillows from evergreen leaves.

The varieties and types of aubretia differ not only in the color of the flowering, but also in its shape, as well as in the structure of the plant itself. The choice of aubrieta variety depends only on the personal preferences of the gardener.

Cascade. Quite a popular variety of aubrieta. Perennial plants have beautiful blue or red flowers with a small yellow center. Leaves are grey-green and stay that way all year round, decorating the garden even in winter. For this species, pruning is recommended immediately after flowering, which occurs in early or mid-summer.

Aubrieta cascade

Hybrid or cultural. The earliest of all types of aubration. The blooms are pink, purple and sometimes red, rising above the green foliage. It looks very beautiful in stones, in cracks in walls and fences. Among all the varieties of hybrid aubriet, the following are distinguished:

Hybrid variety of Henderson's aubriet

  • “Charming Morocco” is a variety with the largest flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), the color is varied - from blue to pink and red;
  • "Doctor Mules" is a rather tall variety (14-16 cm tall), with delicate blue-violet flowers;
  • "Borshies White" is the only variety with large white inflorescences.

Deltoid. People call it “Lilac Bush”. Under natural conditions, varieties of this species are found in South-Eastern Europe. The flowers are purple, blue or violet, medium-sized (1 cm in diameter). The inflorescences are collected in clusters, which makes the plant similar to lilac.

Aubrieta deltoid

Planting a plant

As soon as the warm spring sun has warmed up outside the window and the night frosts have receded, you can plant aubrieta. This is usually done at the end of April - beginning of May (depending on the region). You should carefully choose a landing site. Growing is recommended in plenty of sunlight. The brighter the place, the more abundantly the aubretia blooms, and the blooms acquire a more saturated hue.

The plant thrives in light, not very fertile soils. The presence of lime or chalk is welcome. Oily soils, peat and clay soils are not to the liking of Shaver, and it will be capricious on them, if it takes root at all.

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground early spring

The plant is buried in the ground in accordance with the length of the root. The distance between the bushes is at least 5 cm. The planting pattern is arbitrary, depending on the goal pursued by the gardener.

Important! To reduce acidity, lime or wood ash is added to the soil.

Planting the plant on a hill is encouraged - an alpine hill, a wall, blooming waves.

Shaving care

Although the plant is unpretentious, it should not be ignored. Planting and care include several main points.

The first and only abundant watering is carried out when planting aubretia in open ground. Further watering is carried out in rather meager portions. Excess moisture in the soil harms aubrieta flowers. They crumble and the plant looks dull.

Protect the plant from overwatering

Aubrieta does not tolerate moisture, but it does not tolerate drought very well, so the soil under the plant is mulched with sand, in a layer of 2-3 cm. At the beginning of summer, the mulch is renewed, and at the end of August, mulching is carried out again.

To prevent the aubrieta from losing its decorative effect, faded buds must be removed. Since the plant is perennial, the bushes must be pruned at the end of flowering. Next comes abundant autumn flowering, after which pruning is not recommended. It is necessary to prune bushes and remove damaged leaves before the next season - in spring.

Mulching the soil around the aubriet

With the arrival of autumn, the flowers do not shed their green mass, but if frost intensifies, the leaves may fall off. Some gardeners advise covering the plant with dry leaves or straw.

Advice! To prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, take care of drainage at the site where the aubrieta is planted.

Fertilizer and feeding

Plants don't really like fertilizer. Fertilizing is required no more than twice per season. Mineral and potash fertilizers are best absorbed. You can limit yourself to adding wood ash.

Advice! You can only feed grown seedlings before flowering.

If the aubrieta has been fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, its cultivation becomes more difficult. It is also not recommended to feed young seedlings after transplanting into open ground. It is most advisable to apply fertilizer before flowering and after pruning the bushes.

When growing aubrieta, fertilizing may not be used.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of aubrieta is carried out by several methods, each of them is good in its own way.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a plant resistant to many bacteria, viruses and pests. The greatest harm can come to her overwatering: rotting of the root system and death of the plant. The wrong choice of soil can also cause harm. Among insects, the plant is most often affected by aphids.

At the first symptoms of bacterial infections, the plant needs to be treated with insecticides

The most common disease among all varieties of aubrieta is powdery mildew. Plaque appears on the affected areas, and leaf deformation is observed. They fight the problem with the help of colloidal sulfur. Most often, affected plants are removed and burned.

Advice! Take proper care when growing and the plant will not suffer from diseases or pests.

Aubrieta: combination with other plants

Most often, aubrieta's partners in the garden are plants that creep along the ground. Pairs perfectly with milkweed or Caucasian rhizome, red soapwort or alyssum.

The combination is carried out according to color scheme. Varieties with all shades of red will complement perennial dwarf irises, in which a blue tint predominates in flowering, or Douglas phlox.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Aubrieta in landscape design

In landscape design, aubrieta most often acts as a living flowering carpet in a border or rock garden, where it will create an inimitable backdrop for plants that bloom a little later. Aubrecia looks very beautiful in flower beds decorated natural stones(rockeries). Some gardeners manage to plant a plant in the cracks of the walls, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Growing aubrieta from seeds: video

Types of aubrieta: photo

Aubrieta (lat. Aubrieta) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Brassica family. The name is given in honor of Claude Aubrier, a French artist who worked in the style of botanical illustration. The plant can also be found under the name aubretia, popularly known as windbag.

Aubrieta is a very popular garden crop. This unpretentious ground cover grows quickly, forming a continuous living mat. The height of the cushion is only 10-20 cm. The leaves are small, elliptical in shape, pubescent, have whole or jagged edges, attached alternately on short petioles. The plant is evergreen - with the onset of cold weather, the leaf cover remains.

When does aubrieta bloom?

What is the flowering period for aubriet? Flowering is not only lush, but also occurs in 2 stages: from late May to mid-July, the second wave occurs in September (about 35 days).

During the flowering period, the bush is complemented by a haze of inflorescences. The corollas are four-petaled, reach a diameter of 1 cm, but their number is numerous: the flowers almost completely hide the leaves. The colors are blue, violet, purple, less often – white.

The fruit is a pod with small brownish seeds.

In the natural environment, lushly blooming living mats of aubretia can be found on rocks and river banks in the south of France, the Balkans, Italy, Asia Minor, and South America.

Growing aubrieta in the garden is an interesting and uncomplicated process. A variety of species and varieties allows you to emphasize the individuality of your site.

Growing aubrieta aubretia from seeds at home

Aubrieta aubretia seeds photo

Aubrecia reproduces well by seeds. Most often, aubrieta is grown through seedlings.

  • Start sowing seedlings around the end of February.
  • Seedlings do not need picking or intermediate transplantation - sow immediately in individual containers.
  • Peat-humus pots or peat tablets are perfect.
  • Moisten the soil, place 2-3 seeds on the surface, sprinkle with sand (layer no more than 0.5 cm), and also moisten the sand cushion with a fine spray.

Aubrieta planting seeds photo seedlings

  • Cover the crops with glass or film, germinate in diffused light, ensure the air temperature is within 18-21 °C. Ventilate the crops daily.
  • Expect the emergence of seedlings within 3-4 weeks - when they appear, the cover can be removed.
  • Water the soil with caution, avoiding waterlogging.
  • If the sprouts develop poorly, a couple of weeks before transplanting into open ground, feed them with complex mineral fertilizers (keep the concentration low).

Plant aubrieta seedlings in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed. Pre-harden the seedlings.

How to plant aubrieta seeds for seedlings, watch the video:

Planting aubrieta aubretia with seeds in open ground

Experienced gardeners sow aubration directly into open ground. This can be done in the spring (around April) or before winter (mid-late September).

Prepare the area in advance: dig up to a depth of about 15 cm, remove weeds and stones, apply complex mineral fertilizer and wood ash. Level the bed. Distribute the seeds over the surface of the ground, sprinkle on top with a layer of sand or garden soil (3-5 cm thick), carefully water from a watering can.

How to sow aubretia seeds in the ground

How long does it take for aubrieta to sprout? When sown in the ground in spring, seedlings will appear in 10-20 days. The plants will need to be broken through, leaving at least 5-7 cm between them.

Propagation of aubrieta by cuttings and dividing the bush

Aubrieta is propagated vegetatively: by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Cuttings of aubretia

After spring pruning, you will receive many cuttings. Select the strongest ones, plant them in a sand-peat mixture under a film cover, regularly water and ventilate them, and remove the film when it gets warm. By the end of summer, the seedlings will have a well-developed root system - transplant them to permanent place growth. Before the onset of cold weather, the seedlings will take root successfully. If the winters in your region are harsh, it is better to keep the rooted cuttings in a greenhouse until spring.

Dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is carried out extremely rarely, since the plant tolerates the procedure painfully. This is done in spring or autumn. Carefully dig up the bush, divide it into parts (each section should contain roots and well-developed shoots), and plant it in previously prepared holes.

Reproduction of aubretia by layering

Aubrecia can be easily propagated by layering: lodging shoots can be sprinkled with earth and by the end of the season you will get new independent bushes, which can be separated and planted in a permanent place in the fall.

Place for growing aubrieta

Aubrieta in garden design photo

Choose your landing site carefully. The plant will be able to demonstrate its decorative potential to the maximum in the presence of bright sunlight: flowering will be abundant, the shade of the inflorescences will be saturated.

As for the soil: the poorer it is, the better for the plant. Oily, peaty, and clayey soils are not suitable - the aubrieta may not take root. Moderately fertile, loose garden soil is ideal. The reaction is preferably neutral or slightly alkaline. To reduce acidity, add wood ash or chalk.

Grows well on rocky soil (can be planted among concrete slabs, stone steps).

Planting and caring for aubration in open ground

Aubrecia seedlings ready for planting photo

When and how to plant

As soon as the spring sun warms up and the threat of night frosts recedes, you can begin transplanting aubrieta seedlings into open ground. Focus on climatic conditions your region ( best time landing - late April-early May).

Make holes according to the size of the root system, keep a distance of at least 8-10 cm between the bushes. Choose a planting scheme depending on your goal: whether you want to create a continuous carpet or scattered islands of bright colors.

The plant is unpretentious in care, but cannot be completely ignored. Care procedures come down to several points.


Water thoroughly immediately after planting in open ground. In the future, water only during periods of prolonged drought. Saturation of the soil with moisture leads to active growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. Young plants will need a little more moisture, but stick to moderation. It is best to use sprinkling.

After watering and precipitation, loosen the soil and remove weeds. Remove weeds.



Frequent feeding can be harmful. It is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers or feed seedlings immediately after planting in open ground. The best option– applying mineral potassium fertilizer (you can limit yourself to adding wood ash) before the first flowering and after summer pruning.


To maintain the decorative appearance of the bush, regularly remove faded inflorescences. After the end of the first wave of flowering, prune - the stems are cut off almost to the root. After repeated autumn flowering, pruning should not be carried out; the plant should not go “naked” for the winter. In spring, trim the bushes, remove damaged shoots and leaves.

How to care for aubrieta and propagate it, look at the video:

Wintering the aubrieta

Perennial aubrieta successfully winters in open ground in the presence of snow cover. Its own green mass will not protect the plant from extreme cold. If a snowless winter with sudden temperature changes is expected, it is better to additionally cover with available materials (fallen leaves, spruce branches).

Diseases and pests of aubration

With proper care, the plant is not susceptible to diseases and pests.

Excessive watering provokes rotting of the root system. At wrong choice soil, the appearance of the plant will be depressed, flowering may be absent.

Occasionally it is affected by powdery mildew (deformation of the leaf plates is observed, a whitish coating appears on them) - most often the affected plants are removed from the site and burned. The rest are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a fungicidal preparation.

Pests: aphids, cruciferous flea beetles. Apply insecticide treatment.

Types and varieties of aubrieta with photos and names

Types and varieties of aubrieta differ in the structure of the plant and the color of the corollas.

Aubrieta deltoid or Aubrieta deltoidea

Aubrieta deltoidea variety Kitte Purple photo

People call it a lilac bush. The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaf blades are deltoid, there are 1-2 teeth on each edge, the shade is gray-green. Loose racemose inflorescences consist of small flowers (corolla diameter about 1 cm) of a lilac or purple-blue hue. Cultivated since 1710. Bougainvillea variety: plant height is 20 cm, flowers are light purple with an orange eye.

Cultural aubrieta or hybrid aubrieta Aubrieta x cultorum

Cultural aubrieta or hybrid aubrieta Aubrieta x cultorum Red Carpet photo

A group of perennial herbaceous plants no more than 20 cm high, in temperate climates they successfully winter under snow cover. The leaves are oblong, serrated. Flowers can be simple, double, semi-double. Some varieties can be grown as potted crops, some are suitable for cutting.

Let's look at the most popular varieties of cultivated aubrieta:

Aubrieta hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum Cascade Purple photo

Cascade - leaves of a gray-green hue; red or blue inflorescences are decorated with a yellow eye.

Charming Morocco - has the largest flowers (about 1.5 cm in diameter), colors from blue to various shades red and pink;

Aubrieta aubrieta Dr. Mules Aubrieta x cultorum ‘Dr. Mules' photo

Dr. Mules is a bush about 15 cm high with blue-violet inflorescences;

Aubrieta white Snowdrift White photo

Borshiz White is a rare variety with snow-white inflorescences.

Aubrieta Cascade Red Cascade Red photo

Côte d'Azur - aquamarine inflorescences decorate the garden throughout June-July, repeated flowering starts in September and lasts until frost;

Aubrieta ‘Axcent Violet With Eye’ photo

Giant waterfall - bushes 15 cm high with flowers of purple, pink, red, lilac. It is a mixture of varieties - violet aubrieta, pink, red, lilac... On this winter-hardy perennial up to 15 cm high, flowers open with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Aubrieta aubrieta ‘Hamburger Stadtpark’ photo

Also pay attention to the varieties Gloriosa, Don, Carnival, Queen, Blue King, Vanda, Triumph, Royal Cascade.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Aubrieta in landscape design

In landscape design, flowering aubrieta cushion bushes most often serve as a ground cover plant.

Aubrieta and Arabis in landscape design photo

It looks spectacular on hills - plant it in rock gardens, some manage to plant aubretia in the cracks of the walls, which allows you to create a cascade of amazing beauty.

Aubrecia in landscape design photo

The combination with stones is beautiful: plant it in a rock garden, on an ordinary rocky area.

Aubrieta in landscape design photo

The variety of varieties allows you to mix different shades.

Suitable partners would be phlox, perennial dwarf irises, spurge, red soapwort, Caucasian rhizome, and alyssum.

Aubrieta in facade design photo

Aubrieta is a pretty herbaceous perennial that can amazingly transform your summer cottage plot. It will cover a rock garden or alpine hill with a colorful carpet, create a bright background for other flowers in the flowerbed, and decorate it with a cascade. vertical surfaces. The obrieta is also good as a potted plant. indoor plant. It can be grown as a balcony crop and gets along without any problems with all its flowering neighbors on the site. It is best to grow the plant from seeds.

Aubrieta growing from seeds: when to plant

The color of the flowers of this highly ornamental plant can be very diverse. There are varieties with flowers:

  • light blue;
  • soft pink;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • raspberry;
  • violet;
  • lilac;
  • purple;
  • white.

Coloring of aubrieta flowers

The aubrieta comes from Southern European and Central Asian countries. This ground cover is suitable for continuous vertical and horizontal decoration of gardens and is successfully used by landscape designers around the world.

Advice! A plant grown from seeds begins to bloom in May of next year. The flowering period lasts one and a half months. If you trim the shoots of aubrieta immediately after flowering, it may bloom again. This way, it is easy to ensure a flowering carpet throughout the summer.

Varieties of aubrieta

There are about 40 cultivated varieties of this plant. The most popular of them are five.

Earth, light, water

Aubrieta is difficult to classify as an unpretentious flower. It is demanding on three agrotechnical aspects at once:

  1. Soil composition
  2. Watering mode.
  3. Lighting.

In addition, the plant is almost impossible to propagate by dividing the bush - it tolerates replanting very poorly and the survival rate of the divisions is low. Therefore, the seed method of sowing directly into the soil in a flower bed or alpine hill is optimal.

It is worth growing aubrieta seedlings only in peat tablets

In order not to risk the loss of seedlings when picking and planting in the ground, when growing seedlings, aubrieta should be sown only in peat tablets. This way, the plant will not be damaged during transplantation.

When to sow

Aubrieta can be sown in the ground both in spring and autumn. In spring it is May. Autumn – October. If the seeds are sown in the spring, germination can be expected in 10-15 days. At autumn sowing the plant sprouts only next year in the spring.

The seeds are immediately sown in a permanent place at a suitable interval. You should not thicken the crops too much - the seedlings will not be able to develop normally, and the feeding area for them will be insufficient. But there is also no need to sow ground cover too rarely. Optimal distance between bushes, depending on the variety, 15-20 cm.

Seeds are immediately sown in a permanent place at a suitable interval


It is very important to choose the site that best suitable for the plant. Aubrieta looks spectacular anywhere, but it will not grow well everywhere. She needs to be provided with light nutritious soil with an alkaline reaction. Acidic soils are absolutely not suitable for the plant. Heavy clay soils are also contraindicated for the plant, but the plant likes sandy loam.

Advice! Aubrieta is a very light-loving plant. It makes no sense to sow it in the shade, since the leaves will stretch out, flowering will be sparse and the expected decorative effect will not be obtained.

Before sifting, the soil needs to be prepared.

  1. Clear of stones and weeds.
  2. Dig to a depth of half a shovel handle (10-15 cm).
  3. Add humus and wood ash if sowing occurs in the fall.
  4. Add a mineral complex and wood ash during spring sowing.
  5. Add chalk or lime (the plant needs calcium for successful development).
  6. Loosen the fertilized soil so that there are no lumps and the structure is uniform.
  7. Moisten the area.
  8. Prepare a soil mixture of peat and sand for filling the seeds.

Fertilizing the land with wood ash


Aubrieta seeds are not very large, flat, and brown in color. Before sowing, especially in open ground, they must be prepared and disinfected. Preparation can be done by soaking the seeds in a growth stimulant (epin, heteroauxin) dissolved in warm water, proportions and time - according to the instructions. Disinfection can be carried out using a dry method, dusting it with a fungicide, or traditionally keeping the seeds for one hour in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Aubrieta seeds

When sowing, the seeds are laid out on a prepared, moistened area at a given interval. The crops are sprinkled with a mixture of peat from the sands in equal proportions, and watered with “rain” from a watering can.

Advice! The aubrieta looks very beautiful in a rock garden. You can sprinkle the seeds between large stones (just place fertile soil there first). The aubriet shoots falling from the stones look fascinating.

Aubrieta in the rock garden

Growing aubrieta for seedlings

Many people do not want to wait a year to get flowering plants, preferring to grow aubrieta seedlings. This can be done without loss if you do not pick the plants and plant them in the ground without removing them from the cup. Peat tablets and pots will help you grow seedlings at home. In this case, you can sow the seeds starting in February. Plants are planted in the ground in April.

Aubrieta grown from seedlings will bloom in June. A week after germination, the seedlings should be fed with a mineral complex for flower seedlings, and subsequently fertilized every 10 days.

Video - How to grow aubrieta from seeds

Plant care

The flowerbed where the aubrieta flaunts must be loosened monthly, all weeds must be weeded, and the plants must be watered by sprinkling or drip irrigation.

This groundcover is very fond of fertilizers, so it needs fertilizing at all stages of growth: from the very first - two weeks after germination, to the last - before the second autumn bloom. If you do not feed, the plants will not bloom as profusely as we would like. When feeding aubrieta, a standard complex of minerals is used (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium).

Shab requires feeding at all stages of growth

At the beginning of growth, you need to use fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, then switch to nutrition with a high phosphorus content; at the beginning of flowering, the plant needs potassium most of all.

On fertile soils, the plant should be fed at least three times every two months. If the soils are not very nutritious, fertilizing will be needed every two weeks. Also, once every two weeks you need to fertilize plants in rock gardens and alpine slides and cascade varieties intended for vertical decoration.

Advice! In addition to mineral complexes, twice a month (at different times, between main feedings), young plants can be additionally fertilized with sodium humate.

Three times during the growing season, the soil under the obrieta must be mulched with fine sand. After trimming the faded shoots, it is good to mulch the ground with a mixture of sand and peat.

The soil under the obrieta must be mulched with fine sand

Frequent watering is not required. Overmoistening of the soil will lead to the forcing of leaves to the detriment of flowering. However, in hot weather it is necessary to water the flower, at least twice a week.

Pruning can be done at the end of each mass flowering. You need to cut the stems sparingly to the very base. The plant will immediately send out shoots that will bloom again.
In order for this ground cover plant to be flowering and healthy, it must be treated with colloidal sulfur against powdery mildew, which often occurs in aubrieta. It can also be treated with insecticides against pests.

An undeniable advantage

Aubrieta is not afraid of extreme cold

In addition to the long, abundant, beautiful flowering this plant has another important advantage - it is not afraid even of extreme cold. Aubrieta does not shed its leaves in winter, and freezes only at very low temperatures, below 30 degrees below zero. Therefore, the decorative effect is preserved all year round for many years.

Aubrieta is a luxurious plant, the care of which causes some trouble, but the result is decorative effect The amount this flower produces in the area is well worth the effort.

Aubrieta (aubrecia) is an evergreen herbaceous plant from the Cruciferous family. It decorates gardens and rock gardens throughout the European continent, but its homeland is considered to be South America and Central Asia.

Under natural conditions, the plant is most often found in rocky areas and on river banks. Lush flowering bushes cover the ground with a continuous carpet, so aubrieta, like arabis, is planted to decorate personal plots. In addition, the plant is an excellent neighbor for other green “pets” in indoor conditions. And such a “beauty” will turn an ordinary balcony into a fairy-tale corner, forming a chic floral cascade.

General description

Aubrieta is similar to Arabis, but the plants differ in the size of the pistils, the latter having much shorter and thicker ones. Despite its “southern” origin, aubretia is a frost-resistant plant. When winter comes, it does not shed its leaves, even the color remains the same.. In April–May, the bushes begin to bloom wildly, which lasts up to 50 days. In autumn, the flowering process of aubrieta is repeated.

The palette of shades of the plant’s petals is quite diverse; they can be: pink, reddish, purple, blue and light blue (cascade blue variety), lilac, white, violet. The miniature leaves are elliptical or ovoid in shape, their edges can be either serrated or solid. Small flowers consist of four petals, like Arabis, and the inflorescences are racemose.

Growing conditions

Growing aubrieta, like arabis, is easy both in the open ground and at home. In the first case, it is better to plant from mid-May, when there is no longer any cold weather. The main condition when choosing a suitable site is maximum sun, then the bushes will delight you with an abundance of bright flowers. The soil for planting needs to be loose and permeable; it must have chalk, lime or ash. Oversaturated and peaty soils are not the best option for the plant. Aubrieta bushes are so viable that they can easily grow in the cracks between stone steps and concrete structures. Therefore, the soil suitable for growing is very poor in nutrients.

Planting a plant

Aubrieta, like Arabis, is quite flexible, so it is planted in the desired order according to the flowerbed plan. The plant should be deepened into the ground taking into account the dimensions of the rhizome, but the interval between seedlings should be about 5 cm. If the plant was in a plastic or ceramic container, then lower it into water before planting in the ground. When bubbles begin to form on the surface, carefully remove the seedling from the pot with the soil lump and plant it in a hole, the width of which should be 2 times the diameter of the dish. Then you should compact the soil and mulch it with sand. The optimal thickness of the sand layer is 4-5 cm. At the end, water with a small amount of liquid.

Caring for a garden plant

Aubrieta is unpretentious, but planting and care contain several main rules. When grown in open ground, the plant is watered once immediately after planting, then water is added in small doses if necessary. Excessive soil moisture negatively affects flowers; they fall off and look sparse. Aubrecia prefers dry soils, although severe drying out also harms beautiful bushes, so in hot weather summer days the aubriet needs to be watered. Mulching with sand is a mandatory procedure for the plant; it is performed in June, and then at the end of August.

Aubrecia is a perennial, like Arabis, so at the end of summer flowering the bushes need pruning. In the fall, the aubrieta begins to bloom again, but after this process it is not advisable to prune the bush, although many gardeners do otherwise. Next trim should be carried out with the beginning of the spring period. In winter, the leaves of the plant do not fall off, but if the frosts are very severe, this may happen. To avoid dropping the green mass, it is recommended to sprinkle the bushes with straw, although dry leaves will also work.

Perennial aubrieta does not like heavy feeding, so the soil should be fertilized very carefully.

When is the best time to feed a plant? Complex fertilizers are applied 2 times a year: with the arrival of warmth before the inflorescences appear and in the fall after the last pruning. Take as a supplement complex fertilizers.

Diseases and harmful insects

Diseases and pests rarely affect flowering bushes. However, sometimes aubrieta becomes infected with powdery mildew. This disease is characterized by the presence white plaque on leaves and flowers. Affected areas turn black and fade, and overall growth the bush is oppressed. Fungal disease It is treated with a special drug – colloidal sulfur.

The most dangerous enemy of aubration is aphids. These pests can carry viral diseases; to combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with special means: Fufanon, Karbofos or Biotlin.

How does a plant reproduce?

Reproduction of bushes occurs through cuttings and seeds. In this case, you can initially grow seedlings and then transplant them into the ground. But more often, aubretia, like arabis, is preferred to be sown directly on a flower bed. Before sowing, dig up the soil in a layer of 15-20 cm, then clear it of debris and add ash and chalk (lime). Aubrieta seeds should be sown not infrequently, but not too thickly. The seed is not buried in the soil, but simply sprinkled on top with a layer of sand up to 5 cm. Then the sand is watered a little using a watering can. If you sow in the spring, the shoots will sprout within 2-3 weeks, and if you sow in the fall, the shoots will appear only the next spring season.

The plant is also propagated by cuttings. After summer flowering, pruning is performed, and after it there are many removed stems that can become cuttings. These plant residues are planted in a greenhouse; suitable soil is peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio. At the end of summer, the seedlings should form roots, then they are moved to a permanent place. Usually the “young growth” manages to gain strength before winter, but if the climate of your area is very harsh, leave the plants in the greenhouse until the weather warms up.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is very painful for the plant. The easiest way for aubration to carry out this procedure is in the autumn and spring periods. The bush is dug up and divided into parts, each component must have strong shoots and rhizomes. Then the particles are placed in the holes. But the rehabilitation process for aubrieta after such a forced injury is difficult, so it is better to propagate the plant by seeds or cuttings.

Aubrieta: growing from seeds

A flowering bush can be easily grown from seeds by purchasing a bag of seed of the required variety in the store. But when growing a plant at home using this method, you can lose the best parental qualities. And one more disadvantage of such bushes is that they begin to bloom in the second year after germination.

The seedling method of propagating aubretia is considered the most reliable. At the end of winter, they take seeds of a certain variety and plant them in separate peat tablets or in special pots with peat and humus. Then, together with these containers, the seedlings are planted in the ground. Place several aubrieta seeds on the surface of the moistened soil, sprinkle them with a sand layer of up to 5 cm, then lightly moisten the sand with a sprayer. The container is covered with glass or film and then placed in a warm place. At a temperature of 19-22 °C the seed germinates best.

Crops are ventilated every day, watering is carried out if necessary. The sprouts hatch in about 21-30 days, after which the greenhouse is removed from the pot. If the seedlings grow reluctantly, then 10-14 days before planting, the soil is fertilized with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizer. Aubrieta does not like picking, so it is advisable to plant the plant seeds immediately in separate containers.

Plant varieties

In its natural environment, this plant includes 12 species, some of which are cultivated. The most popular varieties among gardeners are:

  • aubrieta deltoid (lilac or bluish flowers, gray-green leaves with several teeth along the edges) - Royal Violet, Red Carpet, etc.;
  • aubrieta cultivated or hybrid (bred on the basis of the previous variety, tolerates snowy winters well, has miniature elongated leaves with jagged edges, different shades of flowers) – Charming Morocco, Gloriosa, Carnival, etc.;
  • cascading (blooms in spring, petals are bluish, blue, lilac or pink-red, ideal for decorating a balcony) - cascade blue, cascade purple, etc.

Pay more attention and time to your green “pet”, then you will be proud of the result!

Aubrecia or aubrieta is an evergreen herbaceous plant known for its abundant flowering. Its most important advantage is frost resistance. After the onset of cold weather, aubrieta does not shed its leaves and does not lose the color of its flowers. In this article we will tell you about growing aubrieta from seeds at home and give recommendations for caring for a beautiful plant.

In early spring, when other plants are just beginning to wake up from winter hibernation, aubrieta is already pleasing with the greenery of lush bushes that have already blossomed. A little later, beautiful, small flowers bloom on the stems. Their crimson, magenta, pink, violet or blue immediately attracts the attention of everyone who sees this plant, which, like a continuous flower carpet, covers a flower bed, alpine hill, house wall, balcony - it depends on the location of the bush.

Aubrieta is a wonderful plant that is suitable for any site decor.

Features of the plant and its differences

Residents of Southern Europe and Central Asia were the first to begin growing aubretia. But for some reason the flower was not particularly popular among them. Moreover, aubrieta was called a disparaging name - empty talk, although this flower did not deserve such treatment. But gardeners all over the world appreciated the unique features of this plant and began to use it quite actively:

  1. In vertical gardening.
  2. For decorating large flower beds.
  3. When creating alpine slides. Read also the article: → "".
  4. When designing other elements of landscape design.

The plant, up to 20 cm high, seems to spread over the surface, filling and smoothing out all the unevenness. Each bush can have a diameter of up to 1 m. Small flowers with four petals are collected in brushes, behind which the foliage is not even visible. In summer, the lanceolate or spatulate-shaped leaves acquire a bluish tint, and in winter they become bright green.

The flowering period of aubrieta begins in May and lasts from one to two months. At the beginning of autumn, the second flowering of aubretia begins and continues until the first frost. In order for the color to be as lush as in spring, you need to regularly prune faded flower stalks. The flower is unpretentious to the soil and can grow on infertile lands where other flowers do not even take root.

Types of obriet and their features

There are many varieties of aubrieta. Some species are little known, others are popular. These are the following types of shaving:

Name Description Peculiarities Flowers
Deltoid Bush 15 cm high. Begins to bloom in May. Flowering duration is 35-40 days. So called because of the deltoid shape of the leaves, which have a gray-green color. Have purple or purple. They form loose inflorescences.
Graceful It is the most beautiful variety. The height of the bushes is up to 10 cm. The stems are weak. They usually creep along the surface.

Narrow lanceolate leaves up to 1 cm long.

Small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter
Columna Differs in the largest flowers. The bush grows to a height of 15 cm. Leaves are sparsely pubescent, elongated, spatulate in shape Pale purple, large, about 4-5 cm in diameter.
Cultural The height of dense curtains is about 20 cm Small leaves of a silvery hue, oblong-spatulate in shape. Edges are jagged The diameter of the flowers is up to 1 cm, the color is lilac, pink, purple. Blooms very profusely
Croatian Has unusual diamond- or maple-shaped leaves Lush green leaves Blue flowers have a purple or lilac center

Reproduction of aubrieta

You can propagate aubrieta:

  1. By dividing the rhizomes.
  2. By cuttings.
  3. Seeds.

But of the listed options, propagation by seeds can be considered the only acceptable one, since this type of plant does not tolerate cuttings and division of the bush. Therefore, it is best for beginners not to experiment, so as not to destroy the plant, which is especially offensive when there is only one bush on the site. Of course, gardeners with extensive experience caring for a plant of this type can use cuttings and divide the bush in the same way that they already know how to handle the plant.

Tip #1. Using seeds for propagation is considered the most harmless and easiest option.

Subtleties of seed propagation of aubrieta

The easiest way to propagate aubrieta is by seeds, planting them immediately in a permanent place. This must be done in early spring. Gardeners from the southern regions can plant seeds before winter - they will survive the cold period well, but will bloom in the second year. Aubrieta seeds are very small and flat in shape, so there is no need to sprinkle them with substrate. The whole process looks like this:

  1. Choose a location that is most suitable for this plant. It should be located on a hill (aubrecia does not tolerate constantly wet soil) and be well lit by the sun. Maximum – light shadow is acceptable. If the plant is planted in the shade, it will never bloom.
  2. Prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth of 13-14 cm. You can also add eggshells or chalk. It is good if the soil is light, loose, sandy, and contains lime. Fertile acidic or clayey soil is not the best option for these crops.
  3. Sow the seeds. Seeds should not be sown densely - when grown, they will interfere with neighboring seedlings. It will also not be possible to transplant young plants - they do not tolerate picking. Moreover, if you have to remove excess shoots, you can damage the roots of other plants and they, too, will most likely die.
  4. Mulch with sand and carefully water from a watering can.
  5. Cover the area with the seeds with film for 2-3 weeks to prevent them from being blown away by the wind or damaged by rain.
  6. Remove the film and care for the emerging sprouts, removing weeds and periodically loosening the soil.

Seedling method: propagation features

But it is best to grow aubretia in seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in February, and in May the resulting sprouts are transplanted into open ground. Thanks to this, young bushes will bloom already in the year of sowing.

To get seedlings, you need:

  1. Select the required container. It is best to choose tablets or cups made from peat so that you can then place them directly in a permanent place. The fact is that aubretia tolerates transplantation extremely poorly, and the choice of containers will protect the fragile root system young plants will be able to survive from damage.
  2. Sprinkle sand on the soil.
  3. Place the seeds one at a time in each cup.
  4. Cover each container with film for 3 weeks. As soon as the seedlings appear, the film can be removed.
  5. During germination, the room temperature should not drop below 20 degrees. If it is colder, the sprouts will not grow well and will weaken.
  6. Grown plants are planted in a permanent place after the end of frost, since young shoots are still unstable to too low temperatures. The aubrieta will bloom the next year after planting.
  7. Mulching with sand should be applied 2-3 times a year to prevent the soil from drying out.

Flower care

If you provide high-quality care, the plant will delight you with the delightful beauty of abundant flowering for a long time, thus paying for attention to it. The most important thing that should not be forgotten is moderate watering. You can water the aubrieta intensively only in dry summers. Adult plants are less demanding on watering than young ones, which tolerate a lack of moisture less painfully than its excess.

Tip #2. To prevent excess moisture, you can arrange drainage in the place where a flower of this type will be planted, and to prevent it from drying out, the soil around the bush can be mulched.

The same applies to sunlight; once in partial shade, the plant loses flowering, so best place for its location - a place that is always illuminated by the rays of the sun. Borders, walls, steps and other similar places are best suited for settling aubretia, especially since these flowers do not need a lot of land to grow.

After each flowering, you need to remove all the inflorescences from the plant: this will improve the decorative appearance of the bushes, and will also promote abundant flowering the next time. You also need to remove old shoots to give the plants the required form and stimulate the growth of new branches.

The plant is not afraid of winter cold: its shoots will turn green against the backdrop of a snow-covered garden almost until spring. But it needs to be prepared for this period: cut off excess shoots. In areas where there are very severe frosts in winter, it is advisable to help the flower survive them. To do this, you need to wrap the bushes with fallen leaves and leave them like that until spring. With the onset of heat, the cover is removed, the bushes must be carefully inspected, damaged areas removed and decorated, giving them the desired shape.

Aubrations are very rare. Most often they are affected by powdery mildew. To defeat the disease, it is necessary to use colloidal sulfur by preparing a solution from it. But it will only help if used in a timely manner. If the moment has been missed and the damage is very severe, the only option left is to dig up and throw away the bush, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it.

Feeding and fertilizing aubrieta

A flower of this species does not need feeding, but with its use it grows strong, hardy, and blooms profusely. Twice a season you can help flowers by adding potassium or mineral fertilizers to the soil - they are absorbed better than others.

But you don’t have to use them, but use only wood ash - it contains everything you need for proper growth and flowering. You can also add fertilizers to the water, for example, sodium humate, it will stimulate root formation and flower growth. When using fertilizers, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Fertilizers can be applied before flowering occurs.
  2. Young shoots are fed after the first pair of leaves appear.
  3. Young seedlings do not need to be fed after planting in open ground.
  4. The second time fertilizers are used for feeding after pruning the bushes.
  5. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers make it difficult to grow aubrieta.

Types of fertilizers most suitable for shaving

Complex fertilizers intended for perennial flower beds can serve as fertilizing. Which ones are best to use?

Name Description Directions for use Efficiency
"Annushka" Contains a balanced amount of macro and micro substances. Does not contain chlorine. Dissolves in water. Spraying leaves or applying at the root Increases flowering level
"Bio Master" Available in the form of chelates that need to be dissolved in water Designed for watering Replenishes the lack of substances necessary for growth. Helps leaves and flowers have a more intense color. The plant blooms longer, resists diseases and rot
"Flower Paradise" Available in liquid form with an optimal ratio of batteries Intended for root feeding Enhances plant growth. Promotes abundant flowering. Thanks to the use of this fertilizer, the flowers acquire a bright color.
“Aquarin. Blooming Paradise" It has a fast-acting effect. Contains nitrogen, magnesium, potassium and others needed by plants substances Can be used for watering or added to the soil Aubrietas grow faster; flowers form on them earlier, which have brighter colors
"Etisso" Available in the form of sticks with the ideal composition. Using the drug eliminates overdose The sticks must be placed in the soil near the root as close to it as possible. But you just need to be very careful not to damage the root system, otherwise the bush will hurt and weaken Fills all the needs of flower crops

Beginner gardeners should avoid common mistakes when growing:

Action What does abundance lead to? What happens when there is a deficiency?
Watering There will be few flowers on the plant There will be a lot of dense foliage
Organic fertilizer The flower dies Blooms sparingly
Weeds Plants become thinner, weaker, and may die in winter The young shoots grow strong, survive the winter well and bloom profusely

Category “Questions and Answers”

Question No. 1. Aubrieta has been growing on the site for three months now, but it still hasn’t bloomed.

Most likely, the plant has not yet taken root. Usually, aubrieta begins to bloom within one year after transplantation. Make sure you have all the necessary conditions for the plant to grow and wait.

Question No. 2. Is feeding necessary for shaving?

No. Feeding is not necessary for shaving. But it is advisable, if the conditions for flower growth are not the most suitable, to use special fertilizers for the soil.

Question No. 3. Can aubrieta be grown as a border decoration?

Of course you can! This is one of the most the best ways growing aubrieta. Because it takes root well and looks great as a decoration for fountains, paths and borders.

Many of those who had the opportunity to contemplate the magnificent carpets of bright aubrieta flowers began to dream of growing such splendor on their own. This perennial herbaceous plant can be an excellent decoration for any garden plot. The plant tolerates frost well and can spread not only along the ground, but also along vertical planes, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Propagation of aubrieta can be carried out by cuttings or planting seeds. The second method is the most popular, especially since it makes it possible to independently choose the desired shade of colors. In autumn, seeds can be planted directly in open ground. And the best spring way reproduction implies for flowers aubrieta growing from seeds at home. In other words, in April or May it is best to plant not seeds, but seedlings. Thus, there is a chance to wait for flowering this summer.

Rules for planting seeds and growing aubrieta seedlings at home

To carry out the spring planting of aubrieta, its cultivation begins at home in February. The following tips should be taken into account:

  • The air temperature at home should be maintained at 18-20 ᵒC.
  • Growing seeds is possible only in conditions of good access to sunlight.
  • For home planting Floral soil is suitable, which should be well loosened and sprinkled thin layer sand. In order not to lose some of the seedlings during transplantation, you can use peat tablets or pots for planting seeds, which, together with the sprouts, are subsequently transferred to open ground.

Aubrieta seedlings grown in peat tablets or pots are easier to transplant
  • The seeds are not sown very thickly and are not covered with soil.
  • They need to be moderately sprayed with water and covered. plastic film before emergence
  • Watering young sprouts grown at home should be moderate; they cannot tolerate excess water.
  • After a month, the conditions for growing the seedlings need to be changed by transplanting them into separate pots.

Planting aubrieta sprouts grown at home

After the process of growing aubrieta seedlings at home has come to an end and it is ready to be planted in open ground, the first thing to do is to choose a suitable place on your own plot. Growing aubrieta will bring true pleasure only if it is planted in light and non-acidic soil. The place should be spacious and well lit.

Aubrieta loves sunny places

Soil preparation

A plot of land allocated for aubriet grown at home must first be prepared. To this end, it is necessary to carry out the following steps step by step:

  • remove all weeds and stones;
  • dig to a depth of 10-15 cm;
  • add wood ash and a mineral complex to the ground;
  • enrich the soil with calcium using lime or chalk;

Planting in open ground

If aubrieta sprouts were grown at home in peat tablets or pots, then seedlings are planted in open ground along with them. If they were not used, when transferring seedlings to open ground, carry out the following actions:

  • Pots with seedlings are placed in a container of water until air bubbles- this way extraction will occur with minimal trauma to the roots.
  • The holes should be dug taking into account the length of the seedling root, and the width should be twice the size of the root ball. The distance between them should not be less than five centimeters.

Key points for further care

In order for aubrieta to please you with its appearance, you need to follow a few simple rules for growing it:

  • The first month after planting, the aubriet needs to be watered regularly, and then soil moisture is required only in very hot and dry summer conditions.
  • The ground around the plant should be mulched.
  • Although aubrieta tolerates frost well, just in case, you can cover it with an armful of leaves for the winter.

As you can see, growing a beautiful aubrieta on your own plot is not difficult. The plant can be propagated in three ways: by cuttings, planting seeds directly in open ground, or growing greenhouse seedlings. If you like the latter method of propagating aubrieta, growing from seeds at home must begin in February. Then, if you follow all the simple rules, already in April or May, its seedlings can be planted in open ground. Once your summer cottage is covered with magnificent aubrieta carpets, you will instantly forget about all the effort expended.

Name: Aubrieta/Aubrietia (lat.Aubrieta)
Family: Brassicas
Origin: America, Europe, Asia
Humidity: Moderate
Location: Sunny
Soil: Any
Pests and diseases: Aphids or other insects that feed on plant sap. powdery mildew, fungus
Required work: planting, care, watering, fertilizing
Height: up to 25cm
Planting seedlings: February
Planting in the ground: April-May
Flowering: May-June, August-September
Suitable for cutting

Aubrieta is commonly known as aubretia.

Aubrieta / aubrieta - (lat. Aubrieta) is a beautiful perennial plant belonging to the Brassica family. Place of origin Latin America, Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The shoots form dense thickets. Characterized by creeping, pronounced blooming buds, which exist in pink, white, and blue-violet colors. She loves care, but is not very picky. Will perfectly decorate your flowerbed.

Aubrieta landing

Planting should be done after frost ends (beginning of May). The place should be well lit. The soil should be loose. It is advisable to add a little sand, ash and drainage, since the shrub does not like drought. The depth should correspond to the length of the root, the width should be twice as large as the container in which the seedling grew.

Aubrieta care

It is necessary to prune the plant after the first flowering almost to the very root, fertilize the soil - this promotes the growth of new fresh shoots of leaves so that the plant blooms twice in a season. Every year the bush degenerates and becomes vulnerable; it is advisable to make cuttings in mid-summer, after flowering has ended, in order to avoid the death of the plant.


Aubrieta needs to be watered only on dry days. It is better to underfill a little water than to overfill it, as this will lead to the appearance of a large number of leaves (not flowers), and in the worst case, to the death of the plant.

Winter hardiness

Aubrieta is a winter-hardy plant due to the fact that it retains its foliage. There is a chance that during severe frosts the vegetation may fall off; to do this, you should wrap the aubretia with dry foliage, this will keep it warm.

Top dressing

Wood ash or a solution of complex mineral fertilizers. It will be enough to feed 1-2 times per season.


Flowering occurs from May and lasts from 30 to 50 days. Then, after pruning, the plant may bloom again.

Growing a flower from seeds

Seeds should begin to be planted in February. First, you need to spread the seed 2-3 pieces evenly into the pot on soil mixtures. Then, pour sand, the layer of which should be 3-5mm and lightly water it. Cover the pot with seedlings with polyethylene and keep at a temperature of 18-22⁰C. Moisten the soil periodically. The sunrises will appear after a month, you can remove the film. In mid-spring, the plant is taken out to fresh air for hardening. In early or mid-May, you can plant in the ground. Aubrieta almost always begins to bloom in the second season after planting.

Reproduction of Aubrieta

Reproduction occurs in two ways: seeds (this method was described earlier) and cuttings.


You can also sow seeds, not too thickly, in a moistened flowerbed, dug to a depth of 10-15cm. Fertilize with lime (chalk) and wood pulp. Do not bury the seeds, but sprinkle them with sand – 3-5 cm thick. Then water lightly. Spring shoots will appear in 15-20 days.


The method involves planting the cuttings in a greenhouse, in a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. By the beginning of September, the cuttings will have roots and can be planted in the ground, and by the onset of winter the seedling will already be stronger. If winters in your area are severe and unpredictable, then it is better to leave the seedling in a greenhouse until spring.

Diseases and pests of Aubrieta

The plant is quite resistant to diseases, but can suffer from powdery mildew - fungal infections. White spots appear on the leaves, which become brown as the disease develops. The plant's growth slows down, it becomes less attractive, some parts of it die off, and winter hardiness decreases. If the disease is started, then the death of the flower is inevitable. The plant can be treated with colloidal sulfur.
Of the pests, aubration is attacked by insects that feed on plant sap and spread bacteria (for example, aphids). Karbofos, Fufanon or Biotlin will help greatly in pest control.

Varieties and varieties of Aubrieta

  • Aubrieta cultural

    grows quickly, forms green islands 20 cm high. Tolerates winter well, retaining foliage. Small serrated leaves and buds with a diameter of 1 cm.

  • Aubrieta cascade

    The variety has single flowers in blue, turquoise, purple or red with a tiny yellow eye. The leaves are always green.

  • Aubrieta “Enchanting Morocco”

    a brightly lush plant, considered a large-flowered variety, the bud subsequently measures up to 1.5 cm in diameter.